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Presiden ketiga Republik Indonesia, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie lahir di Pare-Pare, Sulawesi

Selatan, pada 25 Juni 1936. Beliau merupakan anak keempat dari delapan bersaudara, pasangan
Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie dan RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie yang menikah dengan
Hasri Ainun Habibie pada tanggal 12 Mei 1962 ini dikaruniai dua orang putra yaitu Ilham Akbar
dan Thareq Kemal.

Masa kecil Habibie dilalui bersama saudara-saudaranya di Pare-Pare, Sulawesi Selatan. Sifat
tegas berpegang pada prinsip telah ditunjukkan Habibie sejak kanak-kanak. Habibie yang punya
kegemaran menunggang kuda ini, harus kehilangan bapaknya yang meninggal dunia pada 3
September 1950 karena terkena serangan jantung. Tak lama setelah bapaknya meninggal,
Habibie pindah ke Bandung untuk menuntut ilmu di Gouvernments Middlebare School. Di
SMA, beliau mulai tampak menonjol prestasinya, terutama dalam pelajaran-pelajaran eksakta.
Habibie menjadi sosok favorit di sekolahnya.

Setelah tamat SMA di bandung tahun 1954, beliau masuk Universitas Indonesia di Bandung
(Sekarang ITB). Beliau mendapat gelar Diploma dari Technische Hochschule, Jerman tahun
1960 yang kemudian mendapatkan gekar Doktor dari tempat yang sama tahun 1965. Habibie
menikah tahun 1962, dan dikaruniai dua orang anak. Tahun 1967, menjadi Profesor kehormatan
(Guru Besar) pada Institut Teknologi Bandung. 

Langkah-langkah Habibie banyak dikagumi, penuh kontroversi, banyak pengagum namun tak
sedikit pula yang tak sependapat dengannya. Setiap kali, peraih penghargaan bergengsi Theodore
van Karman Award, itu kembali dari habitat-nya Jerman, beliau selalu menjadi berita. Habibie
hanya setahun kuliah di ITB Bandung, 10 tahun kuliah hingga meraih gelar doktor konstruksi
pesawat terbang di Jerman dengan predikat Summa Cum laude. Lalu bekerja di industri pesawat
terbang terkemuka MBB Gmbh Jerman, sebelum memenuhi panggilan Presiden Soeharto untuk
kembali ke Indonesia.

Di Indonesia, Habibie 20 tahun menjabat Menteri Negara Ristek/Kepala BPPT, memimpin 10

perusahaan BUMN Industri Strategis, dipilih MPR menjadi Wakil Presiden RI, dan disumpah
oleh Ketua Mahkamah Agung menjadi Presiden RI menggantikan Soeharto. Soeharto
menyerahkan jabatan presiden itu kepada Habibie berdasarkan Pasal 8 UUD 1945. Sampai
akhirnya Habibie dipaksa pula lengser akibat refrendum Timor Timur yang memilih merdeka.
Pidato Pertanggungjawabannya ditolak MPR RI. Beliau pun kembali menjadi warga negara
biasa, kembali pula hijrah bermukim ke Jerman. (Dari Berbagai Sumber)
The third president of the Republic of Indonesia, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born in Pare-

Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He is the fourth of eight children, the pair Alwi Abdul

Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie, who married Hasri Ainun Habibie on

May 12, 1962, was blessed with two sons, Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.

Habibie's childhood was spent with his siblings in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. Habibie has shown

a firm nature in adhering to principles since childhood. Habibie, who has a passion for horse

riding, had to lose his father, who died on September 3, 1950 due to a heart attack. Shortly after

his father died, Habibie moved to Bandung to study at Gouvernments Middlebare School. In

high school, he began to show his achievements, especially in the exact science class. Habibie is

a favorite figure in his school.

After graduating from high school in Bandung in 1954, he entered the University of Indonesia in
Bandung (now ITB). He received his Diploma from the Technische Hochschule, Germany in
1960 and then received his Doctorate from the same place in 1965. Habibie married in 1962, and
has two children. In 1967, he became an honorary professor (Professor) at the Bandung Institute
of Technology.

Habibie's steps were admired by many people, full of controversy, many admirers him but not a
few who disagreed with him. Every time, the winner of the prestigious Theodore van Karman
Award, returns from his German habitat, he is always in the news. Habibie only attended ITB
Bandung. 10 years of college, he earned a doctorate in aircraft construction in Germany with the
title Summa Cum laude. Then he worked in the leading aircraft industry, MBB Gmbh Germany,
before fulfilling President Soeharto's call to return to Indonesia

In Indonesia, 20 years old Habibie at the request of the State Minister for Research and
Technology / Head of BPPT, led 10 BUMN Strategic Industry companies, was elected by the
MPR to become the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, and was sworn in by the Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court to become President of the Republic of Indonesia to replace
Suharto. Soeharto handed over the presidency to Habibie based on Article 8 of the 1945
Constitution. Until finally Habibie was also forced to resign as a result of the East Timor
refendum which chose independence. His accountability speech was rejected by the MPR RI. He
returned to being an ordinary citizen, and again moved to Germany. (From various sources)
In early September 2019, he was admitted to Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, where he was
undergoing treatments for heart problems, namely cardiomyopathy and died on 11 September
2019. He became the first Indonesian President to be buried at the Kalibata heroes cementery,
next to his wife's grave.In response to his death, the government of indonesia announced a three-
day national mourning period starting on 12 September, and announced that the Indonesian flag
is to be flown at half-staff during the period.

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