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Open Mind

Assalamu ‘alaikum Warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh

Alhamdulillah, Segala puja puji hanya milik Allah semata, sholawat
dan salam marilah kita sanjungkan kepada Baginda Rosulullah
SAW, semoga kita diakui sebagai umatnya dan diberikan syafaatnya
kelak, Aamiin
Buku sederhana ini membahas bagaimana membuat pertanyaan
dan bagaimana menjawabnya dari sudut pandang struktur bahasa
Inggris (English Sentence Structure), sebelum membahas jenis-
jenis pertanyaan saya lampirkan Kosakata dasar yang harus
dihapalkan untuk penunjang memahami Formula yang dibahas, juga
dilampirkan Latihan untuk mempertajam penguasaan dan juga ide-
ide berbicara dan percakapan (Speaking and Conversation ideas).
Buku ini untuk level Pemula (Beginner – Elementary) tapi materi
Speaking and Conversation ideas nya bisa digunakan untuk level
Kemampuan berbicara seseorang tidak hanya ditentukan kosakata
atau tata bahasanya, tapi juga ditentukan oleh seberapa banyak
idea yang dimiliki,ketertarikan dan keperluan untuk berbicara,
kepercayaan diri, dan adanya partner berbicara. Untuk sukses
memiliki skill bahasa Inggris diperlukan bukan hanya faktor
kemampuan tapi juga faktor kemauan dan sikap/mental yang harus
Setiap Pelajar harus memiliki/melewati tahapan berikut
1. Miliki keyakinan dan dorongan yang kuat untuk bisa! gali idea,
dan kepercayaan diri!
2. Fokus kepada Kosakata/Ekpresi yang sering digunakan sehari-
hari, jangan menghapalkan kata perkata tapi buatlah expresi,
3. Belajar step by step, Sebelum mempelajari kalimat tanya dan
negative, kuasai terlebih dulu kalimat positif, mantapkan
terlebih dahu kalimat sederhana, kalimat sehari-hari dilanjutkan
dengan kegiatan yang akan datang, dan selanjutnya.
4. Mantapkan dengan latihan-latihan, lebih penting memahami dari
pada hapal tanpa memahami, Fahami-Praktekan.
Semoga Sukses!
Wassalamu ‘alaikum WrWb
1 | Easy Mastering Questions and Answers
Table of Contents
1. Open Mind----------------------------------------------------- 1
2. Table of Contents--------------------------------------------- 2
3. Part A : Basic Vocabulary
a. Daily Activity (Regular and Irregular verbs)--------- 3
b. Nouns-------------------------------------------------------- 4
c. Adjectives--------------------------------------------------- 5
d. Adverbs------------------------------------------------------ 5
e. Preposition-------------------------------------------------- 6
f. Conjunction------------------------------------------------- 6
g. Question Words------------------------------------------- 6

4. Part B : Understanding Auxiliary Verbs-------------- 7

5. Part C : Understanding 5 Tenses
Verbal dan Nominal Sentences---------------- 9

6. Part D : Question and How to Answer

a. Simple Questions (Verbal and Nominal) and
How to Answer--------------------------------------------- 10
b. Explore It
a) Alternate Questions-------------------------------- 13
b) Negative Interrogative------------------------------ 14
c) Rhetoric Questions--------------------------------- 15
d) Declarative Question------------------------------- 16
e) Question Tag----------------------------------------- 17

c. Information Questions (Verbal and Nominal)

and how to answer---------------------------------------- 18

7. Part E: Practice – Question and Answers----------- 22

8. Part F: Speaking and Conversation ideas----------- 25

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Part A: Basic English Vocabulary
A. Daily Activity (Regular and Irregular verbs)
1. Bangun Get up got up got up
2. Membaca Read read read
3. Menulis Write wrote written
4. Berbicara Speak spoke spoken
5. Mendengarkan Listen listened listened
6. Mendengar Hear heard Heard
7. Melihat See saw seen
8. Mencium Smell smelt smelt
9. Menyentuh Touch touched touched
10. Merasakan Feel felt felt
11. Berfikir Think thought thought
12. Mengharapkan Hope hoped hoped
13. Mencintai Love loved loved
14. Membenci Hate Hated Hated
15. Menyukai Like liked liked
16. Membutuhkan Need needed needed
17. Mencoba Try tried tried
18. Menjaga Keep kept kept
19. Membiarkan Let let let
20. Mempraktekan Practice practiced practiced
21. Mengunakan Use used used
22. Mengerti Understand understood understood
23. Mengetahui Know knew known
24. Belajar Study studied studied
25. Mengajar Teach taught taught
26. Memasak Cook cooked cooked
27. Merebus Boil boiled boiled
28. Membakar Burn burnt burnt
29. Membeli Buy bought bought
30. Menjual Sell sold sold
31. Menawar Bargain bargained bargaained
32. Membayar Pay paid paid
33. Meminjam Borrow borrowed borrowed
34. Meminjamkan Lend lent lent
35. Tersenyum Smile smiled smiled

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36. Menangis Cry cried cried
37. Percaya Believe believed believed
38. Mengunci Lock locked locked
39. Membuka kunci Unlock unlocked unlocked
40. Berjalan Walk walked walked
41. Berlari Run run run
42. Datang Come came come
43. Pergi Go went gone
44. Mengambil Take took taken
45. Memberi Give gave given
46. Menerima Accept accepted accepted
47. Menolak Refuse refused refused
48. Memotong Cut cut cut
49. Mengikat Tie tied tied
50. Membuka Ikatan Untie untied untied
51. Peduli Care cared cared
52. Mengendarai Drive drove driven
53. Menggunakan use used used
54. Merencanakan plan planned planned
55. Merusak break broke broken

B. Nouns (Kata Benda atau yang dibendakan)

A student : Seorang siswa A teacher : Guru
A Manager : manager A secretary : Sekretaris
A book : buku A table : Meja
Dream : Mimpi/cita cita Hope : Harapan
Collection : Koleksi Organization : Organisasi
Movement : gerakan Smile : Senyuman
Parents : Kedua Orang Tua Father : Seorang ayah
A mother : Seorang ibu Gold : Emas
Friendship : Persahabatan Childhood : Masa KanakKanak
Brotherhood : Persaudaraan Generation : Generasi
Youth : Pemuda Love : Cinta
Money : Uang Water : Air
Air : Udara Wind : Angin
Grass : Rumput Wood : Kayu
Iron : Besi Silver : Perak
Stone : Batu Sand : Pasir
Plastic : Plastik Dust : Debu
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C. Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Happy : bahagia Unhappy : tidak bahagia
Sad : sedih Rich : kaya
Poor : miskin Smart : pintar
Lucky : beruntung Expensive : mahal
Cheap : murah New : Baru
Old : lama/tua Interesting : Menarik
Boring : membosankan Tiring : Melelahkan
Bored : bosan Shocked : Kaget
Broken : Rusak Lost : Hilang/Tersesat
Educated : Terdidik trained : Terlatih
Childish : Kekanak kanakan Selfish : Egois
Countable : Bisa dihitung Uncountable : Tdk bisa dihitung
Icy : Mengandung es Cloudy : Berawan
Sandy : Berpasir Dusty : Berdebu
Dirty : Kotor Salty : Asin
Active : Aktif Creative : Bersifat mencipta

D. Adverb (Keterangan: waktu, cara, frequency)

At home : dirumah Alone : Sendirian

Behind you : disampingmu On the chair : diatas kursi
In Bogor : Di Bogor In the morning : dipagi hari
Yesterday : kemarin Now : sekarang
Everyday : setiap hari Tomorrow : Kemarin
Carefully : dengan hati hati Politely : Dengan sopan
Rudely : Dengan kasar Bravely : Dengan berani
Fast : dengan cepat Slowly : Dengan lambat
Already : Sudah Lately : Akhir akhir ini
Recently : baru baru ini For : selama
Always : Selalu Often : Sering
Usually : Biasanya Sometimes : KadangKadang
Ever : pernah Never : Tidak Pernah
Seldom : Jarang Occasionally : kadang kadang

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E. Kata depan (Preposition)

In : di On : diatas
At : di Since : sejak
Above : diatas Beside : disamping
behind : dibelakang in front : didepan
of : dari Between : diantara

F. Kata sambung (Conjuntion)

And : dan but : tapi

or : tapi Because : karena
which : yang That : yang,bahwa
if : jika Although : walaupun
while/when : ketikam saat After : setelah
before : Sebelum

G. Kata Tanya (Question Words)

What = Apa (Menanyakan benda, Aktifitas, dll)

What time = jam berapa (Menanyakan jam/ spesifik)
What for = Untuk apa
Why = Kenapa (Menanyakan alasan)
Where = Dimana (Menanyakan Tempat)
When = Kapan (Menanyakan Waktu)
Who = Siapa (Menanyakan orang/subjek)
Whom = Siapa (Menanyakan orang/objek)
Whose = Milik Siapa (Menanyakan kepemilikan)
Which = Yang mana (Menanyakan pilihan)
How = Bagaimana (Menanyakan cara)
How much = Berapa banyak/berapa harga
How often = Seberapa sering (frekuensi)
How many = Seberapa banyak (Kuantiti)
How far = Seberapa jauh (Jarak)
How long = Seberapa lama/Panjang

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Part B: Understanding Auxiliary Verbs
(Memahami Kata bantu Kerja)

Primary Tobe Present (Is,am,are)

Auxiliary Digunakan dalam Future (.... be)
Verbs kalimat Positive, Continuous (….. being)
Negative dan Perfect (….. been)

To do Present
Digunakan dalam I, We, You, They = Do
kalimat Pertanyaan She, He, It = Does
dan Negative
Past (did)

To have Present (have/has)

Digunakan dalam Have/has/had biasa
kalimat positif, diikuti verb-3 (past
negative dan participle) jika tidak
interrogative penggantinya been
S + have/has + Verb-3
S + have/has + been

Past (had)
S + had + Verb-3
S + had + Been
Auxiliary Present Past
Can (Bisa,mampu) Could/bisa
Will (akan) Would/akan
Shall (akan) Should/seharusnya
May (boleh) Might/boleh
Must (harus) Had to/harus
Ough to (seharusnya)

S + Modal + Verb-1 + Complement


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Part C: Understanding 5 Tenses
Verbal and Nominal Sentence (Positive Sentence)

Simple Sentence

Subject + Predicate + Complement

Verbal Sentence Nominal Sentence
S+Verb+Complement S + tobe + Complement
Rumus Kalimat Positif Time Rumus Kalimat Positif
S + Verb-1 + C Every.. S + Is/am/are + C
S + will+Verb-1 + C Next… S + will + be + C
S + is/am/are+ Verb-ing + C Now.. S + Is/am/are + being + C
S + Verb-2 + C Last… S + was/were + C
S + have/has+Verb-3 + C Lately.. S + have/has + been + C
1. Present Simple tense = Untuk kegiatan sehari, hari, kebenaran
umum, rutinitas ( S + Verb-1/is/am/are + C)
2. Future Simple Tense = menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dating,
rencana, dst ( S+Will+Verb1/be + C )
3. Present Continuous Tense = Menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang
terjadi sekarang, tahun ini, dst (S + Is/am/are + Verb-ing)
4. Past Simple Tense = menyatakan kegiatan yang telah terjadi diwaktu
tertentu lampau/telah terjadi (S + Verb-2/was,were + C)
5. Present Perfect Tense = menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah terjadi
diwaktu lampau tidak tertentu waktunya, masih terjadi sampai
sekarang, barusan terjadi, dst (S + have/has + verb-3/been + C)

Present Simple tense TIme Present Simple tense
S + Verb-1 + Co Every…. S + Is/am/are + C
 I practice my computer skills
 I am happy to meet you
 I believe you can get your Everyday
 I am at my home
dream Every
now/every time
 I study at my school week,
 The story is interesting
everyday every
 I am interested
 My father works hard time..

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Future Simpe Tense Time Future Simpe Tense
S + will+Verb-1 + C Next… S + will+be + C
 I will practice my computer Next time,  I will be happy to meet
skills next week, you
 I will believe you can get tomorrow  I will be at my home next
your dream week
 I will study at my school  The story will be
with my friends interesting
 My father will work hard  I will be interested

Present Continuous Tense Time Present Continuous T

S + is/am/are+ Verb-ing Now.. S + Is/am/are + being
+ Compl + Complement
 I am practicing my Present  I am being happy to meet
computer skills time, this you
 I believe you can get your year, this  I am being at my home
dream week now
 I am studying at my school  The story is being
 My father is working hard interesting
 I am being interested

Past Simpe Tense Time Past Simpe Tense

S + Verb-2 + Last… S + was/were +
Complement Complement
 I practiced my computer Last week,  I was happy to meet you
skills yesterday,  I was at my home
 I believed you can get your last time, 2 yesterday
dream days ago  The story was interesting
 I studied at my school  I was interested
 My father worked hard

Present Perfect Tense Time Present Perfect Tense

S + have/has+Verb-3 + Lately… S + have/has + been +
Complement Complement
 I have practiced my Already,  I have been happy to
computer skills for, since, meet you
 I have believed you can lately  I have been at my home
get your dream Just.. for hours
 I have studied at my  The story has been
school interesting
 My father has worked hard  I have been interested

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Part D: The Questions (pertanyaan Pertanyaan)
Types of Questions
1. Simple Question/yes No Question
2. Negative Interrogative
3. Alternate Question
4. Rhetoric Questions
5. Declarative Questions
6. Information Question/WH- Questions
7. Question Tag

1. Simple Question/Yes-No Questions = Adalah pertanyaan

sederhana yang jawabannya hanya YES atau NO. Rumus mengikuti
Tenses, perhatikan table rumus dibawah!
Auxiliary Subjec
Verb Comp?
Verb t
Do you like reading?
Subject Verb-1 Does she understand Arabic?
Did you sleep well last night?
Will you study hard?
Will/shall Verb-1
Subject Would you forgive me?
Would/should be?
Will she believe me?

Are you learning English?

Is/am/are Verb-ing
Subject Were you sleeping when I called
Was/were Verb-3
you last night?

Have you prayed?

Have you understood?
Subject Verb-3 Has she lived in Bogor for years
Had he prayed before he wen
home yesterday?
Perhatikan :
1. Kata kerja bantu DO/DOES, DID, WILL/WOULD diikuti dengan
2. Kata Kerja bantu (Is/am/are – Was/were) diikuti Vebr-ing atau
Verb-3 (Pasif)
3. Kata Kerja Have/Has/had diikuti Verb-3 (Past participle) atau
Been sebagai Pengganti kata kerja ketiga (Verb-3)
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TOBE – Yes/No Questions
Tobe Subj Complement Example
Is/am/are I Noun (1) Are you a student?
(Sekarang) We Adjective (2) Are you happy?
You Adverb (3) Are you at home now?
Was/ They Verb-Ing (4) Is the story interesting or
were boring?
(Lampau) She Verb-3 (5) Are you tired and bored?
He To + Verb-1 (6) are you to go home soon
after learning?
It RC + Sentence (7) Is this book which you
are looking for?

Subject Complement
Will/would I be Noun (1)
May We Pronoun (2)
You Adjective (3)
Are/were They being Adverb (4)
Is/was She Verb-Ing (5)
He Verb-3 (6)
It To + Verb-1 (7)
Have/Has I been RC + Sentence (8)
1. Will you be happy to meet me?
2. Will you be a boss someday?
3. Will you be waiting for me?
4. Have you been married?
5. Has your father been teaching for 30 years?

1. RC : Relative Conjunction (Which, Where, How, What…dst)
2. Tobe (Is/am/are – was/were ) diikuti Kata benda
(Noun/Pronoun/Kata sifat/Kata Keterangan/Verb1-Ing, to + verb-
1, Verb-3, Clause)
3. Tobe tidak pernah diikuti kata kerja pertama (bare infinitive) dan
kata kerja ke dua (Verb-2)
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How to answer!
Ada 2 cara menjawab : Short Answer dan Full Answer, Perhatikan
table dibawah:

No Questions Full Answer
Yes, I do Yes, I like you
1 Do you like me?
No, I don’t No, I don’t like you
Yes, I did Yes, I studied hard last
Did you study hard night
last night? No, I didn’t No, I did not study hard
last night
Will you forgive Yes, I will Yes, I will forgive you
me? No, I wont No, I will not forgive you
Yes, I can Yes, I can speak English
Can you speak well
English well? No, I can’t No, I can not speak
English well
Yes, I am Yes, I am thinking about
Are you thinking you
about me? No, I am not No, I am not thinking
about you 
Yes, I have Yes, I have prayed
6 Have you prayed?
No, I haven’t No, I have not prayed
Yes, I am Yes, I am a student
7 Are you a student?
No, I am not No, I am not a student
Yes, I am Yes, I am happy
8 Are you happy?
No, I am not No, I am not happy
Is your father at yes, he is Yes, he is at home
home? No, He is not No, He is not at home
Yes, They Yes, They are married
10 Are they married?
No, They are No, They are nor
not married

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A.Alternative Questions:
Kalimat pertanyaan yang meminta pendengar untuk memilih satu
dari dua atau lebih kemungkinan jawaban.

Tipe pertanyaan ini menggunakan coordinate conjunction “or”

untuk menghubungkan antar pilihan jawabannya dan biasanya
intonasi menurun (falling intonation) di akhir pilihan jawaban
1. Dengan Auxi Verb: auxiliary verb + S + main verb … or …
2. Dengan Tobe : be (main verb) + S … or …
3. Dengan Which : which (atau which + noun) + auxiliary
verb + S + main verb … or

Memahami nya mudah jika sudah menguasai bahasan sebelumnya

(Simple Questions)

No Alternative Question The Answer

1 Do you like traveling or reading I like travelling
2 Does your father work or run for My father, He runs for his
a business? own business
3 Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student
4 Are you studying or sleeping? I am studying
5 You can speak English or I can speak Arabic
7 Which do you like more, tea or I like milk more than tea
8 Which book will you buy, a I will buy an English book
computer or English book?
9 Would you like a cup of coffee I would like a cup of tea
or tea?
10 Is that your bag or your That is my bag
friend’s bag?

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B. Negative Interrogative : Bertanya Menyangkal
Secara umum rumusnya sama dengan SIMPLE QUESTION, hanya
kata kerja bantunya di negative kan (biasanya disingkat). Perhatikan
Tabel dibawah..
Subject Verb Comp?
Verb + Not
Doesn’t Subject Verb-1
Subject Verb-1
Isn’t Verb-ing
Wasn’t Verb-3
Hasn’t Subject Verb-3

Tobe Subject Complement

Isn’t She, he, it Noun (1)
Aren’t You, they, we Adjective (2)
Adverb (3)
Wasn’t She, he, It Verb-Ing (4)
Weren’t You, they, we Verb-3 (5)
To + Verb-1 (6)
RC + Sentence (7)

How to Answer
No Alternative Question The Answer
1 Don’t you like traveling? No, I don’t like travelling
2 Aren’t you happy now? No, I am not happy now
3 Isn’t she your sister? Yes, She is my sister
4 Can’t you speak politely? Yes, I can speak politely
5 Haven’t you prayed yes? Yes, I haven’t prayed yet
6 Don’t you want to stop smoking? Yes, I want to stop smoking
7 Wont you visit my home? Yes, I will visit your home..

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C. Rhetoric Questions (Pertanyaan yang tidak
membutuhkan jawaban, ini hanya menegaskan)
a. Do you have eyes? / Apakah kamu punya mata?, kamu
harus hati hati
b. Do you know what time it is? Tahu jam berapa sekarang?,
Kamu terlambat
c. Do you know who your father is?/Apakah kamu tahu siapa
ayah kamu?
d. Am I right (Tidakkah aku benar/aku benar kan)
Jenis Rhetoric Questions
 Rhetorical Questions for the Big Questions in Life : ditujukan
untuk membuat orang berfikir
1. What do you want to do in life?
2. How much time does it take to become successful?
3. Where do you want to be in 15 years?.

 Rhetorical Questions to Draw Attention

1. Do you know what time it is? – Artinya: It's late.
2. Who is my favorite person in the world? - Artinya: You are my
favorite person.
3. Where's my homework? - Artinya: I expected you to turn in
the homework today.
4. What does it matter? - Artinya: It doesn't matter.

 Rhetorical Questions to Point out a Bad Situation

1. What can she do about that teacher? - Artinya: She can't do
anything. Unfortunately, the teacher isn't very helpful.
2. Where am I going to find help this late in the day? - Artinya:
I'm not going to find help this late in the day.
3. Do you think I'm rich? - Artinya: I'm not rich, don't ask me for

 Rhetorical Questions to Express a Bad Mood

1. Why should I try to get that job? - Artinya: I'll never get that
2. What's the point in trying? - Artinya: I'm depressed and I
don't want to make an effort.
3. Where did I go wrong? - Artinya: I don't understand why I'm
having so many difficulties lately.
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D. Declarative Questions

Dalam Spoken Question kita tidak harus selalu menggunakan

susunan kata seperti dalam rumus, digunakan jika penanya
berfikir dia tahu dan telah mengerti sesuatu tapi meyakinkan atau
mengekpresikan surprise, biasanya intonasinya menaik.
A declarative question is a yes-no question that has the form of
a declarative sentence but is spoken with rising intonation at the end”,
Declarative sentences are commonly used in informal speech to express
surprise or ask for verification. The most likely response to a declarative
question is agreement or confirmation.

 You are working late tonight? / kamu bekerja sampai larut

malam ini?
 That is your new car?/ itu mobil baru kamu?
 He is your boss? Dia itu bos kamu? I thought He is a
security /saya fikir dia sekuriti
 You like the cake? Kamu suka kue itu, I thought you dislike it
 You think I'm kidding you? , I am not kidding = kamu fikir
saya sedang bercanda
 You think I am stupid? I am not stupid = Kamu fikir saya itu

How to answer!
Declarative questions don't always get answers, but they always get
a point across

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E. Question Tag/Tag Ending
Question tag adalah pertanyaan pendek yang ditambahkan di akhir
pernyataan (declarative sentence) untuk menanyakan informasi atau
meminta persetujuan.
Statement/Sentence + Ending
Positive Statement, Negative Tag Ending
Negative Statement, Positive Tag Ending
1. You are my friend, aren’t you?
2. You are not my friend, are you?
3. She is your sister, isn’t she?
4. She is not your sister, is she?
5. You are happy, aren’t you?
6. You are not happy, are you?
7. I am your elder brother, aren’t I?/ Aint
8. I am not your elder brother, am I?
9. You like cooking, don’t you?
10. You do not like cooking, do you?
11. She slept late last night, didn’t you?
12. She did not sleep late last night, did she?
13. Your friends have eaten breakfast, haven’t they?
14. Your friends have not eaten breakfast, have they?

How to Answer
 Jika question tag menggunakan flat (datar) atau falling
intonation (intonasi datar atau menurun), pertanyaan pendek
tersebut lebih merupakan statement (pernyataan) sehingga hanya
meminta penegasan.
 Jika question tag diucapkan dengan rising intonation (intonasi
meningkat), maka pertanyaan pendek tersebut benar-benar
membutuhkan jawaban atau meminta persetujuan.
 Jawaban question tags sama halnya dengan yes-no
question (pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban yes atau no).
 Normalnya positive tag mengharapkan negative answer,
sedangkan negative tag mengharapkan positive answer. Namun,
kita perlu untuk fokus pada fakta yang ada sehingga jawaban
tidak selalu mengikuti tipe pertanyaan.

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2. Information Question/WH-Questions
Information Question atau WH- Question adalah pertanyaan
untuk meminta informasi. Informasi yang diminta dapat berupa
waktu, tempat, orang, benda, hal, alasan, atau cara.
Untuk bisa memahami rumus dengan mudah, Kuasai terlebih dulu
Simple Questions/Yes-No Question, jika sudah menguasi/hapal
rumus simple question, untuk membuat rumus Information Qestion
tnggal tambahkan KATA TANYA (Question Words) sebelum kata
kerja bantu. Perhatikan table dibawah

Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb Comp?
Subject Verb-1
Who Did
Why Will/shall
Subject Verb-1
How Would/should
Which Is/am/are Verb-ing
Where Was/were Verb-3
When Have/has
Subject Verb-3

Positive Simple
Information Question
Sentence Question
+ I study English Do you study  What do you study
Everyday? English Everyday?
everyday?  When do you study
 What do you do everyday?
 Where do you study
English everyday?
 Why do you study English

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+ I studied Did you study  What did you study
English English yesterday?
Yesteday? everyday?  When did you study
 What did you do
 Where did you study
English yesterday?
 Why did you study English
+ I will study Will you  What will you study
English study English tomorrow?
tomorrow? tomorrow?  When will you study
 What will you do
 Where will you study
English tomorrow?
 Why will you study English
+ I am studying Are you  What are you studying
English now? studying now?
English now?  When are you studying
 What are you doing now?
 Where are you studying
English now?
 Why are you studying
English now?
+ I have studied Have you  What have you studied for
English for studied years?
years? English for  When have you studied
years? English?
 What have you done for
 Where have you studied
English for years?
 Why have you studied
English for years?

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Exception Note!

 WHO digunakan untuk menanyakan SUBJECT atau Object

orang, untuk menanyakan Object orang rumusnya seperti
ditabel diatas, tapi jika untuk menanyakan Subject Orang,
rumusnya adalah : WHO + VERB, Verb-nya menyesuaikan
dengan TENSES yang dipakai
Asking for Subject
+ My father works hard >> Who works hard?
+ My father worked hard >> Who worked hard?
+ My father has worked hard >> Who has worked hard?
+ My father is working hard >> Who is working hard?
+ I got up late yesterday >> who got up late yesterday

Asking for Object

I love my family >> Who (m) do you love
I believed you >> Who(m) did you believe

 WHAT digunakan untuk menanyakan SUBJECT atau Object

Benda , untuk menanyakan Object benda rumusnya seperti
ditabel diatas, tapi jika untuk menanyakan Subject benda,
rumusnya adalah : WHAT + VERB, Verb-nya menyesuaikan
dengan TENSES yang dipakai
+ My routine makes me bored > What makes you bored?
+ My routine made me bored > What made you bored?
+ My routing will make me bored > What will make you bored
+ My routine has made me bored> Whhat has made you

Asking for Object

I have something > What do you have?
I eat some food > What do you eat
I have made some projects > What have you made?

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How to answer!
Untuk menjawabnya adalah dengan mengikuti kata tanya (question
Word) yang diberikan, menanyakan waktu, kegiatan, alasan,
menanyakan pelaku/subjek, object, dst..

No Question Answer
1 Where do you live? I live in Bogor
2 Where are you living I am living in Bogor now
now ?
3 What do you like? I like reading and cooking
4 What do you do I learn Everyday, I am a student
5 Why do you learn I learn Engish because I like it
6 Who hates you? Somebody hates me
7 Who do you like? I like my parents and friends
8 What do you need? I need some money and more time
9 Which do you like I like cats more than rabbits
more, cats or rabbit?
10 Whose car do you I drive my own car
11 What have you given to I have not given anything
your parents?
12 What is your full name? My full name is Musthafa Kamal
13 What time do you I usually get up at 4.00 a.m
usually get up?
14 What makes you sad? I lost my money, It makes me sad
15 What made you Your smile makes me happy
16 How do you speak I speak Sundanese wery well
17 Where are you going I am going home directly
after your class?
18 What can I do for you? I need your support and guide
19 How long have you I have studied English for about 10
studied English? years
20 When will you be I will be married as soon as possible

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Part E:
Speaking Practice
A. Everyday List of Questions
1. What do you do everyday?
2. What do you usually do on Sundays?
3. Do you still live with your parents?
4. Where do you live?
5. Do you understand Sundanese?
6. What makes you enjoy your life?
7. What do you do if you have some problem?
8. Do your parents always support you?
9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
10. What do they (your brothers and sisters) do?
11. What is your favorite food and drink?
12. Do you have pets? What pets do you have at home?
13. What do you think about youtubers? Are you a youtuber?
14. If you feel hard to sleep, what do you usually do?
15. Do you have any unforgettable memories?
16. Do you like reading? What books do you like to read?
17. What do you think about TV program now? Good or bad?
18. What do you think about Indonesian movies?
19. Do you know how to be able speaking English well?
20. What do you do to get rid of stress?
21. What do you eat or drink when it is really hot outside?
22. What TV shows do you watch regularly?
23. Where do you usually eat lunch?
24. What do you do if you are bored?
25. Who do you hang out with most?
26. What app do you use the most?
27. When do you usually wake up?
28. Who do you talk to when you have problems?
29. Do you prefer meat or fresh vegetables?
30. When you’re on vacation, do you relax or try to do many
31. What do you do if you need to learn about something?
32. Do you like to try new things? Why or why not?
33. What are some hobbies you have?
34. What do you do to help yourself fall asleep?
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B. Question about Tomorrow / Next time activities
1. Will you help me?
2. May I know your full name?
3. Can you speak Arabic?
4. May I enter to the class sir?
5. Must I call you “big boss”?
6. Should I finish my project?
7. Must I go home directly after I finish my Test?
8. Will you answer my question if I ask you?
9. What will you do with your money if you have very much
10. If you find a bagful of money, what will you do?
11. What will your life be like in 5 years?
12. How will communication change in the future?
13. What do you think the world will look like in 50 years?
14. How will entertainment change in the future?
15. What will transportation look like in the future?
16. What will you do when you finish your study?
17. Will robots become part of daily life in the future? Why or why
18. Will the future be better or worse than the present? Why or
why not?
19. What will video games be like in 7 years?
20. What will happen to privacy in the future?
21. Where will humans explore next?
22. What will have the biggest impact on you in the near future?

B. Questions about Past time Activities

1. Did you sleep well last night?
2. Did you like Dangdut Song?
3. Did she call you yesterday?
4. Did you sleep well last night?
5. What time did you go to bed last night?
6. What did you do before going to bed?
7. Did you practice speaking English much when you studied
English at school?

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8. Did you ever get punishment because you came late to enter
the class?
9. What did you do yesterday?
10. Where did you go on your last vacation?
11. What was the last restaurant you went to? How was it?
12. What did you do last weekend?
13. What did you eat for lunch yesterday?
14. What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
15. Who did you hang out with last? What did you do together?
16. Talk about the last time you were surprised by something.
17. What was the last game you played?
18. When was the last time you rode a bicycle?
19. Were you a well behaved child? Explain.
20. What was a funny movie you watched recently?
21. Talk about a time you were lost.
22. Where did you grow up? What was it like?
23. What was the last book you read?
24. What did you do this morning?
25. Tell me about the last time you were really excited.

C. Questiosn about Lately/Recent actitities

1. Where are some places you’ve been on vacation?

2. What are some strange types of food you’ve eaten?
3. How many times have you been to a theme park? Which
ones have you been to?
4. What different countries/cities have you traveled to?
5. What are some good restaurants you’ve eaten at?
6. What’s something you’ve done that you’re very proud of?
7. What interesting hobbies have you tried?
8. What’s something you’ve started but haven’t finished yet?
9. How long have you studied English?
10. Why have you been studying English for many years?
11. Globalization means global information and competition, what
have you prepared for winning the global competition?
12. If you love your family, what have you done for them?
13. Have you given something to your parents that make them
proud of you?
14. What have you done for your better future?
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Speaking and
Conversation ideas
A. Talking about Daily Activity
B. Talking About Learning English
C. Talking About Plan and Dream
D. Talking About Parents
E. Talking About Health
F. Talking About Families
G. Talking About Education
H. Talking About Computers
I. Talking About Creativity
J. Talking About The Environment
K. Talking About Goals
L. Talking About Honesty
M. Talking About Good Manners
N. Talking About Getting A Job
O. Talking About Crime
P. Talking About Charities
Q. Talking About Birthdays
R. Talking About Food

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1. Do you get up early every morning?

2. What time do you usually go to bed?
3. Do you watch TV before sleeping?
4. What do you usually do in the morning?
5. Do you like sport?
6. What sport do you like?
7. What do you usually do when long holiday?
8. Do you study English at your school?
9. Do you have pets?
10. What do you always do on Sundays?


Bahasa Inggris)

1. Do you learn English everyday?

2. What makes you learn English?
3. Is English important for you?
4. Do you enjoy your English class?
5. Do you memorize many English vocabularies?
6. Do you practice your English with your friends?
7. Do you speak other languages? Sundanese, Javanese?
8. Do you find difficulty when learning English?
9. What do you think about English grammar? Is it easy to
10. What do you usually do if you don’t understand English
11. Do you always ask your English teacher when learning
at your class?
12. What do you like to learn more, Speaking or grammar

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Cita Cita)

1. Do you have special dream?

2. Could you tell me your dream?
3. What is your planning after you finish your study?
4. What have you done for your better life?
5. Have you prepared well for your dream?
6. Do your parents know and support your dream?
7. Why do you dream to be…?
8. Do you success partners for your dream?
9. Do your friends know about your dream?
10. What is the biggest challenge for reaching your dream?
11. What are the challenges to get your dream?
12. Do you always pray for your success?


1. Do you still have parents?
2. Do you love them very much?
3. Do they always give you what you need?
4. What does your father do everyday?
5. What does your mother do?
6. Can your parents speak English or arabic?
7. Do you think that they have given you the best onee?
8. Do you always share your problem to them?
9. Do you think that your parents are rich?
10. How old are your parents?
11. Do they love you?
12. What have you given to make them happy?
13. Do they motivate you to learn harder?
14. Do you have brothers and sisters? How many?

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E. TALKING ABOUT HEALTH (Tentang kesehatan)

1. Do you think you are a healthy person?

2. How often do you get sick in a typical year?
3. Do you usually eat healthy food? Describe it!
4. Do you know anyone who is often sick? Why do you think
they are sick?
5. How often do you get headaches or stomach-aches?
6. Do you exercise regularly? What kind of exercise do you
do? Or what kind do you like?
7. Do you ever take vitamin pills? Why or why not?
8. Do you know anyone who is very overweight? Do you
consider that person to be healthy?
9. What are some general tips that we can all follow to keep
10. How much should we exercise in order to stay healthy?
Be specific.
11. How much does stress affect our health? What can we do
about stress in order to stay healthy?
12. How important is sleep for our health? Why?


1. Do you have a large family or a small family?
2. Do you have a big "extended family" (including aunts,
uncles and cousins)?
3. Do you resemble (look like) one of your parents or
4. What do your parents do?
5. How many children does the average family have in your
6. How well do you get along with your brothers and sisters?
7. Does your family ever push you to do things or act in a
certain way?
8. Who makes the big decisions in your family?
9. What are some rules you have in your family?
10. What are some activities that your family does together?

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1. Do you know tt what age do children start to go to school

in Indonesia?
2. Is education mandatory (children MUST go to school)
inour country? If so, until what age?
3. Are most schools coeducational (boys and girls study
together) in our country?
4. What did you like to study most in your school days?
5. Did you have to do a lot of homework when you were a
6. What makes a "good student"?
7. What makes a "good teacher"?
8. Do you think your education was helpful to you? Why or
why not?


1. Do you have your own computer or do you only use the

computer at work or school?
2. Can you remember the first time you used a computer?
3. How often do you use the Internet?
4. What kind of websites do you visit most often?
5. Do you ever do "live chat", either with text of voice?
6. Would you rather use a desktop computer or a laptop?
7. What software do you use most often?
8. Which of these activities do you most often do with your
computer – listen to music, watch videos, play games, chat
with friends, read the news, send email, or edit photos?
9. Can you repair a broken computer?
10. Do you understand hardware or software of a computer?

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1. Do you think you are a creative person?

2. Can you give examples how you are, or are not, creative?
3. Were you more creative as a child or are you more creative
4. What are some things that creative people can do well?
5. Who is the most creative person you know? What kind of
things does he or she do?
6. Do you think it's possible to teach people how to be more
7. What do you think is the true value of creativity in our
8. Do you think the number of creative people in the world is
increasing or decreasing?



1. Do you ever worry about the environment?

2. Have you read or heard any news stories recently about
the environment?
3. What are the biggest environmental problems in our
4. What are the biggest environmental problems in the
5. Is there a problem with clean water in our country? If so,
why is there a problem?
6. Is there a problem with clean air in our country? If so,
what are the reasons for that?

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K. TALKING ABOUT GOALS (tentang Tujuan)

1. Do you usually have clear goals that you want to

2. What is your biggest goal for the near future?
3. What do you hope to achieve in the next ten years?
4. Have you ever tried writing down your goals? (Some
people say writing down your goals will help make you
5. Do you have any big "life goals"? What are they?
6. What are some disadvantages of setting specific goals?
Try to think of several reasons.
7. What is your biggest goal in life? Why is that your
biggest goal?
8. What are the different goals that women and men might


1. Have you ever lied before?

2. Would you ever tell a "white lie"? (A lie told to make
someone feel better.)
3. In your opinion, why is honesty important?
4. When have you been lied to? How did you feel then?
5. Is there anyone you know who is completely honest all
of the time?
6. Is there any way we can know for sure when somebody
is lying to us?
7. If honesty is so important, why is it sometimes difficult to
be honest?
8. When is it all right to just tell a "half truth"?
9. Do you think a good worker should be fired if it is
discovered he lied during his job interview? Why or why

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1. What are some examples of good manners?

2. What are some examples of bad manners?
3. What are good table manners in your country?
4. What are some good manners related to using a cell
5. What should you say after you sneeze? Or if you bump
into somebody? Or if you are late?
6. Can you think of good manners that might be bad in
another country?
7. Do you think manners are different for city people and
country people? If so, explain how.
8. Do you think people need better manners when they drive?
Why or why not?
9. In your opinion, do people have better manners now than
they did 50 years ago? What about 100 or 200 years ago?
10. How can we successfully teach good manners to our
11. What advice about manners would you give to a foreigner
visiting our country?


Mendapatkan Sebuah Pekerjaan)
1. At what age do people usually start working in our
2. When do people usually retire (finish their whole career)
in our country?
3. How do people start looking for a job in our country?
(What do they do first?)
4. What kind of work do you like to do?
5. What kind of people do you like to work with?
6. What is the typical work week in our country? (How many
hours per week?)
7. Do you like to do overtime work (for extra pay, of course!)
and other extra projects?

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8. Is it easy right now to find a job? Why or why not?
9. What are the most "prestigious" (giving people respect)
jobs in your country?
10. What can we do to be more "employable"? (How can we
be more attractive to employers?)
11. Do you think women should work after getting married?
Why or why not?
12. What do you think of a job with lots of meetings? Are
meetings useful or a waste of time? What makes a "good"
13. How do you feel about working on evenings or
weekends? Should this be against the law? Defend your
14. How important is it to have a good boss? What makes a
good boss?
15. What would be your "ideal" job? (The very best job you
could imagine.)
16. For you, what would be the worst job you could imagine?

O. TALKING ABOUT CRIME (Tentang Kriminal)

1. Is there a lot of crime near where you live?
2. Are there any parts of your city or town where it is too
dangerous to walk alone at night?
3. Do you always lock your house or apartment at night?
4. What are the most common crimes in your country?
5. Is there "organized crime" (criminal gangs) in your
6. What is the punishment for murder in your country?
7. Do you know anyone who has been the victim of a crime?
Tell us about it.
8. Have there been any famous crimes in the news
9. What can be the government do to try to reduce crime?
10. Is there anything we as individuals can do to reduce

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11. Do you think there it is helpful for policemen to carry
guns? Why or why not?
12. Do you think capital punishment (the death penalty) is
helpful in reducing crime? Why or why not?
13. Can you guess whether there will be more or less crime
in the future? Why do you think that?


1. Do you know any famous charities (groups that help
other, less fortunate people)?
2. Have you ever given money to a charity such as the
Red Cross, the World Wildlife Fund, or Green Peace?
3. Do you know any other registered charities?
4. What problems do such charities deal with?
5. Is there a "homeless shelter" (a place for homeless
people to sleep and get food) in your hometown?
6. Do you give money to beggars or homeless people?
Why or why not?
7. If you give money to beggars or homeless people, about
how much do you give?
8. How do you know if a beggar is a real beggar?
9. Do you think it's acceptable for children to work late at
night selling flowers and singing?
10. Who should pay to help the poor, individuals or
government organizations?
11. Some people think charity encourages some people to
be lazy. Do you agree or disagree?

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1. In which month is your birthday?
2. How do you celebrate your birthday?
3. Are birthday cakes a tradition in our country?
4. Generally, how are birthdays celebrated in other countries?
5. Have you ever been to a "surprise party"? Do you think
such parties are interesting?
6. What is the best birthday present you have ever received?
7. Do you think we should celebrate birthdays with a party?
Why or why not?
8. Do you think your date of birth can affect your personality?

R. TALKING ABOUT FOOD (Tentang Makanan)

1. What are the most common foods in your village/city?
2. Does your hometown have different foods than the rest of
the country?
3. What is the biggest meal of the day in your city/village?
4. Are you a good cook? What's your best dish?
5. Do you usually eat meals with your family?
6. How often do you "eat out" (in restaurants, out of your
7. Do you sometimes eat fast food? Why or why not?
8. What foods do you like best - fruits, vegetables, meat, fish,
bread or rice?
9. Are there any foods that you hate? If so, what?
10. What is your favorite food? Why?
11. What are some popular snacks in your village/city?
12. Are there any foods that you wouldn't eat as a child that you
eat now?
13. Which countries do you think have the best food? What
about the worst food?
14. Have you ever eaten dog meat or horse meat? Would you
like to try them?
15. What are some unhealthy foods that we should avoid?
16. Why do people eat them even though they are unhealthy?

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“Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada

kemudahan. Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan."
[TQS : Al-Insyirah Ayat 5-6]

“Jika Kamu tidak sanggup menahan lelahnya belajar maka kamu harus
sanggup menahan perihnya kebodohan”. (Imam As Syafi’I, RA)

“ Rasûlullâh Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,  Mukmin yang

kuat lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allâh Azza wa Jalla daripada
Mukmin yang lemah; dan pada keduanya ada kebaikan.
Bersungguh-sungguhlah untuk mendapatkan apa yang bermanfaat
bagimu dan mintalah pertolongan kepada Allâh (dalam segala
urusanmu) serta janganlah sekali-kali engkau merasa lemah. Apabila
engkau tertimpa musibah, janganlah engkau berkata, Seandainya aku
berbuat demikian, tentu tidak akan begini dan begitu, tetapi katakanlah,
Ini telah ditakdirkan Allâh, dan Allâh berbuat apa saja yang Dia
kehendaki, karena ucapan seandainya akan membuka (pintu) perbuatan
syaitan” [HR. Muslim (no. 2664]

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