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• Meristem aksila dibentuk dalam aksil daun dan berasal dari meristem apikal pucuk. Pertumbuhan dan
perkembangan meristem aksila menghasilkan cabang dari sumbu utama tanaman.

• Meristem intercalary ditemukan di dalam organ-organ, sering di dekat pangkalan mereka. Meristem
intercalary daun dan batang rumput memungkinkan mereka untuk terus tumbuh meskipun dipotong
atau digembalakan oleh sapi.

• Meristem root cabang memiliki struktur meristem root primer, tetapi mereka terbentuk dari sel-sel
pericycle di daerah matang akar. Akar adventif juga dapat dihasilkan dari meristem akar lateral yang
berkembang pada batang, seperti ketika stek batang berakar untuk memperbanyak tanaman.

• Kambium vaskular (kambia jamak) adalah meristem sekunder yang berdiferensiasi bersama dengan
jaringan vaskular primer dari prokambium dalam silinder vaskular. Ini tidak menghasilkan organ lateral,
tetapi hanya jaringan kayu batang dan akar. Kambium vaskular mengandung dua jenis sel meristematik:
sel batang fusiform dan sel batang ray. Sel punca fusiform adalah sel vakuolat yang sangat memanjang
yang membelah secara longitudinal untuk regenerasi sendiri, dan turunannya berdiferensiasi menjadi
sel penghantar xilem dan floem sekunder. Sel punca ray adalah sel kecil yang turunannya mencakup file
yang berorientasi radial dari sel parenkim di dalam kayu yang dikenal sebagai sinar

. • Kambium gabus adalah lapisan meristematik yang berkembang di dalam sel matang korteks dan
floem sekunder. Turunan dari cambium gabus berdiferensiasi sebagai sel gabus yang membentuk
lapisan pelindung yang disebut periderm, atau kulit kayu. Periderm membentuk permukaan luar
pelindung tubuh tanaman sekunder, menggantikan epidermis pada batang dan akar kayu.

Axillary buds are secondary meristems; if they are also vegetative meristems, they will have a structure
and developmental potential similar to that of the apical meristem.
Pucuk apical itu membentuk phytomere (daun nodus, internodus, kuncup

Stage 1: Organogenesis. Asmall number of cells in the L1 and L2 layers in the flanks of the apical dome
of the shoot apical meristem acquire the leaf founder cell identity. These cells divide more rapidly than
surrounding cells and produce the outgrowth that represents the leaf primordium (plural primordia)
(Figure 16.15A). These primordia subsequently grow and develop into leaves.

Stage 2: Development of suborgan domains. Different regions of the primordium acquire identity as
specific parts of the leaf. This differentiation occurs along three axes: dorsiventral (abaxial–adaxial),
proximodistal (apical–basal), and lateral (margin–blade–midrib) (Figure 16.15B). The upper (adaxial) side
of the leaf is specialized for light absorption; the lower (abaxial) surface is specialized for gas exchange.
Leaf structure and maturation rates also vary along the proximodistal and lateral axes.

Stage 3: Cell and tissue differentiation. As the developing leaf grows, tissues and cells differentiate.
Cells derived from the L1 layer differentiate as epidermis (epidermal cells, trichomes, and guard cells),
derivatives of the L2 layer differentiate as the photosynthetic mesophyll cells, and vascular elements
and bundle sheath cells are derived from the L3 layer. These cells differentiate in a genetically deter

The Root Tip Has Four Developmental Zones

 The root cap protects the apical meristem from mechanical injury as the root pushes its way
through the soil. Root cap cells form by specialized root cap stem cells. As the root cap stem
cells produce new cells, older cells are progressively displaced toward the tip, where they are
eventually sloughed off. As root cap cells differentiate, they acquire the ability to perceive
gravitational stimuli and secrete mucopolysaccharides (slime) that help the root penetrate the

• The meristematic zone lies just under the root cap, and in Arabidopsis it is about a quarter of a
millimeter long. The root meristem generates only one organ, the primary root. It produces no lateral

• The elongation zone, as its name implies, is the site of rapid and extensive cell elongation. Although
some cells may continue to divide while they elongate within this zone, the rate of division decreases
progressively to zero with increasing distance from the meristem.

• The maturation zone is the region in which cells acquire their differentiated characteristics. Cells enter
the maturation zone after division and elongation have ceased. Differentiation may begin much earlier,
but cells do not achieve the mature state until they reach this zone. The radial pattern of differentiated
tissues becomes obvious in the maturation zone. Later in the chapter we will examine the differentiation
and maturation of one of these cell types, the tracheary element.

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