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Istilah 'pasar', sebagaimana digunakan oleh para ekonom, merupakan perluasan dari gagasan kuno
tentang pasar sebagai tempat berkumpulnya orang-orang untuk membeli dan menjual barang. Di
masa lalu, sebagian kota disimpan sebagai pasar atau pasar, dan orang-orang akan melakukan
perjalanan berkilo-kilometer pada hari-hari pasar khusus untuk membeli dan menjual berbagai
komoditas. Namun saat ini, pasar seperti pasar gula dunia, pasar emas, dan pasar kapas tidak perlu
memiliki lokasi geografis yang tetap. Pasar seperti itu hanyalah seperangkat kondisi yang
memungkinkan pembeli dan penjual bekerja sama. Di pasar bebas, persaingan terjadi di antara
penjual komoditas yang sama, dan di antara mereka yang ingin membeli komoditas itu. Persaingan
tersebut mempengaruhi harga yang berlaku di pasar. Harga pasti berfluktuasi, dan fluktuasi tersebut
juga dipengaruhi oleh penawaran dan permintaan saat ini. Kapan pun orang mau membelinya, pasar
untuk komoditas itu tercipta. Pembeli dan penjual dapat bertemu secara langsung, atau mereka
dapat berkomunikasi dengan cara lain, melalui surat, melalui telepon atau melalui agen mereka. Di
pasar yang sempurna, komunikasi mudah, pembeli dan penjual banyak, dan persaingan benar-benar
gratis. Di pasar yang sempurna hanya ada satu harga untuk komoditas tertentu, harga terendah yang
akan diterima penjual dan harga tertinggi yang akan dibayar konsumen. Namun demikian, tidak ada
pasar yang benar-benar sempurna, dan setiap pasar barang-dagangan tunduk pada kondisi-kondisi
khusus. Namun dapat dikatakan bahwa penetapan harga di pasar menunjukkan titik di mana
penawaran dan permintaan bertemu

Exercise hal- 32

Exercises 1
a. market as a place where people gather to buy and sell goods
b. modern market like a supermarket, mini marked, and hypermarket
c. competition takes place among sellers of the some commodity, and among those who wish
to buy that commodity
d. such competition influences the prices prevalling in the market
e. supply, demand, and price
f. whenever people are willing to buy it, a market for that commodity is created
g. they may communicate in, some other way, by letter, by telephone, or through their agents
h. in a perfect market there can be only one price for any given commodity , the lowest price
which sellers will accept and the highest which consumers will pay
i. the price ruling in market indicates the point where supply and demand meet

Exercises 2
a. False
b. True
c. True
d. False
e. False
f. True

Exercises 3
c. Certain commodities have a wider market than others.
e. Durable foods, for example, have a far wider market than perishable goods.
b. Commodities like these can be bought and sold and stored without difficult by people who live at
great distances from each other and from the sources of supply.
d. In addition, commodities which are easy to transport, safe to handle and simple to grade are
generally in universal demand.
f. For this reason such goods are a good commercial proposition simply because the risk of investing
in them is relatively low.
a. Finally, it is interesting to note that many buyers and sellers on important market never see the
commodities which they buy and sell.

Exercises 4

a. The term 'labor' means any work done for a known reward Economists use the term in a
special way.
• The term labour any work done for a known reward Economists use the term in a special
b. The term 'money' refers not only to a medium of exchange but also a means of measuring
the value of men's labour. Economists understand the term in a special way.
•The term 'money' as refers not only to a medium of exchange but also a means of
measuring the value of men's labour. Economists understand a special way.
c. The idea of a perfect market is a theoretical concept and not a specific reality. Economists
present the idea in a special way.
• The idea of a perfect market is a theoretical concept and not a specific reality as Economists
present the idea in a special way.
d. Methods of controlling prices and wages may not work. The government describes the
method in a special way
e. • Methods of controlling prices and wages may not work as the government describes the
method in a special way

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