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BINUS University

BINUS ONLINE LEARNING Semester: Odd/ Even *)

 Graduate Program  Undergraduate Program
Period: 1 / 2 *)
Academic Year:
 Final Exam  Others Exam:
Faculty / Dept. : Binus Online Learning/ Computer Science
Course : COMP6740-Program Design Methods Student ID : 2440088463
Day/ Date : Senin – Senin / 15 - 22 Februari 2021
BULC : Bekasi, Bandung, Jakarta, Malang, Medan, Name : ATRIA ERNANDIA R.
Batam, Samarinda, Makasar, Semarang
Time : 00.00 – 12.00 WIB
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No. Deskripsi Soal Bobot

1 Sebuah perusahaan listrik ABC mempunyai file data dari pemakaian listrik pelanggan dimana 40
informasi yang dicatat berupa no pelanggan, nama pelanggan, jumlah pemakaian pelanggan
(kWh). Dari data yang ada tersebut maka perlu dilakukan perhitungan biaya yang harus
dibayarkan oleh pelanggan sesuai dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
• Penggunaan dibawah 100 kWh akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp. 1500,00 per kWh.
• Penggunaan lebih dari 100 kWh akan dikenakan biaya sebagai berikut:
o 100 kWh pertama akan dikenakan biaya Rp. 1500,00 per kWh.
o Sisa kelebihan kWh berikutnya akan dikenakan biaya Rp. 1200,00 per kWh.
Anda diminta untuk membuat sebuah program yang akan membaca data tersebut dan mecetak
laporan jumlah biaya yang perlu dibayarkan untuk setiap pelanggan yang ada.
a. Buatlah Definisi diagram dari permasalahan tersebut. [5%]
b. Buatlah hierarchy chart. [5%]
c. Buatlah algoritma dalam bentuk pseudocode untuk membuat laporan tersebut. [15%]
d. Buatlah desk checking tablenya dengan minimal 2 dataset. (1 dataset cukup terdiri dari 2
records). [15%]
2 Ani membuat sebuah restoran baru yang terletak di Jakarta. Restorannya semakin hari semakin 60
ramai sehingga Ani memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi untuk membantunya
mengelola restoran tersebut. Adapun beberapa informasi mengenai sistem yang berjalan pada
restoran tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
• Ani sebagai seorang owner mempekerjakan beberapa pegawai seperti koki, pramusaji, dan
penjaga kasir. Setiap karyawannya memiliki gaji standar namun ada bonus tambahan lagi
untuk koki. Para karyawan bekerja dengan pembagian shift pagi dan siang.
• Pelanggan akan memesan makanan dan minuman yang dilayani oleh pramusaji. Pramusaji
akan mencatat pesanan dan memasukkannya ke dalam sistem. Nantinya data pesanan
tersebut mau dimunculkan di bagian dapur agar koki dapat memasak sesuai dengan
pesanan yang masuk.
• Setelah koki memasak makanan tersebut makan makanan akan dipersiapkan untuk
disajikan. Informasi mengenai makanan yang sudah dimasak tersebut akan diupdate
didalam sistem.
• Pramusaji akan menyajikan makanan dan minuman yang dipesan tersebut.
• Ketika pelanggan selesai makan, maka pelanggan dapat meminta bill atau pergi langsung ke
kasir untuk melakukan pembayaran. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara tunai, debit
ataupun kredit.
EHY | Page 1 of 3
No. Deskripsi Soal Bobot
• Pembayaran dilayani oleh pihak kasir dan kasir akan mencetak bukti pembayaran tersebut.
• Koki juga secara periode melakukan pengecekan terhadap bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan.
Dari informasi mengenai restoran Ani diatas, maka buatlah perancangan sistemnya dalam
a. Use case diagram (Minimal ada 5 use cases). [15%]
b. Buatlah 3 activity diagram dari use case yang ada. [15%]
c. Class diagram lengkap dengan atribut dan method serta relasi antar kelasnya. [15%]
d. Buatlah 3 interaction diagram [15%]
Catatan: Silahkan tambahkan deskripsi dari asumsi Anda jika diperlukan.
SKORE : % dari Bobot
Skor x bobot
Bobot 4 : 85 – 100 3 : 75 – 84 2 : 65 - 74 1 : 0 - 64

LO 1 Ability to explain Correct explanation Correct explanation Correct Incorrect

program design completed with completed with explanation explanation
Explain method theory relevant examples examples
5 1a

LO 1 Ability to outline Correctly outlining Correctly outlining Correct Correct

solution algorithm solution algorithm solution algorithm explanation explanation
Explain using three steps: using the three steps using two of three completed with completed with
5 Defining the problem, completely: Defining steps examples examples 1b
algorithm, and the problem,
deskchecking algorithm, and
Ability to use The usage of The usage of The usage of The usage of
repetition control repetition control repetition control repetition control repetition control
LO 2 structure in the structure is suitable structure is suitable structure is structure is
program and effective to solve to solve the problem partially correct partially correct 1c
Use the programming but not effective
Repetition problem
and selection Ability to use The usage of The usage of The usage of The usage of
selection control selection control selection control selection control
control structure in the structure is suitable selection control structure is structure is
15 program and effective to solve structure is suitable partially correct partially correct
the programming to solve the problem
problem but not effective
Design the Ability to solve the Able to solve the Able to solve the Unable to use the
application using problem by using the problem by using the problem by using structure
program design array array correctly the array partially programming
LO 3 method correct correctly 1d
Design and Ability to solve the Ability to solve the Able to solve the Able to solve the Unable to use the
solving problem by using the problem by using the problem by using the problem by using structure
structure structure structure the structure programming
problem programming programming programming programming correctly
15 (sequence, selection (sequence, selection (sequence, selection (sequence,
and repetition) step and repetition) step and repetition) step selection and
by step by step by step correctly repetition) step
by step partially
LO 4 Ability to Able to demonstrate Able to demonstrate Able to Unable to
demonstrate the the business report the business report demonstrate the demonstrate the
Demonstrate effectively and correctly business report business report
business report correctl partially correct
and Use
Module Able to use module Able to use module to Able to use Unable to use
Ability to use module to solve the problem solve the problem module to solve module to solve
15 to solve the problem correctly and correctly the problem the problem
effectively partially correct
Able to explain Able to explain Able to explain Unable to explain
activity diagram and activity diagram and activity diagram activity diagram
Explain the object state diagram state diagram and state diagram and state diagram
LO5 oriented design correctly and correctly partially correct
Explain Class effectively 2b
Diagram Ability to explain class Able to explain class Able to explain class Able to explain Unable to explain
15 diagram to solve the diagram to solve the diagram to solve the class diagram to class diagram to
problem problem correctly problem correctly solve the problem solve the problem
and effectively partially correct
LO6 Ability to apply the Able to apply the Able to apply the Able to apply the Able to apply the
designed diagram designed diagram designed diagram designed diagram designed diagram
Design using programming using programming using programming using using
application language language correctly language correctly programming programming
and effectively language partially language partially
15 correct correct 2c,d
Ability to use the Able to use the Able to use the Unable to use the Unable to use the
LO6 diagrams of object diagrams of object diagrams of object diagrams of diagrams of
Use diagram oriented to solve the oriented to solve the oriented to solve the object oriented to object oriented to
15 problem problem correctly problem correctly solve the problem solve the problem
and effectively




1a. Define Diagram

1b. Hierarchy Chart

1c. Pseudocode


1 Perform_initial_processing
2 read customer record
3 DOWHILE more records
4 calculate_amount_cost
5 print_customer_usage_record
6 read customer record
7 print_electricity_totals

8 print ‘CUSTOMER USAGE’ heading
9 set total_Customer to zero
10 set total_amount_cost to zero

11 IF usage <= 100 THEN
amount_cost = usage * Rp. 1500,00
amount_cost=(100* Rp. 1500,00 )+((usage - 100 Rp.
1200,00 )
12 add amount_cost to total_amount_cost

13 print customer_number, customer_name, electricity_usage,
14 add 1 to total_customers

15 print total_customers
16 print total_amount_cost

1d. Desk Checking

customer customer electricity_u DOWHILE total_amount total-
Statement Number amount_cost Heading
_number _name sage condition _cost customers

1,8 print
9,10 0 0
2 cust1 andi 89

4,11 Rp.150.000,00

12 Rp.150.000,00
5,13,14 print print print print 1
6 cust2 budi 115

4,11 Rp 168.000,00

12 Rp.318.000,00
5,13,14 print print print print 2
7,15,16 print print

2a. Use Case


2b. Activity Diagram

2c. Class Diagram


2d. Interaction Diagram

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