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Saat penelitian merasa ada hasil yang tdk maksimal

dgn metode kuantitatif, khususnya saat meneliti
bidang sosial budaya di masyarakat. Maka
dibutuhkan metode kualitatif.
Prinsip Penelitian Kualitatif :
Penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk menganalisis
dan memahami perilaku yang berpola dan proses
sosial masyarakatnya. Dgn kata lain mementingkan
proses daripada hasil
Beberapa ciri metode kualitatif :

1. Data bersifat deskriptif

Interpretasi terhadap fenomena dilakukan setelah
fenomena selesai dideskripsikan.
2. Lingkup mikro

Mikro maksudnya merujuk pada unit penelitian,

dapat berupa wilayah atau kesatuan sosial.
3. Pendekatan emic
Peneliti lebih berpihak pd pandangan local/klien
drpd provider/ ilmiah.
Emic artinya : budaya setempat diposisikan sbg
hal yang khusus/ unik drpd yg lain.
Krn dgn demikian, peneliti akan dpt memahami
kerangka berpikir penduduk local, bgmn
mereka memberi nilai,simbol, tindakan dsb.
4. Holistik

Peneliti hrs memperhatikan berbagai konteks social

budaya yang menentukan keberadaan suatu
fenomena yang dikaji.
5. Komparatif

Peneliti berusaha memahami suatu fenomena

dengan membandingkan dgn fenomena yg lain.
Analisis komparatif dapat mempertajam
interpretasi masalah yg dikaji.
6. Peneliti sbg instrument dan terlibat

Dengan melakukan participation observation,

peneliti mampu melihat dan memproses fenomena
yang terjadi dimasyarakat
Teori Kebutuhan Maslow
7. Teknik Pengumpulan Data

Teknik yang utama : wawancara dan observasi,

teknik penunjang : FGD.
8. Sampel kecil

Sampel kecil, baik wilayah maupun cakupannya.

Sampel ditentukan secara purposive. Hasil yg
diperoleh bukan utk digeneralisasikan, namun
dapat diterapkan pd daerah lain yg sama
Table . Type of Qualitative Research

Type of research Nature of the research

1. Ethnography Focuses on the sociology of meaning through close field observation of
socio cultural phenomena. Typically, the ethnographer focuses on a
2. Phenomenology Describes the structures of experience as they present themselves to
consciousness, without recourse to theory, deduction, or assumptions from
other disciplines.
3. Field research Researcher goes “into the field” to observe phenomenon in its natural
4. Grounded Theory is developed inductively from a corpus of data acquired by a
theory participant-observer.
5. Historical Systematic collection and objective evaluation of data related to past
occurrences in order to test hypotheses concerning causes, effects, or
trends of these events that may help to explain present event and anticipate
future events.
6. Case study Attempts to shed light on phenomena by studying in-depth single case
example of the phenomena. The case can be an individual person, an
event, a group, or an institution.
7. Hermeneutics Refers to the study of the interpretation of written texts, especially texts in
the areas of literature, religion and law. Hermeneutic consistency refers to
analysis of texts for coherent explanation.

Source: Adopted from Gay (1996);

 Problems in Qualitative Research
1.Data analysis in qualitative research is often more time
consuming. Researchers have to deal with masses of
data to analyze and transcribe.
2.It is more difficult to code data. Now, there are some
computer software that can help researcher to code and
automatically classify the data, but still qualitative
researcher should be cautious and read the report
carefully all over the time.
3.Study group may not be representative of the large
population and therefore there is always a question
about applicability of the finding to other situations.
4.Knowledge produced might not generalize to other
people or other setting (i.e., findings might be unique
to the relatively few people included in the research
5.The results are more easily influenced by the
researcher’s personal biases.

Once a researcher decided to choose qualitative

research, s/he has to be aware of the above constraints
and build a smart strategy to encounter those issues.
Perbedaan Paradigma Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif
Kuantitatif Kualitatif
1. Asumsi 1. Asumsi
- Fakta sosial memiliki - Kenyataan dibangun
kenyataan objektif scr sosial
- Mengutamakan - Mengutamakan
metode bid.penelitian
- Variabel dpt - Variabel kompleks,
diidentifikasikan dan saling terkait dan sulit
hub.nya diukur diukur
- Etik (pandangan dr - Emik ( pandangan dr
luar ) dalam )
2. Maksud 2. Maksud
- Generalisasi - Kontekstualisasi
- Prediksi - Interpretasi
- Penjelasan kausal - Memahami
perspektif subjek
3. Pendekatan 3. Pendekatan
- Mulai dgn hipotesis dan - Berakhir dgn hipotesis
teori dan teori Grounded
- Manipulasi dan kontrol - Muncul dan dapat
- Eksperimentasi digambarkan
- Deduktif - Peneliti sebagai
- Analisis komponen
- Mencari pola-pola
- Mencari konsensus &
nilai - Mencari pluralisme,
- Mereduksi data dgn jalan
indikator numerikal - Hanya sedikit
indikator numerikal
- Penulisan laporan scr
4. Peranan Peneliti 4. Peranan Peneliti
- Tidak terikat dan - Keterlibatan
tidak harus secara pribadi
memperkenalkan - Pengertian
diri empatik
- Gambaran
Triangulasi :

suatu upaya utk mendapatkan

pemahaman yang lebih mendalam
mengenai fenomena yg diteliti dgn
menggunakan dua metode atau lebih.
Dgn maksud cross chek data sekaligus
menjaga validitas data.

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