Anda di halaman 1dari 16

Apa itu GPS?

GPS (Global Positioning System) merupakan sistem navigasi satelit yang dikembangkan oleh
Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (US DoD = United States Department of Defense).
GPS memungkinkan kita mengetahui posisi geografis seperti ( lintang, bujur, ketinggian dan
kecepatan di atas permukaan laut ). Jadi dimanapun kita berada di muka bumi ini, kita dapat
mengetahui posisi kita dengan tepat dan akurat.

Sistem ini dikembangkan oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat, dengan nama
lengkapnya adalah “NAVSTAR GPS” kesalahan umum bahwa ”NAVSTAR” adalah sebuah
singkatan ini adalah salah, “NAVSTAR” adalah nama yang diberikan oleh John Walsh, seorang
penentu kebijakan penting dalam program GPS.

Sistem navigasi satelit lainnya yang sedang dikembangkan oleh negara lain adalah:

* Beidou — Sistem lokal di RRC yang akan dikembangkan menjadi sistem internasional
bernama COMPASS.

* Galileo — Sistem yang sedang dikembangkan oleh Uni Eropa, dengan bantuan dari RRC,
Israel, India, Moroko, Arab Saudi, Korea Selatan, dan Ukraina.

* GLONASS — Sistem milik Rusia yang sedang diperbaiki.

* Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) — Sistem yang dikembangkan India.

Ada pun kegunannya adalah sebagai berikut :

* Militer

GPS digunakan untuk keperluan perang, seperti menuntun arah bom, atau mengetahui posisi
pasukan berada. Dengan cara ini maka kita bisa mengetahui mana teman mana lawan untuk
menghindari salah target, ataupun menetukan pergerakan pasukan.

* Navigasi

GPS banyak juga digunakan sebagai alat navigasi seperti kompas. Beberapa jenis kendaraan
telah dilengkapi dengan GPS untuk alat bantu nivigasi, dengan menambahkan peta, maka bisa
digunakan untuk memandu pengendara, sehingga pengendara bisa mengetahui jalur mana yang
sebaiknya dipilih untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.

* Sistem Informasi Geografis

Untuk keperluan Sistem Informasi Geografis, GPS sering juga diikutsertakan dalam pembuatan
peta, seperti mengukur jarak perbatasan, ataupun sebagai referensi pengukuran.
* Sistem pelacakan kendaraan

Kegunaan lain GPS adalah sebagai pelacak kendaraan, dengan bantuan GPS pemilik
kendaraan/pengelola armada bisa mengetahui ada dimana saja kendaraannya/aset bergeraknya
berada saat ini.

* Pemantau gempa

Bahkan saat ini, GPS dengan ketelitian tinggi bisa digunakan untuk memantau pergerakan tanah,
yang ordenya hanya mm dalam setahun. Pemantauan pergerakan tanah berguna untuk
memperkirakan terjadinya gempa, baik pergerakan vulkanik ataupun tektonik.

GPS terdiri dari 3 segmen: Segmen angkasa, kontrol/pengendali, dan pengguna:

• Segmen angkasa: terdiri dari 24 satelit yang beroperasi dalam 6 orbit pada ketinggian 20.200
km dan inklinasi 55 derajat dengan periode 12 jam (satelit akan kembali ke titik yang sama
dalam 12 jam). Satelit tersebut memutari orbitnya sehingga minimal ada 6 satelit yang dapat
dipantau pada titik manapun di bumi ini. Satelit tersebut mengirimkan posisi dan waktu kepada
pengguna seluruh dunia.

• Segmen Kontrol/Pengendali: terdapat pusat pengendali utama yang terdapat di Colorodo

Springs, dan 5 stasiun pemantau lainnya dan 3 antena yang tersebar di bumi ini. Stasiun
pemantau memantau semua satelit GOS dan mengumpulkan informasinya. Stasiun pemantau
kemudian mengirimkan informasi tersebut kepada pusat pengendali utama yang kemudian
melakukan perhitungan dan pengecekan orbit satelit. Informasi tersebut kemudian dikoreksi dan
dilakukan pemuktahiran dan dikirim ke satelit GPS.

• Segmen Pengguna: Pada sisi pengguna dibutuhkan penerima GPS (selanjutnya kita sebut
perangkat GPS)yang biasanya terdiri dari penerima, prosesor, dan antena, sehingga
memungkinkan kita dimanapun kita berada di muka bumi ini (tanah, laut, dan udara) dapat
menerima sinyal dari satelit GPS dan kemudian menghitung posisi, kecepatan dan waktu.

Bagaimana cara kerja GPS?

Setiap satelit mentransmisikan dua sinyal yaitu L1 (1575.42 MHz) dan L2 (1227.60 MHz).
Sinyal L1 dimodulasikan dengan dua sinyal pseudo-random yaitu kode P (Protected) dan kode
C/A (coarse/aquisition). Sinyal L2 hanya membawa kode P. Setiap satelit mentransmisikan kode
yang unik sehingga penerima (perangkat GPS) dapat mengidentifikasi sinyal dari setiap satelit.
Pada saat fitur ”Anti-Spoofing” diaktifkan, maka kode P akan dienkripsi dan selanjutnya dikenal
sebagai kode P(Y) atau kode Y.

Perangkat GPS yang dikhususkan buat sipil hanya menerima kode C/A pada sinyal L1
(meskipun pada perangkat GPS yang canggih dapat memanfaatkan sinyal L2 untuk memperoleh
pengukuran yang lebih teliti.
Perangkat GPS menerima sinyal yang ditransmisikan oleh satelit GPS. Dalam menentukan
posisi, kita membutuhkan paling sedikit 3 satelit untuk penentuan posisi 2 dimensi (lintang dan
bujur) dan 4 satelit untuk penentuan posisi 3 dimensi (lintang, bujur, dan ketinggian). Semakin
banyak satelit yang diperoleh maka akurasi posisi kita akan semakin tinggi. Untuk mendapatkan
sinyal tersebut, perangkat GPS harus berada di ruang terbuka. Apabila perangkat GPS kita
berada dalam ruangan atau kanopi yang lebat dan daerah kita dikelilingi oleh gedung tinggi maka
sinyal yang diperoleh akan semakin berkurang sehingga akan sukar untuk menentukan posisi
dengan tepat atau bahkan tidak dapat menentukan posisi.

Bagaimana GPS digunakan?

Perangkat GPS menerima sinyal dari satelit dan kemudian melakukan perhitungan sehingga pada
tampilan umumnya kita dapat mengetahui posisi (dalam lintang dan bujur), kecepatan, dan
waktu. Disamping itu juga informasi tambahan seperti jarak, dan waktu tempuh. Posisi yang
ditampilkan merupakan sistem referensi geodetik WGS-84 dan waktu merupakan referensi
USNO (U.S. Naval Observatory Time).

Siapa yang dapat menggunakan GPS?

GPS dipergunakan pada berbagai bidang antara lain, sistem navigasi pesawat, laut dan darat,
pemetaan dan geodesi, survei, sistem penentuan lokasi, pertanian, eksplorasi sumber daya alam,
dan masih banyak lagi.

Apakah GPS itu gratis?

Teknologi GPS dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja, yang kita butuhkan hanya membeli perangkat
penerima GPS dan selanjutnya informasi posisi dapat kita dapatkan tanpa membayar apapun.

Bagaimana akurasi GPS?

GPS memiliki dua tingkat ketelitian:

• Sistem posisi standar (standard positioning system / SPS)

SPS merupakan yang disediakan untuk umum (sipil). Tingkat akurasi yang dihasilkan adalah 100
m untuk posisi horisontal dan 150 meter untuk posisi vertikal.

• Sistem posisi presisi (precision positioning system / PPS)

PPS digunakan oleh Departemen Pertahanan AS dan tidak disediakan untuk umum.

Sejak Mei 2000, Pemerintah AS telah meningkatkan akurasi untuk SPS dengan menon-aktifkan
SA (selective availability) hingga 20 meter untuk posisi horisontal.

Apa saja perangkat GPS itu?

Perangkat GPS ada bermacam-macam dan umumnya tergantung dari tujuan dan aktivitas yang
akan kita lakukan. GPS untuk udara (aviation GPS) akan berbeda arsitekturnya dengan yang
akan kita gunakan untuk navigasi di darat/mobil. Secara umum perangkat GPS dibagi menjadi 3
(tiga) fungsi yaitu navigasi udara (aviation), laut (marine) dan darat (land).

Apakah GPS juga Kompas?

GPS itu bukan Kompas magnetik, kecuali disebutkan bahwa perangkat GPS tersebut memiliki
fungsi sebagai kompas magnetik sehingga anda tahu dimana arah Utara. Namun demikian GPS
dapat memberitahu arah mana kita BERGERAK, sehingga kita dapat mengetahui dimana arah
Utara. Apabila anda tidak bergerak, maka arah yang ditnjukkan kemungkinan benar SALAH.

Perangkat GPS apa yang cocok buat saya?

Mulai saja dengan perangkat GPS yang sederhana. Selain harganya terjangkau dan anda bisa
membiasakan diri menggunakan GPS dan mengerti kebutuhan anda yang sebenarnya. Ada
beberapa vendor GPS yang tersedia, diantaranya Garmin, Magellan, Trimble, dan Leica. Hal
yang paling penting adalah, apapun perangkat GPS yang anda beli, pastikan bahwa perangkat
tersebut memiliki 12 channel penerima untuk mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan.

Saya memiliki GPS dan saya tetap tersesat!!

Masalahnya bukan pada GPS-nya, tetapi cara anda menggunakannya. Anda harus memahami
cara kerja perangkat GPS anda dengan baik. Luangkan waktu untuk membaca manual dan
petunjuk pemakaian.

Saya memiliki PDA, apakah dapat memiliki fungsi GPS juga?

Anda dapat menambahkan perangkat GPS pada PDA anda. Anda dapat memilih perangkat GPS-
CF atau Bluetooth GPS, atau bahkan perangkat GPS biasa. Masing-masing memiliki kelebihan
dan kekurangannya. Silahkan googling aja dech kalo mau tau banyak . Intinya, PDA anda
ditambahkan perangkat GPS dan instalasi perangkat lunak yang mendukung dan selanjutnya
silahkan bergembira dengan GPS anda. Bagaimana menyambungkan perangkat tersebut dengan
PDA anda, semuanya diterangkan dengan jelas dalam manual perangkat GPS yang bluetooth
atau CF yang anda beli.

Garmin Gps 60i

Price U$D 230

Garmin GPS60i produk terbaru dari seri 60 yang terkenal tangguh digunakan di berbagai kondisi
lapangan. Kini hadir dalam fitur Bahasa Indonesia, Port USB, Port External antena, Kabel data
USB & CD Software mapsource yang sudah tersedia dalam paket penjualan, menjadikan GPS60i
sebagai produk GPS yang handal dan lengkap.
Mampu menyimpan koordinat, mengukur jarak, menghitung luas area dan fungsi-fungsi navigasi
lainnya menjadi begitu mudah membantu anda yang aktif bekerja di bidang survey GIS, geologi,
pertambangan, perkebunan, kehutanan, telekomunikasi bahkan pecinta hobi memancing.

Spesifikasi Teknis:
1. waypoint : 500 dengan simbol
2. Track : 10.000 titik
3. Format posisi : Lat/long, UTM, TM3
4. Map datum : 100 pilihan
5. Chanel : 12 chanel
6. Ketelitian dbawah 15 meter
7. Antena : internal dan bisa ditambah external
8. Water proof
9. Batere : 2 x AA tahan sampai 28 jam

Paket pembelian:
- Unit GPS 60i
- USB interface kabel
- Sarung Gps
- Belt Clip
- CD Mapsource & Waypoint manager
- User manual
- Quick Reference guide
- Wrist strap
- Garansi 1 tahun

Garmin GPSMAP® 76CSx

Price U$D 350

GPSMAP® 76 CSx adalah hasil upgrade terbaru dari GPSMAP 76 CS, model terbaru ini sangat
cocok untuk digunakan di darat maupun dilaut. Unit ini menonjolkan kemampuan menyimpan
data di eksternal memory microSD yang dapat menyimpan banyak peta dengan kapasitas besar.
GPS ini juga tahan air. Microsd kartu slot ditempatkan; terletak di dalam tempat batere. Para
pemakai dapat mengisi data peta dan memindahkan rute dan waypoints melalui USB koneksi
dengan cepat.

Sebagai tambahan, unit ini menonjolkan teknologi baru, sangat sensitif dan lebih cepat dalam
menerima satelit, walaupun berada pada daerah yang banyak halangan seperti hutan, jurang,
gedung-gedung tinggi.Gpsmap 76CSx juga dilengkapi altimeter barometric untuk mendapatkan
data tinggi yang akurat dan juga dilengkapi kompas elektronik .

Spesifikasi Teknis :
* Teknolgi terbaru yang mempermudah menangkap signal satelit. WAAS-capable GPS receiver
by SiRF
* Built-in quad-helix receiving antenna, bisa ditambah external antena
* Ukuran unit : 2.7” W x 6.2” H x 1.4” D
* Display: 1.5” W x 2.2” H, 2.6”-diagonal, 256-color, transflective TFT (160 x 240 pixels)
* Terdapat pilihan bahasa : English, Spanish, Portugese, and French languages.
* Berat 7.6 ounces with batteries (not included)
* Sensor pelengkap :
-Electronic compass displays accurate heading while standing still
-Barometric altimeter with automatic pressure trend recording
* Bisa ditambah MicroSD
* LED backlit display and keypad
* Ketahanan batere : 18 jam (typical use) menggunakan 2 AA alkaline
* 1,000 waypoints dengan nama and graphic symbol; 50 reversible routes
* Position formats include Lat/Lon, UTM, Loran TDs, Maidenhead, MGRS, user grid, and more
* Audible alarms for anchor drag, arrival, off-course, proximity waypoint, and clock
* Large-numbers option for easy viewing; dual-position display mode
* Trip computer provides odometer, stopped time, moving average, overall average, total time,
max speed, and more
* 10,000-point automatic track log; 20 saved tracks (500 points each) let you retrace your path in
both directions
* Elevation computer provides current elevation, ascent/descent rate, minimum/ maximum
elevation, total ascent and descent, average and maximum ascent and descent rate
* Navigation instructions can be shared with repeaters, plotters, and autopilots using NMEA
protocols through the dedicated serial port
* Built-in celestial tables for sun and moon calculations and the best times to fish and hunt
* Compatible with most MapSource products. See the MapSource Compatibility table (top right)
for a list of software that Garmin recommends with this product.
* Water resistant: IEC 60529 IPX7 standards
* Bisa mengambang kalau terjatuh di air.

Paket pembelian :

* 1 Unit GPSMAP Garmin 76 CSX

* Kabel data USB
* Memory microSD 2 GB + Peta Indonesia
* Sarung Gps
* Mapsource
* Wrist strap
* Belt clip
* Owner’s manual
* Garansi 1 tahun.

Oregon® 550 With Camera 3.2 Megapiksel

Price U$D 550

The navigator with the photographic memory — Oregon 550 combines rugged outdoor
touchscreen navigation with a 3.2 megapixel digital camera. Add high-sensitivity GPS,
barometric altimeter, 3-axis electronic compass and microSD™ card slot. The result? A
multipurpose device that will make your biggest adventures even more memorable.
Take Pictures and Save Locations

Capture locations and memories with Oregon 550′s 3.2 megapixel autofocus digital camera with
4x digital zoom. Each photo is automatically geotagged with the location of where it was taken,
allowing you to navigate back to that exact spot in the future. Snap and view pictures in
landscape or portrait orientation. With 850 MB of internal memory, you’ll never miss a photo
opportunity. To store online, simply connect Oregon 550 via USB and visit myDashboard to
upload and store your photos at Picasa™, a popular online photo sharing community for friends
and families around the world. For more storage, insert a microSD card; you can even view
pictures from other devices on microSD with Oregon’s picture viewer.
Touch and Go

Oregon 550 makes rugged navigation effortless with a tough, 3-inch diagonal, sunlight-readable,
color touchscreen display. The interface is easy to use, so you’ll spend more time enjoying the
outdoors and less time searching for information. Both durable and waterproof, Oregon 550 is
built to withstand the elements. Bumps, dust, dirt, humidity and water are no match for this
rugged navigator.
Get Your Bearings

Oregon 550 has a built-in 3-axis tilt-compensated electronic compass, which shows your heading
even when you’re standing still, without holding it level. Its barometric altimeter tracks changes
in pressure to pinpoint your precise altitude, and you can even use it to plot barometric pressure
over time, which can help you keep an eye on changing weather conditions. And with its high-
sensitivity, WAAS-enabled GPS receiver and HotFix™ satellite prediction, Oregon 550 locates
your position quickly and precisely and maintains its GPS location even in heavy cover and deep
Add Maps

Oregon 550 comes preloaded with a worldwide built-in basemap with shaded relief. Adding even
more detail is easy: just insert a MapSource® microSD card preloaded with detailed maps.
Oregon can accept a variety of maps for any navigational need. Add detailed street maps to get
turn-by-turn directions to your destination. Add select topographic maps to take advantage of
Oregon’s 3-D maps and elevation detail. Or add BlueChart® g2 maps, which provide everything
you need for a great day on the water, including depth contours, navaids and harbors.
Find Fun

Oregon 550 supports GPX files for downloading geocaches and details straight
to your unit. By going paperless, you’re not only helping the environment but also improving
efficiency. Oregon stores and displays key information, including location, terrain, difficulty,
hints and descriptions, which means no more manually entering coordinates and paper print outs!
Simply upload the GPX file to your unit and start hunting for caches. Show off photos of your
excursions with Oregon’s picture viewer. Slim and lightweight, Oregon is the perfect companion
for all your outdoor pursuits.
Share Wirelessly

With Oregon 550 you can share your waypoints, tracks, routes and geocaches wirelessly other
compatible Oregon, Colorado and Dakota users. Now you can send your favorite hike to your
friend to enjoy or the location of a cache to find. Sharing data is easy. Just touch “send” to
transfer your information to similar units.
Get Connected

You’ve been busy exploring and now you want to store and analyze your activities. With a
simple connection to your computer and to the Internet, you can get a detailed analysis of your
activities and send tracks to your outdoor device using Garmin Connect™. This one-stop site
offers an activity table and allows you to view your activities on a map using Google™ Earth.
Explore other routes uploaded by millions of Garmin Connect users and share your experiences
on Twitter® and Facebook®. Getting started is easy, so get out there, explore, and share.

Physical & Performance:

Unit dimensions, WxHxD: 2.3″ x 4.5″ x 1.4″ (5.8 x 11.4 x 3.5 cm)
Display size, WxH: 1.53″W x 2.55″H (3.8 x 6.3 cm); 3″ diag (7.6 cm)
Display resolution, WxH: 240 x 400 pixels
Display type: Transflective color TFT touchscreen
Weight: 6.8 oz (192.7 g) with batteries
Battery: 2 AA batteries (not included); NiMH or Lithium recommended
Battery life: 16 hours
Waterproof: yes (IPX7)
Floats: no
High-sensitivity receiver: yes
Interface: high-speed USB and NMEA 0183 compatible
RoHS version available: yes
Maps & Memory:
Basemap: yes
Preloaded street maps: no
Ability to add maps: yes
Built-in memory: 850 MB
Accepts data cards: microSD™ card (not included)
Waypoints/favorites/locations: 2000
Routes: 200
Track log: 10,000 points, 200 saved tracks
Automatic routing (turn by turn routing on roads): yes (with optional mapping for detailed roads)
Electronic compass: yes (tilt-compensated, 3-axis)
Touchscreen: yes
Barometric altimeter: yes
Camera: yes (3.2 megapixel with autofocus; 4x digital zoom)
Geocaching-friendly: yes (paperless)
Custom maps compatible: yes
Photo navigation (navigate to geotagged photos): yes
Outdoor GPS games: yes (Wherigo only)
Hunt/fish calendar: yes
Sun and moon information: yes
Tide tables: yes
Area calculation: yes
Custom POIs (ability to add additional points of interest): yes
Unit-to-unit transfer (shares data wirelessly with similar units): yes
Picture viewer: yes
Garmin Connect™ compatible (online community where you analyze, categorize and share

What’s in the Box:

* Oregon 550
* AA battery charger
* 2 AA NiMH batteries
* Carabiner clip
* USB cable
* Owner’s manual on disk
* Quick start manual
* Memory 2 GB
* Map Indonesia
* 1 year warranty

Nüvi® 715

Price U$D 350

Hadir dengan feature yang komplit, GPS NUVI 715 bisa memanjakan anda dalam bernavigasi.
Tidak sekedar GPS, NUVI 715 dilengkapi dengan pemutar musik digital (MP3 Player),
Bluetooth, FM Transmiter, picture viewer dan junction view .Dan dengan ukuran layar yg lebar
dibuat untuk memudahkan navigasi anda di jalan. Dengan layar yang lebih lebar ( Wide)
sehingga informasi peta dan detail lebih jelas di mata anda. Sangat cocok digunakan sebagai
Travel asisten, pemandu jalan digital. Anda tidak perlu repot-repot lagi bertanya apabila anda
tersesat. Nuvi 715 akan menunjukan arah kemana kita harus lewat. Dilengkapi dengan speaker
yang menuntun kita, apakah harus belok kiri, belok kanan atau lurus. Juga dilengkapi dengan
tampilan peta tiga dimensi yang sangat membantu navigasi kita. Bisa dipasang di mobil karena
sudah dilengkapi dashboard mount.

Nuvi 715 yang kami tawarkan sudah dilengkapi dengan software City Navigator 5.0 yang berisi
peta Jawa dan Bali. Cukup detail peta-petanya, bahkan untuk kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta,
Bandung , Semarang, Surabaya, Bali, sampai gang – gang sudah kelihatan.
Kalau anda menginginkan GPS dengan feature lengkap NUVI 715 adalah pilihan yang tepat bagi

Physical & Performance:

Unit dimensions, WxHxD: 4.8″W x 3.0″H x .8″D (12.2 x 7.6 x 2.0 cm)
Display size, WxH: 3.81″W x 2.25″H (9.7 x 5.7 cm); 4.3″ diag (10.9 cm)
Display resolution, WxH: 480 x 272 pixels
Display type: WQVGA color TFT with white backlight
Weight: 6.2 ounces (176 g)
Battery: rechargeable lithium-ion
Battery life: up to 5 hours
Waterproof: no
High-sensitivity receiver: yes
RoHS version available: yes
Maps & Memory:
Basemap: yes
Preloaded street maps: yes (regional)
Ability to add maps: yes
Built-in memory: internal solid state
Accepts data cards: SD™ card (not included)
Waypoints/favorites/locations: 500
Routes: 10
Voice prompts (e.g. “Turn right in 500 ft.”): yes (internal speaker)
Speaks street names (e.g. “Turn right ON ELM STREET in 500 ft.”): yes
Voice-activated navigation (operate device with spoken commands): no
Lane assist (guides you to the proper lane for navigation): no
3-D building view (displays buildings in 3-D): no
Auto sort multiple destinations (provides most direct route): yes
Auto re-route (fast off-route and detour recalculation): yes
Choice of route setup (faster time, shorter distance, off road): yes
Route avoidance (avoid highways, tolls etc.): yes
Bluetooth® wireless technology (connect to your phone for hands-free calling): yes
Garmin nüLink! Services: (receive accurate real-time travel information): no
FM traffic compatible: yes
MSN® Direct compatible: yes
XM® Navtraffic & Radio for U.S. compatible: no
Speed limit indicator (displays speed limit for most major roads in the U.S. and Europe): no
Where Am I? (find closest hospitals, police & gas stations, nearest address & intersection): yes
Garmin Locate™ (marks position when removed from windshield mount): yes
ecoRoute™ (calculates a more fuel-efficient route) : yes
Qwerty or ABC keyboard (choose keyboard layout): yes
Custom POIs (ability to add additional points of interest): yes
Garmin Garage™ vehicles compatible (download car-shaped icons to your device): yes
Garmin Garage™ voices compatible (download custom voices to your device): yes
Photo navigation (navigate to geotagged photos): yes
World travel clock, currency & unit converter, calculator: yes
Picture viewer: yes
MP3 player: yes
Audio book player: yes
FM transmitter: yes
Headphone jack/audio line-out: yes
Garmin Lock™ (anti-theft feature): yes
Touchscreen: yes
Dead reckoning: no
Motorcycle-friendly: no
Trucking-friendly: no
Geocaching-friendly: no
Marine-friendly: no
Additional: This USB mass storage device is compatible with Windows® XP or newer and
Mac® OS X 10.4 or later

Paket Pembelian :
- Unit Nuvi 715
- Vehicle suction cup mount
- Vehicle power cable
- Dashboard disc
- Set up and go guide
- Dos
- MicroSD/SD 2 GB dan Peta Garmin City Navigator Indonesia terbaru
- Garansi satu tahun
- Free COD untuk Jakarta

Fishfinder 160C

Price U$D 280

Fishfinder 160C adalah pelacak ikan dengan teknologi sonar dengan layar berwarna , sangat
cocok untuk nelayan untuk melakukan pemancingan di laut maupun didanau, terutama di air
yang jernih. Informasi keberadaan ikan ditampilkan dengan jelas sehingga memudahkan dalam
pencarian ikan. Ditampilkan dengan layar berwarna dan bisa dibaca dengan jelas dibawah sinar
matahari. Dilengkapi dengan dualbeam teknologi sangat cocok untuk mengetahui profile dasar
laut dangkal. 160 C juga tahan air dan dibuat dengan bahan yang kokoh.

Garmin Fishfinder 160C juga dilengkapi automatic scroll untuk menampilkan data sonar
sehingga sangat membantu nelayan, untuk mendapatkan informasi.
Spesifikasi Teknis :

* Layar berwarna 16-color CSTN display, 3.2” W x 3.2” H, 4.5-inch diagonal, 128 x 128 pixels
* CCFL backlight for display, LED backlight for keypad
* Patented transom/trolling mount transducer
* Dual-beam transducer with user-selectable narrow (14°) or wide (45°) view to see more fish in
shallow water
* Ultrascroll™ high-rep-rate sonar
* Automatic display re-scaling on range change (no more vertical lines with range changes)
* Teknologi terbaru untuk dapat melihat lebih banyak ikan
* Sounder desain baru yang sangat membantu melihat profile bawah air.
* Power output: 150 watts (RMS) 1200 watts (peak to peak)
* kedalaman : 300 meter
* Unit dimensions: 6.1” W x 4.9” H x 2.9” D
* See-Thru® technology: shows weak and strong returns simultaneously
* Power down backup of settings: customer settings are not lost when the unit is turned off
* Whiteline
* 2X and 4X Automatic and manual zoom
* Water speed capable
* Odometer feature (when connected to speed sensor, purchased separately)
* Adjustable keel offset
* Alarms for fish size, shallow water, deep water, and low battery
* Battery voltage indication
* NMEA output bisa dihubungkan ke perangkat GPS.

Paket pembelian :
* 1 Unit Fishfinder 160 C
* Transom mount transducer
* Power cable
* Mounting bracket with tilt/swivel
* Owner’s manual
(Portable configuration also includes portable carry case and transducer suction cup mount.)
* Garansi satu tahun.

Trimble® GeoXH Handheld

Price U$D 6.500

Your ultimate solution for high-accuracy asset management

GeoXH Handheld For high-accuracy GIS data collection and asset relocation, the Trimble®
GeoXH™ handheld from the GeoExplorer® 2008 series is the ultimate integrated solution.
Engineered with Trimble H-Star™ technology, the GeoXH handheld delivers the accuracy you
need when you need it. It is ideal for electric and gas utilities, water and wastewater services,
land reform projects, and other applications where on-the-spot positioning is crucial.

The GeoXH handheld provides real-time subfoot (<30 cm) accuracy with the internal antenna, or
decimeter (10 cm / 4 inch) accuracy after postprocessing. Decimeter accuracy can be achieved in
real-time with the optional Tornado™ external antenna. Because high accuracy positions are
available in real-time, you can track down buried and hidden assets with ease, and excavate
cables and pipes without wasted effort or risk of damage to nearby assets. Back-office data
processing is eliminated, streamlining asset inventories and as-built mapping jobs. When you
postprocess with Trimble office software you can be confident of achieving decimeter level
accuracy with greater consistency at longer baselines, in tougher environments, and with shorter

With a powerful 520 MHz processor, 128 MB RAM, and 1 GB of onboard storage, the GeoXH
handheld is a high performance device designed to work as hard as you do. The handheld gives
you all the power you need to work with maps and large data sets in the field, and its high
resolution VGA display allows for crisp and clear viewing of your data.

With the GeoXH handheld you have the flexibility to work exactly the way you want to. The
handheld is powered by the industry-standard Windows Mobile® version 6 operating system, so
you can choose a software solution designed for your field requirements, whether off-the-shelf or
purpose-built. And you can use the built-in wireless LAN connection to access your
organization’s secure network and get the most up-to-date information. You can also wirelessly
connect to other devices such as Bluetooth-enabled laser rangefinders and barcode scanners for
convenient cable-free solutions that keep you productive in the field. Cellular connectivity can be
added to the GeoXH handheld via the TDL 3G cellular modem connecting via wireless LAN or
Bluetooth, the TDL 3G provides continuous network/internet access to real-time map data, web-
based services, VRS™ corrections, and live update of field information.

Rugged design and powerful functionality are the hallmarks of the GeoExplorer series. When
accuracy is critical, the GeoXH handheld delivers—with unprecedented efficiency and
reliability, when and where you need it.

Key Features:
* Real-time H-Star technology for decimeter (10 cm / 4 inch) to subfoot (<30 cm) accuracy in
the field
* High-resolution VGA display for crisp and clear map viewing
* Bluetooth and wireless LAN connectivity options
* 1 GB onboard storage plus SD slot for removable storage cards
* Windows Mobile version 6 operating system
* Rugged handheld with all-day battery

GPS Pathfinder ProXH Receiver

Price U$D 14.000

Fully integrated Bluetooth GPS receiver with H-Star technology for subfoot accuracy

The GPS Pathfinder® ProXH™ receiver introduces a new era in GPS for GIS data collection. A
GPS receiver, antenna, and all-day battery in one, the ProXH receiver delivers subfoot (<30 cm)
accuracy with the revolutionary Trimble H-Star™ technology. And when high accuracy is
critical to your application, add a Tornado™ antenna to your ProXH receiver for decimeter (10
cm / 4 inch) postprocessed accuracy.

Bringing together advanced GPS receiver design and a powerful new postprocessing engine, H-
Star technology is in a class of its own. Working together with the Trimble TerraSync™
software, Trimble® GPScorrect™ extension for ESRI ArcPad software, or an application built
with the GPS Pathfinder Tools Software Development Kit (SDK), the ProXH receiver quickly
and efficiently logs the data you need to achieve subfoot accuracy. Back in the office, the GPS
Pathfinder Office software or the Trimble GPS Analyst™ extension for ESRI ArcGIS Desktop
software guides you through the H-Star correction process and displays the accuracy you’ve

The all-in-one design of the ProXH receiver means it’s simple to set up and easy to use. With a
Bluetooth® wireless connection you’re cable free between the ProXH receiver and your field
computer. The receiver has an integrated battery, good for a full day’s work; simply charge the
battery overnight and you’re ready to go again. The ProXH receiver will last the distance, and
with a rugged, waterproof casing that’s built to work where you work.

You can choose a field computer to suit your workflow. The ProXH receiver is ready to use with
a variety of field computers, including laptops, Tablet PCs and PDAs, and of course Trimble’s
own rugged handhelds: the Trimble Recon® and Trimble Ranger™ handhelds.

When accuracy is critical for your GIS, the ProXH receiver delivers reliable subfoot performance
with greater consistency at longer baselines, in tougher environments, and with shorter
occupations. Field workers will love the convenience of its compact, cable-free design and the
ability to collect high accuracy data quickly and efficiently. With the GPS Pathfinder ProXH
receiver, you don’t have to choose between productivity and precision—you can have it all!

Key features:
* H-Star technology for subfoot (<30 cm) postprocessed accuracy
* Optional Tornado antenna for decimeter (10 cm / 4 inch) postprocessed accuracy
* Receiver, antenna, and battery in one compact unit
* Bluetooth wireless technology for convenient cable-free operation
* Rugged and weatherproof for all conditions
* User-replaceable battery that lasts all day
* Choice of field device and field software to suit your workflow

Magellan® Triton™ 1500

Price U$D 580

Amazingly easy to use, the Triton 1500 reinvents handheld GPS. A large, 2.7″ color touch screen
makes it easy to navigate the simple, intuitive menus and control navigation features with a
Use our exclusive VantagePoint™ software to easily manage and upload detailed maps, user
generated content, updates and upgrades on your PC. View saved routes and tracks. Customize
them for future trips or create new ones.

SD-card compatibility makes it easy to expand your navigation capabilities by adding detailed
maps and applications. Upload optional detailed topographic maps, marine cartography, and
other applications to find your way on all your outdoor adventures. Plus, Triton is the first
handheld GPS to offer compatibility with National Geographic TOPO! State series and Weekend
Explorer 3D maps. These highly detailed nation-wide topographic maps based on USGS
1:24.000 series quads, offer seamless scalability, multi-layer overlays and much more.

Record audio notes for waypoints and play them back with the built-in microphone and speaker.
A powerful, low battery consumption LED flashlight helps you find your way in the dark: an
invaluable tool for camping and other outdoor recreation.

Triton is designed for precision navigation, offering the fastest GPS positioning acquisition in the
industry with the SiRFstarIII™ chipset. An integrated high-sensitivity antenna provides reliable
signal reception even in heavy cloud cover, canyons or deep woods. Built-in signal augmentation
reception (WAAS/EGNOS) provides 3-meter accuracy.

Rugged and waterproof, your Triton is built to withstand intense use, accidental impact and
immersion in one meter of water for up to 30 minutes (IPX-7). It’s ready to guide you across any
terrain in the great outdoors.

Touch-screen technology makes it easy to use all the advanced features. View the elevation
profile for the trail ahead (or any route) or even the track you just traveled. See the precise time
of sunrise/sunset any day of the year. Get a calculation of the best hunting and fishing time. And
much more.

Triton is built on the experience of GPS users and nearly 20 years of precision positioning
technology from Magellan: the first name in navigation.

# 2.7″ color touch screen control – The latest touch-screen technology is built in to the large
brilliant color display. Control navigation and advanced features with a touch

# Amazing ease-of-use – Reinventing handheld GPS™, simple menus, instant access buttons,
intuitive keypad and crystal clear graphics let you navigate without the need for a Ph.D.

# Voice recorder – Microphone and speaker enable you to record audio notes for waypoints to
share with friends and family or easily find your way back next time

# Flashlight – Light your way with a powerful LED flashlight. Low power consumption helps
maximize battery life.

# SD-card expansion – Use your own SD memory cards to upload unlimited detailed maps
# Built-in maps – Basemap of the 48 contiguous United States, Alaska, and Canada (major
highways, city centers, bodies of water and more) plus worldwide geographic boundaries

# Add detailed maps – Upload optional marine cartography, topographic maps, and more,
including the highly-detailed and feature-packed National Geographic TOPO! State series and
Weekend Explorer 3D maps to your OWN SD cards

# Compass screen – See your direction of travel, distance and position of destination, heading,
bearing, speed and more on the beautiful graphic compass

# 3-meter accuracy – SiRFstarIII™ chipset and integrated multidirectional antennae offer

superior GPS accuracy using the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)

# Digital music player – Upload your digital music to the available memory or own SD card and
enjoy a customized soundtrack as you explore. Plug in any standard headphones for clear private

# External antenna connector – Simply plug in an external antenna in your boat or off-road
vehicle for enhanced GPS signal reception

# Audio jack – Plug in any standard 1/8″ headphones to enjoy clear private listening of your
digital music, voice notes and other recordings

EPOCH 10 GPS System


Price U$D 13.000

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