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Chapter 2

Business Ethics and Social

Group 1 – BMN MM BATCH 76
Nurul Istiqomah
Rifka Uzma Wardati
Rahmi Nur Labibah
Adrian Hasman Wicaksana
Rosy Ardian

Prinsip dan standar yang menentukan perilaku-perilaku yang dapat diterima

dalam organisasi bisnis.
Prinsip dan standar tersebut, ditentukan oleh :
 Konsumen
 Kompetitor
 Pemerintah
 Regulator
 Kelompok yang berkepentingan, dan
 Masyarakat
Perbedaan Etika Bisnis dan Tanggung
Jawab Sosial
Etika bisnis mengacu pada keputusan individu atau kelompok terhadap
sesuatu yang benar atau salah.

Sedangkan, tanggung jawab sosial adalah pengaruh seluruh aktivitas

sosial organisasi ke masyarakat.
Mengapa perlu belajar mengenai etika
Karena kita perlu membangun hubungan atas dasar kepercayaan.

Mengapa perlu belajar untuk memahami

masalah etika dalam bisnis?
Karena kita perlu mengevaluasi dan memilih suatu keputusan termasuk
tindakan yang etis atau tidak etis dalam permasalahan atau situasi yang
ada baik di masa sekarang atau masa depan.
Contoh tindakan (dalam presentase) yang termasuk
penyalahgunaan etika bisnis (based on book)
Keadilan dan Kejujuran – dari sisi
 Berkompetisi bisnis secara jujur
 Memberi tahukan secara lengkap efek samping dari suatu produk
 Memberikan pesan iklan secara jujur.
 Taat peraturan
 Menghindari situasi untuk memaksa orang lain untuk bertindak tidak etis.
Keadilan dan Kejujuran – dari sisi
 Menaati peraturan tenaga kerja dan perusahaan
 Bersikap jujur
 Menggunakan sumber daya perusahaan untuk kepentingan pekerjaan dan
secara semestinya.
 Memahami perilaku-perilaku dalam berbisnis secara etis.
Membuat keputusan dalam kasus etika
Faktor yang berpengaruh dalam
peningkatan etika bisnis
 Standar moral setiap individu
 Pengaruh dari manager dan rekan kerja
 Aturan bila terjadi ketidakpatuhan atau penyalahgunaan
The Nature of Social
Stages of Social Responsibility
Corporate Citizenship

• The extent to which businesses meet the legal, ethical,
economic, and voluntary responsibilities placed on them by
their stakeholders.
How it works
• Corporate citizenship involves action and measurement of the
extent to which a firm embraces the corporate citizenship
philosophy and then follows through by implementing
citizenship and social responsibility initiatives.
A Selection of the World’s Most Ethical
Starbucks Coffee Company Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)
Marks and Spencer Xerox Corporation
General Electric Company Eaton According to
T-Mobile USA Inc. Cummins
PepsiCo Ford Motor Company Institute
ManpowerGroup Google Inc.
Colgate-Palmolive Company Gap, Inc.
International Paper Texas Instruments Incorporated
Adobe Systems Incorporated Waste Management
UPS Kellogg Company
Accenture Aflac Incorporated Safeway Inc.

Source: “2014 World’s Most Ethical Companies—Honorees,” Ethisphere, (accessed April 7, 2014).
Social Responsibility Issues

Relations with Owners and


Employee Relations

Consumer Relations

Sustainability Issues Alternative Response

Community Relations
Solve The Dilemma
Chapter 3
Business in a Borderless World



Trading of

Absolute Advantage Outsourcing

between Balance of
Countries Trade
International Trade Barriers

Ethical, Legal,
and Political
Social and
• Economic • Laws and Culture
Development Regulations
• Exchange • Tariffs and
Rates Trade Technology
• Political
Trade Agreement, Alliances, and
GATT 1947
WTO 1995

• NAFTA Organization
Funding • World Bank
• EU
Getting Involved in International
 Exporting, Importing, Countertrade
 Trading Companies (PT. Hao Sheng Trading)
 Lisencing, Franchising (perusahaan menggunakan nama, produk, bhn baku,
proses, timbal balik fee atau royalty)
 Contract Manufacturing (menggunakan perusahaan lain untuk produksi)
 Outsourcing (memindahkan factor produksi, agar lebih efisien)
 Offshoring (relokasi proses bisnis)
 Joint venture (local partner untuk share cost n operasi bisnis)
 Strategic Alliance (kerjasama perusahaan untuk competitive advantage)
 Direct Investment (membuka cabang di luar dengan factor produksinya)
Contrast 2 Basic Strategies Used in International Business
Contrast 2 basic strategies used in international business

 Products
 Promotion
 Distribution
Costumizing Brand ?

Go-Jek itself would provide technological support and

expertise to these “local companies,” which would be free
to “determine their own brands and identities to ensure
good traction in each new market.”
Bartlett and Ghoshal clustered these
businesses based on two criteria: global
integration and local responsiveness.
Businesses that are highly globally
integrated have the objective to reduce
costs as much as possible by
creating economies of scale (efficiency)
through a more standarized product
offering worldwide. Business that are
highly locally responsive have as extra
objective to adapt products and services to
specific local needs. 

•Bartlett, C.A. & Ghoshal, S. (1989). Managing Across Borders. The Transnational Solution. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
•Harzing, A.W. (2000). An Empirical Analysis and Extension of the Bartlett and Ghoshal Typology of Multinational Companies. Journal of
International Business Studies.
Assess the opportunities and problems facing a small business
that is considering expanding into international markets

 Solve The Dilemma (p.100) : Audiotech Electronics, founded in 1959 by a father and
son, currently operates a 35,000 square foot factory with 75 employees. The
company produces control consoles for television and radio stations and recording
studios. It is involved in every facet of production-designing the systems, installing
the circuits in its computer boards, and even manufacturing and painting the metal
cases housing the consoles. The company’s products are used by all the major
broadcast and cable networks. The firm’s newest products allow television
correspondents to simultaneously hear and communicate with their counterparts in
difference geographic locations. Audiotech has been very successful meeting its
customer’s needs efficiently. Audiotech sales have historically been strong in the
United States, but recently, growth is stagnating. Even though Audiotech is a small,
family owned firm, it believes it should evaluate and consider global expansion.
What are the key issues that need to be
considered in determining global expansion?

 Permintaan produk di negara lain.

 Entry barriers : infrastruktur, tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi
suatu negara, legal and political barriers, kemungkinan
pembatasan perdagangan di negara di mana bisnis serupa
 Barriers  tidak tinggi. Audiotech perlu mempertimbangkan
hal lain seperti, kondisi sosial, kultur, dan biaya (aset atau
tenaga kerja).
What are some of the unique problems that a small
business might face in global expansion that larger firms
would not?
 Perusahaan kecil mungkin akan kesulitan dengan biaya launching
international operations.
 Kesulitan dalam hal membiayai analisis/survey/penelitian awal tentang
kondisi pasar internasional.
 Tingginya biaya perjalanan bisnis ke luar negeri.
 Kesulitan dalam merekrut tenaga profesional untuk bernegosiasi
dengan pihak luar negeri.
 Kesulitan untuk mendapatkan local partners.
Should Audiotech consider a joint venture? Should it hire
a sales force of people native to the countries it enters?
 Joint venture: Menurunkan biaya operasional. Tetapi
juga diharuskan untuk sharing teknologi/pengetahuan
yang dimiliki.
 Audiotech dapat merekrut peagawai lokal untuk mengatasi
language barrier. Namun, hal itu mungkin akan perlu
biaya tinggi dan sulit untuk mendapatkan pegawai yang

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