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  Accusing is expression to say that someone is did something  fault or a crime.

 Someone said that person did something false although he/she doesn't know the
(ekspresi untuk mengatakan bahwa seseorang melakukan kesalahan atau kejahatan).

Expression of Accusing:
It must you have been did it(Ini pasti kamu yang melakukannya)
surely, I think you are the only person who do this(pastinya, Aku fikir kamu satu-
satunya orang yang  melakukan ini)
surely you are the doer(pastinya Kamu adalah pelakunya)
the one who do it must be you(satu-satunya yang melakukan ini pasti kamu)
the doer surely you(pelakunya pasti kamu)
 example: I accuse him of stealing my phone(saya menuduh dia mencuri hp saya)
2. Blaming(menyalahkan)
    Blaming is Expression to say or think that a person or thing is responsible for
something bad that has happened.(dictionary)
(ekspresi untuk mengatakan atau berfikir bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu bertanggung
jawab terhadap sesuatu yang buruk yang telah terjadi).

Expression of Blaming:
You are the one to blame(kamu adalah satu-satunya untuk disalahkan)
It was your fault(ini salahmu)
I think you are the one to blame(aku fikir kamu satu-satunya untuk disalahkan)
It was your mistake(ini kesalahanmu)
I can't believe that yu do it(saya tidak percaya bahwa kamu melakukan ini)
Are you out of your mind?(apakah kamu keluar dari fikiranmu?)
 example:  I blame him for stealing my phone(saya menyalahkan dia karena mencuri
hp saya)
Perbedaan dan Contoh
   Want to know about the different of Accusing and Blaming?
             okay,   look it earnest                 
 pertama, lihat definisinya               
Accusing is Expression to say that someone is did something fault or a crime
Blaming is expression to say or think that a person or thing is responsible for
something bad that has happened.  
 kedua, lihat ini    
 Accuse = someone of something
 Blame  = someone for something
terakhir, lihat contohnya
 I accuse him of stealing my phone
 I blamed him  for stealing my phone
    after look that, we can conclude that the different of accuse and blame is that we
use Accuse when we actually say it, but we use Blame when we think that the person
os responsible for doing something wrong(you not neccesarily say it out loud).
  okay,, thats i can give,, if i have something wrong you can say that for me
thanks for your coming
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