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English for Nursing

Visi Misi STIKes Widya Dharma Husada

Visi STIKes Widya Dharma Husada

Pada tahun 2024 menjadi Institusi pendidikan yang profesional, berwawasan global,
unggul dalam pengembangan pelayanan kesehatan, serta siap menghadapi dunia kerja
masa kini dan mendatang berdasarkan etika dan moral.

Misi STIKes Widya Dharma Husada

1. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan pendidikan vokasi, akademik, dan profesi berbasis
kompetensi yang beretika dan bermoral.
2. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelatihan yang mendukung praktik pelayanan kesehataN.
3. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan penelitian berlandaskan etika dan moral yang
menghasilkan inovasi untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat.
4. Mendarmabaktikan keahlian dan hasil penelitian dalam bidang kesehatan kepada
masyarakat yang berlandaskan etika dan moral.
5. Mengembangkan kelembagaan yang berorientasi pada mutu dan mampu bersaing di
tingkat nasional.

English for Nursing

Visi Program Studi :

Pada tahun 2024 menjadi jurusan yang unggul pada bidang Keperawatan dan pelatihan
kesehatan di komunitas perkotaan kawasan regional dan nasional.

Misi Program Studi:

1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan vokasi, akademik dan profesi yang berbasis

kompetensi nasional dan global.
2. Melakukan pendidikan yang berkualitas berdasarkan metode dan konsep evidence
based learning proses dan students centered learning berbasis pelatihan kesehatan.
3. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelatihan yang unggul baik dasar, terapan dan kebijakan
inovatif dan diakui secara nasional dan internasional.
4. Mendarmabaktikan keahlian dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, humoniora
seni kepada masyarakat yang berwawasan kesehatan nasional dan internasional.

English for Nursing


VISI MISI STIKES WDH....................................................................................... ii
VISI MISI PROGRAM STUDI S1 KEPERAWATAN........................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................... iv
PREFACE................................................................................................................. v
Chapter 1 Simple Past Tense..................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2 Time Expressions...................................................................................... 4
Chapter 3 Descriptive................................................................................................ 9
Chapter 4 Admission to Hospital............................................................................... 14
Chapter 5 Asking and Giving Direction in Hospital.................................................. 18
Chapter 6 Parts of Paragraph (Topic, Supporting and Concluding Sentences)......... 25
Chapter 7 Direct and Direct Speech (Reported Speech)............................................ 29
Chapter 8 Scanning & Skimming Text...................................................................... 36
Chapter 9 Procedure Text related to Nursing Context............................................... 41
Chapter 10 Countable and Uncountable Noun.......................................................... 44
Chapter 11 General Assessment................................................................................ 50
Chapter 12 Asking for and Giving Help.................................................................... 54
Chapter 13 Curriculum Vitae & Application Letter .................................................. 57
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................... 63

English for Nursing


Alhamdulillah, I pray and praise the presence of Allah Swt who always bestows all
His graces, taufik and guidance so that the authors can complete this module.
Nowadays, competence in English has become an urgent need for nurses who are
involved in medical services. It is due to the fact that they are required to have the ability
to communicate with the other people in their field including doctors and patients.
English for Professional Nurse Module is prepared for the demands of professional
nursing also include English Competence. This module provides nurse students to improve
their English skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing. The contents of this module
are based on the standard and fundamental nursing procedures taught in previous year, so
that the contents are not something strange for the nurses. This module is certainly help to
facilitate the student to acquire the ability to perform their duties in an environment where
English is used and needed. I wish that this module will be studied and practiced easily to
achieve the competence of Nursing English.
I hope that by the use of this module, the nursing students will be able to learn and
practice English according to their professional skills. By mastering English for the
Professional Nurses Module, it will improve their quality of human resources and they will
have added value so that job opportunities will be widely open for them to reach a bright


English for Nursing


Learning Objectives

After completed this chapter, students will be able to:

 Know the past tense, usage and examples

 Understand how to make the paragraph/story in the past


Past tense, is used to indicate a finished or completed action/task that occurred/happened
at a specific point in time in the past. ‘A specific time’ can be diverse and can cover a long
period of time but it cannot be undetermined.
Signal Time:
 Last night
 Yesterday
 Last Monday
 In 1998
 An hour ago

1. Verbal Sentences

Positive Sentences: Subject + Past(V2) + Object

Negative Sentences: Subject + did + not + Base form (V1) + object.

Question Sentences: Did + subject + base form (V1) + object + ?

2. Nominal Sentences

Positive Sentences: Subject + To be (was/were) + Complement

Negative Sentences: Subject + To be (was/were) + not + Complement

Interrogative Sentences: To be (was/were) + Subject + Complement

English for Nursing

1. Verbal Sentences
(+) We wore a mask to protect ourselves from the virus

(-) We did not wear a mask to protect ourselves from the virus

(?) Did we wear a mask to protect ourselves from the virus?

2. Nominal sentences
(+) She was a best nurse in 2000
(-) She was not a best nurse in 2000
(?) was she a best nurse in 2000


In the simple past tense sentence, the verb used is the second form of the verb. There are 2
types of verbs / verbs, namely Regular Verb and Irregular Verb.

1. For regular verbs, add -ed / -d after the first form verb.
As an example:
Stay -> stayed
Punch -> Punched (Hit)
Play -> Played
Touch -> Touched

2. For Irregular verbs, including to be, the verb forms of the two are very different.
As an example :
Awake -> Awoke (Awake)
Begin -> Began (Starting)
Drink -> Drank (Drink)
Eat -> ate (Eat)
Run -> ran (Running)

English for Nursing

3. However, there are some Irregular verbs that have the same verb form as the
basic verb form. As an example:
Put -> Put
Split -> Split
Spread -> Spread (Spread)
Set -> Set
Cut -> Cut

A. Complete these sentences below by using simple past form
1.… any interesting people in the conference yesterday?
2.Ratna … to my house last week, but I … at home
3.The woman … in the room last night
4.Some pens … by him last Tuesday.
5.My father went to London last week. He had something to do there. He … the night in
Hilton hotel.
6.I (be)____________at the cinema last night
7.They (be)___________late for the interview
8.__________ (be) she beautiful?
9.Why (be) _______you late?
10. He (study, not)_______last night

B. Change into Simple Past Form!

She writes a love letter. (present form)
She wrote a love letter. (simple past form)
1. The girls bring a book.
2. He buy a new car.
3. He does not do the home work.
4. Does he visit his family?
5. He is a rich man.

English for Nursing



Learning Objective:

 Students will be able to show the correct time, date and list of Doctor's activities:
 Telling about time and date related to patient care.
 Explaining about doctor`s schedule to the clients.

How to tell time in English? Most languages have different ways to tell time. When we
learn English, telling time becomes one of the first lessons we should study. Time is very
important in this way there is a famous wise word; “time is money”. So People who learn
English also need to learn how to tell time correctly.

In relation to you as a nurse, when performing your duties, you usually have to know
about the practice schedule of a doctor. Because, this will also relate to the patient who will
check his healthcondition or just consult a doctor when the doctor's schedule the patient means
to practice.

English for Nursing

Therefore, the material for our discussion this time is about the correct time, date and
list ofDoctor's activities.

A term that often appears in telling the time

Clock = The time is exactly referring to one of the 24

AM = Ante Meridiem means “before midday”
PM = Post Meridiem means “after midday”
15 minutes = quarter
30 minutes = halfmore = past
less = to

Now this is some useful expressions. This is the key phrases when you ask and tell thetime
in English

Excuse me.
Can you tell me the time, please?
What time is it?
It’s half past…
It’s quarter past…
It’s ten to…
It’s quarter to…

English for Nursing

To read the clock in English please see the image below:

English for Nursing

Short dialogue about Asking and Telling Time

Now we are learning about a very short example of asking and telling time. This short
conversation is for 2 people.

Dialog 1

Male : Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?

Female: Yes, of course. It’s seven o’clock.

Male : Thank you.

Female: No problem.

Conversation making an appointment to see the doctor between nurse and patient.

Dialog 2:

Nurse : Good morning.

Patient : I’d like to make an appointment for a check-up.Nurse : Have you been here


Patient : Yes, I have.

English for Nursing

Nurse : Okay, the doctor will be available on Monday, My 1st at 2 pm.

Patient : I’m sorry, I work on Monday. Do you have any appointments available on

Friday orSaturday?

Nurse : Friday appointment would be May 5th at 8 in the morning. Could you make

that?Patient : Yes, that’s fine.

Nurse : What is you name?Patient : Luvita Mango.

Nurse : What is your phone number?Patient : 9842-6790.

Nurse : What is your date of birth?Patient : 09/20/71.

Nurse : How will you be paying for this appointment?

Patient : I will pay it cash. Can you tell me what the charge would be?Nurse : It is 40$

Patient : OK. I will do that.

Nurse : OK. I’ve noted that on the schedule. We will meet you on Friday, May 5th at 8 in

themorning for a physical check-up.

Patient : Thank you.

Nurse : You are welcome.

Role play!

Now, make your own dialogue about time expression which is related to nursing context! Do
this exercise with a partner!

English for Nursing



Learning Objective:
After completed this chapter, students will be able to:
 The students know the usage of description something in nursing context

Descriptive Text, or in terms of writing only known as “description” is one of English

lessons that should be mastered not only by junior high school students but also by senior high
school students, college students and anyone who loves English. Because after all, descriptive
material is very necessary for the increasing of our English proficiency. Some of the most
famous authors, especially fiction writers, have good skill in writing of descriptive text so that
their writing is very readable and easy to understand. Therefore, if we were able to master this
lesson well, we might be able to become a great writer in the future. Furthermore, explanations
and examples of this descriptive text can help a friend who is or still a long journey to learn
English. Do not hesitate to read the descriptive text below, the more often we read we will be
able to understand it more. And it would be nice if we do not only understand mere, but also can
write descriptive text ourselves….

A. Definition Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to
describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. In a broad sense, description, as
explained by Kane (2000: 352), is defined like in the following sentence: Description is about
sensory experience—how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual
experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception.
Thus, if we conclude it from Kane’s explanation above, the descriptive text is meaningful
text that describes the experience related to the senses, such as what shape,sound, taste is. Most
descriptive text is about visual experience, but in fact experience other than the sense of sight,
we can also use it to make descriptive text.
But in particular, the descriptive text is, “…… is a text which says what a person or a thing
is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.”
So, it can be said that this descriptive text is a text that explains about whether a person or
an object is like, whether its form, its properties, its amount and others. The
purpose of the descriptive text is clear, that is to describe, represent or reveal a personor
an object, either abstract or concrete.

English for Nursing

B. Purpose
1. To describe person, thing or place in specific
2. To describe a particular person, thing or place.
C. Generic Structure
1. Identification: it identifies the particular participant (person, place, animal, thing, etc)
that will be described.
2. Description: it describes the particular participant details including the physical
description, characteristic, etc
D. Language Feature of Descriptive Text
Descriptive often uses 'be' and 'have'. Tense which is often used is Simple Present Tense.
However, sometimes it uses Past tense if the thing to be described doesn't exist anymore.
Significant Grammatical Features:
 Focus on specific participants
(My English teacher, Andini's cat, My favorite place)
 Use of Simple Present Tense,
 Use of Simple Past Tense if Extinct.
 Verbs of being and having 'Relational Processes'.
(My mum is really cool, She has long black hair)
 Use of descriptive adjectives(strong legs, white fangs)
 Use of detailed Noun Phrase to give information about the subject.
(a very beautiful scenery, a sweet young lady, very thick fur)
 Use of action verbs 'Material Processes'(It eats grass, It runs fast)
 Use of adverbials to give additional information about behavior(fast, at tree
 Use of Figurative language(John is as white as chalk.)

E. Example of Descriptive Text

Hospital is a place where people a treated for illness or injures. In modern hospitals, there
are two separated entrances and many parts of rooms to treat people dealing with their health.
One of these is for patients in need of immediate treatment. It is the emergency entrance. The
other entrance is the main entrance of the hospital.
On the ground floor inside the main entrance there are probably a reception area and
waiting room, and also an office. On this floor may also be the laundry and the kitchen.
On the floor above and below are numerous other departments, for examples: a maternity
section for mothers and their babies, rooms of patients, operating rooms, and special rooms such
a radiography room, laboratories, pharmacy, and blood bank.

English for Nursing

F. Individual Exercise!
Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4!
Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100 species.
This woody perennial plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs with
prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and sizes, making it one among popular flowering
plants found in a house.
Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and
Europe. It is typically grown for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for commercial
perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental flowers. In addition, rose also has minor
medicinal uses.
1. What does the text tell about?
A. Gardening
B. Rose species
C. Flowers
D. How to grow rose plant
E. Where to plant rose

2. This statement is correct, except ….

A. Rose has more than 100 species
B. Rose is native to Asia
C. Rose can be used for ornamental plant
D. Rose only has one variant of shape and size
E. Rose can be used in perfume

3. It is typically grown … (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to ….

A. Asia
B. Beauty
C. Rose species
D. Medicine
E. Commercial perfumery

4. Based on the text, which statement is true?

A. Rose has minor benefit for medicinal uses
B. People grow rose only for beauty
C. Rose is not a popular flowering plant
D. North America is not a native to rose species
E. Rose has less than 100 species
English for Nursing

Read the following text for questions number 5 to 7

Indonesia or commonly known as Republic of Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries.
Located between Pacific and Indian Ocean, it makes Indonesia the world’s largest archipelago
country. Also called as Nusantara, this country has more than 17,000 islands. Having more than
261 million people, Indonesia becomes 4th most populous country in the world. Indonesia has
more ethnics, languages and culture than other countries. Data showed that Indonesia has
several ethnic groups including Javanese, Sundanese, and other with more than 700 recognized
regional language.

5. What makes Indonesia one of most populous countries in the world?

A. It is located in South East Asia
B. Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands
C. Indonesia has more than 261 million people
D. Indonesia is rich
E. It has more ethnics and languages

6. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries
B. Indonesia is 4th most populous country
C. Ethnics and languages make Indonesia rich
D. Indonesia is an Asian country which has many cultures, ethnics, as well as people
E. Indonesia is located between Pacific and Indian Ocean

7. The world “located” can be best replaced by ….

A. Situated
B. Allocated
C. Happened
D. Borrowed
E. Surrounded

English for Nursing

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

I have a new cat, its name is Shorty. I call it Shorty because it is short than the other cats.
My cat is a Persian cat with flat nose and fluffy hair. It has sharp, yellow eyes that glow in the
dark. Shorty likes to run around the house, chasing any moving things. I like to see Shorty
sleeping because it looks cute. Shorty does not like to eat canned food, instead it prefers fresh

8.My cat is ….. (line 1). The word “my” refers to ….

A. Reader
B. Cat
C. Writer
D. Mother
E. Tuna

9. Which breed is Shorty?

A. Persian
B. Angora
C. Half-breed
D. Domestic cat
E. Egypt

10. What does the writer tell about?

A. New toy
B. New cat named Shorty
C. Writer’s new hobby
D. Family
E. Job

English for Nursing

Learning Objectives:
 Students are able to know and explain the registration process at the hospital in English.

In Britain, most people who fall ill treated at home by their family doctors. Not all illnesses
can be treated at home, however, so many people are admitted to hospital at some time during
their lives. They are admitted either as arranged admission or as emergency admissions.

Arranged Admissions
A patient who goes into hospital as an arranged admission has previously attended an out-
patient clinic to which he has been sent by his family doctor. At the clinic he is examined, his
previously history is taken and all the necessary investigations are carried out. If admission is
recommended, his name is put on a waiting list and when a bed in an appropriate ward becomes
vacant, he is sent a letter which tells him when to report to the hospital for admission. With this
letter, most hospitals enclose a leaflet telling the patient what he will need while he is in hospital.
The leaflet also outlines the general ward routine and gives details of visiting hours.
Nowadays, many people go into hospital as a result of accidents or sudden illnesses. These
patients are called emergency admissions. They are often seriously ill and in need of immediate
care and attention. Unlike arranged admissions, little or nothing is known about emergency
admissions or their previous histories. They are usually taken to the casualty and emergency
department by ambulance. They are often unconscious. Sometimes they are accompanied by
friends or relatives who are able to supply at least their personal particulars. In the casualty
department, they are examined and the necessary emergency treatment is carried out. If possible
their previous histories are taken. The appropriate ward is notified that a patient is being sent up
so that the necessary preparations can be made.

A. Definition Admission
Admission is defined as allowing a patient to stay in hospital for observation, investigation,
treatment and care. Admission is the entry of a patient into a hospital /ward for therapeutic
/diagnostic purposes.

English for Nursing

B. Types of admission
1. Emergency admission
Emergency admission : in this, patients are admitted in acute conditions requiring
immediate treatment. Examples. Patient with RTA, Poisoning, burns and cardiac or
respiratory emergency.
2. Routine admission
Routine admission : in this, patients are admitted for investigation, diagnostic and
medical or surgical treatment. Treatment is given according to patients’ problem. Examples
patient with hypertension, diabetes mellitus etc.

C. Admission procedure

There are several stages in the admission of patients to the hospital. The following are the
stages: Meet and receive the patient - Verify the patient data, by checking the record sheet, chart
- Introduce immediate personal - Assist patient to the treatment area - Ask the patient to change
clothes into hospital gown if necessary

1. New patient
 Each new patient is accepted at the new patient admission point (TPP)
 To be interviewed by the officer in order to obtain identity data which will be filled in on
the clinical history summary form.
 Each new patient will receive a patient number which will be used as an identification
card, which must be carried on each subsequent visit to the same hospital.
 After completing the registration process, new patients are welcome to wait at the
intended polyclinic and the medical record officer prepares the medical record file which
is then sent to the patient's destination polyclinic.

2. Old Visit Patient

 Each old patient is admitted to the old patient admission place (TPPL)
 Interviewed about the intended polyclinic
 After completing the registration process, patients are welcome to wait at the polyclinic.
Old patients can be distinguished:
* Patients who come by appointment
* Patients who come on their own accord (not by appointment)

English for Nursing

After receiving adequate service from the polyclinic, there are several possibilities for each
1. Patients can go home immediately
2. Patients are given an agreement slip by the clinic staff to come back on the day and date that
has been determined, to patients who are asked to come back, must report back to the TPP
3. The patient is referred / sent to another hospital
4. Patients must go to the treatment room
5. All patient medical record files that have finished receiving services must return to the
medical records section
6. Patients who need to be hospitalized, their medical records are sent to the treatment room.

D. Vocabulary Building!


- patients - on-call - discharged - locum - admits/ward - ward round - referral – cover
- consent - request tie- specimen’s - outpant clinic - convalescent

Complete the sentences below with the correct words in the box!
No. 1 is done for you.
1. People in hospital with some forms of illness are known as patient

2. When the first arrive at hospital, a doctor or nurse them and

show them to a bed in a
3. There may be a letter of from another doctor explaining the history.
4. The doctor may have to complete a for tests.

5. Many medical personnel have to be ready to go to work in the event of an

emergency if they are
6. The doctor may decide to have blood, urine, or tissue analyzed.

7. Every day, the doctor will speak to the patients during the

8. Patients who require surgery will be asked to sign a form.

9. A patient who is well enough to go home will be

10. A patient who does not need to stay in hospital overnight can see the
hospitalspecialist as an and will be given an appointment to

English for Nursing

attend the ___________.

11. When colleagues are absent from work because of illness, others will have to

12. Patients who are getting better are

13. The hospital may arrange for a when doctors are on holiday

English for Nursing


Learning Objective:
 Use expressions related to giving directions correctly.
 Give direction to a certain place in or out of hospital.
 Expression of direction related to Nursing Context

Language Competency:
 Language function: Giving direction.
 Language focus: expressions and words related to direction.

Asking and Giving Direction.

In this material, we will learn about how to use expressions to ask and say a location. Asking
Direction is a way to express how to ask a question to ask the location of a location or place.
Meanwhile, Giving Direction is a way of responding to questions asked by someone who
wants to see the location of a certain location. So, this expression is aimedat people who want to
see a location by asking someone who already knows when that location or place is located.

English for Nursing

In this discussion, we will discuss several things related to our material this time, such as
greetings before starting a conversation, how to ask directions, giving directions, and examples
of conversation from asking and giving directions. Come on, check them out!

A. Greeting
Before asking for directions (asking directions) to others, you should first convey greetingsor
greetings. This is to give a polite impression so that the people you talk to will respond well.
You can use the greetings below:
 Hello / Hello sir or madam.
 Excuse me! / Excuse me sir or mom!
 Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening
 Pardon sir or mom!
 Excuse me, could you help me, please?
 Excuse me madam, I seemed to be lost.
 May I ask you a minute sir / mom?
 Sorry for bothering you sir / mom!
 Sorry, I am not from around here.
 I am sorry to interrupt you, but…
 I am new here.
 I’m lost.
 I am sorry.

B. Asking Direction
Asking Direction is a way to express how to ask a question to ask the location of a locationor
After delivering the greetings, you can start asking for directions using the auxiliary modal
(could, would, etc.), information questions (where, what, which, how), or interrogative
sentence (is it…, do I…). For more details, you can use the asking questions expressionbelow:

English for Nursing

Using Modal Auxiliary

 Could you tell me how to get to …?
 Could you tell me where the … is?
 Would you give me directions to go to …?
 Can you direct me to …?
 Would you show me the way to …?
 May I ask you the way to …?
 Can you show me the … on the map?
 I’m looking for …. Would you give me direction to get it?

Using Information Questions

 Where is the …?
 Where can I find the …?
 How can / do I get to …?
 How can / do I find …?
 How far is the … from the …?
 How do you get to … from …?
 Which is the best way to …?
 What’s the best way to get to …?
 What’s the quickest way to get to …?
 What’s the easiest way to get to the …?
 Where are you exactly?

Using Interrogative Sentences

 Is it the right way to / for …?
 Is there a … around here / near hear?
 Do you know where the … is?
 Do you have a map to …?
 Are we on the right road for …?
 Am I in the right place to go …?
 How can I get there

English for Nursing

C. Giving Directions
Giving Direction is a way of responding to questions asked by someone who wants tosee
the location of a certain location.
To answer or give directions, you can use the method below:
If you don't know the answer, use the following expression:
 I am sorry, I don’t know the road of … (mohon maaf, saya tidak tahu jalan ke …)
 I couldn’t show you the way to ... (saya tidak bisa menunjukkan jalan ke …)
 I couldn’t help you to get … because I live here just now. (saya tidak bisa
membantu anda untuk menemukan … karena saya baru tinggal di sini)
 I am stranger here. (saya orang asing di sini)
If you know the direction, give directions:
 Go ahead / go straight ahead = jalan lurus
 go straight on main street = jalan lurus ke jalan utama
 go straight on west street = jalan lurus ke barat
 Go straight on for about 2 kilometers = Jalan lurus sekitar 2 kilometer
 Go straight on until you come to the crossroad = Jalan terus sampai Anda tiba di
 Go straight on left / right = Jalan lurus ke kiri / kanan
 Go straight at the lights / at the roundabout /at the junction = Langsung ke lampu
/ di bundaran / di persimpangan.
 galk down to ... = berjalan turun ke ...
 Go past the ... = melewati ....
 go past the school and turn left = melewati sekolah dan belok kiri
 Keep going to ... = Terus berjalan ke...
 Keep walking ahead = Terus berjalan ke depan
 Take this road = Ambil jalan ini
 Follow the road until you get to the hostpital = Ikuti jalan sampai kamu tiba di
 Turn right = belok kanan

English for Nursing

 Turn left = belok kiri

 Turn back ( go back) = Kembali
 Pass the bank and then turn left = Lewati bank lalu belok kiri
 Turn left after the bridge. = Belok kiri setelah jembatan.
 Turn right from the first alley = Belok kanan dari gang pertama
 Turn left on to Ahmad Yani Street = Belok kiri ke Jalan Ahmad Yani
 Turn right / left at the traffic lights / roundabout, etc.= Belok kanan / kiri di lampulalu
lintas / bundaran, dll.
 Go right / left at the end of the road = Ke kanan / kiri di ujung jalan
 Take the first / second / third street on the left / right = Ambil jalan pertama /
kedua / ketiga di kiri / kanan
 Take a left / a right at the next traffic lights = Belok kiri / kanan di lampu lalu lintas
 Take a right / left at the junction = Ambil kanan / kiri di persimpangan
 You will cross the cinema on right side = Anda akan melewati bioskop di sisi

D. Vocabulary Building!
 traffic lights = lampu lalu lintas
 crossroads = persimpangan
 T-junction = pertigaan
 roundabout = bundaran
 signpost = papan penunjuk jalan
 dead end = jalan buntu
 flyover = jembatan layang
 bridge = jembatan
 railway bridge = jembatan kereta api
 railway line = jalur kereta api
 pedestrian crossing = penyeberangan pejalan kaki

English for Nursing

 zebra crossing = jalur penyeberangan pejalan kaki

 stop sign = tanda berhenti
 hospital = rumah sakit
 police station = kantor polisi
 shopping centre = pusat perbelanjaan
 petrol station = POM bensin
 mosque = masjid
 church = gereja
 airport = bandara
 bus stop = pemberhentian bus
 station = stasiun
 bookshop = toko buku

E. Conversation.
Here are some examples of conversations asking and giving direction in a hospital:
Dialog 1:
Visitor : Excuse me, I need go to polyclinic. Can you show me the way?
Nurse : Well, you must walk to through emergency until room, then turn left until you see
Laboratory Area.
Dialog 2:
Visitor : excuse me, where is pediatric ward?
Nurse : Please go straight ahead until you find ICU. Then you turn left Pediatric ward at
left side.
Dialog 3:
Visitor : Nurse, I must go to Radiology Unit. Can you tell me where radiology unit is?
Nurse : That is at beside build. You must exit then turn right. In right this build, you find
radiology unit.

English for Nursing

A. Practice!

Please make a group consists of 3-4 students.

Make short dialogue with your own idea and creativity by using asking and giving
direction expressions in the hospital based on given picture!

English for Nursing


Learning Objectives

After completed this chapter, students will be able to:

 Know and understand the Topic Sentence

 Know and understand Supporting Sentences
 Know and understand Concluding Sentences
 Make good paragraph in sequence

A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred
to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by
summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentence
is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).

A topic sentence essentially tells readers what the rest of the paragraph is about. All
sentences after it have to give more information about that sentence, prove it by
offering facts about it, or describe it in more detail,

Every topic sentence will have a topic and a controlling idea. The controlling idea
shows the direction the paragraph will take.Here are some examples:
 Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the
worst in the world.
 The topic is "pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world" and the
controlling idea is "many reasons."
 Topic Sentence: To be an effective CEO requires certain characteristics.
 The topic is "To be an effective CEO" and the controlling idea is "certain

English for Nursing

The supporting sentences of a paragraph develop the main idea you presented in the topic
sentence. When writing supporting sentences, you should be giving examples, reasons, or
descriptions to support your topic sentence.
Supporting sentences should focus on the following:
- They should provide the main supporting points for the paragraph's main idea (topic
- There are usually 2 - 4 supporting sentences in a paragraph.
- They should be arranged in a logical order.
- They should NOT begin a new topic or introduce a new idea.

A concluding sentence indicates that you are bringing closure to a paragraph. Writing a
concluding sentence may not come as easily as you may think. Many writers fail to
realize that it closes out the final thoughts about the topic on which they are writing. This
is why it is important for you to be able to write effective concluding sentences. For each
paragraph, the reader should be able to identify what your key points are based on the
concluding sentence. Remember, it should not include any information that was not
discussed in the paragraph.

When teaching students how to write concluding sentences, you may need to provide a
few examples they will be able to use as a guide for their own writing. Examples of
concluding sentence starters include:

 In conclusion
 Therefore
 As expressed
 Overall
 As a result
 Thus
 Finally
 Lastly
 For this reason
 In general


Topic, Supporting and Concluding Sentences

Please make your own group. Read and do the below instructions!
1. Make your own short paragraph related to health!
2. Identify and show me about:
- Topic Sentences
- Supporting Sentences
- Concluding Sentences



Learning Objectives:
After completed this chapter, students will be able to:
 Students have the ability to convert direct sentences into indirect sentences with various

A. Direct Speech.

Direct speech is a sentence in which the exact words spoken are reproduced in speech
marks (also knownas quotation marks or inverted commas). For example:
"You'll never guess what I've just seen!" said
Sam, excitedly."What's that?" asked Louise.
"Our teacher has a broomstick and a black pointy hat in the back of her car.
Maybe she's a witch!" "No, silly! They're for the school play!" replied Louise,

B. Indirect Speech.

Indirect speech is when the general points of what someone has said are reported,
without actuallywriting the speech out in full. It is sometimes called reported speech.
For example:
Father said “I am going out of town tomorrow”
Father said that he was going out of town the following day.
Tom said “I didn’t go to school this morning”
Tom said that he hadn’t gone to school that morning.

 Sentence Structure Change

If a sentence is changed from direct speech to indirect speech, the quotation marks must be
removed and a head added.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

My mom said "I buy something for My mom said that she bought something for
you." you.

My Friend said "I will buy new shoes" My friend said that he would buy new shoes.

 Tenses Change

The different tenses are direct speech and indirect speech.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Simple Present Simple Past

My Friend said "I will buy new shoes" My friend said that he would buy new shoes.

Preset Continuous Past Continuous

"Jhon is Calling me," said Ita. Ray sai that Jhon was calling him.

Present Future Past Future

Tifa said that she would go to Singapore they

Tifa said, "I will go to Singapore tomorrow." dayafter.
Present Perfect Past Perfect

He said "I have stayed here since 2015." He said that he had stayed that since 2015.

Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

Helmi said, "I have been teaching English for Helmi Said that he had been teaching
fiveyears." English forfive year.

 Changes in Time and Place Description

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Yesterday The day before

The preceeding
The Previous day

Tomorrow The next day

Tow day after

The following day

A day letter

The day before Two day before

Here There

This That

These Those

Now Than

Today That day

Next..... That.....after

The following

Last.... The....before

The Previous......

Ago.... ......before


 Pronoun Change
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Ulfa Said, "I am lazy." Ulfa said that she was lezy.

He said, "I am hungry." He said that he was hungry.

They said, "We will not explain the lesson They said that he would not explain the lesson
now." then.

The second pronoun You in reporting speech and direct speech changes according to the
object in reported speech.

The third person pronouns (he, she, and it) do not change when they are changed from direct
object to indirect object.

 Auxiliary Change

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

She said, "I can be a winner." She said that I could be a winner.

My mom said, "You must manage your My mom said you have to manage the
time." time.
"You may go now," said the teacher. My teacher siad that you might go now.

My aunt said, "She shall buy lettop." My aunt said that she should buy lettop.

C. Indirect Speech

If in direct speech there is a question sentence, then the interrogative sentence will be
changed to a news sentence (affirmative). Likewise, direct speech sentences that use
Informative Questions, then the question functions as a liaison in report speech. and the form
is positive.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He asked me, " Where do you sleep?" He asked me where I slept.

The teacher asked me, "How do you go to Teacher asked me how I went to
school?" school.
He asked me, "Why do you cry?" He asked me why they cried.

Asbiah asked me, "When did you eat?" Asbiah Asked me when I ate.

They asked me, "Who are you?" They asked me who I was.

In interrogative sentences that use question words with yes and no answers, the question
words are changed to if and whether.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

They asked me, "Do you buy some fruits." They asked me if I bought some fruits.

He asked me, "Does my sister has a He asked me if/whether my sister had boy
boyfriend?" friend.

Mary asked me, "Do you have money?" May asked me whether I had money.

Jhon asked Doni, "Do you read this book?" John asked Doni if he read that book.

D. Indirect Commands

Indirect command atau kalimat perintah terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu, positive
command dannegative command.

 Positive Command

In positive sentences, it is necessary to add to in front of the imperative sentence.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Mina asked me, "Clean the floor." Mina asked me to clean the floor.

Taecher asked me, "Listen to my Teacher asked to listen to my

explanation." explanation.
Roni said, “wait for me." Roni said to wait for him.

Mother ordered, "Sweep this floor." Mother ordered to sweep that floor.

Rifki asked “move here” Rifki said to move there.

 Negative Command

For negative command sentences, it is necessary to add not no in front of the command

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Latif told Irma, " Don't forget me." Latif told Irma not to forget him.

He told me, "Don't repeat again." He told me not to repeat that again.

Nana asked Dio, "Don't make a noise." Nana asked Dio not to make a noise.

Mother asked me, Don't go anywhere." Mother asked me not to go anywhere .

A friend asked me, "Don't waster your A friend asked me not to waste my
time." time.

Individual Exercise!
Do these exercises carefully!
I. Move to Indirect speech (Simple Present)
1. She says ," He helps me today".
Answer : .............................................................
2. She says ," My book is taken by Arya".
Answer : .............................................................
3. Aldo says." I am not your perfect man, am I?"
Answer : .............................................................
4. Romy has said," You must be carefull on the way with your family today".
Answer : .............................................................
5. Annisa says." I would be here if you were my darling".
Answer : .............................................................
6. She has told me," We gave these book two days ago".
Answer : .............................................................
7. My uncle says," It is for you".
Answer : .............................................................
8. They say to me," We don't take this book for him".
Answer : .............................................................
9. You have said to him," I wasn't waiting for your teacher last night".
Answer : .............................................................
10. Nino has said." My father knows what you want in this place".
Answer : .............................................................

II. Move to Indirect speech (Simple past)

1. He said," She helps my close friend today".
Answer : .............................................................
2. Nadia told me," Ayu will go home tomorrow".
Answer : .............................................................
3. Mr. Gandung said," I will sell my house".
Answer : .............................................................
4. Alfian told his mom," I like your hair".
Answer : .............................................................
5. Dani and Maya said," We have sold our house".

Answer : .............................................................
6. They said," You really want to know her, don't you?"
Answer : .............................................................
7. She said," You may call my name what you want, mayn't you?"
Answer : .............................................................
8. Uncle said to aunt," I was building these house for you".
Answer : .............................................................
9. Luna said," You are not mine but Sophia's now".
Answer : .............................................................
10. He said," No girl would be mine yesterday".
Answer : .............................................................



Learning Objectives

After completed this chapter, students will be able to:

 Know and understand scanning technique in reading

 Know and understand skimming technique in reading
 Read and get the information of the reading text quickly



Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific information
quickly. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to
find the answer, ignoring unrelated information.

Scanning a text means looking through it quickly to find specific information.

Scanning is commonly used in everyday life, for example when looking up a word in a
dictionary or finding your friend’s name in the contacts directory of your phone.


a) State the specific information you are looking for.

b) Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help
you locate the answer. For example, if you were looking for a certain date, you
would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers.

c) Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might
contain the information you are looking for.

d) Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.


Here are some examples of scanning:

a) A Bus/train/airplane schedule

b) A conference guide

c) A graph

d) A google search list on the internet

e) To search for a word in a dictionary or index

f) To find a phone number or an address in a directory

g) To check the time schedule of a program in an agenda

h) To check the price of a specific item in a catalog



Skimming refers to the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an
overall impression of the content of a reading selection. The function of using
skimming technique is to get an overview of a text and get main points. Skimmers
move quickly through texts, ignoring and skipping paragraphs, sentences, and words
to gather necessary information without wasting their time. The major function of
skimming technique is to gather the gist of a text.


a) Read the title.

b) Read the introduction or the first paragraph.

c) Read the first sentence of every other paragraph.

d) Read any headings and sub-headings.

e) Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.

f) Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.

g) Read the summary or last paragraph.


a) The newspaper (quickly to get the general news of the day)

b) Magazines (quickly to discover which article you would like to read in more

c) Business and travel brochures (quickly to get informed)


1. The similarities is that you are taking in information when you are skimming or

2. It is a speed reading technique

3. Used to find information quickly

4. Readers focus with the information they are looking for by skipping or skimming
unimportant information

5. Both are done when someone chooses a reading book that matches what they are
looking for.

6. A technique that does not waste too much time looking for something you want from a
book, especially actions that do not support the search for that information.


1. The Advantages of Scanning

a) We are able to get the information quickly, directly, and specifically.

b) We are practiced to think of clues to find the specific information.
c) We are stimulated to be creative and active in both asking and answering the
questions about the specific information and clues related to the text

2. The Disadvantages of Scanning

a) Scanning means reading quickly, in this case sometimes we ignore to select which
one the most important information.
b) For some students they are difficult to comprehend and apply scanning as the
technique in various texts, such as novel or short story.


1. The Advantages of Skimming

a) It is useful to get main idea

b) It will spend less time in reading
c) It can help to answer the question in reading quickly and exactly

2. The Disadvantages of Skimming

a) It needs high accuracy in determining precise time for reading activity

b) Only knowing the outline of the book without knowing any other explanation.


Learning Objective:
After completed this chapter, students will be able to:
 The students know the usage of procedure in nursing context
 The students will be able to deliver how to do something related to nursing context.

Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its
social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series.
Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence
of actions or steps. There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or
purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the lastare steps or methods. To know
the text that we read is procedure or not is so simple. Youcan read the title if the title is started
with ‘how to make…’ or ‘how to use…’ it can be certainly that the text is procedure text.

A. Definition of Procedure Text

There are three definitions about procedure text:
1. Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction /
operationmanuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder,
the photocopier, the fax.
2. Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for
games,science experiments, road safety rules.
3. Texts that deal with human behavior, e.g how to live happily, how to

B. Purpose
1.To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of
actions or steps.
2.To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something

C. Generic Structure
1. Goal/Aim
This text contains about purpose of making or operating of something.
2. Materials/Equipment
Materials consist of ingredients that are used in making something. But not all
parts of procedure text include materials, sometimes a procedure text does not have
materials section.
3. Steps/Methods
Contains the steps or sequences that must be done so that the objectives outlined in
theaim/goal to be achieved. Steps or sequences must be a sequence from the first to
the last.

D. Characteristics Procedure Text

1. Using imperative sentence patters (Command), for example, Cut, Do not mix, and
2. Using active verbs, such as turn, put, do, mix, etc.
3. Using connectives (Conjunction) to sort of activities, such as then, while, etc.
4. Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurate,
forexample, for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.
5. Using the simple present tense.

E. Example Procedure Text

Goal : How to use thermometer
Material : Thermometer
Steps :
1. Clean the thermometer with soapy water or alcohol, then swing out loud with a jolt
onthe wrist until the thermometer shows the figure of less than 36 degrees.
2. Next, place the thermometer under the tongue to the mouth or under the folding
clasp arm if you’re bitten thermometer. Let the thermometer stay there for
approximately 3 to 4 minutes.
3. Next, take the thermometer and read the figure which shows the mercury stops the
body temperature was measured.

Individual Project!

Make short videos that tell about procedures related to nursing or health!
An example of a title that can be used as a reference is "how to use a thermometer"


Learning Objective:
After completed this chapter, students will be able to:
 Students are able to distinguish between countable and uncountable noun.
 Students are able to analyze object that can be counted and cannot be counted.

Countable and Uncountable Noun - a noun is a part of speech (sentence elements in English)
that can function as a subject or object. Noun itself is seen in terms of how to calculate it is
divided into 2 types, namely: Countable Noun (nouns that can be counted) and Uncountable
Nouns (nouns that cannot be counted).

A. Countable Nouns
Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted directly, for example one apple, two
apples and so on. Countable nouns can also use the article a or an and can also be made plural
and can be counted as person, box, coin, animal, bottle, table, cup, plate, chair, bag, cat, dog,
glass, book, man, baby house, and others.

 Characteristics of the Countable Noun

1. Countable Nouns are nouns that can be counted (directly), for example, three pens, two
mangoes, etc.
2. Countable nouns can be added to the article a or an
3. Countable nouns can also be made plural (to be plural nouns).
Examples of Countable Nouns: Pen, Pencil, person, cup, animal, bottle, plate, dog, bag, coin,
cat, glass, book, Chair, box, man, Book, baby house, Table.

 The following is the use of countable nouns in sentences:

1. I have a brother and two sisters.
2. Ryan has a cheese sandwich and an apple for breakfast
3. Do you like these photos?

B. Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted. Uncountable nouns can also be
remembered as nouns that have only one form. An example is water. The word cannot be said
to be a water or two water, but it can be used by inserting other nouns, for example a glass of
water. Examples of uncountable nouns are rice, love, sugar, assistance, cheese, coffee, money,
tea, music, art, sand, water, and others. In addition, in uncountable nouns there are also nouns
that refer to abstract ideas and emotions such as fun, advice, knowledge, love, happiness.

 Characteristics of uncountable nouns.

1. Cannot use the article "a" or "an" before an uncountable noun even though it is in the
singular form. But can use the article "the".
Example of sentences:
I always drink the water. (I always drink water.)
2. Cannot be plural and always singular.
Example of sentences:
Milk is very good for our health. (Milk is very good for our health.)
3. Can use the word some or any which means little.
Example of sentences:
Mother buys some sugar in the grocery store. (Mom bought some sugar at the grocery store.)
4. Can use the word much (not many), a lot of, a great deal of, or plenty of which means a
Example of sentences:
Mary doesn't have much time. (Mary doesn't have much time.)

 The following is the use of uncountable nouns in sentences:

1. The fabric is made from silk.
2. I have some water.
3. I had a bowl of pasta for lunch.
4. Michael dyed his hair blue.
5. We can measure foods like cake, bread, pizza, meat, and cheese in pieces.

C. Difference between countable and uncountable noun
By definition, the difference between countable and uncountable nouns is that
countable nouns are countable nouns, while uncountable nouns cannot be counted.
In addition, uncountable nouns only have a singular form and are followed by a
singular verb, but for countable nouns use a singular verb with a singular countable noun
and a plural verb is used with a countable plural noun. .
We must remember that, although nouns cannot be counted in English, they may be
counted in other languages, and vice versa.

D. Much, Many, Few, Little in Countable and Uncountable Nouns

1. Much and many

Many is used to express things that can be counted or what we call countable nouns, while on
the contrary, much is used to express things that cannot be counted or which we call
uncountable nouns. These two words have the same meaning, namely many. Example:
 How many years have you lived in Jakarta?
 We need so many books to be donated to Lombok.
(In the two examples above, the word many is used to express years and also books because
years and books are nouns that we can count.)
 I have so much water in my backpack.
 You love her so much you forget everything.
(In the example above, the word much is used to express water and love. Water or water and
love or love are forms of nouns that cannot be counted and only have one form. Therefore,
they use the word much.)

2. Number and amount

Number and amount have the same meaning, namely 'amount' or 'amount'. The difference
between the two is their use in an English sentence. If you use countable nouns, then you
must use number. On the other hand, if you compose words that have uncountable nouns,
then you should use amount instead of number. For clarity, you can see an example below:
 We have been friends for a number of years.
 Our school has a large number of students compared to the other school.
 They are taking huge amounts of our money.

 Hey, you should put a little more amount of time in the pot before it boils.
3. Few and little
Both have the same meaning, namely a little. So what is the difference between the use of
these two words in English? The word few is used for countable nouns and the word little
refers more to uncountable nouns. Example:
 There is a few men in the party.
 Donald only has a few friends in Jakarta.
 I need a little help now.
 I have a little time only to come here.

4. Fewer and less

Fewer and less have the same meaning, namely 'less.' The use of these two words has the
same principle as few and less. Where fewer is used for countable nouns, while less is used
for uncountable nouns. Example:
 A secretary makes less money than a manager.
 Today I can spend less time eating and have more exercise.
 A secretary makes less money than a manager.
 Compared to Science, there are fewer students who likes Math.

5. Some and any

Some and any have the same meaning, namely several. These two words are commonly used
to express nouns that have an indefinite number of plural countable nouns or uncountable
nouns. Example:
 She has some questions.
 There are some reasons I can tell you why I should be worrying right now.
 I owe any money.
 You could tell me any reasons, but I still won't believe it.

E. Conclusion
Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, while uncountable nouns cannot be
counted, or to calculate them, a measure, scale, meter, measure and so on are needed.

Uncountable nouns only have a singular form and are followed by a singular verb, but
countable nouns use a singular verb with a singular noun that can be counted and the same
goes for the plural.

I. Fill in the blanks with an indefinite article if a noun can be added to an indefinite
article, leave it blank if a noun cannot be added with an indefinite article a/an.
No. 1 – 3 are done for you.
1. He ate … sandwich yesterday.
Answer: He ate a sandwich yesterday.
2. Rosma asked me for … money.
Answer: Rosma asked me for money.
Explanation: because money is an uncountable noun, so it cannot be preceded by the
indefinite article "a/an"
3. We want … information about the test.
Answer: We want information about the test.
4. I see … very big house.
Answer: ____________________
5. Did you eat … bread yesterday?
Answer: ____________________
6. Bring me … umbrella.
Answer: ____________________
7. Do you drink … milk?
Answer: ____________________
8. Do you have … glass of water?
Answer: ____________________
9. Is there … telephone in your room?
Answer: ____________________
10. I will give you … orange.
Answer: ____________________

II. Read the instruction to a cookery book, Round the World in Recipes,
and underline the correct expressions of quantity.

Any / some book recipes are easy and quick to follow. But it is an insult to people’s
intelligence to suggest they should never do anything which takes more than a little / a
few minutes. (1) Some / any recipes are long, slow and economical (beans, for example).
(2) Some / any require (3) little / a little skill but (4) some / any patience like sourdough bread.
(5) Most / much have ingredients which are easily available. Only (6) a few / few have
unusual spices such as the Thai kaffir lime leaves or the Indonesian shrimp paste, baluchan,
and (7) some / any cook will know how to adapt the recipes. The traditional fat in the
countries of origin is given in the recipes because it can contribute to a special flavor. But
beware – (8) some / any cooks believe that if (9) a few / a little oil does you good, then (10) a
lot / much must be better. if only this was true!

Learning Objective:
After completed this chapter, students will be able to:
 Students are able to know how the collecting demographic data important in healthcare.
 Students are able to use expressions for collecting demographic data.
 Use questions to collect current and past health‐illness data.
 Students know the importance of the patient's health status.

A. Collecting Demographic Data Elements

Surname Next
of kin Assess

Useful Expression

a) Implementation step
Study these expressions to initiate communication

Explaining what you are going to do immediately.

Interview you assess your health condition:

• It is time for me to ……….

• I just want to ……….
• I would like to ……….
• I am going to ……….
• I need to ……….

b) Question to collect demographic data elements

Study and practice these useful expressions

Question to Ask
What is your name?
NAME What is your complete name?
What is your surname?

AGE How old are you?

What is your address?
ADDRESS Where do you live?
Your phone number, please
PHONE What is your phone number?
Do you have a mobile phone number?
MARITAL STATUS Are you married?
HEALTH INSURANCE Do you have any health insurance?
OCCUPPPATION & TITLE What is your occupation?
Do you have any academic title?
What is your title?
What do you do?
NEXT OF KIN Who is your next of kin?
REASON FOR CONTACT*) What brings you in this hospital?
Who sends you to this hospital?
What makes you come to this hospital?
*) It is a reason that makes you come to hospital. It can be a chief complaint, medicalcheckup.

Task. Pair Work
• Interview your partner
• Fill in the blanks with his/her personal demographic data

Name : ___________________

Age : ___________________

Sex : ___________________

Address : ___________________

City, State : ___________________

Phone : ___________________

Religion : ___________________

Marital Status : ___________________

Health Insurance : ___________________

Current Occupation and Title : ___________________

Next of Kin : ___________________

Reason for contact : ___________________

Date, time of contact : ___________________

B. Current Health and Past Health History

I. Current‐Health and Illness Status
Useful Expressions: Assessment step


• What do you think about your health?

• Would you tell me about your health condition recently?

Sample of patient’s response: “I’m usually healthy, have usual

cold, and have to take medicine for high blood pressure”

Study these questions
• How many times a day do you do your ………?
• Do you have any problem with your ………?
o bowel movement?
o waterworks?
II. History of Past Health and Illnesses‘

Useful Expressions.

 Have you ever had + a kind of disease……?

Response: Yes, I have/No, I haven’t
 How old were you when you got it?
Response: I was about ……years old
 Are you allergic to…… (a certain food/medication)
(Example: Are you allergic to penicillin/antibiotic)
Kinds of diseases: measles‐mumps‐chicken pox‐rubella‐rheumatic‐fever‐
diphtheria‐scarlet fever‐polio‐tuberculosis.

Assessment Step: Asking Common Communicable Disease

Assessment Step: Asking about Immunizations

 Have you ever been immunized against + (a kind of disease)?

 Have you ever got……+ (a kind of disease) ……? immunizations?
Example: Have you ever got polio immunizations?



Learning Objectives

After completed this chapter, students will be able to:

 Know about how to make a good idea in English expressions

 Know about the usage of asking for and giving help

A. Definition
Asking and offering for help is one of the expression in English which states that we ask
and provide assistance to someone. Usually the asking / offering for help sentence starts
with the capital Auxiliaries in the form of can, may, will, will, shall, should, may, might,
and must.

B. The purpose of the expressions

The purpose of this expression is to ask for help and offer help. This expression is used
when we want to ask for help and offer help.

C. Expressions of asking for, offering, giving and refusing help

1. Asking for Help

a) Could you possibly help me?

b) Could you help me for a second?
c) I wonder if you could help me with this?
d) I need some help, please.
e) Could you give me a hand?
f) Would you help me?
g) Can you help me, please?

2. Offering Help

a) Would you like some help?

b) May I help you?

c) May I offer my assistance?
d) Could I help you?
e) What can I do for you?
f) Can I help you?
g) Do you need a hand?

3. Giving Help

a) I’d like to help you.

b) I’d be happy to help you.
c) Sure. I would be glad to help you
d) Let me help you.
e) Yes, I can help you

4. Refusing Help:

a) I am sorry, I can’t help you now

b) sorry, I am busy right now
c) I wish I could help you but I have to do some important tasks.

D. Example of Asking, Offering and Giving Help

Example 1:
dr. Nahda : Hello…
Fafa : Hello, doctor.
dr. Nahda : You look terrible.What can I do for you?
Fafa : I can’t go to school today.
dr. Nahda : Oh, I am sorry to hear that.What's the problem?
Fafa : My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.
dr. Nahda : Okay, let me check your stomach. Does it hurt here?
Fafa : Not that one.
dr. Nahda : Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription.
You have to take the pills three times a day, okay?
Fafa : Okay, doctor. Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor.

Jacob : What are you doing, Bal?
Iqbal : I’m replying e-mail from client and writing 10 articles about English
Jacob : Wow, you are so busy, right
Iqbal : Yeah. I’m so stressful.
Jacob : Can I give you a hand?
Iqbal : Really? You must be kidding me.
Jacob : I’m so serious, Bal. How?
Iqbal : Thank you so much, Jacob. I appreciate your help.
Jacob : most welcome, Iqbal.

E. Practice!
Please make a group consists of 3-4 students.

1. Make short dialogue with your own idea and creativity by using asking, offering and
giving help expressions based on these pictures!
2. Show me kinds of asking, offering and giving help expressions that you used in your




Learning Objectives

After completed this chapter, students will be able to:

 Know Curriculum Vitae and Application Letter

 Make good Curriculum Vitae and Application Letter

 What is Curriculum Vitae?

A CV (short for the Latin phrase curriculum vitae, which means “course of life”) is a detailed
document highlighting your professional and academic history. CVs typically include
information like work experience, achievements and awards, scholarships or grants you’ve
earned, coursework, research projects and publications of your work.

 How to write a Curriculum Vitae

While your CV should be specific to your background and tailor to the job for which you're
applying, there are several steps you can take to ensure you write an effective CV. Most CVs
include the following information:

 Contact information
 Academic history
 Professional experience
 Qualifications and skills
 Awards and honors
 Publications
 Professional associations
 Grants and fellowships
 Licenses and certificates
 Volunteer work
 Personal information (optional)

 How to make an effective and attractive Curriculum Vitae
1. Neat and easy to read
2. Provide complete information
3. Briefly presented
4. Career consistency
5. Progressive career
6. Achievement
7. Custom Mode

 TYPES OF Curriculum Vitae


This type of CV lists your details, under appropriate headings, starting with the most recent.
This format of CV can suit best if you…

 have experience and skills that closely relate to the job you're applying for
 want to emphasise career progression
 have had mainly continuous employment with no gaps.


This type of CV emphasises your skills and personal qualities rather than your employment

This format can suit best if you…

 are changing career and want to show employers how transferable skills gained in
other types of employment will be relevant for the post
 have extensive gaps in your employment history, because they are not as prominent as
they would be in a date-listed order in a chronological CV. Be prepared though to
explain any gaps at interview
 have had a series of short term paid or voluntary roles; this format enables you to
group together related skills and achievements gained from these.

 Example of CV

 What is a job application letter?
An application letter is a standalone document you submit to a potential employer
to express your interest in an open position. The job application letter explains who you
are as a professional and an individual. The letter should highlight your achievements
and skills, helping to get the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter responsible for
reviewing applications. When written well, this letter explains to the reader why they
should ask you in for an interview and highlights the key qualifications that make you a
fit for the role.

 How to write an application letter

When writing an application letter for a job, follow these steps to make sure you
include information about yourself and your professional experience that will appeal to a
hiring manager:
1. Review information about the company and position
2. Use a professional format
3. Create the heading
4. Address the letter to the hiring manager
5. Open the letter by describing your interest
6. Outline your experience and qualifications
7. Include aspects of your personality
8. Express appreciation
9. Close the letter

 Types of Application Letter

There are 3 different types of an application letters:
1. Job Application Letter
An application letter is written to apply for a specific job opening. This is a traditional
cover letter that is sent with a resume to apply for a job.
2. Academic Application Letter
An academic cover letter describes your experiences and interest as a candidate for a
specific position. It introduces you to the hiring committee and demonstrates how your
academic background fits with the description of the position.

3. Personal Application Letter
The process of applying for jobs, internships, and graduate/professional programs
often requires a personal statement or application letter. This type of writing asks
writers to outline their strengths confidently and concisely, which can be

Examples of job application letters include:

See cover letters

Examples of academic application letters include:

1. Application letter seeking permission
2. Scholarship application letter
3. Application for leave of absence/in advance
4. Application for a seat in the hostel
5. Application for a testimonial, etc.

Examples of personal application letters include:

1. Loan application letter
2. Rental application letter
3. Application letter for a deduction of fine
4. Application withdrawal letter
5. Internship application letter
6. Transfer application letter
7. Application letter for a travel grant, etc.

 Example of Application Letter


1. Carter, Ronald, Rebecca H. & Michael McCarthy. 2000. Exploring grammar in context:
upper-intermediate and advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Fanani, Achmad. 2012. English in Conversation for Medical Students. Yogyakarta:
3. Kuntoadi, Gama Bagus, dkk. 2021. Buku Ajar Terminologi Medis. Sumatra Barat: Insan
Cendekia Mandiri.
4. Mikulecky, Beatrice S dan Linda Jeffries. 2004. Basic Reading Power. New York:
5. Murphy, Raymond. 1994. English Grammar in Use. Australia: Cambridge University
6. Nurul Hidayati, Niswatin. 2021. Bahasa Inggris 1. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru Press.
7. Pramudya, Leo A, 2003, English for the Professional Nurses: based on fundamental
nursing procedures, Jakarta, EPN.
8. Rizka, Haira. 2021. Bahasa Inggris 2 untuk farmasi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru Press.
9. Sihombing, Binsar dan Barbara Burton. 2007. English Grammar Comprehension. Jakarta:
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10. Tarihoran, Naf’an dan Miftahul Rahmat. 2010. Reading 1 Basic Reading Skill. Serang:
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11. Wishon, George E dan Julia M. Burks. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Edition. New
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