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Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum (25 menit)

Bacaan 1
(1) Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan (Kemenaker) menegaskan, tidak benar Omnibus Law bakal
menghilangkan upah minimum dan sejumlah hak lainnya, seperti cuti, hak perlindungan, dan jam kerja. (2) Direktorat
Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja (Ditjen PHI JSK) Kemenaker, Haiyani
Rumondang, menerangkan, hal itu dalam IDX Economic Forum hari ini.
(3) "Isu penghapusan upah minimum dan sejumlah hak pekerja dalam Omnibus Law itu tidak benar," ujar Haiyani di
Jakarta, Senin (24/2/2020).
(4) Lebih lanjut, Ia menjelaskan bahwa upah minimum tidaklah dihilangkan, tetapi ada upah provinsi. (5) Selain itu,
terdapat penyederhanaan Undang-undang (UU) terkait pembiayaan upah dan cuti. (6) "Jadi bukan dihilangkan.
Kami buat penyederhanaan, jam kerja pun nanti disesuaikan," ungkapnya.
Diadaptasi dengan mengubahan dari
Bacalah tulisan di atas, kemudian jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di antara
pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D, atau E.
56. Kesalahan penggunaan tanda baca TIDAK terdapat 58. Simpulan Bacaan 1 di atas adalah ....
pada .... (A) Ada isu penghilangan upah minimum dalam
(A) kalimat (1) omnibus law.
(B) kalimat (2) (B) Haiyani berpandangan bahwa rencana
(C) kalimat (3) penghapusan upah minimum dan sejumlah hak
(D) kalimat (4) pekerja dalam omnibus law itu kurang tepat.
(E) kalimat (6) (C) Hayani mengatakan bahwa penghapusan upah
minimum dan sejumlah hak pekerja dalam
57. Kesalahan penulisan huruf kapital TIDAK Omnibus Law itu tidak benar.
ditemukan pada .... (D) Selain penghapusan upah minimum dan
(A) kalimat (1) sejumlah hak pekerja dalam omnibus law, terdapat
(B) kalimat (3) juga isu penyederhanaan undang-undang (UU)
(C) kalimat (4) terkait pembiayaan upah dan cuti.
(D) kalimat (5) (E) Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan
(E) kalimat (6) Industrial dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja
(Ditjen PHI JSK) Kemenaker, Haiyani
Rumondang, menerangkan sekitar isu
penghapusan upah minimum dan sejumlah hak
pekerja dalam Omnibus Lawhal dalam IDX
Economic Forum.

59. Melalui Bacaan 1 di atas, penulis ... tanggapan

sekitar isu penghapusan upah minimum dan
sejumlah hak pekerja dalam omnibus law.
Kata yang TEPAT mengisi elipsis di atas adalah ....
(A) mengisahkan
(B) menegaskan
(C) membuktikan
(D) memaparkan
(E) menggambarkan

PROSUS INTEN - Try Out ke-8 Tes Kompetensi Soshum Halaman 11 dari 23 halaman
Bacaan (2)
(1) Selain musim kemarau tahun ini, saya masih ingat di tahun 2015. (2) Kala itu, saya masih seorang mahasiswi,
sedang menempuh perjalanan pulang kampung. (3) Dengan menggunakan moda transportasi kereta api, dari Stasiun
Pasar Senin hingga Stasiun Banyuwangi dan menyeberangi Selat Bali, ingin menengok keluarga. (4) Perjalanan yang
membuat hati saya takut untuk mengalaminya kembali. (5) Sepanjang perjalanan, kereta api tidak hanya melewati
area pemukiman warga, jalur kereta api, tetapi juga melewati luasnya sawah dan jembatan penghubung sungai kecil
dan besar. (6) Namun, di sepanjang Jawa Barat hingga memasuki wilayah Jawa Timur, ada pemandangan yang asing.
(7) Pertama kalinya saya melihat sawah-sawah bagaikan gurun, sungai-sungai mengering, dan retakan-retakan tanah
tertindih daun-daun yang mengering.
(8) Pada saat itu, pemberitaan juga ramai menjelaskan bagaimana para warga kesulitan air untuk kebutuhan sehari-
hari. (9) Setiap hari mereka bergelut dengan panasnya suhu musim panas, tidak bisa mandi, dan keringat-keringat
dalam jumlah banyak. (10) Belum lagi balita-balita yang menangis, kekebalan tubuhnya tidak mampu untuk melawan
ekstrimnya cuaca. (11) Bahan makanan menipis, penyakit-penyakit mulai bermunculan, dan binatang ternak warga
satu per satu mengalami kematian. (12) Bahkan, para penggembala merelakan gembala mereka dijual dengan harga
yang amat murah. (13) Emosi saya rasanya meluap-luap, utamanya kepada rakyat kecil. (14) Sungguh menderitanya
Diadaptasi dengan pengubahan dari

Bacalah tulisan di atas, kemudian jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di antara
pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D, atau E.
60. Bacaan 2 di atas merupakan .... 62. Kata-kata berikut ini membuat kalimat yang
(A) sanggahan penulis tentang peristiwa kemarau ditempatinya TIDAK baku, KECUALI ....
yang merisaukannya (A) di pada kalimat (1)
(B) ungkapan perasaan penulis tentang peristiwa (B) menengok pada kalimat (3)
kemarau yang merisaukannya (C) pemukiman pada kalimat (5)
(C) gambaran penulis tentang peristiwa kemarau (D) ekstrimnya pada kalimat (10)
yang merisaukannya (E) meluap-luap pada kalimat (13)
(D) kisah penulis tentang peristiwa kemarau yang
merisaukannya 63. Relasi penegas terdapat pada ....
(E) pembuktian penulis tentang peristiwa kemarau (A) kalimat (5)
yang merisaukannya (B) kalimat (6)
(C) kalimat (8)
61. Kata Emosi pada kalimat (13) PALING MUNGKIN (D) kalimat (11)
berpadanan makna dengan .... (E) kalimat (12)
(A) luapan kemarahan
(B) luapan kejengkelan
(C) luapan perasaan
(D) luapan keberanian
(E) luapan kecintaan

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Bacaan 3
(1) Daya tarik untuk berinvestasi di pasar modal, khususnya di lantai Bursa Efek, masih sangat tinggi. (2) Bukan hanya
karena kemungkinan mendapatkan capital gain yang tinggi, tetapi juga karena waktunya bisa sangat cepat dalam
setiap sesi perdagangan bila anda memilih menjadi seorang trading.

(3) Kemudian, sudah banyak kisah orang yang sangat sukses dan berhasil menjadi kaya, bahkan kaya raya, dengan
menekuni investasi di pasar modal. (4) Dengan kejelian, ketelitian serta kehati-hatian yang tinggi, maka peluang untuk
mendulang untung besar sangat mungkin menjadi kenyataan.

(5) Kecenderungan yang ada memperlihatkan bahwa minat masyarakat Indonesia untuk berinvestasi di pasar modal
semakin meningkat dari waktu ke waktu, terutama investor individual. (6) Baik sebagai investor maupun sebagai

Diadaptasi dengan pengubahan dari

Bacalah tulisan di atas, kemudian jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di antara
pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D, atau E.

64. Kesalahan penulisan ditunjukkan pada kata 67. Berdasarkan isi Bacaan 3 di atas, seseorang tertarik
berikut, KECUALI pada .... berinvestasi di pasar modal, khususnya di lantai
(A) berinvestasi pada kalimat (1) Bursa Efek, PALING MUNGKIN disebabkan hal
(B) capital gain pada kalimat (2) berikut, KECUALI ....
(C) anda pada kalimat (2) (A) kemungkinan mendapatkan capital gain yang
(D) trading pada kalimat (2) tinggi
(E) trader pada kalimat (6) (B) waktunya bisa sangat cepat dalam setiap sesi
perdagangan bila memilih menjadi seorang
65. Gagasan inti Bacaan 3 di atas terletak pada .... trading
(A) kalimat (1) (C) peluang untuk mendulang untung besar sangat
(B) kalimat (2) mungkin menjadi kenyataan
(C) kalimat (3) (D) sudah banyak kisah orang yang sangat sukses
(D) kalimat (4) dan berhasil menjadi kaya, bahkan kaya raya
(E) kalimat (5) (E) mudahnya menjadi sebagai seorang trader

66. Manakah pernyataan yang TEPAT berdasarkan isi

Bacaan 3 di atas?
(A) Waktu bisa sangat cepat memilih menjadi
seorang trading dalam setiap sesi perdagangan
merupakan daya tarik untuk berinvestasi di
pasar modal.
(B) Banyak sekali orang kaya, bahkan kaya raya,
dengan hanya menekuni investasi di pasar
(C) Kecenderungan masyarakat Indonesia
berinvestasi di pasar modal semakin meningkat
dari waktu ke waktu disebabkan untung besar
yang akan menjadi kenyataan.
(D) Dengan kejelian, ketelitian serta kehati-hatian
yang tinggi, peluang untuk mendulang untung
besar akan menjadi kenyataan.
(E) Baik sebagai investor maupun sebagai trader,
sama-sama memberi peluang untuk mendulang
untung besar.

PROSUS INTEN - Try Out ke-8 Tes Kompetensi Soshum Halaman 13 dari 23 halaman
The most thoroughly studied cases of deception strategies employed by ground nesting birds involve plovers,
small birds that typically nest on beaches or in open fields, their nest merely scrapes in the sand or earth. Plovers also
have an effective repertoire of tricks for distracting potential nest predators from their exposed or defenseless eggs or
chicks. The ever-watchful plover can detect a possible threat at a considerable distance. When she does, the nesting
bird moves inconspicuously off the nest to a spot well away from eggs or chicks. At this point she may use one of
several ploys. One technique involves first moving quietly toward an approaching animal and then setting off noisily
through the grass or brush in a low, crouching run away from the nest, while emitting rodent like squeaks.
The effect mimics scurrying mouse or vole, and the behavior rivets the attention of the type of predators that
would also be interested in eggs and chicks. Another deception begins with quiet movement to an exposed and visible
location well away from the nest. Once there, the bird pretends to incubate a brood. When the predator approaches,
the parent flees, leaving the false nest to be searched. The direction in which the plover “escapes” is such that if the
predator chooses to follow, it will be led still further away from the true nest.
The plovers’ most famous strategy is the broken wing display, actually a continuum of injury-mimicking behaviors
spanning the range from slight disability to near complete helplessness. One or both wings are held in an abnormal
position, suggesting injury. The bird appears to be attempting escape along an irregular route that indicates panic.
In the most extreme version of the display, the bird flaps one wing in an apparent attempt to take to the air, flops over
helplessly, struggles back to its feet, runs away a short distance, seemingly attempts once more to take off, flops over
again as the “useless” wing fails to provide any lift, and so on. Few predators fail to pursue such obviously vulnerable
prey. Needless to say, each short run between “flight attempts” is directly away from the nest.

68. Which of the following best describes 70. In the deception of techniques described
the organization of the passage? in paragraph 2. The plover tries to ...
(A) A description of the sequence of steps involved (A) stay close to her nest.
in plovers nest building. (B) warn other plovers of danger.
(B) A generalization about plover behavior (C) attract the predator’s attention.
followed by specific examples. (D) appear to be injured.
(C) A comparison and contrast of the nesting (E) frighten the approaching predator.
behavior of plovers and other ground nesting
birds. 71. Based on paragraph 3 which of the following
(D) A cause and effect analysis of the relationship aspects of the plover’s behavior gives the
between a prey and a predator. appearance that it is frightened?
(E) A study about the nest building techniques (A) Abnormal body position.
of plovers (B) Irregular escape route.
(C) Unnatural wing movement.
69. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage (D) Unusual amount of time away from the nest.
about plovers? (E) Sounding like another animal.
(A) Their eggs and chicks are difficult to find.
(B) They are generally defenseless when away from
their nests.
(C) They are slow to react in dangerous situations.
(D) They are pretending to search of prey.
(E) Their nests are on the surface of the ground

PROSUS INTEN - Try Out ke-8 Tes Kompetensi Soshum Halaman 14 dari 23 halaman
The interrelationship of science, technology, and industry is taken for granted today-summed up, not altogether
accurately, as “research and development.” Yet historically this widespread faith in the economic virtues of science
is a relatively recent phenomenon, dating back in the United States about 150 years, and in the western world as a
whole not over 300 years at most. Even in this current era of large scale intensive research and development, the
interrelationship involved in this process are frequently misunderstood. Until the coming of the Industrial Revolution,
science and technology evolved for the most part independently of each other. Then as industrialization became
increasingly complicated, the craft techniques of preindustrial society gradually gave way to a technology based on
the systematic application of scientific knowledge and scientific methods. This changeover started slowly and
progressed unevenly. Until late the nineteenth century, only a few industries could use scientific techniques or cared
about using them. The list expanded noticeably after 1870, but even then much of what passed for the application of
science was “engineering science” rather than basic science.
Nevertheless, by the middle of the nineteenth century, the rapid expansion of scientific knowledge and of public
awareness if not understanding of it had created a belief that the advance of science would in some unspecified
manner automatically generate economic benefits. The widespread and usually uncritical acceptance of this thesis
led in turn to the assumption that the application of science to industrial purposes was a linear process, starting with
fundamental science, then proceeding to applied science or technology, and through them to industrial use. This is
probably the most common pattern, but it is not invariable. New areas of science have been opened up and fundamental
discoveries made as a result of attempts to solve a specific technical or economic problem. Conversely, scientists who
mainly do basic research also serve as consultants on projects that apply research in practical ways.
In sum, the science technology industry relationship may flow in several different ways, and the particular
channel it would follow depends on the individual situation. It may at times even be multidirectional.
72. What is the author main purpose in the passage? 74. Why does the author mention “consultants” in the
(A) To show how technology influenced basic last sentence of paragraph 2?
science. (A) To show how new areas of science have given
(B) To describe the scientific base of nineteenth rise to new professions.
century American industries. (B) To distinguish between scientists who work in
(C) To tell the readers about changes brought by industry and those who do not.
technology. (C) To explain the ways in which scientists find
(D) To correct misunderstandings about the financial support for their work.
connections between science, technology, (D) To show how scientists who work in basic
and industry. research contribute to applied science.
(E) To argue that basic science has no practical (E) To tell some important reader that used
application. scientific technique.

73. The understanding of research and development 75. Which of the following statements does the
in the midle nineteenth century is based on which passage support?
of the following? (A) The development of science and of industry is
(A) The needs of upgrading application now interdependent.
of engineering science. (B) Basic scientific research cannot generate
(B) Engineering science is not very important. practical applications.
(C) Fundamental science naturally leads to (C) Industries should spend less money on
economic benefits. research and development .
(D) The relationship between research and (D) Science and technology are becoming more
development should be criticized. separate.
(E) Industrial needs should determine what areas (E) The interrelation among science, technology
fundamental science focuses on. and industries is hardly true.

PROSUS INTEN - Try Out ke-8 Tes Kompetensi Soshum Halaman 15 dari 23 halaman

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