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Nama : Luthfia Nisa Ramadhani

NPM : 21001085
Kelas : 5C



1. Pasien mrs.x datang berobat ke poli bedah, lalu dirawat selama 2 minggu dan pasien
mengeluh ada benjolan di area payudara sebelah kanan. Diagnose awal pasien diduga
Pleural effusion, dan coma. Hasil biopsy ditemukan kanker payudara dan Secondary
malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs. Pasien dilaukan tindakan
Other intubation of respiratory tract, Routine chest x-ray, so described, Electrographic
monitoringdan Other oxygen enrichment.
Tentukan kode diagnose dan tindakan dari kasus tersebut?
Diagnose Awal: Pleural effusion, dan coma
- Pleura
- - malignant C78.2
Kode : C78.2
Diagnose Akhir: kanker payudara and Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and
unspecifed respiratory organs.
Kanker Payudara
- Breast (connective tissue) (glandular tissue) (soft parts) C50.9
MC : Breast, unspecified
Kode : C50.9
• Other intubation of respiratory tract 96.05
• Routine chest x-ray, so described 87.44
• Electrographic monitoring 89.54
• Other oxygen enrichment. 93.96
2. Mrs. Y berobat dengan hasil temuan biopsy kanker of breast dan diagnosa Volume
depletion. Lalu pasien diberikan tindakan Other oxygen enrichment, Injection or infusion
of electrolytes serta Other transfusion of whole blood dan Parasitology of blood.
Tentukan kode diagnose dan tindakan dari kasus tersebut?
Biopsy kanker of breast
Diagnos: Volume depletion
- Volume
- - Plasma E86
MC : Volume depletion
Kode : E86
• Other oxygen enrichment 93.96
• Injection or infusion of electrolytes 99.18
• Other transfusion of whole blood 99.03
• Parasitology of blood Parasitology, see examination
91.64 microscopic examination of specimen from skin and other integument

3. Mr.X berkunjung ke dokter kulit dengan keluhan kanker pada kulit dengan membawa hasil
biopsy dokter dari rumah sakit. Pasein juga menyampaikan bahwa ada keluhan seperti
Other specified disorders of white blood cells hasil laboratorium dan Hypo-osmolality and
hyponatraemia. Pasien sudah diberikan Transfusion of packed cells, Other oxygen
enrichment, Parasitology of blood, Injection or infusion of electrolytes.
Tentukan kode diagnose dan tindakan dari kasus tersebut?
Diagnose utama: Kanker Kulit Penyakit
Penyerta :
• Other specified disorders of white blood cells hasil labolaturium
• Hypo-osmolality and hyponatraemia Tindakan :

• Transfusion of packed cells 99.04

• Other oxygen enrichment 93.96 • Parasitology of blood Parasitology,
see examination 91.64 microscopic examination of specimen from skin
and other integument
• Injection or infusion of electrolytes 99.18

4. Pasien datang ke rumah sakit dengan keluhan diagnose Dyspepsia, dan memiliki riwayat
hypertension. Hasil temuan dari lab ternyata pasien memiliki diagnose Malignant neoplasm
of tongue, lalu dilakukan tindakan Electrocardiogram, Injection or infusion of platelet
inhibitor dan Parasitology of blood, Injection of locally acting therapeutic substance into
other soft tissue serta Injection of antibiotic Tentukan kode diagnose dan tindakan dari
kasus tersebut?
Diagnose awal: dyspepsia K30
Penyakit penyerta: hypertension
Diagnose lain: Malignant neoplasm of tongue
- Tongue C02.9
Kode : C02.9
• Electrocardiogram 89.52
• Injection or infusion of platelet inhibitor 99.20
• Parasitology of blood Parasitology, see examination
91.5 microscopic examination of blood
• Injection of locally acting therapeutic substance into other soft tissue 83.98 •
Injection of antibiotic 99.21

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