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Hello everyone/ good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening,

My name is ………….
(nama saya adalah)

But you can call me………………………

(tetapi kalian bisa memanggilku)

I am ……………. years old

(saya berumur ………. tahun)

I live in ……………………………
(saya tinggal di….)

I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers

(saya mempunyai 3 saudara perempuan dan 2 saudara laki-laki)

My hobby is/ hobbies are ……………………….

(Hobi saya adalah)

My favourite colour is/ colours are……………………………..

(warna kesukaan saya adalah)

My favourite food is/ foods are……………………

(makanan kesukaan saya adalah)

Thank you

Hello everyone,

My name is ………………………………...

But you can call me………………………

I am ……………. years old

I live in ……………………………

I have ………… sister and ……… brother

My hobby is/ hobbies are ……………………………………..

My favourite colour is/ colours are…………………………………………….

My favourite food is/ foods are…………………………………………

My mother’s name is………………………………………

My father’s name is……………………………………………

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