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Rio Cendrajaya

Bagaimana proses pembentukan

dan klasifikasi bahan galian
Bagaimana keterkaitan bahan
galian dengan
lingkungan‒lingkungan geologi
dan pertambangan
• Andrews JE, Brimblecombe P, Jickells TD & Liss PS, 1996, An
Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, Blackwell Scie, Oxford, UK.
• Corbett GJ & Leach TM,1995, Southwet Pacific Rim Gold‒Coopper
Systems Structure, Alteration, & Mineralization, A Workshop Presented
at Orange, NSW Australia.
• Ellis AJ & Mahon WAJ, 1977, Chemistry & Geothermal Systems, Acad
Press, New York.
• Nicholson K, 1993, Geothermal Fluids: Chemistry & Expl. Techniques,
Spg-Verlag, Berlin.
• Pirajno, F. (2009): Hydrotermal processes and mineral systems, Perth,
Springer.Levinson AA, 1979, Introduction to Exploration Geochemistry,
Applied Publ Ltd., USA.
• Rose A.W., Hawkes H.E & Webb J.S., 1979, Geochemistry in Mineral
Exploration, Academic Press, London, UK.
Evaluasi diberikan dalam bentuk :

= Tugas Bacaan (membuat resume

dari topik perkuliahan tertentu)
= Responsi/Diskusi (membahas soal
latihan/materi kuliah)
= UTS (Ujian Tengah Semester)
= UAS (Ujian Akhir Semester)


• Mineral adalah senyawa anorganik yang

terbentuk di alam, yang memiliki sifat fisik
dan kimia tertentu serta susunan kristal teratur
atau gabungannya yang membentuk batuan,
baik dalam bentuk lepas atau padu. (Psl 1
Angka 2 UU 4/2009 ttg Pertambangan).
• (Sukandarrumidi), “Bahan galian adalah
bahan yang dijumpai di dalam, baik berupa
unsur kimia, mineral, bijih atau pun segala
macam batuan.”
Bahan Galian diklasifikasikan menjadi
tiga macam:

Bahan galian yang berbentuk

padat; Ex: Emas, perak, batu
bara, batu gamping, dll.
Bahan galian yang berbentuk
cair; Ex: Minyak Bumi dan

Bahan galian yang berbentuk gas;

Ex: Gas Alam.
Peraturan pemerintah No. 27
Tahun 1980 ttg Penggolongan
bahan galian.
Bahan galian dibagi menjadi 3 macam:
1. Bahan galian strategis.
2. Bahan galian vital.
3. Bahan galian yg tidak termasuk bahan galian
strategis dan vital.
• Bahan galian untuk kepentingan pertahanan
keamanan serta perekonomian negara; Ex: Minyak
bumi, gas alam, timah, batubara,etc.

• Bahan galian vital mrpkn bahan galian yang dapat

menjamin hajat hidup orang/ golongan bahan
galian B; Ex: Besi, tembaga, emas, air raksa,

• Bahan galian yang tidak termasuk golongan

strategis dan vital/ golongan C; asbes, batu apung,
marmer, granit,etc.

Because people want, and sometimes

demand, the products made from minerals,
metals, and energy that comes from the Earth.

Everything Is Made Of Something

When a person wants
something, rarely does he think
about the source of materials that
are necessary to make that
Everything you want or buy
that is tangible has to be made of
something, and that something is
materials from our natural
resources. Most of it is made
from minerals, metals and

And That Something Comes

From Our Natural Resource
Every baby born will need ...
untuk minggu ini

ada yg ingin ditanyakan kah??

…. atau siap ditanya ??
Ekonomi Mineral
A mineral occurrence is any locality where a useful mineral or material is

A mineral prospect is any occurrence that has been developed by

underground or by above ground techniques, or by subsurface drilling to
determine the extent of mineralization.

A mineral deposit is any occurrence of a valuable commodity or mineral that is

of sufficient size and grade (concentration) that has potential for economic
development under past, present, or future favorable conditions.

An ore deposit is a well-defined mineral deposit that has been tested and
found to be of sufficient size, grade, and accessibility to be extracted (i.e.
mined) and processed at a profit at a specific time. Thus, the size and grade of
an ore deposit changes as the economic conditions change.

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