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Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Komplek Ruko Pulomas Blok VII No. 12, Pulo Gadung,
Jakarta Timur 13260



No. Item No. Dokumen Brand Tipe Keterangan
Pengajuan Kembali







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Scanned by TapScanner

Technical Service Data Sheets

Deskripsi Produk
MATEX PUTTY adalah dempul berbahan dasar resin emulsi kopolimer akrilik. Dempul berfungsi untuk mengisi
retakan, sambungan dan menaikkan permukaan pada dinding semen yang berpori untuk membuat permukaan
dinding halus dan rata supaya dapat diamplas dengan baik.
MATEX PUTTY digunakan untuk dinding interior dan langit-langit yang terbuat dari asbes, mortar, beton dan

Jenis Cat : Resin emulsi kopolimer akrilik.
Tekstur : Flat.
Warna : Putih.
Specific Gravity (25°C) : 1.70.
Non Volatile : 76% b/b.

Cara Pemakaian
Persiapan Permukaan : Bersihkan permukaan dari debu, minyak dan kotoran lainnya. Hindari
pengecatan jika kadar alkali pada dinding di atas pH9 dan kadar
kelembaban di atas 12% dengan protimeter dan atau diatas 6% dengan
Pelarut : Air.
Pengenceran : 0 – 5%.
Metode Aplikasi : Spatula dan trowel.

Waktu kering akan terhambat pada temperatur udara yang rendah. Jangan aplikasikan cat pada kelembaban
udara > 85% dan atau temperatur udara < 7°C.
Semua peralatan sebaiknya langsung segera dibersihkan dengan air setelah selesai digunakan.
Jangan lakukan tinting dengan pigmen berbahan dasar minyak/thinner.

Waktu Kering (pada suhu 30°C)

Kering Sentuh : 10 menit – 1 jam.
Kering Tekan : 1 jam – 2 jam.
Interval Pengecatan Selanjutnya : 3 jam (No. Amplas 150 – 360).
Page 2 of 2

Angka diatas adalah standar untuk referensi. Hasil yang sesungguhnya dapat bervariasi tergantung dari kondisi
pengecatan (kondisi lingkungan, keahlian operator pengecatan, permukaan yang akan dicat dan lain sebagainya).
Daya tahan produk hanya dapat digaransi jika menggunakan dempul dan sealer yang dianjurkan dengan cara
aplikasi yang benar.

Informasi Keselamatan, Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Kerja

Jangan simpan produk pada tempat yang bertemperatur > 40°C. Pastikan kemasan selalu tertutup rapat.
Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak, makanan dan minuman.
Jangan hirup uap/debu spray. Lakukan pengecatan pada ruangan yang berventilasi, jika aplikasi dilakukan
pada ruangan tertutup, gunakan alat sirkulasi udara. Untuk ruangan yang tertutup, harus menggunakan
a. Terhirup : Pindahkan korban ke udara terbuka.
b. Tertelan : Segera ke dokter/rumah sakit.
Cegah kontak langsung dengan kulit dan mata. Gunakan pakaian yang sesuai seperti: overall, kacamata,
masker dan sarung tangan.
a. Terkena Mata : Bilas segera dengan air sebanyak mungkin selama ± 15 menit.
b. Terkena Kulit : Bersihkan dengan air dan sabun, bersihkan juga noda pada pakaian.
Jangan buang kemasan kosong dan sisa cat ke tempat sampah atau saluran air. Buanglah ke tempat
pengolahan limbah.


Jl Ancol Barat I/A5/C No. 12 Jl KL Yos Sudarso Km 8.3 Jl Raya Veteran No. 258 Jl Raya Subang, Desa Cijaya
Jakarta 14430, Indonesia Tanjung Mulia Gresik 61123 Kec. Campaka, Purwakarta
T: (+62-21) 690 0546 Medan, Indonesia Jawa Timur, Indonesia Jawa Barat, Indonesia
F: (+62-21) 692 7778 / 690 0540 T: (+62-61) 685 1117 T: (+62-31) 398 1536 T: (+62-264) 205 944-8
E: F: (+62-61) 685 1593 F: (+62-31) 398 2285 F: (+62-264) 205 941

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Let’s Colour
Exterior Colours and Products
Tersedia 2.000 warna lainnya
dengan TINTING Exterior Wall

Morning Star Butternut DWS Macademia Butter Cup Lemon Grass Grashopper
44539M 44540M 44541M 45410 86YY 77/295 99YY 77/080

Embrace Terracotta Teas Day Star Star Delight Zesty Windsurfer

30YR 67/113 85YR 60/336 25YY 62/353 43YY 71/540 70YY 66/510 10GY 74/325

Cedar Shadow Tierra Del Fuego Sun God Omega Yellow Palmyra Tarragon Leaf
50YR 36/263 60YR 31/368 06YY 49/797 37YY 61/867 10GY 52/541 70GY 49/201

Algonquin Red Orange Copper Blistering Sun Provincial Majesty Irish Green Kelly Green
30YR 13/471 53YR 17/504 49YR 27/627 30YY 33/613 43GY 24/566 30GG 11/281

Burgundy Tobacco Brown Chocolate Kiss Turkish Brown Metropolis Othello

11YR 07/229 50YR 10/151 60YR 07/093 20YY 09/175 30GG 10/050 42GY 09/205

Goodwin Court Liberty Woodhaven Westchester Gold Gorgeous Olive Woodland Pearl
10YR 17/184 46395 60YR 08/186 20YY 15/245 11GY 12/072 50GY 18/178

Pictured Rocks Padre Island Spanish Chestnut Bitter Creek Lakeside Town Pine Forest Green
10YR 28/072 70YR 20/239 80YR 13/325 00YY 21/321 49YY 26/180 10GY 29/158

Santa Rosa Brownington Court Maplewood Trail Monarch Gold Mustard Mud Marian's Meadow
10YR 37/143 90YR 36/203 80YR 35/383 20YY 36/370 47YY 40/227 10GY 39/136

Taupe Pink Sandstone Country Curry Carita Galant Grey Woodland Mystery
10YR 50/101 46137M 00YY 49/387 46017M 40545M 90YY 52/138

Alabaster Pink Teratai Cheese Crust Sagoo Lakestone DWS Mirage

60YR 83/060 44011M 45411 44138M 44537 44012M
Tampilan warna dapat berbeda, tergantung layar perangkat dan pengaturan perangkat. Gunakan fandeck untuk warna sesungguhnya,
Tersedia 2.000 warna lainnya
dengan TINTING Exterior Wall

Arctic Atmosphere Seaside Morning White 99 White on White Transparent

34BG 79/053 82BG 79/062 44875 30GY 88/014 49501

Skywatch Steamy Waters Reading Room Day Break Brilliant White

10BG 63/097 83BG 55/097 30BB 63/084 40544M 2290M

Blue Niche Waterbury Cottage Cosmic Crescent Light Grey Dove

30BG 43/163 90BG 28/213 50BB 26/105 40504A 40140M

Undersea Voyage Icelandic Waters Noble Blue Dark Grey Platinum Grey
10BG 22/248 15BB 19/227 50BB 18/216 40613 40351

Approaching Storms Wild Water Blue Wedding Art Deco Darkened Storm
90BG 11/101 30BB 08/225 51BB 11/311 10RB 14/049 42BB 09/032

Exterior - Weathershield Roof

Terracotta Red Oxide Mission Brown Dark Brown Dark Grey Roof Leaf Green
43044 43031 46503 46047 40504 42501

Cat Kayu & Besi Exterior - Weathershield Gloss

Coral Sands Magnolia WSGL Portland Loud Stone White WSGL

46643 45460 40395 40703 9001

Wooden Brown Liberty Harbor Farm House Andesit Grey Savana Green
46640 46639 46642 40704 42628

Black Granito Brown Walnut Steel Fusion Pine Green

122 46638 46461 40705 42627
Hanya tersedia untuk produk Dulux Aquashield
Tampilan warna dapat berbeda, tergantung layar perangkat dan pengaturan perangkat. Gunakan fandeck untuk warna sesungguhnya,
Interior Paint Products Exterior Paint Products
Dulux Ambiance Dulux Weathershield
Untuk hasil akhir Melindungi 2x lebih lama terhadap
berkilau bagai mutiara jamur dan lumut

Pearlized Finished Advance Algae & Fungus Guard

Hasil Akhir Sheen | Jumlah Lapisan 2 lapis Hasil Akhir Matt | Jumlah Lapisan 2-3 lapis
Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 12-14 m²/L Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 12-13 m²/L
Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L

Dulux Ambiance Dulux Weathershield

Diamond Glo Lateks merenggang 6x lipat untuk
Untuk hasil akhir berkilau menutup retak rambut & air tidak meresap
nan mewah bagai berlian
PowerflexxTM Technology
Diamond Finished
Hasil Akhir High-sheen | Jumlah Lapisan 2 lapis Hasil Akhir Matt | Jumlah Lapisan 2-3 lapis
Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 12-14 m²/L Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 12-13 m²/L
Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L

Dulux Pentalite Dulux Weathershield Flash

Memberikan daya sebar & daya tutup Kombinasi cat dasar & cat dinding
maksimal. Warna tahan lama. dalam satu produk

ProCover TechnologyTM High Bond Technology

Hasil Akhir Matt | Jumlah Lapisan 2 lapis Hasil Akhir Matt | Jumlah Lapisan 2-3 lapis
Waktu pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 12-14 m²/L Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 9-10 m²/L
Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L

Dulux EasyClean Dulux Weathershield Roof

Dinding mudah dibersihkan & Memantulkan panas matahari,
melindungi dinding dari bakteri mengurangi suhu dinding hingga 5oC

KidProof+ TechnologyTM Keep CoolTM Technology

Hasil Akhir Mid-sheen | Jumlah Lapisan 2 lapis

Hasil Akhir Mid-sheen | Jumlah Lapisan 2-3 lapis
Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 11-13 m²/L
Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 12-13 m²/L
Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L
Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L & 20 L

Dulux Light & Space Dulux Weatherhield Gloss

Kayu & Besi

Memantulkan cahaya 2x lebih banyak Formula 100% akrikik untuk

untuk ruangan lebih luas perlindungan anti karat
Lumitec FormulationTM Double Life with Rust Guard

Hasil Akhir Matt | Jumlah Lapisan 2-3 lapis Hasil Akhir Glossy | Jumlah Lapisan 2 lapis
Waktu Pengeringan 1-2 jam | Daya Sebar 12-14 m²/L Waktu Pengeringan 2-3 jam | Daya Sebar 12-14 m²/L
Kemasan Tersedia 2.5 L Kemasan Tersedia 0.9 L

Dulux V-Gloss Dulux Aquashield


Berbahan dasar 100% akrilik,

Lapisan 60% lebih tebal, daya tolak
memberikan perlindungan dari karat
terhadap air lebih tinggi
Formula V-Aktif
Hydroshield Technology
Hasil Akhir Glossy | Jumlah Lapisan 2 lapis Hasil Akhir Matt | Jumlah Lapisan 2-3 lapis
Kayu & Besi

Waktu Pengeringan 2-3 jam | Daya Sebar 10 m²/L Waktu Pengeringan 4-6 jam | Daya Sebar 1 m²/L
Kemasan Tersedia 0.8 L Kemasan Tersedia 1 kg, 4kg & 20 kg

Dulux V-Gloss Doff

Berbahan dasar 100% akrilik,
memberikan perlindungan dari karat

Formula V-Aktif

Hasil Akhir Doff | Jumlah Lapisan 2 lapis

Waktu Pengeringan 2-3 jam | Daya Sebar 12-14 m²/L
Kemasan Tersedia 0.8 L
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Chemical anchoring systems.

Foil capsule systems l Injection mortar systems

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HVU with HAS-E rod
adhesive anchor

HVU with HAS-E rod adhesive anchor

Mortar System Benefits

■ s uitable for non-cracked concrete
Hilti HVU foil capsule C 20/25 to C 50/60
■ high loading capacity
■ s uitable for dry and water
saturated concrete
■ large diameter applications
HAS rods ■ high corrosion resistant
HAS-E (Zinc)
HAS-E-F (Gal)
HAS-E-R (A4-70)
HAS-HCR rods

316 highMo
Concrete Small edge Fire Corrosion High European CE PROFIS
distance resistance resistance corrosion Technical conformity anchor design
& spacing resistance Approval software

Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
European technical approval a) DIBt, Berlin ETA-05/0255 / 2011-06-23
Fire test report IBMB, Braunschweig UB-3333/0891-1 / 2004-03-26
Fire test report ZTV-Tunnel IBMB, Braunschweig UB 3333/0891-2 / 2003-08-12
Assessment report (fire) warringtonfire WF 166402 / 2007-10-26
a) All data given in this section according E
 TA-05/0255, issue 2011-06-23

Service temperature range

Hilti HVU adhesive may be applied in the temperature ranges given below. An elevated base material temperature may lead to a
reduction of the design bond resistance.

Maximum long term base Maximum short term base

Temperature range Base material temperature
material temperature material temperature
Temperature range I -40 °C to +40 °C +24 °C +40 °C
Temperature range II -40 °C to +80 °C +50 °C +80 °C
Temperature range III -40 °C to +120 °C +72 °C +120 °C

Max short term base material temperature

Short-term elevated base material temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g. as a result of diurnal cycling.

Max long term base material temperature

Long-term elevated base material temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.

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HVU with HAS-E rod
adhesive anchor

Design process for typical anchor layouts

The design values in the tables are obtained from the design method according to ETAG 001, Annex C and Hilti simplified design
method. Design resistance according to data given in ETA-05/0255, issue 2011-06-23.
■ Influence of concrete strength
■ Influence of edge distance
■ Influence of spacing

The design method is based on the following simplification:

■ No different loads are acting on individual anchors (no eccentricity)

The values are valid for the anchor configuration.

For more complex fastening applications please use the anchor design software PROFIS Anchor.


The design tensile resistance NRd is the lower of:

■  ombined pull-out and concrete cone resistance

NRd,p = fB,p • N*Rd,p

N*Rd,p is obtained from the relevant design tables

fB,p influence of concrete strength on combined pull-out and concrete cone resistance
Concrete Strengths f’c,cyl (MPa) 20 25 32 40 50
fB,p 0.95 0.97 1.00 1.02 1.04

■  oncrete cone or concrete splitting resistance

NRd,c = fB • N*Rd,c

N*Rd,c is obtained from the relevant design tables

fB influence of concrete strength on concrete cone resistance

Concrete Strengths f’c,cyl (MPa) 20 25 32 40 50
fB 0.79 0.87 1.00 1.11 1.22

■ Design steel resistance (tension) NRd,s

Anchor size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
NRd,s HAS – E 5.8 [kN] 11.3 17.3 25.3 48.0 74.7 106.7
HAS-E-R [kN] 12.3 19.8 28.3 54.0 84.0 119.8

NRd = min { NRd,p, NRd,c, NRd,s }


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HVU with HAS-E rod
adhesive anchor


The design shear resistance VRd is the lower of:

■  esign Concrete Edge Resistance

VRd,c = fB • V*Rd,c

V*Rd,c is obtained from the relevant design table

fB influence of concrete strength

Concrete Strengths f’c,cyl (MPa) 20 25 32 40 50
fB 0.79 0.87 1.00 1.11 1.22

Shear load acting parallel to edge:

These tables are for a single free edge only
2 anchors:
For shear loads acting parallel to this edge, the concrete resistance V*Rd,c can be multiplied by the factor = 2.5
4 anchors:
For shear loads acting parallel to the edge - the anchor row closest to the edge is checked to resist half the total design load.
To obtain the concrete resistance use the corresponding 2 anchor configuration V*Rd,c and multiply by the factor = 2.5

■ Design steel resistance (shear): VRd,s

Anchor size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
VRd,s HAS – E 5.8 [kN] 6.8 10.4 15.2 28.8 44.8 64.0
HAS-E-R [kN] 7.7 11.5 17.3 32.7 50.6 71.8

VRd = min { VRd,c, VRd,s }



The following equations must be satisfied:

NSd/NRd + VSd/VRd ≤ 1.2

NSd/NRd ≤ 1, VSd/VRd ≤ 1

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HVU with HAS-E rod
adhesive anchor

Precalculated table values – design resistance values

The following tables provide the total ultimate limit state design resistance for the configurations.
All tables are based upon:
■ correct setting (See setting instruction)
■ non-cracked concrete – fc,cyl = 32 MPa
■ temperature range I (see service temperature range)
■ base material thickness, as specified in the table
■  ne typical embedment depth, as specified in the tables

Basic loading data (for a single anchor) – no edge distance and spacing influence

Embedment depth and base material thickness for the basic loading data
Anchor size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Typical embedment depth hef [mm] 80 90 110 125 170 210
Base material thickness h [mm] 110 120 140 170 220 270

Design resistance [kN] – uncracked concrete, 32 Mpa

Anchor size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Non-cracked concrete
Pull-out N*Rd,p 17.9 25.0 35.8 42.9 82.3 100.2
Concrete N*Rd,c 30.5 36.4 49.1 59.5 94.4 129.6
Shear VRd,s Steel governed refer VRd,s table

Basic loading data (for a single anchor) – with minimum edge distance

Design resistance [kN] - uncracked concrete, 32 Mpa

Anchor size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Min. edge distance cmin [mm] 40 45 55 65 90 120
Min Base thickness hmin [mm] 110 120 140 170 220 270
Tensile NRd
Pull-out N*Rd,p [kN] 10.1 13.6 19.7 23.6 46.0 61.3
Concrete N*Rd,c [kN] 14.5 17.1 23.0 28.5 44.9 63.0
Shear VRd
Shear VRd,c
4.7 5.9 8.3 11.2 19.1 29.8
(without lever arm)

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HVU with HAS-E rod
adhesive anchor

Shear design: The concrete edge resistance value in this table uses all 4 anchors
in shear. You will need to ensure the gap between anchor and the plate is filled.
This can be achieved using the Hilti Dynamic Set. (Refer page 41 for further details)

The concrete edge resistance values have been obtained by taking the lesser of:
1. First row resistance multiplied by number of rows and
2. The concrete edge resistance of the furthest row.

ANCHOR Edge C (mm)

M16 65 100 150 200 250
spacing tension shear tension shear tension shear tension shear tension shear
s1= s2 (mm) N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c

65 43.0 38.2 29.5 51.2 43.7 34.6 64.3 52.0 42.0 73.0 61.1 49.2 73.0 70.9 56.4

100 50.1 44.0 33.9 59.1 49.9 41.9 73.3 59.0 49.1 82.7 68.9 56.2 82.7 79.5 63.2

150 61.1 52.9 39.7 71.3 59.6 52.0 87.2 69.8 59.0 97.7 80.9 66.0 97.7 92.6 72.9

200 73.0 62.6 44.9 84.4 70.1 61.8 102.1 81.5 68.7 113.8 93.7 75.6 113.8 106.8 82.5

250 85.7 73.1 44.9 98.4 81.4 70.7 118.0 94.0 78.4 130.8 107.5 85.2 130.8 122.0 92.0

300 99.2 84.4 44.9 113.1 93.5 77.1 134.7 107.4 87.9 148.8 122.3 94.6 148.8 138.1 101.4

ANCHOR Edge C (mm)

M20 90 150 200 250 300
spacing tension shear tension shear tension shear tension shear tension shear
s1= s2 (mm) N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c

90 76.6 59.6 47.9 95.7 70.0 58.2 113.1 79.2 66.6 127.9 89.0 75.0 127.9 99.3 83.3

150 94.8 70.6 59.3 116.6 82.1 72.5 136.4 92.3 80.7 153.1 103.1 88.9 153.1 114.4 97.0

200 111.4 80.4 66.4 135.5 92.9 84.1 157.4 103.9 92.2 175.8 115.6 100.3 175.8 127.9 108.3

250 129.2 90.8 73.5 155.8 104.3 95.5 179.8 116.3 103.5 200.0 128.9 111.5 200.0 142.1 119.5

300 148.2 101.9 76.3 177.3 116.4 106.7 203.6 129.3 114.7 225.7 142.8 122.6 225.7 157.1 130.5

350 168.4 113.5 76.3 200.2 129.2 117.9 228.8 143.0 125.8 252.8 157.5 133.6 252.8 172.8 141.5

ANCHOR Edge C (mm)

M24 120 150 200 250 350
spacing tension shear tension shear tension shear tension shear tension shear
s1= s2 (mm) N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c N*Rd,p N*Rd,c V*Rrd,c

120 115.5 85.3 71.7 127.5 91.0 77.4 148.7 101.0 86.9 171.5 111.5 96.4 176.5 133.8 115.0

150 126.2 91.3 79.9 138.8 97.3 85.6 161.1 107.8 95.0 185.1 118.6 104.3 190.4 142.0 122.8

200 144.9 101.9 92.8 158.7 108.3 98.9 183.0 119.5 108.2 209.1 131.1 117.4 214.8 156.0 135.6

250 164.9 113.0 101.1 179.8 119.9 112.0 206.2 131.8 121.1 234.4 144.2 130.2 240.6 170.8 148.3

300 185.9 124.7 109.4 202.1 132.0 124.9 230.6 144.7 133.9 260.9 158.0 142.9 267.6 186.2 160.8

350 207.9 137.0 117.7 225.4 144.8 139.5 256.0 158.2 146.6 288.6 172.3 155.5 295.8 202.2 173.3

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Reckat Composites has developed tank lining systems suitable for most containment applications, these
include chemical tank liners, acid dip tank liners, fuel tank liners, hot water tank liners and many more.
The lining of concrete and metal tanks has proven to be an efficient and cost effective alternative to a new
 Fibreglass liner for acid tanks  Smooth easy to clean surface
 Fibreglass liner for hot and cold  Available in most colors
potable water tanks  U/V protected
 Fuel and oil tanks  Minimal down time
 Re-lining of concrete tanks  Bondable to most surfaces
Technical Specifications
Lining applications Steel Concrete FRP
Surface preparations Sand Blasting Grinding Grinding
Reinforcement Fibreglass, E-Glass, C-Glass
Orthopthalic Polyster for water and weak acid

Isopthalic for salty water and moderate acid

Resin grade
Bisphenolic for strong acid (normal temp.)
Vinylester for strong acid and heat
Epoxy for strong acid, alkali, fire retardant
Note: Orthopthalic Polyster not using Veil Layer
Lamination sequence :
Thickness 2 mm Primer + 2xm300 + Veil + Top Coat
Thickness 2,5 mm Primer + 3xm300 + Veil + Top Coat
Thickness 3 mm Primer + 4xm300 + Veil + Top Coat
Thickness 4 mm Primer + M450 + 4xm300 + Veil + Top Coat
Thickness 5 mm Primer + 2xM450 + 4xm300 + Veil + Top Coat
Color Natural / most color available
Methods Hand Lay Up / Spray Up

Reckat Composites is equipped to manufacture fiberglass components in production runs or 1-off's. Our products are
built to strict quality standards. Because of its corrosion resistance and versatility, fiberglass is a popular material choice
for containers and covers.
We can build FRP produtcs from custom-made moulds that involve complex curves and have tight tolerances.
With our Auto cad design software and our well-equipped wood working/mould building departments we are capable of
taking on even the most ambitious manufacturing projects.

Jl. Raya Bantar Gebang – Setu KM.10, Bekasi

Tlp : 021-8241 1971 • Fax : 021-8243 5209
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