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Part of speech jenis ini merupakan suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan

atau suatu aksi yang dilakukan oleh subjek. Namun, terkadang verb ini juga dapat menggambarkan
keadaan atau kondisi. Kata kerja atau verb dalam Bahasa Inggris terbagi menjadi beberapa kategori,
antara lain:
Macam-Macam Kata Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris (Verbs)
1. Finitive Verb
Jenis verb ini adalah verb yang mempunyai subyek dan juga dapat berdiri sebagai pokok dari
independent clause. Finite verb juga dapat dikatakan sebagai kata kerja utama di dalam sebuah
kalimat yang dapat menjelaskan bentuk dari kalimat itu sendiri, apakah berbentuk masa lalu (past),
sekarang (present) atau masa depan (future/progressive). Dengan kata lain, jenis kata kerja ini
penggunaannya tergantung pada subjek dan tense yang digunakan dalam sebuah kalimat. Selain itu
juga finite verb dapat menerangkan jumlah dari subyek, apakah berbentuk singular (tunggal) atau
plural (jamak). Berikut adalah contoh dari Finite Verb adalah:
2.Auxiliary Verb
Kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris jeni adalah jenis yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk memodifikasi
makna dari sebuah kata kerja. Kemunculannya adalah sebelum kata kerja utama. Perbedaan antara
auxiliary verb dan helping verb adalah jenis verb ini tidak mempunyai makna leksikal. Kata kerja
dalam bahasa inggris ini dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu primary auxiliary dan modal auxiliary verb. Berikut
ini pembagiannya:
3.. Lingking Verb
Kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara subyek dan dengan
informasi tentang subyek tersebut. Selain subyek juga dapat berbentuk hubungan dengan
deskripsinya sendiri. Karena kata ini tidak memberikan aksi terhadap obyeknya maka digolongkan
kepada jenis intransitive verb. Ada dua jenis lingking verb, yaitu verb of sensation dan verb of being.
Jenis-jenis linking verb:
a. Verb of sensation
Contohnya: feel, look, smell, sound and taste.
Contoh kalimat:
She is looked so beautiful. (dia terlihat begitu cantik)
I taste my sisters food . (saya mencicipi masakan adik perempuanku)
Thats sound (itu kedengarannya bagus)
b. Verb ofo being
Jenis dari Linking verb be adalah is, am, are, was, were, dan be. Pada penggunaannya is, am, dan are
(present tense), was dan were (past tense), be (present subjunctive dan imperative), dan were (past
Contih kalimat:
She was a student here. (dia dulu seorang murid disini)
They were studying English last night. (mereka sedang belajar bahasa Inggris tadi malam)
John is taking a bath now. (John sedang mandi sekarang)
4. Transitive Verb
Jenis verb ini selalu diikuti oleh obyek langsung dari subyek. Apabila tidak terdapat obyek langsung
pada jenis kalimat dengan transitive verb maka akan terdengar janggal. Dengan kata lain, transitive
verb adalah jenis kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek dalam penggunaannya di sebuah kalimat.
Contoh kata: take, eat, drink, buy, sell, bring, put, catch and so on.\
Contoh kalimat:
David Beckham takes the free kick. (David Beckham melakukan tendangan bebas)
They buy some vegetables in the market. (mereka membeli beberapap sayuran di pasar)
I put my pen on the table. (saya meletakkan pulpenku diatas meja)
5. Intransitive verb
Jenis kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris yang tidak diikuti oleh obyek langsung dari subyek. Dengan
kata lain, jenis kata kerja ini tidak memerlukan obyek dalam penggunaanya di sebuah kalimat.
Intransitive verb dapat adjective, adverb dan prepositional phrase. Intransitive verb sendiri tidak
mempunyai bentuk passive.
Contoh kata: come, go, sleep, arrive.
Contoh kalimat:
The students always come earlier than the teacher. (murid-murid selalu datang lebih dulu daripada
Andi went to Bertas weeding party yesterday. (Andi pergi ke pesta pernikahan Berta kemarin)
Katty arrives in her house at three oclock. (Katty tiba di rumahnya pada pukul 3)
6. Regular and Irregular Verb<
Untuk menandai dan membentuk sebuah kata kerja regular, dapat diketahui pada bentuk past tense
dan past participle nya mendapatkan akhiran, -en, -d, -ed, -t, -ne, dan n, sedangkan irregular verb
tidak dapat diketahui. Regular verb juga dikenal sebagai verb yang lemah dan irregular verb adalah
verb yang kuat. Contohnya regular adalah study studied studied sedangkan irregular seperti
broke, brake dan broken.
Contoh Perubahan Base Form pada Regular Verb:
Base Form Past Tense Past Participle Arti
study studied studied belajar
walk walked walked berjalan
clean cleaned cleaned membersihkan
decide decided decided memutuskan
Contoh kalimat:
He studies English Every day (base form)
He studied English two years a go (past tense)
I walk around the park every morning (base form)
I walked around the park last week (past tense)

Contoh perubahan base form pada Irregular Verb:

Base Form Past Tense Past Participle Arti
eat ate eaten makan
drink drank drunk minum
take took taken mengambil
sleep slept slept tidur
Contoh kalimat:
She drinks a glass of milk (base form)
She has drunk a glass of milk since an hour a go (pa
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st participle) Ani takes her book (base form) Ani took her book last year (pastt tense)
Part of speech of this type is a word used to declare an action or an action
performed by the subject. However, sometimes this "verb" can also describe a state
or condition.Verbs or verbs in English fall into several categories, including:
Kinds of Verbs in English (Verbs)
1. Finitive Verb
This type of verb is a verb that has a subject and can also stand as the subject of an
independent clause. Finite verb can also be said to be the main verb in a sentence
that can explain the form of the sentence itself, whether it is past, present or
future. In other words, this type of verbs its use depends on the subject and tense
used in a sentence.In addition, finite verbs can explain the number of subjects,
whether singular or plural (plural). Here is an example of Finite Verb is:
2.Auxiliary Verb
Verb in English is a type that has the ability to modify the meaning of a verb. Its
appearance is before the main verb. The difference between auxiliary verb and
helping verb is that this type of verb has no lexical meaning. The verb in English is
divided into two, namely primary auxiliary and auxiliary verb capital. Here is the
3 .. Verb Lingking
Verbs in English used to connect between subjects and with information about the
subject. In addition to the subject can also form a relationship with its own
description.Since this word does not give action to the object it is classified to the
type of intransitive verb. There are two types of verb circles, namely verb of
sensation and verb of being.
Types of linking verbs:
a. Verb of sensation
For example: feel, look, smell, sound and taste.
Example of sentences:
She is looked so beautiful. (she looks so pretty)
I taste my sister's food. (I sampled my sister's cooking)
That's sound (that sounds good)
b. Verb ofo being
The type of Linking verb be is is, am, are, was, were, and be. On the use of is, am,
and are (present tense), was and were (past tense), be (present subjunctive and
imperative), and were (past subjunctive).
Contih sentence:
She was a student here. (he was a student here)
They were studying English last night. (they were learning English last night)
John is taking a bath now. (John is in the shower now)
4. Transitive Verb
This type of verb is always followed by the direct object of the subject. If there is no
direct object on the type of sentence with transitive verb it will sound awkward. In
other words, transitive verb is a type of verb that requires an object in its use in a
Example word: take, eat, drink, buy, sell, bring, put, catch and so on. \
Example of sentences:
David Beckham takes the free kick. (David Beckham did a free kick)
They buy some vegetables in the market. (they buy some vegetables in the market)
I put my pen on the table. (I put my pen on the table)
5. Intransitive verb
The type of verb in English that is not followed by the direct object of the subject. In
other words, this type of verb does not require an object in its use in a
sentence.Intransitive verb can be adjective, adverb and prepositional
phrase. Intransitive verb itself has no passive form.
Examples of words: come, go, sleep, arrive.
Example of sentences:
The students always come earlier than the teacher. (students always come first than
Andi went to Berta's weeding party yesterday. (Andi went to Berta's wedding
Katty arrives in her house at three o'clock. (Katty arrives at her home at 3 o'clock)
6. Regular and Irregular Verb <
To mark and form a regular verb, it can be seen in the past tense and its participle
form getting the suffix, -en, -d, -ed, -t, -ne, and -n, while the irregular verb can not be
known.Regular verbs are also known as weak verbs and irregular verbs are powerful
verbs.Examples are regular studied - studied - studied while irregular like broke,
brake and broken.
Example of Base Form Change on Regular Verb:
Base Form Past Tense Past Participle Meaning
study studied studied learning
walk walked walked walked
clean cleaned cleaned cleaning
decide decided decided
Example of sentences:
He studies English Every day (base form)
He studied English two years a go (past tense)
I walk around the park every morning (base form)
I walked around the park last week (past tense)

Example of base form changes on Irregular Verb:

Base Form Past Tense Past Participle Meaning
eat ate eaten meal
drink drank drunk drink
take took taken
sleep slept slept
Example of sentences:
She drinks a glass of milk (base form)
She has drunk a glass of milk since an hour a go (pa
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