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The Solar System

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The Solar System
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The solar system Sun
Pluto Asteroids
Neptune Comets

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Your Parents’ Solar System
Your Ancient Ancestors’ Solar System
Teori Terbentuknya Bumi
• Bangsa China dan Asia Tengah melakukan pengamatan terhadap
objek langit sejak dahulu, terutama berkaitan dengan
pengaruhnya terhadap navigasi dan pertanian.
• Para pengamat Yunani menemukan bahwa selain objek-objek
yang terlihat tetap di langit, terlihat juga objek-objek yang
bergerak dan disebut sebagai planet.
• Pada saat yang sama orang-orang Yunani menyadari bahwa
Matahari, Bumi, dan Planet merupakan bagian dari sistem yang
berbeda. Awalnya mereka memperkirakan Bumi dan Matahari
berbentuk pipih
• Phytagoras (572-492 BC) menyatakan bahwa semua benda langit
berbentuk bola (bundar).
• Sampai dengan tahun 1960, perkembangan teori pembentukan
Tata Surya dapat dibagi dalam dua kelompok besar yaitu masa
sebelum Newton dan masa sesudah Newton.
Awal Perhitungan Ilmiah
• Aristachrus dari Samos (310-230 BC) untuk pertamakalinya
melakukan perhitungan secara ilmiah. Mereka mencoba
menghitung sudut Bulan-Bumi-Matahari dan mencari
perbandingan jarak dari Bumi-Matahari, serta Bumi-Bulan.
• Aristachrus merupakan orang pertama yang menyimpulkan
bahwa bumi bergerak mengelilingi Matahari dalam lintasan
berbentuk lingkaran yang menjadi titik awal teori Heliosentrik.
Jadi teori heliosentrik bukan teori yang baru muncul di masa
Copernicus. Namun jauh sebelumnya Aristrachrus sudah
meletakkan dasar bagi teori heliosentris yang kita kenal saat
• Pada zaman Alexandria, Eratoshenes (276-195BC) dari
Yunani menemukan cara mengukur besar Bumi. Dia
menyimpulkan, perbedaan lintang keduanya merupakan 1/50
dari keseluruhan revolusi. Hasil perhitungannya memberi
perbedaan sebesar 13% dari hasil yang diperoleh saat ini.
Historical figures in the Copernican Revolution

Ptolemy – the geocentric model, that the Earth is at

rest at the center of the Universe.
Copernicus – published the heliocentric model.

Galileo – his observations by telescope verified the

heliocentric model.
Kepler – deduced empirical laws of planetary motion
from Tycho’s observations of planetary positions.

Newton – developed the full theory of planetary orbits.

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Teori Geosentrik
• Ptolemy (150 AD) menyatakan bahwa semua benda
langit bergerak relatif terhadap bumi. Bumi merupakan
pusat alam semesta. Teori ini dipercaya selama hampir
1400 tahun (teori Geosentris).
• Teori Geosentrik mempunyai kelemahan, yaitu Matahari
dan Bulan bergerak dalam jejak lingkaran mengitari
Bumi, sementara planet bergerak tidak teratur dalam
serangkaian simpul ke arah timur.
• Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, Ptolemy mengajukan dua
komponen gerak. Yang pertama, gerak dalam orbit
lingkaran yang seragam dengan periode satu tahun
pada titik yang disebut deferent. Gerak yang kedua
disebut epycycle, gerak seragam dalam lintasan
lingkaran dan berpusat pada deferent.
Claudius Ptolemy
150 – Almagest
Teori Heliosentrik
• Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) merupakan orang pertama yang
secara terang-terangan menyatakan bahwa Matahari merupakan
pusat sistem Tata Surya, dan Bumi bergerak mengelilinginya dalam
orbit lingkaran.
• Untuk masalah orbit, data yang didapat Copernicus
memperlihatkan adanya indikasi penyimpangan kecepatan sudut
orbit planet-planet. Namun ia mempertahankan bentuk orbit
lingkaran dengan menyatakan bahwa orbitnya tidak kosentrik.
• Teori heliosentrik disampaikan Copernicus dalam publikasinya
yang berjudul De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.
• Setelah kematian Copernicus pandangan berubah ketika pada
akhir abad ke-16 filsuf Italy, Giordano Bruno, menyatakan semua
bintang mirip dengan Matahari dan masing-masing memiliki sistem
planetnya yang dihuni oleh jenis manusia yang berbeda.
Pandangan inilah yang menyebabkan ia dibakar dan teori
Heliosentrik dianggap berbahaya karena bertentangan dengan
pandangan yang menganggap manusialah yang menjadi sentral di
alam semesta.
The Copernican Revolution

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Nicholas Copernicus
1543 – On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
Earth / Moon
Nicolaus Copernicus
The Earth moves, in two ways.
• It rotates on an axis (period = 1 day).
• It revolves around the sun (period = 1

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Where is this?

Inscription: By reforming astronomy he initiated

modern science.
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The heliocentric model

The reasons for seasons – the Earth travels around the sun,
and its axis of rotation is tilted by 23.5 degrees to the plane
of the orbit. In July, the northern hemisphere is getting more
sunlight than in January. ISP 209 - 3A
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The Copernican Model

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Hukum Kepler
• Walaupun Copernicus telah menerbitkan tulisannya
tentang Teori Heliosentrik, tidak semua orang setuju
dengannya. Salah satu di antaranya ialah Tycho Brahe
(1546-1601) dari Denmark
• Tycho Brahe yang mendukung teori matahari dan bulan
mengelilingi bumi sementara planet lainnya mengelilingi
matahari. Tahun 1576.
• Brahe membangun sebuah observatorium di pulau Hven,
di laut Baltic dan melakukan penelitian disana sampai
kemudian ia pindah ke Prague pada tahun 1596.
• Di Prague, Brahe menghabiskan sisa hidupnya
menyelesaikan tabel gerak planet dengan bantuan
asistennya Johannes Kepler (1571-1630).
• Setelah kematian Brahe, Kepler menelaah data yang
ditinggalkan Brahe dan menemukan bahwa orbit planet tidak
sirkular melainkan elliptik.
• Kepler mengeluarkan tiga hukum gerak orbit yang dikenal
sampai saat ini yaitu ;
1. Planet bergerak dalam orbit ellips mengelilingi matahari
sebagai pusat sistem.
2. Radius vektor menyapu luas yang sama dalam interval
waktu yang sama.
3. Kuadrat kala edar planet mengelilingi matahari sebanding
dengan pangkat tiga jarak rata-rata dari matahari.

• Kepler menuliskan pekerjaannya dalam sejumlah buku,

diantaranya adalah Epitome of The Copernican Astronomy dan
segera menjadi bagian dari daftar Index Librorum Prohibitorum
yang merupakan buku terlarang bagi umat Katolik. Dalam daftar
ini juga terdapat publikasi Copernicus, De Revolutionibus
Orbium Coelestium.
Awal Mula Dipakainya Teleskop
• Pada tahun 1608, teleskop dibuat oleh Galileo Galilei (1562-
1642). Galileo merupakan seorang professor matematika di Pisa
yang tertarik dengan mekanika, khususnya tentang gerak planet.
Ia salah satu yang tertarik dengan publikasi Kepler dan yakin
tentang teori heliosentrik. Dengan teleskopnya, Galileo berhasil
menemukan satelit-satelit Galilean di Jupiter dan menjadi orang
pertama Salah yang melihat keberadaan cincin di Saturnus.
• satu pengamatan penting yang meyakinkannya mengenai teori
heliosentrik adalah masalah fasa Venus. Berdasarkan teori
geosentrik, Ptolemy menyatakan venus berada dekat dengan titik
diantara matahari dan bumi sehingga pengamat dari bumi hanya
bisa melihat venus saat mengalami fasa sabit.
• Tapi berdasarkan teori heliosentrik dan didukung pengamatan
Galileo, semua fasa Venus bisa terlihat bahkan ditemukan juga
sudut piringan venus lebih besar saat fasa sabit dibanding saat
purnama. Publikasi Galileo yang memuat pemikirannya tentang
teori geosentrik vs heliosentrik, Dialogue of The Two Chief World
System, menyebabkan dirinya dijadikan tahanan rumah.
Galileo Galilei

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Galileo’s discoveries in Astronomy
Galileo did not invent the telescope, but when he heard
about the invention he figured out how to build
telescopes. He had the best telescopes of his time. He
was the first person to use telescopes to look at the
heavenly bodies. He was first, so he made the

 Craters and mountains on the moon

 Moons of Jupiter
 Phases of Venus
 The Milky Way consists of innumerable stars.
 Sunspots move across the sun’s face.
All of these favored the Copernican (heliocentric)
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Galileo’s sketch of the
moon as seen from his

A photograph of
the moon

“What do you think of the foremost philosophers of this university?

In spite of my oft repeated efforts and invitations, they have
refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the
or Moon or my telescope.” (letter to Kepler)
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Galileo made many specific discoveries in
astronomy, through observations by telescope.

The general implications…

● The planets are objects like the Earth – masses –

rather than some kind of special heavenly objects. Or,
to put it another way, the Earth is just another planet.

● The planets, including Earth, travel around the sun.

● The Universe is a lot bigger than we can see by the

naked eye.

These ideas could be dangerous.

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The Trial of Galileo
His Church decided that the heliocentric model was a heresy.

But Galileo continued to argue in favor of the theory, and

published his reasoning. The Inquisition in Rome accused him
of heresy, and required him to answer.
Found guilty of “suspicion of heresy,” Galileo recanted
publicly. [A story, probably not true, is that he muttered
“Eppur si muove” – “And yet, it does move.”]

He was put under arrest and sentenced to prison. But because

of his fame and age (70 years old at that time) he was allowed
to serve under house arrest in Florence, for the remaining
years of his life.
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Is there a conflict between Science and Religion?
There is no major conflict today, but there have been
conflicts in the past, e.g. the trial of Galileo. Another
example is the conflict between Darwin’s theory of
evolution and the literal interpretation of the Book of
Genesis ().

 That latter conflict survives today in

the controversy about teaching
Creationism in public schools.

Pope John Paul II ordered a review of the trial

of Galileo. Did the Inquisition make mistakes?

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Their work was finished in 1992.
On October 31st, Cardinal Poupard delivered the final report during a papal
audience. The fifth paragraph reads:

“Certain theologians, Galileo’s contemporaries, being heirs of a unitary concept of

the world universally accepted until the dawn of the seventeenth century, failed to
grasp the profound, non-literal meaning of the Scriptures when they described the
physical structure of the created universe. This led them unduly to transpose a
question of factual observation into the realm of faith.

It is in that historical and cultural framework, far removed from our own times, that
Galileo’s judges, unable to dissociate faith from an age-old cosmology, believed
quite wrongly that the adoption of the Copernican revolution, in fact not yet
definitively proven, was such as to undermine Catholic tradition, and that it was
their duty to forbid its being taught. This subjective error of judgment, so clear to us
today, led them to a disciplinary measure from which Galileo had much to suffer.
These mistakes must be frankly recognized, as you, Holy Father, have requested.”

(L’Osservatore Romano, November 1, 1992)

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Bagaimana Ptolomeus Menjelaskan
Gerak Retrograde Mars?

Model Ptolemeus




Penjelasan Copernicus

Science and Religion

Modern science has discovered that the Earth and

solar system have changed dramatically in time,
over a period of billions of years since its creation.
• Age of Earth ~ 4.5 Gy
• Geological processes
• Ice ages
• Biological evolution

This scientific understanding conflicts with a strict

literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis.
But science does not know (maybe cannot know)
how the universe was created.
Each person must decide what to believe, but may
not impose his beliefs on others.
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Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630)
… discovered three empirical laws of
planetary motion in the heliocentric solar

1. Each planet moves on an elliptical orbit.

2. The radial vector sweeps out equal areas in equal
3. The square of the period is proportional to the cube
of the radius. (needed for the CAPA)
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How did Kepler determine the planetary orbits?

Compare the heliocentric model to

naked-eye astronomy

The inner planet is Earth;

Earth the outer one is Mars. Plot
their positions every
month. Mars lags behind
the Earth so its
appearance with respect
to the Zodiac is shifting.

The most complete data had

been collected over a period
of many years by Kepler’s
predecessor, Tycho Brahe of

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a persistent

It’s all nonsense, of course.

The motions of the planets
are prescribed by natural
laws of motion and gravity.
How can their motion predict
the future?

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Ellipse Geometry
To draw an ellipse: Take a string. Tack down the two ends. Put a
pencil in the string and pull the string taut. Move the pencil
around keeping the string taut.

An ellipse is the locus of points

for which the sum of the
distances to two fixed points is

The two fixed points are called the

focal points of the ellipse.
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Parameters of an elliptical orbit (a,e)
► Semi-major axis = a =
one half the largest
► Eccentricity = e = ratio of
the distance between the
focal points to the major
For example, this ellipse
has a = 1 and e = 0.5.
► Perihelion and aphelion

Perihelion = r2 = 0.5
Aphelion = r1 = 1.5
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Determine a, e, r1, r2.

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Isaac Newton

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Dasar Yang Diletakkan Newton
• Di tahun kematian Galileo, Izaac Newton (1642-1727)
• Newtonlah yang memberi dasar bagi pekerjaannya dan
orang-orang sebelum dirinya terutama mengenai asal
mula Tata Surya.
• Newton menyusun Hukum Gerak dan kontribusi
terbesarnya bagi Astronomi dengan Hukum Gravitasi
yang membuktikan bahwa gaya antara dua benda
sebanding dengan massa masing-masing objek dan
berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak antara kedua
• Hukum Gravitasi Newton memberi penjelasan fisis bagi
Hukum Kepler yang ditemukan sebelumnya berdasarkan
hasil pengamatan. Hasil pekerjaannya dipublikasikan
dalam Principia yang dia tulis selama 15 tahun.
The observed solar system at the time of Newton


(all except Earth are named

after Roman gods, because
astrology was practiced in Three outer planets discovered later…
ancient Rome) Uranus (1781, Wm Herschel)
Neptune (1846 Adams; LeVerrier)
Pluto (1930, Tombaugh)
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Isaac Newton

Newton solved the premier scientific problem of

his time --- to explain the motion of the planets.

To explain the motion of the planets, Newton

developed three ideas: a=
1. The laws of motion
2. The theory of universal gravitation Gm1m2
3. Calculus, a new branch of mathematics F=
“If I have been able to see farther than others it is
because I stood on the shoulders of giants.”
--- Newton’s letter to Robert Hooke,
perhaps referring to Galileo and Kepler
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Newton’s Theory of Universal Gravitation
Newton and the Apple
Newton asked good questions  the key to his success.

Observing Earth’s gravity

acting on an apple, and seeing
the moon, Newton asked
whether the Earth’s gravity
extends as far as the moon.

(The apple never fell on his head,

but sometimes a stupid person
will say that, trying to be funny.)

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William Herschel
1781 – Discovery of Uranus
Urbain Le Verrier & John Couch Adams
1846 – Prediction and discovery of Neptune
Clyde Tombaugh
1930 – Discovery of Pluto
Your Parents’ Solar System
Quiz Question

Who discovered that the orbit

of a planet is an ellipse?

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