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SEMESTER 2021/22.1 (2021.2)

Nama Mahasiswa : Adela Ananda Putri

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/NIM : 043816945

Tanggal Lahir : 20-10-2001

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : BING4102/Reading I

Kode/Nama Program Studi : 87/Sastra Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 71/Surabaya

Hari/Tanggal UAS THE : Minggu/19 Desember 2021

Tanda Tangan Peserta Ujian

Adela Ananda Putri


1. Anda wajib mengisi secara lengkap dan benar identitas pada cover BJU pada halaman ini.
2. Anda wajib mengisi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.
3. Jawaban bisa dikerjakan dengan diketik atau tulis tangan.
4. Jawaban diunggah disertai dengan cover BJU dan surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.



Surat Pernyataan Mahasiswa

Kejujuran Akademik

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama Mahasiswa : Adela Ananda Putri

NIM : 043816945
Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : BING4102/Reading I
Fakultas : FHISIP
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris
UPBJJ-UT : Surabaya

1. Saya tidak menerima naskah UAS THE dari siapapun selain mengunduh dari aplikasi THE pada laman
2. Saya tidak memberikan naskah UAS THE kepada siapapun.
3. Saya tidak menerima dan atau memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk apapun dalam pengerjaan soal ujian
4. Saya tidak melakukan plagiasi atas pekerjaan orang lain (menyalin dan mengakuinya sebagai pekerjaan
5. Saya memahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan aturan
akademik yang berlaku di Universitas Terbuka.
6. Saya bersedia menjunjung tinggi ketertiban, kedisiplinan, dan integritas akademik dengan tidak
melakukan kecurangan, joki, menyebarluaskan soal dan jawaban UAS THE melalui media apapun, serta
tindakan tidak terpuji lainnya yang bertentangan dengan peraturan akademik Universitas Terbuka.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat pelanggaran
atas pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akademik yang ditetapkan oleh
Universitas Terbuka.
Surabaya, 19 Desember 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan


1. A. The main ideas of paragraph 1 are My wife and I were in Dharamshala, Nothern India, attending a ten-day meditation course
when we got some very bad news one night.

B. The word this in ‘It would leave around 8 pm from this city’ refer to Dharamshala

C. The writer’s intention on the train-seat style based on the word ‘compartment’ in paragraph 2 is if you want to sleep you buy a
compartment ticket. The ticket for those who want to sleep when traveling

D. Then a 40-year-old man named Daljeet Singh Thakur gave us an explanation. He helped us to continue our journey. After getting
help from the man we continued our journey. We are very grateful. Thanks to Daljeet Singh Thakur we got lucky

2. A. The prefix has on the meaning of the word is the prefix "re-" is used in words related to activities that are carried out more
than once or repeatedly. The affix "re-" in certain verbs so that they stick together

B. The main subject of the sentences is Tejinder Singh

C. The main verb of the sentences is given him the energy to power through what is going to be a long day

D. Cohesive devices tell readers what we are doing in a sentence and help guide them through our writing. Signaling to the reader
what is the relationship between the different clauses, sentences, and paragraphs

E. Help link sentences to other sentences and paragraphs to other paragraphs. These linking words help to: increase cohesion in
your writing by connecting your ideas. adding clarity to your writing so you say exactly what you want to say.

3. A. Contains a lot of information, among others, on cover stories, science, puzzles, innovations, health, drama in real life, the
mind, humor, and national interest. A great writer is consisting of Tina Donvinto and Jenn Sinrich, Marissa Laliberte, Derek Burnett,
Robert Anthony Siegel, Bill Hangley JR., Jessica Migala, and Elisa Roland, Marc Peyser, and Daniel Duane. From this book, we can
learn many things. But don't worry, this book also has entertainment on page 104. Of course, it makes us not bored reading books.

B. The Tuscan coast has a textured drama of people and the sea. The "tropical" unnatural sand is the sand that was
bleached by the carbonate from the chemical plant and also emitted mercury to date. In addition, Plants convert salt
extracted from the sea into chlorine and other essential products. Fossil fuels drive such transformations around the
world, CO2 from chimneys and exhaust pipes is slowly acidifying the oceans,
threatening marine life.

4. A. Pattern of organization of the relationships between supporting details in paragraphs, essays, and chapters.
Chronological, Compare and contrast, Order of importance, Order, Spatial, Cause, and effect, Problems, and Solutions
Signal word: next and then
B. Paragraph 1: On 20th August and 5th September in 1977, two spacecraft took off from Florida, USA
Paragraph 2: Voyager 1 arrived at Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system
Paragraph 3: Voyager 2 was also similar to visiting Jupiter and Saturn after Voyager 1, but then it continued to
Paragraph 4: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were used for taking photographs of the planets, yet their journeys were

C. On 20th August and 5th September in 1977, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 started a long and difficult journey to the end
of the solar system. Two spacecraft took off from Florida, USA.
Voyager 1 arrived at Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. At a distance of
349,000 kilometers from Earth, scientists received the best photographs of the planet from
Voyager 1 and they discovered a lot about the planet’s weather from them. Voyager 2 was also similar to visit Jupiter
and Saturn after Voyager 1, but then it continued
to Uranus. Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system. There is a lot of ice on the surface. Voyager 1 and Voyager
2 aimed for taking photographs of the planets, yet
their journeys were dissimilar. The two Voyagers finished their official journeys in 1989, but they continued traveling.
Now they are at the end of our solar system and scientists think the two
spacecraft can travel until 2025. So Voyager 1 and 2 are on their most amazing journey: into
space outside our solar system.

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