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SNPDB 2020

Mata Uji : TA MAN-PK Paket 1

1. Ali dan Hasan masing-masing membuat tumpukan kotak dengan menggunakan kotak hijau dan
putih. Kedua tumpukan memiliki tinggi yang sama. 3/8 bagian dari tumpukan Ali menggunakan
kotak hijau. 5/8 bagian dari tumpukan Hasan menggunakan kotak hijau. Ali menggunakan 9 kotak
hijau. Banyaknya kotak hijau yang digunakan Hasan adalah ....

(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 20
(D) 24

2. Banyaknya bilangan bulat x sehingga hasil dari

merupakan bilangan bulat adalah ....

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 6

3. Jumlah 15 suku pertama yang suku-sukunya merupakan kelipatan 5 adalah ....

(A) 525
(B) 550
(C) 575
(D) 600

4. Dalam suatu transaksi, persentase keuntungan adalah 80% dari modal. Jika modal lebih lanjut
meningkat sebesar 20% tetapi harga jualnya tetap sama, besarnya penurunan dalam persentase
laba adalah sebesar ....

(A) 10%
(B) 20%
(C) 25%
(D) 30%
5. Diberikan persamaan berikut.

Banyaknya faktor linier dari T adalah ....

(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 1

6. Di sebuah desa, 85% orang berbicara bahasa Jawa, 40% berbicara bahasa Sunda, dan 20%
berbicara bahasa Padang. Sejumlah 32% berbicara bahasa Jawa dan Sunda, 13% berbicara
bahasa Jawa dan Padang dan 10% berbicara bahasa Sunda dan Padang. Besarnya persentase
orang yang berbicara tiga bahasa daerah tersebut adalah ....

(A) 5%
(B) 10%
(C) 13%
(D) 15%

7. Perhatikan kedua grafik berikut.

Hasil dari [f(-1)]2 +f(0)-g(0)=....

(A) -6
(B) 1
(C) 20
(D) 24


Jika garis tidak melalui kuadran IV, maka letak titik (p-r,pr) berada di kuadran ...

(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV

Kebun Pak Madi berrbentuk persegi panjang seperti gambar berikut ini.

Daerah 1 dan daerah 2 berturut-turut ditanami jagung dan singkong, sedangkan sisanya ditanami
kacang. Daerah 1 dan daerah 2 masing-masing berbentuk persegi dengan luas daerah 2
samadengan 16 kali luas daerah 1. Jika luas daerah yang ditanami kacang 288 meter persegi,
maka keliling kebun Pak Madi samadengan... .

(A) 80 m
(B) 96 m
(C) 108 m
(D) 120 m

Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini. Luas juring ABO dan CEO berturut-turut 102 dan 119.
(A) 50o
(B) 56o
(C) 60o
(D) 72o

Diberikan dua segitiga ABD dan ABC yang tumpul di A dan B dengan AB = 9, AD = BC = 10, BD =
17 dan sudut DAB = sudut ABC seperti gambar berikut.

Luas segitiga ABE adalah...

(A) 9,0
(B) 9,9
(C) 10,8
(D) 11,7

Sebuah drum penuh berisi air. Drum mempunyai dua kran pada dasarnya, namakan kran A dan
kran B dan satu kran tepat di atas drum, namakan kran C seperti pada gambar di bawah.
1. Jika kran A dibuka sedangkan kran B dan C ditutup, maka tepat setelah 12 menit air terkuras
habis dalam drum
2. Jika kran B dibuka sedangkan kran A dan C ditutup, maka tepat setelah 20 menit air terkuras
habis dalam drum
3. Jika kran C dibuka sedangkan kran A dan B ditutup, maka tepat setelah 10 menit drum penuh
terisi air.
Jika ketiga kran dibuka, maka waktu minimal yang dibutuhkan agar air dalam drum terkuras habis

(A) 20 menit
(B) 24 menit
(C) 30 menit
(D) 32 menit

Perkembangan ekspor ikan (dalam ratus ton) pulau X disajikan oleh diagram berikut

Jika rasio luas juring ekspor kakap : ekspor tuna = 7 : 12, maka banyak ekspor ikan kakap oleh
pulau X pada tahun 2018 adalah...
(A) 350 ton
(B) 450 ton
(C) 600 ton
(D) 720 ton

Diberikan barisan aritmatika naik x1,x2,...,x2019,. Median dari data baru 3x1-2019, 3x2- 019,..., 3x2019-
2019 adalah 2019. Nilai rata-rata dari x1,x2,...,x2019 adalah ...

(A) 1346
(B) 1436
(C) 1463
(D) 1634

Diberikan papan panahan seperti gambat berikut ini.

Rasio jari-jari lingkaran terkecil sampai lingkaran terbesar adalah 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. Poin yang didapat jika
anak panah menancap di daerah A, B, C dan D berturut-turut 9, 8, 7, dan 6. Bidikan dua pemanah
selalu tepat mengenai papan panahan itu. Mereka bertanding memanah. Pemanah yang mendapat
poin lebih besar adalah pemenangnya. Permainan berakhir seri jika anak panah kedua pemanah
menancap di daerah yang sama. Jika pemanah pertama mendapat giliran pertama dan berhasil
mendapat poin 7, maka peluang permainan seri adalah ...

(A) 7/16
(B) 6/16
(C) 5/16
(D) 3/16

16. Rasulullah SAW telah menyempurnakan risalah dakwahnya dengan mewariskan Alquran dan
hadis sebagai pedoman umat Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Fungsi Alquran yang
menunjukkan hal tersebut adalah….

(A) Membiasakan membaca Alquran setiap hari

(B) Mengembalikan permasalahan hukum pada Alquran
(C) Menerjemahkan dan menghayati makna Alquran
(D) Menjadikan ayat-ayat Alquran sebagai pengobatan
Pernyataan berikut yang merupakan penerapan dari perintah ikhlas sebagaimana terkandung dalam
hadis di atas adalah….

(A) Arman merasa malu pada ayahnya kalau tidak rutin melakukan salat duha di rumahnya
(B) Rofik tidak melakukan salat berjamaah di masjid setelah mengetahui temannya tidak ikut
(C) Soni menyisihkan hartanya untuk membantu korban bencana dan namanya tidak mau diberitakan
(D) Fadil belum berhasil mencium hajar aswad, maka ia kembali melakukan ibadah umrah bulan ini

18. Abdussomad hidup bertetangga dengan seorang remaja Nasrani, namanya Ruben. Keduanya
berkawan baik, belajar di satu sekolah dan sering bermain bersama. Suatu ketika, Ruben mengajak
Somad yang muslim pergi ke gereja untuk kebaktian hari Minggu. Ruben takut pergi sendirian
karena sedang marak penculikan. Bagaimana sikap Somad yang benar?

(A) Somad hanya boleh mengantar Ruben pergi ke gereja

(B) Somad boleh menemani Ruben pergi ke gereja dan ikut acara kebaktian
(C) Somad boleh memarahi Ruben yang mengajaknya pergi ke gereja karena merasa dilecehkan
(D) Somad menolak untuk menemaninya pergi ke gereja karena hal itu termasuk perbuatan yang

19. Abu lahab dan istrinya, Ummu jamil, memang pasangan serasi sebagai penentang utama
dakwah nabi Muhammad SAW. Sedemikian besar pertentangan keduanya, hingga Allah
SWT menurunkan satu surat yang khusus membicarakan mereka berdua. Perilaku negatif berikut
yang bisa diambil dari kisah di atas adalah….

(A) Seorang istri yang mendukung perbuatan suami yang berperilaku buruk dan bertentangan dengan
ajaran agama
(B) Seorang istri yang mendukung perbuatan suami yang suka menebar fitnah (hoax) dan menebar
ujaran kebencian
(C) Seorang istri yang suka menghalang-halangi suami ketika punya keinginan membantu
meringankan kesulitan orang lain
(D) Seorang istri yang membiarkan suaminya berperilaku kasar dan seenaknya sebagai bukti ketaatan
pada suami

20. Seorang karyawati memakai kosmetik waterproof yang tahan air setiap kali pergi ke kantor.
Ketika masuk waktu salat, ia berwudu tanpa membersihkan kosmetik tersebut lebih dahulu.
Tindakan karyawati tersebut akan menyebabkan wudunya.…

(A) tidak sah karena tidak memenuhi syarat sah wudu

(B) tidak sah karena tidak memenuhi rukun wudu
(C) tetap sah, namun tidak sempurna wudunya
(D) tetap sah dan tidak perlu diulang wudunya
21. Bapak Aman memiliki aset usaha senilai 200 juta dengan piutang yang dipinjamkan ke orang
lain senilai 50 juta dan hutang dari bank senilai 100 juta. Zakat perdagangan yang wajib dikeluarkan
Bapak Aman senilai.…

(A) 1,25 juta

(B) 2,5 juta
(C) 3,75 juta
(D) 5 juta

22. Kultur masyarakat Arab jahiliyah sebelum kedatangan nabi Muhammad SAW adalah menganut
paham paganisme, yaitu penyembahan terhadap patung dan berhala. Nabi Muhammad SAW.
kemudian menunjukkan kebatilan paham paganisme dan mendakwahkan tauhid. Kebijakan
dakwah Nabi Muhammad SAW tersebut menunjukkan bahwa substansi dakwah
pada periode Mekah memberikan penekanan pada aspek …

(A) Akidah
(B) Akhlak
(C) Hukum
(D) Ibdah

23. Perkembangan Islam di Indonesia tidak bisa dilepaskan dari dakwah era Walisongo. Karya
monumental Walisongo adalah masuk dan tersebarnya Islam di nusantara tanpa kekerasan dan
peperangan. Kesuksesan Walisongo adalah mengislamkan nusantara dengan cara-cara damai
melalui penghargaan terhadap tradisi lokal tanpa mengusik tradisi, agama dan kepercayaan
mereka, tapi memperkuatnya dengan cara yang islami. Strategi dakwah Walisongo yang relevan
untuk diterapkan pada masa sekarang adalah….

(A) Melakukan akulturasi kebudayaan

(B) Memperbanyak debat dan seminar
(C) Memberantas bid’ah dan khurafat
(D) Mengadakan tabligh akbar










(A) B, A, E, C, D
(B) B, C, A, D, E
(C) A, B, D, C, E
(D) A, B, D, E, C









































The flu can strike rapidly in this rain season. The best way to fight the virus is to have a healthy body
through daily exercise and good diet. Our school offers the opportunity to be immunized against the
flu as an additional way to prevent this virus from spreading amongst us. There will be a nurse at the
school clinic from Monday to Thursday after school hours this week. This program is free and
available to all school teachers, staff and students. However, participation is voluntary. Every person
who wants to take the immunization the option will be asked to sign a form indicating that they have
no allergies and understand the possible minor side effects.

Adapted from: PISA released items on reading

Which one of the followings can be concluded from the announcement?

(A) Daily exercise, balanced diet, and immunizations are recommended to fight the virus
(B) Everyone should take a part in the flu immunization program held by management
(C) The school has a nurse every day to succeed the immunization program
(D) The participant can go to the clinic after signing a consent form given by management

Text 1

Javan rhinoceros are found only on the island of Java in Indonesia. It is the rarest living rhinoceros.
Male Javan rhinos have a small horn with a length of around 25 centimeters while the horn of female
ones is smaller. Some female rhinos even do not have horns. These animals have weight at
between 900 and 2,300 kilograms with body length at around 2 to 4 meters. They have a pointed
upper lip to help taking leaves and twigs for their feed.

Adapted from:


Text 2

Sulawesi is a unique area because 61% of the species found here are endemic, including the
endangered anoa. Both two anoa species, the mountain and the lowland anoa, live in undisturbed
rainforest. The key difference between the two species is the areas where they mostly live. The
mountain anoa is found at higher elevations like forested mountainous regions and the lowland anoa
spends its time in the lower elevation areas and also found in core habitat of forested area.

Adapted from: (

How is the first text different from the second?

(A) The first reports more on the physical features and the second on habitat
(B) The first one discusses an endangered animal while the second does not
(C) Unlike the first, the second text does not tell us an animal from Indonesia
(D) The second discusses a rare animal from Indonesia, while the first does not

This adorable primate with large black eyes and almost humanlike manners, Orang Utan, is the
prima donna of Indonesia’s vegetation and extensive forest. They are great apes and closely related
to humans, having 97% of DNA in common. Extinction in the wild is likely in the next 10 years for
Sumatran orangutans and soon after for Bornean orangutans.

Adapted from:


The word ‘extinction’ is synonymous with…

(A) survival
(B) distinction
(C) loss
(D) existence

Demak Great Mosque

Demak became the location for the mosque which became one of the da’wah center of Islam in
Java, namely Demak Great Mosque. The mosque was supposedly built by Raden Patah and Wali
Songo in just one night. Demak Great Mosque is in Demak, Central Java, precisely in front of the

When visiting, in addition to worship visitors can also pilgrim to the Muslim tomb in the area of the
mosque. There are tombs of Raden Patah, Sheikh Maulana Magribi and others. In addition there is
also the Great Mosque Museum Demak visited every Saturday-Thursday at around 08:00 until
16:00 pm. (

What information can you get from the passage above?

(A) The visitors of Demak Great Mosque can also pilgrim to the Muslim tomb precisely in front of the
(B) In the area of the mosque there are tombs of Raden Patah and Wali Songo.
(C) Demak Great Mosque opens every Saturday-Thursday at around 08:00 until 16:00 pm.
(D) Demak Great Mosque has become the historical building to verify the Islamic development in Java.

As an island area, Lombok has many pretty and beautiful beaches that will make your holiday
unforgettable. One of them is Gili Trawangan beach in Trawangan. This beach is known for its
natural beauty and … ecosystem, so no wonder if snorkeling and scuba diving became favorite
activities to do there. You can also try to ride cidomo, a typical horse cart of Lombok; or take pictures
in beautiful photo spots. (

Choose the best word below to complete the sentence.

(A) well-improved
(B) well-preserved
(C) well-maintained
(D) well-developed


1. First of all, insert the program disc into your computer’s disc drive or tray.

2. This is how to install a program from CD or DVD.

3. Secondly, click the option to run Install or Setup.

4. Next, you can choose custom or recommended installation as you wish.

5. The program will continue after you decide your choice and display dialog boxes, click the
Next or Continue button to proceed.

6. Click the Finish or Close button in the last step of the installer program to complete the
A good order of a procedure text on how to install a program from CD or DVD is…

(A) 2-1-3-4-5
(B) 2-1-4-3-5
(C) 1-2-3-4-5
(D) 1-3-2-4-5

What to do in case of earthquake in this building?First of all, make sure that you remain calm.
Second, stand under an arch or get under a table or desk. Remember to stay away from window
and watch for possible falling objects. Lastly, when you notice that the noise stops, you may go out
from the building using staircase to go through emergency exit. Do not use the elevators as the
power may go out.
Why shouldn’t people use elevators during earthquake?

(A) They do not have any window or emergency exit

(B) To avoid being trapped caused by the black out
(C) Using staircase to go down is more speedy
(D) There may be possible falling objects inside

Only one in three parents is aware of bullying involving their children. Meanwhile, a survey released
by the government shows that the bullying happened to 22 per cent of the primary school children,
13 per cent of junior high school and 4 per cent of senior high school students. Parents should be
aware of this issue since bullying gives bad impacts to the victims. They don’t only feel physically
but also psychologically hurt.

Which of the followings is the writer’s argument about bullying?

(A) Parents should be aware of this bullying issue

(B) The case of bullying mostly occurs at primary school
(C) Less bullying cases happened to senior high school students
(D) Only one third of parents is no doubt aware of bullying

Today, parents’ ignorance seems to be one of the causes of the increasing number of drug abuse
cases among teenagers. When parents are too busy with their business, they have less time for
children. The children will look for care from other people. Then, they will follow those who give them
some care. They think that their friends care more about them than their parents. This can be the
start of the drug abuse.

Adapted from The Bridge English Competence

Which sentence can best become the recommendation of the text?

(A) Some parents hold wrong perception about the effect of the drug abuse in society where their
children live in.
(B) When parents do not monitor with whom their children get along, the teenagers may be trapped to
the drug abuse.
(C) Parents should care and control their children to avoid drug abuse and the teenagers should have
(D) When the teenagers have a problem, the parents may not know what to do and the problem may
get worse.

Every evening after work I should take my muddy boots off at the front porch on a welcome mat
prepared by my mom. I then took off my dusty overalls and throw them into a plastic garbage bag,
also put by my mom for me. She should have left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for me
every morning. On my way into the house, I should drop the garbage bag off at the washing
machine and went straight up stairs to the shower. I would eat dinner only after everything is
presentable for her.

What type of job does the writer possibly work?

(A) Laundry man

(B) House maid
(C) Boots cleaner
(D) Mine digger

We had a great journey to Yogyakarta last week. Five of us left our town Serpong for an adventure
to Yogyakarta. We stopped at Borobodur as the first destination where we could see a great
prehistoric monument. We then went to a hotel near Malioboro. We ……….. our afternoon buying

What is suitable verb to complete the last sentence in the text?

(A) spend
(B) spending
(C) spent
(D) spended

Flood is a natural phenomenon which is the water from all the water sources on the earth overflaw
on resident living places. Flood is a dangerous disaster for human living. Sometimes, flood is
caused by the human activites. Flood happens in all part of the world. Flooding may result from the
volume of water within a body of water such as a river, lake, or ocean. Raining in high intensity and
continually along day is the major case of flooding cause. (

From the passage above, we can conclude that…

(A) Floods can be caused by two things, can result from human activity or natural phenomena result
from the extreme form of prolonged rain.
(B) Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water such as a river, lake, or ocean.
(C) Most floods are caused by the processes of the water sources on the earth overflaw on resident
living places.
(D) Flood is a dangerous disaster for human living.

Corruption usually occurs because individuals want to maximize personal or corporate profit.
Hearing the word corruption, we will think about political issues. Actually, people have often
practiced culture of corruption from an early age. For examples, the term “rubber clock” refers to not
being on time for appointment. Exam cheating commonly done by students is also a form of
corruption. Indeed cheating can give us a high value, but it will reduce ourselves because we cannot
get that knowledge purely. Those are the examples of small corruption that we are not aware of. So
don’t be surprised if there will be a lot of corruptors. (

From the passage above, it is concluded that…

(A) The term of “rubber clock” is the example of small corruption.

(B) People have often done corruption from an early age through cheating.
(C) Cheating can give us a high value, but it will reduce us ourselves.
(D) Cheating is the example of small corruption that we are not aware of.

The World Health Organization on Thursday declared the outbreak of a novel corona virus a global
health emergency poses to countries beyond its origin in China. There have been more than 7,800
coronavirus infections around the world, 98 of which were in China with 170 deaths. WHO officials
have said if sustained transmission of the virus occurs outside China, it becomes much harder to
stop overall. It’s likely that authorities have not been able to keep track of many mild cases, including
people who were not sick enough to seek care, and researchers have documented cases of the
virus in people showing no symptoms. (

From the above news, we know that…

(A) the scientists have found the symptoms in people who have been infected.
(B) WHO declared that the corona virus has spread all over the world.
(C) WHO announced the outbreak of a novel corona virus a worldwide health tragedy.
(D) Wuhan is the big city in China that creates the first corona virus.

Education and Cultural Affairs Minister Nadiem Makarim will be promoting an education policy
concept named "Merdeka Belajar” …… his term as a minister. The Minister explained that the
concept stems its inspiration from the education system of education pioneer Ki Hajar Dewantara.

Which of the following words best complete the sentence above.

(A) then
(B) as
(C) when
(D) during





































(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4















(A) 5-4-3-2-1
(B) 2-3-1-4-5
(C) 1-2-3-4-5
(D) 3-5-2-4-1

































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