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Di era globalisasi dan pasar bebas merupakan salah

satu prasyarat yang ditetapkan dalam hubungan
ekonomi perdagangan barang dan jasa antar negara
yang harus . dipenuhi oleh seluruh negara anggota,
termasuk Indonesia
K3 laboratorium merupakan bagian dari pengelolaan
laboratorium secara keseluruhan. Laboratorium
melakukan berbagai tindakan dan kegiatan terutama
yang berhubungan dengan spesimen yang berasal
dari manusia maupun bukan manusia.
Sarana dan prasarana K3 laboratorium umum yang
perlu disiapkan di laboratorium adalah:

a. Jas laboratorium sesuai standar.

b. Sarung tangan.
c. Masker.
d. Alas kaki/sepatu tertutup.
e. Wastafel yang dilengkapi dengan sabun (skin
disinfectant) dan air mengalir.
f. Eye wash station
f. Lemari asam, dilengkapi dengan exhaust ventilation
g. Pipetting aid, rubber bulb.
h. Kontainer khusus untuk insenerasi jarum,
i. Pemancur air (emergency shower)
j. Kabinet keamanan biologis
Pengamanan pada keadaan darurat

a. Sistem tanda bahaya.

b. Sistem evakuasi.
c. Perlengkapan (P3K).
d. Alat komunikasi darurat
e. Sistem informasi darurat.
f. Pelatihan khusus berkala tentang penanganan
keadaan darurat
g. Alat pemadam
h. Alat seperti kampak, palu, obeng, tangga dan tali.
i. Nomor telepon ambulan, pemadam kebakaran dan di
setiap ruang laboratorium


Kecelakaan di laboratorium dapat berbentuk 2 jenis

yaitu :
1. Kecelakaan medis, jika yang menjadi korban pasien
2. Kecelakaan kerja, jika yang menjadi korban petugas
laboratorium itu sendiri
Penyebab kecelakaan kerja dapat dibagi dalam
kelompok :
1. Kondisi berbahaya (unsafe condition), yaitu kondisi
yang tidak aman dari:
a. Mesin, peralatan, bahan dan lain-lain
b. Lingkungan kerja
c. Proses kerja
d. Sifat pekerjaan
e. Cara kerja
2. Perbuatan berbahaya (unsafe act), yaitu perbuatan
berbahaya dari manusia, yang dapat terjadi antara
lain karena:

a. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan

b. Cacat tubuh yang tidak kentara (bodily defect)
c. Keletihanan dan kelemahan daya tahan tubuh.
d. Sikap dan perilaku kerja yang tidak baik
B. Penyakit Akibat Kerja & Penyakit Akibat
Hubungan Kerja di laboratorium

Who is responsible for safety in laboratories clinics

and hospitals participating in clinical trials

 Membuat kebijakan
 Perencanaan keselamatan dan SOP
 Kontrol cara kerja dan peralatan
 Perlengkapan pemadam kebakaran
seperti APAR
 Pelatihan
 Mengetahui kebijakan
dan prosedur
 Mematuhi kebijakan dan
prosedur keselamatan
 Melaporkan kondisi
tidak aman pada
petugas K3RS

Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility!

Komponen progran keselamatan

 Fire safety

 Chemical Safety

 Bloodborne Pathogens
Pengamanan kebakaran

What should you do in case of a fire ?

Remember the acronym – RACE

Rescue – any people in danger

Alarm – activate the fire alarm
Contain – the fire by closing doors and windows
Extinguish – the fire if it is small enough
Fire Safety
How do you operate a fire extinguisher?

Remember PASS

 Pull - the pin

 Aim – at the base of the Fire
 Squeeze - the handle
 Sweep - to cover the fire
Fire Safety
Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers should be visually inspected on a monthly basis. The
inspection should assure that Fire extinguishers are:
 In their assigned place
 Not blocked or hidden
 Pressure gauges show adequate pressure
 Pins and seals are in place
 No signs of damage
 The nozzles are free of blockages

Chemical Safety

How Do Chemicals enter the body?

 Inhalation – breathing in (e.g. powders, fumes)

 Absorption – on skin or mucus membranes
 Ingestion – entry through the mouth
 Injection - through skin by foreign body
Chemical Safety

Examples of Chemical Hazards

 Carcinogens – cancer
 Corrosives –burns
 Hepatotoxins –liver damage
 Mutagens-damage genetic materials in cells
 Nephrotoxins – Kidney damage
 Neurotoxins – damage to the nervous system
 Tertatogens – birth defects
Chemical Safety

How can you obtain information about

the Chemicals you use?
Chemical Safety

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

The following Data Can be found on MSDS sheets……….
Name of Chemical
Physical Characteristics and hazards
Health information
First Aid required if there is a spill or exposure
Date of most recent update

Chemical Safety
MSDS Sheets Continued……….
 Need to check for updates annually
 Highlight the name of the chemical and the first aid
section for easy access in an emergency
 Organize in alphabetical order
 Must be available to everyone all of the time
 The internet is also a good way to access MSDS sheets
 Instrument manufacturers usually have MSDS sheets
available on their websites.
Chemical Safety
What should you do if there is a chemical spill?
Avoid the Chemical
Find the MSDS
Chemical Safety
Chemical Exposures
First AID
Flush with plenty of water
 For at least 15 minutes
 Remove contaminated clothing

Seek medical Attention

Document incident
Chemical Safety

Managing Chemicals in the Laboratory

Hazard Communication
MSDS Updates
Acids and Bases in separate approved cabinets
Spill kits available
SAFETY – Waste Disposal

Tips for safe disposal of laboratory waste:

Place all sharps in approved sharps containers

Use goggles or full face shields to protect mucus
membranes from splashes when disposing of liquid
waste or specimen tubes.
Refer to MSDS sheets for information on the safe
disposal of chemicals
Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne Pathogens
Bloodborne Pathogens

PPE Continued…….
How much PPE should you use?

Wear as much or as little as you anticipate you will

need to prevent blood and other infectious
materials from contact with your skin, mucus
membranes and clothing.
Blood borne Pathogens

General Safety Rules

Handle sharps with care:
 Do not recap needles or other sharps
 Do not bend or break off needles
 Dispose of sharps in puncture resistant containers
DO Not:
Eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, take medication in areas
where you are working with blood and other body fluids
Bloodborne Pathogens

What should you do if there is a blood or body fluid

exposure ?
 Follow the post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) plan
 Wash puncture wounds with soap and water
 Flush affected mucus membranes with water
 Inform Safety Officer or administrative staff member
 Seek medical attention
 Complete an incident report form
Bloodborne Pathogens

Hand Washing

A basic but very important method of reducing your

risk of infection.
Eye wash station
Laboratory Safety

Questions and Comments


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