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Kata (Word)
Definition: rangkaian huruf yang bermakna
Kinds : 1. VERB (v(v) (kata kerja) cook
2. NOUN (n(n) (kata benda) atreea pencil, trees, wind
3. PRONOUN (pron) (kata ganti benda) They,she, them, me,
4. ADJECTIVE (adj) (kata sifat) ugly x beautiful
5. ADVERB (adv) (kata keterangan) yesterday , quickly
6. CONJUNCTION (conj) (kata sambung) and, because
7. PREPOSITION (prep) (kata depan) In / On/ At
8. INTERJECTION (interj) (kata seru) Hey! Ouch!

Decide whether each underlined word is a Noun (N), Pronoun (Pron), Verb (V), Adjective (adj), Adverb
(adv),Conjunction (conj), Preposition (prep), or Interjection (i).
1. Clever 11. Pencil 21. And 31. Laptop
2. You 12. Oil 22. Outside 32. Write
3. Wow ! 13. Hot 23. Glass 33. Never
4. Here 14. Beautiful 24. Above 34. Small
5. Cow 15. Beautifully 25. Have 35. Sleep
6. Yesterday 16. Cook 26. That 36. Tomorrow
7. In the class 17. We 27. Bring 37. Oops!
8. On 18. So 28. Clothes 38. But
9. Go 19. Certain 29. Myself 39. Omg!
10. Apple 20. Certainly 30. It 40. Cat
- Definition : kata kerja yang mengekspresikan suatu aktifitas atau kondisi.
No Bahasa Inggris Artinya No Bahasa Inggris Artinya
1 Introduce Memperkenalkan 39 Pay Membayar
2 Feel Merasa 40 Borrow Meminjam
3 Speak Berbicara 41 Lend Meminjamkan
4 Listen Mendengarkan 42 Believe Percaya
5 Smile Tersenyum 43 Go Pergi
6 Laugh Tertawa 44 Come Datang
7 Sleep Tidur 45 Receive Menerima
8 Dream Bermimpi 46 Refuse Menolak
9 Invite Mengundang 47 Choose Memilih
10 Visit Mengunjungi 48 Hope Mengharapkan
11 Meet Bertemu 49 Remind Mengingatkan
12 Eat Makan 50 Decide Memutuskan
13 Drink Minum 51 Try Mencoba
14 Bring Membawa 52 Call Memanggil
15 Follow Mengikuti 53 Mention Menyebut
16 Take Mengambil 54 Insult Menghina
17 Make Membuat 55 Praise Memuji
18 Sit Duduk 56 Catch Menangkap
19 Stand Berdiri 57 Blame Menyalahkan
20 Run Berlari 58 Add Menambahkan
21 Walk Berjalan 59 Keep Menjaga
22 Wait Menunggu 60 Forget Lupa
23 Work Bekerja 61 Remember Mengingatkan
24 Watch Menonton 62 Cut Memotong
25 Teach Mengajar 63 Share Berbagi
26 Read Membaca 64 Divide Membagi
27 Write Menulis 65 Join Bergabung
28 Study Belajar 66 Agree Menyetujui
29 Put Meletakan 67 Accompany Menemani
30 Prepare Mempersiapkan 68 Avoid Menghindari
31 Explain Menjelaskan 69 See Melihat
32 Describe Menggambarkan 70 Cry Menangis
33 Think Berpikir 71 Leave Meninggalkan
34 Advise Menasehati 72 Admit Mengakui
35 Attend Menghadiri 73 Affect Mempengaruhi
36 Persuade Membujuk 74 Allow Mengizinkan
37 Buy Membeli 75 Answer Menjawab
38 Sell Menjual 76 Attack Menyerang
Yaitu: Kata yang digunakan untuk menamai kata benda

Contoh Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Makanan

Food: Makanan Bread: Roti Cheese: Keju Candy: Permen
Drink: Minuman table: Meja makan Meat: Daging Fruit: Buah
Spoon: Sendok Glass: Gelas Chicken: Ayam Apple: Apel
Fork: Garpu Cup: Cangkir Fish: Ikan Banana: Pisang
Plate: Piring Dining Knife: Pisau Salt: Garam Grape: Anggur

Contoh Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Objek di Sekolah

Whiteboard: Papan tulis putih Flag : Bendera Ruler : Penggaris Glue : Lem
Blackboard: Papan tulis hitam Globe : Bola Seat : Tempat duduk Pencil case : Tempat pensil
Book : Buku dunia Highlighter: Stabilo Homework :PR
Chalk : Kapur Map : Peta Scissors : Gunting Classmate : Teman sekelas
Clock : Jam dinding Pen : Pena Eraser : Penghapus Bin : Tempat Sampah
Desk : Meja Ink : Tinta
Contoh Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Nama Tempat
Apartment: Apartemen Cottage: Pondok Hotel : Hotel Office : Kantor
Mosque : Masjid Supermarket: Swalayan Home : Rumah Restaurant: Restoran
Bank: Bank Factory: Pabrik Library :Perpus School : Sekolah
Bookstore: Toko Buku Hall: Aula Market : Pasar Stadium : Stadion
Bus station: Terminal Hospital: Rumah Sakit Museum: Museum Stationary: Toko Alat
Castle: Istana Temple: Candi Store : Toko Tulis
Church : Gereja
DEFINITION : Kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda

1. Personal pronoun: kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan diri.

2. Subjective : personal pronoun yang difungsikan sebagai subject.
3. Objective : personal pronoun yang digunakan sebagai object.
4. Possessive : personal pronoun yang digunakan untuk menyatakan makna kepemilikan.
5. Reflexive : kata ganti yang digunakan untuk merujuk sesuatu ke diri sendiri.
6. Possessive adjective yang menggunakan nama orang : Jono’s book (menggunakan apostrophe s)


I bring My book for Me Myself because This book is Mine.

you bring _____ book for You Yourself because This book is __________.
______ bring Their book for ________ ________ because These books are Theirs.
______ bring _________ book for Us Ourselves because These books is ________.
She brings Her book for ____ Herself because This book is ______.
____ brings His book for ______ Himself because This book is His.

It brings ____ book for Its _______ because This book is ______.
Kata Sifat (Adjective) merupakan jenis kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan atau mendefinisikan
karakter seseorang atau benda . Sedangkan Antonym yaitu sebuah lawan kata. Mau tahu lebih jelasnya,
mari perhatikan tiap kata berikut ini.

Adjective Meaning Antonym Meaning Adjective Meaning Antonym Meaning

(kata sifat) (arti) (lawan kata) (arti) (kata sifat) (arti) (lawan kata) (arti)
Tall tinggi Short pendek Careful hati-hati Careless ceroboh
Big besar Small kecil Useful berguna Useless tak berguna
Easy mudah Difficult sulit First pertama Last terakhir
Strong kuat Weak lemah Hungry lapar Full kenyang
Far jauh Near dekat Health sehat Sick sakit
Beautiful cantik Ugly jelek Diligent rajin Lazy malas
Old tua Young muda Even genap Odd ganjil
Old lama New baru Fast cepat Slow pelan
Fat gemuk Thin kurus Male laki-laki Female perempuan
Clever pandai Stupid bodoh Interestig menarik Boring bosan
Kind baik Cruel jahat Smooth halus Rough kasar
Rich kaya Poor miskin Strong kuat Weak lemah
Dry kering Wet basah Success sukses Failed gagal
Good baik Bad jelek True benar False salah
Fast cepat Slow lambat Wet basah Dry kering
Right benar Wrong salah Visible terlihat Invisible tak terlihat
Hot panas Cold dingin Wide luas Narrow sempit
Cheap murah Expensive mahal Ripe matang Unripe mentah
Clean bersih Dirty kotor Possible mungkin Impossible
Polite sopan Impolite Noisy berisik Quiet tenang
Bright terang Dark gelap Married menikah Single jomblo
Light ringan Heavy berat Lucky beruntung Unlucky
Sharp tajam Blunt tumpul Loyal setia Betrayal pengkhianat
Thick tebal Thin tipis Honest jujur Lie bohong
Happy bahagia Sad sedih Humble Arrogant sombong
Hard keras Soft lembut Tidy rapi Messy berantakan
Full penuh Empty kosong Famous terkenal Unknown
Kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan adj, adv, verb atau sentence
Kinds Definition Examples
menyatakan tempat dan arah (di mana suatu hal in the yard, school ,at LC course, here, there,
Place outside, home
atau berada).
in the morning. At 9 o’clock, tomorrow, yesterday, 2
Time menunjukkan waktu (kapan suatu kejadian terjadi).
weeks later
adjective + ly: fluently (fluent + ly), slowly (slow +
Manner menunjukkan cara (bagaimana suatu hal dilakukan). ly), …quickly, seriously
menyatakan frekuensi (seberapa sering suatu kegiatan always, usually, normally, often, sometimes,
Frequency dilakukan atau sesuatu terjadi) occasionally, seldom, rarely, never, once, twice, trice
menunjukkan makna tingkatan atau intensitas (seberapa so, very, totally, extremely
Degree kuat, lemah, sering, besar, sesuatu itu)

CONJUNCTION (kata sambung)

word that connects words, phrases, or

Suatu Kata yang menghubungkan kata, frasa, atau


They want to eat, for they are hungry.

For Karena Alasan/sebab He didn’t go to school yesterday, for he was not well.
I like swimming, and running.
And Dan Menambahkan I buy some chocolate, and jar of honey.
He didn’t tell you, nor his friend.
Nor Maupun Pilihan She will not leave you, nor your parents.
We eat grape, but she eats orange.
But Tapi Pertentangan That man is sick now, but he is still happy.
Do you want a cup of tea, or a cup of coffee?
Or Atau Pilihan Which one do you want? Cat or dog?
They work hard every day, yet their results is always
Yet Namun Pertentangan
bad.I am mad at you, yet still I forgive you.
Next week we will have a competition, so we start to study a lot.
so Jadi akibat She has been living in America for 3 years, so she speaks English very
PREPOSITION (kata depan)
Preposition adalah kata penghubung yang biasanya digunakan untuk menerangkan tempat, arah, waktu, posisi, dan
lain sebagainya

General preposition

Adverb of time In Month January, February, march…… etc

Season spring, winter, ……………… .etc
Quarter the first, quarter, ……………..etc
Semester the first semester……………..etc
Year 2001, 2002, 2016……………. etc
Decade 1990S…90s………………...…etc
Century the 2oth century……………….etc
Millennium the 3rd millennium……………etc
Part of day -NP- the morning…………….etc

On Week weekend, the first week, the second week,

Day Sunday, today, the first day
Date 10th August 1995

At o’clock 08.30 AM
Part of day -SN- morning
Adverb of place

Preposition Meaning Example Exercises :

Kucingku tidur di kardus
In (di dalam) She puts her drinks in the refrigerator.
Aku menemukan koin di lantai.
On (di atas permukaan) I put my glasses on the table
Aku belajar di rumah.
At (di) He met his friend at the bookstore.
Kita bermain di bawah pohon.
Under (di bawah) Tora is hiding under the table.
Buku ku dibawah meja
Below (di bawah) The example is below the table.
Our body temperature is above 37 Matahari diatas langit.
Above (di atas)
degrees. ……………………………………………
Rani ada di depanku.
In front of (di depan) He parked his car in front of the house.
Rumahku dekat sungai Nil
Near (di dekat) There is a new bookstore near the café.
The restaurant beside the bakery is very Aku akan selalu ada di sampingmu.
Beside (di samping)
popular. ……………………………………………
Mereka berdiri di belakang pintu
Behind (di belakang) My sister hid behind the car.
The bakery is between the restaurant and Ano diantara Ana dan Ani,
Between (di antara)
the café. ……………………………………………
Bulan diantara bintang – bintang
Among (di antara) His house is among those buildings.
Aku di dalam hatimu.
Inside (di dalam) The bird sleeps inside the cage.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh Interjection yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris:

Interjection Makna/arti Contoh kalimat

Oh Menyatakan simpati Oh! I’m sorry to hear that.
Menyatakan harapan Oh God! Please help me!
Ah Merendah Ah! It’s just my luck.
Menyatakan kesadaran Ah! I understand, she doesn’t love me.
Dear (sayang) Menyatakan simpati/iba Oh dear! Are you ok?
Ouch (aduh) Menyatakan rasa sakit Ouch! I cut my finger.
Wow Menyatakan kekaguman Wow! That concert is just awesome.
Eh Menyatakan keingintahuan You lover her, eh!
Keheranan/terkejut Eh! You did pass the exam?
Hey Menyatakan keterkejutan Hey! Look at that woman walking down the
Menyatakan kekesalan Hey! I said stop it
Mencari perhatian Hey! What’s your name?
Menyatakan keheranan Hey! You’re genius today.
Hi (hai) Mencari perhatian Hi! May I know you?
Me mberi salam Hi! Good morning Steve.
Well (baik) Menyatakan kesanggupan Well! I will do it for you.
Bravo (luar biasa) Ungkapan kepuasan Bravo! I won the lottery again.
Hush (husss) Menyuruh untuk diam Hush!! Don’t make a noise!
Hurray (hore) Ungkapan kepuasaan/senang Hurray! My best team won the match.
Aha Mendapat inspirasi/ide Aha! I will just make a cup cake for him.
Gee (ih) Mengungkapkan kekesalan Gee! Where have you been?
Tell what part of speech each word is:

My cat

I have a cat in my house, the cat is male. I like call him “Papay”. He is an adorable cat, my cat is cute. His
body is fat. He has black and white fur.

I really love to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every morning my mother gives a fish, sometime he
usually scratches out my arm when I play with him. He is an active animal. He likes to run around the house.
He likes to chase everyone in my house. When he feels tired or sleepy, he usually sleeps on the sofa in the
living room or sometime under the table.

“Papay” often goes out to find for food at night. And sometime he brings a mouse on his mouth. Then he
eats the mouse in the back of my house for himself.

Nouns Pronouns Verbs Adjectives

_______________ _______________ _______________ ______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ______________

Adverbs Conjunctions Prepositions Interjections

______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Things in the School Bag Things at the Classroom Rooms in the School
Eraser = penghapus Desk = meja Canteen = kantin
Correction pen = tipe-x Chair = chair Library = perpustakaan
Pencil sharpener = rautan Blackboard = papan tulis hitam Teachers room = ruang guru
pensil Whiteboard = papan tulis putih Office = ruang kepala
Ruler = penggaris Eraser = penghapus sekolah
Cutter = pisau kecil Cupboard = lemari Classroom = ruangan kelas
Pencil case = tempat pensil Computer = komputer Laboratory = laboratorium
Lesson book = buku pelajaran Fan = kipas angin School yard = lapangan sekolah
Book = buku Bookshelf = rak buku Toilet = toilet
Drawing book = buku gambar Noticeboard = mading
Color pencil = pensil warna Map = peta
Scissor = gunting Globe = globe
Marker = spidol Ball = bola
Compass = jangka Bell = bel
Stapler = hekter

Things in The Living Room Things in the Bedroom
- Sofa = Sofa - Bed = Kasur
- Television = Televisi - Pillow = Bantal
- Vase = Vas bunga - Bolster = Bantal guling
- Table lamp = Lampu meja - Blanket = Selimut
- Frame = Bingkai foto - Bed sheet = Sprei
- Clock = Jam - Praying mat = Sajadah
- Picture = Foto - Table = meja
- Carpet = Karpet - Chair = kursi
- Door = Pintu - Cupboard = Lemari
- Newspaper = Koran - Hanger = Gantungan baju

Things in the Bathroom Things in the Kitchen

- Towel = Handuk - Stove = Kompor
- Bath tub = Bak mandi -Frying pan = wajan penggorengan
- Closet = Kloset - Rice cooker = Penanak nasi
- Shower = Penyiram - Knife = Pisau
- Toothbrush = Sikat gigi - Oven = Oven
- Tooth paste = Pasta gigi - Refrigerator = Kulkas
- Soap = Sabun - Sink = Tempat cuci piring
- Pail = Ember - Teapot = Teko
- Shampoo = Sampo - Trash can = Tempat cuci piring
- Hair dryer = Pengering rambut - Broom = Sapu
1. school = Sekolah 18. hotel = hotel
2. mosque = mesjid 19. gym = gym
3. train station = stasiun kereta 20. inn = penginapan
4. airport = bandara 21. ice cream shop = toko eskrim
5. amusement park = taman hiburan 22. funeral home = rumah duka
6. clinic = klinik 23. kiosk store = warung pinggir jalan
7. cinema = bioskop 24. library = perpustakaan
8. cafe = kafe 25. gas station = SPBU
9. cafetaria = kantin 26. mall = mall
10. town hall = balai kota 27. market = pasar
11. post office = kantor pos 28. restaurant = restoran
12. coffee shop = warung kopi 29. park = taman
13. bank = bank 30. stadium = stadion
14. barbershop = tukang cukur 31. supermarket = supermarket
15. bus station = halte bus 32. pet shop = toko hewan peliharaan
16. bookstore = toko buku 33. university = universitas
17. gift shop = toko hadiah 34. zoo = kebun binatang

Animals Meaning Animals Meaning
1. cat
25. snail
2. lion
26. spider
3. frog
27. mosquito
4. pig
28. ostrich
5. dog
29. chicken/hen
6. goldfish
30. lizard
7. ant
31. rhino(ceros)
8. monkey
32. moose
9. zebra
33. hamster
10. duck
34. whale
11. mouse
35. crocodile/alligator
12. squirrel
36. bat
13. turtle/tortoise
37. dinosaur
14. cow
38. goat
15. bee
39. bird/robin
16. sheep
40. deer
17. bear
41. shark
18. horse
42. snake
19. rabbit
43. panda
20. elephant
44. seal
21. penguin
45. peacock
22. parrot
46. camel
23. octopus
47. starfish/sea star
24. kangaroo
48. wolf

No Expression Meaning No Expression Meaning

1 Watch out! Awas! 26 Don’t give up! Jangan menyerah!
2 Move a bit! please Geser sedikit dong! 27 Don’t disturb me Jangan ganggu aku
Jangan buang-buang
3 Just by chance Kebetulan saja! 28 Don’t waste time
4 Take it easy Santai saja 29 Don’t be hopeless! Jangan putus asa!
5 Hurry up Cepatlah 30 Don‘t be careless! Jangan ceroboh
6 Just kidding Cuma bercanda 31 Whose book is it? Buku siapa ini?
7 Forgive me Maafkan aku 32 It seems mine Sepertinya bukuku
8 I change my mind Saya berubah pikiran 33 Let me take a look Coba aku lihat dulu
You’re really
9 Kamu ini ada-ada saja 34 Come forward please! Majulah!
10 Apa yang sedang
Wish me luck Doakan aku berhasil 35 What’s going on?
Don’t block my Jangan halangi
11 36 It’s my turn Ini giliran ku
sight pandanganku
12 How can it be? Kok bisa? 37 It is your turn Ini giliranmu
13 I don’t care Saya tidak peduli 38 Once more Sekali lagi
Jangan sungkan-
14 Feel free 39 Do it by yourself Kerjakan sendiri
15 What a pity! Kasihan deh loe! 40 Where’s mine? Mana punyaku?
16 I give up! Saya menyerah! 41 I‘ll be late Aku bisa telat nih
Be careful on the What would you like to
17 Hati-hati di jalan 42 Mau makan apa?
way eat?
Take care of Aku bingung mau
18 Jaga dirimu baik-baik! 43 I don’t know what to eat
yourself! makan apa?
19 It doesn’t matter Tidak masalah 44 Anything else? Ada lagi?
It’s none of your
20 Bukan urusanmu 45 Anything left for me? Masih ada kah buat ku?
21 Keep silent Diam! / Jangan ribut! 46 It’s on me! Aku yang bayar
22 Don’t take too long Jangan lama-lama 47 Help yourself Ambil sendiri
Excuse me, what did
23 Wait a minute Tunggu sebentar 48 Kamu tadi bilang apa?
you say?
Make it a little
24 Cepetan donk! 49 I am full! Saya sudah kenyang!
25 Willy nilly Mau tak mau 50 I am broke! Aku gak punya uang
Rangkaian kata yang bermakna, Berpola (SV) dan diakhiri tanda baca pengakhir.


(.) Full stop / period
(?) Question mark
(!) Exclamation Mark

Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Kalimat Verbal (Kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja)

Verb : word or phrase that express an action, an event or state. Kata atau frasa yang mengekspresikan
tindakan/aktifitas, peristiwa, kondisi.

S + Verb + Object Eg:

They Play Futsal. I LOVE IS YOU
I Ride a bike I LOVE YOU
I Eat Rice

2. Kalimat Nominal
Kalimat yang tidak menggunakan/mempunyai kata kerja tetapi menggunakan BE (Auxiliary = Kata

S + BE+ 3 Complement = ANA (ADJ / NOUN/ ADV)

Is, Am, Are (Present)
BE Was, Were (Past)
Been (Perfect)
Being (Continuous)

A = Adjective (Kata Sifat) Kata yang menjelaskan noun/mempersempit maknanya.
Eg: handsome, beautiful, hard, weak

N = Noun(Kata benda) Kata yang digunakan untuk menamai benda yang berwujud atau tidak
berwujud (yang bisadi tangkap oleh panca indra)
Eg: laptop, human, tabledst

A = Adverb ( Kata Keterangan)

Kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan adj, adv, verb atau sentence
Place : in the yard, school ,at epic course
Time : in the morning. At 9 o’clock
Manner : quickly, seriously dst.
Menyatakan kegiatan yang sering dilakukan sehari-hari dan berulang-ulang.


( + ) S + V1 / Vs / Ves + O/ Complement.
( - ) S + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O/ Complement.
( ? ) Do/Does + S + V1 + O/Complement?


[VERB Berdasarkan Fungsinya.:

(Auxiliary/Helping Verb verb pembantu), (Ordinary/ Main Verb verb utama / majikan)]

A.Penggunaan DO / DOES B. PenggunaanVs,es / V1

(Doesn’t) IT

C. Penggunaan VERB + s / es
O = Goes, Does,
SS = Misses, Kisses, Dresses
SH = Washes , Smashes, Crashes,
CH = Watches, Catches, Touches
X = Fixes, Mixes, Relaxes,
Y = Jika kata tersebut berakhiran huruf consonant “Y” dan huruf sebelumnya merupakan huruf consonant
maka huruf Y tersebut diganti dengan “I” dan ditambah es StudY = studies
Fry + Fries
Hanya menambahkan “s” saja karena huruf sebelum “y” merupakan huruf vocal
****Selain peraturan diatas hanya menambahkan “S” Setelah kata kerja.****
(+) She cooks rice. (+) You Speak English. (+) He goes to University.
(-) She doesn’t cook rice. (-) You don’t Speak English. (-) He doesn’t go to University.
(?) does she cook rice? (?) Do you speak English? (?) Does He go to University?

Yes, She does Yes, You do. Yes, He does

No, She Doesn’t No, You don’t. No, He Doesn’t
(+) S + BE (Is, Am, Are) + COMPLEMENT/ANA
(-) S + Is, Am, Are + NOT + COMPLEMENT/ANA WE
(?) Is, Am, Are +S +COMPLEMENT/ANA? HE Is
Is + NOT = Isn’t
Are + NOT = Arent

Eg: Time Signal EXERCISES :

(+) She is beautiful Always , sometimes 1. Apakah dia menonton tv?
(-) She is not beautiful Usually , never 2. Apakah mereka menyanyi
(?) is She Beautiful? Seldom , ever 3. Dia tidak mengajarku
Often, everyday ..etc 4. Apakah dia temanku?
5. Dia tidak membuat roti

Anda mungkin juga menyukai