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Superintensif PPU 2020
Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 1 sampai dengan 5.
Komite Nobel Kimia 2016 Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kerajaan Swedia (RSAS) menganugerahkan
Nobel Kimia 2016 pada Jean Pierre Sauvage (71), Sir J. Frasar Stoddart (74), dan Bernard L. Feringa (65) atas
temuan desain dan sintesis mesin molekuler, mesin terkecil di dunia berukuran lebih kecil daripada sehelai
rambut dibelah 1.000. Gambaran tentang mesin molekuler itumirip mesin yang kita kenal sehari-hari. Ada
penggunaan rantai mekanik, motor, lift, dan robot. Namun, semuanya dalam dimensi molekul yang
merupakan kumpulan atom yang terikat secara kimia. Gagasan tentang mesin molekuler itu dimulai
Sauvage pada 1983. Umumnya, molekul saung bergabung melalui ikatan kovalen. Namun, Sauvage dan tim
mampu menghubungkan molekul-molekul dalam ikatan mekanik yang lebih bebas sehingga membentuk
rantai mo lekul. Ikatan molekul itu membuat gabungan molekul tidak lagi terikat kaku, tetapi
memungkinkan setiap bagiannya saling bergerak terhadap lainnya. Dari temuan itulah, konsep mesin
molekuler dibangun. Penantian pada bidang ilmu dasar itu dinilai memicu kemunculan berbagai inovasi
baru, mulai dari pengembangan material baru yang bisa mengembang atau menyusut bila terkena cahaya,
polimer yang otomatis memperbaiki diri saat tergores, sensor peka cahaya, sistem penyimpanan energi, cip
komputer, hingga robot molekuler yang mampu melepaskan zat aktif obat pada waktu dan tempat yang
Sumber: Harian Kompas, 7 Oktober 2016

01. Kata sintesis dalam paragraf pertama teks B. Ikatan yang terjadi antara atom yang
tersebut dapatberarti . . . berbagi sepasang elektron untuk
A. Bagian terkecil dari senyawa yang mendapatkan kulit terluarnya penuh
terbentuk dariikatan kimia kumpulan atom C. Ikatan dengan distribusi muatan elektrik
B. Daya tarik antara atom yang membentuk yang sama antara dua atom
zat kimia D. Pembentukan molekul tertentu Pada
C. Reaksi kimia antara dua zat atau lebih protein rumit
yang membentuk satu zat baru E. Reaksi kimia antara dua zat atau lebih
D. Sebuah zat yang mempercepat laju reaksi yang membentuk satu zat baru
04. Arti istilah polimerdalam teks tersebut adalah
E. Bersangkutan dengan molekul
02. Berdasarkan teks tersebut, definisi kata A. Struktur molekul yang dapat berikatan
molekuler adalah… secara kimia
A. Bersangkutan dengan molekul B. Proses bereaksi molekul monomer bersama
B. Lebih kecil dari molekul dalam reaksi kimia untuk membentuk
C. Lebih besar dari molekul tigadimensi jaringan
D. Bagian terkecil dari senyawa C. Reaksi monomer-monomer yang berikatan
E. Gabungan antara molekul dan atom rangkap menjadi ikatan tunggal
D. Makromolekul yang tersusun dari
03. Dalam teks tersebut, terdapat istilah ikatan
monomer-monomer yang berikatan secara
kovalen yang berarti ….
A. Sebuah elektron dalam sebuah atom yang
dapat berpartisipasi dalam ikatan kimia

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E. Reaksi kimia antara dua zat atau lebih C. Mendapat hadiah Nobel Kimia pada usia
yang membentuk satu zat baru yang sama dengan Sir J. Frasar Stoddart
dan Bernard L. Feringa.
05. Pernyataan sesuai tentang Jean P. Sauvage
D. Secara individual mampu
menghubungkan molekul-molekul dalam
A. Menggagas mesinmolekuler pada tahun
ikatan mekanik yang lebih bebas sehingga
membentuk rantai molekul
B. Menggagas mesin molekuler bersama
E. Mendapat penghargaan Nobel Kimia 2016
dengan Sir J. Frasar Stoddart dan Bernard
dari Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kerajaan
L. Feringa
Swedia (RSAS)

Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 6 sampai dengan 9.

(1) Kapankah kita harus berhenti minum air putih? (2) Kita harus berhenti minum air putih ketika sudah
cukup minum karena minum berlebihan bisa berisiko pada kesehatan akibat kadar sodium menjadi terlalu
rendah. (3) Jika warna urine sudah bening jermih, artinya kita telah tercapai status hidrasi optimal. (4)
Warna urine kuning gelap adalah pertanda minum lebih banyak. (55 Akan tetapi, terlalu banyak minum
agar kita segera sebelum dan selama makan berat-misalnya, sepiring penuh nasi dengan lauk-pauk lengkap
dan beberapa jenis sayur sekaligus yang dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan.(6) Bagaimana kebutuhan
air seusai berolahraga? (7) lika kita mengeluarkan sangat banyak akibat berlatih berat dalam waktu lebih
lama, mineral-mineral penting yang hilang tidak cukup ditemukan dalam air putih. (8) Oleh karena itu,
daripada minum air putih biasa atau bahkan minuman manis lebih baik kita minum air kelapa.

6. Topik bacaan tersebut adalah…. E. Mineral-mineral yang hilang setelah

A. kebaikan yang terdapat dalam air putih. banyak berkeringat tidak cukup
B. saat tepat berhenti minum air putih. ditemukan dalam air putih.
C. kaitan urine dengan kebutuhan air putih.
8. Dalam teks tersebut terdapat penggunaan
D. waktu kita berhenti minum air putih.
kata yang tidak sesuai dengan konteks
E. berbagai risiko meminum air putih.
kalimatnya, yaitu…
7. Pernyataan manakah berikut ini tidak A. kata tercapai pada kalimat (3).
berhubungan dengan isi teks tersebut…. B. kata pertanda pada kalimat (4)
A. Urine yang berwarna kuning gelap C. kata ketidakyamanan pada kalimat (5).
menandakan bahwa kita harus segera D. kata berolahraga pada kalimat (6).
minum lebih banyak. E. kata berlatih pada kalimat(7)
B. Kebutuhan kita akan air putih perlu
9. Makna kata hidrasi pada kalimat (3) teks
dikontrol agar tidak terjadi ketidakbaikan.
tersebut adalah….
C. Kadar sodium dalam tubuh menjadi
A. kehilangan cairan tubuh
terlalu rendah jika kita minum air putih
B. kelebihan cairan tubuh.
secara berlebihan.
C. pengurangan air
D. Minuman manis memiliki kelebihan
D. penggabungan dengan air
dibandingkan air putih karena memiliki
E. pencampuran air.
berbagai zat yang dibutuhkan tubuh.

© PROSUS INTEN – SUPLEMEN Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum SET 2

Questions 10–13 are based on the following passage
Philosophers and psychologists have long debated the nature of emotions such as happiness.
Findings in neuroscience suggest how brains generate emotions through a combination of cognitive
appraisal and bodily perception.
On the traditional dualist view of a person, you consist of both a body and soul, and it is the soul that
experiences mental states such as happiness. This view has the appealing implication that you can even
feel happiness after your body is gone, if your soul continues to exist in a pleasant location such as
heaven. Unfortunately, there is no good evidence for the existence of the soul and immortality, so the dualist
view of emotions and the mind in general can be dismissed as wishful thinking or motivated inference.
There are currently two main scientific ways of explaining the nature of emotions. According to the
cognitive appraisal theory, emotions are judgments about the extent that the current situation meets your
goals. Happiness is the evaluation that your goals are being satisfied. Similarly, sadness is the evaluation
that your goals are not being satisfied, and anger is the judgment aimed at whatever is blocking the
accomplishment of your goals.
Alternatively, William James and others have argued that emotions are perceptions of changes in your
body such as heart rate, breathing rate, perspiration, and hormone levels. On this view, happiness is the
kind of physiological perception, not a judgment, and other emotions such as sadness and anger are mental
reactions to different kinds of physiological perception stages. The problem with this account is that bodily
states do not seem to be nearly as finely tuned as the many different kinds of emotional states. Yet there is
undoubtedly some connection between emotions and physiological changes.

10. What is the passage about? D. related

A. Emotion as a matter of perception E. casual
B. A long standing debate on emotion
13. The following statement is correct, EXCEPT
C. Definition of emotion
D. The traditionalist view on emotion
A. on the traditional dualist view of a
E. Human soul as a factor for the emotion to
person, it is the soul that experiences
mental states
11. The word generate in line 2 is best replaced B. happiness is the evaluation that the goals
by…. are being satisfied according to the
A. affect cognitive appraisal theory
B. produce C. there is good evidence for the existence of
C. process the soul and immortality based on
D. increase traditional dualist view
E. perform D. anger is the judgment aimed at whatever
is blocking the accomplishment of goals
12. Feelings and changes of bodily process are
E. there are currently two main scientific
ways of explaining the nature of
A. independent
B. overlapping
C. unique

Questions 14 – 18 are based on the following passage

Astronomy is the oldest science, dating back thousands of years to when primitive people noticed
objects in the sky overhead and watched the way the objects moved. In ancient Egypt, the first appearance of
certain stars each year marked the onset of the seasonal flood, an important event for agriculture. In 17th
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century, England used astronomy to provide methods of keeping track of time that were especially useful for
accurate navigation. Astronomy has a long tradition of practical results, such as our current understanding
of the stars, day and night, the seasons, and the phases of the moon. Much of today’s research in astronomy
does not address immediate practical problems. Instead, it involves basic research to satisfy our curiosity
about the universe and the objects in it. One day such knowledge may well be of practical use to humans.

14. What is the main idea of the text? D. silly

A. Historical origins of astronomy E. unintelligent
B. The advantages of astronomy
17. What was the purpose of research in
C. Astronomy as navigator
astronomy nowadays?
D. How people still use astronomy
A. To solve difficult problems
E. Moon in astronomy
B. To solve practical problems
15. How did the people in Egypt use astronomy? C. To answer our interest about the universe
A. They used it to predict the future D. To explore possibility of questions about
B. They used it to know when flood might the universe
occur E. To satisty our curiosity about universe
C. They used it to harvest the plants
18. What does the pronoun it in line 7 refer to?
D. They used it to mark the stars in the sky
A. Previous research
E. They used it to keep track of time
B. Future research
16. The word primitive in line 1 can be replaced C. Today’s research of astronomy
by .... D. Research
A. ancient E. Astronomy research
B. old
C. not modern

Questions 19 – 25 are based on the following pas

George Lucas’s Star wars changed the direction of American film with some of the most ingenious ____19_____
effects contrived for movies of its time. Twenty two months were spent on the special effects, including the six months
___20______to design the equipment and the more than 1,000 story boards for the effects sequences.
A special ___21______camera, called a Dykstraflex, ____22____ to give the illusion of real screen movement.
This system, controlled by the camera operator, enabled him or her to pan, tilt, and track around the model,
always keeping it in focus. The breakthrough was the camera’s ability to repeat the identical movement from
shot to shot thus the effects sequences ___23__ like a music track, layer upon layer. The illusion was complete
none of the spaceships in Star Wars ever moved – only the camera did.
The star –field backdrop in space ___24______by punching holes in black plexiglass. More than 75 models
were constructed, with astonishing detail work. On t he rebel blockade runner artists ____25 _____a tiny cockpit,
all done to scale. The miniaturized laser canons were fully motorized to swivel and tilt by remote control.

19. …
20. …
A. specialize A. need
B. specialization B. needed
C. special C. needing
D. specially D. needs
E. specialty E. will need

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21. … D. could be built
A. computerize E. were able to build
B. has computerized
C. has been computerized
D. will be computerized 24. …
E. computerized A. was made
B. made
22. … C. has made
A. designed D. had been made
B. was designed E. makes
C. had been designed
D. has been designed
E. designs 25. …
A. build
23. …
B. was built
A. could build C. built
B. can build D. had built
C. are able to build E. had been built

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