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Terapi Pelengkap dalam Praktik Klinis 34 (2019) 247–253

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Terapi akupunktur untuk pengobatan angina pektoris stabil: Sebuah meta-analisis terbaru dari
uji coba terkontrol secara acak

Yuan Liu 1 , Hao-yu Meng 1 , Mohammad Reeaze Khurwolah, Jia-bao Liu, Heng Tang, Nan Aa, Zhi-jian Yang ∗

Departemen Kardiologi, A Pertama ffi Rumah Sakit Universitas Pengobatan Nanjing, Nanjing, Cina


Kata kunci: Latar belakang dan tujuan: Angina pektoris stabil adalah gejala umum yang membahayakan pasien ' kualitas hidup. Tujuan dari meta-analisis ini
Akupunktur adalah untuk menilai e ff Efektivitas akupunktur saja atau akupunktur plus obat untuk pengobatan angina pektoris stabil.
Analisis meta
Uji coba terkontrol secara acak
Metode: Tujuh database dicari mulai dari 1959 hingga Februari 2018. Analisis kuantitatif uji coba terkontrol secara acak (RCT) dilakukan oleh
Angina pektoris stabil
perangkat lunak RevMan 5.3 dan program STATA 12.0, dan kriteria Cochrane untuk risiko bias digunakan untuk menilai kualitas metodologi uji
coba .

Hasil: Sebanyak 12 RCT yang melibatkan 974 pasien terdaftar dalam penelitian ini. Hasil yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan bahwa kedua kelompok akupunktur
(RR: 0,35, P <0,00001; RR: 0,49, P <0,00001) dan kelompok akupunktur plus obat (RR: 0,26, P <0,00001; RR: 0,52, P = 0,03) dikaitkan dengan Sebuah persentase
peningkatan gejala anginal serta hasil elektrokardiografi (EKG) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok obat. Kelompok obat-obatan akupunktur juga
memiliki tingkat asupan nitrogliserin yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok obat (RR Non-event: 0,79, P = 0,03). Namun, tidak ada yang berarti fi tidak bisa ff
erence dalam pengurangan atau penghentian asupan nitrogliserin antara kelompok akupunktur dan kelompok obat. Tidak ada efek samping akupunktur e ff Efek
diamati atau dilaporkan dalam uji coba yang disertakan.

Kesimpulan: Terapi akupunktur dapat memperbaiki gejala anginal dan hasil EKG pada pasien dengan angina pektoris stabil, dan dapat
berfungsi sebagai pengobatan tambahan untuk kondisi ini.

1. Perkenalan pengobatan angina pektoris [ 6 ], meskipun e ffi Kegunaan dan keamanan akupunktur masih menjadi
kontroversi hingga saat ini.
Akupunktur adalah salah satu komponen terpenting dari pengobatan tradisional Tiongkok Akupunktur terbukti bermanfaat fi penting dalam kasus perdarahan otak, infark serebral dan nyeri
(TCM), yang melibatkan penyisipan fi ne jarum di de fi titik-titik tertentu dari tubuh, diikuti dengan kronis dalam tinjauan sistematis awal dan meta-analisis [ 7 ]. Pedoman American College of
rangsangan manual atau listrik dari titik-titik tersebut. Sejauh ini, akupunktur telah banyak digunakan Cardiology dan American Heart Association (ACC / AHA) [ 8 ] merekomendasikan obat antiplatelet,
untuk layanan kesehatan di China atau di tempat lain selama lebih dari 2000 tahun, dan terbukti e ff efektif statin, β penghambat reseptor dan nitrat sebagai pengobatan anti-iskemik untuk SAP, tetapi
untuk berbagai masalah kesehatan, seperti stable angina pectoris (SAP) [ 1 ]. beberapa sisi e ff Penyakit seperti perdarahan, disfungsi hati, kelelahan, sakit kepala, serta yang
disebabkan oleh asupan statin dapat terjadi [ 9 ]. Meski terapi pengobatan sudah optimal, kekambuhan
angina pektoris bukanlah fenomena langka. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengeksplorasi beberapa
SAP adalah masalah kardiovaskular umum yang dimanifestasikan oleh gejala klinis nyeri dada metode tambahan untuk menangani SAP.

anterior kiri atau ketidaknyamanan pada area yang berdekatan karena iskemia miokard [ 2 , 3 ]. Aku ta ff mempengaruhi
kualitas hidup jutaan pasien [ 2 - 4 ], dan menyebabkan miliaran kerugian ekonomi [ 5 ] di Amerika
Serikat setiap tahun. Di Cina, SAP juga telah menjadi obat yang parah dan masalah sosial dengan Akupunktur telah dilaporkan dapat mengobati penyakit kardiovaskular, termasuk gagal jantung [ 10
insiden 2,4% pada pria dan 3,2% pada wanita [ 6 ]. Sebagian pasien dengan SAP di Cina menerima ] dan angina [ 11 ]. Namun, e ff Efektivitas dalam meredakan gejala atau meningkatkan prognosis
akupunktur dan terapi TCM lainnya sebagai metode tambahan untuk pencegahan dan pengobatan. pasien dengan SAP tidak konsisten [ 12 - 14 ]. Manfaat fi t teknik ini belum ditentukan. Apakah kombinasi
akupunktur dan pengobatan

∗ Penulis yang sesuai. Departemen Kardiologi, A Pertama ffi Rumah Sakit Universitas Pengobatan Nanjing, Nanjing, Cina.

Alamat email: (Z.-j. Yang).

1 Yuan Liu dan Hao-yu Meng berkontribusi setara untuk artikel ini.
Diterima 7 Mei 2018; Diterima dalam bentuk revisi 23 Desember 2018; Diterima 23 Desember 2018
1744-3881 / © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang.
Y. Liu et al. Terapi Pelengkap dalam Praktik Klinis 34 (2019) 247–253

Gambar 1. Proses pencarian dan penyaringan literatur.

lebih e ff Efektif untuk pasien SAP daripada obat saja masih belum jelas. Tujuan dari meta-analisis ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi studi yang berpotensi relevan dari daftar referensi.

adalah untuk menilai e ff Efektivitas akupunktur saja atau akupunktur plus obat pada pasien dengan SAP
berdasarkan uji coba terkontrol secara acak (RCT).
2.2. Seleksi studi dan ekstraksi data

Uji coba yang berpotensi relevan dimasukkan dalam meta-analisis jika memenuhi kriteria berikut: 1)

2. Metode berdasarkan RCT; 2) RCT untuk membandingkan kelompok (A: akupunktur versus obat-obatan dan /
atau B: akupunktur plus obat versus obat-obatan saja); 3) hasil klinis: ① jumlah pasien dengan ine ff

2.1. Kelayakan dan strategi pencarian efektivitas bantuan angina; ② jumlah pasien tanpa perbaikan perubahan iskemik pada EKG; ③
pengurangan atau penghapusan penggunaan nitrogliserin. Uji coba dengan data yang tidak lengkap atau

Tujuh database termasuk PubMed (1959 - 2018), EMBASE tidak jelas dikeluarkan. Dua simpatisan secara independen memeriksa dan mengidentifikasi

(1980 - 2018), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, 1996 - 2018), Infrastruktur
Pengetahuan Nasional China (CNKI, 1979 - 2018), Ilmu Pengetahuan Tiongkok fi c Database Jurnal (VIP, 1989
- 2018), Database Wan Fang (1998 - 2018) dan Database Sastra Biomedis Cina (CBM, 1978 - 2018) ditelusuri fi ed uji coba yang relevan sesuai dengan judul dan abstraknya. Setiap ketidaksepakatan kemudian

hingga Februari 2018. Istilah Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) yang digunakan diselesaikan melalui diskusi dengan pakar ketiga untuk mencapai konsensus. Informasi berikut diambil
dari setiap artikel: fi penulis pertama, tahun publikasi, usia rata-rata, jumlah total, durasi pengobatan,
untuk penelusuran adalah sebagai berikut: ((penyakit arteri koroner) OR (penyakit jantung koroner) OR
perjalanan penyakit, sumber yang direkrut, jenis intervensi dalam kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol,
(penyakit jantung aterosklerotik koroner) OR (kardiopati aterosklerotik koroner) ATAU (angina pektoris
dan efek samping termasuk perdarahan subkutan, keluhan nyeri dan kejadian apa pun yang
stabil) ATAU (angina pektoris) ATAU angina ATAU (nyeri prekordial) ATAU kardiodyne ATAU (rongga
menyebabkan penghentian pengobatan.
dada) ATAU (sindrom bi dada) ATAU (obstruksi toraks) ATAU (stu dada ffi ness)) DAN (akupunktur
ATAU akupunktur elektro ATAU (moksibusi ringan) ATAU (moksibusi termal) ATAU (akupunktur
hangat) ATAU moksibusi) AND ((uji coba terkontrol secara acak) ATAU (uji klinis terkontrol) ATAU (uji
klinis) ATAU acak ATAU acak ) DAN manusia. Istilah Cina yang sesuai digunakan di perpustakaan Cina.
Pencarian manual adalah 2.3. Penilaian kualitas

Kualitas metodologis dari RCT yang disertakan dinilai secara independen oleh dua peneliti
(Yuan Liu dan Hao-Yu Meng) berdasarkan kriteria risiko bias dari Cochrane. Sebanyak tujuh item

Y. Liu et al. Terapi Pelengkap dalam Praktik Klinis 34 (2019) 247–253

pengacakan urutan generasi, alokasi penyembunyian, membutakan peserta dan personel, membutakan 3.2. Penilaian bias

penilaian hasil, data hasil yang tidak lengkap, pelaporan selektif, dan bias lainnya dievaluasi. Setiap item
berkualitas dinilai sebagai risiko rendah, risiko tinggi, atau risiko tidak jelas. Bias lainnya adalah de fi Plot corong simetris untuk 10 RCT yang membandingkan akupunktur plus obat atau akupunktur
ned sebagai uji coba yang disponsori oleh perusahaan obat atau uji coba di mana karakteristik dasar dengan obat saja berkaitan dengan ine. ff efektivitas bantuan angina sebagai hasil. Plot corong
tidak seimbang antar kelompok. menunjukkan tidak adanya bias publikasi yang jelas seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2 , yang
identik fi diedit oleh tes Egger negatif (P = 0,138; P = 0,238).

3.3. Akupunktur versus pengobatan

2.4. Statistical analysis
3.3.1. Lega angina

Statistical analyses were conducted using the RevMan 5.3 and STATA 12.0 programs. Publication bias Tujuh studi [ 16 - 22 ] membandingkan akupunktur (n = 275) dengan obat-obatan (n = 241) melaporkan
was evaluated by funnel plot and Egger's test. Data were summarized using relative risk (RR) with 95% con data bantuan angina. Seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 3 A, meta-analisis kami mengungkapkan bahwa
fi dence intervals (CI). Statistical signi fi cance was considered to be reached if the P-value was less than kelompok akupunktur dikaitkan dengan insiden ine yang lebih rendah ff efektivitas pengurangan angina
0.05. Heterogeneity was tested using Q-statistic test and I [ 2 ] test. If P > 0.1 and I [ 2 ]<50%, the dibandingkan kelompok obat (RR 0,35, 95% CI [0,22,0,55], P <0,00001, I 2 = 0%).

fi xed e ff ect model was used; it was necessary to identify sources of heterogeneity when P < 0.1 and I [ 2 ]
>50%. Possible sources of heterogeneity were assessed by subgroup analyses [ 15 ]. If the heterogeneity 3.3.2. Perbaikan perubahan iskemik pada EKG
persisted, the random e ff ect model was used. Enam percobaan [ 17 - 22 ] membandingkan akupunktur (n = 263) dengan obat (n = 229) melaporkan
data yang berkaitan dengan perbaikan perubahan iskemik pada EKG. Analisis gabungan menunjukkan
bahwa kejadian kegagalan perbaikan perubahan iskemik pada EKG pada kelompok akupunktur adalah
signifikan. fi jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan pada kelompok obat (RR 0,49, 95% CI [0,37,0,64], P
3. Results <0,00001, I 2 = 37%) seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 4 SEBUAH.

3.1. Study selection and characteristics

3.4. Akupunktur plus obat versus obat saja

The database search identi fi ed 525 references in total. Seven additional records were identi fi ed
3.4.1. Lega angina
through other sources. After applying the inclusion criteria, twelve articles [ 16 – 27 ] were eventually
included in this meta-analysis. The study selection process is shown in Fig. 1 . All the 12 RCTs were Empat percobaan [ 23 - 26 ] membandingkan akupunktur ditambah obat (n = 163) dengan obat (n =
155) melaporkan data bantuan angina. Seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 3 B, meta-analisis
conducted in China, and included 974 SAP cases with 509 patients in the treatment group and 465 patients
in the control group. The number of subjects per trial varied from 26 to 128, and the duration of the kami menunjukkan bahwa kelompok akupunktur plus obat memiliki insiden ine yang lebih rendah ff efektivitas
pengurangan angina dibandingkan kelompok obat (RR 0,26, 95% CI [0,15,0,46], P <0,00001, I 2 = 3%).
treatment course ranged from 10 days to 8 weeks. The detailed characteristics of the included studies are
shown in Table 1 . The methodological quality of the included studies in accordance with the Cochrane risk-
of-bias criteria is shown in Table 2 . Twelve trials [ 16 – 27 ] reported outcome measures according to the
Standard on the Assessment of Curative E ff ect of Angina and ECG of Coronary Heart Disease, constituted
3.4.2. Perbaikan perubahan iskemik pada EKG
by a Symposium on Integrated Western and Chinese Medicine for the Angina of Coronary Heart Disease of
1979; and according to the Standard of Guiding Clinical Research in Developing New Traditional Chinese Dua percobaan [ 23 , 24 ] membandingkan akupunktur plus obat (n = 81) dengan obat saja (n = 81)
melaporkan data yang berkaitan dengan perbaikan perubahan iskemik pada EKG. Hasil meta-analisis kami
Medicine of 1993/2002. They shared the similar criteria as follows.
ditunjukkan di

Gambar 4 B menunjukkan bahwa kelompok kombinasi dikaitkan dengan insiden kegagalan perbaikan
perubahan iskemik yang lebih rendah pada EKG daripada kelompok obat (RR 0,52, 95% CI [0,29,0,93], P
= 0,03, I 2 = 36%).

“ Markedly e ff ective ”: the ECG became normal or substantially normal; angina attack frequency 3.4.3. Reduksi dan suspensi nitrogliserin

and duration reduced by more than 80% at the same exercise level (angina disappeared or almost Dua percobaan [ 23 , 25 ] with a combined total of 186 patients reported data related to the
disappeared). reduction or elimination together of nitroglycerin use. The acupuncture plus medicine group had a
lower nitroglycerin intake rate compared to the medicine group (Non-event, RR 0.79, 95% CI

“ E ff ective ”: the depressed ST segment recovered by more than [0.64,0.97], P=0.03, I 2= 0%) as shown in Fig. 5 A. However, there was no signi fi cant di ff erence noted

0.05mV after treatment, but did not reach the normal level; the inverted T wave in the main lead became between the combination group and the medicine group in terms of complete elimination of nitroglycerin use

shallow (up to 25% or more), or the T wave changed from fl at to upright; atrioventricular or (Non-event, RR 0.93,95%CI [0.83,1.05],P=0.23, I 2= 0%).

inraventricular block improved; angina attack frequency and duration reduced by 50% – 80% (angina
attack frequency and duration de fi nitely reduced by more than 50%);

3.5. Adverse events

“ Ine ff ective ”: the ECG after treatment was unchanged compared to before; angina attack

Adverse events were mentioned in fi ve trials [ 16 , 17 , 19 , 25 , 26 ], and were reported by a total of 368
frequency and duration reduced by less than 50% (symptom level was basically the same as before); “
patients. No adverse e ff ects or complications related to acupuncture therapy were observed or reported in the
Exacerbation ”: the ST segment became depressed by more than included trials.

0.05mV; the inverted T wave on the main lead deepened by up to 25% or more, the upright T wave
became fl at, or the fl at T wave became inverted; ectopic rhythm developed, atrioventricular block or
inraventricular block occurred; angina attack frequency and duration increased (angina attack frequency 4. Discussion

and duration increased or became worse).

The results of the meta-analysis in this paper showed that acupuncture plus medicine or
acupuncture alone were more e ff ective than medicine alone on angina relief and improvement of
ECG ischemic

Y. Liu et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 34 (2019) 247–253

Table 1
Characteristics of the included trials.

Study ID Recruited sources TG (M/F) CG (M/F) Mean age (mean or range) Disease course (TG/CG)(mean or range)


Zhang 2017 [ 26 ] In 26/10 23/7 63 – 83 61 – 80 5d-2m/6d-2m

Yan 2017 [ 25 ] In 25/21 23/21 57 22.12 21.31y/22.12y
Wang 2012 [ 24 ] In 20/13 21/12 59.7 58.7 3y-7y
Liu 2013 [ 21 ] In 14/6 15/7 63 67 331d
Liu 2015 [ 23 ] In 25/23 26/22 50.9 52.96 4.63y/4.46y
Liu 2012 [ 20 ] In/Out 18/15 17/16 65.7 64.8 6m-15y
Zhou 2007 [ 22 ] NR 51/21 40/16 68.7 65.2 4m-9y
Chang 2005 [ 16 ] NR 19/11 17/5 59.5 61.1 6.4y/7.2y
Huang 2004 [ 19 ] In/Out 22/18 21/19 55 57 5.3y/5.2y
Diao 2003 [ 18 ] NR 23/17 18/12 56.46 57.32 7.31y/7.53y
Liu 2003 [ 27 ] In/Out 19/13 19/12 57.6 56 24.8 m/20.6m
Yin 2009 [ 16 ] In/Out 24/18 22/16 52.6 52.2 7 m/8m

Study ID Treatment group Control group Treat duration Outcome measures

Zhang 2017 [ 26 ] (A)Moxibustion plus(B) (B)ASP; ISMN 14d Angina attack rate; NTG consumption; Impact on the ECG waveform NTG consumption;
Yan 2017 [ 25 ] (A)Moxibustion plus (B) (B)ASP; AC; ISMN 10d Improvement of angina symptoms; Myocardial oxygen consumption

Wang 2012 [ 24 ] (A)Moxibustion plus acupressure (B)ISMN; ASP; Simvastatin; 5w Improvement of angina symptoms and ECG; TCM syndrome e ffi cacy
plus (B) Shuxuening
Liu 2013 [ 21 ] (A)Thermal moxibustion alone (B)ASP; ISMN; CCB 10d Improvement of angina symptoms; Impact on the ECG waveform; Angina attack rate

Liu 2015 [ 23 ] (A)Thermal moxibustion plus(B) (B)ASP; ISMN; MT; PST 4w TCM syndrome e ffi cacy; E ff ects in the symptom, ECG, blood lipids and NTG consumption

Liu 2012 [ 20 ] (A)Acupuncture (B)ASP; BET; ISMN 4w E ff ects in the symptom and ECG E ff ects in the symptom and ECG; Angina relief time E ff ects
Zhou 2007 [ 22 ] (A)Acupuncture alone (B)BET; ASP; Captopril; ISMN (B)ISMN 6w in the symptom and ECG; NTG reduction and suspension E ff ects in the symptom and
Chang 2005 [ 17 ] (A)Acupuncture alone or BET 2w ECG E ff ects in the DCG and ECG; Angina attack rate; NTG consumption Quality of life;
Huang 2004 [ 19 ] (A)Electro-acupuncture alone (B)CDP 4w Impact on the ECG waveform
Diao 2003 [ 18 ] (A)Acupuncture alone (B)SHC 4w
Liu 2003 [ 27 ] (A)Acupuncture plus (B) (B)ISMN 8w
Yin 2009 [ 16 ] (A)Acupuncture plus cupping (B)ISMN 30d Angina attack rate; E ff ects in the symptom; NTG consumption; Myocardial oxygen

D indicates days; w, weeks; m, months; y, years; Out, outpatient; In, inpatient; M, male; F, female; NR, No Report.TG/A, Treatment Group; CG/B, Control Group; d, days; CDP, Compound Danshen Pills; ASP,
Aspirin; BET, Betaloc; ISMN, Isosorbide, mononitrate; AC, Atorvastatincalcium; SHC, Shanhaidan Capsules; PST, Pravastatin Sodium Tablets; MT, Metoprolol Tablets; CCB, Calcium Channel Blockers; ECG,
Electrocardiogram; DCG, Dynamic Electrocardiogram; TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine; NTG: Nitroglycerin.

Table 2 pro fi les than medicine alone, including reduction of triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and
Risk of bias assessment in included studies based on the Cochrane handbook. total cholesterol levels, as well as raising high density lipoprotein cholesterol level. Five trials reported
occurrence of adverse events, while no acupuncture-related adverse events were noted. Another systematic
Included studies A B C D E F G Total
review [ 28 ] suggested that acupuncture by experienced hands was inherently safe without traumatic,
Zhang 2017 [ 26 ] + ? – + + ? + 4 infectious, or other adverse events.
Yan 2017 [ 25 ] + ? – + + + + 5
Wang 2012 [ 24 ] + ? – + + + + 5
Liu 2013 [ 21 ] + ? – + + + + 5
Liu 2015 [ 23 ] + ? – + + + + 5 SAP is a clinical syndrome characterized by pain or discomfort in the chest, jaw, shoulder, back, or
Liu 2012 [ 20 ] + ? – + + + + 5 arms, typically induced by physical exertion or emotional stress and relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
Zhou 2007 [ 22 ] + ? – + + + + 5
Chang 2005 [ 17 ] + ? – + + ? + 4
[29 ]. Based on the theory of TCM, acupuncture could regulate yin, yang, qi, and blood in order to enhance
Huang 2004 [ 19 ] + ? – + + ? + 5 physical fi tness and control the risk factors [ 30 ]. Richer et al. [ 13 ] found that acupuncturing Neiguan
Diao 2003 [ 18 ] + ? – + + + + 5 (PC6) decreased the ST-segment elevation after ligating the coronary artery of experimental dogs, which
Liu 2003 [ 27 ] + ? – + + – + 4 indicated that acupuncture could protect the myocardium from ischemia. The mechanism of acupuncture
Yin 2009 [ 16 ] + ? – + – ? + 3
therapy for SAP is not very clear, and several studies have reported that it might be associated with a
reduction of sympathetic excitatory cardiovascular re fl exes and myocardial oxygen demand, activation of
A, Random sequence generation; B, Concealment of allocation; C, Blinding of par-ticipants and
the opioid system, and coronary artery vasodilatation [ 31 – 34 ]. A few other studies have shown that
personnel; D, Blinding of outcome assessment; E, Incomplete outcome data; F, Selective outcome
acupuncture could promote the regeneration of microvessels, and therefore enhance collateral circulation in
reporting; G, Other bias; +, low risk of bias;
patients with angina, thus improving ischemic symptoms [ 35 – 38 ].
- , high risk of bias; ?, unclear risk of bias.

markers. In terms of the rate of nitroglycerin reduction, acupuncture plus medicine was superior to medicine
alone. However, there was no signi fi cant di ff erence between acupuncture plus medicine and medicine alone
on eliminating the need for nitroglycerin totally. One trial [ 17 ] revealed that acupuncture alone had no e ff
ect on the rate of reduction of nitroglycerin use or its elimination altogether. However, another trial [ 22 ]
reported that the time to onset of angina relief was longer for acupuncture alone than for medicine alone. It has also been reported that acupuncture could improve the remedial e ff ects of nitroglycerin,

Besides, one trial [ 23 ] suggested that acupuncture plus medicine had greater e ff ects on lipid with fast relief of symptoms of acute angina pectoris. The combination of acupuncture and medicine
therapy could thus make a signi fi cant di ff erence in the treatment of various ischemic conditions. A
recent review [ 39 ] suggested that acupuncture

Y. Liu et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 34 (2019) 247–253

Fig. 2. Funnel plot of 10 trials for the outcome of the number of patients with ine ff ectiveness of angina relief in this meta-analysis. SE, standard error; RR, relative risk.

Fig. 3. Forest plot of the number of patients with ine ff ectiveness of angina relief between groups (A: acupuncture versus medicine; B: acupuncture plus medicine versus medicine). CI, con fi dence intervals.

combined with traditional medicine therapy for patients with angina pectoris could reduce the requirement pectoris. However, it should be noted that unstable angina belonged to acute coronary syndromes, most
frequency of anti-anginal drugs for symptomatic relief, as well as the reduction of adverse e ff ects of which needed coronary intervention. Our meta-analysis enrolled newly-published RCTs and
secondary to multi-drug therapy. The result of a meta-analysis of 21 RCTs conducted by Chen et al. [ 40 ] compared acupuncture plus medicine or acupuncture to medicine alone in terms of angina relief of SAP,
showed that acupuncture plus conventional medicine therapy could reduce the incidence of acute thereby providing new evidence with regards to the use of acupuncture therapy in stable coronary
myocardial infarction, relieve anginal symptoms, and improve ischemic changes on ECG and quality of life artery disease.
in patients with unstable or stable angina

Y. Liu et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 34 (2019) 247–253

Fig. 4. Forest plot of the number of patients with no ECG improvement between groups (A: acupuncture versus medicine; B: acupuncture plus medicine versus medicine). CI, con fi dence intervals.

5. Study limitations be an adjunctive treatment for SAP. In the future, inclusion of RCTs with better study designs and larger
sample size is needed to further verify the e ffi cacy and safety of acupuncture in SAP treatment.
Several limitations are worth noting in our meta-analysis. First, the quality of the included trials Furthermore, future clinical trials evaluating the treatment e ff ects of acupuncture on SAP symptoms that
was inconsistent according to the Cochrane Handbook. In most of the included trials, the sample size conform to international standards should be conducted.
was small, the randomization method was mentioned without further details, and double-blinding was
not conducted. Second, our study did not include data from clinical trials written in other languages
except mandarin Chinese. In addition, the classi fi cation of markedly e ff ective, e ff ective, ine ff ective and
exacerbation did not conform to international standards.
Con fl icts of interest

The authors declare no con fl icts of interest.

6. Conclusions

In conclusion, our meta-analysis indicated that acupuncture plus medicine, or acupuncture alone
may improve anginal symptoms and ECG results in patients with SAP. Acupuncture plus medicine could This research was fi nancially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
reduce the rate of nitroglycerin prescription. Acupuncture therapy may (Grant no. 81670328).

Fig. 5. Forest plot on reduction (A) or suspension (B) of nitroglycerin between acupuncture plus medicine group and medicine group. CI, con fi dence intervals.

Y. Liu et al. Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 34 (2019) 247–253 .

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