Anda di halaman 1dari 21

Evaluasi Bab 2

I. Esai
1. Apa yang bisa disimpulkan tentang temperatur dan panjang gelombang dari
ketiga kurva di bawah ini ?

2. Ada bintang dengan temperatur 3000 K tetapi L = 80 kali Luminositas matahari.

Temperatur matahari = 6000 K. Hitung radius bintang (dalam rmatahari ) !

3. Berapa kali lebih terang / lemah jika sebuah bintang dipindahkan jaraknya
menjadi :
a.) 2 kali jarak semula b.) 10 kali jarak semula c.) ½ kali jarak semula

4. a. Hitunglah fluks yang kita terima dari sebuah bintang yang luminositasnya 1025
Watt dan bintang itu terletak 5 lyr dari bumi !

b. Star A is radiating two times as much energy as Star B, but it is two times the
distance from us. Which star will appear brighter, and by how much?

5. Sebuah bintang magnitudonya m1 = 4,57. Bintang lain magnitudonya m2 = 8,49.

Berapakah beda terangnya ?

6. Sebuah nova sebelum meledak magnitudonya 16,72. Sesudah meledak magni-

tudonya 8,12. Berapakah perbedaan terang nova tersebut sebelum dan sesudah

7. Terang bintang 1 = 100 satuan , terang bintang 2 = 10.000 satuan

Magnitudo bintang 1 = 3. Berapakah magnitudo bintang 2 ?

8. Sebuah bintang ganda komponen magnitudonya m1 = 11,75 dan m2 = 12,11.

Berapakah magnitudo totalnya ?

9. Sebuah bintang ganda mtotal = 9,45. Magnitudo bintang yang satu = 10,23.
Hitunglah magnitudo bintang yang satu lagi (bintang pasangannya) !

10. Berapa magnitudo mutlak bintang – bintang dengan magnitudo semu m dan jarak
r , sebagai berikut :
a.) m = 7 r = 10 pc b.) m = 20 r = 100 pc

11. Berapa jarak bintang-bintang dengan magnitudo m dan magnitudo mutlak M di

bawah ini :
a. m = 10 M = 5 b.) m = 20 M = 10

12. Magnitudo semu sebuah bintang adalah 3. Jika sudut paralaksnya adalah 0”,015.
Hitunglah magnitudo mutlaknya! Hitunglah perbandingan luminositasnya
terhadap Matahari dimana magnitudo mutlak Matahari 4,82 !
13. Magnitudo semu bintang A adalah -1,88 . Radius bintang B ½ radius bintang A.
Temperatur efektif bintang B 2 kali bintang A. Jarak bintang B 1/3 kali jarak
bintang A dari pengamat. Tentukan magnitudo semu bintang B !

14. Bintang X memiliki sudut paralaks 0”,2 dan diameter sudut 2,67 x 10-3 detik
busur. Bintang tersebut memancarkan radiasi dengan panjang gelombang
maksimum 3864 Å. Hitunglah magnitudo mutlak bintang X jika diketahui
magnitudo mutlak Matahari 4,82 dan luminositasnya 3,9 x 1026 Watt !

15. There are about 250 millions of the stars in the elliptical galaxy M32. The visual
magnitude of this galaxy is 9. If the luminosities of all are equal, what is the
visual magnitude of one star in this galaxy? Also mention, what is M32? In what
constellation, this object will appear ?

16. Stars A and B have the same relative magnitude. If star A has a luminosity equal
to four times that of star B, and is 10 lyr away, how far away is star B?

17. Dua bintang memiliki magnitudo +4,1 mag dan +5,6 mag. Bintang yang lebih
terang memberikan 5 x 10-4 Watt yang dikumpulkan oleh sebuah teleskop. Berapa
banyak energi yang dikumpulkan oleh sebuah teleskop dari bintang yang lebih

18. Dua buah benda buatan manusia ditempatkan di angkasa luar. Yang satu, sebuah
satelit yang mengorbit matahari dalam lintasan elips dengan eksentrisitas 0,5 dan
jarak perihelium 80 juta km. Satelit itu dilindungi dari cahaya matahari oleh
sebuah cermin besar yang memantulkan 100% cahaya yang diterimanya. Selama
mengorbit, cermin tersebut selalu menghadap matahari. Benda yang lain, sebuah
pengukur kuat cahaya (fotometer) tahan panas, ditempatkan di fotosfir matahari.
a. Hitung jarak aphelium orbit satelit tersebut
b. Berapa magnitudo perbedaan terang maksimum dan minimum satelit tersebut
pengukuran fotometer ?

19. Sebuah bintang yang bersuhu 6.300 K akan diamati oleh kedua pengamat. A
mengamati dengan mata saja sedangkan B ingin mengamati dengan memotretnya
terlebih dahulu baru diteliti. Manakah pengamat yang akan mengamati bintang
tersebut lebih terang ! Mengapa ?

20. You observe two main-sequence stars, Star A and star B, through a telescope.
Both stars have the same apparent brightness. Star A appears to have a blue color
while Star B appears more reddish. If all main-sequence stars approxiomately the
same size, which star is more distant? Explain your reasoning.

21. Below is the spectrum of a blackbody with a surface temperature of 5.000 K.

a. On the picture above, sketch the spectrum of a 10.000 K blackbody. Your
sketch doesn’t have to be precisely to scale, but it should account for these
features relative to the 5.000 K blackbody spectrum.
i) The overall shape of the spectrum
ii) The relative intensity of the two objects at each frequency
iii)The frequency of the peak intensity
b. If the two objects are the same size, what is the luminosity of the 10.000 K
blackbody, compared to the luminosity of the 5.000 K object?
c. Explain the difference between luminosity and brightness

22. We observe two stars. Star A is dimmed because it’s behind a dust cloud, whereas
we have a clear field of view to star B. Star A is observed to have 8 times the flux
that star B does.
a. We observe a parallax of 0,1” for star A and 0,05” for star B. What is the ratio
of dA/dB of the distances to the two stars?
b. Suppose that we are able to determine that both stars have the same exact
diameter, but that Star A has a surface temperature twice that of Star B. What
is the ratio LA/LB of the two stars’ luminosity?
c. By what factor is the dust blocking Star A dimming its brightness? (i.e. what is
the ratio of the brightness we would observe for Star A were the dust not there
to the brightness we actually observe?)

23. We find a Star A, which is a nearby Class G star, and we use stellar parallax to
find its distance to be 10 parsecs. Now we observe star B, another Class G star
with half the apparent brightness of Star A, but its distance is too far for stellar
parallax to detemine. Assume that all Class G stars have the same luminosity,
calculate the distance to star B.

24. Night-vision goggles use infrared-sensitive detectors to observe people and

animals at night. Why is an infrared detector more effective than a visible light
detector for this application?

25. Tiga bintang diamati magnitudo dalam panjang gelombang visual (V) dan biru
(B) seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam tabel di bawah.
No. B V
1 8,52 8,82
2 7,45 7,25
3 7,45 6,35

a. Tentukan bintang nomor berapakah yang paling terang ? Jelaskanlah alasannya

b. Bintang yang anda pilih sebagai bintang yang paling terang itu dalam
kenyataannya apakah benar-benar merupakan bintang yang paling terang ?
Jelaskanlah jawaban anda.
c. Tentukanlah bintang mana yang paling panas dan mana yang paling dingin.
Jelaskanlah alasannya.

26. Dalam Stars Wars, suatu peradaban berhasil membelah bintang menjadi dua
bagian tanpa mengubah kerapatan dan temperaturnya. Apa yang terjadi dengan
kecerlangan semu bintang sekarang? Berapa kali lebih terang/redup dibandingkan
keadaan mula – mula?
27. Dua bintang memiliki magnitudo mutlak sama. Bintang A seratus kali lebih jauh
daripada bintang B. Berapa perbedaan magnitudo semunya? Bintang mana yang
nampak lebih terang?

28. Perhatikan sebuah konstelasi bintang di bawah ini !

m Pst = - 0, 8 m Pst = 1,8
m Pst =7
m Pst = 1,25
m Pst = -1,2

m Pst =3
m Pst = 6,3

m Pst = 8,52

a. Bintang manakah yang tampak paling terang ?

b. Bintang mana saja yang dapat terlihat dengan mata telanjang ?
c. Bintang mana yang 1000 kali lebih redup dari bintang Pst ?
d. Jika diketahui magnitudo mutlak bintang Pst adalah 4,78 , berapakah
jaraknya ke pengamat ?
e. Jika sudut paralaks bintang Pst 0”, 125 . Hitunglah magnitudo mutlaknya !

29. a. Mengapa perlu ada banyak bintang standar sebagai acuan pengukuran
magnitudo ?
b. Apa yang dimaksud dengan indeks warna ?
c. Jika bintang terlemah yang dapat diamati bermagnitudo 29. Hitunglah
perbandingan kecerlangannya terhadap Matahari yang bermagnitudo -26,7 !

30. Two stars have the same absolute magnitude. One is thousand times farther away
than the other. What is the difference in apparent magnitudes? Which magnitude

31. Dalam astronomi kecerlangan suatu benda langit dinyatakan dengan besaran
magnitudo ( m ).
Rumus Magnitudo adalah :
m = - 2,5 log
C adalah banyaknya foton (energi cahaya ) yang diterima oleh detector dari benda
langit yang diamati tiap detik. C0 adalah suatu tetapan yang satuannya sama
dengan C. Harga C0 ini tetap untuk suatu detector tertentu. Sebuah bintang yang
terletak pada jarak 100 tahun cahaya dari bumi magnitudonya 7. Berapakah
magnitudo bintang tersebut jika jaraknya 1 tahun cahaya dari bumi ?

32. Two stars have the same apparent magnitude and are of the same spectral type.
One is twice as far away as the other. What is the relative size of the two stars?

33. Panjang gelombang maksimum spektrum sebuah bintang adalah 2,898 x 103 Å.
Berapakah temperatur bintang tersebut? Dapatkah kamu menentukan termasuk
kelas spektrum apakah bintang tersebut?

34. Bintang A dan bintang B mempunyai kelas spektrum dan kelas luminositas yang
sama. Magnitudo visual bintang A adalah mA = 12 sedangkan bintang B adalah
mB = 17. Apabila absorpsi oleh materi antar bintang dan oleh atmosfer bumi
diabaikan, tentukanlah bintang mana yang jaraknya lebih jauh?
35. Dari hasil pengamatan fotometri pada sebuah bintang didapatkan U = 18,15,
B = 18,50 dan V = 18,14. Berdasarkan kelas spektrumnya diperoleh harga
(U - B)o = -0,45. Apabila radius bintangnya adalah 2,3 R , magnitudo mutlak
bolometriknya adalah - 0,25 dan koreksi bolometriknya adalah -0,15, tentukanlah:
a. Magnitudo instrinsik U, B, dan V
b. Temperatur efektif bintang
c. Jarak sebenarnya bintang tersebut

36. There are two stars in a binary star system. Star A has the peak of its radiation
occurring at 7.2x10-5 cm wavelength and star B has the peak of its radiation
occurring at 4.5x10-5 cm wavelength.
a. How do the star' s temperatures compare?
b. Assume the stars are both the same diameter. How much more luminosity does
the hotter star have than the cooler star?
c. If the dimmer star has apparent visual magnitude of 4.0, what is the
approximate visual magnitude of the brighter star? (Both stars are at the same
d. If the dimmer star has intrinsic visual magnitude of 2.0, what is the
approximate intrinsic visual magnitude of the brighter star? (Both stars are at
the same distance.)

37. Suppose the surface temperature of the Sun were three times hotter than it is now.
How much more energy flux would the Sun emit?

38. Dua buah bintang tampak di langit memiliki magnitudo mutlak yang sama.
Bintang yang pertama jaraknya 1000 kali bintang yang kedua. Hitunglah :
a. perbandingan magnitudo semunya
b. perbandingan fluks energinya

39. Planet Pluto berjarak 40 kali jarak Matahari dari Bumi . Hitunglah perbandingan
intensitas cahaya Matahari yang diterimanya dibandingkan yang diterima Bumi !

40. Bagaimana perbandingan antara konstanta Matahari untuk Jupiter dengan

konstanta Matahari untuk Pluto ( Jarak Jupiter – Matahari 5,2 AU dan jarak
Pluto-Matahari 38,8 AU ) ?

41. Bintang mempunyai magnitudo semu visual 1,16 dan koreksi bolometrik 0,08.
Jika magnitudo mutlak bolometriknya 1,87 dan diameter sudutnya 21 x 10-9 detik
busur. Tentukan :
a. Jarak Bintang
b. Luminositas bintang ( dalam satuan Matahari)

42. Diketahui magnitudo semu matahari -26,8 dan magnitudo semu bulan purnama
adalah -12,6. Tentukan tingkat kecerlangan Matahari terhadap bulan purnama!

43. Sebuah bintang ganda kecerlangan komponen pertamanya +3 dan komponen

keduanya +5.
a. Berapakah magnitudo gabungannya ?
b. Berapa kali lebih terang koomponen pertama dibandingkan dengan komponen
keduanya ?

44. Young scientists from the Komi-Republic territory (in the Russian Federation)
registered a few days ago a new object looking like an eclipsing binary star. But
the period of this star was not stable: the stellar magnitude of the object is usually
equal to 24.32m. Once every 7-11 seconds it is rising to 24.52m for 0.2-0.3
seconds. After investigations it was clear that the shining object is eyes of a group
of absolutely black cats sitting on a small absolutely black body in our Solar
System and looking towards the Sun! And one of the cats is blinking! Calculate
the number of cats in the group sitting on the small body and looking to the Sun.
Draw a picture explaining your solution. Consider that all the cats are equal in

45. Perbedaan terang antara Mars ketika Mars sedang beroposisi dibandingkan ketika
Mars sedang berkonjungsi lebih besar daripada perbedaan planet Jupiter saat
sedang beroposisi dan saat sedang berkonjungsi. Jelaskan mengapa? (Jarak
Matahari-Mars = 1,52 AU dan jarak Matahari-Jupiter = 5,2 AU )

46. Berapa kali lebih lemah atau lebih kuat echo radar dari Venus pada saat konjungsi
inferior dibandingkan dengan Venus saat sedang berkonjungsi superior bila
dilihat dari Bumi? Jarak Matahari-Venus = 0,7 AU.

47. Bintang Vireo yang 1000 kali lebih terang dari bintang Oreo, berada 25 kali lebih
jauh dari bintang Oreo. Bintang mana yang nampak lebih terang jika dilihat dari
Bumi ?

48. Bintang deret utama dengan indeks warna = 0 mempunyai magnitudo absolut +1.
Dalam color magnitudo diagram gugus bintang tertentu diketahui bahwa bintang
dengan indeks warna = 0 mempunyai magnitudo semu +6. Berapa jarak gugus
tersebut ( abaikan absorpsi ) ?

49. Andaikan debu pengabsorpsi yang ada di antara bintang dan kita melemahkan
cahaya bintang tersebut sedemikian besarnya sehingga 10% dari cahaya bintang
yang sampai ke pengamat dan pengamat tidak sadar adanya pelemahan tersebut.
Berapa besar kesalahan dalam modulus jarak bintang tersebut ?

50. Dua bintang yang identik mempunyai kecerlangan (fluks) yang berbeda. Bintang
A berjarak 10 parsek dari Bumi, bintang B berjarak 30 parsek. Bintang yang
manakah yang lebih terang, dan berapakah perbedaan kecerlangannya ?

51. Dua bintang yang identik mempunyai kecerlangan (fluks) yang berbeda. Bintang
A berjarak 5 pc dari Bumi dan tampak 81 kali lebih terang dari bintang B.
Berapakah jarak bintang B dari Bumi ?

52. Suppose a star named Oreo, just like the sun (same temparture and size) were
located 250.000 Astronomical Unit from us. How many fainter than the sun
would it appear ?

53. Two identical stars but star B is 10 X farther than star A. What is the difference in
magnitudes between the two stars ?

54. Exactly 47 years ago, on October 4, 1957, the first artificial satellite of the Earth,
“Sputnik I“, was launched. Soon after animals went to space. At first there were
Russian dogs, then american monkeys. And the French goverment planned to
send cats into space, and not simply one or two cats, but a whole crew of 5 cats!
You can see the squad of French cat astronauts ( five members of the main crew
and one doubler/reserved astronauts ) on the photo (not included here !). In one of
the experiments the cats were illuminated by a strong floodlight located on the
Eiffel tower and the data were analyzed. The experiments with the doubler
located 10 km from Eiffel tower, have shown, that each of its eyes when hit by
this floodlight sparkles as a star of 7m (while observed from Eiffel tower).
a. Calculate appoximately the visible stellar magnitude of the total constellation
of the eyes of the crew, if the satellite is flies above Paris at an altitude of 250
b. Estimate roughly from what maximum distance the members of the main crew
could determine that the light of the eyes of the cat-doubler is not simpley a
single star but a binary star ?
( Consider all the crew members and doubler to be identical to each another. The
height of the Eiffel tower is 300 m )

55. Dari hasil pengamatan terhadap bintang Psa diperoleh mv = 1,16 dan diameter
sudutnya = 2,10 . 10-3 detik busur. Apabila magnitudo absolut bolometrik bintang
ini adalah 1,87 dan koreksi bolometriknya adalah 0,08. Tentukanlah :
a. Temperatur efektif
b. Jarak bintang ( andaikan bintang tidak mengalami absorpsi )
c. Radiusnya
d. Luminositasnya

56. Tiga bintang diamati magnitudo semunya dalam panjang gelombang biru (B) dan
visual (V) seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam tabel di bawah ini,
1 17,2 19,5
2 12,4 15,6
3 8,2 6,8

a. Dilihat dengan mata, bintang manakah yang paling lemah? Jelaskan

b. Dalam kenyataannya bintang yang paling lemah tersebut apakah benar-benar
bintang yang lemah cahayanya? Jelaskan jawabanmu.
c. Bintang manakah yang paling panas dan yang paling dingin? Jelaskan

57. Sebuah bintang ganda, magnitudo totalnya 10,18. Magnitudo salah satu
komponennya adalah 12,72. Berapakah magnitudo komponen yang lainnya ?

58. Energi matahari yang diterima di bumi adalah 1380 Watt/m2. Tentukanlah energi
matahari yang diterima oleh planet-planet lainnya, apabila jarak planet tersebut
diketahui seperti dalam tabel di bawah ini.

Energi Matahari yang

Jaraknya dari Matahari
Nama Planet diterima
(dalam Km)
(dalam Watt/m2)
Merkurius 57 910 000
Venus 108 200 000
Bumi 149 600 000 1380
Mars 227 940 000
Jupiter 778 330 000
Saturnus 1 429 400 000
Uranus 2 870 990 000
Neptunus 4 504 300 000
Pluto 5 913 520 000

59. Today is the 46th anniversary of the start of the “cosmic era”. History changed
on October 4, 1957 , when the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik I, was
succesfully launched. It was about the size of basketball, a sphere of 580 mm in
diameter with a mass of 83,6 kg and a 2 mm thick surface of highly polished
aluminium alloy. The Russian word “sputnik” means “companion” (“satellite” in
the astronomical sense). Sputnik I had an elliptical orbit – at perigee , just after
launch, it was 227 km from the Earth’s surface, and 945 km at apogee. It
reamined in orbit until January 4 , 1958. Estimate ( with necessary figures and
calculation), whether was it possible to observe the satellite with the naked eye.

60. The sun has a parallax of ps = 8".8, and a star with the same absolute brightness
p* = 0".022. Is it possible to observe the star at night sky visually?

61. One star peaks at 2000 A. Another peaks at 10000 A. Which one emits more
radiation at 2000 A? Which one emits more radiation at 10000 A? What is the
ratio of the total radiation emitted by the two stars? Consider the stars as black

62. From luminosity and surface temperature, we can calculate the radius of Sirius. It
is 26 times as luminous as the Sun and has a surface temperature of 9200 K. The
sun has a surface temperature of 6000 K. What is Sirius’ radius in solar radii ?

63. You observe a small cluster containing the following stars: five A-type stars (each
with an absolute magnitude (M) of 0 ), ten G-type stars (each with M = 4.5) and
twenty K-type stars (each with M = 6). What is:
a) the cluster'
s absolute magnitude. For reference, you may assume that MSun =
b) the cluster'
s apparent magnitude if it is 500 pc from Earth (ignore extinction).

64. Suppose you observe an interstellar, dark cloud (like a Bok globule), which is at a
distance of 500 pc and which has an angular diameter of 2' . What would be the
apparent magnitude of a young proto-star in the center of the cloud, if the proto-
s luminosity is 10,000 LSun, and the cloud's extinction coefficient (kV) is 100
mag/pc? You may assume that the cloud is perfectly spherical and that MSun = 4.8

65. Suppose you use a bunch of different filters to obtain a distant star' s flux at
different frequencies. After making all your measurements you get the following
numbers (note that 3.00E+15 means 3x1015):
Frequency Flux
3.00E+15 1.40E+10
2.50E+15 1.73E+11
2.08E+15 1.21E+12
1.74E+15 5.26E+12
1.45E+15 1.54E+13
1.21 E+15 3.22E+13
1.00E+15 5.14E+13
8.37E+14 6.52E+13
6.98E+14 6.86E+13
5.81 E+14 6.18E+13
4.85E+14 4.91 E+13
4.04E+14 3.53E+13
3.36E+14 2.34E+13
2.80E+14 1.46E+13
2.34E+14 8.63E+12
1.95E+14 4.91E+12
1.62E+14 2.71E+12
1.35E+14 1.45E+12
1.13E+14 7.65E+1 1
9.39E+13 3.97E+11
7.83E+13 2.03E+11
6.52E+13 1.03E+11
5.43E+13 5.15E+10
4.53E+13 2.57E+10
3.77E+13 1.27E+10
3.14E+13 6.28E+09

a) What is the temperature of the star?

b) What is the star's luminosity assuming it has a radius equal to that of the Sun
(RSun = 6,96 x 108m )?

66. Over the course of a single night you observe a single star a few different times.
At each time you measure the star's elevation and magnitude as the following :

30 12.58 ± 0.05
45 12.44 ±0.05
55 12.35 ± 0.05
67 12.32 ± 0.05
82 12.30 ± 0.05
Find both the atmospheric extinction coefficient as well as the true apparent
magnitude of the star (as it would be measured from space).

67. Diketahui konstanta energi Matahari adalah 1368 W/m2. Jika diketahui albedo
(yaitu fraksi jumlah energi yang dikembalikan ke ruang angkasa) Bumi adalah
0,3, maka :
a. Hitung berapa fluks energi total yang diterima oleh Bumi dari Matahari !
b. Dengan mempertimbangkan nilai albedonya, berapakah pemanasan yang
diakibatkan oleh fluks energi Matahari tersebut?
c. Sementara itu, Bumi “memancarkan” energi sesuai dengan hukum Stefan-
Boltzmann. Dengan menganggap terjadi kesetimbangan energi, tentukan
berapa temperatur efektif bumi.
d. Coba bandingkan dengan kenyataan, apakah sesuai demikian? Bagaimana
menjelaskan fenomena tersebut ?(Asumsikan temperatur rata-rata Bumi 260C)
68. Andaikan pengamat di luar tata surya mengamati Matahari. Sesekali, Jupiter akan
melintasi Matahari (transit) sehingga Matahari akan nampak sedikit lebih redup.
Hitunglah berapakah perubahan magnitudo Matahari saat transit Jupiter itu terjadi
saat diamati pengamat yang berjarak 5.000 pc dari Matahari? Jika pengamat
tersebut mempunyai teknologi fotometer yang sama seperti di Bumi, mungkinkah
perubahan magnitudo tersebut teramati/terdeteksi?

69. Would an infrared detector operating at 100 microns on a satellite orbiting 300
km above Earth be able to see you from space?

70. Berapa radius bintang (dalam satuan radius Matahari) dengan karakteristik:
luminositasnya sama dengan 80 kali luminositas Matahari, temperatur 12000 K
(andaikan temperatur Matahari 6000 K)? Pada panjang gelombang berapa bintang
itu memancarkan radiasinya yang paling besar?

71. Lima bintang mempunyai data sebagai berikut :

Bintang B V MV
A 9.84 10.08 –1.1
B 11.50 11.50 +0.7
C 14.88 14.31 +4.4
D 10.64 8.72 –5.0
E 13.10 12.44 +5.1

a. Bintang mana yang paling terang dilihat mata?

b. Bintang mana yang paling panas permukaannya?
c. Bintang mana yang paling dekat?
d. Bintang mana yang paling besar radiusnya?
Jelaskan alasan masing-masing jawaban! (Absorpsi diabaikan)

72. Seorang pengamat mengamati suatu objek di langit dan mengukur magnitudonya,
diperoleh m = 0. Dari pengamatan lain ia mengetahui bahwa jaraknya kira-kira 10
parsek. Dari pengamatan spektroskopi diperoleh spektrumnya sama dengan
Matahari. Ia menyimpulkan bahwa luminositas obyek itu terlalu terang untuk
bintang seperti Matahari. Ia menarik kesimpulan bahwa kemungkinan obyek itu
adalah sebuah gugus bintang yang rapat, dengan semua anggotanya kemungkinan
sekelas Matahari. Kalau kesimpulan pengamat itu benar, ada berapa bintang kira-
kira di dalam gugus itu?

73. Tabel di bawah ini yang memperlihatkan magnitudo absolut beberapa bintang.
Object M
Matahari +5
Bintang A (Bintang paling terang) -10
Bintang B (Bintang paling lemah) +15

a. Berapa kali lebih terangkah bintang A dibandingkan dengan bintang B?

b. Jika luminositas Matahari adalah 4 x 1026 watts, berapakah luminositas
bintang A dan bintang B?

74. Magnitudo semu sistem bintang ganda diketahui sebesar 5.42. Magnitudo semu
bintang pertama adalah 8.5. Hitunglah magnitudo semu bintang kedua ! Dengan
mengabaikan ekstingsi, hitunglah jarak bintang ganda tersebut bila diketahui
magnitudo mutlak sistem bintang ganda tersebut sebesar 3.5 !
75. On the graph below, the continuous spectrum of the Sun has been plotted. Sketch
the spectrum of a star that is somewhat hotter than the Sun, then answer the
following in the space below :

a) Explain why the hotter object has a higher intensity of light at all wavelengths
and why the peak wavelength of the hotter object is shorter than for the Sun
b) If both of these objects were viewed through a filter that only allowed red light
through, which would appear brighter?

76. When light from a distant star passes through a cloud of gas and dust, it is
scattered (mostly at shorter wavelengths). If we just try to use the observed color
of the star to determine the star's temperature, how will the true star temperature
compare to the observed star temperature? Explain your answer !
I) T(obseved) > T(true).
II) T(observed) < T(true).
III) T(observed) = T(true)...color doesn'
t matter when determining T

77. The formula relating apparent and absolute luminosity is:

Two stars in the the constellation Ursa Major, Alkaid and Dubhe, have the same
apparent luminosity, but we know from parallax measurements that Alkaid is
actually much further away than Dubhe. No explanations are required for this
problem. Assume there' s no material (e.g. gas and dust) along our line of sight to
either star.
a) Which star has a higher absolute luminosity (Alkaid, Dubhe, both have same
absolute luminosity, can't determine)?
b) The star Megrez is also located in the constellation Ursa Major. Megrez has the
same absolute luminosity as Alkaid, but it has a much smaller apparent
luminosity. Which star is closer (Alkaid, Megrez, both have same distance,
can' t determine)?

78. Matahari memancarkan energi dengan laju L = 3,9 x 1026 Watt.

a. Tentukan fluks energi yang diterima oleh Bumi (konstanta matahari) !
b. Pada jarak berapa dari sebuah lampu yang memiliki daya 100 Watt, energi
fluksnya sama dengan konstanta matahari ?
c. Hitunglah total daya yang diterima oleh Bumi !

79. Betelguese memiliki temperatur permukaan 3.400 K sedangkan Rigel 10.100 K,

berdasarkan hukum Wien, hitunglah panjang gelombang maksimum tiap bintang !
Asumsi apa yang Anda gunakan ?
80. Seorang manusia dengan luas permukaan tubuhnya = 1,4 m2 mempunyai suhu
kulit 306 K. Dengan menganggap manusia sebagai benda hitam sempurna,
tentukan daya yang dipancarkan oleh manusia tersebut, tentukan pula panjang
gelombang maksimumnya !

81. Sebuah galaksi aktif pada jarak 1 Gpc menghasilkan luminositas sinar X, Lx
sebesar 1041 erg/s.
a. Hitung fluks yang diterima oleh Bumi
b. Jika observatorium Chandra mendeteksi selama 106 detik. Berapa banyak
foton yang diterima ? Jika energi tiap foton adalah 5 keV dan area efektifnya
400 cm2 .

82. Jumlah foton minimum (berpanjang gelombang 555 nm) per detik yang
diperlukan untuk menimbulkan rangsangan visual pada mata normal adalah 100
buah. Jika dinyatakan dalam Watt, berapa besarnya? (c = 3 x 108 m/s,h = 6,63 x
10-34 Js)

83. Magnitudo semu sebuah bintang +3 dengan paralaks 0”,03. Berapakah jarak
bintang dan magnitudo mutlaknya bila absorpsi diabaikan ?

84. Diketahui luminositas sebuah bintang 10 x luminositas Matahari ( L = 3,86 x

1033 erg/s ). Tentukan luas permukaan bintang tersebut bila panjang gelombang
yang bersesuaian dengan energi radiasi maksimumnya adalah 3 x 10-5 cm !

85. Radius bintang pertama 2 x kali radius bintang ke dua. Temperatur masing-
masing bintang 6000 K dan 10000 K. Tentukan perbandingan daya radiasi
bintang pertama dan bintang ke dua !

86. A small particle of interplanetary material is heated by friction from a temperature

of 400 K to 4000 K as it falls into the atmosphere of the Earth and produces a
meteor or a shooting star in our sky. If this object behaves like a perfect
blackbody over this short time, how will its emitted radiation change as it is
heated ?

87. If two stars have the same surface area but one has 3 times the temperature of the
other, how many times more energy is radiated by the more luminous star ?

88. Magnitudo sebuah bintang mula-mula 5. Tiba-tiba bintang tersebut menjadi

sebuah supernova sehingga kecerlangannya naik menjadi 2.500 kali semula.
Berapakah magnitudo bintang tersebut ketika menjadi supernova ?

89. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant with an absolute visual magnitude of +0.45; it will
terminate its life with a supernova explosion. When it goes supernova how bright
will it be compared to Sirius A, Venus, the Moon, and the Sun? We know that
supernova-II reach a mean absolute magnitude of about –17. Determine the
distance of Betelgeuse in light-years.

90. Diketahui magnitudo semu visual matahari = -26,75. Tentukan magnitudo mutlak
matahari! Berapakah magnitudo matahari jika dilihat dari Alpha Centauri ( sudut
paralaks Alpha Centauri = 0”,76 )? Tentukan apakah akan seterang maharaksasa
Vega dimana magnitudo semunya 0,04! Dapatkah matahari terlihat dengan mata
telanjang jika dilihat dari Galaxy Andromeda yang jaraknya 660 kpc?
91. Suatu kelompok bintang sejenis terdiri dari empat buah bintang. Paralaks rata-rata
kelompok bintang ini adalah 0”,08 dan magnitudo visual masing-masing bintang
adalah 11,03, 11,75, 12,04 dan 12,95. Apabila magnitudo mutlak kelompok
bintang ini dianggap sama, tentukanlah magnitudo mutlak dan paralaks masing-
masing bintang anggota kelompok bintang tersebut.

92. Some stars have temperature of only 3000 K but have over 100 times more
luminosity than the Sun. How is this possible ? If that star is located 100 pc from
Earth, compare the flux between the star and Sun !

93. Pada arah kluster bintang tertentu, ekstingsi antarbintang sebesar 20% dari cahaya
bintang yang dapat mencapai mata pengamat tiap kiloparsec medium
antarbintang. Jika jarak cluster 4 kpc. Berapa persentase foton yang mencapai
mata pengamat di Bumi ?

94. In the white dwarf binary system in the last section, the temperature of the white
dwarf is about 100,000 K while the companion star is about 3000K. The stars are
tidally locked so one hemisphere of the companion is irradiated by the white
dwarf continuously. Estimate the equilibrium temperature of the side of the
companion facing the white dwarf neglecting albedo effects. This heating is
called the “reflection” effect.

95. Open cluster NGC 6791 has a distance modulus m-M=10 magnitudes. Therefore,
at, say, spectral type G, the stars in NGC 6791 are 10000 times dimmer than a G
star at 10 parsecs. Using either the inverse square law or the distance modulus
formula, what is the distance to NGC 6791?

96. If a star is twice the size of the Sun, but has a surface temperature of only 3000 K,
what will be its luminosity (relative to that of the Sun)?

97. Arcturus is 100 times as luminous as the Sun, but its surface temperature is only
½ that of the Sun. What is it radius?

98. Stars A and B have the same relative magnitude. If star A has a luminosity equal
to four times that of star B, and is 10 lyr away, how far away is star B?

99. If the limiting flux the the largest telescopes can detect is f = 10-10 ergs sec-1 cm-2,
how far away (luminosity distance) could a galaxy such as the Milky May (i.e.,
10+11 LSun) be seen from Earth (remember 1 LSun = 4 x 1033 erg sec-1).

100. a. Berapa jarak bintang yang memiliki B = 12,4, MV = 6,8 dan B-V = 0,6 ?
b. Jika sebuah bintang yang memiliki indeks warna sebesar B-V = 2,5, berapa
kali lebih terang bintang itu dalam cahaya visual dibandingkan dengan dalam
cahaya biru ?
II. Pilihan Ganda
1. Andaikan sebuah bintang yang mirip Matahari (temperatur dan radiusnya sama
dengan matahari) berada pada jarak 250 000 AU (1 AU jarak bumi – matahari,
atau 1.5 x 108 km). Kita akan melihat terang bintang tersebut,…
a. 1,60 x 10-11 kali lebih lemah daripada Matahari
b. 4,0 x 106 kali lebih lemah daripada Matahari
c. 1,60 x 10-11 kali lebih terang daripada matahari
d. 4,0 x 106 kali lebih terang daripada Matahari
e. Kita tidak bisa membandingkan terang bintang tersebut

2. Sebuah bintang yang temperatur permukaannya adalah 6000 K akan

memancarkan spektrum benda hitam dengan puncaknya pada panjang gelombang
A. 6000 m
B. 5 x 10-7 nm
C. 18 nm
D. 5 x 10-7 m
E. 1.8 x 10-7 nm

3. Dua buah bintang mempunyai ukuran yang sama, tetapi temperaturnya berbeda.
Apabila kedua bintang dilihat dari jarak yang sama maka bintang yang lebih
panas akan tampak
A. lebih biru dan lebih terang
B. lebih merah dan lebih terang
C. lebih biru, tapi lebih lemah
D. lebih merah, tapi lebih lemah
E. sama terang dengan bintang yang lebih dingin

4. Tipe radiasi mana yang memiliki panjang gelombang yang lebih panjang
dibanding cahaya tampak?
a. Gelombang mikro
b. Gelombang radio
c. Sinar-X
d. Radiasi infra merah
e. Radiasi cahaya biru

5. Terang semu bintang menunjukkan ...

a) jumlah foton cahaya bintang yang sampai ke Bumi
b) daya bintang
c) jarak bintang
d) banyaknya materi antar bintang
e) diameter sudut bintang

6. Dua bintang terangnya sama, kemungkinan …

a) jarak dan dayanya sama
b) jaraknya berbeda dayanya sama
c) jaraknya sama dayanya berbeda
d) jarak dan radiusnya berbeda, dayanya sama
e) jarak dan radiusnya sama, dayanya berbeda

7. Selain Matahari, bintang paling terang di langit…

a) bintang dengan daya paling besar
b) bintang paling dekat dengan Matahari
c) bintang paling panas
d) bintang berdiameter paling besar
e) kemungkinan dayanya besar dan jaraknya dekat

8. Bintang yang lemah cahayanya …

a) belum tentu bintang yang jauh
b) mungkin bintang yang sangat jauh dengan daya kecil
c) mungkin bintang yang sangat jauh dengan daya besar
d) bintang dekat berdaya besar dalam lingkungan nebula gelap
e) semua jawaban benar

9. Two stars have the same luminosity. Star A is 5 times further away than Star B.
Which is the true statement:
A. Star A and Star B appear equally bright in the night sky.
B. Star A appears 5 times brighter than Star B in the night sky.
C. Star A appears 5 times dimmer than Star B in the night sky.
D. Star A appears 25 times brighter than Star B in the night sky.
E. Star A appears 25 times dimmer than Star B in the night sky.

10. If a star has an apparent magnitude -2 and is located at 6.3 parsecs, what is the
absolute magnitude of the star? (apparent magnitude = m, absolute magnitude =
m-M -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20

Distance 2.5 4.0 6.3 10 16 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1,000 10,000 100,000

a. -1 b. 1 c. -2 d. 2 e. -3

11. Of the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum listed below, which has the lowest
a. radio waves
b. infrared radiation
c. gamma rays
d. visible light
e. x-rays

12. Which star of the following apparent magnitudes will appear the brightest?
A) 6.2 B) 1.0 C) 0.0 D) –1.4

13. Which list is in the correct order of electromagnetic radiation frequency, going
from lowest to highest?
A) infrared, ultraviolet, gamma, radio
B) gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible
C) radio, infrared, visible, ultaviolet
D) radio, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible
E) red, violet, blue, green

14. If a star was the same size as our Sun, but was 81X more luminous, it must be
how many times hotter than the Sun?
A) 3x B) 81x
C) 4x D) 9x
E) 2x
15. If Vega is apparent magnitude zero, and Deneb is magnitude one, then:
A) Vega appears 100 times brighter than Deneb.
B) Deneb is one magnitude brighter than Vega.
C) Vega appears 2.5 times brighter than Deneb.
D) Vega is 2.5 times more luminous than Deneb.
E) Deneb is a main sequence star, and Vega is a giant

16. A new star is discovered; it is bright and hot, and emits mostly ultraviolet light. If
we observe it with blue and yellow filters (separately), what would we find?
A) More blue intensity than yellow
B) More yellow intensity than blue
C) Equal yellow and blue intensity
D) Blue and yellow intensities are both zero
E) Not enough information given.

17. If your naked eye limiting magnitude is 6.0, then using a 70 mm telescope, (with
100X the surface area of your pupil), which object would be near your new
limiting magnitude?
A) seventh magnitude Titan, Saturn's largest moon
B) eighth magnitude Neptune
C) ninth magnitude Barnard' s Star
D) eleventh magnitude Tethys, Saturn' s second largest moon
E) thirteenth magnitude Pluto

18. Luminosity
a. Relatively dark spots of varying sizes found generally in groups on the solar
surface that contain intense magnetic fields
b. Rate (per unit of time) that radiant energy is emitted over all wavelengths from
the entire surface of a star
c. The limiting surface surrounding a black hole inside of which nothing can
escape and thus it represents the last communication point with spacetime
d. Gas and dust material that lies in between stars in the disk of our Galaxy and
other spiral galaxies.

19. Apparent magnitude

a. A logarithmic measure of the brightness of a star as it appears in the sky.
b. Rapidly rotating neutron star emitting an intense beam of radiation that is
sweep around, like a lighthouse beam, by the rotation.
c. An otherwise continuous spectrum in which appears a discrete number of dark
absorption lines located at discrete wavelengths.
d. A body in a gravitational encounter that acquires sufficient kinetic energy to
escape the gravitational attraction of the other body or bodies in the encounter.

20. Apparent magnitude is a measure of

a. the brightness of a star as it appears in the sky.
b. the temperature of the stars photosphere.
c. the brightness a star would have if it was located at a distance of 32.6 ly or 10
pc from the Sun.
d. all of the above.

21. If Star A is hotter than Star B, and Star A is emitting most of its light at a
wavelength corresponding to yellow light, which of the following statements is
a. Star B will emit most of its light at a wavelength longer than yellow
b. Star B will emit most of its light at a wavelength shorter than yellow
c. Star B will emit most of its light at the same wavelength as Star A
d. more information is required to answer this question

22. What'
s the difference between a 2nd magnitude star and a 5th magnitude star?
a. The 2nd magnitude star is brighter.
b. The 5th magnitude star is brighter
c. The 2nd magnitude star is more massive
d. The 5th magnitude star is more massive

23. The luminosity of a star is …

a. another name for its color or surface temperature.
b. its brightness as seen by people on Earth.
c. its brightness if it were to be at a distance of 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) from
d. its total energy output into all space, over all wavelengths.

24. If two stars in the sky are not hidden by gas or dust clouds, and have the same
apparent brightness in our sky, then we know that…
a. they may be at different distances, in which case the farther one must have the
greater luminosity.
b. they are necessarily at the same distance away from us.
c. they have the same temperature
d. they may be at different distances, in which case the nearer one must have the
greater luminosity.

25. The technique called photometry in stellar astronomy is the measurement of …

a. the intensity of light from stars through several limited-bandpass filters from
which surface temperature, variability, luminosity, etc. of stars can be
b. the relative absorption of light by different atoms and molecules in high
resolution spectra of starlight, from which stellar temperatures can be
c. the precise positions and relative motions of stars in the galaxy, from which
galactic structure and overall rotation can be determined.
d. the arrival times of photons from variable and pulsating stars, in order to
determine accurately the pulsation or rotation periods of these stars.

26. The color index of a star, the difference between the apparent magnitudes B and
V at two different colors, blue and visual, is directly related to which stellar
a. surface temperature c. Radius
b. Luminosity d. Distance from Earth

27. As the temperature of a radiating body is increased, the light emitted by the body

A. becomes bluer and more intense.
B. becomes redder and more intense.
C. becomes redder and less intense.
D. becomes bluer and less intense.
E. shifts toward longer wavelengths.
28. Star A and Star B have the same apparent magnitude. If the absolute magnitude of
Star A is 5 and the absolute magnitude of Star B is 3, then …
A. Star A appears brighter than Star B.
B. Star A appears fainter than Star B.
C. Star A is more luminous than Star B.
D. Star A is closer than Star B.
E. Star A is farther than Star B.

29. Star A and Star B have the same parallax. If the apparent magnitude of Star A is 2
and the apparent magnitude of Star B is 3, then …
A. Star A appears fainter than Star B.
B. Star A is less luminous than Star B.
C. Star A is more luminous than Star B.
D. Star A is closer than Star B.
E. Star A is farther than Star B.

30. Which is the correct ordering of the electromagnetic spectrum from long to short
wavelength ?
a. Visible, ultraviolet, infrared, x-rays, microwaves, gamma rays, radio
b. Radio, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays
c. Gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwaves, radio
d. Ultraviolet, gamma rays, visible, x-rays, radio, infrared, microwave

31. Not all wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation can penetrate the Earth' s
atmosphere. Of the following types of waves that come from space which one are
you likely to be able to detect most easily from our planet'
s surface:
a. x-rays
b. gamma rays
c. infrared waves
d. ultraviolet waves
e. radio waves of the wavelength that carry FM broadcasts

32. Two stars are giving off electromagnetic radiation. The hotter star will:
a. give off more radiation at all wavelengths
b. will have a higher average frequency of radiation
c. will radiate energy at more than one wavelength
d. will give off a continuous spectrum of waves
e. all of the above

33. Two stars have the same Luminosity , but the star B is 3 times farther from us
than star A. Compared to Star A, star B will look …
a. Three times brighter
b. Nine times brighter
c. nine times fainter
d. three times fainter
e. Just as bright as A

34. When an astronomer rambles on and on about the luminosity of a star she is
studying, she is talking about :…
a. what color the star is
b. the total amount of mass in the star
c. the star'
s apparent size (the size seen from Earth)
d. how much energy the star gives off each second
e. the elements she can see in the star's spectrum
35. The apparent brightness of stars in general tells us nothing about their distances
(i.e. we cannot assume that the dimmer stars are farther away.) In order for the
apparent brightness of a star to be a good indicator of its distance, all the stars
would have to be : …
a. at the same distance
b. the same composition
c. the same luminosity
d. by themselves instead of in binary or double-star systems
e. a lot farther away than they presently are

36. The Sun' s temperature can be determined if you find out ...
a. the wavelength at which the Sun' s spectrum is brightest
b. the Sun' s luminosity and radius
c. which elements are producing lines in the solar spectrum
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

37. Two stars have the same apparent magnitude and are the same spectral type. One
is twice as far away as the other. What is the relative size of the two stars ?
a. The nearer star is a fourth the size of the farther star.
b. The nearer star is half the size of the farther star.
c. The nearer star is twice the size of the farther star.
d. The nearer star is a four times the size of the farther star.

38. The apparent visual magnitude of one star is three magnitudes greater than for
another star. Therefore, the first star is approximately _________ than the second
a. three times brighter
b. three times fainter
c. six times brighter
d. 16 times brighter.
e. 16 times fainter.

39. If on a certain day the Sun has an apparent visual magnitude of -26.5, while in the
evening the moon has an apparent magnitude of -12.5, how much brighter did the
Sun appear on that day?
a.10 times b. 100 times
c.1,000 times d. 10,000 times
e. 1,000,000 times

40. Which of the following is not in itself useful for determining stellar temperature?
a. spectral class
b. color index
c. absolute magnitude
d. degree of ionization
e. wavelength of maximum intensity of the underlying spectrum.

41. Luminous stars with low temperatures …

a. have small diameters compared with the Sun
b. have diameters comparable with that of the Sun
c. have large diameters compared with that of the Sun
d. are white dwarfs.
42. The sun's spectrum peaks at 5600 Å. What wavelength is the peak of a star whose
temperature is twice that of the sun?
a. 1867 Å
b. 2800 Å
c. 11200 Å
d. 16800 Å
e. None of these.

43. Luminosity is …
a. energy per second per unit area in the visual region
b. energy per second per unit area over all wavelengths
c. a different word for magnitude
d. total energy per second radiated over all wavelengths.

44. Assuming that stars radiate like black bodies, you must know which of the
following properties in order to infer the radius of a star?
A. luminosity and surface temperature.
B. luminosity and distance.
C. luminosity and flux.
D. luminosity and mass.

45. Manakah pernyataan di bawah ini yang paling tepat ?

a. Jika suhu bintang tiba-tiba berkurang, maka dapat kita ketahui dari turunnya
panjang gelombang maksimum yang dipancarkan bintang tersebut
b. Jika radius bintang menjadi 2 kali semula tetapi suhunya turun menjadi ½ kali
semula , maka luminositasnya akan menjadi 4 kali semula
c. Flux energi yang dipancarkan oleh bintang berbenading terbalik dengan
kuadrat jarak (invers square law)
d. Jika magnitudo mutlak suatu bintang lebih besar daripada magnitudo semunya
maka jaraknya pasti kurang dari 10 parsec.
e. Semakin besar sudut paralaks suatu bintang , semakin jauh jarak bintang
tersebut dari kita.

46. Jika dua bintang memiliki temperatur yang sama, maka dapat dipastikan kedua
bintang tersebut memiliki ... yang sama.
a. Luminositas
b. Flux energi yang diterima pengamat
c. Flux energi yang dipancarkan
d. Magnitudo
e. Luminositas dan spektrum

No. mB mV
1 8,62 8,82
2 7,45 7,25
3 7,95 6,65
( tabel di atas untuk nomor 47 dan 48 )

47. Tentukan bintang nomor berapakah yang paling terang terlihat oleh mata anda !
a. No 1 , karena mV paling besar
b. No.2 , karena mB paling kecil
c. No. 1 , karena mB paling besar
d. No.3 , karena mV paling kecil
e. No.3, karena (mB + mV)-nya paling kecil

48. Dari tabel nomor 47, dapat kita simpulkan bintang paling panas adalah ...
a. No. 1, karena nilai mB - mV nya paling kecil
b. No. 1, karena memiliki nilai mB paling besar
c. No. 2, karena nilai rata-rata mB dan mV nya paling kecil
d. No. 3, karena nilai mB - mV nya paling besar
e. No. 3, karena nilai mV nya paling kecil

49. The star Phoenicis has an apparent magnitude of +3.4 and an absolute
magnitude of +0.6. The North Star (Polaris) has an apparent magnitude of +2.0
and an absolute magnitude of +0.6. Assuming that no light has been absorbed or
scattered by interstellar dust, we can say for sure that …
A) Both stars are the same distance away from us.
B) Polaris is closer to us than Phoenicis.
C) Polaris is farther away from us than Phoenicis.
D) Polaris appears fainter in our sky than Phoenicis
E) We can’t conclude anything from information given

50. The apparent brightness of an object such as a star does not depend on …
A. how fast the star is moving across our line of sight
B. the strength of the light emanating from the star
C. the distance from us to the star
D. the amount and kind of obstacles between us and the star

Tentukanlah apakah pernyataan di bawah ini benar atau salah. Jika menurut Anda
benar, tuliskan B dan jika menurut Anda salah, tuliskan S di lembar jawab Anda !

a. Kecerlangan sebuah bintang biasa (bukan bintang variabel) berubah-ubah di setiap

pengamatan karena tergantung kondisi pengamatan, tetapi nilai magnitudo
semunya tetap (konstan).
b. Sebuah bintang yang tampak berwarna biru, berarti hanya memancarkan radiasi
elektromagnetik pada panjang gelombang biru.
c. Dari spektrum sebuah bintang, dapat kita ketahui suhu, tingkatan evolusi (usia
bintang), sudut paralaks dan komposisi penyusun bintang.
d. Hanya panjang gelombang optik, yang dilewatkan oleh atmosfer Bumi sampai ke
permukaan Bumi.
e. Semakin jauh jarak sebuah bintang, maka pemandangan / penampakan bintang
tersebut menunjuk pada waktu yang semakin lampau. Hal ini disebabkan oleh
kecepatan cahaya yang terbatas.

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