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No :

Nama : Atharia Refi Khairani Nasution

NPM : 260110160102

(1) Nama Senyawa

Beta-Eudesmol; Beta-Selinenol; Eudesm-4(14)-en-11-ol.
(NCBI, 2018)

(2) Struktur Senyawa

(NCBI, 2018)

(3) Bobot Molekul

222.372 g/mol.
(NCBI, 2018)

(4) Sumber
Amyris balsamifera (Batang)
Neocallitropsis pancheri (Daun)
Zingiber zerumbet (Rimpang)
Magnolia Bark (Kulit Batang)
Chamomilla recutita (akar)

(5) Analisis Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT)

 Fase gerak : Benzene P – Methanol P (27:1)
 Fase diam : Silika gel GF254
 Larutan uji : 10% dalam methanol P
 Larutan pembanding : Magnolol/Honokiol 0,1% dalam methanol P
 Volume penotolan : Totolkan 5 µL Larutan uji dan 5 µL Larutan pembanding
 Deteksi : Vanilin Sulfat 1%, panaskan lempeng pada suhu 100°C
selama 3 menit dan lihat dibawah sinar UV254/UV366.

(Satyajit, 2002)


 Keterangan : S = Sampel; P = Pembanding

Profil Kromatogram Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Lempuyang Gajah (Zingiber zerumbet, Smith)
Fase diam : silica gel GF 254 (e Merck), pengembang benzene-methanol, penampak bercak
UV 254 nm.

(6) Analisis Spektroskopi UV

Tidak ditemukan
(7) Analisis Spektroskopi IR

Keterangan : FTIR spectrum of beta selin-11-en-4a-ol (beta-eudesmol).

(Ronald, et al, 1992)

(8) Analisis Spektroskopi Massa

Keterangan : Mass spectrum of the major peak corresponding to Beta-eudesmol.

(Yu, 2008)
Keterangan : Total ionic chromatogram of essential oil from in vitro root (system A: 30-
m×0.25-mm i.d., 0.25-µm; DB-WAX; 40°C 3 min, 1.5°C/min to 45°C, 3°C/min to 80°C,
5°C/min to 180°C, 10°C/min to 240°C, 240°C for 3 min; and He, 0.20 MPa, 1.0
(Szoke, et al, 2004)

(9) Analisis 1H-NMR

Keterangan : Conditions: polyethylene glycol column, 60m X 0.25ram, df 0.25 μm,

carrier gas Hydrogen 35cm/sec, temperature program: 120°C (1 min) to 236°C at
4°C/min. Assignments: 1 = elemol, 2 = 10-epi-gamma-eudesmol, 3 = gamma-eudesmol,
4 = valerianol, 5 = alpha-eudesmol, 6 = 7-epi- alpha-eudesmol, 7 = beta-eudesmol.

(Beek, et al, 1989)

(10) Analisis 13C-NMR

Keterangan :
SpectraBase Spectrum ID : 5VzSmq5Qa6h
Name : Beta-Eudesmol
Formula : C15H26O
Molecular Weight : 222.371 g/mol
Solvent : CDCL3.

(Raharivelomanana, et al, 1995)

Daftar Pustaka

Beek, Van TA., Kleis, R., Lelyveld, G. P., and Groot, A. E. 1989. Preparative Isolation of (+)-
Beta-Eudesmol from Amyris balsamifera. Chromatographia Vol. 28, No. 3/4. p(126-
National Center for Biotechnology Information. 2018. PubChem Compound Database;
CID=91457. Tersedia online di
Eudesmol#section=Top (Diakses pada 4 Juli 2018).

1995. Two-Dimensional NMR of Sesquiter- penes 8*--Complete Assignment of 'H
and I3C NMR Spectra of Seven Sequiterpene Alcohols from Neocallitropsis
Pancheri. MAGN.RES.CHEM, Vol. 33, No. 233.
Ronald P.W. Kesselmans, Joaniies B.P.A. Wijnberg, Aede de Groot and Teris A. van Beek.
1992. Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Data of All Stereoisomers of Eudesm-11-
en-4-01. Journal Essent. Oil Res Vol. 4, p(201-217).

Satyajit, D., Sarker., and Maruyama, Yuji. 2002. Mangolia: The Genus of Magnolia. USA:
Taylor and Francis. p-135.
Szoke, Eva., Maday, Emoke., Gershenzon, Jonathan., Allen, John L., and Lemberkovics,
Eva. 2004. β-Eudesmol, a New Sesquiterpene Component in Intact and Organized
Root of Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita). Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol.
42. p-231.
Yu, Fegnian., Harada, Hisashi., Yamasaki Kazuhisa., Okamoto, Sho., Hirase, Souta.,
Tanaka, Yasuo., Misawa, Norihiko., and Utsumi, Ryutaro. 2008. Isolation and
Functional Characterization of a β-Eudesmol Synthase, A New Sesquiterpene
Synthase from Zingiber zerumbet Smith. FEBS Letters Vol. 582. p-570.

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