Anda di halaman 1dari 15

Luka adalah rusaknya struktur dan fungsi

anatomis normal akibat proses patologis yang

berasal dari internal atau eksternal dan mengenai
organ tertentu.
Luka adalah terputusnya kontinuitas suatu
jaringan oleh karena adanya cedera atau

Clean Wounds (Luka bersih)

Clean-contamined Wounds (Luka bersih
Contamined Wounds (Luka terkontaminasi)
Dirty or Infected Wounds (Luka kotor atau infeksi)

yaitu luka bedah tak terinfeksi yang mana tidak

terjadi proses peradangan (inflamasi) dan infeksi
pada sistem pernafasan, pencernaan, genital dan
urinari tidak terjadi.
Luka bersih biasanya menghasilkan luka yang
tertutup; jika diperlukan dimasukkan drainase
tertutup (misal; Jackson Pratt). Kemungkinan
terjadinya infeksi luka sekitar 1% - 5%.

Terdapatnya mikroorganisme pada luka.

Adalah luka dimana organisme yang
menyebabkan infeksi pascaoperatif terdapat
dalam lapang operatif sebelum pembedahan, hal
ini mencakup luka traumatik yang sudah lama
dengan jaringan yang terkelupas tertahan. Dan
luka yang mengakibatkan infeksi klinis yang
sudah ada atau visera yang mengalami perforasi.

A surgical drain is a tube used to remove pus,

blood or other fluids from a wound.
Drains inserted after surgery do not result in faster
wound healing or prevent infection but are
sometimes necessary to drain body fluid which
may accumulate and in itself become a focus of

To help eliminate dead space

To evacuate existing accumulation of fluid or gas,
To remove pus, blood, serous exudates, chyle or
To prevent the potential accumulation of fluid or
To form a controlled fistula e.g. After common bile
duct exploration Indication

Open Vs Closed Systems:

- Open
- Closed
Active Vs. Passive
- Active.
- Passive
Open drains
Include corrugated rubber or plastic sheets
Drain fluid collects in stoma bag.
They increase the risk of infection

Closed drains
Consist of tubes draining into a bag or bottle.
They include chest and abdominal drains.
The risk of infection is reduced.
Active drains
Active drains are maintained under suction
They can be under low or high pressure

Passive drains
Passive drains have no suction
depend on the higher pressure inside the wound, combined
with capillary action and gravity to draw fluid out of a
wound or body cavity (ie, the difference in pressure
between the inside and the outside of the wound forces the
fluid out of the wound). In contrast to an active drain, a
passive drain, eg, a Penrose drain does not require special
attention )
Jackson-Pratt drain
Jackson-Pratt drain, JP drain, or Bulb drain, is a
drainage device used to pull excess fluid from the
body by constant suction.
The device consists of a flexible plastic bulb --
that connects to an internal plastic drainage
An open, passive drain, such as a Penrose drain
(see Figure 11), is generally used more often in
suppurative than in nonsuppurative wounds, as an
open drain ensures that the wound remains open for
drainage of thick suppurative and necrotic materials.

As previously noted, this type of drain is usually

secured with a safety pin or it may be sutured to the
patients skin to prevent the drain from being
dislodged or pulled either into or out of the wound.
A common practice with an open drain is to
gradually remove it over several days;

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