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Kampus: Jl. By Pass Aur Kuning, Bukittinggi (25117), Sumatera Barat,
Laboratorium: Jl. A. Karim No. 12, Kampung Cina, Bukittinggi, Telp. (07521) 625737


Tahun Akademik 2020/2021

Mata Kuliah : Teknik Pengaturan Hari Tanggal : ---

Prodi/Jenjang : Teknik Mesin/S1 Waktu : ---
Sifat Ujian : Buka Buku Dosen : Ir. H. Nefli Yusuf, M.Eng

Yaa….. Allah, tinggikan derajat ilmu, kejujuran dan semangat kerja mahasiswa kami,
Sesungguhnya Engkau maha pengabul do’a, Amin … amin …yaa……Rabbal ‘alamin.

Jawablah pertanyaan sehingga menggambarkan pemahaman.

Soal essai 40%: Bagaimanapun jawaban saudara tetap ada nilainya, janganlah biarkan kosong.

1. Bagaimana cara menganalisis respon dari sistem pengaturan, jelaskan pula response yang terjadi
akibat input yang diberikan.
2. Sebutkanlah parameter untuk sistem dengan persamaan diferensial orde ke dua, kemudian jelaskan
pula arti dari parameter tersebut.
3. Jelaskanlah bagaimana cara menentukan kestabilan sistem kontrol, serta kelebihan dan
4. Apa yang menjadi hal penting, menganalisis sistem pengaturan melalui root locus, jelaskan juga
prosedur melukiskan grafiknya.

Soal Hitungan 30%: Paparkanlah jawaban saudara dengan format diketahui, ditanya dan
solusi/penyelesaian, agar jelas bagi siapapun yang membacanya.

1. Gambar dibawah memperlihatkan satuan pengontrol umpanbalik. Apabila Ko=0 berapa nilai ξdan
wn, kemudian tentukan pula harga Ko apabila ξ =0,56.

Tentukanlah dimana root locus mulai dan berakhir untuk fungsi transfer berikut.
Soal Pilihan Ganda 30%: Silangilah salah satu jawaban yang saudara yakini benar, jawaban langsung
ditandai di kertas soal dan dikumpulkan bersama lembar jawaban!

1. Because control systems are inherently…………, their performance is usually specified in terms of both
the transient response and the steady-state response.
a. static b. dynamic c. undefine d. unknow
2. The transient response is the response that …..…….. with time. The steady-state response is the response
that exists for a long time following an input signal initiation.
a. depend b. appears c. disappears d. unknow
3,Because the actual input signal of the system is usually …..……., a standard test input signal is normally
a. unknow b. know c. real d. imagine
4. The …….…….input signals commonly used are the step input, the ramp input, and the parabolic input.
a. response b. common c. test d. standard test
5. The transient response is composed of the steady-state output, exponential terms, and …….……..
sinusoidal terms.
a. reduced b. arised c. undamped d. damped
6. A performance ………is a quantitative measure of the performance of a system and is chosen so that
emphasis is given to the important system specifications.
a. error b. indicator c. index d. system
7. The ………..….. of a feedback system is directly related to the location of the roots of the characteristic
equation of the system transfer function and to the location of the eigenvalues of the system matrix for a
system in state variable format.
a. error b. stability c. performance d. indicator
8. The poles in the ………..….. portion of the s-plane result in a decreasing response for disturbance
a. right-hand b. neutral c. left-hand d. real axis
9. A necessary and sufficient condition for a feedback system to be …………. is that all the poles of the
system transfer function have negative real parts.
a. unstable b. stable c. unbalanced d. balanced
10. A ……….….. showing how the roots of the characteristic equation move around the s-plane as a single
parameter varies is known as a root locus plot.
a. graph b. diagram c. flowchart d. sket
11. The root locus method provides the engineer with a measure of the …………… of the roots of the
system to a variation in the parameter being considered.
a. error b. shifting c. accuracy d. sensitivity
12. The …….. is the path of the roots of the characteristic equation traced out in the s-plane as a system
parameter varies from zero to infinity.
a. root locus, b. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion, c. stable system, d. unstable system.
Selamat bekerja semoga sukses selalu.

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