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Capaian Pembelajaran

Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan, dan visual dalam bahasa
Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/pembacanya. Jenis teks
berupa deskripsi menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Peserta didik
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi mengenai
topik yang dekat dengan keseharian. Mereka membaca teks tulisan untuk mempelajari
sesuatu/mendapatkan informasi.

Fase E Berdasarkan Elemen

Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran

Menyimak-Berbicara Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik
Listening- Speaking menggunakan bahasa Inggris
sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam
situasi sosial maupun kelas yang
sering digunakan sehari-hari. Peserta
didik dapat menggunakan bahasa
yang tersusun dalam kegiatan belajar
seperti membuat pertanyaan
sederhana. Peserta didik
mengidentifikasi teks deskripsi
By the end of phase E, students use
English to interact in expanding language range
of predictable social
and classroom situations. They use
formulaic language to participate in
learning activities such as asking
simple questions. Students identify
simple descriptive text.
Membaca-Memirsa Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik
Reading-Viewing memahami kata-kata yang sering
digunakan sehari-hari dan
memahami kata-kata baru dengan
bantuan gambar/ilustrasi serta
kalimat dalam konteks yang
dipahami peserta didik. Peserta didik
memahami kosakata akrab dan baru
dengan dukungan dari isyarat visual
atau petunjuk konteks. Mereka
membaca dan menanggapi teks
deskripsi sederhana dan familier
dalam bentuk teks cetak atau digital,
termasuk teks visual, multimodal
atau interaktif. Mereka menemukan
informasi dasar dalam sebuah
kalimat dan menjelaskan topik dalam
teks yang dibaca atau dilihat.
At the end of phase E, students
understand words that are often used
daily and understand new words with
the help of pictures/illustrations and
sentences in the context that students
understand. Learners understand
familiar and new vocabulary with the
support of visual cues or context clues.
They read and respond to simple,
familiar descriptive texts in printed or
digital form, including visual,
multimodal or interactive text. They
find basic information in a sentence
and explain the topic in the text they
read or viewed.
Menulis-Mempresentasikan Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik
Writing-Presenting mengomunikasikan ide dan
pengalamannya melalui tulisan
sederhana dengan kalimatnya sendiri
serta menunjukkan perkembangan
pemahaman terhadap proses
menulis. Peserta didik dapat
menuliskan teks deskripsi sederhana
dalam bahasa Inggris yang ditulis
dengan kaidah (konvensi) sesuai
dengan konteks dan tujuannya.
By the end of phase E, students
communicate their ideas and
experience through their own basic
writing, showing evidence of a
developing understanding of the
writing process. They demonstrate an
early awareness that written simple
descriptive text in English are
presented through conventions, which change
according to context and
Nama : Hermawati, S.Pd


Tahun Pembuatan : 2022

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Jenjang : SMK

Kelas/ Semester : X/ Gasal

Alokasi Waktu : 3 x 45 menit

Elemen Capaian

Writing-Presenting and Reading-Viewing


1. Bernalar Kritis

2. Mandiri

3. Berkebinekaan Global

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Writing-Presenting and Reading-Viewing

1. Peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering digunakan sehari-hari dan kata-kata baru
dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi serta kalimat dalam konteks yang dipahami peserta didik.
2. Peserta didik membaca dan menanggapi teks deskripsi sederhana dan familier dalam bentuk
teks cetak atau digital, termasuk teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif.

Deskripsi umum : Mengenal Tempat Wisata (Deskripsi tempat wisata, deskripsi

gambar, grafik, dan bagan)

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :

Pertemuan 1 (3 JP)

Kegiatan awal (10’)

• mempersiapkan siswa untuk siap dalam melaksakan

pembelajaran (berdoa, absensi, dan menyiapkan sumber belajar.

• Memberikan Pertanyaan Pemantik terkait gambar tempat

wisata/banguan bersejarah terkenal yang ditayangkan/ ditonton

- What come to your mind after seeing picture?

- Have you ever been there?

• Menyampaikan topik dan agenda pembelajaran

Kegiatan Inti (65’)

• Mempersilahkan siswa untuk memilih teman menjadi anggota

kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 siswa.

• Membagikan satu kartu kepada masing-masing kelompok

• Masing-masing kelompok mendiskusikan 10 kata terkait dengan

tempat wisata di kartu yang mereka dapat dan menuliskan setiap

kata tersebut pada posit dan ditempel di dinding atau kertas

koran yang disediakan, kemudian perwakilan kelompok

menjelaskan alasan memilih 10 kata tersebut. (20’)

• Secara kelompok mendiskusikan tiga teks deskripsi tempat wisata

terkait fungsi sosial berdasarkan Lembar aktivitas siswa yang

dibagikan (hard copy atau softcopy)

• Setelah itu, menuliskan hasil diskusi dan menempelkan diding. –

menggunakan lembar aktivitas (30’)

• Masing-masing kelompok memberikan tanggapan terhadap hasil

kelompok lain. (15’)

Kegiatan Penutup (15’)

• Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran

• Memberi tugas mencari dan membaca beberapa teks deskripsi tempat

wisata di daerah terdekat.

• Menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya.

Detail Penggunaan

Total Alokasi Waktu

18 x 45 menit

Model Pembelajaran

Tatap muka

Jumlah Murid

20 Murid
Materi Ajar , Alat dan Bahan

Materi Ajar

Teks 1

Batu Belimbing

Reporting in Tanjung Ketapang Village is ± 1.5 km from the center of Toboali City which can be
reached in ± 5-10 minutes of travel. Road access to tourist sites is good and can be passed by 2 & 4 wheeled

Batu Belimbing is a geotourism area in South Bangka Regency. This tourist destination is rare where
in the world it is only found in a few places, such as Romodong Beach in Belinyu, Anambas Beach in Riau,
Ayers rock in Australia, Shin Zhuan in China, & one of them in Toboali. The name Batu Belimbing is indeed
because of the shape of the stones that resemble star fruit, where this unique characteristic is the main attraction
of this place. Apart from its unique shape, the Belimbing Stone is a favorite for local residents, so it is visited a
lot, especially in the afternoon when the sunset can be seen clearly from this place.

Teks 2

Tanjung Kerasak Beach

Tanjung Kerasak Beach is located in Pasir Putih Village, Kec. Tukak Sadai is approximately 40 km
or takes about 50 minutes drive from Toboali. The access road to this beach is good (asphalt) and can be passed
by 2 & 4 wheeled vehicles.
Tanjung Kerasak Beach offers stunning views. Like clear Tosca green water with very white and soft
grains of sand. Various sizes of granite stones lining the coastline adorn the exotic scenery. The contours of the
beach are sloping with fairly calm waves, especially around April to October which is perfect for tourists who
want to swim to feel the fresh sea water.
Visitors will be pampered with tropical breezes that soothe the mind while taking their eyes off the
cluster of islands on the other side. The forest around the beach area is also very shady and shady so it is also
very suitable as a place for camping. This beach is a prima donna & very popular for local tourists who are busy
visiting on weekends & national holidays

Teks 3

Batu Perahu Beach

Located in Tanjung Ketapang Village, ± 1.5 km from the center of Toboali City, it can be reached in
± 5-10 minutes. Road access is good for 2 & 4 wheeled vehicles. This beach is located between Kelisut Beach
on the right and Batu Limestone Beach on the left.
This beach is named Batu Perahu beach because on this beach there are boulders measuring about
7x4 meters which resemble the shape of a boat body that leads to the sea which then becomes its main
attraction. This beach also functions as a pier where local fishermen are active selling their fishing products,
looking for sungkur shrimp, as well as a place for making traditional boats. The ± 115 meter long pier on this
beach is always crowded with sunset hunters who can be seen exotically from this beach in the afternoon.


(Pertemuan ke 1)
1) First, you will read silently to understand the description of
tourist spots below. Make sure that you know the meaning
ofevery word and every part of those texts.
2) Second, read out each text (text 1,2, and 3) loudly and
meaningfully as if you were introducing or promoting that
placeand take a note on your notebook if you find some
words that you do not understand. Then consult the
dictionary. If possible, record your voice. (read loudly as if
you were a tour guide).

Text 1

Komodo island is located between

Sumbawa and Flores, along western Nusa

Tenggara Timur, and is popular for the

presence of giant Monitor Lizards known

as Komodo Dragons. The island is arid, rugged and barren and forms a

part of the Komodo National Park and Marine Reserve. Aerial views prove

that it is inarguably, among the most beautiful places in Indonesia.

The best time to visit the park is during the dry season, which runs from

April to December.

Besides spotting endangered Komodo dragons, a range of activities can

be enjoyed at the Komodo National Park such as go for kayaking, diving,

trekking or the guided island tours.

Around Komodo Island can be relatively easy, but to get to Komodo,

you first need to travel to Bali and then to Labuan Bajo by either plane

or boat, and finally to Komodo Island by boat. A couple of local airlines

fly from Bali to Labuan Bajo on Flores Island.

Text 2

The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum

recognised as 'the jewel of Muslim art in India'. It is

regarded as one of the finest examples of Mughal

architecture – an amalgamation of Persian, Turkish

and Indian styles.

The most impressive in the Taj Mahal complex next to the tomb, is

the main gate, which stands majestically in the centre of the

southern wall of the forecourt. The gate is flanked on the north

front by double arcade galleries. The garden in front of the galleries

is subdivided into four quarters by two main walkways and each

quarters in turn subdivided by the narrower cross-axial walkways,

on the Timurid-Persian scheme of the walled in garden. The

enclosure walls on the east and west have a pavilion at the centre.

The Taj Mahal is a perfect symmetrical planned building, with an

emphasis of bilateral symmetry along a central axis on which the

main features are placed. The building material used is brick-in-lime

mortar veneered with red sandstone and marble and inlay work of

precious/semi precious stones. The mosque and the guest house in

the Taj Mahal complex are built of red sandstone in contrast to the

marble tomb in the centre. Both the buildings have a large platform

over the terrace at their front. Both the mosque and the guest

house are the identical structures. They have an oblong massive

prayer hall consist of three vaulted bays arranged in a row with

central dominant portal. The frame of the portal arches and the

spandrels are veneered in white marble. The spandrels are filled

with flowery arabesques of stone intarsia and the arches bordered

with rope molding.

The Taj Mahal is located on the right bank of the Yamuna River in a

vast Mughal garden that encompasses nearly 17 hectares, in the

Agra District in Uttar Pradesh. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah

Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal with construction

starting in 1632 AD and completed in 1648 AD, with the mosque,

the guest house and the main gateway on the south, the outer

courtyard and its cloisters were added subsequently and completed

in 1653 AD. The existence of several historical and Qur’anic

inscriptions in Arabic script have facilitated setting the chronology

of Taj Mahal.

Derawan Island is a favorite place for

exploring marine life. There are many

rare animals such as the green turtle,

the scarlet turtle, star fruit turtle and

sea cow. The place is also home to

many rare species of marine plants and

coral reef. It is also a good place for

scuba diving, pearl diving, fishing, swimming and other water


The entire marine conservancy region covers a total area of no less

than 1.27 million hectares. It is the perfect tropical qparadise with

warm, isolated islands, soft white sand beaches fringed with waving

palm trees, pristine seas that change color from green to deep blue,

and an amazing underwater life of giant turtles, dolphins, manta

rays, dugongs and barracudas, stingless jellyfish and sometimes,

whales. Here, you can find 460 different species of corals, ranking

this area second only to the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua. The

Nature Conservancy and a team of international experts also found

more than 870 species of fish here, ranging from tiny pygmy

seahorses to giant manta rays. So, if you love marine life and water

sport, Darawan island is waiting for you.

t is located just away from the mainland of East Kalimantan in the

district of Berau, the Derawan archipelago comprises 31 islands,

most well-known among these are the islands of Derawan,

Maratua, Sangalaki and Kakaban. Here is Indonesia’s largest nesting

site of the rare and endangered giant green turtles and hawksbill
turtles, where one can daily watch turtles lay their eggs in the sand

or swim to sea with the turtles.

The best time to visit this fascinating island is during the months of

September and March, when temperatures are much cooler-in the

vicinity of 27°C with pleasant sea breezes.

TASK 2: In groups of four, discuss the social functions of each text

Question Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

Target reader

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