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Arrange By:
Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si.
Lectured by:
Drs. H. Yun Surtiana, M.A.
Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si.

STIKes Karsa Husada



Jl. Nusa Indah No.24 Tarogong Kaler, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat
Telp. 0262-4704803 Fax. 0262-235946
Mata Kuliah Kode MK Bobot Semester Tanggal Penyusunan RPS Disusun oleh

B. Inggris II C506 2 SKS (1T,1P) V (lima) 10 September 2021 Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si.
Tim Pengembang RPS Koordinator Mata Kuliah Ka PRODI S1 Keperawatan SKHG
OTORISASI  Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si. Ttd
 Drs. H. Yun Surtiana, M.A.
Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si. Iin Patimah, M.Kep.
CPL-PRODI (Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi) Yang Dibebankan Pada Mata Kuliah
Lulusan Prodi S1 Keperawatan dapat memiliki kemampuan:
Mengetahui tentang konsep Bahasa Inggris II dalam Keperawatan
CPMK (Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah)
Capaian Pembelajaran
CPMK 1 Membaca dan menjelaskan instruksi medis dan/atau tim kesehatan terkait catatan medis pasien dalam bahasa Inggris
CPMK 2 Mengidentifikasi perintah/instruksi dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris di kelas atau simulasi seting pelayanan kesehatan
CPMK 3 Menulis/mendokumentasikan laporan kegiatan asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan ke pasien
CPMK 4 Berkomunikasi bahasa Inggris aktif dalam pembelajaran di kelas dan dalam simulasi pelayanan kesehatan
Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang integrasi empat kemampuan dasar berbahasa Inggris yaitu berbicara, mendengarkan, membaca,
dan menulis termasuk aspek-aspek tata bahasa dan kosakata kedalam ruang lingkup pelayanan dan pekerjaan keperawatan baik
Deskripsi Singkat
dalam praktik klinik/komunitas maupun pada pembelajaran di kelas dan/ atau di laboratorium. Pada tahap lanjut, mata kuliah ini
Mata Kuliah
mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk bisa mendapatkan nilai skor TOEFL/ IELTS yang memadai untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang
yang lebih tinggi atau bekerja di luar negeri.
CPMK 1 1. Pengantar bahasa Inggris untuk profesi kesehatan
2. Review anatomi dan fisiologi manusia
3. Berfikir kritis
4. Catatan medis (medical record) pasien
CPMK 2 1. Lingkungan rumah sakit dan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya
2. Sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan kesehatan
3. Nursing Skills
CPMK 3 1. Sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan kesehatan
Bahan Kajian/ 2. Pengkajian keperawatan pada pasien dan keluarga
Pokok Bahasan MK 3. Intervensi keperawatan
4. Dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan
CPMK 4 1. Pengantar bahasa Inggris untuk profesi kesehatan
2. Anatomi dan fisiologi manusia
3. Berfikir kritis
4. Lingkungan rumah sakit dan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya
5. Sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan kesehatan
6. Pengkajian keperawatan pada pasien dan keluarga
7. Intervensi keperawatan
8. Dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan
9. Kerjasama tim dalam pelayanan kesehatan
Metoda pembelajaran dilakukan secara Cooperative Learning dengan mengkombinasikan berbagai aplikasi untuk mengoptimalkan
kegiatan pembelajaran dalam bentuk daring diantaranya menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp Group sebagai media live chat; Zoom
Meeting/ MS team untuk video conference pada pembahasan kajian yang memerlukan tatap muka; Google form untuk absensi,
Metode dan Media Pembelajaran
exercise maupun ujian UTS/ UAS serta MS. Power Point, MS. Word/ Pdf yang memuat gambar ataupun video explaination untuk
penyampaian materi sebagai pengganti LCD Proyektor, Papan Tulis dan berbagai media pembelajaran lain yang biasa digunakan
dalam pembelajaran di kelas.
Nilai Absolut Nilai Huruf Nilai Angka (Mutu)
86-100 A 4
81-85 A- 3,7
76-80 B+ 3,3
71-75 B 3,0
66-70 B- 2,7
61-65 C+ 2,3
56-60 C 2,0
40-55 D 1
Penilaian dan Pembobotan <40 E 0
Penilaian akhir pada pembelajaran ini didasarkan pada aspek-aspek berikut:
a. Kehadiran : 10 %
b. Tugas : 10 %
c. Aktivitas : 10%
d. Skor UTS : 30 %
e. Skor UAS : 40 %
Pustaka Utama
 Ardiansyah. (2004). Let’s Speak English, Nurse!. Jakarta: EGC
 Djauhari, Imam D. (…). Mastery on English Grammar. Jakarta: -
 Grice, Tony. (2009). Everyday English for Nursing, 1st & 2nd ed.. Jakarta: EGC
 Murphy, Raymond. (1987). English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
 Nursalam. (2010). English in Nursing-Midwifery Science and Technology. Jakarta: Salemba Medika
 Philips, Deborah. (2001). Longman Complete Course for the Toefl Test. NY: Longman
 Pramudya, Leo A. (2011). English for the Professional Nurses, Course Book 1 & 2. Jakarta: EPN Consultant
 Richards, Jack C. (1984). Person to Person. England: Oxford University Press
 Rizka, Haira, dkk. (…). English for Nursing: Practical English Conversation for Professional Nurses. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru Press

 www.businessenglishsite/nursing_english1-2-3;
serta berbagai sumber yang dapat menunjang pembelajaran.
 Drs. H. Yun Surtiana, M.A. (YS)
Dosen Pengampu
 Nita Yuanita, S.Pd., M.Si. (NY)
Mata Kuliah Syarat -

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As we know, the international language in the world is English.
English is the most spoken language in the world. It is the mother
tongue of more than 400 million people worldwide. Every day
millions of people speak English at work and in social life.
In the field of nursing, English language skills are needed because
most of the medical equipment and medicines come from abroad.
Good English Language communication skills also very important
for nurses as they are service providers to patients and deal with
doctors, medical support staff and relatives of patients.
In terms of education, English can be very useful for gaining
knowledge about nursing which mostly comes from international
journals whose language is definitely English.

A great deal of nursing activity is embedded in what is considered to be everyday

conversation . . . In their conversations, nurses elicit specific information, normalize
unpleasant procedures, manage the flow of the interaction, and strengthen the
therapeutic relationship. Small talk can be big talk in achieving nursing goals.
~ Lindsay M. Macdonald~
“Expertise in Everyday Nurse–Patient Conversations, The Importance of Small Talk”


What is Anatomy and Physiology?
Anatomy is the study of the structures associated with the human body. Physiology is the study of the function of each of these structures.
The human body is often thought of as a complicated machine. The basic processes of life include organization, metabolism,
responsiveness, movements, and reproduction.
When working in English, one of the first things you need to know is the human body parts. You will need to learn the names of the
internal (inside the skin) and external body parts. You will also need to learn the words for the functions of each of these body parts.
Here are the basics to get you started.
Inside the head is the brain, which is responsible for thinking. The top of a person's scalp is covered with hair.
Beneath the hairline at the front of the face is the forehead. Underneath the forehead are the eyes for seeing, the
nose for smelling, and the mouth for eating. On the outside of the mouth are the lips, and on the inside of the mouth
are the teeth for biting and the tongue for tasting. Food is swallowed down the throat. At the sides of the face are the
cheeks and at the sides of the head are the ears for hearing. At the bottom of a person's face is the chin. The jaw is
located on the inside of the cheeks and chin. The neck is what attaches the head to the upper body.
Upper Body
At the top and front of the upper body, just below the neck is the collar bone. On the front side of the upper body is
the chest, which in women includes the breasts. Babies suck on the nipples of their mother's breasts. Beneath the ribcage are the
stomach and the waist. The navel, more commonly referred to as the belly button, is located here as well. On the inside of the
upper body are the heart for pumping blood and the lungs for breathing. The rear side of the upper body is called the back, inside
which the spine connects the upper body to the lower body.
Upper Limbs (arms)
The arms are attached to the shoulders. Beneath this area is called the armpit or underarm. The upper arms have
the muscles known as triceps and biceps. The joint halfway down the arm is called the elbow. Between the elbow and
the next joint, the wrist, is the forearm. Below the wrist is the hand with four fingers and one thumb. Beside the
thumb is the index finger. Beside the index finger is the middle finger, followed by the ring finger and the little finger.
At the ends of the fingers are fingernails.
Lower Body
Below the waist, on left and right, are the hips. Between the hips are the reproductive organs, the penis
(male) or the vagina (female). At the back of the lower body are the buttocks for sitting on. They are also
commonly referred to as the rear end or the bum (especially with children). The internal organs in the lower body
include the intestines for digesting food, the bladder for holding liquid waste, as well as the liver and the kidneys.
This area also contains the woman's uterus, which holds a baby when a woman is pregnant.

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Lower Limbs (legs)

The top of the leg is called the thigh, and the joint in the middle of the leg is the knee. The front of the lower leg is the
shin and the back of the lower leg is the calf. The ankle connects the foot to the leg. Each foot has five toes. The
smallest toe is often called the little toe while the large one is called the big toe. At the ends of the toes are toenails.
From the reading text above, find as many as you can, the words or sentences that explain about the anatomy and
physiology of the human body parts or the human body parts and its function, then translate it into Bahasa!
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences!
1. Your tonsils can get swollen when you have a sore _______ (thigh/ toe/ throat)
2. The _______ is a joint that connects the upper arm and the forearm. (elbow/ ankle/ wrist)
3. My Dad's little _______ was lost in the accident. (thumb/ toe/ shoulder)
4. The patient lost so much weight his _______ were sunken in. (calves/ ears/ cheeks)
5. We'll put a cool cloth on your _______ to get your fever down. (forehead/ tongue/ knees)
6. Another word for "belly button" is _______ (nipple/ navel/ uterus)
7. The newborn is getting his _______ changed in the nursery. (buttocks/ nappy/ shin)
8. She may never walk again because her _______ was so badly injured. (uterus/ spine/ finger)
9. The _______ on his knee was scraped off when he hit the road. (joint/ gum/ skin)
10. Your grandfather will be able to walk better after his _______ surgery. (chin/ wrist/ hip)


Historical Roots of the Nursing Profession in Islam
Rufaidah bint Sa'ad is recognized as the first professional nurse in Islamic history. She lived at the time of
the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the 1st century AH/8th century CE. Her full name was Rufaidah bint
Sa'ad of the Bani Aslam tribe of the Khazraj tribal confederation in Madinah. She was born in Yathrib
before the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She was among the first people in Madina to
accept Islam and was one of the Ansar women who welcomed the Prophet on arrival in Madina.
Rufaidah's father was a physician. She learned medical care by working as his assistant. Her history
illustrates all the attributes expected of a good nurse. She was kind and empathetic. She was a capable
leader and organizer able to mobilize and get others to produce good work. She had clinical skills that she
shared with the other nurses whom she trained and worked with. She did not confine her nursing to the
clinical situation. She went out to the community and tried to solve the social problems that lead to disease.
She was both a public health nurse and a social worker.
When the Islamic state was well established in Madina, Rufaidah devoted herself to nursing the Muslim sick. In peace time she set up a
tent outside the Prophet's mosque in Madina where she nursed the sick. During war she led groups of volunteer nurses who went to the
battlefield and treated the casualties. Rufaidah's field hospital tent became very famous during the battles and the Prophet used to direct
that the casualties be carried to her.
Rufaidah had trained a group of women companions as nurses. When the Prophet's army was getting ready to go to the battle of
Khaibar, Rufaidah and the group of volunteer nurses went to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They asked him for permission "Oh
messenger of Allah, we want to go out with you to the battle and treat the injured and help Muslims as much as we can". The Prophet
gave them permission to go. The nurse volunteers did such a good job that the Prophet assigned a share of the booty to Rufaidah. Her
share was equivalent to that of soldiers who had actually fought. This was in recognition of her medical and nursing work.
Rufaidah's contribution was not confined only to nursing the injured. She was involved in social work in the community. She came to the
assistance of every Muslim in need: the poor, the orphans, or the handicapped. She looked after the orphans, nursed them, and taught
them. Rufaidah had a kind and empathetic personality that soothed the patients in addition to the medical care that she provided. The
human touch is a very important aspect of nursing that is unfortunately being forgotten as the balance between the human touch and
technology in nursing is increasingly tilted in favor of technology.

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(Taken from the Paper of Prof. Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr. ;Presented at the 3rd International Nursing Conference "Empowerment and Health: An
Agenda for Nurses in the 21st Century" held in Brunei 1st-4th November 1998)
Answer questions based on the reading text above!
1. Who is Rufaidah bint Sa'ad?
2. Where did she learn about medical care?
3. What personalities did Rufaidah have that illustrates the attributes of a good nurse?
4. What did Rufaidah do when she went out to the community?
5. What did Rufaidah and her group of volunteers do during the battle?


The lady with the lamp
Florence Nightingale was a pioneer in the field of nursing. She found the profession of nursing and reformed
sanitary practices in hospitals. She developed the "polar-area diagram" to dramatize the needless deaths
caused by unsanitary conditions and the need for reform. With her analysis, Florence Nightingale
revolutionized the idea that social phenomena could be objectively measured and subjected to mathematical
analysis. She was an innovator in the collection, tabulation, interpretation, and graphical display of descriptive
statistics. These great achievements are more amazing when you consider that most Victorian women could
not attend university or pursue a professional career.
She was born in Italy in 1820 and was named after her birthplace. She was the daughter of a wealthy
landowner, William Nightingale, a well-educated man who believed that all people should receive an
education, and both Florence and her sister Parthenope were taught Greek, Latin, German, History,
Philosophy and Mathematics. At the age of 25 Florence had already made up her mind to follow a career in
nursing. Her parents were totally opposed to this, but Florence’s devotion and determination managed to
convince them and she had got her father’s permission to train as a nurse.
In 1854, Britain, France and Turkey were at war with Russia. The public were shocked by reports of the disgraceful conditions that the
sick and wounded British soldiers because to endure. Florence decided to help, and immediately went to Turkey, in charge of a group of
38 nurses, to work in military hospitals, where conditions were appalling. The soldiers were filthy, there were lots of rats and fleas, and
supplies were limited.
Initially, she received very little help from military officers and doctors. However, her assistance was greatly needed and they soon
changed their minds Florence quickly managed to organise the hospital, improve sanitation and eventually increase the survival rate of her
patients. Every soldier she cared for respected and admired her.
In 1856, Florence returned to England as a national heroine. She was known as “the lady with the lamp”, a name the soldiers gave her
because of the way she watched over them in hospital at night.
The year 2020 marks the bicentennial of Nightingale's birth and approximately the 150th anniversary of
her prediction in 1870 that "It will take 150 years for the world to see the kind of nursing I envision."
Now, share your opinions about the lessons you can take from both stories above, especially about being a good nurse in nowadays!


In this part, you will be reading examples of nurses’ notes and records. The following text is in the form of MEMO addressed to the
doctors, nurses and paramedics at a hospital from the hospital’ Medical Director. Read and comprehend its meaning!


Guidance for taking notes and keeping records
From the Medical Director  Use black ink to make photocopying easier
A number of problems are occurring throughout the hospital  Write clearly and without spelling mistakes
because some staffs are keeping inaccurate and insufficient
records of observations, assessments and treatments.  Print your name underneath your signature
I want to draw attention of all staff to the importance of good
record-keeping and ask everyone to read these guidelines  In your records highlight any important abnormalities.
 Use only abbreviations which are in common in this
 Records primarily serve the interest of the patient hospital
 Records should be an accurate chronology of events, recording  Document all care as soon as it is given
EXERCISEall consultations,
1 assessments, observations, decisions and
Answer the following questions to check your understanding to the MEMO from  If you thinkDirector
Medical that a patient
above! has been involved in an
 Recordsandareinsufficient
1. Inaccurate is closest
essential mean in meaning to:among staff
of communicating assault or self-harm, make a note of this to warn
a. bad and weak
b. wrong
notthat everyone has fulfilled his/ her duty of care  Records if the patients is in the custody of the police
 Use rating scales to assess levels of pain, etc. which
S1 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 3 are in common use throughout the hospital

c. unclear and too complicated

2. to draw the attention is to:
a. make a picture of the problem
b. highlight something
c. explain something
3. A chronology of events is:
a. a record of the important things
b. a record of the time when things happen
c. a record of how long it takes for each thing to happen
4. Important abnormalities are:
a. significant mistakes
b. relevant problems
c. the usual things
5. Things that are in common use in the hospital are:
a. only known by patients
b. understood by all staff
c. understood by all laymen
6. In the custody of the police mean:
a. employed by the police
b. protected by a bodyguard
c. under arrest
The Need for Good Records: Anything that makes reference to a patient, such as a care plan or diary,
can be used as evidence in a law court. Care plans and diaries are used, for example, when investigating
complaints of medical negligence or professional misconduct
Now, take a look to the sample of Patient’s Care Plan Record below, then read and answer the questions!
Patient’s Problem Goals Nursing Instructions
Poss. Pressure sores due to poor skin. Healthy, a. Change position every 2h, straighten sheets, remove crumbs (if any)
Because of arthritis & previous intact skin use draw sheet. 2 nurses to turn patient
radiotherapy – general immobility b. Personal hygiene – keeps skin clean and dry. Assist with daily bed-
bath. N.B. hair & nails
c. Encourage nourishing diet with adequate protein and at least 2l fluid
1. According to the notes, pressure sores may be caused by the patient’s:
a. arthritis and radiotherapy
b. inability to move
c. dermatological problems
2. The patient:
a. is having radiotherapy
b. may have radiotherapy
c. has had radiotherapy
3. The nursing goals are to:
a. Keep the patient’s skin healthy
b. Get the patient’s skin healthy
c. Get the patient healthy with skin intact
Nursing Instructions
4. According to the “Nursing Instructions”, which of these statements are true? Nurses must:
a. Change position every two hours
b. Move the patient every two hours
c. Help each other give the patient a bed-bath
d. Help the patient give herself a bed-bath
e. Keep their skin clean and dry
f. Not pay too much attention to the patient’s hair and nails


Situation: Linda (L) is looking for surgical ward in Arneza hospital
then she asks to a nurse in Information Center (I)
L : Excuse me, Miss?
I : Yes, can I help you, Ma’am?
L : I wonder whether you can help me.
I : I hope I can help you, what do you want to know Ma’am?
L : Yes, could you tell me how can I get to surgical ward in this
I : Of course I can, surgical ward is in the third corridor.
L : In the third corridor? But, where the third corridor is?
I : Okay, let me explain you, from here just turn left then you will
find an intersection on corridor six and you can turn right and

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go straight on, when you find another intersection, you just

pass it. And then you go through until next intersection. The
surgical ward is in front of obstetric clinic.
L : Thank you, Miss. I: Don’t mention it.
Asking for directions Giving simple directions
- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…, please? - Go straight ahead…
- Pardon me, can you show me how do I get to…? - Turn right/ left...
- Could you tell me how to get to…? - Walk down/ go along this...
- Can you tell me where … is? / where is…? - Until you find…
- I’m looking for … how can I get there? - Then turn right/ left
- Excuse me, where can I find the…? - Take the first turn on the right
- I need to go to…, can you show me the way to get there? - At the first turn on the left
Giving directions in the building - At the corner of…
- You can take elevator/ escalator over there
- At the opposite/ across of…
- Go up/ down stairs to the second floor
- At the end of corridor…
- Take the elevator to the third floor
- Next to training department
- On this floor/ on the fifth floor
If you’re unable to give direction… - Beside X- ray room
- I’m sorry I have no idea - Between lift and cafeteria
- I am afraid I can’t help you - Around the street

Make conversation to get some places using the useful expression below
Excuse me Sir, can you show me the …
1. Operating theater
2. Maternity ward
3. Cardiology clinic
4. Laboratory
Translate the conversations below into communicative English!
1. Visitor : Maaf, dimanakan ruang perawatan anak?
Nurse : Silahkan jalan lurus sampai ketemu ICU, lalu anda belok kiri. Ruang perawatan anak ada di sebelah kiri
2. Visitor : Suster, saya sedang mencari ruang perawatan Amarylis, dimana?
Nurse : Ibu jalan lurus melewati lorong ini, setelah ketemu tangga naik lantai 2. Ruang Amarylis ada di sebelah kanan anda.
3. Visitor : Saya perlu membayar tagihan rawat inap, bisa menunjukan dimana kasirnya?
Nurse : Baik, jalan lurus saja lewat sini. Kasir persis ada di samping farmasi
4. Visitor : Maaf, saya perlu ke poliklinik, bisakah anda menunjukan jalannya?
Nurse : Baik, anda harus jalan terus melewati ruang gawat darurat itu. Lalu belok kiri sampai anda melihat ada bagian
laboratorium. Poliklinik persis di sebelah laboratorium
5. Visitor : Suster, saya harus ke unit radiology, bisakah anda tunjukan dimana unit radiology?
Nurse : Itu ada di gedung sebelah. Anda harus keluar dulu lewat pintu itu, lalu belok kanan. Persis di sebelah kanan gedung ini
anda akan melihat unit radiology.

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Asking and explaining the function of a medical instrument
 What is this (instrument) for?
 Would you take a/ an+ (medical instrument) for…
 Can you explain the function of+ (medical instrument)?
 This is used to…/ This (instrument) is use to…
 I’ll introduce you a medical instrument. Its name is … It’s used (for/ to…) or (it is functioned…)
 A/ an … is an instrument that I used for… verb-ing
Example in conversation:
A: What is this wheel chair for? C: What is the thermometer for?
B: This wheel chair is use to bring a disable patient to walk. D: This is used to measure body temperature.

Susan: What is this called in English Sarah? Amy : Bob, can you tell me what this is?
Sarah: Oh... this is called a kidney dish Bob : I think this is a stethoscope
Susan: What is the kidney dish for? Amy : Stethoscope? What is this for?
Sarah: It’s used to place soiled dressing Bob : This used for listening sound of lungs,
abdomen or heart

Medical Instrument used for Measuring Vital Sign

Now, find other vocabularies on Medical Instruments then write with its meanings (in English and Bahasa)
Patients in hospital are usually anxious and fearful. It is important that hospital and staff put them and their ease by being polite and
pleasant. The following drills teach you polite form in English. Be careful about the way your voice rises and falls when you say these
Basic Instruction
 Please…/ …Please!  Would you mind…(V-ing)
 Will you…  I want you to…
 Would you…  I would like you to…

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 Could you…  I just want to see you…

Change each command request into polite request using basic instruction!
Command Request Come in, Please! (Silahkan masuk)
1. Sit down (duduk)
2. Stand up (berdiri)
3. Turn around (berputar)
4. Say “Ah” (katakan “Ah”)
5. Flex your neck (tekukan leher)
6. Bend down (membungkuk)
7. Lay down (berbaring)
8. Look up (lihat ke atas)
9. Raise your arm (angkat tangan)
10. Move your head (gerakan kepala)
Command Request Will you come in, Please!
1. Lift your leg (angkat kaki)
2. Arch your back (bungkukan punggung)
3. Lower your foot (turunkan kaki)
4. Open your mouth (buka mulut)
5. Put out your tongue (keluarkan lidah)
6. Bend your knees (tekuk lutut)
7. Touch your toes (sentuh jari kaki)
8. Wriggle your finger (gerakan jari)
9. Take your shirt off (buka baju)
10. Roll your sleeve up (gulung lengan baju)
Command Request Would you come in, please!
1. Hold your head up (tengadahkan kepala)
2. Take deep breath (tarik napas panjang)
3. Touch your ankle (sentuh pergelangan kaki)
4. Fist your finger (kepalkan jari)
5. Put on your shirt (kenakan baju)
6. Lower down your trouser (turunkan celana anda)
7. Take your trouser off (lepaskan celana)
8. Keep your mouth open (tetap buka mulut)
9. Keep your eyes hut (tutup mata)
10. Extend your hand (rentangkan tangan)
Command Request Would you mind coming in, please! (V-ing)
1. Take the breath in (tarik nafas dalam)
2. Take your breath out (hembuskan nafas)
3. Shake your head (gerakan kepala)
4. On the knee down (berlutut)
5. Put your body upside down (tengkurap)
6. Slight over/ scoot over (bergeser)
7. Fold your knees (lipat lutut)
8. Hold your breath (tahan nafas)
9. Fold your elbow (lipat siku)
10. Lay onto your tummy (tengkurap)
Choose the correct answer for these items in the list

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1. Can you …your mouth … please! a. On the knee down

2. Now, will you … your knee, please! b. Raise arm
3. I’m going to check your mouth, would you mind … your tongue … c. Open – widely
4. I would like to listen your lungs, please take … and … d. Fold – knee
5. I want to take your BP, would you mind … your sleeve …, please! e. Upside – down
6. A nurse asks Mr. Black to … the body …because she wants to inject pain killer on his buttock. f. Bend
7. I will … to ask you to forgive my fault. g. Breath in – out
8. If you don’t understand what I have said, please… and I will re-explain. h. Put – out
9. Well Miss, please tell me if you feel pain when I … your … to your abdomen. i. Put on
10. Everything is okay, now … your dress. j. Rolling – up


Nurse Caroline in Dr. Frank’s clinic is receiving phone call from Nurse Jane
Carol : Good morning, Dr. Frank’s clinic, with Nurse Caroline, can I help you?
Jane : Hello, I would like to have a quick word with Dr. Frank, can I?
Carol : Of course you can, but if you don’t mind telling me with whom I speak to?
Jane : This is Shanti, J-A-N-E from Arneza hospital
Carol : Well nurse Jane, from what department are you?
Jane : I am from emergency department
Carol : Okay Nurse Jane, I ringer you to his room, but just in case if you get cut off, his extension is 543
Jane : 543, okay, thanks
Then Nurse Caroline rings her to Dr. Frank’s room but nobody answers the telephone
Carol : Hello nurse Jane, I just called Dr. Frank’s room but nobody gets the telephone, maybe he is not in the office at the moment.
Would you like to leave a message?
Jane : Yes, please tell him that there is a patient with compound fracture at tibia and fibula in this hospital
Carol : Okay, “there’s a patient with compound fracture at tibia and fibula in Arneza hospital”
Jane : Yes you’re right
Carol : Okay I’ll try to call Dr. Frank and give the message to him immediately.
Jane : By the way do you have the cellular phone number of Dr. Frank?
Carol : I think so. Just a moment… here it is 232456
Jane : ‘962435’ okay, I will call him now but if you meet Dr. Frank, please tell him to contact me at 981711
Carol : ‘981711’ okay Nurse Jane. I’ll give Dr. Frank the message
Shanti : Thank you. Good bye
Carol : Good bye
To : Dr. Frank Date : 19 September 2021
From : Ns. Jane ( Arneza Hospital) Time : at 2 pm
Phone : 981711
There is a patient with compound fracture, please call her at Arneza Hospital
Received by
Ns. Carol
 Greeting & Introducing
Receiver Caller
 Good morning, St. Marry Hospital, can I help you?  Hello, this is St. Marry Hospital?

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 Good afternoon, Dr. Wilson clinic, may I help you?  Hello, this is 4301789?
 This is operating theatre, with Susan, is there something I  Hi Alan, this is Shinta, how are you?
can do for you?
 When you want to talk or speak with someone, in order to build up your vocabularies
 Hello, I would like to talk to Dr. Abraham, may I?
 Hi, I am going to speak to nurse Shinta, can I?
 I’d like to speak to Dr. Gill, please!
 Hello this is Dan North from Pediatric; I’d like to have a word with Dr. Betty if it is possible
 Can you transfer me to Dr. Wilson’s room, please?
 Could you ringer me to nurse Hanna?

 When the person you want to talk with is not in the office
 Oh, I am sorry, Dr. Wilson is not in the office right now and would you leave a message for him, please?
 I’m sorry Dr. Gill is in the meeting at the moment, would you like to call him back few minutes, please?
 Well, Nurse Hanna is examining a patient now, I’ll tell her to call you back soon
 I’m sorry Mr. Black just went out ten minutes ago
 I’m afraid he can’t talk to you because he I operating a patient at the moment
 Well, Nurse Shinta has already gone, it’s better for you to call her again tomorrow

 When you want to transfer the caller

 Okay Mr. Tony, I will transfer your telephone to his extension, but just in case you get cut off, his extension is 344
 Well Mr. Black I ringer ou to his extension now
 Well Mr. Brian, his extension is 345; I’ll try to connect you there.
Notice: how we ask someone to give a message to someone else
 Messages with statements: e.g. The patient will be sent tonight
Requests: - Please tell Dr. Wilson, the patient will be sent tonight
- Would you tell him…………………..?
- Could you tell her …………………..?
 Messages with imperatives: e.g. Call me this afternoon
Requests: - Please ask him to call me this afternoon
- Would you tell him …………………..?
- Could you tell her …………………..?
Make a request sentence to the others to deliver the message below!
1. Give the injection of pethidine 10 mg to Mr. Black (Nurse Nana)
2. The patient condition is getting better (Patients Famiily)
3. Call Dr. Andrew to come tomorrow morning (Nurse Dena)
4. The pediatric room is full of patient (Dr. Rahmat)
5. Come to the meeting this afternoon at 4 pm (Mr. Aji)

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Excuse me, what time is it now?
Response: >30 min. 12
<30 min.
It’s+ minute+ PAST+ main hour to/ before past/ after
It’s+ minute+ TO+ main hour 9 3

Example Using ”PAST” Example using “TO”

6.00 a.m. : It’s six o’clock in the morning 5.00 p.m. : It’s five o’clock in the afternoon
6.10 : It’s ten minutes past six 5.35 : It’s twenty five to six
6.15 : It’s a quarter past six 5.45 : It’s a quarter to six
6.30 : It’s a half past six 5.30 : It’s a half to six

Vocabulary A Cardinal Number is a An Ordinal Number is a

a.m.: ante meridiem (before 12 at noon) number that says how many number that tells the position
p.m.: post meridiem (before 12 at midnight) of something there are of something in a list
O’clock: exact hour used only at full hour Cardinal Number Ordinal Number
A quarter: fifteen (minutes) 1 One 1ndst First
A half: thirty (minutes) 2 Two 2 rd Second
3 Three 3th Third
Write: 29 August 2019/ 29.8.19 (GB)/ 8.29.19(US) 5 Five 5th Fifth
Say: August the twenty ninth two thousand and nine 6 Six 6th Sixth
e.g. 7 Seven 7th Seventh
April’12, 1984: April the twelfth nineteen eighty four 8 Eight 8th Eighth
3 June 1977: The third of June nineteen seventy seven 9 Nine 9 th Ninth
10 Ten 10 Tenth

Study the conversation below!

Mrs. Smith : Good morning, Nurse.
Nurse : Good morning too. Is there anything I can do for you Ma’am?
Mrs. Smith : Yes, I am looking for schedule of Dr. David in this hospital.
Nurse : Let me see the schedule first. Well Ma’am, Dr. David’s schedule is on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Mrs. Smith : In the morning or in the afternoon, Nurse?
Nurse : For Monday and Saturday, his clinical hour is at 9.00 to 11.00 in the morning.
Mrs. Smith : What about on Wednesday?
Nurse : For Wednesday, he has schedule in this hospital at 5.00 until 8.00 p.m.
Mrs. Smith : I see, and by the way, where is Dr. David’s room?
Nurse : Dr. David’s room is on the third floor, room number three.
Mrs. Smith : Thanks.
Nurse : No problem.


 When can I visit… (doctor’s name/ specialty)?
 Pardon me. Do you know when Dr. … is available?
 What time is Dr. …available?
 When is my turn?
 When visitor’s visiting starts?
 It is/ it’s …
 The internist’s/ Dr. …’s schedule is at… / on …(+day)
 The Obstetrician/ she/ he is available on… (+day), at… (+time)
will be available on… (+day), at…(+time)
will be on duty on … (+day), at…(+time)
Translate this communication exchange into English!
(P: Patient) (N: Nurse)
1. P : Saya pasien Dr. Stewart. Jam berapa saya hari ini bisa bertemu?

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N : Sebentar saya cek jadwalnya dulu. Baik, anda bisa bertemu pkl.16.15
2. P : Hari apa saja ada dokter spesialis anak?
N : (Anda Ingin bertemu) Dokter spesialis anak? Sebentar ya bu, dokter spesialis anak ada pada hari Senin, Selasa, dan Kamis
3. P : Berapa yang harus saya bayar untuk konsultasi ini?
N : Rp 815.500 untuk biaya konsultasi beserta obatnya bu...
Say these times & dates!
~ 12.45
~ 6.30
~ 15. 25
~ 2.10
~ 14 February 2015
~ August 17, 1945
~ 2 March 2014
~ June 3, 1988
~ 1 April 2000


Part of being a nurse, involves dealing with the people who are close to your patients. When a patient is staying in a hospital
or other health facility, it is often necessary to welcome, monitor, and inform visitors on a daily basis. In many cases you may form
stronger relationships with the patients' visitors than the patients themselves. Depending on the condition of the patient, certain loved
ones will be allowed to visit, while others will not. It is a difficult time for people who have loved ones in the hospital. Showing them
compassion and explaining the rules is much easier if you have the necessary English skills.
Study the different people that may come to visit the patient:
 Immediate family
 Mother and Father (patient's parents)
 Husband or Wife (the man or woman the patient is married to)
 Son and Daughter (children of the patient, boy and girl)
 Brother and Sister/siblings (other children of the patient's parents)
 Extended family
 Grandmother and Grandfather (mother and father of patient's parents)
 Aunt and Uncle (brother and sister of patient's parents)
 Niece and Nephew (girl and boy child of patient's siblings)
 Cousins (children of patient's aunt or uncle)
 Friends and other loved ones
 Best friend (patient's closest friend)
 Room-mate (a person the patient lives with)
 Neighbor (a friend who lives near the patient)
 Co-worker (a person who works with the patient)
 Fiancé or Fiancée (the man or woman the patient is engaged to marry)
 etc.
Typical concerns and questions that visitors may have, and some appropriate responses that you may be able to give them
 Questions and Concerns of Loved Ones
 Could you tell me which room Mrs. Smith is in?
 We're Michael's grandparents.
 Is my child going to be okay?
 When can we speak with the doctor?
 What time are visiting hours?

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 I'm trying to locate my sister's room

 My child would like something to drink.
 Is there somewhere I can lie down for a while?
 Please tell her to get well soon.
 Is there anything you can do to make him more comfortable?
 Questions and Responses from Nurses
 What is your relation to Patient?
 You'll have to come back during visiting hours.
 Ms. Lee is too tired for visitors.
 Room 7 is down the hall to your right.
 Does your daughter need anything?
 We do the best we can around here.
 There's a quiet room for families down the hall.
 He's in isolation because of the transplant.
 We had to transfer your mother-in-law to the ICU.
 It's in your brother's best interest.
 The doctor would like to have a word with you.

Study the conversation below and then answer the questions!
Nurse : I'm afraid visiting hours are over, sir
Visitor : My wife's in room 3B.
Nurse : Sorry, you'll have to come back in the morning.
Visitor : And leave her all alone overnight?
Nurse : I'm afraid that's the policy, sir.
Visitor : Surely you can make an exception? What if she needs me in the night?
Nurse : Don't worry, we'll look after her. What she really needs is her rest.
Visitor : Some of her friends want to see her too. When can they come?
Nurse : Visiting hours are from 9 to 11 in the morning and 4 to 7 in the evening, but I'm afraid while your wife is on bed rest
the doctor has requested that only immediate family members come in to see her.
Visitor : Can't her friends even stop by to bring her flowers?
Nurse : Flowers are not permitted in this ward. We just can't risk any germs that might come in with them.
Visitor : Well, I guess it's all in her best interest.
Nurse : Thanks for understanding. Now, I'm going to bring your wife her dinner. Why don't you head home and get something
to eat yourself?
Visitor : Okay. I really hate to leave her, but that's probably a good idea.
Nurse : She's in good hands here. I'll tell her you were here and that you'll see her in the morning.
Check your understanding!
1. What is the man's relation to the patient?
2. Why does the nurse send the man away?
3. The nurse thanks the man because...


Patient Receptionist
 I need to make an appointment.  What is your chart number?
 I need to see the doctor.  What is the appointment regarding?
 When is the doctor free?  Which day/what time is good for you?
 I need to renew my prescription.  Is January the 3rd okay with you? How does four o'clock sound?
 Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today?  We'll see you then.
 I need to make an appointment for my husband.  I'm sorry the doctor is not taking new patients.
 My child needs to come in for a check-up.  We'll call you if there are any cancellations.
 The doctor wants to see me again in two weeks’ time.  We're running an hour behind schedule.
 Dr. Jones is away. You'll be seeing Dr. Lindsay.

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Receptionist : Doctor's office. Jane’s speaking. Can I help you?

Caller : I need to make an appointment with Dr. Harris.
Receptionist : Do you know your chart number?
Caller : No, sorry. It's at home and I'm at work right now.
Receptionist : No problem. What's your name, please?
Caller : George Mason.
Receptionist : Okay Mr. Mason. Hold one moment while I grab your chart, please.
Caller : Sure.
Receptionist : Thanks for waiting. Now, what do you need to see the doctor about?
Caller : Well, I've been fighting a cold for more than a week, and I think I might have a chest infection or something. My
cough is getting worse each day.
Receptionist : Doctor Harris is off tomorrow. Do you think it can wait until Wednesday?
Caller : Oh, I was really hoping to get in today or tomorrow in case I need some antibiotics. Maybe I'll have to go to the
walk-in-clinic instead.
Receptionist : Actually, we had a cancellation for 2:00 pm today if you can get away from the office.
Caller : Gee, it's almost 1:00 pm already. I think I can make it if I leave right now.
Receptionist : We're running a bit behind schedule, so you can probably count on seeing the doctor around 2:30.
Caller : That's great. Thanks for fitting me in.
Receptionist : No problem, Mr. Mason. We'll see you in an hour or so.
Check your understanding
1. Why does the caller phone the doctor's office?
a. he's running late for his appointment
b. he's hoping Dr. Harris can fit him in
c. he can't remember his chart number
2. Which is true about George Mason?
a. he has a bad cold
b. he's running a fever
c. his cough is better
3. When will the doctor see Mr. Mason?
a. before 2pm
b. around two-thirty
c. the next day
Receptionist : Good morning. What can I do for you Mam?
Bella : Good morning. My name is Bella. I would like to meet Dr. Simpson to check my teeth.
Receptionist : Have you made the appointment with him before?
Bella : Yes, I have. I have called him and he told me to come to the clinic at 9 A.M.
Receptionist : I’m sorry Mam. Unfortunately he has just gone to attend a meeting. Didn’t he tell you?
Bella : No, he didn’t give any confirmation to me.
Receptionist : Would you mind waiting him Mam?
Bella : Hmm, what time is the meeting over?
Receptionist : Probably it will be over around 11 A.M.
Bella : I wish I could, but unfortunately I have to pick my father up in the airport at 11 A.M. Maybe I’d like to change my
appointment with Dr. Simpson. Can you rearrange the appointment for me please?
Receptionist : With my pleasure Mam. Let me check his schedule first. How about tomorrow at 10 A.M? He is available at that
Bella : Alright. I will come tomorrow at 10 A.M. Thank you.
Receptionist : You’re welcome.
Make another conversation about Booking Doctor’s Appointment! (You can use the list on Useful Expression above)


A nurse can understand the patient’s condition by doing the first step of the nursing process i.e. assessment.
Assessment consists of:

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1. Assessing Nursing/ Illness History: Patient’s Identity; Chief Complaint; HPI (History of Present Illness); PNH (Past Nursing History);
Family History.
2. Observation Vital Sign: T-P-R-BP (Temperature-Pulse-Respiration-Blood Pressure) and General Appearance.
3. PE (Physical Examination through Approach of IPPA (Inspection; Palpation; Percussion; Auscultation)
4. Result of Diagnostic Test: Blood; Urine; Stool; X-ray; CT-SCAN; etc.
During the assessment stage, it is enough for the nurse just to ask the patient: “How are you?” or “How do you feel today?” The answer
you get from the patient won’t always the answer the objective of the assessment stage. In this stage, the nurse not just listens to the
words the patient uses, but she should observe the reactions and the body language which may tell you more than words. So, the nurse
should look for SIGN and SYMPTOMS of pain, discomfort, and illness.
 SIGN: are what the nurse can observe, what a nurse can see (of feel) for herself. The nurse can observe: changes in recorded
observation such as blood pressure, temperature, pulse and respirations. In the assessment step are also known as findings. The
nurse can see the sign such as:
 A bruise or bruising that is hematoma or not.
 A rash: an area of red lumps or pimples on the skin, which can be an erythema or urticarial (allergy rash). Some rashes are
very itchy so the patient wants to scratch it
 Sign of weight loss or weigh gain
 Changes in color of the skin as the symptoms of a certain disease
- White- pale: anemic- looking (tampak anemia)
- Blue- color : cyanosis
- Yellow color: jaundice (penyakit kuning)
- Inflammation: redness
 Swelling of puffiness (pembengkakan, bengkak): i.e. extra fluid in the tissues under the skin. (the medical term for swelling is
oedema that is spelt “edema” in American English
 Cuts, wound or lacerations (laserasi): breaks the skin (usually caused by an accident)

 SYMPTOMS are something that only the patient feels and knows about and tells the nurse about it. Symptoms are known as
complaints. In the assessment steps, symptoms are considered as a subjective data.
The patient may say:
 I feel like vomiting or I feel sick in the stomach or I am nauseated (mual)
 I have pain in my chest
 I cannot sleep well or I suffer from insomnia
 I have diarrhea or I have frequent bowel actions (sering BAB)
 I feel dizzy or I have vertigo or I feel headache
 I am very thirsty or I am dehydrated
 I feel numbness (loss of sensation or changed sensation) or I have tingling (geli)
Now look at these common complaints: some are Signs and some are Symptoms. Make two lists to differentiate “sign and symptom”
based on the list below:
Irregular pulse; dull pain; stomachaches; dizziness; pale; diarrhea; jaundice; thirst; dyspnea (sulit bernafas);
Constipation; headache; cyanosis; anorexia (kurang nafsu makan); laceration; abrasion (luka lecet);
Weight gain; backache; inflammation (peradangan) ; shallow respiration (shallow: dangkal)

Physical Examination Skills

Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation are examination techniques that enable the nurse to collect a broad range of physical
data about patients.
1. Inspection : The process of observation, a visual examination of the patient’s body parts to detect normal characteristic or
significant physical signs.
2. Palpation : Involves the use of the sense of touch. Giving gentle pressure or deep pressure using your hand is the main
activity of palpation.
3. Percussion : Involves tapping the body with the fingertips to evaluate the size, borders and consistency of body organs and
discover fluids in the body cavities.
4. Auscultation : Listening the sounds produced by the body.
EXERCISE 2. Mention what examination techniques based on each activity listed below!
1. Examining patient’s respiratory
2. Inspecting the mouth and throat
3. Asking the patient to stand up to find whether there is scoliosis or not

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4. Pressing her middle finger of non-dominant hand firmly against the patient’s back with palm and finger remaining of the skin, the
tip of the middle finger of the dominant hand strikes the other, using quick, sharp stroke
5. Observing the color of the eyes
6. Observing the movement of the air through the lungs
7. Testing deep tendon reflexes using hammer
8. Checking the tender area with her hand
9. Pressing abdomen deeply to check the condition of underlying organ
10. Preparing a good lighting, then he observe the body part.
EXERCISE 3. What kind of examination techniques shows in each picture?

1. ………………… 2. ………………… 3. ………………… 4. ………………… 5. ………………

6. …………… 7. ……………… 8. ……………… 9. ……………… 10. ………………

 Cardiologist : Dokter ahli penyakit jantung
 Pediatrician : Dokter ahli penyakit anak
 Ophthalmologist : Dokter ahli penyakit mata
 Internist : Dokter ahli penyakit dalam
 Neurologist : Dokter ahli penyakit syaraf
 Dermatologist : Dokter ahli penyakit kulit
 Venerologist : Dokter ahli penyakit kelamin
 Obstetrician : Dokter ahli kebidanan
 Gynecologist : Dokter ahli kandungan
 Surgeon : Dokter ahli bedah
 Psychiatrist : Psikiater
 Psychologist : Ahli ilmu jiwa
 Pathologist : Ahli ilmu penyakit
 Anesthesiologist : Ahli ilmu anestesi/ bius
 Radiologist : Ahli radiologi/ ilmu sinar
 Orthopedic Surgeon : Ahli bedah tulang
 General Practitioner : Dokter umum
 Physician : Dokter/ tabib
 Dentist : Dokter gigi
 Nutritionist : Ahli gizi
 Midwife : Bidan
 Pharmacist : Apoteker
 Nurse : Perawat Pelaksana
 Chief Nurse : Kepala ruangan
 Nurse in Charge : Perawat Jaga
 Head/Leader Nurse : Kepala perawat
 Director of Nursing Service : Kepala keperawatan
 Lab technician : Petugas laboratorium
 ECG technician : Petugas pengoperasian mesin ECG

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Fill the blanks with the appropriate name of profession!
1. _________ is a heart specialist.
2. _________ is a doctor who specializes in medical care for children.
3. _________ is doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves.
4. _________ is a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations
5. _________ is an internal diseases specialist or a doctor who specializes in identifying and treating diseases which do not need
surgery (= cutting into the body)
6. _________ is a doctor who treats diseases of the reproductive system. In the other word this is a doctor who specializes in
treating sexually transmitted diseases.
7. _________ is a doctor who is also trained in psychiatry / the part of medicine which studies mental illness / a doctor who
treats mental illnesses.
8. _________ is a pathology specialist or an expert in the study of diseases, especially someone who examines a dead person's
body and cuts it open to discover how they died.
9. _________ is a radiology specialist or a person who specializes in radiology/ the scientific study of the medical use of radiation,
especially X-rays.
10. _________ is a doctor who studies and treats skin diseases.
11. _________ is a doctor who treats eye diseases.
12. _________ is a doctor who gives anesthetic to the patient in hospital.
13. _________ is a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations to bones which have not grown correctly or
which have been damaged.
14. _________ is a person whose job is treating people's teeth.
15. _________ is a medical technician who works at laboratory.
16. _________ is a medical technician who operates a machine that records the electrical activity of the heart as it beats.
17. _________ is a nurse who leads nurse team in doing their jobs.
18. _________ is a doctor skilled in the treatment of women's diseases, especially those of the reproductive (= connected with
having babies) organs.
19. _________ is a medical doctor, especially one who has general skill and is not a surgeon.
20. _________ is a doctor with special training in how to care for pregnant women and help in the birth of babies.
21. _________ is (the title given to) a person whose job is to care for people who are ill or injured, especially in a hospital.
22. _________ is a person, usually a woman, who is trained to help women when they are giving birth.
23. _________ is a person who is trained to prepare medicines and who works in a hospital, dispensary, drugstore, pharmacy.
24. _________ is a general doctor
25. _________ is someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and behavior, and how different situations have an
effect on them.
26. _________ is an expert on the subject of nutrition
27. _________ is a leader who manages and controls nursing service.
Study the conversation below!
Carol : Hi Tom, good to see you again, How are you doing?
Tom : Hello Carol, nice to see you again. I’m fine and you?
Carol : Pretty good. Thanks.
Tom : By the way, where do you work now?
Carol : I work in Arneza Hospital.
Tom : Working in hospital? What do you do there?
Carol : I am a nurse. I take cares some patient there
Tom : That’s sound interesting. And what ward do you work there?
Carol : I work in the surgical ward and what about you?
Tom : Well, I work for Dr. Frank’s Clinic
Carol : What do you do in Dr. Frank’s Clinic?
Tom : I am a lab technician
Carol : Oh Really? It’s a good job
Tom : Yes, It is
 Operating Theatre (OR) : Ruang operasi
 Emergency Room : Unit gawat darurat
 ICU : Unit perawatan intensif
 CVCU : Unit perawatan penyakit jantung
 Medical Ward : Ruang perawatan umum
 Surgical Ward : Ruang perawatan bedah
 Delivery Room : Kamar bersalin
 Maternity Ward : Ruang perawatan ibu melahirkan
 Pediatric Ward : Ruang perawatan bayi/ anak
 Geriatric Ward : Ruang perawatan lansia
 Psychiatric Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit mental
 E.N.T. Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit THT
 Neurological Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit syaraf
 Dermatological Ward : Ruang perawatan penyakit kulit

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 Orthopedic Ward : Ruang perawatan rehabilitasi tulang

 Body Death Room : Kamar Jenazah
 Laboratory : Laboratorium
 Dispensary/Pharmacy : Apotek
 Nurse Station : Ruang jaga perawat
 Doctor’s Lounge : Ruang istirahat dokter
 Nurses’ Lounge : Ruang istirahat perawat
 Dentistry Clinic : Klinik gigi
 Out Patient Department : Klinik rawat jalan
 Information Center : Pusat Informasi
 Physiotherapy Department : Bagian terapi fisik
 Admission Department : Bagian pendaftaran
 Radiology Department : Bagian radiologi
 Nutrient Department : Dapur Gizi
 Laundry Department (CSSD) : Bagian Pencucian linen
(Central Sterile Supply Dept)
How many work places you can find for each job in hospital!
1. A Nurse  Operating Theatre
2. A Midwife
3. A Physician  Out Patient Dept.
4. A Radiologist
5. A Dentist  Medical Ward
6. A Psychiatrist
7. A Laboratory Technician  Nursing Dept.
8. A Surgeon
9. A Pathologist  Laboratory Dept.
 Maternity Ward
 Radiology Dept.
 Mental Illness Hospital
Medical form and documentation are not standardized; they vary between hospital and even between departments in the same
hospital. Sometimes “Nursing Instructions” are called “Nursing Interventions”; sometimes “Eating and Drinking” is called “Food and Fluid
Intake”, sometimes “Daily Living” is called “Work and Play” and sometimes “Aims and Objectives” are called “Discharge Goals”,
“Intended Goals”, and so, on.
Things like Patient Care Plans are usually hand-written, not typed, and usually written quickly by people in a hurry in short
note form- not full sentences. Notes are not complete and “good” English; they are full abbreviations, arrows crossing the paper here
and there, slashes, asterisks, stars, dots, underlining, etc. sometimes it is difficult to understand another person’s notes – hard enough in
your own language – extra difficult in a language not your own. Sometimes medical abbreviations differ according to the field of
healthcare. For example, POP is “Plaster of Paris in Orthopedics” and “Posterior Occipital Position” in Midwifery
 Ensure the statements are factual and recorded in consecutive order, as they happen. Only record
what you, as the nurse, see, hear, or do.
 Do not use jargon, meaningless phrases, or personal opinions (e.g., “the patient's vision appears
blurred” or “the patient's vision appears to be improving”). If you want to make a comment about
changes in the patient's vision, check the visual acuity and record it.
 Do not use an abbreviation unless you are sure that it is commonly understood and in general use.
For example, BP and VA are in general use and would be safe to use on records when commenting
on blood pressure and visual acuity, respectively.
 Do not speculate, make offensive statements, or use humor about the patient. Patients have the
right to see their records!
 If you make an error, cross it out with one clear line through it, and sign. Do not use sticky labels or
correction fluid.
 Write legibly and in clear, short sentences.
 Remember, some information you have been given by the patient may be confidential. Think
carefully and decide whether it is necessary to record it in writing where anyone may be able to read
it; all members of the eye care team, and also the patient and relatives, have a right to access

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nursing records.
Translate the writing tips above!



S1 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 18


Morning Nursing Note Afternon

Routine & Evening Read morning report.
7.00 a.m. Take over from night shift to morning shift nurses and Routine
do patient’s round 4.15 p.m. Patient tea and extra Ponstan 500 mgs given
7.30 a.m. Prepare patient for breakfast 4.30 p.m. Patient try to ambulate
8.00 a.m. Collect used dishes and return to ward kitchen for 5.15 p.m. Apply urine catheter, urine (+), blood (-)
washing Pain lower abdomen (-)
9.15 a.m. Toilet round 6.30 p.m Patient’s family visit the patient.
9.30 a.m. Take vital sign 7.00 p.m. Prepare patient for dinner. Patients eats a lot.
BP.120/90;P.88bpm;Rr.20x/m;T.37.80C 7.15 p.m. Collect plate and cup and return to ward kitchen
10.00 a.m. Dr Frank does round with nurse in charge for washing
Order> Change dressing twice a day 8.00 p.m. Treatment to be given as prescribed
> Give high calorie & high protein diet 8.15 p.m. Control all condition of the patients
> Collect urine for 24 hours 8.30 p.m. Complete intake and output charts
> Amoxicillin 3 x 500 mg 8.45 p.m. Patients settled for night
> Ponstan 4 x 500 mg
> Bring the patient to X-rays Dept. 9.00 p.m. Make afternoon report. Take over the ward from
10.30 a.m. Bring him to X-rays room afternoon to night nurses and does patient’s round
11.00 a.m. Patient returned from X-rays Dept, X-rays film (+) Night
Milk drinks and meals given to the patient Routine Read afternoon report
11.15 a.m. Collect plate and cup and return to ward kitchen for 9.00 p.m. Take over from afternoon shift nurses to night
washing shift nurses and does patient’s round. General
11.30 a.m. Change dressing. The wound looks wet, bad odor. condition of patient is stable, patient s wathing TV
It’s covered by sterile and clean gauze. with family.
11.45 a.m. Mr. Jack complains pain on the leg and lower 9.30 p.m. Serve drinks
abdomen. 10.00 p.m. Light out
Doing examination on her abdomen, distended on 10.30 p.m. Prepare all medications for morning therapy
lower abdomen and no void for 2 days. Prepare for early morning routine
12.00 a.m. Report to DR. Frank about Ms. Jane complained 11.00 p.m. All bedpans and urinals are washed and boiled
Order> Giving extra Pethidine 50 mgs
> Applying urine catheter 12.00 m.n. Control all condition of patients. Patient are
> Observation for blood in urine sleeping well.
> call him back within 30 minutes 1.00 a.m. Mr. Jack complains pain in her leg.
12.15 a.m. Inject Pethidine 50 mgs Extra Ponstan 500 mgs is given
1.00 p.m. Prepare patients for lunch. Patient eats little, no 2.00 a.m. Control condition of Mr. Jack. He is sleeping well.
appetite. 4.30 a.m. Light on
2.00 p.m. Treatment given as order/ as prescribed. 5.30 a.m. Partial morning bed bath
2.30 p.m. Make patient comfortable for afternoon rest. Change dressing. Wound looks dry.
Make afternoon duty. Take over of ward from morning Bed making and make comfortable position
shift to afternoon shift nurses and does ward round. 6.30 a.m. Patient try to ambulate
7.00 a.m. Prepare patient for breakfast. Patients eats a lot.
Afternon & 7.15 a.m. Collect plate and cup and return to ward kitchen
Evening Read morning report. for washing
Routine 7.30 a.m. Treatment to be given as prescribed
2.00 p.m. Take over of ward from morning shift to afternoon 7.45 a.m. Complete intake and output charts
shift nurses and does ward round. General condition of 8.00 a.m. Make night report. Take over the ward from night
patient is stable, patient is sleeping soundly. to morning shift nurses and do patient’s round
3.00 p.m. Take vital sign BP.120/80;P.88
4.00 p.m. Evening complete bed bath
Dressing renewed. Wound is still wet.
Patient still has pain on the leg
Bed making and make patient comfortable position.

S1 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 19



Sept 7
2 p.m. Admitted at 2 p.m. Suspected fracture leg in a road traffic accident at 9 a.m. today, Carol
Lacerations of face and hands also present. Fully conciousness
2.30 Clean the wound with H2 O2 and covered by sterile gauze. Mary
3.00 I.V.I. Lactate Ringer in progress
3.30 Given A.T.S. & Pethidine 50 mgs I.M.I.
4.00 Checked vital sign. T. 38.50C;P.100 bpm;Rr.20x/m; BP.120/90. Shanty
4.30 Patient pale and feel sweaty.
Frightened, reassurance given.
5.00 Took to X-rays for left leg, film(+) fracture at tibia and fibula Roza
5.30 Called Dr. Frank. Order: Prepare for operation, take blood sample, sign fo a consent form.
6.00 Took blood sample for X-match & blood group, CBC, BSR. Please ask the parent to send donors
to theater at 9 a.m.
8.00 Ms. Jane parents visited and ask a sign consent form (+). They will send donors to theater. Last vital
sign T.36.50C;P.80 bpm;Rr 16x/m;BP 120/70
Family Name First Name Ward Bed
Johnson Jane Jasmine 2
Answer the questions based on ‘Nursing Daily Report” to check your comprehension!
1. Who is the complete name of the patient?
2. What happen to the patient when she is admitted to hospital?
3. What’s nurse do at 4.00 p.m. and why she’s doing it?
4. What is Dr. Frank’s order to nurse the nurse?
5. At what time should the patient’s parent send donors to theater?

S1 Keperawatan – STIKes Karsa Husada Garut Page 20

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