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Evaluasi Bab 7

I. Esai
1. Jika suatu bintang punya jari-jari 4 kali jari-jari matahari dan suhu efektif rata-
ratanya 5 kali suhu efektif rata-rata matahari. Hitunglah perbandingan luminositas
bintang tersebut dibandingkan dengan matahari!

2. Lama hidup matahari di deret utama diperkirakan sekitar 9 milyar tahun. Jika ada
bintang yang massanya 8 x massa matahari. Perkirakan lama hidup bintang
tersebut di deret utama !

3. Jika suatu bintang mampu berada di deret utama selama 6 x 108 tahun. Perkirakan
lama hidup bintang tersebut (dari lahir sampai mati) !

4. Apa yang dimaksud dengan gugus bintang? Bagaimana umur gugus bintang dapat
dijelaskan dengan diagram H-R?

5. Sebutkan macam-macam gugus bintang! Gambarkan sketsa diagram H-R untuk

setiap macam gugus bintang tersebut!

6. Mengapa black hole tidak dapat terlihat ? Bagaimana para ahli mendeteksi

7. Mengapa setelah hidrogen mulai habis di inti bintang, bintang akan berubah
menjadi raksasa merah?

8. Jelaskan secara singkat mengenai proses evolusi bintang pada tahap awal, deret
utama, dan tahap akhir !

9. Faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi lamanya bintang tinggal di deret

utama !

10. Apa yang akan terjadi pada Bumi dan semua makhluk yang hidup di atasnya
sekitar lima milyar tahun mendatang saat matahari menjadi bintang raksasa

11. Faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi lamanya bintang tinggal di deret
utama ?

12. Misalkan terang sebuah bintang 100 kali lebih terang daripada matahari , tetapi
temperaturnya hanya setengah kali temperatur matahari. Berapakah radius bintang
tersebut dinyatakan dalam radius matahari ?

13. Jika pada suatu gugus bintang ditemukan masih banyak mengandung logam berat,
menurut kamu gugus tersebut termasuk gugus muda atau tua ? Jelaskan !

14. Dalam suatu diagram HR diketahui beberapa percabangan bintang deret utama,
apa yang bisa kamu katakan tentang evolusi bintang pada percabangan kanan
bawah terhadap evolusi pada percabangan kiri atas ?

15. Apakah perbedaan antara bintang bermassa besar dengan bintang bermassa kecil
saat akan meninggalkan deret utama (tinjau dari segi pembangkitan energi di
pusat bintang) ?
16. Menurut kamu bagaimana riwayat akhir bintang bermassa 1 massa matahari ?

17. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang pulsar? Apa perbedaan pulsar radio dengan pulsar
sinar X?

18. Gambarkan jejak evolusi bintang di diagram H-R. Uraikan secara singkat
peristiwa yang berlangsung pada setiap tahapnya !

19. (a) Star A has a luminosity of 104 times the luminosity of the Sun and a
temperature of about 20,000 K. What color would you expect Star A to be? Is
star A more massive or less massive than the Sun? What is Star A ’s spectral
class? Briefly,what will the ultimate fate of star A probably be?
(b) Star B is 5000 K and is identified spectroscopically to be a Main Sequence
star. How does the luminosity of Star B compare to that of the Sun? Will Star
B live a shorter or longer lifetime than the Sun? How might we measure the
distance to Star B if it is too far away for parallax? Briefly,what will the
ultimate fate of star B probably be?
(c) Star C is a of temperature 4000 K and luminosity 1000 times that of the Sun.
What type of star is Star C?
(d) Mark Star A,Star B,Star C,and the Sun on the HR diagram below.

20. Ada dua bintang yang sama-sama akan meninggalkan deret utama . Bintang A
mempunyai magnitudo semu yang sama dengan magnitudo semu bintang B.
Kedua bintang tersebut termasuk dalam kelas spektrum yang sama pula. Bintang
A 2 kali lebih jauh dari bintang dari bintang B. Jika diketahui rapat massa bintang
B 500 kali rapat massa bintang A. Tentukan mana bintang yang berumur lebih tua
! Sertakan perhitungan-perhitungan dan analisis data yang Anda lakukan !

21. Sebuah bintang yang adalah sebuah sistem bintang ganda setelah diamati oleh
para astronomer diperoleh data-data sebagai berikut:magnitudo semunya 8,3.
Sudut paralaksnya 0,370”. Massanya adalah 0,5 M . max-nya adalah 2318.4 Å.
Dari data-data tersebut, hitunglah rapat massa bintang tersebut dibandingkan
Matahari !

22. Bagaimana kecenderungan dalam hal diameter bintang versus temperatur

bintang-bintang di deret utama ?

23. Waktu hidup matahari di deret utama adalah 1010 tahun, perkirakan waktu hidup :
a. Bintang raksasa biru dengan luminositas 1000 luminositas dan massa 10
massa matahari
b. Bintang katai dengan massa 0,1 massa matahari dan luminositas 0,001
luminositas matahari

24. Mengapa matahari pada akhir hayatnya tidak dapat menjadi Supenova tipe 1?
Mengapa bintang ganda Centauri tidak dapat menjadi supernova tipe 1? Diketahui
BG Centauri terdiri dari bintang kelas G2 dan K5 dengan separasi 10 AU.

25. Sebuah bintang maharaksasa merah dengan radius 1 AU dan temperatur 3000 K,
bandingkan energi yang dipancarkannya dengan bintang biasa yang memiliki
radius 150.000 km dan temperatur sama.

26. Perhatikan diagram H-R dua buah cluster bintang :

- "


) ) )
a. Cluster mana yang terletak lebih jauh ? Jelaskan !
b. Berapa kali lebih jauh dibandingkan cluster yang lainnya ?
c. Cluster mana yang lebih tua ? Mengapa ?

27. Berapa kali lebih terang dari Matahari sebuah bintang deret utama yang massanya
50 kali massa Matahari ? Berapa perbandingan lama waktu ada di deret utama
dibandingkan Matahari ?

28. Apa keuntungan mempelajari diagram H-R sebuah gugus bintang dibandingkan
dengan bintang yang bukan anggota gugus bintang ? Bila bintang-bintang dalam
satu gugus bintang itu memiliki umur yang sama, mengapa dapat dipakai untuk
mempelajari evolusi bintang ?

29. Bukti pengamatan apa yang menyakinkan astronom bahwa Cygnus X-1 adalah
sebuah lubang hitam ? Bagaimana sebuah black hole bisa memberikan pancaran
sinar X ?

30. Sketch the H-R Diagram, and do the following. No explanations needed for this
a) Draw in the approximate location of a star that is the same temperature as the
Sun but has a much larger size than the Sun. Mark this location with an "A".
b) Draw in the approximate location of a star with twice the size as the Sun but
only half the Sun'
s temperature. Mark this location with a "B".

31. Based on information in the graph below, determine the size (relative to the size
of the Sun) of stars A and B. Show your work. You may answer either with a
numerical ratio or simply like ³Star A is larger than the Sun² or ³Star B is the same
size as the Sun², etc. Just be sure your answer is unambiguous and clearly marked

Absolute luminosity

B Sun

1/ 4

12.000 6.000 3.000

Surface temperature

32. Why is the surface of a white dwarf so much hotter than the surface of a main
sequence star with the same mass? If it is so hot, why is it so dim? Do nearby
white dwarfs come from stars which were larger or smaller than the Sun? Why do
you think so?

33. Suppose we continually add mass to a neutron star. What happens to its radius,
and then to the radius of the event horizon of the black hole, as it grows from 2 to
4 solar masses?

34. Explain how one can measure the relative ages of several different star clusters!

35. a. Why are main sequence O stars so rare and M stars so common?
b. Why do expanding stars become cooler?

36. The spectrum of a star reveals that it is a F2III star. What is the approximate
temperature and luminosity of that star? In which evolutionary state is the star?
There are three possibilities, list them. Consider these possibilities; how would
you distinguish between them? What are the next evolutionary states of each of
those stars?

37. What is the Chandrasekhar Limit and why is it important? What kind of matter
does it apply to? What happens if something exceeds it?

38. a. What is the difference between a Supernova I and a Supernova II?

b. What is a nova?
c. What are planetary nebulae?
d. What is the difference in chemical composition of Planetary Nebulae and
Supernovae II?
e. What is the cause for a Supernova?

39. Mengapa bintang neutron berotasi sangat cepat? Agar tidak hancur oleh
gravitasinya sendiri, bintang neutron pastilah memiliki kerapatan/densitas massa
yang sangat besar. Turunkanlah persamaan kerapatan minimum sebuah bintang
neutron yang periode rotasinya T detik !

40. Gaya apakah yang menghentikan pengerutan bintang hingga menjadi white
dwarf? Jika bintang kerdil putih (white dwarf) ini mendapat tambahan massa
melewati batas massa Chandrasekhar, apa yang akan terjadi dengan kestabilan
white dwarf tersebut? Mungkinkah peristiwa penambahan massa ini mungkin
terjadi ? Kalau ya, di sistem seperti apa yang memungkinkannya ? Kalau tidak,
jelaskan mengapa tidak mungkin!

II. Pilihan Ganda

1. Apabila Matahari kita suatu saat menjadi bintang raksasa merah, besaran
manakah yang akan menjadi lebih kecil dari keadaan sekarang ...
A. radiusnya
B. luminositanya
C. persentase heliumnya
D. kerapatan di pusatnya
E. temperatur permukaannya

2. Pada arah yang manakah massa bertambah dalam daerah deret utama (main
sequence) di diagram HR (diagram evolusi bintang)?
A. kiri ( )
B. atas ( )
C. bawah (!)
D. kiri dan atas ( )
E. kiri dan bawah ( !)

3. Pada proses evolusi, bagaimanakah perubahan prosentase kelimpahan unsur

dalam kandungan Matahari berikut :

A. Prosentase hidrogen meningkat

B. Prosentase helium meningkat
C. Prosentase oksigen meningkat
D. Prosentase helium menurun
E. Prosentase hidrogen, dan oksigen meningkat, tetapi prosentase helium

4. Bintang-bintang masif memulai kala hidupnya sebagai objek :

A. Lubang hitam
B. Bintang neutron
C. Bintang katai putih
D. Nebula
E. Bintang raksasa merah

5. Pulsar adalah …
a) black hole yang berotasi
b) bintang netron yang berpasangan bintang raksasa
c) bintang yang baru lahir
d) bintang dengan pulsa radio yang beraturan
e) semuanya benar

6. Supernova adalah ...

a) bintang baru lahir
b) bintang meledak
c) bintang berdenyut
d) bintang bergerak dengan kecepatan tinggi
e) bintang berselubung debu

7. Supernova …
a) dapat diamati sebagai bintang pada siang hari bila posisi dekat dengan Bumi
b) dapat diamati dengan teleskop pada galaksi yang sangat jauh
c) dapat terjadi di galaksi luar
d) bisa terjadi di Galaksi Bima Sakti
e) semuanya benar

8. A pulsar is actually a : …
A. black hole
B. white dwarf
C. red giant
D. neutron star
E. main sequence star

9. If two different stars were to form at the same time in different locations, with one
star three times as massive as the other, how would their lifetimes compare?
A. The less massive star would outlive the more massive one.
B. The more massive star would outlive the less massive one
C. Both stars would have the same lifetime.
D. Impossible to compare both stars, because they form in different locations.
E. Impossible to tell from the information given.

10. Which stage in a star'

s life is the longest?
a. main sequence stage
b. asymptotic giant branch stage
c. horizontal branch stage
d. protostar stage
e. red giant stage

11. What is the end state of a solar mass main sequence star?
A. planetary nebula " white dwarf
B. supernova " white dwarf
C. passive burning of star " white dwarf
D. supernova " neutron star or black hole
E. planetary nebula " neutron star

12. Where do elements heavier than iron come from?

A. fusion in the core of a low or high mass star
B. fusion in the core of a high mass star
C. fission in the core of a high mass star
D. fusion allowed by the tremendous energies of supernovae
E. the initial nucleosynthesis of the Big Bang

13. Where do stars generally form?

A. in hot emission nebula
B. by blackholes
C. very close to hot active stars
D. very close to supernovae
E. in regions where there are “dense” gas, cool clouds
14. Explain why nuclear fusion takes place only in the centers of main sequence stars
rather than on their surfaces as well.
A. Pressures are only high enough in the center.
B. Densities are only high enough in the center.
C. Opacities are only high enough in the center.
D. The nuclear fuel is only in the center.
E. None of these

15. Which of the following is not an assumption made in the study of star clusters: …
A. all the stars are at the same distance
B. all the stars formed at the same time
C. all the stars have the same chemical composition
D. all the stars have the same mass
E. all the above are assumed to be true

16. Which of the following occurs during and after the phase of the hydrogen burning
A. the core shrinks until the star becomes a white dwarf
B. the helium flash occurs
C. the core temperature decreases while the envelope temperature increases
D. the star becomes a supernova
E. the envelope expands and cools, and the star becomes a red giant.

17. The main sequence turn-off is useful in determining a cluster'

A. mass
B. age
C. distance
D. apparent magnitude
E. velocity

18. An important difference between the evolution of a massive star and a 1-solar-
mass star is …
A. the massive star does not have a long main-sequence phase
B. the massive star does not have periods when it has hydrogen-burning or
helium-burning shells
C. the massive star does not have a red giant phase
D. the massive star does not go through a wide range of temperatures over its

19. On an H-R diagram of a cluster of stars ...

A. older stars will be more highly evolved than younger stars
B. stars off the main sequence will be more massive stars
C. all stars will be found on the main sequence
D. the main sequence will be shifted up or down depending on the mass of the

20. As a one solar mass star evolves to the red giant stage ...
A. its surface temperature and its luminosity increase.
B. its surface temperature and its luminosity decrease.
C. its luminosity decreases and its surface temperature increases.
D. its luminosity increases and its surface temperature decreases
21. When a star exhausts its hydrogen, it …
A. becomes hotter and brighter.
B. becomes cooler and brighter.
C. becomes hotter and fainter.
D. becomes cooler and fainter

22. The fusion of helium to carbon in a star's core ...

A. only takes place during the helium flash
B. requires higher temperatures than the fusion of hydrogen to helium since nuclei
with greater numbers of protons repel each other more strongly
C. doesn' t require as high a temperature as does the carbon cycle, since greater
mass nuclei repel each other less strongly
D. causes the star's core to become degenerate

23. Giant and super giant stars are rare because ...
A. they do not form as often as main-sequence stars
B. the giant and super giant stage is unstable
C. the giant and super giant stage is very short compared to the main sequence
D. helium is very rare

24. Which of the following lists the stages in a star'

s life in correct order?
A. main sequence, proto star, white dwarf, red giant.
B. proto star, red giant, main sequence, white dwarf.
C. proto star, main sequence, white dwarf, red giant.
D. white dwarf, proto star, main sequence, red giant.
E. proto star, main sequence, red giant, white dwarf

25. Which one of the following is true about two stars of different mass?
A. the more massive star survives longer because it has more fuel
B. the less massive star survives longer because it actually has more usable
hydrogen in its core
C. the less massive star survives longer because it uses a different chain reaction
chain than the more massive one
D. the less massive star survives longer because it uses its fuel at a slower rate

26. Star a and star b compose a visual binary star. Star a is a white dwarf with a mass
of 1.2 solar masses. Star b is a main sequence star with a mass 2 times the sun' s.
Which of the following is true?
A. star a is older than star b
B. star a must be less massive now than it once was
C. star a will eventually explode as a supernova
D. the mass measurement must be wrong

27. The properties of a star at any given age depend completely upon the star'
s …
A. luminosity and radius
B. mass and luminosity
C. mass, chemical composition and radius
D. mass and chemical composition

28. When a one solar mass star has burned all the helium in its core …
a) it collapses into a black hole.
b) it blows off its outer layers to form a planetary nebula and becomes a white
c) it explodes in a supernova and leaves nothing behind.
d) it begins burning carbon in its core.
e) None of the above.

29. When a one solar mass star dies, it leaves a corpse that is …
a) a spinning neutron star.
b) a black hole.
c) a brown dwarf planet.
d) a white dwarf.
e) None of the above

30. A planetary nebula is …

a) the expanding shell of gas from a Type II supernova.
b) the expanding shell of gas from a Type Ia supernova.
c) the expanding shell of gas thrown off during the last stages of life of a low
mass star (core mass less than 1.4 solar masses).
d) the material from planets that are destroyed during a Type II supernova.
e) None of the above.

31. A planetary nebula is formed when …

a) a massive star explodes in a supernova.
b) a GMC contracts to form a protostar.
c) a brown dwarf star stops fusing hydrogen into helium.
d) a star like our sun reaches the end of its life.
e) None of the above.

32. The Chandrasekhar limit is …

a) the maximum mass of a white dwarf star.
b) the minimum mass of a white dwarf star.
c) the maximum mass of a neutron star.
d) the maximum mass of a blackhole.
e) None of the above.

33. A white dwarf star is composed of …

a) pure neutrons.
b) elements heavier than iron.
c) a degenerate electron gas of mostly carbon and oxygen.
d) a degenerate electron gas of hydrogen.
e) None of the above.

34. If a star is born with a mass 4 times the mass of the sun, when it becomes a white
dwarf its mass is …
a) just barely less than 4 solar masses.
b) exactly the same.
c) greater than 4 solar masses.
d) much less than 4 solar masses.
e) None of the above.

35. When a massive star (core mass >1.4 solar masses) nears the end of its life …
a) the core is composed of a degenerate electron gas of helium.
b) the core continues to burn hydrogen to the very end.
c) the core is composed of super heavy elements heavier than uranium.
d) the core becomes layered with iron in the center and layers of silicon, oxygen,
carbon and helium as you move outward.
e) None of the above.

36. In a supernova, the process of combining electrons and protons to form neutrons
is called …
a) electron liberation.
b) neutrino decay.
c) neutron capture.
d) reverse beta decay.
e) None of the above.

37. A Type II supernova occurs for …

a) a lone white dwarf.
b) a black hole.
c) a low mass red dwarf.
d) a massive red or blue supergiant.
e) None of the above.

38. In a Type II supernova, most of the energy is carried away by …

a) the neutrinos produced when the electrons and protons in the core add to form
b) the expanding shell of gas that was the outermost layers of the star.
c) the neutrons produced in the initial collapse.
d) the electrons that are blown outward by the initial explosion.
e) None of the above.

39. Elements heavier than iron are produced …

a) in the core of red dwarf stars on the main sequence.
b) in the core of white dwarf stars.
c) during supernovas.
d) in the core of stars like our sun on the main sequence.

40. A Type Ia supernova occurs for …

a) a black hole.
b) a low mass red dwarf.
c) a star on the main sequence.
d) a white dwarf in a binary system.
e) None of the above.

41. Type Ib and Type Ic supernovae occur for …

a) white dwarf stars in a binary system.
b) blue supergiants that have had some or all of their outer layers removed by
earlier processes.
c) red supergiants with all of their outer layers intact.
d) main sequence stars.

42. A supernova remnant is …

a) the expanding shell of gas thrown off during the last stages of life of a low
mass star (core mass less than 1.4 solar masses).
b) the material from planets that are destroyed during a Type II supernova.
c) the expanding shell of debris from a supernova (Type Ia, Ib, Ic or II).
d) the spinning neutron star left behind after a type Ib, Ic or II supernova.
e) None of the above.

43. When a star with a core mass of 1.4 to 3 solar masses dies, its corpse is …
a) a neutron star.
b) a black hole.
c) a planet.
d) a white dwarf.
e) None of the above.

44. A neutron star is composed of …

a) a degenerate electron gas of carbon.
b) a degenerate electron gas of helium.
c) a degenerate neutron gas.
d) a degenerate proton gas.
e) None of the above.

45. A pulsar is a …
a) slowly rotating black hole.
b) rapidly rotating neutron star.
c) a dying white dwarf.
d) a new born star (a ZAMS).

46. The maximum mass of a neutron star is …

a) about 2 – 3 solar masses.
b) 1.4 solar masses.
c) about 10 solar masses.
d) less than 0.5 solar masses.
e) None of the above, there is no limit to the mass of a neutron star.

47. The magnetic field of a new neutron star is …

a) about the same strength as the average field on the sun.
b) about the same as the average field on the earth.
c) about the same as the field in a sunspot.
d) about a trillion times the strength of the average field on the sun.

48. A pulsar “pulses” because …

a) the star is undergoing rapid increases and decreases in its surface temperature
and diameter.
b) the fusion process at the surface of the star is turning on and off at a rapid rate.
c) the “light” from the star is being emitted from the magnetic poles of the star
that are rotating around at a rapid rate.
d) the “light” from the star is turning on and off at a rapid rate for some unknown

49. The density of matter in a neutron star is …

a) about the same as the density of lead on the earth.
b) about the same as the density of matter in a white dwarf star.
c) less than the density of normal matter on the earth.
d) about one hundred trillion times the density of water on earth.

50. The internal structure of a neutron star is …

a) solid throughout with a uniform density.
b) solid at the surface with layers of superfluid neutrons and superconducting
c) superfluid neutrons throughout with a uniform density.
d) layered with iron in the center and layers of silicon, oxygen, carbon and helium
as you move outward.
51. A glitch is …
a) a sudden decrease in the period of rotation of a pulsar.
b) a sudden increase in the diameter of a pulsar.
c) a sudden increase in the luminosity of a pulsar.
d) a sudden increase in the surface temperature of a pulsar.
e) None of the above, it’s a computer error.

52. An isolated pulsar spins down because …

a) the pulsar radiates energy which comes out of the spin of the star.
b) the pulsar is being slowed by matter falling onto its surface.
c) the pulsar is being slowed by collisions with other neutron stars.
d) Isolated pulsars do not spin down, they spin-up (rotate faster).

53. A millisecond pulsar is one that …

a) has spun down to a period of millions of seconds.
b) has spun up to a period of thousandths of a second by accreting mass from a
companion star.
c) has maintained its period exactly for millions of years.
d) has spun up to a period of days by radiating energy out along the poles of its
magnetic field.

54. An x-ray burster is …

a) a blast of x-rays coming from the collapse of a white dwarf star that exceeds
the Chandrasekhar limit.
b) a blast of x-rays coming from a helium flash occurring at the surface of a
neutron star.
c) a blast of x-rays coming from a hydrogen flash occurring at the surface of a
white dwarf star.
d) a blast of x-rays coming from the collapse of a neutron star that exceeds its
mass limit.
e) None of the above, there are no such things in the universe.

55. A blackhole is …
a) the remnant of a burnt-out one solar mass star.
b) the remnant of a burnt-out 2 solar mass star.
c) the remnant of a burnt-out 0.5 solar mass star.
d) a stellar remnant which is so compact that not even light can escape.
e) the remnant of interstellar dust that failed to be star

56. The event horizon of a black hole is …

a) the distance from a black hole where the escape velocity equals the speed of
b) the instant in time when the star collapses into a black hole.
c) the size of the star before it collapses into a black hole.
d) the curvature of space near a black hole.
e) None of the above.

57. Matter falling into a black hole emits in x-rays because …

a) it is heated to very high temperatures by friction due to the very high velocities
it is accelerated to.
b) it is passing through regions of space where time is slowed down due to the
extreme curvature of space-time.
c) the black hole is emitting in gamma rays which are absorbed by the matter and
then re-emitted in x-rays.
d) the matter is annihilated as it crosses the event horizon of the black hole.

58. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is a plot of ...

a. apparent brightness against distance for stars near to the Sun.
b. apparent brightness against intrinsic brightness of a group of stars.
c. luminosity against mass of a group of stars.
d. absolute magnitude (or intrinsic brightness) against temperature of a group of

59. How do massive stars normally end their lives?

a. They explode.
b. They gradually shrink to the size of the Earth.
c. We don't know, since their lifetimes are longer than the age ofthe universe.
d. They collapse and become black holes.

60. The characteristics of an open cluster of stars are ...

a. many thousand members, of different ages.
b. a few hundred members, often very young and still embedded in the gas and
dust from which they were formed.
c. hundreds of thousands of members, all very old, and no or very little interstellar
gas and dust.
d. a few dozen members, the remnant of a globular cluster of stars from which
most of the members have escaped.

61. Which part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is occupied by protostars?

a. to the right of the main sequence
b. to the left of the main sequence
c. a band running from upper left to lower right
d. a band running from upper right to lower left

62. Which of the following important components does a planetary nebula contribute
to the interstellar medium?
a. Rotational motion from the original star, which serves to concentrate
interstellar matter into new stars and planetary systems.
b. New hydrogen nuclei, replenishing those that are lost when stars form.
c. UV light that photo-ionizes hydrogen. This hydrogen, upon recombination,
produces the red Balmer-a light by which we see interstellar emission nebulae.
d. The nuclei of heavy elements, major components of planets such as our own.

63. From observations of supernova explosions in distant galaxies, it is predicted that

there should be about 5 supernovae per century in our galaxy, whereas we have
seen only about 1 every 300 years from Earth. Why is this?
a. Most supernovae occur within the Milky Way, which can be seen only from the
southern hemisphere where there have been very few observers until recently.
b. Most supernovae occur in the galactic plane where interstellar dust will have
hidden them from our view.
c. The majority of stars in our galaxy are old, well beyond the supernova stages of
d. The majority of supernovae produce no visible light, only radio and x-ray
radiation, which we have only been able to observe for the past 3 decades.

64. After the material in the core of a massive star has been converted to iron by
thermonuclear reactions, further energy can be released to heat the core ONLY by
a. thermonuclear fusion of iron into heavier elements.
b. the absorption of neutrinos.
c. nuclear fission or splitting of nuclei.
d. gravitational contraction.

65. Why are black holes named black holes?

a. No light or any other electromagnetic radiation can escape from inside them.
b. They emit a perfect blackbody spectrum.
c. Their only spectral lines are in the radio and infrared.
d. All of their electromagnetic radiation is gravitationally redshifted to the
infrared, leaving no light in the optical region.

66. What is the likely final fate of a star whose mass is 15 solar masses after it has
finished its nuclear burning phases?
a. It will immediately split into two and become a binary star system.
b. It will condense to the point where it is composed completely of neutrons, the
degeneracy of which will prevent further shrinkage.
c. The degeneracy of the electrons within the star will prevent collapse below the
diameter of a white dwarf.
d. It will collapse and become a black hole.

67. If you were to enter the event horizon of a black hole, ...
a. you could avoid the singularity by going into orbit around it, but you could
never move outward again from any particular orbit.
b. there would be nothing you could do to prevent yourself from falling directly
into the singularity at the center.
c. you could, with a powerful rocket, move outward within the black hole (thereby
avoiding the singularity until your fuel ran out), but you could never escape
back out through the event horizon.
d. you could escape again provided the black hole is spinning.

68. When a “compact star” (white dwarf, neutron star or black hole) exists in a binary
system with a very close companion “ordinary star,” …
a) the ordinary star will explode because of intense gravity
b) mass from the companion may be gravitationally attracted to form a hot
“accretion disk” around the compact star
c) a radio pulsar always results
d) the ordinary star is “reborn” as a protostar
e) the two stars will merge to form a quasar

69. A nova outburst is caused by a nuclear explosion …

a) in the core of a red giant
b) in a sunspot
c) on the surface of a white dwarf in a binary star system
d) within the Schwarzschild radius of a massive black hole
e) on a planet orbiting a white dwarf

70. A black hole is …

a) an old white dwarf star that has cooled off and shrunk
b) a dense object whose gravity can capture light
c) another name for a black body radiator
d) a pulsar with a mass less than 1.4 solar masses
e) the center of a sunspot
71. H-R diagram …
a. Gas and dust material that lies in between stars in the disk of our Galaxy and
other spiral galaxies.
b. The final stage in the life of a massive star when it exhausts all nuclear fuels,
implodes, followed by an explosion of most of the stars mass resulting in
sharp increase in intrinsic brightness.
c. The limiting surface surrounding a black hole inside of which nothing can
escape and thus it represents the last communication point with spacetime
d. Diagram for stars in which the star' s luminosity, or it’s equivalent, is plotted
against the star' s surface temperature, or it’s equivalent, and conveys
information about the structure and evolution of stars.

72. In astronomical terms, planetary nebulae are …

A. very long-lived objects, having been in existence since just after the Big Bang
at the beginning of the Universe.
B. relatively short-lived, existing around the central white dwarf star for millions
of years before slowly spreading into space.
C. very short-lived, with lifetimes of about 50,000 years.
D. relatively long-lived, since they form when the original stars form and remain
as slowly rotating shells for the whole of their lifetimes of several billion

73. Protostars are …

A. stars made almost entirely out of protons.
B. old stars, contracting after using up all of their available hydrogen fuel.
C. very young objects, still contracting before becoming true stars.
D. objects with masses less than about 0.08 solar masses, which do not have
enough mass to become true stars.

74. The characteristics of an open cluster of stars are …

A. a few dozen members, the remnant of a globular cluster of stars from which
most of the members have escaped.
B. a few hundred members, often very young and still embedded in the gas and
dust from which they were formed.
C. hundreds of thousands of members, all very old, and no or very little
interstellar gas and dust.
D. many thousand members, of different ages.

75. In the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, how does the position of a typical star
change while it is at the main sequence phase of its evolution?
A. A star' s position on the main sequence is determined only by its mass and not
its age, and so, stars do not move along the main sequence during evolution.
B. Massive stars (4 solar masses) move toward the upper left as their luminosity
increases, while lower-mass stars move toward the lower right as their
temperature decreases.
C. Stars move from upper right to lower left while they are on the main sequence.
D. Stars move from upper left to lower right while they are on the main sequence.

76. What is happening in a star that is on the main sequence on the Hertzsprung-
Russell diagram?
A. The star is slowly shrinking as it slides down the main sequence from top left
to bottom right across the H-R diagram.
B. The star is generating internal energy by hydrogen fusion.
C. Stars that have reached the main sequence have ceased nuclear "burning" and
are simply cooling down by emitting radiation.
D. The star is generating energy by helium fusion, having stopped hydrogen

77. How is the length of a star' s lifetime related to the mass of the star?
A. The lifetimes of stars are too long to measure, so it is not known how (or if)
their lifetimes depend on mass.
B. A star' s lifetime does not depend on its mass.
C. Lower-mass stars run through their lives faster and have shorter lifetimes.
D. Higher-mass stars run through their lives faster and have shorter lifetimes.

78. The characteristics of red supergiant stars are

A. brightness of 10,000 Suns and a diameter of about Mars'orbit.
B. brightness of the Sun and size of about Mercury' s orbit.
C. brightness of about 1 million Suns and a diameter of the whole solar system.
D. brightness of about 10,000 Suns and a diameter of 1/10 of that of the Sun.
79. What is the last nuclear burning stage in the life of a low-mass star like the Sun?
A. Fusion of helium nuclei to form carbon and oxygen.
B. Fusion of oxygen nuclei to form sulfur.
C. Fusion of hydrogen nuclei to form helium.
D. Fusion of silicon nuclei to form iron.

80. If you want to find stars that are just being born, where are the best places to
a. in HII regions
b. in giant molecular clouds
c. in regions of ultra-hot interstellar hydrogen gas
d. in the disks around massive stars that were just recently formed

81. Why is it so difficult for astronomers to see new stars in the process of birth?
a. birth happens very quickly, so it is hard to "catch" stars "in the act"
b. most stars are born inside dusty clouds, which block any light that may be
coming from the stars
c. the size of a newly forming star is typically quite small and thus hard to make
d. protostars which are not yet doing fusion do not give off a lot of visible light
e. all of the above

82. Why do all stars spend most of their lives on the main sequence?
a. because the neutrinos created inside the Sun do not carry any energy away with
b. because during this stage the star contracts from enormous size to a relatively
small ball; this takes a long time
c. because the fuel for energy production in this stage of the star' s life is
hydrogen; and that is an element every star has lots and lots of
d. because in this stage, the processes inside the star do not generate any energy;
thus the star can continue in this stage indefinitely
e. this is an unsolved problem in astronomy, which is an important project for the
world' s largest telescopes to work on

83. When the outer layers of a star like the Sun expand, and it becomes a giant, which
way does it move on the H-R diagram?
a. toward the upper right
b. toward the upper left
c. toward the lower right
d. toward the lower left
e. it moves horizontally, but stays on the main sequence

84. Which of the following statements about open clusters of stars is FALSE?
a. they typically contain more mass than any other type of cluster
b. their diameters are typically about 30 LY across
c. they are found mostly in the disk of our Galaxy
d. they are often associated with regions of interstellar matter (gas and dust)
e. they can contain stars of a wider range of ages than other types of star groups

85. When stars become giants, which of the following does NOT usually happen?
a. their outer envelopes expand significantly
b. they lose a significant amount of mass from their outside layers
c. their surface temperatures become lower than before
d. their overall luminosities increase
e. their mass grows significantly as they incorporate planets and interstellar matter
near the star

86. Really massive stars differ from stars with masses like the Sun in that they …
a. go through all the stages of their lives more slowly
b. do not really go through a main sequence stage in their lives
c. can fuse elements beyond carbon and oxygen in their hot central regions
d. are no longer forming in the Galaxy; they only formed very early in the
Galaxy' s history
e. are significantly less luminous after the main sequence stage is over

87. Which of the following statements about Supernova 1987A is FALSE?

a. it exploded relatively close to us, in a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy
b. it was only visible from the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth
c. astronomers believe it was the explosion of a star that was originally a massive
type O
d. neutrinos from the explosion were actually detected on Earth
e. it was observed with instruments in space as well as on the ground

88. A team of astronomers discovers one of the most massive stars ever found. If this
star is just settling down in that stage of its life where it will be peacefully
converting hydrogen to helium in its core, where will we find it on the H-R
a. among the supergiants, in the upper right
b. a little bit below the Sun on the main sequence
c. among the most brilliant of the white dwarfs, in the lower left
d. near the very top of the main sequence, in the upper left
e. it could be anywhere on the diagram; we would need more information to
determine its place

89. A star like the Sun which will soon die is observed to be surrounded by a large
amount of dust and gas--all material it has expelled in the late stages of its life. If
astronomers want to observe the radiation from such a giant star surrounded by its
own debris, which of the following bands of the spectrum would be the best to use
to observe it?
a. gamma-rays
b. x-rays
c. ultraviolet
d. infrared
e. very long wavelength radio waves

90. What is the source of energy in a protostar?

A. Hydrogen fusion to helium.
B. Uranium fission to lighter elements.
C. Gravitational contraction.
D. A variety of chemical reactions.
E. None of these.

91. Which of the following occurs during and after the phase of the hydrogen burning
A. the core shrinks until the star becomes a white dwarf
B. the helium flash occurs
C. the core temperature decreases while the envelope temperature increases
D. the star becomes a supernova
E. the envelope expands and cools, and the star becomes a red giant.

92. If black holes exist, we might expect them to form …

A. from stars that slowly cool off, becoming a cinder
B. from stars whose cores are too massive to allow a neutron star to form when
the core collapses
C. from solar-type stars when they stop giving off light
D. from neutron stars that are less massive than white dwarf stars

93. When hydrogen burning in the core stops, the core contracts and heats up again.
Why doesn't hydrogen burning start again?
A. Because helium starts to burn.
B. Because there is no more hydrogen in the core.
C. Because the star becomes a red giant.
D. Because the star becomes a white dwarf.
E. None of these.

94. In view of current theories about supernovae and pulsars, which of the following
observations indicates that the Crab pulsar is young?
A. The Crab is rotating the most rapidly of all known pulsars, and since pulsars
slow down with age, it must be the youngest.
B. Since we believe the Crab was formed in the supernova explosion of 1054
C.E., this association shows it to have a relatively young age.
C. The Crab nebula is the most compact supernova remnant that is known,
indicating it has not had enough time to expand far.
D. All of these.
E. None of these.

95. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that differentiates novae from
a. More energy is released in a supernova than in a nova.
b. Supernova explosions involve most or all of the star, whereas in novae, only
the outer part of the star explodes.
c. Novae occur more frequently than supernovae.
d. Supernovae are only seen to occur in binary star systems.
96. A crucial role that supernovae play in the scheme of cosmic evolution is that …
A. supernovae are the only source of neutrons
B. some elements heavier than iron are believed to be manufactured chiefly in
C. supernovae serve to disperse gas around the galaxy so that new stars can form
D. supernovae are a major source of light in most galaxies
E. supernovae have always been considered as omens that govern the affairs of

97. When the sun goes from the main sequence to the red giant stage …
A. the core gets hotter and the surface gets hotter
B. the core gets hotter and the surface gets cooler
C. the core gets cooler and the surface gets hotter
D. the core gets cooler and the surface gets cooler

98. Which of the following stars is probably the oldest?

A. a main sequence star ten times more massive than the sun
B. a main sequence star the same mass as the sun
C. a red giant star ten times more massive than the sun
D. a red giant star the same mass as the sun

99. As a star becomes a red giant its core contracts because …

A. the temperature is decreasing
B. the star is getting larger
C. no energy source is available to support it
D. the electrons are not yet rigid

100. A compelling reason for stating that a hot, bright star must be relatively young is
that such a star …
A. is giving out enough light to illuminate its birth processes
B. is using up fuel at a great rate and cannot exist for long
C. is bright because of friction with other bodies in the region from which it came
D. is pulsating

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