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*Penjelasan Direct dan Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)*

 – Direct dan Indirect Speech merupakan materi grammar bahasa Inggris yang banyak diajarkan di
jenjang SMP dan SMA. Direct dan Indirect Speech atau yang biasa disebut Reported Speech ini menjadi
langganan bentuk soal yang sering keluar di UN baik untuk SMP dan SMA.Atas dasar begitu pentingnya
materi Direct dan Indirect Speech ini, maka pada kesempatan kali ini penulis memberikan penjelasan
mengenai Direct dan Inderct tersebut dengan lengkap kepada pengunjung sekalian. Semoga
bermanfaat.*Direct dan Indirect Speech*Ketika kita merubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak
langsung, ada beberapa hal yang mengalami perubahan diantaranya perubahan struktur kalimat, tensis,
pronoun (kata ganti orang), keterangan waktu dan tempat (Adverbs of time and place).Sebelum
melangkah jauh ke sub-pembahasan tersebut di atas, alangkah baiknya ada juga mengerti tentang apa
yang dimaksud *Reporting Speech* dan *Reported Speech*.Reporting Speech adalah bagian dalam
kalimat direct speech yang di tandai oleh tanda petik (“) dan di akhiri oleh tanda petik (“).

* He said, *“I have a present for you in my bag.**“*

* He asked me, *“why do you come late.**“*

Sedangkan Reported Speech adalah baigan awal dari kalimat direct speech.

* *He said, *“I have a present for you in my bag.”

* *He asked me*, “why do you come late.”Untuk itu, pada artikel ini penulis sengaja membagi beberpa
sub-penjelasan mengenai direct dan indirect speech berdasakan perubahan-perbuahan di atas.

*1. Perubahan Stuktur kalimat*Jika kita lihat pada kalimat direct speech, terdapat ciri-ciri yang identik
yaitu terdapat tanda petik (“). Tada petik tersebut merupakan cara yang sering digunakan untuk
membedakan mana yang direct atau yang indirect.Ketika klimat direct speech tersebut dirubah menjadi
kalimat indirect speech, tanda petik tersebut pun dihilangkan atau digantikan dengan kata “that” atau
“to” (untuk kalimat perintah). Misalnya:NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech

01He said, *“*I have a present for you in my bag.*“*He said *that* he had a present for me in his bag.

02He asked me, *“*why do you come late.*“*He asked me why I came late.

03He orderd me, *“*don’t bring a bag.*“*He ordered me *to* didn’t bring a bag.

Perubahan struktur kalimat juga terjadi jika pada direct speech menggunakan kalimat tanya, maka akan
dirubah menjadi kalimat afirmatif (berita).Untuk kalimat direct speech yang menggunakan kalimat tanya
“yes-no question” maka akan dirubah menjadi if/whether. Contohnya:NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech

01They asked me, “*Do* you want to join us to play football?”They asked me *if/whether* I want to
join them to play football.

02He asked me, “*Does* she want to mary me?”He asked me *if/whether* she wants to mary her.
Untuk kalimat direct speech yang menggunakan 5W1H question (Why, Who, What, When, WHere,
How), maka akan dirubah menjadi kalimat afirmatif dengan cara sebagai berikut:NoDirect
SpeechIndirect Speech

01He asked me, “why *do* you come late?”He asked me why you came late.

02He asked me, “what *does* she eat?”He asked me what she ate.

03He asked me, “when *did* you come?”He asked me when I came.

04He asked me, “who *are* you?”He asked me who I was.

05He asked me, “who *is* she?”He asked me who she was.

*2. Perubahan Tensis (Tenses)*Seperti yang dijelaskan dimuka, perbuahan dari direct ke indirect juga
mempengaruhi tensis yang digunakan. Kebanyakan siswa sulit memahami perubahan yang satu ini.
Untuk itu, penulis sengaja membuatkan tabel perubahan tensis agar mudah dimengerti.Di bawah ini
adalah tabel Perubahan Tenses dari direct speech ke indirect speech.NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech

01Simple PresentSimple Past

02Present ContinuousPast Continuous

03Present FuturePast Future

04Present PerfectPast Perfect

05Present Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous

06Simple PastPast Perfect

07Past ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous

Atau bisa lebih dipermudah dengan tabel berikut di bawah ini, yaitu:NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech

01V1 (eat)V2 (ate)

02V2 (ate)Had + V3 (had eaten)



05Do/does notDid not

06Did notHad not + V3

07Was/wereHad been
08Am/is/are + V-ingWas/were + V-ing

09Was/were +V-ingHad been + V-ing

10Has/have + V3Had + V3

11Will/shall/can/may/mustWould/should/could/might/had to

12Could/might/should/would + V1/beCould/might/should/would + have+ V3/been

*3. Perubahan Pronoun*Perubahan pronoun dan possessive tergantung kepada sabjek dan objek yang
dipakai di direct speech (kalimat langsung) yang tentunya mempengaruhi perubahan pronoun pada
indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung).

* Kata ganti orang pertama (*I* dan *We*) pada reporting speech (lihat penjelasan di awal) berubah
sesuai subjek yang ada di reproted speech.NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech

01"He" said, ‘*I* am busy.’*"He"* said that "*he*" was busy.

02"She" said, ‘*I* am unwell.’*"She"* said that "*she*" was unwell.

03"I" said, ‘*I* will be late.’*"I"* said that "*I*" would be late.

04"They" said, ‘*We* will not permit this.’*"They"* said that "*they*" would not permit that.

05"We" said, ‘*We* need to buy some clothes.’*"We"* said that "*we*" needed to buy some clothes.

* Kata ganti orang kedua (*You*) di reporting speech pada direct speech berubah sesuai objek pada
reported speech.NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech

01He said to "me", ‘*You* have to come with me.’He told "me" that "*I*" had to go with him.

02She said to "me", ‘*You* can go.’She told "me" that "*I*" could go.

03She said to "him", ‘*You* can go.’She told "him" that "*he*" could go.

* Kata ganti orang ketiga (*He*, *she*, *it* dan *they*) pada direct speech tidak mengalami perubahan
ketika dirubah ke indirect speech.NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech

01He said, ‘*She* is a good girl.’He said that *she* was a good girl.

02She said, ‘*They* have invited us.’She said that *they* had invited them.

03They said, ‘*He* does not have the necessary qualifications.’They said that *he* did not have the
necessary qualifications.

*4. Perubahan Keterangan waktu dan tempat (Adverbs of time and place)*Tidak cuma itu, dalam
perubahan dari direct speech ke indirect speech juga mempengaruhi adverbs khusunya adverb of time
(keterangan waktu) dan adverb of place (keterangan tempat). Untuk itu anda wajib memahami tabel di
bawah ini.NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech


02To dayThat day

03TomorrowThe next day

The day after

The following day

A day later

04Next …The … after

The following …

05Last …The … before

The Previous …

06… ago… before

… earlier

07YesterdayThe day before

The previous day

The preceeding day

08The day before yesterdayTwo day before




Di bawah ini adalah contoh-contoh direct dan indirect speech untuk menambah pemahaman mengenai
penjelasan di atas.Direct SpeechIndirect Speech

(+)He said, “I have a present for you in my bag.*here*”He said that he had a present for me in his
bag *there*.

(-)He said, “I do not have a present for you in my bag”He said that he did not have a present for me in
his bag.
(?)He asked, “Do I have a present for you in my bag?”He asked me if/whether he had a present for me in
his bag.

(?)He asked me, “ Why do I have to have a present for you in my bag?

 He asked me why he had to have a present for me in his bag.

(!)He ordered/commanded me, “Bring my bag here *now*!”He ordered/commanded me to bring his

bag there *then*.

(!)He ordered me, “Don’t bring your bag here!”He ordered me not to bring my bag there.

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