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Responser: Arif Arrahman, M.Farm., Apt.

Oleh: Andini Ika Saskia (1406640026)
Callista Andinie Mulyadi (1406576793)
Devina (1406575323)
Jasmine Tiara Iqbal (1406639850)
Nurlita Gustiyanti (1406545081)
Ratna Nadyana (1406573305)
Sasmita Retno Sari (1406544753)
Yunitrianti (1406557724)



DAFTAR ISI............................................................................................................................. ii
BAB I ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Tujuan Praktikum .................................................................................................... 1
BAB II ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Spektrofotometri UV-Vis ........................................................................................ 2
2.2 Salep Mata Kloramfenikol....................................................................................... 3
2.3 Prinsip Kerja ............................................................................................................ 4
BAB III...................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Waktu dan Tempat Pelaksanaan .............................................................................. 5
3.2 Alat dan Bahan ........................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Cara Kerja ................................................................................................................ 6
BAB IV .................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Hasil Pengamatan .................................................................................................. 10
4.1.1 Identifikasi ......................................................................................................... 10

4.1.2 Kurva Kalibrasi .................................................................................................. 10

4.1.3 Presisi dan Akurasi ............................................................................................ 11

4.1.4 Penetapan Kadar Kloramfenikol dalam Salep Mata .......................................... 20

4.2 Pembahasan ........................................................................................................... 22

4.2.1 Identifikasi ......................................................................................................... 22

4.2.2 Kurva Kalibrasi .................................................................................................. 23

4.2.3 Presisi dan Akurasi ............................................................................................ 24

4.2.4 Penetapan Kadar Kloramfenikol dalam Salep Mata .......................................... 26

BAB V ..................................................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Kesimpulan ............................................................................................................ 27
5.2 Saran ...................................................................................................................... 27
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ............................................................................................................. 28
LAMPIRAN............................................................................................................................ 29

Lampiran 1. Data Hasil Konfirmasi Salep Mata Kloramfenikol ...................................... 29
Lampiran 2. Laporan Verifikasi dan Penetapan Kadar Salep Mata Kloramfenikol ......... 33
Lampiran 3. MSDS Bahan-bahan Spektrofotometri UV-Vis ........................................... 34


1.1 Latar Belakang

Obat-obatan yang telah dijual di pasaran memiliki beragam bentuk sediaan, sesuai
dengan penggunaan obat tersebut. Beberapa obat diperuntukkan untuk pengobatan
penyakit pada organ khusus, misalnya salep mata. Obat yang diformulasikan dalam bentuk
salep memiliki kandungan dan kadar zat aktif tertentu dalam sejumlah basis yang telah
ditetapkan. Suatu obat mengindikasikan suatu penyakit tertentu, sehingga perlu adanya
pengujian dan konfirmasi yang memastikan jumlah dan dosis obat tertentu hingga obat
tersebut dapat memberikan efek farmakologis yang diinginkan.
Praktikum kali ini dilakukan untuk mengkonfirmasi kesesuaian kandungan dan kadar
kloramfenikol dalam sampel salep mata dengan persyaratan yang telah ditentukan. Salep
mata koramfenikol adalah sediaan steril yang mengandung kloramfenikol dalam basis salep
yang cocok. Kloramfenikol adalah obat yang digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi bakteri
pada mata. Kloramfenikol adalah antibiotik yang bekerja dengan menghentikan
pertumbuhan bakteri. Obat ini hanya mengobati infeksi bakteri pada mata, dan tidak akan
efektif pada jenis infeksi mata lainnya.
Cara mengkonfirmasi kesesuaian kandungan dan kadar obat kloramfenikol adalah
dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk
mengkonfirmasi kandungan dan kadar kloramfenikol dengan menggunakan
spektrofotometri adalah melalui proses identifikasi kloramfenikol, pembuatan kurva
kalibrasi kloramfenikol baku, verifikasi metode melalui parameter akurasi dan presisi, serta
penetapan kadar kloramfenikol dalam sampel salep mata.

1.2 Tujuan Praktikum

Tujuan praktikum adalah untuk mengkonfirmasi kesesuaian kandungan dan kadar
kloramfenikol dalam sampel salep mata dengan persyaratan yang telah ditentukan.
Persyaratan tablet kuinin sulfat adalah mengandung kloramfenikol (C11H12Cl2N2O2), tidak
kurang dari 95,0% dan tidak lebih dari 105,0% dari jumlah yang tertera pada etiket.


2.1 Spektrofotometri UV-Vis

Spektroskopi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari interaksi antara radiasi dan benda
sebagai suatu fungsi panjang gelombang dengan menggunakan instrumen yang disebut
spektrometer. Jadi spektroskopi adalah secara teori istilah atau nama yang digunakan untuk
ilmu yang mempelajari tentang hubungan antara radiasi/energi/sinar (yang memiliki fungsi
panjang gelombang, yang biasa disebut frekuensi) dengan benda.
Spektrofotometer terdiri atas spektrometer dan fotometer. Spektrometer menghasilkan
sinar dari spektrum dengan panjang gelombang tertentu dan fotometer adalah alat pengukur
intensitas cahaya yang di transmisikan atau yang diabsorpsi. Spektrofotometri merupakan
teknik pengukuran jumlah zat yang berdasarkan prinsip yang sama pada spektroskopi. Hanya
saja pada metode spektrofotometri, panjang gelombang yang digunakan lebih spesifik untuk
panjang gelombang UV (Ultraviolet), visible, dan inframerah. Fungsi dari spektrofotometri
adalah untuk mempelajari sifat serapan suatu larutan terhadap variasi panjang gelombang
Komponen penting untuk menganalisis senyawa dengan metode spektrofotometri
adalah gugus kromofor, yaitu gugus fungsional yang mengabsorpsi radiasi UV dan tampak,
jika mereka diikat oleh senyawa-senyawa buka pengabsropsi (auksokrom). Hampir semua
kromofor mempunyai ikatan rangkap berkonjugasi (diena C=C-C=C), dienon (C=C-C=O),
Benzena, dll. Komponen lainnya adalah gugus auksokrom, yaitu gugus fungsional seperti –
OH, -NH2, NO2, -X yaitu gugus yang mempunyai elektron nonbonding dan tidak
mengabsorpsi radiasi UV jauh. Berdasarkan panjang gelombangnya, spektrofotometer UV-Vis
dibagi menjadi 2:
 Sinar tampak/visible (λ 380 nm – 780 nm)
Sumber cahaya merupakan lampu Tungsten/Wolfram. Namun kelemahannya adalah
hanya dapat menganalisis sample berwarna, oleh karena itu sample tidak berwarna
harus diberi warna terlebih dahulu menggunakan reagent spesifik. Contoh aplikasinya
adalah analisis kadar protein terlarut (tidak berwarna) menggunakan reagent folin.
Contoh zat lain yang dapat dianalisis dengan spektrofotometri visible adalah niasin,
kobalamin, piridoksin.
 Sinar UV (ultraviolet) (λ 190 nm – 380 nm)

Sumber cahaya merupakan lampu deuterium. Sinar UV apat diserap oleh senyawa yang
tidak memiliki warna (bening dan transparan) dan tidak memperlukan reagent tertentu.
Apabila analit keruh, analit dapat dibuat jernih dengan filtrasi dan sentrifugasi. Selain
itu, sampel harus larut sempurna dalam pelarut agar bisa dianalisis dengan
spektrofotometri UV.

2.2 Salep Mata Kloramfenikol

Salep adalah sediaan setengah padat yang mudah dioleskan dan digunakan sebagai obat
luar. Bahan obatnya harus larut atau terdispersi homogen dalam dasar salep yang cocok. Basis
untuk suatu salep mata harus tidak mengiritasi mata dan memungkinkan difusi obat ke seluruh
mata yang dibasahi karena sekresi cairan mata. Basis salep yang dimanfaatkan untuk salep
mata harus memiliki titik lebur mendekati suhu tubuh. Dalam beberapa hal campuran dari
petrolatum dan cairan petrolatum (minyak mineral) dimanfaatkan sebagai dasar salep mata.
Kadang-kadang zat yang bercampur dengan air seperti lanolin ditambahkan untuk
memungkinkan air dan obat yang tidak larut dalam air bertahan selama system penyampaian.
Obat atau bahan obat yang ditambahkan ke dalam dasar salep berbentuk larutan atau serbuk
halus. Salep mata harus bebas dari partikel dan harus memenuhi syarat kebocoran sesuai
ketentuan Farmakope Indonesia.
Kloramfenikol adalah salah satu obat golongan antibiotik yang digunakan untuk
mengobati infeksi serius yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. Misalnya meningtis karena bakteri,
abses otak, infeksi bakteri anaerobik, gangren, antraks, ehrlichiosis, penyakit granuloma
inguinal, plak, listeriosis, psittacosis, Q-fever, gastroenteritis parah, melioidosis parah, infeksi
sistemik, infeksi mata (seperti konjungtivitis dan infeksi okular), infeksi telinga (seperti otitis
eksterna), dan kondisi lainnya. Salep mata kloramfenikol umumnya mengandung 1%
kloramfenikol basa. Salep mata kloramfenikol digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi yang terjadi
pada mata.

2.3 Prinsip Kerja

Gambar 2.1. Prinsip Kerja Spektrofotometri UV

Cahaya yang berasal dari lampu deuterium maupun wolfram yang bersifat polikromatis
di teruskan melalui lensa menuju ke monokromator pada spektrofotometer dan filter cahaya
pada fotometer. Monokromator kemudian akan mengubah cahaya polikromatis menjadi
cahaya monokromatis (tunggal). Berkas-berkas cahaya dengan panjang tertentu kemudian akan
dilewatkan pada sampel yang mengandung suatu zat dalam konsentrasi tertentu. Oleh karena
itu, terdapat cahaya yang diserap (diabsorbsi) dan ada pula yang dilewatkan. Cahaya yang
dilewatkan ini kemudian di terima oleh detector. Detector kemudian akan menghitung cahaya
yang diterima dan mengetahui cahaya yang diserap oleh sampel. Cahaya yang diserap
sebanding dengan konsentrasi zat yang terkandung dalam sampel sehingga akan diketahui
konsentrasi zat dalam sampel secara kuantitatif.


3.1 Waktu dan Tempat Pelaksanaan

Hari/tanggal Responsi : Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017
Responser : Arif Arrahman, M.Farm., Apt.
Hari/tanggal Praktikum : Rabu, 1 November 2017
Tempat : Laboratorium Kimia Kuantitatif Lantai 3
Metode Penetapan Kadar : Spektrofotometri UV-Vis

3.2 Alat dan Bahan

3.2.1 Alat :
1. Spektrofotometri UV-Vis
2. Pipet volum
3. Labu erlenmeyer
4. Labu tentukur
5. Tangas air
6. Cawan penguap
7. Lumpang, alu dan spatel
8. Kertas saring
9. Corong

3.2.2 Bahan :
1. Sampel salep mata kloramfenikol
2. Baku pembanding kloramfenikol
3. Petroleum eter
4. Aquadest
5. Kloroform
6. Metanol
7. Etanol 96%
8. Serbuk zink
9. Urea

10. Larutan 2-naftol
11. Natrium hidroksida 10 M
12. Natirum nitrat

3.3 Cara Kerja

3.3.1 Identifikasi (BP 2009)
Campurkan sejumlah salep setara dengan 30 mg kloramfenikol dengan 10 mL petroleum
eter, sentrifus campuran dan buang supernatan. Ulangi prosedur tersebut sebanyak tiga
kali menggunakan 10 mL petroleum eter. Residu kering yang didapatkan kemudian
dilakukan uji sebagai berikut
 Identifikasi A
1. Lakukan dengan metode kromatografi lapis tipis, menggunakan silika gel GF245
sebagai fase diam dan campuran kloroform-metanol-aquadest (90:10:1) sebagai
fase gerak.
2. Totolkan secara terpisah pada pelat sebanyak 1 μL larutan yang mengandung 1 %
b/v residu dalam etanol 96% (larutan 1)
3. 1% b/v klormfenikol dalam etanol 96% pembanding (larutan 2)
4. Setelah proses elusi selesai, keringkan pelat, kemudian amati di bawah sinar UV
254 nm.
5. Bercak utama pada kromatogram larutan 1 sesuai dengan larutan 2.
 Identifikasi B
1. Larutkan 10 mg residu dalam 2 mL etanol 50%
2. Tambahkan 4,5 mL asam sulfat 1 M dan 50 serbuk zink dan diamkan selama 10
3. Dekantasi supernatan dan saring campuran.
4. Dinginkan filtrat dan tambahkan 0,5 mL larutan natrium nitrat setelah 2 menit,
tambahkan 1 g urea diikuti dengan 1 mL larutan 2-naftol, 2 mL natrium
hidroksida 10 M, kemudian terbentuk warna merah.
5. Ulangi percobaan diatas namun tanpa menggunakan serbuk zink, warna merah
tidak terbentuk.

3.3.2 Verifikasi Metode Penetapan Kadar Salep Kloramfenikol Pembuatan kurva kalibrasi
1. Timbang saksama 50 mg kloramfenikol
2. Larutkan dalam 50 mL air, sehingga didapatkan konsentrasi 1 mg/mL = 1000
3. Encerkan larutan kloramfenikol 1000 ppm dengan air sehingga didapatkan
konsentrasi 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 ppm.
4. Ukur serapan dari larutan uji pada 278 nm.
5. Buatlah kurva kalibrasi kloramfenikol menggunakan Microsoft Excell

Gambar 3.1 Skema pembuatan larutan kurva kalibrasi Uji Presisi dan Akurasi pada Sampel Simulasi Salep Kloramfenikol
1. Buat sampel simulasi salep kloramfenikol mengandung 80%, 100%, dan 120%
dari yang tertera pada etiket.

2. Suspensikan sejumlah salep setara dengan 20 mg kloramfenikol dalam 50 mL
petroleum eter.
3. Ekstraksi menggunakan 50, 50, 50, dan 30 mL aquadest hangat.
4. Campurkan ekstrak, kemudian encerkan sampai 200 mL dengan aquadest,
campur dan saring secara kuantitatf.
5. Buang 20 mL filtrat pertama, pipet 10 mL filtrat masukkan ke dalam labu
tentukur 50 mL, cukupkan hingga batas dengan aquadest.
6. Ukur serapan pada panjang gelombang 278 nm.
7. Hitung kadar C11H12Cl2N2O2 dengan nilai A(1%, 1 cm) adalah 297 pada panjang
gelombang 278.

Gambar 3.2 Bagan Ekstraksi Salep Simulasi pada Akurasi-Presisi

8. Proses ekstraksi simulasi salep kloramfenikol dilakukan masing-masing sekali,

namun dilakukan dalam 3 kali pengenceran untuk uji akurasi 80%, 6 kali
pengenceran untuk uji akurasi presisi 100% dan 3 kali pengenceran untuk uji
akurasi 120%, ditunjukkan oleh bagan berikut :

Gambar 3.3 Skema prosedur kerja untuk pengujian akurasi-presisi

3.3.3 Penetapan Kadar Salep Kloramfenikol (BP, 2009)

1. Suspensikan sejumlah salep setara dengan 20 mg kloramfenikol dalam 50 mL
petroleum eter.
2. Ekstraksi menggunakan 50, 50, 50, dan 30 mL aquadest hangat.
3. Campurkan ekstrak, kemudian encerkan sampai 200 mL dengan aquadest,
campur dan saring secara kuantitatf.
4. Buang 20 mL filtrat pertama, pipet 10 mL filtrat masukkan ke dalam labu
tentukur 50 mL, cukupkan hingga batas dengan aquadest.
5. Ukur serapan pada panjang gelombang 278 nm.
6. Hitung kadar C11H12Cl2N2O2 dengan nilai A(1%, 1 cm) adalah 297 pada panjang
gelombang 278.

Gambar 3.4 Bagan Ekstraksi Salep Simulasi pada Penetapan Kadar


4.1 Hasil Pengamatan

4.1.1 Identifikasi
Tabel 4.1 Hasil pengamatan identifikasi salep kloramfenikol
Pengamatan Hasil
Identifikasi B
Tidak Terbentuk warna Dengan penambahan zink: Tidak terbentuk warna
merah merah (-)

Tidak terbentuk warna Tanpa penambahan zink: terbentuk warna kuning

merah tanpa penambahan (+)
serbuk zink

Gambar 4.1 Hasil Identifikasi 2 pada Salep Mata Kloramfenikol (tabung reaksi
kiri: larutan filtrat tanpa penambahan serbuk zink; tabung reaksi kanan: larutan
filtrat dengan penambahan serbuk zink)

4.1.2 Kurva Kalibrasi

Tabel 4.2 Kurva Kalibrasi Kloramfenikol
Kadar Serapan pada 278,5 nm Paraf
Keterangan Paraf Dosen
(ppm) dalam Air Praktikan
8 0,38739 r = 0,999
Nurlita Arif Arrahman,
10 0,46234 a = 0,1668
Gustiyanti M.Farm., Apt.
12 0,51994 b = 0,029

15 0,59998
20 0,75547 y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
25 0,88331

Kurva Kalibrasi Kloramfenikol pada

Panjang Gelombang 278,5 nm

Serapan (A)


0.4 y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0.2 r = 0,999

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Kadar (ppm)

Gambar 4.2 Kurva kalibrasi kloramfenikol

Gambar 4.3 Larutan kurva kalibrasi

4.1.3 Presisi dan Akurasi

Berat Sampel Simulasi (mg)
20 mg
Kadar 80% = 80 mg ad 200 mg → × 200 mg = 50 mg
80 mg

Salep simulasi 80% : Sebanyak 80 mg baku kloramfenikol serbuk ditambahkan 200 mg

basis salep dan diambil sebanyak 50 mg
20 mg
Kadar 100% = 100 mg ad 200 mg → × 200 mg = 40 mg
100 mg

Salep simulasi 100% : Sebanyak 100 mg baku kloramfenikol serbuk ditambahkan 200 mg
basis salep dan diambil sebanyak 40 mg
20 mg
Kadar 120% = 120 mg ad 200 mg → × 200 mg = 33,3 mg
120 mg

Salep simulasi 120% : Sebanyak 120 mg baku kloramfenikol serbuk ditambahkan 200 mg
basis salep dan diambil sebanyak 33,3 mg

Kandungan Teoritik (mg)

Tiap 1 gram sampel salep mengandung 20 mg kloramfenikol basa.
80 x
Kadar 80% → = → x = 16 mg
100 20 mg
100 x
Kadar 100% → = → x = 20 mg
100 20 mg
120 x
Kadar 120% → = → x = 24 mg
100 20 mg

Tabel 4.3 Hasil Pengamatan Uji Akurasi-Presisi Simulasi Salep Kloramfenikol

No. Kadar Berat Kandungan A di Hasil UPK Rata- SD KV

Zat Sampel Teoritik 278,5 Analisis (%) rata (%)
Aktif Simulasi (mg) nm (mg) (x)
(mg) (%)
1 16 0,2694 4,4250 27,66
2 80% 53 mg 16 0,2744 4,6375 28,98 27,06 2,2856 8,45
3 16 0,2579 3,9250 24,53
4 20 0,3254 6,8375 34,19
5 20 0,3268 6,9000 34,50
6 20 0,3335 7,1875 35,94
100% 41,2 mg 34,40 0,9215 2,68
7 20 0,3203 6,6125 33,06
8 20 0,3267 6,8875 34,44
9 20 0,3258 6,8500 34,25
10 24 0,4172 10,7875 44,95
11 120% 35,5 mg 24 0,4200 10,9125 45,47 45,90 1,0065 2,19
12 24 0,4301 11,3500 47,29

Perhitungan Akurasi-Presisi
Konsentrasi 80%
1. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
0,2694 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 3,54 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
3,54 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 4,425 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
4,425 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 27,66%
16 mg

2. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,2744 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 3,71 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
3,71 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 4,6375 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
4,6375 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 28,98%
16 mg

3. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,2579 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 3,14 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
3,14 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 3,925 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
3,925 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 24,53%
16 mg
27,66% + 28,98% + 24,53%
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐚 − 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚 (%) = = 𝟐𝟕, 𝟎𝟔%
∑(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 0,36 + 3,6864 + 6,4009
𝐒𝐃 = √ √ = 𝟐, 𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟔
𝑛−1 3−1
SD 2,2856
𝐊𝐕 (%) = 𝑥 100% = 𝑥 100% = 𝟖, 𝟒𝟓%
𝑥̅ 27,06

Konsentrasi 100%
1. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
0,3254 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 5,47 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
5,47 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 6,8375 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
6,8375 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 34,19%
20 mg

2. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,3268 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 5,52 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
5,52 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 6,9 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
6,9 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 34,50%
20 mg

3. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,3335 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 5,75 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
5,75 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 7,1875 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
7,1875 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 35,94%
20 mg

4. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,3203 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 5,29 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
5,29 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 6,6125 mg
1000 10 mL

Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
6,6125 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 33,06%
20 mg

5. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,3267 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 5,51 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
5,51 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 6,8875 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
6,8875 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 34,44%
20 mg

6. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,3258 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 5,48 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
5,48 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 6,85 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
6,85 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 34,25%
20 mg

34,19% + 34,50% + 35,94% + 33,06% + 34,44% + 34,25%

𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐚 − 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚 (%) = = 𝟑𝟒, 𝟒𝟎%
∑(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 0,0441 + 0,01 + 2,3716 + 1,7956 + 0,0016 + 0,0225
𝐒𝐃 = √ √ = 𝟎, 𝟗𝟐𝟏𝟓
𝑛−1 6−1

SD 0,9215
𝐊𝐕 (%) = 𝑥 100% = 𝑥 100% = 𝟐, 𝟔𝟖%
𝑥̅ 34,40

Konsentrasi 120%
1. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
0,4172 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 8,63 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL

8,63 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 10,7875 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
10,7875 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 44,95%
24 mg

2. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,4200 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 8,73 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
8,73 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 10,9125 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
10,9125 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 45,47%
24 mg

3. Kadar (ppm) → y = 0,1668 + 0,029x

0,4301 = 0,1668 + 0,029x → x = 9,08 ppm
Kadar (ppm) 50 mL
𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 = 𝑥 𝑥 250 mL
1000 10 mL
9,08 ppm 50 mL
= x x 250 mL = 11,35 mg
1000 10 mL
Hasil analisis (mg)
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢 (%) = 𝑥 100%
Kandungan teoritik (mg)
11,35 mg
= 𝑥 100% = 47,29%
24 mg

44,95% + 45,47% + 47,29%

𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐚 − 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚 (%) = = 𝟒𝟓, 𝟗𝟎%
∑(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )2 0,9025 + 0,1849 + 1,9321
𝐒𝐃 = √ √ = 𝟏, 𝟎𝟎𝟔𝟓
𝑛−1 3−1

SD 1,0065
𝐊𝐕 (%) = 𝑥 100% = 𝑥 100% = 𝟐, 𝟏𝟗%
𝑥̅ 45,90

Tabel 4.4 Hasil Spektrum Spektrofotometri (Akurasi-Presisi)
80% (1)

80% (2)

80% (3)

100% (1)

100% (2)

100% (3)

100% (4)

100% (5)

100% (6)

120% (1)

120% (2)

120% (3)


Gambar 4.4 Preparasi simulasi salep kloramfenikol (Akurasi-Presisi)

4.1.4 Penetapan Kadar Kloramfenikol dalam Salep Mata

Tabel 4.5 Hasil penetapan kadar kloramfenikol dalam sediaan salep
No. A pada 278 Kadar Kesesuaian Rata- (x-x1)2 SD KV (%)
nm dalam (ppm) Kadar (x1) rata (x)
Air (%) (%)
1 0,3260 5,49 57 14,44
2 0,3305 5,65 62,7 60,8 3,61 3,9 5,41
3 0,3195 5,27 62,7 3,61

Perhitungan Kadar Analisis (ppm)
Persamaan regresi: y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
Percobaan 1
y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
0,3260 = 0,1668 + 0,029x
x = 5,49 ppm
Percobaan 2
y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
0,3305 = 0,1668 + 0,029x
x = 5,65 ppm
Percobaan 3
y = 0,1668 + 0,029x
0,3195 = 0,1668 + 0,029x
x = 5,27 ppm

Perhitungan Kadar Hasil Pengenceran (ppm)

0,48 mg
1. 𝑥 1000 = 9,6 𝑝𝑝𝑚
50 𝑚𝐿
0,45 mg
2. 𝑥 1000 = 9,0 𝑝𝑝𝑚
50 𝑚𝐿
0,42 mg
3. 𝑥 1000 = 8,4 𝑝𝑝𝑚
50 𝑚𝐿

Perhitungan Kesesuaian Kadar (%)

𝐾𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑠 (𝑝𝑝𝑚)
𝑥 100%
𝐾𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑟 ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑙 𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑛 (𝑝𝑝𝑚)
Percobaan 1
5,49 𝑝𝑝𝑚
Kesesuaian kadar (%) = 𝑥 100% = 57 %

Percobaan 2
5,65 𝑝𝑝𝑚
Kesesuaian kadar (%) = 𝑥 100% = 62,70%
9,0 𝑝𝑝𝑚

Percobaan 3
5,27 𝑝𝑚
Kesesuaian kadar (%) = 𝑥 100% = 62,70%
8,4 𝑝𝑝𝑚

Rata-rata = (57% + 62,70% + 62,70%) : 3 = 60,8%

∑(𝑥−𝑥1)2 14,44+3,61+3,61
SD = √ =√ = 3,9
𝑛−1 3−1

KV (%)
𝑆𝐷 3,9
KV (%) = 𝑥 100% = 60,8 𝑥 100% = 5,41%

4.2 Pembahasan
4.2.1 Identifikasi
Identifikasi yang kami lakukan adalah identifikasi kedua atau identifikasi B,
identifikasi kedua adalah reaksi diazotasi dari kloramfenikol yang mempunyai gugus amin
sekunder. Adanya penambahan serbuk zink berfungsi untuk mereduksi gugus amin
sekunder menjadi gugus amin primer yang ditandai dengan terbentuknya warna merah.
Pada percobaan ini, dilakukan dua perlakuan berbeda, yang satu larutan filtrat diberikan
serbuk zink sedangkan yang satu lagi tidak diberikan serbuk zink. Dengan penambahan
serbuk zink, larutan tidak berubah warna menjadi merah dan tanpa ditambahkan dengan
serbuk zink, larutan juga tidak berubah warna menjadi merah tetapi menjadi kuning. Dari
hasil tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa gugus amin sekunder tidak tereduksi sempurna karena
faktor sediaan yang sudah kadaluarsa, kadaluarsa sediaan yaitu tahun 2013, identifikasi
dilakukan tahun 2017, sedangkan salep mata masa kadaluarsanya satu tahun dan salep
mata yang kami uji sudah lewat batas kadaluarsa selama 4 tahun. Apabila gugus amin
tereduksi seharusnya bila ditambahkan serbuk zink maka akan terbentuk warna merah dan
dengan reaksi identifikasi salep Kloramfenikol sebagai berikut.

Gambar 4.5 Reaksi Identifikasi Salep Kloramfenikol

Gambar 4.6 Tanggal Kadaluarsa Salep Mata Tahun 2013

4.2.2 Kurva Kalibrasi

Gambar 4.7 Struktur Kloramfenikol

Pada praktikum kali ini, konsentrasi Kloramfenikol dalam salep mata dapat
dianalisis dengan menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis karena memiliki gugus kromofor
dan memberikan serapan pada 190-380 nm (UV) dan 380-900 (Vis). Pertama, praktikan
membuat larutan standar dengan konsentrasi 1000 ppm kemudian diencerkan menjadi 100
ppm. Blanko yang digunakan adalah aquadest. Panjang gelombang maksimum
Kloramfenikol yang diperoleh adalah 278,5 nm. Pada panjang gelombang maksimum, nilai
absorbansi-nya paling besar, artinya kapasitas sinar radiasi yang diserap paling banyak.
Selain itu, kurva yang dihasilkan juga kurva yang paling landai, sehingga dapat
meminimalisasi kesalahan dalam pembacaan.
Pada paraktikum kali ini, didapat konsentrasi 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, dan 25 ppm. Pada
konsentrasi 8 ppm memiliki serapan 0,38739, pada konsentrasi 10 ppm memiliki serapan
0,46234, pada konsentrasi 12 ppm memiliki serapan 0.51994, pada konsentrasi 15 ppm
memiliki serapan 0.59998, pada konsentrasi 20 ppm memiliki serapan 0.75547, dan pada
konsentrasi 25 ppm memiliki serapan 0.88331. Berdasarkan data tersebut, didapat kurva
kalibrasi dan persamaan regresinya. Kurva kalibrasi merupakan suatu grafik yang
membentuk grafik lurus (linier) yang menyatakan hubungan antara kadar larutan kerja

termasuk blanko dengan respon instrument. Pada praktikum kali ini, diperoleh r sebesar
0,999 yang artinya linier karena mendekati 1.
Hasil kurva kalibrasi mungkin saja kurang akurat, karena beberapa kesalahan yaitu
kurang teliti dalam pembuatan larutan serta pengenceran yang kurang sempurna, kuvet
yang kurang bersih, terjadinya serapan radiasi oleh sidik jari pada kuvet, sensitivitas alat,
adanya serapan oleh pelarut, adanya gelembung udara atau gas dalam lintasan radiasi
panjang gelombang, ataupun kurang teliti praktikan dalam pengamatan.

4.2.3 Presisi dan Akurasi

Verifikasi metode penetapan kadar yang dilakukan adalah uji akurasi dan presisi.
Uji akurasi dan presisi dilakukan pada konsentrasi 80%, 100%, dan 120%. Pengujian
keduanya dilakukan terhadap sampel simulasi salep kloramfenikol. Pada uji akurasi-
presisi, sampel simulasi salep yang diuji adalah sejumlah salep yang setara dengan 20 mg
kloramfenikol. Percobaan dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel dari salep 80% dan 120%,
masing-masing sebanyak 3 sampel, dan salep 100% sebanyak 6 sampel. Berat sampel
berturut-turut (80%, 100%, dan 120%) adalah 53 mg; 41,2 mg; dan 35,5 mg.

a. Presisi
Pada percobaan, dilakukan pengukuran standar deviasi (SD) dan koefisien variasi
(KV) dari hasil analisis yang telah diperoleh untuk setiap berat simulasi salep
kloramfenikol. Dimana, pada konsentrasi 80%, diperoleh standar deviasi sebesar 2,2856
dan KV sebesar 8,45%. Sedangkan pada konsentrasi 100% diperoleh SD sebesar 0,9215
dan KV sebesar 2,68%, dan pada konsentrasi 120% diperoleh SD sebesar 1,0065 dan KV
sebesar 2,19%.
Presisi adalah ukuran yang menunjukkan derajat kesesuaian antara hasil uji
individual, diukur melalui penyebaran hasil individual dari rata-rata jika prosedur
diterapkan secara berulang pada sampel-sampel yang diambil dari campuran yang
homogen (Harmita, 2004). Syarat suatu data dinyatakan presisi adalah jika nilai KV ≤
2%. Jika dilihat dari nilai KV yang diperoleh dari masing-masing konsentrasi, maka dapat
dikatakan bahwa ketiga hasil tersebut tidak memenuhi syarat presisi.

b. Akurasi
Akurasi (kecermatan) merupakan ukuran yang menunjukkan derajat kedekatan
hasil penetapan analisis dengan hasil sebenarnya. Uji akurasi dimaksudkan untuk

menjamin ketepatan atau keakuratan sebuah metode pengujian maupun kalibrasi
sehingga mampu menghasilkan data yang valid. Uji akurasi dapat dilakukan dengan dua
cara, yaitu metode simulasi dan metode penambahan baku (adisi). Metode simulasi
dilakukan dengan membuat sampel plasebo lalu ditambahkan analit dengan konsentrasi
tertentu dari kadar analit yang diperkirakan, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode yang
akan diverifikasi. Sedangkan metode adisi dilakukan dengan menambahkan sejumlah
analit dengan konsentrasi tertentu pada sampel, lalu dianalisis dengan metode yang akan
Pada uji akurasi ini, dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode simulasi, yakni
dengan membuat sampel simulasi salep kloramfenikol pada kadar 80%, 100%, dan
120%, dibuat dengan menambahkan sejumlah analit bahan murni ke dalam campuran
bahan pembawa sediaan (plasebo) kemudian campuran tersebut dianalisis dan hasil yang
diperoleh dibandingkan dengan kadar analit yang ditambahkan (kadar sebenarnya). Hasil
akurasi dapat ditentukan melalui nilai % recovery atau unit perolehan kembali (UPK).
Pertama-tama dilakukan pengujian secara triplo pada konsentrasi 80% dan %UPK
yang diperoleh secara berturut-turut adalah 27,66%; 28,98%; dan 24,53% sehingga nilai
rata-rata UPK yang diperoleh yaitu 27,06%. Selanjutnya pengujian akurasi dilakukan
pada konsentrasi 100% sebanyak 6 kali. Hasil %UPK yang diperoleh berturut-turut
adalah 34,19%; 34,50%; 35,94%; 33,06%; 34,44%; dan 34,25%. Dari hasil tersebut,
diperoleh rata-rata UPK sebesar 34,40%. Terakhir pengujian akurasi dilakukan pada
konsentrasi 120% secara triplo dengan hasil %UPK berturut-turut 44,95%, 45,47%, dan
47,29%. Dari ketiga hasil ini diperoleh rata-rata %UPK yaitu 45,90%.

Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut, diketahui ketiga uji pada sampel simulasi
salep kloramfenikol (kadar 80%, 100%, dan 120%) tidak ada yang memenuhi persyaratan
akurasi (syarat penerimaan % recovery yaitu 95,0–105,0%) maupun presisi. Perolehan
hasil % recovery dan juga %KV sangat jauh menyimpang dari persyaratan penerimaan
yang kemungkinan dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal:
- Sediaan sampel salep yang diterima oleh praktikan sudah kadaluarsa, bahkan sangat
melebihi waktu kadaluarsa yang telah ditentukan dan tertera pada etiket (sudah lewat
batas kadaluarsa selama 4 tahun);
- Kesalahan dalam melakukan pengenceran;

- Kesalahan praktikan dalam membuat sampel simulasi salep (kemungkinan akibat
ketidaktepatan perbandingan antara zat aktif dengan basis);
- Kesalahan saat proses preparasi sampel, seperti kontaminasi saat proses preparasi
dan kurang lamanya pengocokan saat ekstraksi dalam corong pisah, sehingga hal-
hal tersebut memungkinkan dapat memicu pada ketidakakuratan metode yang

4.2.4 Penetapan Kadar Kloramfenikol dalam Salep Mata

Dari kadar yang didapat berdasarkan serapan dan kadar dari pengenceran dapat
dibandingkan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian kadar. Dari perhitungan, didapatkan
kesesuaian kadar sebesar 57%; 62,7%; dan 62,7%. Dari perhitungan, didapatkan standar
deviasinya adalah 3,9 dan persen koefisien variasinya adalah 54,1%. Dengan mengacu
pada syarat presisi yaitu KV ≤ 2%, maka hasil penetapan kadar tidak menunjukkan presisi.
Hasil percobaan ini mungkin saja kurang akurat, yang disebabkan karena
terjadinya kesalahan pada percobaan. Kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi pada percobaan ini
yaitu kekurang telitian dalam pembuatan larutan serta pengenceran yang kurang
sempurna, terjadinya serapan radiasi oleh sidik jari pada kuvet, sensitivitas alat, kuvet
yang kurang bersih, adanya serapan oleh pelarut, kuvet tergores, adanya gelembung udara
atau gas dalam lintasan radiasi panjang gelombang, ekstraksi yang belum sempurna
ataupun kekurangtelitian praktikan dalam pengamatan.


5.1 Kesimpulan
No. Parameter Uji Hasil
1. Identifikasi Tidak memenuhi syarat
2. Kurva kalibrasi y = 0,1668 + 0,029x; r = 0,999 (Memenuhi syarat
3. Akurasi (% Recovery) Berada pada kisaran 27,06% - 45,90%
(Tidak memenuhi syarat 98%-102%)
4. Presisi (% RSD) Rata-rata KV adalah 8,45%; 2,68%; dan 2,19% (Tidak
memenuhi syarat ≤ 2%)
5. Kadar Berada pada kisaran 57% - 62,7% (Tidak memenuhi
syarat 95%-105%)

Dari hasil di atas, dapat dismpulkan bahwa metode ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk
penetapan kadar salep kloramfenikol pada laboratorium kimia kuantitatif.

5.2 Saran
Praktikan berharap untuk praktikum penetapan kadar kloramfenikol dalam sediaan
salep dengan metode spektrofotometri berikutnya diperhatikan hal-hal seperti memastikan
alat yang digunankan sedang dalam keadaan bai, memastikan bahan yang digunakan tidak
kadaluwarsa, dan perhatikan pula waktu eksraksi agar sampel dapat terekstraksi dari


Departemen Kesehatan RI. (1995). Farmakope Indonesia IV. Departemen Kesehatan RI:
Harmita (2006). Analisis Kuantitatif Bahan Baku dan Sediaan Farmasi. Depok : Cipta Kreasi
Bersama Jakarta
The Departement of Health. (2009). British Pharmacopoeia (BP). The Departement of Health:
Great Britain London.

Lampiran 1. Data Hasil Konfirmasi Salep Mata Kloramfenikol

Lampiran 2. Laporan Verifikasi dan Penetapan Kadar Salep Mata Kloramfenikol





a. Nama Produk : Salep Kloramfenikol (Erlamycetin Salep)
b. Komposisi : Kloramfenikol 10mg/gr sediaan
c. Tanggal Pengujian : 1 November 2017
III. METODE : Spektrofotometri UV
No. Parameter Uji Hasil Syarat Penerimaan Kesimpulan
1 Identifikasi Dengan penambahan zink: Tidak sesuai Tidak Memenuhi
Tidak terbentuk warna merah dengan monografi Syarat
Tanpa penambahan zink:
terbentuk warna kuning (+)
2 Akurasi (% Berada pada kisaran 27,06% - 98%-102% Tidak Memenuhi
Recovery) 45,90% Syarat

3 Presisi (% Rata-rata KV adalah 8,45%; ≤ 2% Tidak Memenuhi

RSD) 2,68%; dan 2,19%. Syarat

4 Kadar Berada pada kisaran 57% - 95%-105% Tidak Memenuhi

62,7% Syarat
Metode ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk pengujian penetapan kadar Kalsium Laktat
dalam sediaan tablet pada laboratorium Kimia Farmasi.
Depok, 15 Oktober 2017
Manajer Pengawasan Mutu Analis

Arif Arrahman, M.Farmn., Apt. Nurlita Gustiyanti, S.Farm., Apt

He a lt h 2
1 1
2 0
Re a c t iv it y 0
P e rs o n a l E
P ro t e c t io n

Material Safety Data Sheet

Chloramphenicol MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Chloramphenicol Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLC4855, SLC2062, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 56-75-7 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: Not available. US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Chloramphenicol
Order Online:
CI#: Not applicable.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Chloromycetin; 2,2-Dichloro-N-[2-hydroxy-1- 1-800-424-9300
International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Name: Not available.
For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400
Chemical Formula: C11H12Cl2N2O5

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Chloramphenicol 56-75-7 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Chloramphenicol: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 2500 mg/kg [Rat]. 1500 mg/kg [Mouse].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects: Very hazardous in case of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant). Non-
irritating to the eyes.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion. Non-irritating to the eyes. CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified
2B (Possible for human.) by IARC. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance is toxic to blood, kidneys, liver. Repeated or prolonged exposure
to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:

p. 1
Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Cold water may be used. WARM water MUST be used. Get medical attention if irritation occurs.
Skin Contact:
In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Remove contaminated
clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention.
Serious Skin Contact:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.
Flash Points: Not available.
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2), nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2...), halogenated
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in
presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:
Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on
the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:
Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the
contaminated surface and allow to evacuate through the sanitary system. Be careful that the product is not present at a
concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage


p. 2
Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty containers pose a fire risk, evaporate the
residue under a fume hood. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with
skin. Wear suitable protective clothing. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label.
Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended
exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants
below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
Exposure Limits:
TWA: 0.5 Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid.

Odor: Odorless.
Taste: Bitter. (Strong.)
Molecular Weight: 323.13 g/mole
Color: Colorless to light yellow.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Decomposes.
Melting Point: 151°C (303.8°F)
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: Not available.
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Vapor Density: Not available.
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water, methanol, diethyl ether, acetone.
Soluble in methanol, acetone. Partially soluble in diethyl ether. Very slightly soluble in cold water, hot water.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

p. 3
Stability: The product is stable.
Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Not available.
Incompatibility with various substances: Not available.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 1500 mg/kg [Mouse].
Chronic Effects on Humans:
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified 2B (Possible for human.) by IARC. Causes damage to the following organs: blood,
kidneys, liver.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Very hazardous in case of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant).
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Not available.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are more toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).

Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

p. 4
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, which would require a warning under the statute: Chloramphenicol California
prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer which
would require a warning under the statute: Chloramphenicol Pennsylvania RTK: Chloramphenicol Massachusetts RTK:
Chloramphenicol TSCA 8(b) inventory: Chloramphenicol
Other Regulations: OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): CLASS D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects (VERY TOXIC).
R38- Irritating to skin. R40- Possible risks of irreversible effects. S2- Keep out of the reach of children. S36/37- Wear suitable
protective clothing and gloves. S46- If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 2
Fire Hazard: 1
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: E
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 2
Flammability: 1
Reactivity: 0
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear appropriate respirator
when ventilation is inadequate. Safety glasses.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 08:16 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Petroleum ether MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Petroleum ether Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLP3409, SLP1381, SLP5005, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 8032-32-4 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: OI6180000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Petroleum ether
Order Online:
CI#: Not applicable.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Ligroine; 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: Not available. International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Formula: Not available. For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Petroleum ether 8032-32-4 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Petroleum ether LD50: Not available. LC50: Not available.

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant,
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Development toxin [POSSIBLE]. The substance may be toxic to skin, eyes, central
nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids
open. Get medical attention.

p. 1
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
Serious Inhalation:
Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If
breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek medical
Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
tie, belt or waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: 288°C (550.4°F)
Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: Lower than -18°C (0°F).
Flammable Limits: LOWER: 1.1% UPPER: 5.9%
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Extremely flammable in presence of open flames and sparks.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in
presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
Flammable liquid, insoluble in water. SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray or fog.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill: Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal.
Large Spill:
Flammable liquid, insoluble in water. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Stop leak if without risk.
Absorb with DRY earth, sand or other non-combustible material. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled
material. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance on disposal. Be careful
that the product is not present at a concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not
breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Avoid contact with eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation,
wear suitable respiratory equipment. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention and show the label when possible.

p. 2
Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed and
sealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame).

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective
threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-station location.
Personal Protection:
Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves (impervious).
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
Exposure Limits:
TWA: 300 from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] [1995] TWA: 1370 from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] [1995] Consult local
authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Liquid.

Odor: Slight.
Taste: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available.
Color: Clear Colorless.
pH (1% soln/water): Not applicable.
Boiling Point: 60°C (140°F)
Melting Point: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: 0.7 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: Not available.
Vapor Density: 3.9 (Air = 1)
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Solubility: Insoluble in cold water.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

p. 3
Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Not available.
Incompatibility with various substances: Not available.
Corrosivity: Not considered to be corrosive for metals and glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals:
of the vapor (LC50): 3400 4 hours [Rat].
Chronic Effects on Humans:
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Development toxin [POSSIBLE]. May cause damage to the following organs: skin,
eyes, central nervous system (CNS).
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Hazardous in case of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator).
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Not available.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are more toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: CLASS 3: Flammable liquid.

Identification: : Petroleum distillate, n.o.s. (Ligroin) UNNA: UN1268 PG: II
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

p. 4
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

Pennsylvania RTK: Petroleum ether TSCA 8(b) inventory: Petroleum ether
Other Regulations: OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): CLASS B-2: Flammable liquid with a flash point lower than 37.8°C (100°F).
R11- Highly flammable. R36- Irritating to eyes. R40- Possible risks of irreversible effects. R63- Possible risk of harm to the
unborn child.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 2
Fire Hazard: 3
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: j
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 1
Flammability: 4
Reactivity: 0
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves (impervious). Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear
appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/11/2005 01:40 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Water MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Water Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLW1063, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 7732-18-5 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: ZC0110000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Water
Order Online:
CI#: Not available.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Dihydrogen oxide 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: Water International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Formula: H2O For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Water 7732-18-5 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-permeator by skin. Non-irritating to the eyes. Non-
hazardous in case of ingestion. Non-hazardous in case of inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-sensitizer for lungs. Non-
corrosive to the eyes. Non-corrosive for lungs.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-permeator by skin. Non-irritating to the eyes.
Non-hazardous in case of ingestion. Non-hazardous in case of inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-sensitizer for lungs.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact: Not applicable.

p. 1
Skin Contact: Not applicable.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Not applicable.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion: Not Applicable
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not Applicable
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill: Mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container.
Large Spill: Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Precautions: No specific safety phrase has been found applicable for this product.
Storage: Not applicable.

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls: Not Applicable

Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab coat.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill: Not Applicable
Exposure Limits: Not available.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Liquid.

p. 2
Odor: Odorless.
Taste: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 18.02 g/mole
Color: Colorless.
pH (1% soln/water): 7 [Neutral.]
Boiling Point: 100°C (212°F)
Melting Point: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: 1 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: 2.3 kPa (@ 20°C)
Vapor Density: 0.62 (Air = 1)
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: Not applicable
Solubility: Not Applicable

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Not available.
Incompatibility with various substances: Not available.
Corrosivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact.

Toxicity to Animals:
LD50: [Rat] - Route: oral; Dose: > 90 ml/kg LC50: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-permeator by skin. Non-hazardous in case of
ingestion. Non-hazardous in case of inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-sensitizer for lungs. Non-corrosive to the eyes. Non-
corrosive for lungs.
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.

p. 3
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Not available.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).

Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Water

Other Regulations: EINECS: This product is on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under WHMIS (Canada).
This product is not classified according to the EU regulations. Not applicable.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 0
Fire Hazard: 0
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: a
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 0
Flammability: 0
Reactivity: 0
Specific hazard:

p. 4
Protective Equipment:
Not applicable. Lab coat. Not applicable. Safety glasses.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 08:33 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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P e rs o n a l H
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Material Safety Data Sheet

Chloroform MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Chloroform Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLC1888, SLC5044, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 67-66-3 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: FS9100000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Chloroform
Order Online:
CI#: Not available.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Trichloromethane; Methane, trichlor- 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: Chloroform International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Formula: CHCl3 For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Chloroform 67-66-3 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Chloroform: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 695 mg/kg [Rat]. 36 mg/kg [Mouse]. 820 mg/kg
[Guinea pig]. DERMAL (LD50): Acute: >20000 mg/kg [Rabbit]. VAPOR (LC50): Acute: 47702 mg/m 4 hours [Rat].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator).
Potential Chronic Health Effects: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified + (Proven.) by NIOSH. Classified A3 (Proven
for animal.) by ACGIH, 2B (Possible for human.) by IARC. Classified 2 (Some evidence.) by NTP. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS:
Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, heart. Repeated or prolonged
exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at
least 15 minutes. Cold water may be used. WARM water MUST be used. Get medical attention.

p. 1
Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient.
Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical
Serious Skin Contact: Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek
immediate medical attention.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get
medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt
or waistband. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
WARNING: It may be hazardous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the inhaled material is
toxic, infectious or corrosive. Seek medical attention.
Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such
as a collar, tie, belt or waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical
impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: May explode if it comes in contact with aluminum powder, lithium, perchlorate,
pentoxide, bis(dimethylamino)dimethylstannane, potassium, potassium-sodium alloy, sodium (or sodium hydroxide or sodium
methoxide), and methanol

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill: Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal.
Large Spill: Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal. Be careful that the
product is not present at a concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Precautions: Do not ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient
ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the
label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as metals, alkalis.
Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Sensitive to light. Store in light-resistant

p. 2
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls: Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of
vapors below their respective threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-
station location.
Personal Protection: Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or
equivalent. Gloves.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill: Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained
breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient;
consult a specialist BEFORE handling this product.
Exposure Limits: TWA: 10 (ppm) [Australia] Inhalation TWA: 2 (ppm) from OSHA (PEL) [United States] Inhalation STEL: 9.78
(mg/m3) from NIOSH Inhalation STEL: 2 (ppm) from NIOSH Inhalation TWA: 9.78 (mg/m3) from OSHA (PEL) [United States]
Inhalation TWA: 10 (ppm) from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] [1999] Inhalation TWA: 2 (ppm) [United Kingdom (UK)] Inhalation
TWA: 9.9 (mg/m3) [United Kingdom (UK)] InhalationConsult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Liquid.

Odor: Pleasant. Sweetish. Etheric. Non-irritating
Taste: Burning. Sweet.
Molecular Weight: 119.38 g/mole
Color: Colorless. Clear
pH (1% soln/water): Not available.
Boiling Point: 61°C (141.8°F)
Melting Point: -63.5°C (-82.3°F)
Critical Temperature: 263.33°C (506°F)
Specific Gravity: 1.484 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: 21.1 kPa (@ 20°C)
Vapor Density: 4.36 (Air = 1)
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: 85 ppm
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: The product is more soluble in oil; log(oil/water) = 2
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Solubility: Very slightly soluble in cold water.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Incompatible materials, Light
Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive with metals, alkalis.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.

p. 3
Special Remarks on Reactivity: Light Sensitive. Incompatible with triisopropyl phosphine, acetone, disilane, fluorine, strong
bases and reactive metals (aluminum, magnesium in powdered form), light.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: It will attack some forms of plastics, rubber, and coatings.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact. Inhalation.

EXPOSURE. Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 36 mg/kg [Mouse]. Acute dermal toxicity (LD50): >20000 mg/kg [Rabbit]. Acute toxicity
of the vapor (LC50): 47702 mg/m 4 hours [Rat]. 3
Chronic Effects on Humans: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified + (Proven.) by NIOSH. Classified A3 (Proven for
animal.) by ACGIH, 2B (Possible for human.) by IARC. Classified 2 (Some evidence.) by NTP. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS:
Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. May cause damage to the following organs:
kidneys, liver, heart.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in
case of skin contact (permeator).
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: May affect genetic material (possible mutangen) and cause adverse
reproductive effects(embryotoxicity and fetotoxicity) Suspected carcinogen (tumorigenic) and teratogen based on animal data.
Human: passes the placental barrier, detected in maternal milk.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: Causes skin irritation and
may cause chemical burns. Eye: Causes eye irritation, burning pain and reversible injury to corneal epithelium. Inhalation:
Causes irritation of the respiratory system (mucous membranes). May affect behavior/Nervous system (CNS depressant,
fatigue, dizziness, nervousness, giddiness, euphoria, loss of coordination and judgement, weakness, hallucinations, muscle
contraction/spasticity, general anesthetic, spastic paralysis, headache), anorexia (neurological and gastrointestinal symtoms
resembling chronic alcoholism), and possibly coma and death. May affect the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract (nausea,
vomiting). Ingestion: Causes gastrointestinal tract irritation (nausea, vomiting). May affect the liver, urinary system (kidneys),
respiration, behavior/nervous system (symptoms similar to inhalation),and heart. Chronic Potential Health Effects: Inhalation:
Prolonged or repeated inhalation may affect the liver (hepatitis, jaundice, hepatocellular necrosis), metabolism (weight
loss), respiration (fibrosis, pneumoconoisis), behavior/central nervous system (symptoms similar to acute inhalation), blood,
musculoskeletal system, and kidneys. Ingestion: Prolonged or repeated ingestion may affect the liver, kidneys, metabolism
(weight loss), endocrine system (spleen), blood (changes in cell count).

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Ecotoxicity in water (LC50): 43.8 mg/l 96 hours [Trout].

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term
degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are as toxic as the product itself.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

p. 4
Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: CLASS 6.1: Poisonous material.

Identification: : Chloroform UNNA: UN1888 PG: III
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations: California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of
California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, which would require a warning under the
statute: Chloroform California prop. 65 (no significant risk level): Chloroform: 0.02 mg/day (value) California prop. 65: This
product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer which would require a
warning under the statute: Chloroform New York release reporting list: Chloroform Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances:
Chloroform Pennsylvania RTK: Chloroform Massachusetts RTK: Chloroform New Jersey: Chloroform California Director's List
of Hazardous Subtances (8 CCR 339): Chloroform Tennessee: Chloroform TSCA 8(b) inventory: Chloroform TSCA 8(d) H
and S data reporting: Chloroform: effective: 6/1/87; sunset: 6/1/97 SARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances:
Chloroform SARA 313 toxic chemical notification and release reporting: Chloroform CERCLA: Hazardous substances.:
Chloroform: 10 lbs. (4.536 kg)
Other Regulations: OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS: This
product is on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): CLASS D-1A: Material causing immediate and serious toxic effects (VERY TOXIC). CLASS D-2A: Material
causing other toxic effects (VERY TOXIC).
DSCL (EEC): R20/22- Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed. R38- Irritating to skin. R40- Possible risks of irreversible effects.
S36/37- Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 2
Fire Hazard: 0
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: h
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 2
Flammability: 0
Reactivity: 0
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment: Gloves. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 08:16 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

p. 5
The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

p. 6
He a lt h 2
3 3
1 0
Re a c t iv it y 0
P e rs o n a l H
P ro t e c t io n

Material Safety Data Sheet

Methyl alcohol MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Methyl alcohol Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLM3064, SLM3952, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 67-56-1 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: PC1400000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Methyl alcohol
Order Online:
CI#: Not applicable.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Wood alcohol, Methanol; Methylol; Wood 1-800-424-9300
Spirit; Carbinol
International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Name: Methanol
For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400
Chemical Formula: CH3OH

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Methyl alcohol 67-56-1 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Methyl alcohol: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 5628 mg/kg [Rat]. DERMAL (LD50): Acute: 15800
mg/kg [Rabbit]. VAPOR (LC50): Acute: 64000 ppm 4 hours [Rat].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of
skin contact (permeator). Severe over-exposure can result in death.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer). CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS:
Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified
POSSIBLE for human. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance is toxic to eyes. The substance may be
toxic to blood, kidneys, liver, brain, peripheral nervous system, upper respiratory tract, skin, central nervous system (CNS),
optic nerve. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure to a
highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in one or many human organs.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

p. 1
Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids
open. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention.
Skin Contact:
In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing
and shoes. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean
shoes before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.
Serious Skin Contact:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek immediate medical
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
attention immediately.
Serious Inhalation:
Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If
breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. WARNING: It may
be hazardous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the inhaled material is toxic, infectious or
corrosive. Seek immediate medical attention.
If swallowed, do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention immediately.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: 464°C (867.2°F)
Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 12°C (53.6°F). OPEN CUP: 16°C (60.8°F).
Flammable Limits: LOWER: 6% UPPER: 36.5%
Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2).
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Highly flammable in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat. Non-flammable in presence of shocks.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Explosive in presence of open flames and
sparks, of heat.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
Flammable liquid, soluble or dispersed in water. SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam,
water spray or fog.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
Explosive in the form of vapor when exposed to heat or flame. Vapor may travel considerable distance to source of ignition
and flash back. When heated to decomposition, it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. CAUTION: MAY BURN WITH NEAR
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:
Forms an explosive mixture with air due to its low flash point. Explosive when mixed with Choroform + sodium methoxide and
diethyl zinc. It boils violently and explodes.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

p. 2
Small Spill:
Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container.
Large Spill:
Flammable liquid. Poisonous liquid. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Stop leak if without risk.
Absorb with DRY earth, sand or other non-combustible material. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled
material. Use water spray to reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call
for assistance on disposal. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the
MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Do
not ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear
suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid
contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, metals, acids.
Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed and
sealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame).

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective
threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-station location.
Personal Protection:
Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
Exposure Limits:
TWA: 200 from OSHA (PEL) [United States] TWA: 200 STEL: 250 (ppm) from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] [1999] STEL: 250
from NIOSH [United States] TWA: 200 STEL: 250 (ppm) from NIOSH SKIN TWA: 200 STEL: 250 (ppm) [Canada] Consult
local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Liquid.

Odor: Alcohol like. Pungent when crude.
Taste: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 32.04 g/mole
Color: Colorless.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available.
Boiling Point: 64.5°C (148.1°F)
Melting Point: -97.8°C (-144°F)
Critical Temperature: 240°C (464°F)

p. 3
Specific Gravity: 0.7915 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: 12.3 kPa (@ 20°C)
Vapor Density: 1.11 (Air = 1)
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: 100 ppm
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: The product is more soluble in water; log(oil/water) = -0.8
Ionicity (in Water): Non-ionic.
Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water.
Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water, hot water.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Heat, ingnition sources, incompatible materials
Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive with oxidizing agents, metals, acids.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Can react vigorously with oxidizers. Violent reaction with alkyl aluminum salts, acetyl bromide, chloroform + sodium methoxide,
chromic anhydride, cyanuirc chlorite, lead perchlorate, phosphorous trioxide, nitric acid. Exothermic reaction with sodium
hydroxide + chloroform. Incompatible with beryllium dihydride, metals (potassium and magnesium), oxidants (barium
perchlorate, bromine, sodium hypochlorite, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide), potassium tert-butoxide, carbon tetrachloride, alkali
metals, metals (aluminum, potassium magnesium, zinc), and dichlormethane. Rapid autocatalytic dissolution of aluminum,
magnesium or zinc in 9:1 methanol + carbon tetrachloride - sufficiently vigorous to be rated as potentially hazardous. May
attack some plastics, rubber, and coatings.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals:
toxicity (LD50): 5628 mg/kg [Rat]. Acute dermal toxicity (LD50): 15800 mg/kg [Rabbit]. Acute toxicity of the vapor (LC50):
64000 4 hours [Rat].
Chronic Effects on Humans:
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. TERATOGENIC
EFFECTS: Classified POSSIBLE for human. Causes damage to the following organs: eyes. May cause damage to the
following organs: blood, kidneys, liver, brain, peripheral nervous system, upper respiratory tract, skin, central nervous system
(CNS), optic nerve.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator).
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:

p. 4
Passes through the placental barrier. May affect genetic material. May cause birth defects and adverse reproductive
effects(paternal and maternal effects and fetotoxicity ) based on animal studies.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Ecotoxicity in water (LC50): 29400 mg/l 96 hours [Fathead Minnow].

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are less toxic than the product itself.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation:
Methanol in water is rapidly biodegraded and volatilized. Aquatic hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis, adsorption to sediment, and
bioconcentration are not significant fate processes. The half-life of methanol in surfact water ranges from 24 hrs. to 168 hrs.
Based on its vapor pressure, methanol exists almost entirely in the vapor phase in the ambient atmosphere. It is degraded by
reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals and has an estimated half-life of 17.8 days. Methanol is physically
removed from air by rain due to its solubility. Methanol can react with NO2 in pollulted to form methyl nitrate. The half-life of
methanol in air ranges from 71 hrs. (3 days) to 713 hrs. (29.7 days) based on photooxidation half-life in air.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: CLASS 3: Flammable liquid.

Identification: : Methyl alcohol UNNA: 1230 PG: II
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

Connecticut hazardous material survey.: Methyl alcohol Illinois toxic substances disclosure to employee act: Methyl alcohol
Illinois chemical safety act: Methyl alcohol New York release reporting list: Methyl alcohol Rhode Island RTK hazardous
substances: Methyl alcohol Pennsylvania RTK: Methyl alcohol Minnesota: Methyl alcohol Massachusetts RTK: Methyl
alcohol Massachusetts spill list: Methyl alcohol New Jersey: Methyl alcohol New Jersey spill list: Methyl alcohol Louisiana
spill reporting: Methyl alcohol California Directors List of Hazardous Substances (8CCR 339): Methyl alcohol Tennesse
Hazardous Right to Know : Methyl alcohol TSCA 8(b) inventory: Methyl alcohol SARA 313 toxic chemical notification and
release reporting: Methyl alcohol CERCLA: Hazardous substances.: Methyl alcohol: 5000 lbs. (2268 kg)
Other Regulations:
OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS: This product is on the
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada):
CLASS B-2: Flammable liquid with a flash point lower than 37.8°C (100°F). CLASS D-1B: Material causing immediate and
serious toxic effects (TOXIC). CLASS D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects (VERY TOXIC). Class D-2B: Material causing
other toxic effects (TOXIC).

p. 5
R11- Highly flammable. R23/24/25- Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. R39- Danger of very serious
irreversible effects. R39/23/24/25- Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and
if swallowed. S7- Keep container tightly closed. S16- Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. S36/37- Wear suitable
protective clothing and gloves. S45- In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label
where possible).
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 2
Fire Hazard: 3
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: h
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 1
Flammability: 3
Reactivity: 0
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear appropriate respirator
when ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

-SAX, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Indutrial Materials. Toronto, Van Nostrand Reinold, 6e ed. 1984. -Material safety
data sheet emitted by: la Commission de la Santé et de la Sécurité du Travail du Québec. -Hawley, G.G.. The
Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 11e ed., New York N.Y., Van Nostrand Reinold, 1987. LOLI, HSDB, RTECS, HAZARDTEXT,
REPROTOX databases
Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 08:23 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

p. 6

P N : ETHYL ALCOHOL (96‐96.6% VOL) BP EP Page 1 of 6   

MSDS NO: 1904EPBP E D :F 11, 2014

M B : Commercial Alcohols    
Bruce Energy Centre 275 Bloomfield Road 2 Chelsea Lane
4th Concession Chatham, Brampton, Ontario
Tiverton, Ontario Ontario L6T 3Y4
N0G 2T0 N7M 5J5

E P N : C (613) 996‐6666



I. E    F  A  P          

I  Never give anything by mouth if vic m is rapidly losing consciousness or is unconscious or convulsing.
 Have vic m drink about 250ml (8fl. oz.) of water to dilute material in stomach.
 If vomi ng occurs naturally, have vic m lean forward to reduce risk of aspira on.
 Seek medical assistance.

S  Flush contaminated area with water for at least 20 minutes.

 Remove contaminated clothing under running water.
 Completely decontaminate clothing before re‐use, or discard.
 If irrita on occurs seek medical a en on.

I  Remove vic m to fresh air.

 Ar ficial respira on should be given if breathing has stopped and cardiopulmonary resuscita on if
heart has stopped.
 Oxygen may be given if necessary.
 Seek medical a en on immediately.

E  Immediately flush eyes with water for at least 20 minutes, holding the eyelids open.
 Seek medical a en on immediately.

N  T    Symptoms of ethanol intoxica on vary with the alcohol level of the blood. Mild alcohol intoxica on occurs at
P blood levels between 0.05‐0.15% and approximately 25% of individuals will show signs of intoxica on at
these levels. Above 0.15% the person is definitely under the influence of ethanol and 50‐95% of individuals
at this level are clinically intoxicated. Severe poisoning occurs when the blood ethanol level is 0.3‐0.5%.
Above 0.5% the individual will be comatose and death can occur.
 The unabsorbed ethanol should be removed by gastric lavage a er intuba ng the pa ent to prevent aspira‐
 Avoid the use of depressant drugs or the excessive administra on of fluids.


P N : ETHYL ALCOHOL (96‐96.6% VOL) BP EP Page 2 of 6   

MSDS NO: 1904EPBP E D :F 11, 2014

II. F    E  H  D  

F  P , oC  15 (Tag closed cup, ASTM D‐56)


(1) Ethyl Alcohol 96 to 96.6 3.3 19.0 5.87 1.6 422
Water Balance

E     Apply alcohol‐type or all‐purpose‐type foams by manufacturers' recommended techniques for large fires.
M    Use carbon dioxide or dry chemical media for small fires.
 Water is generally unsuitable and may help to spread the fire.

S     Use water spray to cool fire‐exposed containers and structures.

F F     Use water spray to disperse vapours; reigni on is possible.
 Use self‐contained breathing apparatus and protec ve clothing.

U     Vapours form from this product and may travel or be moved by air currents and ignited by pilot lights,
F      other flames, sparks, heaters, electrical equipment, sta c discharges or other igni on sources at
loca ons distant from handling point.

III.  I  

C  N ETHYL ALCOHOL (96% to 96.6% VOL ) C    ALCOHOLS

F (1)  CH3 ‐ CH2 ‐ OH    M   (1)   46.07
S  Ethanol, Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol 192 to 193 proof, Ethyl Alcohol DPS (96‐96.6% vol), Ethyl Alcohol DS (96‐
96.6% vol), Ethyl Alcohol VS (96‐96.6% vol).

U  General purpose organic solvent, aerosols, cosme cs, pharmaceu cals, alcoholic beverages, vinegar
produc on, etc.

P N : ETHYL ALCOHOL (96‐96.6% VOL) BP EP Page 3 of 6   

MSDS NO: 1904EPBP E D :F 11, 2014

IV.  P  D

BOILING POINT, oC at 760mm Hg 78.3

FREEZING POINT, oC Not Available
DENSITY, kg/L @ 20oC 0.8039 to 0.8063
pH Not applicable
EVAPORATION RATE (butyl acetate = 1) 1.7

A    Colourless liquid with typical lower alcohol odour.

A  O    Odour threshold is in the range of 0.1 to 5100 ppm, according to the Canadian Standards Associa on
publica on Z94.4‐M1982 (Appendix 1).

V. I    T  D  

INGREDIENT % V/V CAS NO. TLV, ppm LC50, ppm/4h. LD50, mg/kg LD50, mg/kg
(1) Ethyl Alcohol 96 to 64‐17‐5 1000 31,623 7,060 20,000
Water Balance

R :    ACGIH (1988‐1989), RTECS (1983).

VI.  WHMIS C    S  M  

WHMIS C  Flammable liquid, eye irritant.

S  M  Carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, bromotrichloromethane,


P N : ETHYL ALCOHOL (96‐96.6% VOL) BP EP Page 4 of 6   

MSDS NO: 1904EPBP E D :F 11, 2014

VII.  H  H  D  

I    May cause dizziness, faintness, drowsiness, decreased awareness and responsiveness, euphoria,
abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomi ng, staggering gait, lack of coordina on and coma.

S  A     No adverse effects with normal skin. However, poten ally harmful amounts of material may be
absorbed across markedly abraded skin when contact is sustained, par cularly in children.

I  High vapour concentra ons may cause a burning sensa on in the throat and nose, s nging and
watering in the eyes. At concentra ons which cause irrita on, dizziness, faintness, drowsiness,
nausea and vomi ng may occur.

S     No evidence of adverse effects from available informa on.


EYE   Severe eye irritant.

 Vapours can irritate eyes.
 Eye damage from contact with liquid is reversible and proper treatment will result in healing within
a few days.
 Damage is usually mild to moderate conjunc vi s, seen mainly as redness of the conjunc va.
REPEATED    Long term repeated oral exposure to ethanol may result in the development of progressive liver
OVEREXPOSURE injury with fibrosis.

 Repeated exposure to ethanol may exacerbate liver injury produced from other causes.
A  B  
 Repeated inges on of ethanol by pregnant mothers has been shown to adversely affect the central
O       nervous system of the fetus, producing a collec on of effects which together cons tute the fetal
alcohol syndrome. These include mental and physical retarda on, disturbances of learning, motor
and language deficiencies, behavioral disorders, and small size head.

P N : ETHYL ALCOHOL (96‐96.6% VOL) BP EP Page 5 of 6   

MSDS NO: 1904EPBP E D :F 11, 2014

VIII.  R  D   

S  Stable

C    A  Sources of igni on

I  Oxidizing materials

H  C      Burning can produce carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide and/or formaldehyde.
D  P  

H  P  Will not occur

C    A  None currently known

IX.  S    L  P  

S  Contain spilled material.

 Provide adequate ven la on and protec ve equipment.
 Remove sources of heat, sparks or flames.
 Spill should be collected in suitable containers or absorbed on a suitable absorbent material for
subsequent disposal.

W     Waste material should be disposed of in an approved incinerator or in a designated landfill site, 

in compliance with all federal, provincial and local government regula ons.

X.  S  P  I  

R     Up to 1000 ppm, an approved organic vapour cartridge respirator can be used. 

E    For concentra ons above 1000 ppm, an air‐supplying respirator is recommended.
 The user should consult a respirator guide, such as the Canadian Standards Associa on's guide

V  The ven la on system should be non‐sparking, grounded and separate from other exhaust
ven la on systems.
 Local ven la on is recommended when handling.

P  G  Neoprene, butyl or natural rubber.

E  P  Chemical resistant monogoggles when handling

O  P    Eye bath, safety shower and other protec ve equipment as required.


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MSDS NO: 1904EPBP E D :F 11, 2014


P         Keep away from heat, sparks and flames.

T    H  Keep container closed when not in use. 
 Use with adequate ven la on.
 Avoid breathing vapours.
 Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
 Wash exposed skin thoroughly a er handling.
 Take precau ons to prevent sta c electricity build‐up when transferring contents.

O  P  Good personal hygiene prac ces are suggested, such as abstaining from ea ng, drinking and
smoking in the workplace.


PREPARED BY: Alcohol QA, Technical Services, Regulatory Affairs Department

PHONE NUMBER: (905) 790-7500 DATE: 1 February, 2014


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Material Safety Data Sheet

Zinc Metal MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Zinc Metal Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLZ1054, SLZ1159, SLZ1267, SLZ1099,, Inc.
SLZ1204 14025 Smith Rd.
Houston, Texas 77396
CAS#: 7440-66-6
US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
RTECS: ZG8600000 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400

TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Zinc Metal Order Online:

CI#: Not applicable. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:

Synonym: Zinc Metal Sheets; Zinc Metal Shot; Zinc Metal
Strips International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887

Chemical Name: Zinc Metal For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Chemical Formula: Zn

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Zinc Metal 7440-66-6 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Zinc Metal LD50: Not available. LC50: Not available.

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects: Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Get medical attention if irritation occurs.

p. 1
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
tie, belt or waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: 480°C (896°F)
Flash Points: Not available.
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Slightly flammable to flammable in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat, of oxidizing materials, of acids, of alkalis, of
moisture. Non-flammable in presence of shocks.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in
presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
Flammable solid. SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray or fog. Cool containing vessels
with water jet in order to prevent pressure build-up, autoignition or explosion.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
Zinc + NaOH causes ignition. Oxidation of zinc by potassium proceeds with incandescence. Residues from zinc dust /acetic
acid reduction operations may ignite after long delay if discarded into waste bins with paper. Incandescent reaction when Zinc
and Arsenic or Tellurium, or Selenium are combined. When hydrazine mononitrate is heated in contact with zinc, a flamming
decomposition occurs at temperatures a little above its melting point. Contact with acids and alkali hydroxides (sodium
hydroxide, postasium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, etc.) results in evolution of hydrogen with sufficient heat of reaction to
ignite the hydrogen gas. Zinc foil ignites if traces of moisture are present. It is water reactive and produces flammable gases
on contact with water. It may ignite on contact with water or moist air.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:
Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on
the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:
Flammable solid that, in contact with water, emits flammable gases. Stop leak if without risk. Do not get water inside container.
Do not touch spilled material. Cover with dry earth, sand or other non-combustible material. Prevent entry into sewers,
basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Eliminate all ignition sources. Call for assistance on disposal. Finish cleaning by
spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate through the sanitary system.

p. 2
Section 7: Handling and Storage

Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not breathe dust.
Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis, moisture.
Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep from any possible contact with water. Do
not allow water to get into container because of violent reaction.

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended
exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants
below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
Exposure Limits: Not available.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Lustrous solid. Metal solid.)

Odor: Not available.
Taste: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 65.39 g/mole
Color: Bluish-grey
pH (1% soln/water): Not applicable.
Boiling Point: 907°C (1664.6°F)
Melting Point: 419°C (786.2°F)
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: Not available.
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Vapor Density: Not available.
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Solubility: Insoluble in cold water, hot water, methanol, diethyl ether, n-octanol, acetone.

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Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Excess heat, incompatible materials, moisture
Incompatibility with various substances:
Reactive with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis. Slightly reactive to reactive with moisture. The product may react violently with
water to emit flammable but non toxic gases.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Incompatible with acids, halogenated hydrocarbons, NH4NO3, barium oxide, Ba(NO3)2, Cadmium, CS2, chlorates, Cl2,
CrO3, F2, Hydroxylamine, Pb(N3)2, MnCl2, HNO3, performic acid, KClO3, KNO3, N2O2, Selenium, NaClO3, Na2O2, Sulfur,
Te, water, (NH4)2S, As2O3, CS2, CaCl2, chlorinated rubber, catalytic metals, halocarbons, o-nitroanisole, nitrobenzene,
nonmetals, oxidants, paint primer base, pentacarbonoyliron, transition metal halides, seleninyl bromide, HCl, H2SO4, (Mg
+Ba(NO3)2 +BaO2), (ethyl acetoacetate +tribromoneopentyl alcohol. Contact with Alkali Hydroxides(Sodium Hydroxide,
Potassium Hydroxide, Calcium Hydroxide, etc) results in evolution of hydrogen. Ammonium nitrate + zinc + water causes a
violent reaction with evolution of steam and zinc oxide. May react with water.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals:
LD50: Not available. LC50: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: May cause skin irritation. Dermal exposure to zinc may produce leg pains, fatigue,
anorexia and weight loss. Eyes: May cause eye irritation. Ingestion: May be harmul if swallowed. May cause digestive tract
irritation with tightness in throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, malaise, abdominal pain. fever, and chills.
May affect behavior/central nervous system and autonomic nervous system with ataxia, lethargy, staggering gait, mild
derrangement in cerebellar function, lightheadness, dizzness, irritability, muscular stiffness, and pain. May also affect blood.
Inhalation: Inhalation of zinc dust or fumes may cause respiratory tract and mucous membrane irritation with cough and chest
pain. It can also cause "metal fume fever", a flu-like condition characterized appearance of chills, headached fever, maliase,
fatigue, sweating, extreme thirst, aches in the legs and chest, and difficulty in breathing. A sweet taste may also be be present
in metal fume fever, as well as a dry throat, aches, nausea, and vomiting, and pale grey cyanosis. The toxicological properties
of this substance have not been fully investisgated.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.

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Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).

Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

New York release reporting list: Zinc Metal Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Zinc Metal Pennsylvania RTK: Zinc
Metal Florida: Zinc Metal Michigan critical material: Zinc Metal Massachusetts RTK: Zinc Metal New Jersey: Zinc Metal
California Director's List of Hazardous Substances: Zinc Metal TSCA 8(b) inventory: Zinc Metal TSCA 12(b) one time export:
Zinc Metal SARA 313 toxic chemical notification and release reporting: Zinc Metal CERCLA: Hazardous substances.: Zinc
Metal: 1000 lbs. (453.6 kg)
Other Regulations: EINECS: This product is on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): Not Available
R15- Contact with water liberates extremely flammable gases. R17- Spontaneously flammable in air. S7/8- Keep container
tightly closed and dry.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 1
Fire Hazard: 1
Reactivity: 1
Personal Protection: E
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 0
Flammability: 1
Reactivity: 1
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Safety glasses.

Section 16: Other Information

p. 5
References: Not available.
Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 12:18 AM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Material Safety Data Sheet


Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Urea Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLU1063, SLU1132, SLU1093, SLU1162, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 57-13-6 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: YR6250000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Urea
Order Online:
CI#: Not available.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Carbamide 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: carbonyldiamide International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Formula: (NH2)2CO or CH4N2O For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Urea 57-13-6 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Urea: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 8471 mg/kg [Rat]. 11000 mg/kg [Mouse].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells.
TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to
blood, cardiovascular system. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention.
Skin Contact:

p. 1
In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Remove contaminated
clothing and shoes. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical
Serious Skin Contact:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.
Flash Points: Not available.
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2), nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2...).
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Slightly flammable to flammable in presence of heat.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in
presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:
Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on
the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:
Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the
contaminated surface and allow to evacuate through the sanitary system.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty containers pose a fire risk, evaporate
the residue under a fume hood. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable
protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice

p. 2
immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as
oxidizing agents.
Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store above 23°C (73.4°F).

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended
exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants
below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection:
Splash goggles. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
Exposure Limits: Not available.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Crystals solid.)

Almost odorless; May gradually develop slight odor of ammonia, especially in presence of moisture.
Taste: Cooling. Saline
Molecular Weight: 60.06 g/mole
Color: White.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available.
Melting Point: 132.7°C (270.9°F)
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: 1.323 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Vapor Density: 2.07 (Air = 1)
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: The product is more soluble in water; log(oil/water) = -2.1
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water.
Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water, hot water.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

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Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Excess heat, excess dust generation, incompatible materials.
Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive with oxidizing agents.
Corrosivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Hygroscopic. Aborbs moisture from air. Reacts violently with Gallum Perchlorate. Reacts with chlorine to form chloramines. It
also reacts with the following: sodium hypochlorite, sodium nitrate, calcium hypochlorite, NaNO2, P2Cl5, nitrosyl perchlorate,
strong oxidizing agents (permanganate, nitrate, dichromate, chloride)
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 8471 mg/kg [Rat].
Chronic Effects on Humans:
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. May cause damage to the following organs: blood,
cardiovascular system.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:
May cause adverse reproductive effects (fetotoxicity) and genetic material (mutagenicity) based on animal studies. Passes
through the placental barrier in human and is present in breast milk.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: Causes skin irritation. Eyes: Causes eye irritation. Inhalation: Causes irritation of the
respiratory tract, nose, and throat, coughing and sneezing. May also affect blood, metabolsim and urinary system. Ingestion:
Causes digestive (gastrointestinal) tract irritation with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. May affect behavior (altered sleep
time, change in motor activity), cardiovascular system (heart rate), and the brain. May also affect the blood and may cause
tumorigenic effects. Chronic Potential Health Effects: Prolonged exposure may cause adverse reproductive effects. Laboratory
experiments on animals have resulted in mutagenic effects. Prolonged exposure or exposure at high concentrations may
cause eye damage.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

p. 4
Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).

Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

Minnesota: Urea TSCA 8(b) inventory: Urea
Other Regulations:
OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS: This product is on the
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under WHMIS (Canada).
R36/38- Irritating to eyes and skin. R40- Possible risks of irreversible effects. S24/25- Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 2
Fire Hazard: 1
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: E
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 2
Flammability: 1
Reactivity: 0
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 08:32 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Naphthol-2 MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Naphthol-2 Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLN1498, SLN2110, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 135-19-3 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: QL2975000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Naphthol-2
Order Online:
CI#: Not available.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Beta-Naphthol 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: 2-Naphthol International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Formula: C10H7Oh For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Naphthol-2 135-19-3 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Naphthol-2: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 1960 mg/kg [Rat].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact
(permeator), of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive). Inflammation of the eye is characterized by
redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally, blistering.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance is toxic to lungs, mucous membranes. Repeated or prolonged
exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:

p. 1
Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids
open. Cold water may be used. Do not use an eye ointment. Seek medical attention.
Skin Contact:
After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. Gently and thoroughly wash the contaminated skin with running
water and non-abrasive soap. Be particularly careful to clean folds, crevices, creases and groin. Cover the irritated skin with an
emollient. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reusing.
Serious Skin Contact:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek immediate medical
Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek immediate medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Do not induce vomiting. Examine the lips and mouth to ascertain whether the tissues are damaged, a possible indication that
the toxic material was ingested; the absence of such signs, however, is not conclusive. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.
Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 153°C (307.4°F).
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2).
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in
presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:
Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on
the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:
Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the
contaminated surface and allow to evacuate through the sanitary system.

Section 7: Handling and Storage


p. 2
Keep container dry. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty containers pose a fire risk, evaporate
the residue under a fume hood. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Never add
water to this product In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment If ingested, seek medical advice
immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes
Keep container dry. Keep in a cool place. Ground all equipment containing material. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in a
cool, well-ventilated place. Combustible materials should be stored away from extreme heat and away from strong oxidizing

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended
exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants
below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection:
Splash goggles. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
Exposure Limits: Not available.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid.

Odor: Not available.
Taste: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 144.17 g/mole
Color: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available.
Boiling Point: 285.5°C (545.9°F)
Melting Point: 122°C (251.6°F)
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: 1.22 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Vapor Density: 4.98 (Air = 1)
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Solubility: Very slightly soluble in cold water.

p. 3
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Not available.
Incompatibility with various substances: Not available.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: No.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Dermal contact. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 1960 mg/kg [Rat].
Chronic Effects on Humans: The substance is toxic to lungs, mucous membranes.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator), of inhalation.
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive).
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Not available.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are more toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).

Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

p. 4
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Naphthol-2

Other Regulations: OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): CLASS D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects (VERY TOXIC).
R38- Irritating to skin. R41- Risk of serious damage to eyes.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 2
Fire Hazard: 1
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: E
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 2
Flammability: 1
Reactivity: 0
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear appropriate respirator
when ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 10:54 AM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Sodium hydroxide, Pellets, Reagent ACS MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Sodium hydroxide, Pellets, Reagent ACS Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLS4090, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 1310-73-2 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: WB4900000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium hydroxide
Order Online:
CI#: Not available.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Caustic Soda 1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: Sodium Hydroxide International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Formula: NaOH For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Sodium hydroxide LD50: Not available. LC50: Not available.

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, irritant, permeator), of eye contact (irritant, corrosive), of ingestion,
of inhalation. The amount of tissue damage depends on length of contact. Eye contact can result in corneal damage or
blindness. Skin contact can produce inflammation and blistering. Inhalation of dust will produce irritation to gastro-intestinal or
respiratory tract, characterized by burning, sneezing and coughing. Severe over-exposure can produce lung damage, choking,
unconsciousness or death. Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is
characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally, blistering.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance is toxic to lungs. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the
substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure of the eyes to a low level of dust can produce eye irritation.
Repeated skin exposure can produce local skin destruction, or dermatitis. Repeated inhalation of dust can produce varying
degree of respiratory irritation or lung damage.

p. 1
Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention immediately.
Skin Contact:
In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing
and shoes. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean
shoes before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.
Serious Skin Contact:
Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
attention immediately.
Serious Inhalation:
Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If
breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. WARNING: It may
be hazardous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the inhaled material is toxic, infectious or
corrosive. Seek immediate medical attention.
Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
tie, belt or waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: of metals
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in
presence of static discharge: Not available. Slightly explosive in presence of heat.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
sodium hydroxide + zinc metal dust causes ignition of the latter. Under proper conditions of temperature, pressure and state
of division, it can ignite or react violently with acetaldehyde, ally alcohol, allyl chloride, benzene-1,4-diol, chlorine trifluoride,
1,2 dichlorethylene, nitroethane, nitromethane, nitroparaffins, nitropropane, cinnamaldehyde, 2,2-dichloro-3,3-dimethylbutane.
Sodium hydroxide in contact with water may generate enough heat to ignite adjacent combustible materials. Phosphorous
boiled with NaOH yields mixed phosphines which may ignite spontanously in air. sodium hydroxide and cinnamaldehyde +
heat may cause ignition. Reaction with certain metals releases flammable and explosive hydrogen gas.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:
Sodium hydroxide reacts to form explosive products with ammonia + silver nitrate. Benzene extract of allyl benzenesulfonate
prepared from allyl alcohol, and benzene sulfonyl chloride in presence of aquesous sodium hydroxide, under vacuum
distillation, residue darkened and exploded. Sodium Hydroxde + impure tetrahydrofuran, which can contain peroxides, can

p. 2
cause serious explosions. Dry mixtures of sodium hydroxide and sodium tetrahydroborate liberate hydrogen explosively at
230-270 deg. C. Sodium Hydroxide reacts with sodium salt of trichlorophenol + methyl alcohol + trichlorobenzene + heat to
cause an explosion.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:
Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. If necessary: Neutralize the residue with
a dilute solution of acetic acid.
Large Spill:
Corrosive solid. Stop leak if without risk. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray
to reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance on disposal.
Neutralize the residue with a dilute solution of acetic acid. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level
above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Keep container dry. Do not breathe dust. Never add water to this product. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable
respiratory equipment. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention and show the label when possible. Avoid contact with skin
and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, reducing agents, metals, acids, alkalis, moisture.
Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store above 23°C (73.4°F).

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended
exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants
below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection:
Splash goggles. Synthetic apron. Vapor and dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor and dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to
avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling
this product.
Exposure Limits:
CEIL: 2 from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] [1995] Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid.

Odor: Odorless.
Taste: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 40 g/mole
Color: White.
pH (1% soln/water): 13.5 [Basic.]

p. 3
Boiling Point: 1388°C (2530.4°F)
Melting Point: 323°C (613.4°F)
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: 2.13 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Vapor Density: Not available.
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water.
Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Not available.
Incompatibility with various substances:
Highly reactive with metals. Reactive with oxidizing agents, reducing agents, acids, alkalis, moisture.
Corrosivity: Not available.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Hygroscopic. Much heat is evolved when solid material is dissolved in water. Therefore cold water and caution must be
used for this process. Sodium hydroxide solution and octanol + diborane during a work-up of a reaction mixture of oxime
and diborane in tetrahyrofuran is very exothermic, a mild explosion being noted on one occassion. Reactive with water,
acids, acid chlorides, strong bases, strong oxidizing agents, strong reducing agents, flammable liquids, organic halogens,
metals (i.e aluminum, tin, zinc), nitromethane, glacial acetic acid, acetic anhydride, acrolein, chlorohydrin, chlorosulfonic acid,
ethylene cyanohydrin, glyoxal, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrosulfuric acid, nitric acid, oleum, propiolactone, acylonitrile,
phorosous pentoxide, chloroethanol, chloroform-methanol, tetrahydroborate, cyanogen azide, 1,2,4,5 tetrachlorobenzene,
cinnamaldehyde. Reacts with formaldehyde hydroxide to yield formic acid, and hydrogen.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Very caustic to aluminum and other metals in presence of moisture.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Dermal contact. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.
Toxicity to Animals:
LD50: Not available. LC50: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Causes damage to the following organs: lungs.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Extremely hazardous in case of inhalation (lung corrosive). Very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, irritant,
permeator), of eye contact (corrosive), of ingestion, .
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:

p. 4
Lowest Published Lethal Dose: LDL [Rabbit] - Route: Oral; Dose: 500 mg/kg
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: May affect genetic material (mutagenic). Investigation as a mutagen
(cytogenetic analysis), but no data available.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: May be harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes severe skin irritation and burns. May
cause deep penetrating ulcers of the skin. Eyes: Causes severe eye irritation and burns. May cause chemical conjunctivitis
and corneal damage. Inhalation: Harmful if inhaled. Causes severe irritation of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes
with coughing, burns, breathing difficulty, and possible coma. Irritation may lead the chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary
edema. Causes chemical burns to the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Ingestion: May be fatal if swallowed. May
cause severe and permanent damage to the digestive tract. Causes severe gastrointestinal tract irritation and burns. May
cause perforation of the digestive tract. Causes severe pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and shock. May cause corrosion and
permanent destruction of the esophagus and digestive tract.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: Class 8: Corrosive material

Identification: : Sodium hydroxide, solid UNNA: 1823 PG: II
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

Illinois toxic substances disclosure to employee act: Sodium hydroxide Illinois chemical safety act: Sodium hydroxide New
York release reporting list: Sodium hydroxide Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Sodium hydroxide Pennsylvania
RTK: Sodium hydroxide Minnesota: Sodium hydroxide Massachusetts RTK: Sodium hydroxide New Jersey: Sodium hydroxide
Louisiana spill reporting: Sodium hydroxide California Director's List of Hazardous Substances: Sodium hydroxide TSCA 8(b)
inventory: Sodium hydroxide CERCLA: Hazardous substances.: Sodium hydroxide: 1000 lbs. (453.6 kg)
Other Regulations:
OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS: This product is on the
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): CLASS E: Corrosive solid.

p. 5
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 3
Fire Hazard: 0
Reactivity: 2
Personal Protection: j
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 3
Flammability: 0
Reactivity: 1
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves. Synthetic apron. Vapor and dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear
appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/09/2005 06:32 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Sodium nitrate MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Sodium nitrate Contact Information:

Catalog Codes: SLS1102, SLS3946, SLS1726, Inc.
14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 7631-99-4 Houston, Texas 77396
RTECS: WC5600000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247
International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium nitrate
Order Online:
CI#: Not available.
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:
Synonym: Chile saltpeter; soda niter; Sodium saltpeter; 1-800-424-9300
Nitric acid, sodium salt; Nitratine
International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887
Chemical Name: Sodium Nitrate
For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400
Chemical Formula: NaNO3

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Sodium nitrate 7631-99-4 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Sodium nitrate: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 1267 mg/kg [Rat]. 2680 mg/kg [Rabbit].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of inhalation.
Prolonged exposure may result in skin burns and ulcerations. Over-exposure by inhalation may cause respiratory irritation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. TERATOGENIC
EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to blood. Repeated or
prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:

p. 1
Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention if irritation occurs.
Skin Contact:
Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Cold water
may be used.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
Serious Inhalation:
Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If
breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek medical
Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
tie, belt or waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: organic materials, combustible materials
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in
presence of static discharge: Not available. Slightly explosive in presence of heat.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
It may accelerate burning when involved in a fire. Increases the flammability of any combustible material May ignite
combustibles (wood, paper, clothing, etc.). Flames up when heated to 540 deg. C. Mixture with charcoal ignites on heating.
Contact with combustible or organic materials may cause fire.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:
It will react explosively with hydrocarbons. Interaction of nitrates when heated with amidosulfates(sulfamates) may become
explosively violent owing to liberation of dinitrogen oxide and steam. Mixtures of sodium nitrate with powdered aluminum or
its oxide were reported to be explosive. Mixtures of sodium nitrate and barium thiocyanate may explode. Mixture with sodium
nitrate and powdered antimony explode. Mixture of sodium nitrate and sodium thiosulfate or sodium phosphinate explode.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill: Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container.
Large Spill:
Oxidizing material. Stop leak if without risk. Avoid contact with a combustible material (wood, paper, oil, clothing...). Keep
substance damp using water spray. Do not touch spilled material. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas;
dike if needed. Call for assistance on disposal.

p. 2
Section 7: Handling and Storage

Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Keep away from combustible material. Do not ingest. Do not
breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the
label. Keep away from incompatibles such as reducing agents, combustible materials, organic materials, acids.
Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Separate from acids, alkalies, reducing agents
and combustibles. See NFPA 43A, Code for the Storage of Liquid and Solid Oxidizers.

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:
Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended
exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminants
below the exposure limit.
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:
Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this
Exposure Limits: Not available.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Granular solid. Powdered solid.)

Odor: Not available.
Taste: Bitter. Saline.
Molecular Weight: 84.99 g/mole
Color: White.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Decomposition temperature: 380°C (716°F)
Melting Point: 308°C (586.4°F)
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Specific Gravity: Density: 2.26 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Vapor Density: Not available.
Volatility: Not available.
Odor Threshold: Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water, methanol.

p. 3
Easily soluble in hot water. Soluble in cold water. Partially soluble in methanol. Very slightly soluble in acetone. Very slightly
soluble in glycerol. Very soluble in liquid Ammonia. Solubility in water: 92.1g/100 ml @ 25 deg. C.; 180 g/100 ml @ 100 deg.
C. Solubility in Methanol: 1 g dissolves in 300 ml Methanol 1 gram dissolves in 125 ml Alcohol, 52 ml boiling Alcohol, 3470 ml
absolute Alcohol.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Incompatible materials
Incompatibility with various substances:
Highly reactive with combustible materials, organic materials. Reactive with reducing agents, acids.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Fibrous organic material is oxidized in contact with sodium nitrate above 160 deg. C and will ignite below 220 C. Wood
and similar cellulosic materials are rendered highly combustible by nitrate imgregnation. Reacts with acids to emit toxic
fumes of nitrogen dioxide. Also incompatible with boron phosphide, barium rhodanide, cyanides, sodium thiosulfate,
hypophosphites such as sodium hypophosphite, sulfur plus charcoal, antimony, chlorides, aluminum and stannous chloride,
esters, powdered metals such as zinc or aluminum or aluminum oxide, isothiocyanates, thiocyanates, phosphorus, organic
materials, combustible materials, acids, pyrosulfites, sulfides, amides, bisulfites, hydrazine, ammonium sulfate, amides,
amines, phospham. Sodium nitrate + amines may for nitroasmines which have been proven to be carcinogenic in aminal tests.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 1267 mg/kg [Rat].
Chronic Effects on Humans:
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. May cause damage to the following organs: blood.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of inhalation.
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:
May affect genetic material (mutagenic). May cause adverse reproductive effects based on animal test data. May cause
cancer based on animal test data.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: Causes skin irritation with redness, itching, and pain Eyes: Causes eye irritaton with
redness, itching, and pain. Inhalation: Causes respiratory tract and mucous membrane irritation. Symptoms may include
coughing, shortness of breath. Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed. Clinical signs associated with nitrate poisoning include:
Gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metabolis acidosis, muscular weakness, dizziness, fatigue,
headache, mental impairment, incoordination, convulsions, accelerated heart rate, orthostatic hypotension, dyspnea, and in
severe cases, methemoglobinemia due to inadequate oxygenation of the blood leading to progressive cyanosis, and coma.
Cyanosis is first visible as a bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes and unpigmented areas of the body. Purging and
diuresis can be expected. Rare cases of nitrates being converted into more toxic nitrites

Section 12: Ecological Information

p. 4
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation:
Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are less toxic than the product itself.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:
Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: CLASS 5.1: Oxidizing material.

Identification: : Sodium nitrate UNNA: 1498 PG: III
Special Provisions for Transport: Marine Pollutant

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

Connecticut hazardous material survey.: Sodium nitrate Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Sodium nitrate
Pennsylvania RTK: Sodium nitrate Massachusetts RTK: Sodium nitrate New Jersey: Sodium nitrate TSCA 8(b) inventory:
Sodium nitrate
Other Regulations:
OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS: This product is on the
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada):
CLASS C: Oxidizing material. CLASS D-2B: Material causing other toxic effects (TOXIC).
R8- Contact with combustible material may cause fire. R22- Harmful if swallowed. S17- Keep away from combustible material.
S36- Wear suitable protective clothing.
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 2
Fire Hazard: 0
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: E
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 2
Flammability: 0
Reactivity: 0

p. 5
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment:
Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear appropriate respirator
when ventilation is inadequate. Safety glasses.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.
Created: 10/10/2005 08:27 PM
Last Updated: 05/21/2013 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we
make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume
no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for
lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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