Anda di halaman 1dari 2


1. Transportations Yang Ada Di Sekitar Saya

1 Car Mobil
2 Bicyele Sepeda
3 Motoreyele Sepeda Motor
4 Taxi Taksi
5 Coupled Taxis Ojek Gandeng
6 Electricbicycle Sepeda Listrik
7 Truck Car Mobil Truk
8 Ambulanc Ambulans
9 Boat Perahu
10 Train Kereta Api

2. Kalimat Menyatakan Cara Ke Suatu Tempat

 Do you know where the nearest pharmacy is ?
( Taukah kamu dimana apotik terdekat )
Cara menjawabnya
 The nearest pharmacy is in front of the road to the market the right
( apotik terdekat didepan jalan menuju pasar sebelah kanan )
Cara mengungkapkan larangan
 Don’t paly near the railroad tracks
( kamu jangan main dekat rel kereta api )
Cara memberikan saran
 Say hello if you meet a friend on the street
( ucapkanlah salam jika ketemu teman dijalan )
 Look at the map first before pointing some where
( lihatlah peta terlebih dahulu sebelum menuju sesuatu tempat )


Seri : hei leni … where is the direction to refill mineral water ?
( hai leni, dimana arah isi ulang air mineral )
Leni : iya seri, if you want to refill mineral water the direction is south, turn let in front
of the hendpoon couter, well that’s the place
( iya seri kalau mau mengisi ulang air mineral arahnya keselatan belok kiri
didepan konter hp nah disanalah tempatnya.
Seri : o yes, thanks for the instructions leni
( oh ya terima kasih atas petunjuknya leni )
Leni : okey you are welcome
( oke sama sama )
Dialog menyatakan ongkos dan cara menjawab
Fera : o yes seri ? may is asy ?
( oya seri boleh saya bertanya )
Seri : may I ask what, fer ?
( boleh, mau Tanya apa fer )
Fera : how much does is cost a taxi car from the market to natural attractions ?
( berapa ongkos mobil taksi dari pasar ke wisata alam )
Seri : ooh okay, if you take a taxi, it cost 10.000 from the direction of the natural
tourism market
( ooh baiklah, kalau naik taksi ongkosnya Rp. 10.000 dari arah pasar kewisata
alam )
Fera : thank you seri for tour help
( terima kasih seri atas bantuanya )
Seri : same with fera
( sama sama fera )

4. Cerita Dengan Judul My Sport And Hobby

My hobby is sport one of my hobbies is playing badminton usually I play twice a week
every Friday night and Sunday morning my playing partner is my own nephew he is named
And also has yhe same hobbies as me usually we playing near he house because there is a
badminton hall. We brought water bottles and towels we went there by foot.

Artinya :
Saya hobi olahraga salah satu hobi saya bermain bulu tangkis biasanya saya bermain dua
kali dalam seminggu setiap malam jum’at dan minggu pagi, pasangan saya bermain adalah
keponakan saya sendiri dia bernama mega.
Dan juga mempunyai hobi yang sama dengan saya, biasanya kami bermain didekat
rumah karena ada aula olahraga bulu tangkis, kami membawa botol air minum dan handuk
kami pergi kesana dengan berjalan kaki.

5. Hi I name Michael owen I love to play foot ball playing foot ball is not only my hobby it is
also my but I am a professional foot ball player I my back bone my living from playing foot


NIM : 856612805
POKJAR : Pendopo Lintang
Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Modul 6 Dan 7

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