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Pengertian Teks Biografi

Biografi adalah cerita atau informasi tentang kehidupan seseorang. Biografi lebih lengkap
dari sekedar tempat, tanggal lahir atau tanggal kematian, tetapi biografi itu juga menceritakan
peristiwa yang terjadi dalam perjalanan hidup Anda sendiri.

Biografi adalah bentuk kisah kehidupan yang kompleks. Mengapa demikian? Karena biografi
memberikan gambaran perjalanan hidup yang telah berlalu untuk mencapai pencapaian
seseorang yang kita tulis dalam biografi. Pembaca menerima informasi lengkap saat
membaca biografi. Berbeda dengan autobiografi yang hanya menulis resume kita yang cukup
tepat dan sederhana.

Secara etimologis, kata biografi berasal dari kata Yunani “Bios” dan “Graphien”. Bios berarti
kehidupan dan grafik berarti menulis. Jadi biografi tidak hanya dapat diartikan secara harfiah
sebagai surat yang membahas kehidupan seseorang.

Secara umum, membuat biografi hanya untuk orang-orang yang dianggap berjasa dan
berdampak pada kehidupan. Biografi itu berisi kisah nyata tentang sosok baik yang adalah
pahlawan, orang yang berjasa, penting, dan terkenal. Kisah nyata adalah peristiwa yang
dialami oleh seseorang yang akan menulis biografinya. Dari kelahiran hingga pendidikannya,
pekerjaannya hingga pelayanannya, hingga seseorang meninggal.

Contoh Teks Biografi Bahasa Inggris

\The third President of the Republic of Indonesia, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, was born on
June 25, 1936 in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He was the fourth child of eight siblings, the
couple Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie, who married
Hasri Ainun Habibie on May 12, 1962, was blessed with two sons, Ilham Akbar and Thareq

He spent Habibie’s childhood with his brothers in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. Habibie has
shown strict adherence to the principle since childhood. Habibie, who has a penchant for
riding this horse, had to lose his father, who died of a heart attack on September 3, 1950.
Shortly after his father’s death, Habibie moved to Bandung to study at the Middlebare School
Gouvernments. In high school, he began to stand out for his accomplishments, especially in
the exact sciences. Habibie became a favorite character in his school.

After graduating from high school in Bandung in 1954, he joined the University of Indonesia
in Bandung (now ITB). In 1960 he received his diploma from the Technical University,
which received his doctorate in 1965. Habibie was married in 1962 and blessed with two
children. In 1967 he became an honorary professor at the Bandung Institute of Technology.

Habibie’s steps are very much admired, full of controversy, many admirers, but not a few
who disagree with him. Every time the renowned laureate Theodore van Karman Award
returns from Germany’s “living space”, he is always in the news. Habibie only studied at the
ITB Bandung, 10 years of college, until he did his doctorate in aircraft construction in
Germany with the title Summa Cum laude. He then worked in the leading German aircraft
industry MBB GmbH before fulfilling President Soeharto’s call to return to Indonesia.

In Indonesia, Habibie was Minister of Research and Technology / Head of BPPT for 20 years and led
10 strategic industrial SOE companies elected Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia by the
People’s Consultative Assembly and sworn in by the Supreme Court Justice as successor to President
Soeharto. Suharto handed Habibie the position of president on the basis of Article 8 of the 1945
Constitution until Habibie was finally forced to resign due to the East Timor referendum that opted
for independence. His speech on accountability was rejected by the Indonesian People’s
Consultative Assembly. He also returned to a normal citizen and emigrated to Germany.

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