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(A Correlation Study to the Eleventh Grade of Smk Bina Karya Kabupaten
Tangerang in Academic Year 2019-2020)

Presented to the English Language Education of Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education of Universitas Islam Syekh – Yusuf Tangerang as the Fulfillment of
Requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
(Strata 1 Degree)







Advisors Signature Date

1. Drs. Agus Mulyana, MA ……………… ……………….

(Advisor 1)

2. Tenia Ramalia, S.Pd., M.Pd ……………… ……………….

(Advisor 2)

Tangerang, ……………………2019

Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training Chief of English Department Faculty of

and Education Islamic University of Teacher Training and Education Islamic
Syekh Yusuf Tangerang University of Syekh Yusuf Tangerang

Dr. Khusaini, S.Pd, M.SE Imam Sudarmaji, S.Pd, M.Pd


Pada hari:
Nama : Furqon Nazali
Nim : 140502005
Progrm Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

No Nama Penguji Tanda Tangan

Ketua Program Studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Imam Sudarmaji, S.Pd., MPd

NIK: 410530293



Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Furqon Nazali
NIM : 1405020045
Fakultas : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Judul Skripsi : “The Correlation between Students’ Reading Habit and
Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text at Eleventh Grade
Of SMK Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang in Academic Year

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi yang saya susun sebagai

pesyaratan untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana dari program studi Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilm Pendidikan Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf
Tangerang merupakan hasil karya saya sendiri yang didapatkan melalui
pembimbing, peneltian, diskusi, dan pemaparan atau ujian. Dari sepanjang
sepengetahuan saya, tidak berisi materi yang ditulis orang lain kecuali bagian-
bagian yang saya kutip sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti tata cara dan etika
penulisan karya imiah yang lazim. Apabila ternyata terbukti tidak benar, hal ini
sepenuhnya sebagai tanggung jawab saya.

Tangerang, 13 September 2019

Yang Menyatakan,

Furqon Nazali


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all prises to be Allah SWT, The Most

Gracious, The Most Merciful. Because of Allah SWT, I could finish my Mini-

Thesis. Sholawat and Salam always be given to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, his

family, his companion and his followers.

This research entitled “The Correlation Between Students’ Reading Habit

and Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Text at Eleventh Grade of SMK Bina

Karya Kab. Tangerang in Academic Year 2019/2020” is written as a Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirement of the attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree at

English Language Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the

University of Syekh Yusuf Tangerang.

This study has been greatly improved by comments, critiques, and

information and supports from many people. In this opportunity the researcher also

would like to give specialist gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Mustafa Kamil,Dip RSL, M.Pd, the Rector of Syekh Yusuf

Islamic University, Tangerang.

2. Dr. Khusaini,S.Pd., M.SE the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education Syekh Yusuf Islamic University Tangerang.

3. Imam Sudarmaji, S.Pd, M.Pd the Chief of English Language Education

Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Syekh Yusuf

Islamic University Tangerang.


4. Drs. Agus Mulyana, MA as first Advisors who has spared his busy time for

the researcher to give advice, guidance, kindness, contributions and patience

in correcting and helping me to finish writing this paper.

5. Tenia Ramalia, S.Pd., M.Pd as seconds Advisors who has kindly and

patently given her valuable guidance, suggestion, advice and correction to

finish this paper.

6. All lecturers at English Department of Faculty Teacher Training and

Education, Islamic University of Syekh Yusuf Tangerang

7. My beloved parents Akhmad Mujamil and Wasriyati and who always pray

for me and support in various endeavor and moral encouragement to finish

this paper.

8. Thank you for my friends for the support and sharing, helping and nice

cooperation in UNIS Tangerang, BEM FKIP, Association of English

Education Student, Komunitas Baca tangerang, and in Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education.

Hopefully, this research can be advantageous contribution for all developing

critics, advice and suggestion are always welcome for better result of this mini


Tangerang, 13 September 2019

The researcher

Furqon Nazali


The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between students’

reading habit (X) and their writing ability in narrative text (Y) at eleventh grade
of SMK Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang in academic year 2019/2020. There were
30 students taken as the sample of this study who were determined by using
random sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed by using Pearson
Product Moment Correlation and the instruments used were students’ writing
test and questionnaire of students’ reading habit. Subsequently, the research
finding indicated that there is low correlation between students’ reading habit
and their writing ability in narrative text. It is considered that alternative
hypothesis (Ha) in this research is rejected and the null hypothesis (Ho) which
stated that there is correlation between students’ reading habit and their writing
is accepted. In conclusion, the result of hypothesis test between students’ reading
habit and writing ability in narrative text of the eleventh grade at SMK Bina
Karya Kab. Tangerang shows a positive correlation. There is low correlation
between students’ reading habit and their writing ability in narrative text at SMK
Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang with r-coef=0,213. However, students should
improve the way of study, use perfectly time, and had good habit to read English
book. In writing, students are very suggested to read a book. In order the students
familiar with conversational English language support.



APPROVAL SHEET ..............................................................................................i

BUKTI PENGESAHAN ....................................................................................... ii
AUTHENTICITY SHEET .................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................1
A. Background of the Study ............................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ......................................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem.............................................................................. 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ........................................................................... 6

E. Objective of the Research .............................................................................. 6

F. Significance of the Study ............................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II ..........................................................................................................7
A. Theoretical Description ................................................................................. 7

1. Writing Ability .......................................................................................... 7

2. Narrative Text ......................................................................................... 14

3. Reading Habit ......................................................................................... 15

B. Review of the Previuos Research ................................................................ 17

C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................ 19

D. Hypothesis ................................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER III.......................................................................................................20
A. Time and Place of the Research................................................................... 20

B. Research Design .......................................................................................... 21

C. Population and Sample ................................................................................ 21

D. Research Instruments ................................................................................... 21


E. Technique of Collecting Data ...................................................................... 31

F. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................ 33

G. Statistical Hypotheses .................................................................................. 37

CHAPTER IV .......................................................................................................38
A. Description of Data ...................................................................................... 38

B. The Test of the Analysis Assumtions .......................................................... 41

C. Testing of the Research Hypotheses and Discussions ................................. 42

D. Discussions .................................................................................................. 44

E. Research Weaknesses .................................................................................. 45

CHAFTER V.........................................................................................................46
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 46

B. Suggestions .................................................................................................. 46

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................ 47
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................49
Appendix 1 ....................................................................................................... 49

Appendix 2 ....................................................................................................... 54

Appendix 3 ....................................................................................................... 59

Appendix 4 ....................................................................................................... 60

Appendix 5 ....................................................................................................... 61


A. Background of the Study

Language allows us to communicate with one another and every human
communicates with others using language. We need language to express our
thoughts to one another in spoken form and in written form to communicate.
According to Sugono et al. (2008) there are two definitions of language. First,
language is a system of arbitrary and conventional sound symbols which is used
as a communication tool to show feelings and ideas. Second, language is the
speech which is used by a community (ethnic, nation, region, etc.). In another
word, language is a system of sound symbols represents human feeling and idea
that is approved and used by a group of people as communication tool.
One of famous languages that is used over the world is English. English
language is an example for the importance of a language because it is an
international language. English has become the most important language to
people in many parts of the world. It is the most used language in communicating
around the world. It is spoken as the first language in many countries. However,
English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine,
engineering and business. Why is English the global language, and not the other
language? According to Crystal (2003) there are two answers to the question:
one is geographical-historical; the other is socio-cultural.
Learning English is very necessary because of some reasons based on the
world fact. The first, English used by a large number of countries. When people
visit other country or meet foreign person from other countries, it possible that
they will use English to communicate. The second, English is dominant business
language, so that the people who enter a global workforce are a necessary to
speak English. The third, many world’s top movies, books, music, and literatures
are published in English. It has been proved by the international books, sciences,
newspapers, movies, song lyrics and technologies mostly used English as the
standard language. The last, many companies around the world, even in
Indonesia, require that their employees speak English. In some cases, these


companies are requiring their workers to only use English. Therefore, English is
necessary to be learned and mastered.
In Indonesia, English is also taught in elementary school to university
level. English is taught in Indonesia as a foreign language. It can be seen that
English is the only one foreign language that is tested in National Examination.
It can be concluded that English get more attention in Indonesia as a foreign
language. In Indonesia, English becomes an important foreign language. Indeed,
according to Hamra (2010) English is the first foreign language in Indonesia.
The government has used English in the curriculum for many years.
There are four language skills. Those are listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. When learning new language, the order of acquisition is generally.
Harmer (2004) states that those skills are often divided into two types. First,
receptive skill used for reading and listening, skills where meaning is extracted
from the discourse. Productive skill is the term for speaking and writing, skills
where students actually have to produce language themselves.
In the real life communication, being able to speak English is not enough.
It is because not all communication activities can be held in the form of spoken
language, but also they need written form. Langan (2011) stated that writing can
be used as a means of communication. In the global era, many aspects of life
need writing skill as a part of the requirements. One of the examples which
writing takes an important role is in the educational setting. In the education,
students are expected to be able to write a kind of academic writing. Therefore,
schools should provide their students with sufficient skills which are needed to
face the real world situation with the real language use.
Writing is a method of representing language in visual from through the
sign and symbols. Writing is also one of language skill that is always taught in
school. Writing ability is more complex and difficult than the other skills which
not only require the mastery of linguistic competence such as grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, etc. but also it requires the conceptual
judgment. This is indicated by J. B. Heaton (1988) who state the writing ability
are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of

grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and judgmental

Zhang (2013) argues that to learn a foreign language, it is necessary to
master all of four skills. It is incorrect to suppose that you can listen to others
and read materials in the target language but cannot speak and write in it at all.
Writing is the most difficult skill to learn and to master among those skills above
because writing is productive skill so that students who are learning writing have
to learn how to find ideas, and express them into writing. To learn English as a
foreign language, writing is one of the four language skills that should be
mastered by students. Whatever they are, they must learn the language skill to
master English well include writing.
Even though students have learned writing since elementary school, most
of them still find problem in writing process. Writing becomes an important part
of language teaching, and it has complicated problem for students in Indonesia.
Therefore, English teachers should find a good strategy to make students be able
to write an English letter and moreover enjoy writing English text. However,
Fareed et. al. (2017) stated that it is considered a difficult skill, particularly in
English as a second language (ESL) contexts where students face many
challenges in writing.
Based on the observation with the teacher of SMK Bina Karya Kab.
Tangerang, many of the students got difficulties in writing narrative text. They
often make mistakes in subject-verb agreement, pronouns, tenses, articles,
prepositions and basic sentence structures. Furthermore, when the students write
a narrative text, they often get difficulties in finding a suitable word. Then, the
students were poor in grammatical use in sentences. As the concequence, even
for making a simple paragraph, the students spent much time looking up at their
dictionary to find meaning of words. As a result, most of time of learning writing
in the classroom spent to find the vocabulary items needed. The chart below will
explain about the learning outcome of the students’ scores in writing activity
which still gets the low minimum criteria.


70 67

40 33



The Low Minimum Mastery Criteria
The Upper Minimum Mastery Criteria
Sources: English Teacher Document
Graphic 1.1
Score of daily examination 1st semester of the eleventh grade of SMK Bina
Karya Kab. Tangerang in academic year 2019/2020
Several students find difficult to understand in writing skill is able to see
with the chart above. From the chart above we be able to see from two classes in
the first class X TKR score of the daily test shows that 67% students got The
Low Minimum Mastery Criteria, and only 33% students got The Upper
Minimum Mastery Criteria. In the other class the chart shows that the score is
not much different. X MP got 60% students The Low Minimum Mastery
Criteria, and only 40% students who got The Upper Minimum Mastery Criteria.
In writing process student can be affected by the text they have read and
their reading activities because there were kinds of genre in every text, also many
new vocabularies and structure that can be used as examples to write a text. By
reading, they will find much knowledge, many vocabularies and so on. In
another hand, the students have to realize why they must grow reading interest
to reach reading habit through the reasons why they must read. For the student’s
future, reading could be the fundamental skill when they communicate to
international people. Students are demanded to have abilities to understand many
kinds of texts such as recounts, descriptive texts, narrative text etc. They are also

expected to be able to get the message of those kinds of texts. According to

Harmer (2007) reading is the most complex and difficult skill students should
master at school. Students need to learn English to get more knowledge of
vocabulary because it is helpful to speak English very well. Therefore, reading
ability became very important because the success of students in studying
depend on the greater part of their ability to read. The important of English
related to the position of English in Indonesia as a foreign language.
From the description above, it can be seen clearly that reading habit could
give impact to writing ability. Theoretically, if the students have a good reading
habit, their writing ability is also good. Writing ability is part of English that
must be mastered by students. The researcher put on interest to study whether
there is a positive correlation between reading habit and writing ability. Based
on the explanation above, the researcher conducted a study entitled THE
Study to the Eleventh Grade Students SMK Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang in
the Academic Year 2019/2020).

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the researcher found some problems
that can be identified. The problems are as follow;
1. Many students in SMK Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang that claim writing
English is difficult activity.
2. Students do not have rich vocabulary when writing English text.
3. Some students often make mistakes in subject-verb agreement, pronouns,
tenses, articles, prepositions and basic sentence structures.

C. Limitation of the Problem

This study will discuss about the correlation between reading habit amd
writing ability. The researcher limits the writing ability only on writing narrative
text that will be discussed in this research. The researcher limits reading habit
only on reading English text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem and the limitation of the
problem, the problem statement can be formulated as follows:
1. Is there any correlation between students’ reading habit and students’
writing ability in narrative text?

E. Objective of the Research

In line with the statement of the problem above, the objective of this study
is to get empirical evidence whether or not there is significant positive
correlation between reading habit and writing ability of the eleventh grade
students SMK Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang in academic year 2019/2020.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to give some benefits theoretically and
also practically. Both benefits as follow:
1. Theoretical benefit, this study is expected to contribute the larger body of
English education knowledge in translation ability and reading habit,
especially in relation to the writing descriptive text.
2. Practical benefit, this study has benefit for the students, English teacher, and
the other researchers. Those benefits as follow:
a. For the students, the result of this study to give information about
the importance of translation ability, reading habit and writing
b. For English teachers, the result of the study can be used as input for
English teachers to motivate their students to get satisfying
comprehension in writing English text by having translation ability
and reading habit.
c. For the other researchers, the result of the study can be used as
information for others who want to study further, especially in
English education to know the other factors affecting English writing


A. Theoretical Description
1. Writing Ability
a. Definition of writing
Peter T. Daniels & William Bright (1996) stated that writing is the
representation of language in a textual medium through the use of a set of
signs or symbols known as a writing system. It means that writing is process
to convey an idea or thought by using text. Writing is an activity that can be
useful in our daily life. According to Douna et al. (2015), we can study and
get or share information by writing. Besides writing the other skills such as
listening, speaking, and reading are also influential because sometime the
researcher will be need the contribution with other skills to improve and for
getting the good ideas and topic.
Writing is a way communicative effectively. According to Khalid et
al. (2014) people must constantly adjust their speech to suit their purpose
and audience. In another expert, according to Ruane & Chappell (2018),
writing is one part important in communication especially in education,
because ideally that will be activities and objective in the classroom for
students to answer assessment.
Rusmajadi (2010) stated that writing is the complex process when the
researcher explores any ideas and thoughts then compounds them into the
concrete one. The researcher can add or remove some idea and thought then
arrange them into written form. Harmer (2007) mentioned that writing
involve planning what we are going to write. First, drafting it. Then
reviewing and editing what we have written and producing a final version.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing is creating
and arranging text form of the ideas, thoughts, or messages in order to
convey it effectively.


b. Process of writing
Brown (1989) stated that there were three stages of writing process.
Those are preparing, drafting, and revising.

1) Preparing to write
Most writing need some preparations. The preparation is the first
stage of writing process. What will the researchers do in writing depends
on the target reader, writing purpose, writing content, and writing
situation. For example, writing a short message to the friend requires
different preparation with writing an application letter. The steps will do
in this stage are as follow:
a) Brainstorming: Searching for the idea or topic
b) Searching and reading the knowledge references related to the topic
if the researcher did not know already.
c) Speed writing or timed writing: write as much as the researchers
can possibly about the topic in the limit of time.
d) Asking the ‘WH’ questions related to the topic.
e) Getting the ideas into order

2) Drafting
The drafting stage is where the researchers really begin to write.
The most important thing here is to get words onto paper (file work sheet
if the researcher do not plan to print the writing result). This is the time
for researchers to get down their ideas and thoughts, composing drafts
based upon preparing activities. As they compose, researchers begin to
determine what to include or exclude, and mark decisions about how
these ideas will be organized.
To produce a first draft, the researchers record their ideas rapidly
in order to capture the essence of what they have to say. They do not have
to make any attempt to revise or edit at this point. They focus on talking
to the reader and begin to develop a personal style as they owned. Then,

to write subsequent drafts, the researchers often accomplish their work

by removing, adding, and rearranging ideas directly on the page.

3) Revising
The revising stage is where the researchers check that they have
said what they wanted to say and they have said in a clear and appropriate
way. Before begin revising the draft, think about these points:
a) Revising is the most important stage in the writing process.
b) It involves checking that content and purpose are clear and
appropriate for your reader, in the particular writing situation.
c) It is not just a matter of checking spelling, punctuation and
grammar, but also involves arranging, changing, adding, and
omitting words.
When revising, the researchers can make some change on their
writing. Some changes which are might made when revising, as follow:
a) Change the order of parts to make the content or purpose clearer.
b) Add and remove parts.
c) Said a same thing in different way.
d) Replace one word with the more appropriate one.
e) Combine the sentences by removing unnecessary words or phrases.
f) Shorten the very long sentence into two or three shorter one.
g) Change parts which are inappropriate for the situation, the purpose
or the target reader.
h) Correct the grammar and spelling.
i) Correct the punctuation.
Then, in reflecting their own writing, the researchers can make
conference with self, peers, friends, teacher, expert, or sample of target
readers. Through conferencing, they can obtain constructive feedback
and support to help them write more perfect and effective writing.

c. Types of writing
Determining the type of writing needs to do. It will help to determine
topic, purpose, style and tone of writing. According to Jeffrey (2016), there
are four types of writing as follow:

1) Narrative
Narrative writing is the type of writing that tells a story. Though it is
most commonly used when the students are asked to write a personal
essay. This type of writing can also be used for fictional stories, plays
or even plot summarizations of a story the students have read or
intends to write. Narrative writing typically uses the first person ( I )
or sometimes the third person (She, He, They).
2) Descriptive
Descriptive writing is used to create a vivid picture of an idea, place
or person. It is much like painting with words. It focuses on one
subject and uses specific detail to describe that upon which the
students are focused. For example, if the students are asked to write
about his favorite ride at an amusement park, their writing will not
only tell the name of the ride and what it looks like, but also describe
the sensation of being on it and what that experience reminds them of.
3) Expository
Expository writing is to-the-point and factual. This category of writing
includes definitions, instructions, directions and other basic
comparisons and clarifications. Expository writing is devoid of
descriptive detail and opinion.
4) Persuasive
Persuasive writing is a more sophisticated type of writing. It can be
thought of as a debate in writing. The idea is to express an opinion or
to take a stance about something and then to support that opinion in a
way that convinces the reader to see it the same way. Persuasive
writing is often in essay form, contains an explanation of the other

point of view and uses facts and/or statistics to disprove that view and
support the opinion.

d. Assessing writing
Generally, assessment is considered as the gathering of information
about students learning. Huba & Freed (2000) said that Assessment is the
process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse
sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know,
understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational
experiences; the process culminates when assessment results are used to
improve subsequent learning.
Assessment of student writing is a process. Assessment of student
writing and performance in the class should occur at many different stages
throughout the course and could come in many different forms. Ferdilyn
(2004) made scoring rubric to evaluating writing text, as follow:

Table 2.1 The Scoring Rubric of Writing

Score Criteria Comment
30-27 substantive development
very good
of text
Good Sure knowledge of
average subject, Adequate range.
Limited knowledge of
21-17 Fair poor
subject, Little substance.
Does not show
16-13 Very poor knowledge of subject,
Non substantive.
Fluent expression, Ideas,
ORGANIZATION 20-18 to very
clearly stated/supported

Somewhat choppy,
17-14 Loosely organization but
main ideas stand out.
Non fluent, ideas,
13-10 Fair poor
confused of disconnected
Does not communicate,
9-7 Very poor
No organization
Excellent Sophisticated range,
20-18 to very effective word/idiom
good choice
Adequate range,
17-14 Occasional errors of
word/idiom form
Limited range, Frequent
13-10 Fair poor errors of word/idiom
form, choice, and usage
Essentially translation,
9-7 Very poor Little knowledge of
English vocabulary
Effective complex
25-22 to very
Good Effective but simple
average construction
Major problem in
17-11 Fair poor simple/complex
Virtually mastery of
10-5 Very poor
sentence construction rule

Demonstrates mastery of
5 to very
Occasional errors
spelling, punctuation,
4 capitalization,
paragraphing but
meaning not obscured
Frequent errors of
3 Fair poor spelling, punctuation,
No mastery of
2 Very poor conventions, Dominated
by errors of spelling

Table 2.2 Scoring Writing

No. Aspect witch are scored Max score
1 Content 30
2 Organization 20
3 Vocabulary 20
4 Language use 25
5 Mechanics 5
Total 100

e. Micro and Macro Writing Skill

Brown (2010) has summarized all those aspects into two main skills;
they are the micro skills and macro skills of writing. Later they can be used
in teaching writing as well as assessing writing. Those skills are described
as follows:
1) Micro skills:
a) Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English.
b) Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

c) Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word

order patterns.
d) Use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement,
pluralization), patterns, and rules.
e) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.
f) Use cohesive devices in written discourse.

2) Macro skills
a) Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse.
b) Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of
written texts according to form and purpose.
c) Convey links and connections between events, and
communicative such relations as main idea, supporting idea,
new information, given information, generalization, and
d) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings of writing.
e) Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of
the written text.
f) Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as
accurately assessing audience's interpretation, using prewriting
devices, writing with fluency in the first drafts, using
paraphrases and synonyms, soliciting peer and instructor
feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing.

2. Narrative Text
Narrative is a text which tells a story using a series of events. Its social
function is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious
experience in different ways Gerot (1994). Narrative deals with problematic
events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn
finds a resolution.

Narrative text consists of three major parts. There are:

a) Orientation
The researcher sets the scene and introduces the participants.
b) Complication
This is the part where a crisis arises.
c) Resolution
The part when the crisis is resolved.
Narrative text has some language features such as focus on specific
and usually individualized participants, use of material processes, and use
of past tenses. Fairy tales, myths, legends and mystery are the instances of
narrative texts.

3. Reading Habit
a. Definition of Reading Habit
There are some statements in relation to the definition of reading habit.
Deboer et al. (1966) said that reading as an activity which involves
comprehension and interpretation of ideas symbolized by written or printed
language. According to Adulthood et al. (2011) reading is the cognitive
process of understanding speech that is written down. Young children form
basic concepts about the connections between spoken and written words,
leading to word recognition and familiarity with the spelling of words. From
the definitions above, it can be concluded that reading is an active process
of interpreting, comprehending, understanding sign, and letter or symbols
in written form.
Williams (1984) said that reading is a process whereby one looks at
understand what has been written. While, Christine Nuttall (1982) said that
reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed or written symbols. From
both statements, reading can be viewed as interactive activity between the
reader and the text or the medium of print where the reader interacts
dynamically with the text to acquire the message or meaning. In analyze of
reading habit, it is important to emphasize about understanding of habit
because it can help to decide of students reading habit indicator.

b. Indicator of Reading English Text Habit

Cesar et al. (2011) said that there are some indicators of reading habits,
as follows:
1) Attitude toward reading
The reason that the person reports on the attitude and behavioral
cognitive-affective attitude towards reading.
2) Reading frequency
The frequency at which the person reports to read books in their
spare time
3) Books read
The number of books that the person reports having read in the last
three months.
4) Spend time
a) On academic reading
The time that the person reports to devote to reading books on
his or her study subjects.
b) Non-academic reading
The time that the respondent reports to devote to reading books
that are not directly related to the subjects of his or her studies.
5) Motivation
a) In the family environment
The frequency of the person reports on the purchase of books,
recommending books, and reading interest in the family.
b) In the academic environment
The frequency the student reports on the teacher using activities
to promote contact with psychology literature.

B. Review of the Previuos Research

In this thesis, the researcher takes three previous studies from the other
previous thesis as comparison, those are:
The first is from Syarifah (2014) entitled “The Correlation between Students’
Reading Habit and Their Writing Ability in Recount Text”. This study was
conducted in Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang. The respondents of this study
consisted of 30 students. She used test to collect data about students’ Reading Habit.
To analyze the data, the researcher used Pearson Product Moment formula. The
result of the analysis are;
1. The mean of students’ writing score is 81,00.
2. There is significant correlation between grammar mastery and writing
The research journal come from P, Syarfi et al. (2012)entitled “The
Correlation between Reading Comprehension and Writing Narrative Text Ability”.
The researchers used test to collect data about students’ writing and reading ability.
To analyze the data, the researcher used Product Moment formula. The result of the
study is found that coefficient of calculation (0,59) is higher than coefficient of table
in significant level 5% (0,361), so there is significant correlation between Reading
Comprehension and Writing Narrative Text Ability.
The last is coming from Khoirunnisa (2018) entitled “Reading habits and its
effect on academic writing skill: a study of master degree students”. The researchers
used test to collect data about students’ reading habit and academic writing skill.
The result of this study showed that students of master degree program agreed that
reading was a necessity. Thus, to fulfill the necessity, they preferred to read e-
material such as e-book and website.
Table 2.3 Previous Research
No. Title Variables Method Conclusion
rs / Year
1 Syarifah The 1. Reading Quantitati There is
(2014) Correlation Habit ve significant
between 2. Writing Research correlation
Students’ Ability between

Reading Habit Reading

and Their Habit and
Writing writing
Ability in ability.
Recount Text
2 P, Syarfi The 1. Reading Quantitati There is
et al. Correlation Compreh ve significant
(2012) between ension Research correlation
Reading 2. Writing between
Comprehensio Narrative Reading
n and Writing Text Comprehensi
Narrative Text Ability on and
Ability of the Writing
Third Semester Narrative
Students of Text Ability.
English Study
Training and
Faculty of
University of
3 Khoirunni Reading habits 1. Reading Quantitati Students of
sa (2018) and its effect Habit ve master
on academic 2. Writing Research degree
writing skill: a Skill program
study of master agreed that
degree reading was
students a necessity.

C. Conceptual Framework
This study will find out the correlation between students’ reading habit and
students’ writing ability in writing narrative text. The students’ reading habit will
be measured through questionnaire. On the other hand, students’ writing ability will
be measured by conducting written test and scored by writing rubrics. Later, the
result of each test will be correlated each other to prove the hypothesis. Therefore,
the way of thinking for this research can be illustrated as the following figure:

Reading Habit Writing Ability

Questionnaire Writing Test

Correlational Computation


D. Hypothesis
Based on the rational above, the researcher can formulate the hypothesis as
Ha: There is correlation between reading habit and writing ability.
Ho: There is no correlation between reading habit and writing ability in
narrative text.


This chapter explains the methodology of the research including the time
and the place of the study, the technique of the research, the instrument in which
used in the study and the participant of the study. Also, the technique of collecting
data as well as the technique of analyzing data.

A. Time and Place of the Research

The research was conducted in SMA Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang in
academic year 2019/2020. It is located in Jl. Raya Pasar Kemis, Km. 6,5,
Sukamantri, Kec. Pasar Kemis, Kab. Tangerang. The research has been conducted
for seven months from February to August 2019 with the following schedule in
table 3.1.
Table 3.1
Research Schedule
February March April May June July August
No Activities
1 2 3 4 1 234 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 34

1. Preparing the Proposal

2. Revising the Proposal
3. Seminar of Proposal
4. Setting the Instrument
5. Collecting the Data
6. Analyzing the Data
7. Arranging the Thesis
8. Examining the Thesis


B. Research Design
The research design in this study was descriptive quantitative which use
correlational design. It employed to find out and measure the relationship between
two variables covering an independent variable (reading habit) and a dependent
variable (writing skill) by using correlational analysis.
According to Creswell (2012), “A correlation is a statistical test to
determine the tendency or pattern for two or more variables or two set of data to
vary constantly. In the case of two variables it means that two variables share
common variance, or they co-vary together”. This design uses to find out the
relation between two variables or more and to see the influence of each other. In
this case, this design employs to seek the relationship between students’ reading
habit and their writing ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Bina Karya Kab.
Tangerang in academic year of 2019/2020.

C. Population and Sample

The population of this study is eleventh grade students of SMA Bina Karya,
academic year of 2019/2020, and included 60 students from 2 Classes which is XI
TKR and XI MP. From the population, 30 students were chosen as the participants
of this study. The sample of this study were 30 students that had been selected.
The sample determined by using random sampling technique since both
classes have the same level of English competency. In this case, 30 students from
XI TKR and XI MP are selected and being the subjects of this study. In addition,
those students were chosen because they have already learnt narrative writing.

D. Research Instruments
There were two instruments given to the students. The instruments were a
questionnaire about reading habit and a test of narrative writing. Those instruments
were distributed in order to achieve the goal of the study; to find out the correlation
between those variables. Here, is the specific information of the research

1. Reading Habit Questionnaire

The questionnaire were given to the students in order to know students’
reading habit. The questionnaire given asks some questions about reading. The
outline of Reading Habit Questionare based on the theory coming from Appleby &
Nell (2006). It can be seen bellow:
Tabel 3.2
The outline of Reading Habit Questionare

Psychological Theories Question Sub skill Item

1) Reading habit is a 1. Apakah anda membaca Activity 4
repeated performance bacaan yangberbahasa
a) Unthinking routines 2. Apakah anda
that form the bedrock menyediakan waktu 15-30
of everyday life. menituntuk kegiatan
b) Automated response membaca bacaan
disposition that are yangberbahasa Inggris
cued by aspect of the setiap hari?
performance context 3. Apakah anda membaca
(i.e., environment, buku, majalah, koranatau
proceeding actions). bacaan apapun setiap
They are learned hari?
through a process in 4. Apakah anda membaca
which repetition buku sebelumpelajaran
incrementally tunes dimulai?
cognitive processors
in procedural
2) Motivational analysis 5. Ketika anda sedang Affective 6
of reading bosan, apakah
andamenganggap bahwa

A spontaneous membaca menjadi

reading is a salahsatu aktifitas yang
legitimate goal of mengurangi
reading research, kebosanananda?
therefore, is to 6. Apakah anda berfikir
specify the bahwa membaca
motivational bukulebih menyenangkan
structure of this daripada bermain?
complex activity –the 7. Apakah anda menemukan
needs it promises to kesulitan vocabulary/
satisfy and the kosa kata dalam
rewards it mediates. memahami bacaan yang
The reader’s berbahasa inggris?
reinforcement are to 8. Apabila anda menemukan
be found not in the kata-kata sulitdalam
word and phrases of bacaan yang berbahasa
the book, but in the Inggris, apakahanda
cognitive events that mencari hubungan makna
result from the danmenyesuaikan dengan
interaction between konteks kalimat?
book and reader. 9. Apakah anda mencari
buku-buku yang laindari
pengarang yang anda
10. Ketika ingin membaca
buku, apakah
andamembaca cover dan
halaman pertama
untukmenentukkan buku
yang akan anda baca?
3) The Frustation Index 11. Bayangkan anda sedang Affective, 2
berada disebuah hoteldan Activity

This index can be saat ini adalah waktu

seen as an indirect favorit anda
measure of motive untukmembaca, namun
strength to engage in tidak ada satupun
reading habit at the bukubacaan disekitar
inception of reading. anda. Apa yang anda
An uncomfortable rasakan?
feeling of finding a. Mengerikan, merasa
that there is no book tersesat
to read. b. Frustasi
c. Kecewa
d. Tidak Peduli

12. Lalu apa yang akan anda

a. Mencari toko buku dan
membeli buku
b. Bertanya apakah ada
buku yang bisa dibaca
c. Berkeliling
d. Tidak melakukan apa-apa
4) Reading Span 13. Ketika anda menemukan Activity 2
bacaan yang anda sukai,
Itcan be seen as an apakah anda
indirect measure of menyelesaikan bacaan
motive strength tersebut?
during reading. Time 14. Apakah anda membaca
for the reader to beberapa buku sampai
spend in reading. tamat dalam setahun
terakhir ini?
5) Vehicle of Reading 15. Ketika anda menemukan Affective 3
Habit sobekan majalah,headline

koran, atau judul buku

Any kind of reading apakahmenarik minat
matter can serve as membaca anda?
the vehicle for 16. Saat membaca buku
reading habit: a torn apakah anda merasa
scrap of news print, a hanyut dalam cerita dan
magazine, a novel, or ingin
a text book on a segeramenyelesaikannya?
subject that the 17. Apakah anda merasa
reader finds membaca novel
engrossing. The ataucerita nonfiksi
reading of light membuat anda
fiction, most usually ketagihan?
in book form, is of
special interest for at
least three reasons:
(1) fiction reading for
most of the pleasure
readers, (2) the
experience of being
lost in a book, in
absorption or
entrancement, is
most strongly
associated with the
reading of fiction and
of “narrative non-
fiction”, (3) Since the
eighteenth century
the reading of fiction,
unlike the other kinds
of reading, has been

the target of
merciless critical
asceticism and has
ever been regarded as
6) Reading as the form 18. Apakah anda berfikir Affective 3
of play bahwa membaca Activity
a) Pleasure reading is a adalahhal yang Affective
form of play. It is menyenangkan?
free activity standing 19. Apakah anda mengisi
outside ordinary life; waktu luang dengan
it absorbs the players membaca bacaan-bacaan
completely, is hiburan?
unproductive and 20. Pikirkan apa saja yang
takes place within telah anda baca, entahitu
circumscribed limits buku, majalah, koran dsb,
of place and time. apakah
Reading habit is andamendapatkan
therefore a useful kesenangan tersendiri
descriptor of pleasure ketikamembacanya?
reading, reminding
one that it is at root
play activity and
usually paratelic that
is, pursued for its
own sake.
The questionare can be seen in Appendix 1.
Oppenheim (1998) states that the word “questionnaire” is sometimes used
to distinguish a set of questions, including perhaps some open-ended ones; from
more rigidly constructed scales or test. Meanwhile, the scoring system of
questionnaire for reading habit is described as follow:

Table 3.3
Scoring System of Reading Habit Questionnaire
Positive Negative
Option Score Option Score
Statement Statement
Strongly Strongly
A 4 A 1
agree/always agree/always
Agree/often B 3 Agree/often B 2
Disagree/seldom C 2 Disagree/seldom C 3
Strongly Strongly
D 1 D 4
disagree/ never disagree/ never

2. Test of Writing Narrative Text

This test is conducted to find out the students’ writing in narrative text.
There is no specific topic provided, and the participants were freely to create their
own writing and developed into a short narrative text composition. The participants
are asked to write a short composition of narrative text with the length of 200- 250
words in 40 minutes. (See the writing test in appendix 2). The written test of
narrative text is intended to find out students’ writing ability of narrative text. The
text is analyzed based on the social function, generic structure, and significant
lexicogrammatical features.
Then each of text is also analyzed from these three aspects:
a) Format and content
b) Organization and coherence
c) Sentence construction and vocabulary
The analysis is based on the scoring rubric suggested by Hyland (2003) in
his book entitled “Second Language Writing”.

Tabel 3.4
Writing Assessment Rubric

Meaning/Content: the extent to which the assignment exhibits sound

4 3 2 1
elements of
Establishes Few/no
Establishes story
strong story
Story plot/setting/cha structure;
plot/setting/cha structure
Structure racter/pt. of little
racter/pt. of elements
view blending of
view present
dialogue and
characters Some Characters
Characterizati through
through character are not
on dialogue,
dialogue, development developed
narration and
narration and
Development: the extent to which ideas are elaborated, using specific and relevant
Develops ideas Uses
clearly and Develops ideas incomplete
ideas briefly;
Ideas fully; uses a clearly; uses or
uses some
wide range of relevant details undeveloped
relevant details details
Organization: the extent to which the assignment exhibits direction, shape, and
Designing Maintains a Maintains a Establishes Lacks an
Organization clear focus; clear focus; but does not appropriate

exhibits a exhibits a always focus, but

logical, logical maintain an suggests
coherent sequence of appropriate some
structure ideas through focus; some organization
through appropriate inconsistenci
appropriate transitions es in
transitions sequence of
Meets some Meets
Exceeds all Meets all of the few/no
requirements requirements requirements requirement
specified for specified for specified for s specified
this assignment this assignment this for this
assignment assignment
Language Use: the extent to which the assignment reveals an awareness of
audience and purpose
Some use of Little use of
Creative, Assignment concrete concrete
concrete uses concrete language, language,
language; uses language. literary literary
literary devices literary devices devices, and devices or
and rich and sensory sensory sensory
sensory detail detail detail in detail in
assignment assignment
Uses Some Few
sophisticated Effective word effective effective
Word Choice
precise choices word word
vocabulary choices choices
Well-varied Occasional
Good sentence Little
Sentence sentence use of
structure and sentence
Variety structure sentence
variety variety
throughout variety

Evident Some
Unique voice; unsuitable
Voice/Sense of awareness of awareness of
strong sense of voice;
Audience voice and voice and
audience unaware of
audience audience
Conventions: the extent to which the assignments exhibits conventional
grammar/spelling/word usage
Errors Grammatica
Mostly correct occasionally l errors are
Smooth, fluid grammar; inter-fere awkward
error-free errors do not with and interfere
punct./grammar interfere with communicati with
communication on; verb communicat
tense errors ion
Correct Mostly correct Errors in
Spelling and and misused
spelling; error- spelling and spelling and
Word Usage words
free word usage word usage word usage
Incomplete No
MLA heading; MLA heading;
Overall heading; heading/title
unique title; appropriate
assignment average ; no
professional title; neat
presentation title/presenta attention to
presentation presentation
tion presentation

Then the score is classified based on criteria of ability as follows:

Tabel 3.5
Criteria of Writing Ability
Score Criteria of Ability
91–100 Excellent
81–90 Very good
71–80 Good
61–70 Average
51–60 Fair
41–50 Poor
Less than 40 Inadequate
Meanwhile, to validate this scoring scheme, two raters are asked to analyze
the proposed components, as well as the sub-components. Then, they are required
to score the students’ writing by using assessment rubric. The raters are the English
teacher of SMK Bina Karya and the researcher himself.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

Before collecting the data the researcher rechecked to make sure that the
students are ready to be the research participants. The first instrument being
distributed is reading habit questionnaire and continued by writing test.
1. The Steps of Reading Habit Collecting Data
a) Firstly, the participants were asked to fill out the name, date of
birth, grade and students’ number in the answer sheet.
b) The participants were asked to read the direction about how to
answer the questionnaire.
c) The researcher gave some explanation about how to answer the
test. After the participants were ready, the students started the
d) The participants had to answer the questionnaire based on
e) After the participants completed the test, the participants’
answers were scored and the results were analyzed.

2. The Steps of Narrative Writing Test

a) The writing test was conducted in the same day directly after the
participants finished the questionnaire.
b) Firstly, the participants were asked to fill out the name, date of birth,
grade and students’ number in the answer sheet.
c) The participants were asked to read the direction and the scoring
criteria of the test.
d) The participants were free to create the story
e) The students were asked to write narrative text in 40 minutes with
the length of 200-250 words.
f) After the participants finished the writing test, their writings were
scored and the results were analyzed by using assessment rubric.
3. Test of Instrument Validity and Reliability
a) Test of Instrument Validity
Instrument was called to be valid, if the research instrument
used to obtain valid data. So if the instrument was valid, it means the
instrument can be used to measure what should be measured.
Arikunto (2010:211) said that a validity instrument that has high
validity level. On the contrary, an invalid instrument is the
instrument that has low validity level.
The formula was used to calculate the validity of instrument that
has followed:
𝑀𝑝−𝑀𝑡 𝑝
rpbis = √𝑞

Whereas :
rpbis = Coefficient of biserial
Mp = The average score that is bet from the testers’ answers
Mt = Total average score (all test takers)
St = Total Deviation Standard
P = Proportion of test participant who discussed well
q = The proportion of test participants who answered incorrectly

b) Test of Instrument Reliability

Arikunto (2010:221) said that Instrument reliability is a way
of ensuring that any instrument will be used for measuring
experimental variable. If the instrument of research was valid, the
data instrument requires to testing by reliability.
The formula was used for testing reliability as followed:

𝑘 𝑆𝑡²− Ʃ 𝑝𝑖𝑞𝑖
ri = (𝑘−1) { }

Whereas :
k = the number of item in the instrument
pi = the number of subject that answered in the first item
qi = 1-pi
𝑆𝑡² = the total of variants

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After the data of reading habit and narrative writing skills have been
collected, the scores of the two tests are analyzed to determine whether or not there
is correlation between two variables covered in this study. At the end, this analysis
can be useful to examine the truth or false of this study hypotheses. In this study,
the parameter statistic is used to calculate the data. Therefore, as the requirement in
the parameter statistic in correlation research, the linearity and normality of the data
has to be examined first.
1) Test of Linearity
Linearity test aims to determine whether the two variables significantly have
a linear relationship or not. This test is used as a prerequisite in the analysis
of correlation or linear regression. The formula is as follow:

Ŷ=a + bX
Ŷ = Regression line

a = a regression
b = b regression

To find out the regression line, the variance analysis table (ANOVA)
was used in this study.
2) Test of Normality
Testing normality is used to check whether the population has normal
distribution or not Susetyo (2010). The formula is as follow:

a2 =Ʃp-ɸ

a2 = value of amax
Ʃp = sum value of data probability
ɸ = value of Kolmogorov table

To get the ɸ value, the standard score of the data (z) has to be calculated
first with formula:

z = 𝑥−𝑥𝑠
z = standard score
x = students’ score
𝑥 = the mean score
s = standard deviation

After the value of amax is gotten, the value of normality table with
significance 5% is sought. After the value of normality table is found, it
has to be compared with the value of amax to find whether the data has a
normal distribution or not.

3) Test of Correlation Coefficient

To find out the correlation between two variables, Pearson Product Moment
correlation was employed. In addition, the computer software such as

Microsoft Office Excel and SPSS were used to assist the researcher in
analyzing the data of this study. Here, is the formula to find the Pearson
Product Moment correlation coefficient value:

𝑵 ∑ 𝑿𝒀 − (∑ 𝑿 ) (∑ 𝒀)
𝒓𝒙𝒚 =
√[𝑵∑ 𝐗 𝟐 + (∑ 𝐗)𝟐 ] [𝑵∑ 𝐘 𝟐 + (∑ 𝐘)𝟐 ]

The descriptions of the formula above are explained as follow:

𝑟𝑥𝑦 : Correlation coefficient value
N: Number or sum of the participants
∑X: Sum of X score
∑Y: Sum of Y score
∑XY: Sum of the products paired scores

Meanwhile, the hypotheses were analyzed using t-test. The t-test was used
to see the score difference between the two variables: the student’s reading
habit and the student’s skill in narrative text. After getting the result of t-
value, then the t-value was consulted to the t-table to be interpreted. The
t-value was tested using this formula:

𝑟√𝑛 − 2
√1 − 𝑟 2
The descriptions of the formula above are as follow:
t: the t- value
r: Correlation coefficient value
n: Number or sum of the participants

Then, to know how much contribution of the dependent variables to

independent variable, it can be known by this formula:

𝑲𝑷 = 𝒓𝟐 𝐱 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

KP = value of determinant coefficient

r = value of correlation coefficient

Besides, to know the level of correlation of two variables covered (reading

habit and writing skill), the 𝑟𝑥𝑦 can also be interpreted with the table of r
score interpretation as presented by Sugiyono (2007) in the following
Table 3.6
Table of r Score Interpretation
No. The “r” Score Interpretation
1 0.80–1.00 Very high
2 0.60–0.799 High
3 0.40–0.599 Moderate
4 0.20–0.399 Low
5 0.00–0.199 Very low

The Table above represents the interpretation of correlation coefficient

value (𝑟𝑥𝑦 ). If the value of is between 0.90—1.00, it means that the both of
the variables analyzed have very high correlation; while if the score gained
ranges between 0.00—0.19, it can be interpreted that the relationship
between two variables analyzed is very low.

G. Statistical Hypotheses
The non-directional (two-tail) test was used in terms of the statistical
hypotheses, which is presented as follow:
Ho : r = 0 or if 𝑟𝑥𝑦 < rt, Ho is accepted, and H1 is rejected.
H1: r ≠ 0 or if 𝑟𝑥𝑦 > rt, H1 is accepted, Ho and is rejected.
The descriptions of those formulas are as follow:
1) Research hypothesis (H1): There is a significant correlation between students’
reading habit and their narrative writing ability at the eleventh grade of SMA
Bina Karya, academic year of 2019/2020.
2) The null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant correlation between students’
reading habit and their narrative writing ability at the eleventh grade of SMA
Bina Karya, academic year of 2019/2020.


A. Description of Data
In this chapter the researcher will describe the result of the research in the
form of the questionnaire score of students’ reading habit and the test result of
the writing test, in order to find out the correlation between students’ reading
habit and their writing ability in writing narrative text at eleventh grade of SMK
Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang in Academic Year 2019/2020. To know about
correlation between students’ reading habit and their writing ability, the
researcher used the correlation Pearson Product Moment.

1. The Students’ Reading Habit

To get the score of students’ habit on watching English movie, test
was given to the students by Questionnaire. To see the mean score of
students’ habit on watching English movie, the researcher calculated the
data to get the mean score of students’ habit on watching English movie
questionnaire then the objective of the study is to discover whether the
students’ habit on watching English movie at SMK Bina Karya Kab.
Tangerang is high or low in scoring.
The questionnaire contains 18 questions/statements. The findings
showed the total score is 1257 points. The average score is 41,9, the
highest score is 55, and the lowest score is 24.


Table. 4.1
Score of Students’ Reading Habit (X)

No. Res. Score No. Res. Score

S1 47 S18 42
S2 46 S19 46
S3 44 S20 38
S4 39 S21 42
S5 34 S22 46
S6 44 S23 43
S7 42 S24 47
S8 47 S25 33
S9 45 S26 55
S10 47 S27 44
S11 39 S28 45
S12 40 S29 42
S13 39 S30 40
S14 32 ƩN 1285
S15 49 Ave 42,83
S16 44 Min 32
S17 44 Max 55

2. Data Description of Variable Y (Students’ Writing Score)

Based on the result of analyse from English teacher and the
researcher, the highest score was 74 and the lowest score was 53 with
average 63,74.

Table. 4.2
Writing Score (Y)

Conten Organizatio Vocabular Total

No. Resp. Language use Mechanics
t n y (Y)
S1 20 10 13 15 2 60
S2 22 14 14 18 3 71
S3 24 14 12 18 3 71
S4 20 12 12 18 4 66
S5 20 14 14 18 2 68
S6 18 15 15 16 2 66
S7 20 11 11 18 3 63
S8 24 13 13 14 2 66
S9 18 12 10 14 3 57
S10 22 13 13 15 4 67
S11 22 12 12 12 2 60
S12 18 13 13 13 3 60
S13 20 15 15 15 2 67
S14 20 10 12 12 3 57
S15 20 16 16 14 2 68
S16 18 14 14 14 3 63
S17 16 15 15 15 2 63
S18 18 11 11 11 2 53
S19 18 16 15 16 2 67
S20 20 12 12 12 3 59
S21 22 15 14 15 4 70
S22 20 13 13 13 2 61
S23 24 16 15 16 3 74
S24 22 14 10 14 2 62
S25 20 10 10 14 2 56
S26 20 16 10 12 2 60
S27 16 15 15 15 3 64
S28 20 12 14 12 3 61
S29 22 14 12 12 3 63
S30 24 10 10 14 3 61
Total 608 397 385 435 79 1904
Ave 20,27 13,23 12,83 14,50 2,63 63,47

B. The Test of the Analysis Assumtions

1. Test of Normality
To analyze the data above, firstly the researcher used SPSS 22 to the
test normality of the instruments in this research in order to know whether the
students’ reading habit and students’ writing ability came from the distributed
normal population with the significant 5%.

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

X .132 30 .195 .953 30 .206

Y .104 30 .200* .984 30 .928

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

From the table above, the researcher used Shapiro-Wilk because the
respondents in this research were under 50. It can be seen that students’
reading habit and writing test were normally distributed because the values of
significance are 0.206 and 0.928. They are bigger than the value of 5%.

2. Test of Linearity
Linearity is used to know whether the data is linear or not. To test
linearity the researcher used ANOVA test. In analyzing the ANOVA
calculation which the criteria is if the value of Fcount ≤ Ftable the data can be
concluded that the data is linear.

The Test of Linierity

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.

Y * X Between (Combined) 390.933 13 30.072 1.540 .205

Groups Linearity 31.914 1 31.914 1.634 .219

Deviation from
359.019 12 29.918 1.532 .210

Within Groups 312.533 16 19.533

Total 703.467 29

From the table above, it can be seen that students’ reading habit and
their writing test has linear regression because the value of Fcount was found
1.634 and it is lower than Ftable which is 4.20.

C. Testing of the Research Hypotheses and Discussions

1. Testing of the Research Hypotheses
The researcher used the Pearson Product Moment Correlation in
calculation the correlation between students’ reading habit (X variable) and
students’ writing ability in narrative text (Y variable).
Since the data distribution was normal and linear, for the next step, the
researcher used the formula of Product Moment Correlation to know the
correlation coefficient. Before doing calculation, the data were described such
as follow:

No. Resp. X Y XY X2 Y2
S1 47 60 2820 2209 3600
S2 46 71 3266 2116 5041
S3 44 71 3124 1936 5041
S4 39 66 2574 1521 4356
S5 34 68 2312 1156 4624
S6 44 66 2904 1936 4356
S7 42 63 2646 1764 3969
S8 47 66 3102 2209 4356
S9 45 57 2565 2025 3249
S10 47 67 3149 2209 4489
S11 39 60 2340 1521 3600
S12 40 60 2400 1600 3600
S13 39 67 2613 1521 4489
S14 32 57 1824 1024 3249
S15 49 68 3332 2401 4624
S16 44 63 2772 1936 3969
S17 44 63 2772 1936 3969
S18 42 53 2226 1764 2809
S19 46 67 3082 2116 4489
S20 38 59 2242 1444 3481
S21 42 70 2940 1764 4900
S22 46 61 2806 2116 3721
S23 43 74 3182 1849 5476
S24 47 62 2914 2209 3844
S25 33 56 1848 1089 3136
S26 55 60 3300 3025 3600
S27 44 64 2816 1936 4096
S28 45 61 2745 2025 3721
S29 42 63 2646 1764 3969
S30 40 61 2440 1600 3721
ƩN=30 ƩX=1285 ƩY=1904 ƩXY=81702 ƩX =55721 ƩY =121544
2 2

The researcher used SPSS 22 to make sure the result. The calculation
of SPSS was described as follow:

Correlation Table

Reading Habit Writing Ability in Narrative Text

Readin Pearson Correlation 1 .213

g Habit
Sig. (2-tailed) .258

N 30 30

Writing Pearson Correlation .213 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .258
Narrati N
30 30
ve Text

From the 30 respondents, the index value of correlation was found to

be 0.213. The result of that calculation (SPSS calculation) is good. According
to the table of correlation interpretations this number is classified into the low
class of 0.200– 0.399, which means that there is a low correlation between
two variables.
To know how far the contribution from the X variable (independent
variable) to the Y variable (dependent variable), the researcher uses the
formula of percentage correlation as follow:
KD = r2 x 100%
= 0,2132 X 100%
= 4,5%
From the computation above, the researcher found that the contribution
of X variable is 4,5 %. So from KD values, there is still another factor that
can effect of the variable Y. For example, in addition to reading habit there
are other factors that can be related to writing ability.

D. Discussions
The purpose of the data analysis in this study was meant to measure the
correlation between the students’ reading habit and students’ writing ability
in narrative text of eleventh grade of SMK Bina Karya Kab. Tangerang in

Academic Year 2019/2020. The data analysis above showed that the score of
coefficient correlation (rxy) of 0.213 which is low.
To look the level correlation of the hypothesis, the researcher uses the
table of the classification of correlation. It can be seen on the table below:

No. The “r” Score Interpretation

1 0.80–1.00 Very high
2 0.60–0.799 High
3 0.40–0.599 Moderate
4 0.20–0.399 Low
5 0.00–0.199 Very low

Based on the table above, this case can be interpreted that there is low
correlation between students’ reading habit and writing ability in narrative
text because its numbers interval at the level 0,20 – 0,399.

E. Research Weaknesses
During the process of writing and finishing this thesis, the researcher
found some weaknesses, they are:
1. Limitation of the time to do this because if just about three months and
less than the maximum at the time of data collection in schools after
students finish the final exams so that students appear less earnest in the
work on the question.
2. Lack of motivation in students performance tasks given by the
3. As well as taking a less representative sample population researched.

Based on the weaknesses above, the researcher hopes the next researcher
could improve the quality of this research in order to get the best mini-thesis.
Although there are some weaknesses, but this research can prove that there
is significant correlation between students’ reading habit and students’
writing ability ini narrative text.


A. Conclusion
Based on the research finding in the previous chapter, it can be seen that
there is low correlation between students’ reading habit (X) and their writing
ability in narrative text (Y) at eleventh grade of SMK Bina Karya Kab.
Tangerang in Academic Year 2019/2020.
From the 30 respondents, the index value of correlation was found to be
0.213. The result of calculation is good. According to the table of correlation
interpretations this number is classified into the low class of 0.200– 0.399, which
means that there is a low correlation between two variables.
The result of hypothesis test between students’ reading habit and writing
ability in narrative text of the eleventh grade at SMK Bina Karya Kab.
Tangerang shows a positive correlation. There is low correlation between
students’ reading habit and their writing ability in narrative text at SMK Bina
Karya Kab. Tangerang with r-coef=0,213.
B. Suggestions
Based on conclusion above, the researcher would like to submit
suggestions. The suggestions could be described as follows:
For English teacher: Students have to be given motivation to read. So that,
their writing ability can be improved. In another way, teacher have to give some
homework to read one book in a month.
For the students: The student should improve the way of study, use
perfectly time, and had good habit to read English book. In writing, students are
very suggested to read a book. In order the students familiar with conversational
English language support.
For the parent: The parents should guide and motivate their children to
study at home.
For the institution: The institution should suggest to give participation in
improving the school’s quality and provides the complete facilities at school. For
the example: library, information technology, a media of instruction as a tool
support the teaching and learning.


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Appendix 1


Conducted to collect data for a research project entitled “The Relationship

between Students’ Reading Habit and Their Narrative Writing Ability”

Petunjuk Umum

1. Tulislah nama, kelas dan umur anda.

2. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada pilihan jawaban atas pertanyaan yang
3. Tidak ada jawaban benar atau salah. Beberapa pertanyaan tampak
memiliki arti yang hampir sama, hal ini tidak perlu anda hiraukan.
4. Anda cukup menjawab langsung sesuai apa yang pertama kali muncul di
pikiran anda.
5. Kerjakan sesuai dengan keadaan dan kemampuan anda sendiri.

Nama :

Kelas :

Umur :

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan anda (a, b, c atau d)

1. Apakah anda membaca bacaan yang berbahasa Inggris?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah


2. Apakah anda menyediakan waktu 15-30 menit untuk kegiatan membaca

bacaan yang berbahasa Inggris setiap hari?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

3. Apakah anda membaca buku, majalah, koran atau bacaan apapun setiap

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

4. Apakah anda membaca buku sebelum pelajaran dimulai?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

5. Ketika anda sedang bosan, apakah anda menganggap bahwa membaca

menjadi salah satu aktifitas yang mengurangi kebosanan anda?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

6. Apakah anda berfikir bahwa membaca buku lebih menyenangkan daripada


a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

7. Apakah anda menemukan kesulitan vocabulary/ kosa kata dalam

memahami bacaan yang berbahasa inggris?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

8. Apabila anda menemukan kata-kata sulit dalam bacaan yang berbahasa

Inggris, apakah anda mencari hubungan makna dan menyesuaikan dengan
konteks kalimat?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

9. Apakah anda mencari buku-buku yang lain dari pengarang yang anda sukai?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

10. Ketika ingin membaca buku, apakah anda membaca cover dan halaman
pertama untuk menentukkan buku yang akan anda baca?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

11. Bayangkan anda sedang berada disebuah hotel dan saat ini adalah waktu
favorit anda untuk membaca, namun tidak ada satupun buku/ bacaan
disekitar anda. Apa yang anda rasakan?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

12. Lalu apa yang akan anda lakukan?

a. Mencari toko buku dan membeli buku

b. Bertanya apakah ada buku yang dibaca

c. Berkeliling

d. Tidak melakukan apa-apa

13. Ketika anda menemukan bacaan yang anda sukai, apakah anda
menyelesaikan bacaan tersebut?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

14. Apakah anda membaca beberapa buku sampai tamat dalam setahun terakhir

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

15. Ketika anda menemukan sobekan majalah, headline koran, atau judul buku
apakah menarik minat membaca anda?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

16. Saat membaca buku apakah anda merasa hanyut dalam cerita dan ingin
segera menyelesaikannya?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

17. Apakah anda merasa membaca novel atau cerita nonfiksi membuat anda

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa


b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

18. Apakah anda berfikir bahwa membaca adalah hal yang menyenangkan?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

19. Apakah anda mengisi waktu luang dengan membaca bacaan-bacaan


a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

20. Pikirkan apa saja yang telah anda baca, entah itu buku, majalah, koran dsb,
apakah anda mendapatkan kesenangan tersendiri ketika membacanya?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli


Appendix 2


Conducted to collect data for a research project entitled “The Relationship

between Students’ Reading Habit and Their Narrative Writing Ability”

Petunjuk Umum

6. Tulislah nama, kelas dan umur anda.

7. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada pilihan jawaban atas pertanyaan yang
8. Tidak ada jawaban benar atau salah. Beberapa pertanyaan tampak
memiliki arti yang hampir sama, hal ini tidak perlu anda hiraukan.
9. Anda cukup menjawab langsung sesuai apa yang pertama kali muncul di
pikiran anda.
10. Kerjakan sesuai dengan keadaan dan kemampuan anda sendiri.

Nama :

Kelas :

Umur :

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan anda (a, b, c atau d)

1. Apakah anda membaca bacaan yang berbahasa Inggris?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah


2. Apakah anda menyediakan waktu 15-30 menit untuk kegiatan membaca

bacaan yang berbahasa Inggris setiap hari?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

3. Apakah anda membaca buku, majalah, koran atau bacaan apapun setiap

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

4. Apakah anda membaca buku sebelum pelajaran dimulai?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

5. Ketika anda sedang bosan, apakah anda menganggap bahwa membaca

menjadi salah satu aktifitas yang mengurangi kebosanan anda?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

6. Apakah anda berfikir bahwa membaca buku lebih menyenangkan daripada


a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

7. Apakah anda menemukan kesulitan vocabulary/ kosa kata dalam

memahami bacaan yang berbahasa inggris?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

8. Apabila anda menemukan kata-kata sulit dalam bacaan yang berbahasa

Inggris, apakah anda mencari hubungan makna dan menyesuaikan dengan
konteks kalimat?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

9. Apakah anda mencari buku-buku yang lain dari pengarang yang anda sukai?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

10. Ketika ingin membaca buku, apakah anda membaca cover dan halaman
pertama untuk menentukkan buku yang akan anda baca?

a. Selalu c. Kadang-kadang

b. Sering d. Tidak pernah

11. Bayangkan anda sedang berada disebuah hotel dan saat ini adalah waktu
favorit anda untuk membaca, namun tidak ada satupun buku/ bacaan
disekitar anda. Apa yang anda rasakan?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

12. Lalu apa yang akan anda lakukan?

a. Mencari toko buku dan membeli buku

b. Bertanya apakah ada buku yang dibaca

c. Berkeliling

d. Tidak melakukan apa-apa

13. Apakah anda membaca beberapa buku sampai tamat dalam setahun terakhir

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

14. Ketika anda menemukan sobekan majalah, headline koran, atau judul buku
apakah menarik minat membaca anda?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

15. Saat membaca buku apakah anda merasa hanyut dalam cerita dan ingin
segera menyelesaikannya?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

16. Apakah anda merasa membaca novel atau cerita nonfiksi membuat anda

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

17. Apakah anda berfikir bahwa membaca adalah hal yang menyenangkan?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa


b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli

18. Pikirkan apa saja yang telah anda baca, entah itu buku, majalah, koran dsb,
apakah anda mendapatkan kesenangan tersendiri ketika membacanya?

a. Mengerikan, merasa tersesat c. Kecewa

b. Frustasi d. Tidak peduli


Appendix 3
Time : 40 minutes
Directions :
1. Read the instruction carefully
2. You have to write a Narrative Text
3. You have 40 minutes to plan, write, edit and revise your work
4. Pay attention to generic structure of Narrative Text
(orientation, complication and resolution) on your writing.
5. Write a story with 200-250 words and begin with these words.
As I walking home, I saw....................

Scoring Criteria:

Scoring Criteria Description


Content Relevant with the topic chosen

the extent to which ideas are elaborated, using
Development specific and relevant evidence

Organization Ideas are clear, supported and organized, coherence

Use various, effective and proper words in
Language Use expressing ideas.

Conventions The extent to which the assignments exhibits

conventional grammar/spelling/word usage

Appendix 4

List of Students of Validity

No Name Initial Name

1 Ahmad Riziq S1
2 Ahmad Rizki Wahyudi S2
3 Akbar Abdul Gofar S3
4 Akbar Febrian S4
5 Arianto Darma S5
6 Arif Ashandi S6
7 Arif Budiman S7
8 Bima Brilianto S8
9 Dadang Ari S9
10 Dimas Wildani S10
11 Doni Dirgantoro S11
12 Edi Refandus S S12
13 Efendy Syarief S13
14 Fadli Reza Pahlevi S14
15 Heru Aditya Bima Sakti S15
16 Ikhsan Febrian S16
17 M. Ricky Aditya S17
18 M. Riko S18
19 Muhamad Abian Septiansyah S19
20 Muhamad Aziz S20
21 Muhammad Abdul Hasan S21
22 Muhammad Didit Aditiya S22
23 Muhammad Firmansah S23
24 Muhammad Ikhsan S24
25 Muhammad Ricky S25
26 Muhammad Ripki Ajis S26
27 Muhammad Riski S27
28 Rahmat Alpiandi S28
29 Salman Aristo S29
30 Wildan S30

Appendix 5
List of Students of Sample

No Name Initial Name

1 A. Gentar Drahra S1
2 Ahmad Rangga Dinata S2
3 Azhar Mufadil S3
4 Azwar Fajar S4
5 Badrussalam S5
6 Beni Sahega S6
7 Denny Dermawan S7
8 Fahrudin Hafidz S8
9 Hadi Maulana Yusuf S9
10 Hendrik Yuliyanto S10
11 HerdiSaputra S11
12 Heri Kuncoro S12
13 Hidrofil Mahdi S13
14 Jejen Jaenudin S14
15 Kelvin Prayoga S15
16 M. Murdin S16
17 M. Nurdin S17
18 M. Saefudin S18
19 Muhamad Akbar S19
20 Muhamad Basit S20
21 Muhammad Faisal S21
22 Muhammad Tegar S22
23 Muhammad Vikri Raynandi S23
24 Piki Abdullah S24
25 Riko Haryanto S25
26 Rizky Ramadhan S26
27 Sahdani A. S27
28 Sendi Maulana S28
29 Syahrul Sodiqin S29
30 Yayan S30

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