Anda di halaman 1dari 52


Passage 1 for questions number 1-4

Hampir 50% remaja Amerika tidak aktif secara teratur, berkontribusi terhadap tren kelesuan di antara orang
Amerika dari segala usia, menurut Pusat Pengendalian Penyakit AS (CDC). Siswa perempuan remaja di
sangat tidak aktif - 29% tidak aktif dibandingkan dengan 15% siswa laki-laki. Sayangnya, kebiasaan
"kentang sofa" muda sering berlanjut hingga dewasa. Menurut Laporan Ahli Bedah Umum tahun 1996
tentang Aktivitas Fisik dan Kesehatan, orang Amerika menjadi semakin kurang aktif setiap tahun. Tidak aktif
dapat menjadi faktor risiko kesehatan yang serius, mengatur panggung untuk obesitas dan penyakit kronis
terkait seperti penyakit jantung atau diabetes. Manfaat olahraga termasuk membangun tulang, otot, dan sendi,
mengendalikan berat badan, dan mencegah perkembangan tekanan darah tinggi.

Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas fisik mungkin memiliki manfaat lain juga. Satu studi CDC
menemukan bahwa siswa sekolah menengah yang mengambil bagian dalam olahraga tim atau aktif secara
fisik di luar sekolah cenderung tidak terlibat dalam perilaku berisiko, seperti menggunakan narkoba atau
merokok. Aktivitas fisik tidak perlu berat untuk menjadi bermanfaat. CDC merekomendasikan aktivitas fisik
harian moderat untuk orang-orang dari segala usia, seperti jalan cepat selama 30 menit atau 15-20 menit
latihan yang lebih intens. Sebuah survei yang dilakukan oleh National Association for Sport and Physical
Education menanyai remaja tentang sikap mereka terhadap olahraga dan tentang apa yang diperlukan untuk
membuat mereka bergerak. Remaja memilih teman (56%) sebagai motivator yang paling mungkin untuk
menjadi lebih aktif, diikuti oleh orang tua (18%) dan atlet profesional (11%).

1. Paragraf pertama dari bagian ini melayani semua tujuan berikut KECUALI untuk... A. memberikan
informasi statistik untuk mendukung klaim bahwa remaja tidak berolahraga

cukup B. daftar risiko kesehatan jangka panjang yang terkait dengan kurang olahraga C. mengungkapkan
skeptisisme bahwa remaja dapat mengubah kebiasaan olahraga mereka D. menunjukkan korelasi antara
remaja yang tidak aktif dan orang dewasa yang tidak aktif E. menyoroti beberapa manfaat kesehatan dari

2. Kata menetap hampir berarti... A. malas B. apatis C. stasioner D. stabil E. tidak fleksibel

3. Manakah dari teknik-teknik berikut yang digunakan dalam kalimat terakhir dari bagian ini?A. penjelasan
istilah B. perbandingan argumen yang berbeda C. kontras pandangan yang berlawanan

D. pernyataan umum E. ilustrasi dengan contoh

4. Tujuan utama dari bagian ini adalah untuk... A. membantah argumen B. membuat prediksi C. memuji hasil
D. mempromosikan perubahan E. membenarkan kesimpulan

Bagian 2 untuk pertanyaan nomor 5-8. TEKS A

Berlin (ANTARA) - Tidak ada lagi Coca-Cola atau Budweiser, tidak ada Marlboro, tidak ada wiski Amerika
atau bahkan kartu American Express, semakin banyak restoran di Jerman mengambil semua yang Amerika
dari menu mereka untuk memprotes perang di Irak.
Meskipun protes terutama simbolis, pelayan di puluhan bar dan restoran di Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Bonn
dan kota-kota Jerman lainnya mengatakan kepada pelanggan, "Maaf, Coca-Cola tidak tersedia lagi karena
situasi politik saat ini."

Boikot tampaknya menjadi bagian dari gerakan dunia yang baru lahir. Satu situs Web, www.consumers-, menyerukan boikot terhadap 27 perusahaan top Amerika dari Microsoft ke Kodak sementara
yang lain,, mendesak "jutaan orang menentang perang" untuk "Boikot Merek Amerika."

Kemarahan konsumen tampaknya meningkat. Demonstran di Paris menghancurkan jendela restoran

McDonald's pekan lalu, memaksa polisi dengan perlengkapan anti huru hara untuk bergerak untuk
melindungi staf dan pelanggan gerai makanan cepat saji Amerika. Para penyerang menyemprotkan kata-kata
kotor dan "boikot" di jendela.

ekonomi ini, pada gilirannya, digunakan untuk mensponsori teror dan pembunuhan dalam Islam

negara-negara seperti Afghanistan dan Irak. Ketika boikot produk dilakukan oleh konsumen di Timur Tengah
dan beberapa di negara-negara Eropa, penjualan perusahaan-perusahaan ini dilaporkan menurun sebesar 10%
dan ini merupakan angka besar bagi perusahaan-perusahaan raksasa. Oleh itu, adalah rasional bagi umat
Islam terutamanya di Malaysia untuk mengambil tindakan yang sama. Selain itu, akhir-akhir ini, banyak
produk lain yang tersedia sebagai alternatif untuk produk yang diboikot. Misalnya, kami memiliki pasta gigi
Mukmin alih-alih Colgate dll. dan Fab atau Breeze dapat diganti dengan Daiya, Puteri Emas dll.

Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang muncul sehubungan dengan boikot seperti seberapa efektif pendekatan dan
mengapa tidak memboikot semua produk sama sekali. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, Sabasun
telah menegaskan kembali untuk melihat runtuhnya rezim apartheid di Afrika Selatan sebagai contoh

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang mengapa tidak memboikot semua produk sama sekali, Sabasun telah
mengambil pendekatan untuk melakukan apa yang bisa dilakukan ketika seseorang tidak dapat melakukan
semuanya. Oleh karena itu, beberapa produk yang benar-benar dibutuhkan oleh konsumen ditawarkan pada
ruang lantai yang terbatas dan

Tidak ada promosi yang dilakukan untuk produk. Sementara produk yang diboikot sepenuhnya bahkan tidak
akan mendapatkan ruang di rak apalagi ruang lantai. Selama fase awal setelah kampanye berlangsung, efek
boikot sangat jelas ketika Sabasun menderita kerugian hampir RM 150.000.

5. Kedua bagian ini serupa dalam hal ... (A) Masalah yang mendasari kedua bagian (B) Sudut pandang
penulis (C) Efek dari masalah yang dibahas (D) Area masalah yang terjadi (E) Alasan yang menyebabkan

6. Perbedaan antara bagian pertama dan kedua adalah bahwa yang terakhir ... (A) Menegaskan keuntungan
ekonomi yang dihasilkan dari boikot sementara klaim sebelumnya

penyebab boikot (B) Mengekspos dampak boikot yang merugikan bagi negara-negara Islam sementara yang

menunjukkan situasi di Jerman (C) Menegaskan perlunya memboikot produk-produk Amerika sementara
yang pertama menggambarkan
kegiatan boikot di Eropa (D) Menolak boikot terhadap produk-produk Amerika sementara yang pertama

alasan boikot (E) Menunjukkan pembatasan kegiatan sementara yang pertama mengklarifikasi perlunya


7. Dari bagian kedua, dapat disimpulkan bahwa topik yang dibahas sebelum teks Bis ... (A) Alasan dasar
untuk memukul mundur produk Amerika (B) Teror bagi negara-negara Islam (C) Motivasi untuk tidak
memboikot semua produk sama sekali (
D) Efektivitas dalam melaksanakan program
(E) Keuntungan ekonomi dari perusahaan-perusahaan Amerika

8. Kata yang paling cocok untuk setidaknya mengubah kata "baru lahir" dalam "Boikot tampaknya menjadi
bagian dari gerakan dunia yang baru lahir." di bagian pertama adalah ... (A) Baru lahir(B) Bangkit(C)
Berbahaya(D) Vital(E) Resah

Bagian 3 untuk pertanyaan nomor 9-12

Tidak semua mendengkur adalah sleep apnea. Tapi mendengkur sangat keras, karena terhalang

jalan napas, terkadang merupakan tandanya. Gejala lainnya adalah sebagai berikut: kantuk di siang hari,

Sakit kepala pagi, tekanan darah tinggi, dan terbangun tiba-tiba atau periode ketika orang lain
memperhatikan bahwa Anda telah berhenti bernapas.

Sleep apnea yang tidak diobati telah dikaitkan dengan masalah dengan kontrol glukosa yang dapat
menyebabkan diabetes dan masalah kardiovaskular, seperti peningkatan risiko tekanan darah tinggi. Selain
itu, ada efek lain yang berpotensi mematikan: kecelakaan lalu lintas yang disebabkan oleh pengemudi yang
mengantuk. Tidak jelas persis berapa banyak kecelakaan seperti itu, tetapi para ahli tidur di Eropa
memperkirakan sekitar 20 persen.

Kekhawatiran tentang kecelakaan telah menyebabkan kelompok kerja untuk Komisi Eropa tentang Sleep
Apnea and Driving merekomendasikan bahwa Uni Eropa mengharuskan pengemudi dengan sleep apnea
untuk mengendalikannya, atau berisiko kehilangan lisensi mereka. Kabar baiknya? Telah ditunjukkan dengan
jelas sekarang bahwa pengobatan sleep apnea yang efektif menghilangkan Unit Gangguan Paru dan Tidur di
Rumah Sakit Universitas St Vincent di Dublin.

Dua dekade lalu, sedikitnya empat persen pria dan dua persen wanita menderita sleep apnea, tetapi jumlah itu
meningkat, sebagian karena lebih banyak orang memiliki faktor risiko untuk itu, seperti obesitas, kata Mc
Nicholas. Faktor genetik juga dapat berperan. "Angka di wilayah lima hingga sepuluh persen sekarang secara
teratur dibicarakan sebagai angka prevalensi untuk sleep apnea yang signifikan," katanya. Itu berarti antara
35 dan 70 juta orang Eropa.

Dengan lebih banyak kasus, muncul kekhawatiran lain. "Ketika Anda mempertimbangkan bahwa Anda
mendiagnosis orang-orang seperti itu dengan memantau pernapasan mereka saat mereka tidur, maka
logistiknya sangat besar," catat Mc Nicholas. Akibatnya, banyak penelitian difokuskan pada cara-cara untuk
dengan mudah dan efektif menemukan sleep apnea, baik di laboratorium tidur maupun di rumah. Perangkat
yang dapat mendeteksi pola tidur, atau monitor portabel yang dapat melacak tidur saat dipakai untuk tidur di
rumah, adalah dua solusi yang menjanjikan.
Perawatan bisa menjadi cerita lain. Mungkin pengobatan yang paling akrab – dan waktu yang paling umum
dan paling efektif – saat ini adalah CPAP, yang merupakan singkatan dari continuous positive airway
pressure. Sistem ini melibatkan pompa udara kecil, tabung dan masker yang menutupi hidung (atau hidung
dan mulut) selama tidur untuk mengarahkan udara dengan lembut ke saluran napas bagian atas.

Pikiran tidur dengan masker selama sisa hidup seseorang tentu tidak menyenangkan bagi sebagian orang,
kata Puertas. Setelah beberapa saat, beberapa orang bahkan mengembangkan keterikatan pada perangkat
mereka. Kata Mc Nicholas, "Mereka benar-benar pergi tidur dan meringkuk dengan topeng CPAP." Dia
percaya adalah reaksi bawah sadar tubuh untuk akhirnya bisa bersantai dan tidur nyenyak setelah berbulan-
bulan atau bertahun-tahun mengalami sleep apnea yang tidak diobati.
(Disadur dari Reader's Digest)

9. Di paragraf lain mana penyebab apnea diperkenalkan dalam paragraf 1 yang dibahas?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5E. 6

10. Manakah yang berikut ini mencerminkan gagasan hubungan antara apnea dan
pengobatannyamenggunakan CPAP? A. Tetap terjaga hingga larut malam dan mengantuk B. Menurunkan
berat badan dan diet seimbang C. Belajar keras dan nilai bagus D. Olahraga teratur dan kesehatan E. Bekerja
keras dan haus

11. Argumen yang dinyatakan dalam baris 1-3, paragraf 4 mengasumsikan bahwa ... A. standar kesehatan
hidup telah menurun selama dua dekade terakhir B. kekayaan berkontribusi pada peningkatan jumlah orang
dengan apnea C. konsumsi makanan instan menyebabkan peningkatan kasus apnea D. orang-orang di abad
ke-21, telah mewarisi DNA E. diet yang diambil orang telah berubah secara dramatis

12. Karakteristik orang dengan apnea paling baik diilustrasikan dalam paragraf ... A. 1 dan 2, B. 1 dan 4, C. 3
dan 5, D. 2 dan 6, E. 3 dan 7;

Bagian 4 untuk pertanyaan nomor 13-16

Disleksia terjadi pada suatu kontinum dan tidak ada "garis pemisah yang tajam" antara

mengalami disleksia dan tidak memilikinya. Pada tahun-tahun awal sekolah dasar, semua anak belajar
membaca, dan semua mengembangkan keterampilan membaca mereka pada tingkat yang berbeda. "Perilaku
anak usia 4 hingga 6 tahun yang berisiko disleksia tidak jauh berbeda dengan anak-anak yang tidak," tulis
profesor Mark Seidenberg, ilmuwan kognitif di University of Wisconsin, dalam Language at the Speed of
Sight. "Biasanya anak-anak yang sedang berkembang belajar membaca pada tingkat yang berbeda karena
alasan konstitusional dan lingkungan."

Lebih lanjut, karena gejala dan manifestasi disleksia dapat berubah seiring waktu, keluarga, guru, dan
sekolah dapat dimengerti berjuang untuk mengidentifikasi disleksia pada anak-anak. Tetapi cara disleksia
muncul pada pembaca muda jauh dari satu-satunya rintangan: kadang-kadang guru sekolah dasar belum
diberi alat yang tepat untuk mengenali gejala masalah membaca di depan tidak tahu bagaimana mengatasi
masalah tersebut.

Misalnya, ketika Dr. Martha Youman pertama kali karirnya sebagai guru kelas dua, dia tahu bahwa beberapa
muridnya tidak bisa membaca tetapi dia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa: "Saya membuat mereka sibuk.
Sungguh, ada intervensi yang mereka butuhkan, saya hanya tidak tahu bagaimana membantu mereka," kata
Youman, yang sekarang merawat anak-anak dengan disleksia. "Saya memiliki master dalam mengajar, dan
tidak tahu bagaimana menghadapi para siswa ini."

Seringkali diagnosis disleksia datang setelah berbulan-bulan bertahun-tahun frustrasi dan kegagalan yang
melelahkan bagi siswa, orang tua, dan guru. Adalah umum bagi anak-anak disleksia untuk menghindari
membaca dan menjadi marah atau kesal di kelas atau ketika saatnya untuk melakukannya

pekerjaan rumah atau membaca dengan lantang di depan orang lain. Terkadang para siswa ini dipandang
pintar tetapi kurang motivasi atau tidak bekerja cukup keras. Untuk membuat segalanya lebih rumit, anak-
anak disleksia sering memiliki gangguan perkembangan lain seperti ADHD di samping tantangan membaca
mereka. Kunci untuk mencegah kegagalan membaca adalah deteksi dini.
(Disadur dari

13. Menurut bagian itu, penulis menyiratkan bahwa guru siswa disleksia ... A. tidak tahu bagaimana
menangani masalah B. dilengkapi dengan alat untuk mengenali disleksia C. tidak dapat mengajar siswa cara
membaca D. merasa lelah, dan frustrasi dengan siswa E. mengenali gejalanya

14. Apa karakteristik siswa disleksia? Mereka... A. membaca pada tingkat yang berbeda B. memiliki alasan
konstitusional dan lingkungan C. mengenali tanda-tanda peringatan dini D. tidak tahu bagaimana membantu
E. menjadi kesal untuk membaca dengan keras

15. Paragraf setelah bagian ini adalah ... A. gangguan perkembangan lainB. jenis-jenis tantangan membacaC.
penyebab kegagalan membacaD. bagaimana mendeteksi disleksiaE. Langkah-langkah untuk mencegah

Bagian 5 untuk pertanyaan nomor 16-18

Bagian berikut adalah dari memoar Frank McCourt tahun 1996 Angela's Ashes. Si

Penulis menggambarkan bagaimana rasanya pergi ke sekolah sebagai anak muda. Kami pergi ke sekolah
melalui jalur dan jalan-jalan belakang sehingga kami tidak akan bertemu dengan

anak laki-laki terhormat yang pergi ke Sekolah Saudara Kristen atau orang-orang kaya yang pergi ke sekolah
Yesuit, Crescent College. Anak-anak lelaki Christian Brothers mengenakan jaket wol, sweater wol hangat,
kemeja, dasi, dan sepatu bot baru yang mengkilap. Kami tahu merekalah yang akan mendapatkan pekerjaan
di layanan sipil dan membantu orang-orang yang menjalankan dunia. Anak-anak Crescent College
mengenakan blazer dan syal sekolah yang dilemparkan di leher dan di atas bahu mereka untuk menunjukkan
bahwa mereka sedang berjalan. Mereka memiliki rambut panjang yang jatuh di kepala depan mereka dan di
atas mata mereka sehingga mereka dapat melemparkan quaff mereka seperti orang Inggris. Kami tahu
merekalah yang akan pergi ke universitas, mengambil alih bisnis keluarga, menjalankan pemerintahan,
menjalankan dunia. Kami akan menjadi anak laki-laki kurir dengan sepeda yang mengantarkan bahan
makanan mereka atau kami akan pergi ke Inggris untuk bekerja di lokasi pembangunan. Para sister kita akan
mengurus anak-anak mereka dan menggosok lantai mereka kecuali mereka pergi ke Inggris juga. Kami tahu
itu. Kami malu dengan penampilan kami dan jika anak laki-laki dari sekolah kaya menyampaikan komentar,
kami akan bertengkar dan berakhir

dengan hidung berdarah atau pakaian robek. Tuan-tuan kami tidak akan memiliki kesabaran terhadap kami
dan perkelahian kami karena putra-putra mereka pergi ke sekolah-sekolah kaya dan, kamu tidak berhak
mengangkat tanganmu ke kelas orang yang lebih baik, jadi kamu tidak melakukannya.

16. Kata ganti "kami" yang digunakan penulis di seluruh bagian mengacu pada ... A. keluarganya B. anak-
anak miskin di lingkungannya C. anak-anak yang bersekolah di sekolah kaya D. penulis dan saudaranya E.
pembaca dan penulis
17. Penulis mengutip guru sekolahnya yang mengatakan "kamu tidak punya hak untuk mengangkat
tanganmu ke kelas orang yang lebih baik sehingga kamu tidak" untuk... A. menunjukkan betapa ketatnya
guru sekolahnya B. membandingkan sekolahnya dengan Christian Brothers' School dan Crescent College C.
menunjukkan bagaimana guru-gurunya memperkuat garis kelas D. membuktikan bahwa penulis
dimaksudkan untuk hal-hal yang lebih besar E. menunjukkan bagaimana orang berbicara

18. Bagian ini menyiratkan bahwa... A. penulis bertekad untuk pergi ke Inggris B. penulis bertekad untuk
menjadi seseorang yang akan menjalankan dunia C. penulis sering terlibat perkelahian D. penulis tidak
mengerti gagasan kelas dan pangkat dalam masyarakat E. kelas seseorang menentukan masa depan seseorang

Bagian 6 untuk pertanyaan nomor 19-20

Di antara hantu lingkungan yang dihadapi umat manusia di abad ke-21 –

Pemanasan global, perusakan hutan hujan, penangkapan ikan berlebihan di lautan – kekurangan air tawar
berada di urutan teratas, terutama di negara berkembang. Hampir sebulan berlalu tanpa sebuah studi baru
membuat prediksi lain yang mengkhawatirkan, semakin memperdalam kekhawatiran atas apa yang oleh
seorang ahli Bank Dunia disebut "aritmatika air yang suram." Baru-baru ini PBB mengatakan bahwa 2,7
miliar orang akan menghadapi kekurangan air yang parah pada tahun 2025 jika konsumsi terus berlanjut pada
tingkat saat ini. Kekhawatiran tentang masa depan yang kering muncul dari proyeksi pertumbuhan populasi
dunia dari lebih dari enam miliar hari ini menjadi sekitar sembilan miliar pada tahun 2050. Namun jumlah air
tawar di Bumi tidak meningkat. Hampir 97 persen air di planet ini adalah air asin di laut dan samudera.
Hampir 2 persen air bumi membeku di lapisan es kutub dan gletser, dan sebagian kecil dari satu persen
tersedia untuk minum, irigasi, dan keperluan industri.

Berita air yang suram, bagaimanapun, bukan hanya sesuatu dari masa depan: Hari ini diperkirakan 1,2 miliar
orang minum air yang tidak bersih, dan sekitar 2,5 miliar tidak memiliki toilet atau sistem pembuangan
limbah yang layak. Lebih dari lima juta orang meninggal setiap tahun akibat air

penyakit seperti kolera dan disentri. Di seluruh dunia, petani dan kotamadya memompa air keluar dari tanah
lebih cepat daripada yang dapat diisi ulang.

Namun, seperti yang saya temukan dalam perjalanan dua bulan ke Afrika, India, dan Spanyol, sejumlah
individu, organisasi, dan bisnis bekerja untuk memecahkan aritmatika air yang suram.

19. Bagian setelah bagian ini kemungkinan akan membahas tentang... (A) Penyebaran kekurangan air yang
lebih besar di Afrika, India, dan Spanyol (B) Penemuan penulis tentang berita air suram (C) Teknik yang
diambil untuk mendapatkan efisiensi maksimum dari setiap tetes air (D) Momok lingkungan lain yang
dihadapi umat manusia (E) Memecahkan gagasan masalah individu, organisasi, dan bisnis

20. Kesimpulan apa yang dapat merusak informasi yang diambil dari bagian itu? (A) Sanitasi yang buruk
menyebabkan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan air (B) Pertumbuhan populasi dunia tidak seimbang
dengan ketersediaan air bersih (C) Selalu ada studi baru yang membuat prediksi mengkhawatirkan lainnya
tentang air tawar (D) Diperkirakan 1,2 miliar orang minum air yang tidak bersih, dan sekitar 2,5 miliar

tidak memiliki toilet atau sistem pembuangan limbah yang layak (E) Hanya satu persen air yang tersedia
untuk minum, irigasi, dan keperluan industri

PAKET 2 Baca teks dan jawab pertanyaan berikut. Teks di bawah ini adalah untuk pertanyaan
nomor 1 dan 2

Dunia sedang mengalami "Gelombang Korea", ledakan budaya pop global. Pada Februari 2020, "Parasite"
karya Bong Joon-ho menjadi film berbahasa non-Inggris pertama yang memenangkan Oscar film terbaik
Beberapa bulan kemudian, sensasi K-pop BTS merilis album barunya yang sangat dinanti-nantikan yang
dengan cepat menduduki puncak tangga lagu Billboard. Ini bukan tren baru. Dunia telah melahap budaya
pop Korea selama bertahun-tahun - dan bukan hanya musik atau film, produk Korea, seperti mie kemasan
dan produk kecantikan juga telah booming.

Apa yang menjelaskan momen budaya internasional ini? Lebih dari 20 tahun yang lalu, Korean Wave
dimulai sebagai proyek pemerintah Korea Selatan. Krisis keuangan Asia 1997-1998 membuat ekonomi
Korea bertekuk lutut. Hal ini membuat pemerintah menyadari bahwa mereka telah menjadi terlalu
bergantung pada industri berat dengan rantai pasokan yang rumit. Pada tahun 1994, Dewan Penasihat
Presiden Korea untuk Sains dan Teknologi menerbitkan sebuah laporan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa film
"Jurassic Park" dapat menghasilkan sebanyak dalam satu tahun sebagai penjualan gabungan 1,5 juta mobil
Hyundai. Akibatnya, pemerintah Korea meluncurkan salah satu serangan soft-power terbesar di dunia untuk
mengubah citra dan mengekspor produk budaya Korea.
Disadur dari: The Washington Post

1. Topik apa yang paling mungkin dibahas paragraf setelah bagian tersebut?A. Strategi yang diterapkan
pemerintah untuk mendukung dan mempromosikan budaya Korea.B. Tantangan mengubah opini publik
mengenai industri film Korea.C. Beberapa studi Barat menyoroti tren pasar global terbaru. Beberapa upaya
gagal untuk meningkatkan ekonomi Korea pada akhir 1990-an.E. Hyundai sukses luar biasa setelah
dipasarkan secara intensif

2. Kata 'melahap' dalam kalimat 4 paragraf pertama paling dekat artinya dengan ... A. berputarB. mengepelC.
melahapD. menghapusE. Mengubah

Teks di bawah ini adalah untuk pertanyaan nomor 3 dan 4.

Ponsel telah membawa transformasi baru di dunia

pemasaran. Salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi merek adalah bagaimana terhubung secara efektif dengan
audiens mereka melalui semua alat ini dengan cara yang benar sehingga menghasilkan kampanye pemasaran
yang disesuaikan dan berorientasi pada hasil. Teknologi baru dan cara pemasaran telah mempengaruhi
pemasaran digital. Untuk menjadi pelopor pemasaran baru, bisnis harus bertindak dengan penilaian. Bisnis
perlu menyesuaikan strategi pemasaran mereka dengan kebutuhan modern


konsumen dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi baru untuk komunikasi yang lebih personal dan bermanfaat.
Penting untuk memahami bagaimana penjual dapat menerima kemungkinan baru dan beradaptasi dengannya.

Perusahaan yang ingin meningkatkan pemasaran mereka di masa depan harus beradaptasi dengan pemasaran
online. Mereka harus memilih aplikasi pemasaran online yang tepat untuk memasarkan produk mereka.
Sebagai pemilik bisnis, perusahaan harus fokus pada optimalisasi penggunaan kekuatan pemasaran online.
Google, sebagai penyedia aplikasi penjualan online, sangat menekankan pada penciptaan pengalaman
responsif seluler. Penting untuk memahami kebutuhan pengguna ponsel dan membuat desain web yang

Pemasaran online dapat memudahkan bisnis untuk mempromosikan dan menjual produk. Ini membantu
penjual menjadi hemat biaya. Ini dapat memfasilitasi berbagai kegiatan seperti segmentasi, pembuatan
prospek, pemasaran konten, dan retensi pelanggan. Semua ini dapat membuahkan hasil yang baik untuk
bisnis penjual online. Yang harus mereka lakukan adalah mencari tahu teknologi atau perangkat lunak online
apa yang paling dapat memfasilitasi upaya pemasaran mereka. Pemahaman penjual tentang pemasaran online
akan sangat berguna. Pemahaman ini akan membantu mereka untuk menjadi lebih baik dalam pemasaran

Kebutuhan akan hiburan tanpa henti dan komunikasi cepat menjadi tempat yang lebih umum akhir-akhir ini.
Jangkauan dan variasi opsi untuk menghubungkan audiens adalah alasan mengapa perusahaan sangat tertarik
menggunakan media sosial untuk pemasaran. Pada kenyataannya, saluran sosial seperti Instagram, dan
Pinterest sekarang banyak digunakan untuk pemasaran yang efektif.
Disadur dari

3. Dari bagian ini, kita dapat menyiratkan bahwa ....A. bisnis layanan internet akan sangat mahalB. Layanan
internet adalah entitas utama untuk memfasilitasi pemasaran onlineC. pemasaran digital tidak bergantung
pada bandwidth internet yang tinggiD. pemasaran digital telah memberikan biaya lebih sedikit kepada
penyedia internetE. Pemasaran digital telah dikembangkan secara terpisah dari layanan Internet

4. Semua kalimat berikut ini benar tentang pemasaran online, KECUALI ....A. pemasaran online dapat
mengurangi biaya pemasaranB. ada kemajuan berkelanjutan dalam penggunaan pemasaran media sosialC.
penting bagi perusahaan untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan pemasaran onlineD. pemasaran online-dalam
menanggapi kebutuhan umum masyarakatE. pemasaran online memungkinkan bisnis untuk mempromosikan
dan menjual produk mereka kepada target


Baca teks dan jawab pertanyaan 5 – 7.

Salah satu sumber kecemasan terbesar dalam Lingkungan Pengembalian Tertunda adalah ketidakpastian
yang konstan. Tidak ada jaminan bahwa bekerja keras di sekolah akan memberi Anda pekerjaan. Tidak ada
janji bahwa investasi akan naik di masa depan.


Tidak ada jaminan bahwa berkencan akan memberi Anda belahan jiwa. Tinggal di Lingkungan
Pengembalian Tertunda berarti Anda dikelilingi oleh ketidakpastian. Jadi apa yang bisa kamu lakukan?
Bagaimana Anda bisa berkembang di Lingkungan Pengembalian Tertunda yang menciptakan begitu banyak
stres dan kecemasan?

Hal pertama yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah mengukur sesuatu. Anda
tidak dapat mengetahui dengan pasti berapa banyak uang yang akan Anda miliki di masa pensiun (baris 9),
tetapi Anda dapat menghilangkan beberapa ketidakpastian dari situasi tersebut dengan mengukur berapa
banyak yang Anda tabung setiap bulan. Anda tidak dapat memastikan bahwa Anda akan mendapatkan
pekerjaan setelah lulus, tetapi Anda dapat melacak seberapa sering Anda menghubungi perusahaan tentang
magang. Anda tidak dapat memprediksi kapan Anda menemukan cinta, tetapi Anda dapat memperhatikan
berapa kali Anda memperkenalkan diri kepada seseorang yang baru. Tindakan pengukuran mengambil
kuantitas yang tidak diketahui dan membuatnya diketahui. Ketika Anda mengukur sesuatu, Anda segera
menjadi lebih yakin tentang situasinya. Pengukuran tidak akan secara ajaib menyelesaikan masalah Anda,
tetapi itu akan memperjelas situasi, menarik Anda keluar dari kotak hitam kekhawatiran dan ketidakpastian,
dan membantu Anda memahami apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.

Selain itu, salah satu perbedaan terpenting antara Lingkungan Pengembalian Segera dan Lingkungan
Pengembalian Tertunda adalah umpan balik yang cepat. Hewan terus-menerus mendapatkan umpan balik
tentang hal-hal yang menyebabkan mereka stres. Akibatnya, mereka benar-benar tahu apakah mereka harus
merasa stres atau tidak. Tanpa pengukuran Anda tidak memiliki umpan balik.
(Disadur dari:

5. Ide yang salah tentang mengukur sesuatu berdasarkan teks adalah ....A. Anda dapat menghilangkan
beberapa ketidakpastian dari situasi dengan mengukur seberapa banyak Anda

Simpan setiap bulan. B. Anda dapat melacak seberapa sering Anda menghubungi perusahaan tentang
magang. C. Anda dapat memperhatikan berapa kali Anda memperkenalkan diri kepada seseorang yang baru.
D. Anda segera menjadi lebih yakin tentang situasinya. E. Anda secara ajaib memecahkan masalah Anda.

6. Kata "pensiun" pada baris 9 paling dekat artinya dengan ....A. pull outB. evakuasiC. penarikanD.
penerbanganE. Privasi


7. Semua hal berikut adalah manfaat pengukuran, kecuali ....A. lebih yakin tentang situasiB. menarik Anda
keluar dari kotak hitam kekhawatiran dan ketidakpastianC. tidak memiliki umpan balikD. membantu untuk
memahami apa yang sebenarnya terjadiE. memperjelas situasi

Teks di bawah ini adalah untuk pertanyaan nomor 8 – 17

ahli diet Amerika dan anggota komunitas medis telah mengejek rendah-

Diet karbohidrat sebagai perdukunan selama tiga puluh tahun terakhir, sambil memuji diet yang mengurangi
lemak, membatasi konsumsi daging, dan bergantung pada karbohidrat sebagai makanan pokoknya. Banyak
orang Amerika yang akrab dengan piramida makanan yang dipromosikan oleh pemerintah AS, dengan dasar
karbohidrat seperti roti, nasi, dan pasta, dan puncaknya dialokasikan untuk lemak, minyak, dan permen.
Mengikuti anti-lemak, pro-konsumen pemerintah dengan janji hari pelajar. Lalu, mengapa orang Amerika
menjadi sangat gemuk? Mungkinkah rekomendasi diet dari dua puluh tahun terakhir salah? Dan terlebih lagi,
bisakah para pendukung diet yang mendorong protein dan lemak benar?

Fakta: Tingkat obesitas telah melonjak di seluruh negeri sejak 1980-an. Pusat Pengendalian Penyakit
Amerika Serikat melaporkan bahwa jumlah orang dewasa obesitas telah berlipat ganda dalam dua puluh
tahun terakhir. Jumlah anak-anak dan remaja obesitas hampir tiga kali lipat, meningkat 120% di antara anak-
anak Afrika-Amerika dan Latin dan 50% di antara anak-anak kulit putih. Risiko diabetes tipe 2, yang
berhubungan dengan obesitas, telah meningkat secara dramatis juga. Yang mengganggu, penyakit ini
sekarang mempengaruhi 25% hingga 30% anak-anak, dibandingkan dengan 3% hingga 5% dua dekade lalu.

Apa yang ada di balik tren ini? Porsi supersized, makanan cepat saji murah, dan minuman ringan
dikombinasikan dengan gaya hidup menetap menonton TV atau berselancar internet kemungkinan besar
berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan obesitas yang cepat. Namun, mungkin ada lebih dari itu: apakah
kebetulan bahwa tingkat obesitas meningkat dalam dua puluh tahun terakhir - periode waktu yang sama di
mana doktrin diet rendah lemak telah memerintah? Sebelum tahun 1980-an, kebijaksanaan konvensional
adalah bahwa lemak dan protein menciptakan perasaan kenyang, sehingga makan berlebihan akan lebih kecil
kemungkinannya. Karbohidrat, di sisi lain, dianggap sebagai resep untuk kegemukan. Persepsi ini mulai
berubah setelah Perang Dunia II ketika penyakit jantung koroner mencapai proporsi epidemi dekat di antara
pria paruh baya. Sebuah teori bahwa lemak makanan dapat meningkatkan kadar kolesterol dan, pada
gilirannya, meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung muncul pada 1950-an dan memperoleh penerimaan yang
meningkat pada akhir 1970-an. pada tahun 1979, fokus pedoman makanan yang dipromosikan oleh
Departemen Pertanian Amerika Serikat (USDA) mulai bergeser dari mendapatkan nutrisi yang cukup untuk
menghindari kelebihan lemak, lemak jenuh, kolesterol, dan natrium - komponen yang diyakini terkait
dengan penyakit jantung. Kredo anti-lemak lahir.

Sampai saat ini, penelitian yang telah mencoba menghubungkan lemak makanan dengan peningkatan risiko
penyakit jantung koroner tetap ambigu. Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa obat penurun kolesterol
membantu mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, tetapi apakah diet rendah kolesterol dapat melakukan hal
yang sama masih dipertanyakan. Sementara para ahli nutrisi memperdebatkan apakah rendah lemak,


Diet berbasis karbohidrat adalah diet paling sehat bagi orang Amerika, hampir semua setuju bahwa pesan
anti-lemak dari dua puluh tahun terakhir telah terlalu disederhanakan. Sebagai contoh, beberapa lemak dan
minyak seperti yang ditemukan dalam zaitun dan kacang-kacangan bermanfaat bagi jantung dan mungkin
layak mendapatkan proporsi yang lebih besar dalam diet Amerika daripada tempat mereka di ujung piramida
makanan menunjukkan. Demikian juga, beberapa karbohidrat yang membentuk dasar piramida makanan,
seperti karbohidrat "halus" yang terkandung dalam roti putih, pasta, dan nasi putih, dimetabolisme dalam
tubuh dengan cara yang sama seperti permen. Menurut salah satu peneliti Harvard Medical School, sarapan
bagel dengan krim keju rendah lemak "secara metabolik tidak dapat dibedakan dari semangkuk gula."

Jadi bagaimana dengan diet tinggi lemak dan protein yang membatasi karbohidrat seperti diet Atkins yang
populer dan lainnya? Sekelompok kecil ahli nutrisi dalam lembaga medis merasa sulit untuk mengabaikan
bukti anekdotal bahwa banyak yang berhasil menurunkan berat badan dengan diet ini. Mereka berpendapat
bahwa diet tersebut tidak boleh diabaikan begitu saja, tetapi diteliti dan diuji lebih dekat. Masih ada
ketakutan lain bahwa orang Amerika, lapar untuk menemukan rejimen penurunan berat badan, dapat
merangkul diet yang tidak memiliki data jangka panjang tentang apakah itu berhasil atau aman. Yang jelas
adalah bahwa orang Amerika sedang menunggu jawaban dan sementara itu, kita perlu makan sesuatu.

8. Bagian ini terutama berkaitan dengan... A. mempertanyakan saran diet dari dua dekade terakhirB. teori
kontras nutrisi yang baikC. menampilkan berbagai cara seseorang dapat menafsirkan bukti ilmiah.
menyanggah nilai diet yang membatasi karbohidratE. mengisolasi penyebab meningkatnya tingkat obesitas

9. Sikap penulis terhadap para ahli medis yang mengejek diet rendah karbohidrat sebagai perdukunan dan
memuji diet rendah lemak adalah salah satu... A. persetujuan yang membingungkan B. tampak ambivalensi
C. sikap apatis yang tidak peduli D. keberatan implisit E. ketidakpercayaan yang dibantah

10. Istilah Injil seperti yang digunakan dalam bagian ini hampir berarti ... A. salah satu dari empat kitab
Perjanjian Baru yang pertama B. prinsip yang terbukti C. pesan yang diterima sebagai kebenaran D. musik
evangelis Amerika E. interpretasi tunggal

11. Penulis menggunakan kata Fakta untuk... A. menarik kesimpulan tentang rekomendasi diet USDA B.
menyiratkan bahwa informasi statistik dapat menyesatkan


C. hipotesis tentang efek kesehatan dari diet tinggi lemak, protein D. memperkenalkan teori tentang
peningkatan tingkat obesitas E. menekankan realitas statistik terlepas dari penyebabnya

12. Bagian ini menunjukkan bahwa tren obesitas di Amerika Serikat adalah ... A. sebagian akibat dari gaya
hidup yang tidak aktif B. hasil yang dapat diprediksi dari pengurangan lemak jenuh C. peristiwa siklus yang
terjadi setiap dua puluh tahun D. tidak terkait dengan peningkatan kasus diabetes E. produk sampingan yang
tidak menguntungkan dari upaya untuk mengurangi penyakit jantung

13. Pada baris 26 – 31, penulis menyiratkan bahwa pedoman pangan pemerintah tahun 1979... A. lebih
mengandalkan kearifan rakyat daripada studi ilmiah B. didasarkan pada premis teoritis bahwa makan lebih
sedikit lemak makanan mengurangi jantung

penyakit C. lalai dalam tidak menanggapi meningkatnya insiden penyakit jantung D. tidak lagi repot-repot
menyebutkan tujuan nutrisi E. berhasil mengurangi tingkat penyakit jantung

14. Penulis mencirikan pesan anti-penggemar dari dua puluh tahun terakhir sebagai ... A. sulit dipahami B.
dipertanyakan C. tidak koheren D. bermanfaat E. inventif

15.Penulis mengutip contoh sarapan bagel dengan krim keju rendah lemak untuk... A. menunjukkan bahwa
mendapatkan sarapan bergizi bisa cepat dan nyamanB. menunjukkan bahwa karbohidrat adalah nutrisi yang
idealC. membalikkan anggapan bahwa sarapan berbasis karbohidrat harus sehat. membujuk pembaca bahwa
mereka harus makan telur dan sosis untuk sarapanE. berpendapat bahwa orang Amerika harus sangat
membatasi asupan karbohidrat mereka

16. Penulis bagian ini kemungkinan besar akan setuju dengan pernyataan yang mana?A. Pemerintah federal
secara sadar memberikan saran menyesatkan publik B. Tingkat obesitas yang melonjak pasti merupakan hasil
dari diet rendah lemak C. Ahli gizi harus mempromosikan diet tinggi lemak, protein seperti diet Atkin D.
Para ilmuwan harus menyelidiki setiap diet mode dengan pengawasan yang sama E. Tidak ada bukti definitif
yang menghubungkan lemak makanan dengan penyakit jantung


17. Nada kalimat terakhir dari bagian ini adalah salah satu dari ... A. optimisme B. tekad C. indulgensi D.
ironi E. jijik

Teks di bawah ini adalah untuk pertanyaan nomor 18 – 10

Ada banyak cara untuk merancang lingkungan yang mendorong kesuksesan. Pertama

Otomatiskan keputusan yang baik. Kapan pun memungkinkan, rancang lingkungan yang membuat keputusan
yang baik untuk Anda. Misalnya, membeli piring yang lebih kecil dapat membantu Anda menurunkan berat
badan dengan menentukan ukuran porsi untuk Anda. Sebuah studi dari Brian Wansink di Cornell University
menemukan bahwa orang makan 22 persen lebih sedikit makanan dengan beralih dari piring makan 12 inci
ke piring 10 inci. Demikian pula, menggunakan perangkat lunak untuk memblokir situs media sosial dapat
membantu mengatasi penundaan (baris 7) dengan menempatkan tekad Anda pada autopilot.

Kedua, ikuti arus. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, PetSmart mengubah proses checkout mereka. Setelah
menggesekkan kartu kredit mereka, pelanggan diperlihatkan layar yang menanyakan apakah mereka ingin
menyumbang untuk "membantu menyelamatkan hewan tunawisma." Melalui strategi tunggal ini, PetSmart
Charities mengumpulkan $ 40 juta dalam setahun. Anda dapat menerapkan strategi serupa dengan merancang
lingkungan di mana kebiasaan baik "mengalir" dari perilaku normal Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda ingin berlatih
alat musik, Anda bisa meletakkannya di tengah ruang tamu Anda. Demikian pula, Anda lebih cenderung
pergi ke gym jika benar-benar dalam perjalanan pulang dari kerja daripada jika gym hanya berjarak lima
menit, tetapi dalam arah yang berlawanan dari perjalanan Anda. Bila memungkinkan, rancang kebiasaan
Anda sehingga sesuai dengan alur pola Anda saat ini.

Ketiga, kurangi pengaruh negatif. Petani kuno tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk menghilangkan hambatan
yang menahan mereka, tetapi Anda melakukannya. Misalnya, produsen televisi Jepang mengatur ulang ruang
kerja mereka untuk menghemat waktu dengan menghilangkan belokan, pembengkokan, dan putaran yang
tidak perlu. Anda juga dapat mengurangi pengaruh negatif di lingkungan Anda. Misalnya, Anda dapat
membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menghindari makanan yang tidak sehat dengan menyimpannya di tempat
yang kurang terlihat. (Makanan yang ditempatkan setinggi mata cenderung dibeli dan dimakan lebih sering.)
(Disadur dari:

18. Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling baik meringkas bagian ini?A. Cara untuk merancang lingkungan
yang mempromosikan kesuksesan adalah membeli piring yang lebih kecil
dapat membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan dengan memutuskan ukuran porsi untuk Anda dan belajar
dari Brian Wansink di Cornell University.

B. Cara untuk merancang lingkungan yang mempromosikan kesuksesan adalah menggunakan perangkat
lunak untuk memblokir situs media sosial.

C. Cara untuk merancang lingkungan yang mempromosikan kesuksesan adalah menghilangkan putaran,
pembengkokan, dan putaran yang tidak perlu.


D. Cara untuk merancang lingkungan yang mempromosikan kesuksesan adalah membuat sesuatu lebih
mudah untuk menghindari makanan yang tidak sehat dengan menyimpannya di tempat yang kurang terlihat.

E. Cara untuk merancang lingkungan yang mempromosikan kesuksesan adalah mengotomatiskan keputusan
yang baik, mengalir, dan mengurangi pengaruh negatif.

19. Semua hal berikut adalah cara mengalir, kecuali ....A. menggesek kartu kredit dan menyumbang B. pergi
ke gym jika benar-benar dalam perjalanan pulang kerja C. berenang saat menginap di hotel D. menyelesaikan
sesuatu di tengah malam E. menonton film ketika pergi ke mal

20. Sikap penulis mengenai praktik yang disengaja adalah ....A. diragukan B. positif C. kritis D. realistis E.



Baca teks dan jawab pertanyaan berikut nomor 1-4.

Rata-rata mahasiswa belajar ide sekali. Mahasiswa terbaik belajar kembali

ide berulang-ulang. Rata-rata karyawan menulis email sekali. Novelis elit menulis ulang bab lagi dan lagi.
Penggemar kebugaran rata-rata tanpa berpikir mengikuti rutinitas latihan yang sama setiap minggu. Atlet
terbaik secara aktif mengkritik setiap pengulangan dan terus meningkatkan teknik mereka. Ini adalah revisi
yang paling penting.

Untuk melanjutkan metafora bus, para fotografer yang turun dari bus setelah beberapa pemberhentian dan
kemudian naik jalur bus baru masih melakukan pekerjaan sepanjang waktu. Mereka menghabiskan 10.000
jam mereka. Apa yang tidak mereka lakukan, bagaimanapun, adalah pengerjaan ulang. Mereka begitu sibuk
melompat dari baris ke baris dengan harapan menemukan rute yang belum pernah dikendarai siapa pun
sebelumnya sehingga mereka tidak menginvestasikan waktu untuk mengerjakan kembali ide-ide lama
mereka. Dan ini, seperti yang dijelaskan oleh The Helsinki Bus Station Theory, adalah kunci untuk
menghasilkan sesuatu yang unik dan indah.

Dengan tetap berada di bus, Anda memberi diri Anda waktu untuk mengerjakan ulang dan merevisi sampai
Anda menghasilkan sesuatu yang unik, menginspirasi, dan hebat. Hanya dengan tetap berada di kapal,
penguasaan itu mengungkapkan dirinya. Muncul cukup waktu untuk mendapatkan ide-ide rata-rata keluar
dari jalan dan setiap sekarang dan kemudian jenius akan mengungkapkan dirinya.

Buku Malcolm Gladwell Outliers mempopulerkan The 10,000 Hour Rule, yang menyatakan bahwa
dibutuhkan 10,000 jam latihan yang disengaja untuk menjadi ahli dalam bidang tertentu. Saya pikir apa yang
sering kita lewatkan adalah bahwa praktik yang disengaja adalah revisi. Jika Anda tidak cukup
memperhatikan untuk merevisi, maka Anda tidak disengaja. Banyak orang menghabiskan 10.000 jam. Sangat
sedikit orang yang memasukkan 10.000 jam revisi. Satu-satunya cara untuk melakukannya adalah tetap di
(Disadur dari:
1. Ide pembelajaran dapat digambarkan sebagai ....

Sebuah. Orang belajar ide sekali.B. Orang-orang mempelajari kembali ide-ide berulang-ulang. Orang-orang
hanya mempelajari kembali ide-ide bagus. Orang-orang belajar ide-ide dari kehidupan mereka. Orang-orang
mempelajari kembali ide-ide hanya di kolase.

2. Bagaimana penguasaan mengungkapkan dirinya?A. muncul cukup waktu untuk mendapatkan ide rata-
rataB. mengerjakan ulang dan merevisi beberapa ideC. menghasilkan sesuatu yang unik, menginspirasi, dan
hebat. itu hanya dengan tetap di kapalE. Melakukan semua yang dapat Anda lakukan

3. Buku Malcolm Gladwell Outliers menghitung hal-hal berikut, kecuali ....A. Aturan 10.000 Jam


B. 10.000 jam latihan yang disengaja untuk menjadi seorang ahli C. atlet terbaik secara aktif mengkritik
setiap pengulangan D. tetap di bus untuk menjadi ahli E. sangat sedikit orang yang memasukkan 10.000 jam

4. Arti "disengaja" pada baris 19 adalah ....A. diskusi formal sebelum mencapai keputusanB. mantap seolah-
olah memberikan waktu untuk keputusan pada setiap tindakan individu yang terlibatC. ditandai dengan atau
dihasilkan dari pertimbangan yang cermat dan menyeluruh. untuk memikirkan atau mendiskusikan
masalahE. ditandai dengan kesadaran akan konsekuensinya

Baca teks dan jawab pertanyaan berikut: nomor 5-7.

Vaksin Covid-19 telah mengubah arah pandemi. Secara total, 158 dosis

telah diberikan untuk setiap 100 orang di seluruh dunia. Di negara-negara yang mencapai tingkat vaksinasi
tertinggi, angka kematian anjlok.

Di tengah kemajuan ini, dunia lengah ketika varian omicron menjadi terkenal pada akhir 2021. Omicron
terbukti agak kurang parah dari varian sebelumnya, tetapi menyebar lebih cepat.

Jutaan orang yang divaksinasi telah jatuh sakit akibat strain omicron, tetapi suntikan itu melayani fungsi
terpenting mereka - mencegah penyakit parah. Selama gelombang omicron, vaksinasi dengan booster
mengurangi kemungkinan rawat inap dan kematian lebih dari 90%. Lonjakan kasus yang tiba-tiba dari varian
yang bergerak cepat telah menekan sistem kesehatan, tetapi prospek rata-rata pasien COVID telah meningkat
secara signifikan.

Pada awal 2021, Israel pertama kali menunjukkan bahwa vaksin membengkokkan kurva infeksi COVID.
Negara ini memimpin dunia dalam vaksinasi awal, dan kasus menurun dengan cepat. Pola vaksinasi dan
pemulihan serupa terulang di puluhan negara.

Varian baru yang lebih menular menyebabkan wabah baru, tetapi dalam gelombang berikutnya ini, pasien
yang tidak divaksinasi menghadapi risiko rawat inap dan kematian yang jauh lebih tinggi. Perbedaan hasil
membuat pejabat kesehatan menjuluki fase COVID saat ini sebagai "pandemi yang tidak divaksinasi".

Sejak dimulainya kampanye inokulasi global, negara-negara memiliki akses yang tidak setara ke vaksin dan
berbagai tingkat keberhasilan dalam mendapatkan suntikan ke tangan orang-orang.
5. Bagaimana ayat 1 berhubungan dengan ayat 2 menurut bagian tersebut... A. tingkat vaksinasi yang tinggi
telah membuat dunia lengah dalam mengatasi penyebaran cepat

omicron B. banyak orang meninggal karena vaksinasi dan juga penyebaran omicron C. yang cepat. secara
total, 158 dosis telah diberikan untuk setiap 100 orang di seluruh dunia untuk

mengatasi penyebaran omicron D yang menyebar cepat. semua negara mendapatkan vaksinasi dengan cepat
karena penyebaran omicron yang cepat juga


E. Tingkat vaksinasi yang rendah membuat penyebaran omicron menyebar dengan cepat membuat banyak
orang meninggal

6. Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan parafrase terbaik dari kalimat "Lonjakan kasus yang tiba-tiba
dari varian yang bergerak cepat telah menekan sistem kesehatan, tetapi prospek rata-rata pasien COVID telah
meningkat secara signifikan" ... A. peningkatan kekebalan karena virus sebelumnya memberikan prospek
tinggiB. Kasus varian virus telah memberikan perubahan sistem, tetapi masyarakat tidak bisa

bertahan C. lonjakan kasus virus membuat prospek pasien COVID meningkat tetapi

tidak terkontrol D. proses vaksinasi yang telah dilakukan oleh banyak pasien telah mengubah

sistem sosial E. kasus virus yang tinggi sebelumnya berpengaruh pada status kesehatan, tetapi mayoritas

pasien yang terpapar virus selamat

7. Manakah dari kalimat berikut tentang pada awal 2021 di Israel yang TIDAK BENARmenurut bagian
tersebut?A. negara tersebut melakukan vaksinasi pertama dan mengurangi jumlah kasus

penyebaran Covid-19 B. Proses vaksinasi Israel diikuti oleh banyak negara C. vaksin pertama dibuat pada
tahun 2021 di Israel D. proses pola vaksinasi berhasil dilakukan oleh Israel dan

memberikan pemulihan untuk jumlah kasus penyebaran COVID E. negara terkemuka dunia dalam vaksinasi

Baca teks dan jawab pertanyaan berikut: nomor 8-11.

Bayangkan Anda sedang bermain tenis. Jika Anda mencoba memainkan pertandingan serius melawan empat-

Berusia setahun, Anda akan cepat bosan. Pertandingannya terlalu mudah. Di ujung spektrum yang
berlawanan (baris 3), jika Anda mencoba memainkan pertandingan serius melawan pemain tenis profesional
seperti Roger Federer atau Serena Williams, Anda akan menemukan diri Anda kehilangan motivasi karena
alasan yang berbeda. Pertandingannya terlalu sulit. Bandingkan pengalaman ini dengan bermain tenis
melawan seseorang yang setara dengan Anda. Saat permainan berlangsung, Anda memenangkan beberapa
poin dan
Anda kehilangan beberapa poin. Anda memiliki peluang untuk memenangkan pertandingan, tetapi hanya jika
Anda benar-benar mencoba. Fokus Anda menyempit, gangguan memudar, dan Anda menemukan diri Anda
sepenuhnya berinvestasi dalam tugas yang ada. Tantangan yang Anda hadapi adalah "hanya dapat dikelola."
Kemenangan tidak dijamin, tetapi itu mungkin. Tugas-tugas seperti ini, ilmu pengetahuan telah menemukan,
adalah yang paling mungkin untuk membuat kita termotivasi dalam jangka panjang. Manusia menyukai
tantangan, tetapi hanya jika mereka berada dalam zona kesulitan optimal. Tugas yang jauh di bawah
kemampuan Anda saat ini membosankan. Tugas yang secara signifikan di luar kemampuan Anda saat ini
mengecilkan hati. Tetapi tugas-tugas yang tepat di perbatasan keberhasilan dan kegagalan sangat memotivasi
otak manusia kita.


Kami tidak menginginkan apa pun selain menguasai keterampilan di luar cakrawala kami saat ini. Kita bisa
menyebut fenomena ini The Goldilocks Rule. Aturan Goldilocks menyatakan bahwa manusia mengalami
motivasi puncak ketika mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang tepat di tepi kemampuan mereka saat ini. Tidak terlalu
sulit. Tidak terlalu mudah. Tepat. Bekerja pada tugas-tugas yang mematuhi Aturan Goldilocks adalah salah
satu kunci untuk mempertahankan motivasi jangka panjang. Jika Anda merasa tidak termotivasi untuk
mengerjakan suatu tugas, seringkali karena tugas itu telah hanyut ke area kebosanan atau didorong ke area
dengan kesulitan besar. Anda perlu menemukan cara untuk menarik tugas Anda kembali ke batas
kemampuan Anda di mana Anda merasa tertantang, tetapi mampu. (Disadur dari:

8. Kata "spektrum" di baris 3 paling dekat artinya dengan ... A. warnaB. unikC. radioD. rentangE.

9. Aturan Goldilocks dianggap sebagai ....A. tidak terlalu keras. Tidak terlalu mudah. TepatB. salah satu
kunci untuk mempertahankan motivasi jangka panjangC. tidak menginginkan apa pun selain menguasai
keterampilan di luar cakrawala kita saat ini. sebuah fenomena yang terjadi dalam hidup kitaE. menemukan
diri Anda merasa tidak termotivasi untuk mengerjakan tugas

10. Penulis menekankan tentang mempertahankan motivasi dalam ....A. Manusia menyukai tantangan, tetapi
hanya jika mereka berada dalam zona optimal

susah. Tugas yang jauh di bawah kemampuan Anda saat ini membosankan. B. Tugas yang secara signifikan
di luar kemampuan Anda saat ini mengecilkan hati. Tapi tugas

Itu tepat di perbatasan kesuksesan dan kegagalan sangat memotivasi otak manusia kita.

C. Kami tidak menginginkan apa pun selain menguasai keterampilan di luar cakrawala kami saat ini. Kita
bisa menyebut fenomena ini The Goldilocks Rule.

D. Aturan Goldilocks menyatakan bahwa manusia mengalami motivasi puncak ketika mengerjakan tugas-
tugas yang tepat di tepi kemampuan mereka saat ini. Tidak terlalu sulit. Tidak terlalu mudah. Tepat.

E. Bekerja pada tugas-tugas yang mematuhi Aturan Goldilocks adalah salah satu kunci untuk
mempertahankan motivasi jangka panjang.

11. Semua pernyataan berikut ini salah tentang Aturan Goldilocks, kecuali ....A. Manusia mengalami
motivasi puncak ketika mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang benar di

edge of their current abilities.


B. Human beings love challenges, but only if they are within the minimum zone of

C. Tasks that are significantly below your current abilities are interesting.
D. Tasks that are significantly beyond your current abilities are encouraging.
E. Tasks that are right on the border of success and failure are not incredibly

motivating to our human brains.

Read the text and answer the following question number 12-15.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly entering health care and serving major roles.

These include automating routine tasks in medical practice and managing medical
resources. As developers create AI systems to take on these tasks, several risks and
challenges emerge.

The most obvious risk is that the AI systems will sometimes be wrong. This can
result in patient injury or other health-care problems. An AI system possibly recommends
the wrong drug for a patient or fails to notice a tumor on a radiological scan. Of course,
many injuries occur due to medical error in the health-care system today, even without
the involvement of AI. AI errors are potentially different for at least two reasons. First,
patients and providers may react differently to injuries resulting from software than from
human error. Second, if AI systems become widespread, an underlying problem in one AI
system might result in injuries to thousands of patients.

Moreover, training AI systems require large amounts of data from sources.

However, health data are often problematic. Data are typically fragmented across many
different systems. Even aside from the variety just mentioned, patients typically see
different providers and switch insurance companies. This would lead to data split in
multiple systems and multiple formats.

Another set of risks arises around privacy. The requirement of large datasets
creates incentives for developers to collect such data from many patients. Some patients
may be concerned that this collection may violate their privacy. In fact, lawsuits have
been led based on data-sharing between large health systems and AI developers.

The integration of AI into the health system will undoubtedly change the role of
health-care providers. A hopeful vision is that providers will be enabled to provide more
personalized and better care, freed to spend more time interacting with patients as
humans. A less hopeful vision would see providers struggling to weather monsoon of
uninterpretable predictions and recommendations from competing algorithms. In either
case, medical education will need to prepare providers to evaluate and interpret the AI
systems they will encounter in the evolving health-care environment.
Adapted from

12. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage?

A. The application of AI can further complicate the already problematic health-care

B. A faulty AI system may make mistakes or be inaccurate.
C. Patient injuries are commonly caused by AI systems.


D. AI systems are not free of errors, possibly causing health-care issues.

E. Injuries due to human error are usually responded in a more similar way between
patients and providers.

13. Which of the following best restates the underlined sentence in paragraph 5?
A. In the future, reading between the lines could be hampered by forecasts and

commendations from confusing algorithms.

B. There is a strong possibility that algorithms will support each other, yielding

guesses and suggestions that are hardly understood by providers.

C. Providers can be less flexible about their ability to understand calculations and

advice generated by opposite algorithms.

D. A more pessimistic view on AI in health care is rooted in conflicting algorithms

which cause predictions and suggestions impossible to deduce by providers.

E. A new season would come and bring in more challenges for providers which fail to

infer projections and recommendations from competing algorithms.

14. How are ideas in paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 in the passage related?
A. Paragraph 4 presents the jobs of AI developers, while paragraph 5 focuses on the

roles of health-care providers.

B. Paragraph 4 executes one of the risks of AI at present, while paragraph 5 makes

some future predictions.

C. Paragraph 4 details some problems regarding patients' privacy over personal data,

and paragraph 5 gives solutions to overcome these.

D. Paragraph 5 projects a number of consequences if the privacy violations by AI

developers discussed in paragraph 4 continue.

E. Paragraph 5 explains the solution to misconducts of AI developers concealed in

paragraph 4.

15. About AI health data, the author implicitly says that ....
A. since data are fragmented across multiple systems, no provider has access to

complete data sets

B. patients can ruin health data by faking identities to different insurance companies
C. training an AI system is challenging, given the unavailability of health data
D. the core problems with health data are redundancy and disorganization
E. AI systems are unable to create uniform schemes and formats for health data

Read the text and answer the following question number 16-20.
Horses get hepatitis too. One of the most common form is called Theiler’s disease,

a condition that was first recognized in 1919 but has remained a mystery till now. It
causes serious liver disease and kills anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of horses that show

What causes it? No one knew. How common is it? Again,a mystery. How does it
spread? At least we knew the answer to that one, it seemed to afflict animals that had
been given some sort of blood product, whether an anti-toxin or transfusion.

Now, a team of US scientist have uncovered what might be the cause of this
enigmatic disease, solving a puzzle that has dogged vets for almost a century. Thier prime
suspect is a new virus, which they’ve called Theiler’s Disease Associated Virus (TDAV).

It’s weird. It belongs to a family called flaviviruses, which includes the ones behind
yellow fever, dengue fever, and hepatitis C. within that family, it belongs to a more specific
group called the Pegviruses, most of which are also new discoveries. But even compared
to its kin, TDAV is a black sheep. It shares just a third of its amino acid sequences with
even its closest relative. It’s like living in a world of cats and discovering a dog for the first

16. What does the author want to say with the passage to the readers?
A. Strangeness of a virus called flaviviruses
B. There is an unidentified virus causing serious illnes
C. There is a virus attacking horse, cats and dogs
D. The importance of giving hepatitis immunization to animals
E. Disease affecting animals having an anti-toxin and transfusion

17. How does the author organize the ideas?

A. Presenting the strengths of the main idea
B. Exposing supporting details chronologically
C. Interpreting different ways of classifying
D. Presenting case followed by explanation
E. Putting the main idea with examples

18. What is the relation between paragraph 4 and the previous paragraphs?
A. Paragraph 1 provides causes for paragraph 4
B. Paragraph 2 raises the answer of paragraph 4
C. Paragraph 4 gives the explanation for paragraph 1
D. Paragraph 1, 2 and 3 support paragraph 4
E. Paragraph 4 provides details for paragraph 3

19. What does the word ‘their’ in the third paragraph refer to?
A. US scientist
B. Vets
C. Theiler’s Disease-Associated Virus
D. Enigmatic disease
E. Faviviruses


20. The tone of the passage is...

A. Formal
B. Scientific
C. Optimistic
D. Serious
E. Emotional

Passage 1 is for questions 1-4

Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20
years with a key development being the emergence of social media. The pace of change is
accelerating. For example, the development of mobile technology has played an
important role in shaping the impact of social media. Across the globe, mobile devices
dominate in terms of total minutes spent online. This puts the means to connect
anywhere, at any time on any device in everyone’s hands. These factors have caused
social networks to evolve from being a handy means for keeping in touch with friends
and family to being used in ways that have a real impact on society. Social media is being
used in ways that shape politics, business, world culture, education, careers, innovation,
and more.

The rise of social media means it’s unusual to find an organization that does not
reach its customers and prospects through one social media platform or another.
Companies see the importance of using social media to connect with customers and build
revenue. Business have realized they can use social media to generate insights, stimulate
demand, and create targeted product offerings. This is important in traditional brick and
motor business, and obviously, in the world of e-commerce.

Many studies suggest implementing social networks within the workplace can
strengthen knowledge sharing. The result is to improve project management activities
and enable the spread of specialized knowledge. Fully implementing social technologies
in the workplace removes boundaries, eliminates silos, and can raise interaction and help
create more highly skilled and knowledgeable workers. Interestingly, although the use of
social sharing has become the norm rather than the exception in business, some
companies, after experiencing first hand some negative effects of social media, have
decided to go against the grain and remove the social sharing buttons from their websites.

A case study of, an e-commerce retailer from Finland, found that

conversions rose by 11.9% when they removed share buttons from their product pages.
These results highlight the double-edged nature of the impact of social media. When
products attract a lot of shares, it can reinforce sales. But when the reverse is true,
customers begin to distrust the product and the company. This is what Dr. Paul Marsden,
psychologist and author of “The Social Commerce Handbook”, referred to as ‘social proof’.
(Adapted from

1. The relationship of mobile technology and social media is analogous with…

A. coffee and tea
B. travel agent and tourist destination
C. electricity and light
D. machine and oil
E. camera and film


2. In the passage, in which field is the impact social media discussed in the passage?
B. Culture
C. Politics
D. Business
E. Psychology

3. What is the author’s attitude toward the topic of the passage?

A. Serious
B. Motivating
C. Apathetic
D. Critical
E. Didactic

4. What is the effect of removing sharing button on their website?

A. Removes boundaries
B. Eliminates silos, and
C. Can raise interaction and
D. Help create more highly skilled and knowledgeable workers
E. Rising conversion

Passage 2 is for questions 5-8

The food stimulating is on a course for inspiring even more wonder from a medical

standpoint as scientists have reported the latest evidence that chili peppers are heart-
body food with potential to protect against the no. 1 cause of death in the developed
world. The report was part of the 243rd National Meeting and Exposition of the American
Chemical Society (ACS).

The study focused on capsaicin and its fiery-hot relatives, a spicy family of
substances termed “capsaicinoids”. As the stuff that gives cayennes, jalapenos, habaneros
and other chili peppers their heat, capsaicin already has an established role in medicine
in rub-on-the-skin creams to treat arthritis and certain forms of pain. Past research
suggested that spicing food with chilies can lower blood pressure in people with that
condition, reduce blood cholesterol, and case the tendency for dangerous blood clots to

“Our research has reinforced and expanded knowledge about how these
substances in chilies work in improving heart health,” said Zen-Yu Chen, who presented
the study. “We now have a clearer and more detailed portrait of their innermost effects
on genes and other mechanisms that influence cholesterol and the health of blood vessels.
It is among the first research to provide that information. “The team found, for instance,
that capsaicin and a close chemical relative boost heart health in two ways. They lower
cholesterol levels by reducing accumulation of cholesterol in the body and increasing its
breakdown and excretion in the feces. They also block action of a gene that makes arteries


contract, restricting the flow of blood to the heart and other organs. The blocking action
allows more blood to flow through blood vessels.

“We concluded that capsaicinoids were beneficial in improving a range of factors

related to heart and blood vessel health,” said Chen, a professor of food and nutritional
science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. “But we certainly do not recommend that
people start consuming chilies to an excess. A good diet is a matter of balance. And
remember, chilies are no substitute for the prescription for medications proven to be
beneficial. They may be a nice supplement, however, for people who find the hot flavor

Chen and his colleagues turned to hamster for the study, animals that serve as
stand-ins for human in research that cannot be performed in people. They gave the
hamsters high-cholesterol diets, divided them into groups, and supplemented each
group’s food with either no capsaicinoids in the control group or various amounts of
capsaicinoids. The scientist then analyzed the effects.

In addition to reducing total cholesterol levels in the blood, capsaicinoids reduced

levels of the so-called “bad” cholesterol which deposits into blood vessels, but did not
affect levels of so-called “good” cholesterol. The team found indications that capsaicinoids
may reduce the size of deposits that already have formed in blood vessels, narrowing
arteries in ways that can lead to heart attacks of strokes.

Capsaicinoids also blocked the activity of a gene that produces cyclooxygenase-2,

a substance that makes the muscles around blood vessels tighten. By blocking it, muscles
can relax and widen, allowing more blood to flow.

5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. The relationships between capsaicinoids and the process of cholesterol lowering
B. The procedures in Prof. Chen’s research to reveal the other healing power of chili
C. How the effectiveness of capsaicinoids in curing heart attack was investigated
D. The impacts on the patients with blood vessel disease after chili pepper treatments
E. A body of knowledge extended on using peppers is described

6. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Capsaicinoids conclusively benefit people in curing health and blood vessel health
B. Capsaicin works by elevating accumulation of cholesterol and increasing its

breakdown and excretion in the feces

C. Chilies cannot replace the prescription of medications to heart and blood vessel

D. The content of capsaicin can narrow arteries in ways that can lead to heart attacks

of strokes
E. Chiles may be used as a supplement flavor in food but it is not for excessive

consumption to replace the boons of capsaicin

7. With reference to capsaicinoids described in the passage, the author and Prof. Chen
assume that…


A. certain animals share the same response as humans

B. combination of diets involving capsaicinoids needs further studies
C. the chili pepper diet will not be taken directly due to its hot taste
D. the current research on capsaicinoids has conclusive findings
E. research needs to reveal accurately how capsaicinoids work

8. Which paragraphs of the passage most effectively illustrate the curing power of
A. 2, 3, 4, and 5
B. 3, 4, 5, and 6
C. 1, 3, 4, and 5
D. 1, 3, 5, and 7
E. 2, 3, 6, and 7

Passage 3 is for questions 9-13

Amiable citizens walking quiet streets with an easy air-the generics of small-town

America-make Elkton, Maryland, not much different from other town scattered above the
northern reaches of the Chesapeake Bay. Then why do thousands of people travel here
each year to get married, even folks of prominence from times gone by ? what swirl of
gravity draws them to Elkton, population 12,000, zip code 21921.

Answers are sought at the fire department’s annual antique sale, where a visitor
inquiries after a certain Mr....”Dixon?” responds Don Herring, ticket taker and retired
editor of the Cecil Whig. “I think I saw the sheriff taking him away.” Kermit DeBoard, an
antique dealer, points to a tall man in a striped shirt loitering near the stemware. “Looks
like he’s stealing something.” DeBoard says. The veins of drollery run deep here, it seems.

Confronted, the suspect identifies himself as Mike Dixon, historian of the Historical
Society of Cecil County. We sit to slices of Impossible Pie, served by Nancy Caldwell, who
explains that it is just imposibble not to make taste good. Dixon harkens back to 1913, the
year neighboring Delaware imposed a four-day waiting period on marriages. Maryland
had no such waiting period, no blood test, no nothing to delay the union of eager couples
heading south from Delaware into Maryland. “Elkton was the first county seat they hit,”
says Dixon. When the word got around, more couples began arriving from other states to
the north. In 1936 the town issued 11,791 marriage licenses. Taxi drivers met trains and
buses and vied for couples in competition that sometimes included knockdown fights.
The cabbies delivered their trophies to favorite ministers in about dozen small marriage

9. Which of the following best expresses the author’s intention in writing the passage?
A. Describing marriage strategies in Elkton in order that the people prefer getting

married in this region

B. Arguing the importance of marriages both in Delaware and Maryland for the

viability of the people

C. Exposing the necessities of simpler rules on marriage


D. Informing the premises the people preference to get married in Elkton

E. Proposing the quest of a certain issue connecting too the importance of marriage

10. The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with ...
A. How the locals have interaction with the couples wanting
B. How the people in this town live on marriages
C. How the local government launch the rules of marriage
D. How the couples coming to this county find information to hold marriage
E. How the local support the couples to get married
11. What is the essential of the second paragraph?
A. To explicate how to find the answer of the questions proposed
B. To illuminate the preceding paragraph
C. To serve as a complement of the passagee
D. To show that there are a lot of crimes happened in the area
E. To exemplify that there are many bummers loitering in the town

12. What can be inferred from the third paragraph, EXCEPT ...
A. Delaware is close to Maryland
B. There is no complicated requirements to get married in Elkton
C. The people of Delaware often get married in Maryland, vice versa
D. Most people highly depend on the marriage of the comer
E. The government release more than ten thousands marriage licenses a year for


13. What is the importance of the mentioning Delaware in the third paragraph?
A. As proportion for Delaware has the same amounts of visit as Maryland does
B. As Delaware was the region where the root of Maryland culture originated from
C. As example of regions having complex rules
D. As a reference for government in creating the policy
E. As comparison for theb area is adjacent to Maryland

Passage 4 is for questions 14-15

Around the world, people are realising the significant problems caused by plastic

waste. In the last 65 years, we have become increasingly dependent on plastic (1). It’s
easy to understand why: it’s cheap to produce, light – therefore easy and cheap to
transport – and incredibly strong and durable. But it’s these advantages which also make
it so harmful. Plastic never fully degrades by bacteria, so it must be gradually broken
down into tiny pieces by the wind, sun or water. The micro-plastics that result from these
processes are harmful to the environment. It is also very difficult to recycle, in fact
currently only 9% of all the plastic produced has been recycled (2).

One popular solution to the problem is to prohibit single use plastics. In the UK,
supermarkets are being encouraged to set up plastic-free aisles, in which the food is


displayed loose, and shoppers are encouraged to make more environmentally-friendly

choices in packing and transporting their food. A tax has already been placed on plastic
carrier bags, which has cut their use by 90%. Bans on single-use plastic items like cotton
buds and drinking straws and charges for disposable coffee cups are also coming into
place (3). Schemes for reducing the use of plastic bottles are also being considered,
including paying people to return bottles to shops and increasing the number of public
drinking fountains. Some governments, such as Canada and India, have even promised to
ban the use of single-use plastic altogether by the not-too-distant future.

One of the fields where single-use plastic has a vital role is medicine. This is not
just because of its low cost. It’s also because, by using dishes, vials, syringes and so on just
once, infection and cross-contamination are minimised. Although glass products are a
potential alternative, cleaning them would be extremely expensive in terms of time,
money and environmental resources, while increasing the risk to health. Plastic
packaging is also crucial in the food industry, as it ensures that food is safe for consumers.
Meanwhile, the provision of bottled water in poor regions and in emergency situations
has reduced the spread of water-borne diseases and saved many lives (4).

Another issue is that alternative materials to plastic are often more

environmentally harmful than plastic (5). Take paper bags, for example. Research by the
Northern Ireland Assembly shows four times more energy is required to manufacture a
paper bag than a plastic bag. The process requires cutting trees, the emission of
greenhouse gases and the production of toxic chemical waste. Even more, pollution is
created when paper bags degrade, in fact, they generate 70% more air and 50 times more
water pollutants than plastic bags. They are also very fragile and rarely reusable, unlike
plastic. Other alternatives, like aluminium, glass, card or cotton, similarly have
environmental issues of their own.

Clearly there is a need to reduce plastic waste and its impact on the environment.
However, simply banning their single use may not be the best option. Industries that rely
on single-use plastics for people’s health and safety must be accommodated. Moreover,
alternative materials must be evaluated strictly regarding their own environmental
impact. Meanwhile, a better solution to banning all plastics might be to invest in
redesigning plastics that can be readily broken down and remanufactured, and better
recycling technology.

14. The statement “Some is burnt, but the majority goes to landfill.” Is best placed after
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)
E. (5)

15. The first sentence “Such plans are well-intentioned, but it may not be beneficial to
eliminate the use of single-use plastic altogether” is best placed in…


A. paragraph 1
B. paragraph 2
C. paragraph 3
D. paragraph 4
E. paragraph 5

Passage 5 is for questions 16-18

Thomas Matulessy, also known as Kapitan Pattimura or Ahmad Lussy or simply

Pattimura, was an Ambonese soldier and National Hero of Indonesia.

Pattimura was born on 8 June 1783 in Saparua, Maluku; the name Pattimura was

his pseudonym. His parents were Frans Matulessia and Fransina Tilahoi, and he had a
little brother named Yohanis.

Pattimura joined the British army after they took the Maluku Island from the
Dutch colonials. When the islands were returned to the Dutch in 1816, he was dismissed.
Concerned that the Dutch would implement programs that limited his people, Pattimura
led an armed rebellion that captured Fort Duurstede on 16 May 1817. Killing the
inhabitants of the fortress and fighting off Dutch reinforcements, on 29 May he was
declared the leader of the Maluku people.

Due to betrayal from Booi’s king, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta, Pattimura was
arrested on 11 November 1817. He and his fellows were sentenced to death. On 16
December 1817, Pattimura together with Anthony Reebok, Philip Latumahina, and Said
Perintah were hanged in front of Fort Nieuw Victoria in Ambon.

Pattimura and his war have been used as symbols for both Maluku independence,
such as with the short-lived Republic of South Maluku, and Indonesian patriotism. In
Ambon, he is commemorated in the names of the University of Pattimura, Pattimura
Airport, and a street, as well as a statue; there are also streets named after him throughout
the archipelago.

16. What is the topic of the passage?

A. The life and struggle of Thomas Matulessy
B. Pattimura as the leader of the Maluku people
C. Indonesian National Revolution led by Pattimura
D. Controversy over the capture of Thomas Matulessy
E. The causal effect of Indonesian War of Independence

17. It can be predicted from the passage that…

A. Indonesia was backed up by the British army during the war
B. the war of Maluku is considered as the heaviest independence war
C. had Pattimura not been betrayed, the Dutch would have lost the war
D. the Dutch would have sold Indonesian women and children to other countries
E. King of Booi would have been the leader of the Maluku people after he cooperated

with the Dutch


18. The best restatement for the sentence “Due to betrayal from Booi’s king, Pati Akoon,
and Tuanakotta, Pattimura was arrested on 11 November 1817.” Is…
A. Pattimura was captured on 11 November 1817 for King of Booi, Pati Akoon, and

Tuanakotta disagreed with him

B. On 11 November 1817, King of Booi cooperated with the Dutch to execute

Pattimura and the other combatants

C. Booi’s king, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta arrested Pattimura on 11 November 1817

because he betrayed the Dutch

D. The Dutch, with the help of King Booi and his colleagues, managed to find

Pattimura on 11 November 1817

E. King of Booi together with Pati Akoon and Tuanakotta sold Pattimura out and made

him captured on 11 November 1817

Passage 6 is for questions 19-20

Measles, a childhood disease, has caused suffering to mankind for thousands of

years. However, the search for an effective measles vaccine lasted two hundred years and
has finally ended in success. Now, for the first time, measles is a preventable disease. You
may ask, ”How is this important to children?”

Every year measles kills twice as many Americans as polio does. More children die
from measles than from any other common childhood disease. Also complications of
some degree occur in about one child out of six. Most complication include pneumonia
and ear disorders. Another after-effect of measlesbrain damage – is less common, but it
can have such serious consequence that it deserves special attention.

Brain damage due to measles sounds like something far away from our experience.
In reality, it is not. Like other injury, damage to the brain can be very slight or very severe.
It is quite possible that we have never seen or heard a child who has severe brain damage
– the child would either have died or would be in an institution. However, in medical
research a relation has been found between measles and such things as behaviour
problems, personality changes and dulling of metal ability. For example, a child may be
badtempered or a little slow to learn after he has recovered from measles.

19. The main information of the text is that ....

A. measles has been a disease for thousands of years.
B. after 200 years of research, an effective measles vaccine was found.
C. measles is a serious disease greatly neglected in the past.
D. a lot of research was done on the complications of measles.
E. Measles may have bad effects on children who get the disease.

20. Which of the following is NOT an after effect of measles?

A. Polio
B. Personality changes
C. Slow learning
D. Ear disorders
E. Pneumonia



Passage 1 is for questions 1-4

Powered transportation was developed less than 250 years ago, but it is hard to

imagine life before ships, trains, and airplanes. Some major transportation milestones
include the first steamship built in the 1770s, the first steam powered train in 1798, the
modern car born in 1886, and the first powered flight in 1903.

Yet people did get around before modern transportation, albeit slower. They
simply walked or rode on camels and horses. It wasn’t convenient, fast, reliable, safe or
even comfortable. In most cases, you could only go miles a day and carry a limited amount
on your back on the pack animal. But it was all that was available to get from one place to
the next to trade goods or find food and water.

Something amazing happened starting in the late 1700s – with the intention and
adoption of modern transportation. Standards of living of people around the world
radically increased because for the first time trade was easier, safer, faster, more reliable
and convenient. Goods could be shipped around the world and traded for other products.

Just as ships and trains could cover long distances in days instead of the months
these trips took by came or sail, by the mid-1900s, planes could cover the same distances
in just a few hours. By the 1960s, aviation was the preferred way of getting across the US
and abroad to Europe. Faster and faster planes carrying more and more people – for
reasonable airfares – helped us to travel, explore and invest around the globe.

With each advancement in transportation technology, the standard of living for

everyone around the world has increased dramatically. Supersonic transportation will
have an equally astounding impact on the world. Flight times will be reduced by 50%
bringing the world much closer together and making destinations more accessible in a
shorter amount of travel time.

What it also means is that investors can visit destinations that they wouldn’t have
considered otherwise. Business can manage global operations better, and spend more
time with their customers. Vacationers can take a weekend trip around the globe and be
back in time for work on Monday morning.
(Adapted from

1. The best title of the passage is…

A. The Development of Transportation System
B. Kinds of Mass Transportation
C. Transportation in Modern Era
D. How People Invented Planes
E. The Invention of Quick and Cheap Transportation

2. In sentence “Yet people did get around before modern transportation, albeit slower” in
paragraph 2, the word ‘albeit’ is closest in meaning to…

A. yet


B. but
C. because
D. despite
E. although

3. What happened with the transportation system after the mid-1900s?

A. People could increase the standard of living
B. People was available to get from one place to the next
C. People invented modern transportation
D. People shipped and traded their products
E. People could travel by plane faster

4. The organization found in paragraph 5 is…

A. compare
B. classification
C. example
D. cause and effect
E. process analysis
Passage 2 is for questions 5-8
If dairy isn’t an option for you, there are several milk alternatives available on the

market. Like reduced-fat and skin milk, some vitamins and nutrients are usually added to
the milk alternatives through fortification, although with non-dairy components.

Almond milk is plant-based and made by grinding almonds into a pulp. The pulp
is mixed with after and then strained. Almond milk is consumable by vegans and is
naturally lactose-free. Even though almonds are good source of protein, almond milk is
not. A cup of unsweetened almond milk has about 1 gram of protein compared to 8 grams
of protein per cup of cow’s milk. But on the plus side, almond milk is much lower in
calories and sugar compared to cow’s milk and contains very little saturated fat. It’s good
source of vitamin A and potassium and is often fortified to be a good source of vitamin D.

Soy milk is created by the suspension of soybean flour in water. This widely used
milk alternative is plant-based and consumed by both vegans and lactose-intolerant. It’s
good source of protein (as much as cow’s milk), and is much lower in calories than whole
milk (it has about the same calories as reduced-fat milk). It also contains very little
saturated fat. Soy milk is good source of vitamin A and potassium, and is often fortified to
be a good source of calcium and vitamin D. However, soy is also a common allergen, so
people who are allergic to soy should not drink soy milk. Also, most of the soy in the U.S.
comes from genetically modified plants, which is a concern to some. In addition, too much
soy may be a problem for people with thyroid disease or other conditions.

Milk can be a powerhouse component of a healthy diet. It’s best to determine your
personal dietary needs when picking the milk type that is right for you. As always,
consider things like your current weight, your current diet, your level of activity and other
factors like age.
(Adapted from


5. The paragraph preceding the passage is…

A. Types of milk
B. Cow's milk and its nutrients
C. Whole milk nutrients
D. Non-dairy milk and its types
E. Benefits of milk in general

6. Which statement is true about almond milk compared to cow’s milk?

A. It’s problem for vegan
B. It contains lactose
C. Almond milk is a good source of protein
D. It has more protein than cow’s milk
E. It’s is much lower in calories and sugar

7. According to the passage, if people want to get lower calories and little saturated fat,
what milk should they drink?
A. Reduced-fat
B. Skim milk
C. Cow’s milk
D. Almond milk
E. Soy milk
8. From the passage, the author implies that…
A. drinking milk depends on the body needs
B. milk has various types
C. almond and soy milk are the most appropriate vegans
D. cow’s milk has the most nutrients needed by the body
E. everyone drinks milk in their diet

Passage 3 is for questions 9-11

A recent survey reported that Instagram is the worst social media network for

mental health and wellbeing. It was associated with high levels of anxiety, depression,
bullying and fear of missing out.

Previous studies have suggested that young people who spend more than two
hours a day on social networking sites are more prone to psychological distress. The
report states that seeing friends constantly can promote a 'compare and despair'

¹The authors wrote that social media posts can set unrealistic expectations.
²Additionally, the posts create feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. ³One survey
respondent wrote that Instagram easily makes girls and women feel as if their bodies are
not good enough. ⁴This is reflected by people adding filter and editing their pictures in
order for them to look 'perfect'.


Other research has found that the more social networks a young adult uses, the
more likely he or she is to report depression and anxiety. Trying to navigate between
different norms and friend networks on various platforms could be to blame. On the other
hand, it is also possible that people with poor mental health are drawn to multiple social
media platforms in the rest place.

¹The Royal Society is asking social media companies to make changes to reduce
the harmful effects of social media on children and young adults. ²The report
recommends the introduction of a pop-up "heavy usage" warning within these apps or
websites. ³71% of the survey respondents say they would support this suggestion. ⁴Out
of five social networks included in the survey, YouTube received the highest marks for
health and wellbeing and was the only site that received a net positive scored by
respondents. ⁵It also recommends that companies find a way to highlight photos of
people that have been digitally manipulated. ⁶Lastly it is suggested that the companies
offer help to users who could be suffering from mental health problems.

9. Which part of the passage discusses Instagram's effect on self-confidence?

A. Paragraph 1
B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 4
E. Paragraph 5

10. What is the relation between sentence 1 and 2 in paragraph 3?

A. Sentence 2 is a restatement why social media has the bad effects mentioned in

sentence 1.
B. Sentence 1 introduces harmful social media posts and sentence 2 provides more

C. Sentence 1 states the effects of social media and sentence 2 gives another one.
D. Sentence 2 provides the example of social media's effect stated in sentence 1.
E. Sentence 1 presents a view on social media and sentence 2 contradicts it.

11. Which sentence is NOT relevant in paragraph 5?

A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 2
C. Sentence 3
D. Sentence 4
E. Sentence 5

Passage 4 is for questions 12-15

If you are sitting in a coffee shop, tapping away on your laptop, feeling safe from

hackers because you didn’t connect to the shops wifi, think again. The guys may be able
to see what you are doing just by analyzing the low power electronic signals your laptop
emits even when it is not connected to the internet. Researchers at the Georgia Institute


of Technology are investigating where these information “leaks” originate so they can
help hardware and software designers develop strategies to plug them. By studying
emissions from multiple computers, the researchers have developed a metric for
measuring the strength of the leaks known technically as “side-channel signal” to help
prioritize security efforts.

Side-channel emissions can be measured several feet away from an opening

computer using a variety of spying methods. Electromagnetic emissions can be received
using antennas hidden in a briefcase, for instance. Acoustic emissions – sounds produced
by electronic components such as capacitors – can be picked up by microphones hidden
beneath tables. Information on power fluctuations, which can help hackers determine
what the computer is doing, can be measured by fake battery charges plugged into power
outlets adjacent to a laptop’s power converter.

Currently, there is no mention in the open literature of hackers using side-channel

attacks, but the researchers believe it’s only a matter of time before that happens. The
potential risks of side-channel emissions have been reported over the years, but not at
the level of detail being studied by the Georgia Tech researchers.

12. Which of the following statements is the main idea of the passage?
A. People do not need to worry about their data security if there is no will.
B. Side-channel signals can be used to help prioritize security efforts.
C. Laptops are as safe as smartphones in terms of information protection.
D. Researchers are working to counter a new class of hackers.
E. Hackers find it difficult to steal coffee shop information from customers.

13. According to the passage, hackers can steal information by using the following tools,
A. artificial battery chargers
B. earphones hidden in a wallet
C. antennas hidden in a briefcase
D. microphones hidden beneath tables
E. fake power chargers plugged into power outlets

14. It can be inferred from the passage that the researchers…

A. interviewed various coffee shops owners and customers for their research
B. are former hackers, so they are very familiar with hackers’ work procedure
C. will probably study ways to prevent hackers from using side-channel attacks
D. are impressed with hackers advanced ideas and tricky ways of hacking data
E. strongly believe that people should not use laptops in public places with will

15. The author’s motive in writing this passage is to…

A. remind people that researchers are working hard to anticipate password theft
B. inform that side-channel attacks are already happening in many institutions
C. compare the rapid progress of researchers with the slow stride of hackers


D. warn people to be cautious with hackers who can steal data without wifi
E. persuade people to stop storing personal information in their gadgets

Passage 4 is for questions 16-20

The old myths about clever animals may have been closer to the truth than science

has been for much of its history. Until fairly recently, animals were considered to be
unthinking machines and humans the only intelligent species. However, aided by new
cognition tests that allow elephants to show, their intelligence, scientists have discovered
human and elephant intelligence have much in common.

Most contemporary ethologists view the elephant as one of the world’s most
intelligent animals. With a mass of just over 5 kg, an elephant’s brain has more mass than
that of any other land animal. In addition, elephants have a total of 300 billion neurons.
Elephant brains are similar to humans’ in term of general connectivity and areas. The
elephant cortex has as many neurons as a human brain.

Moreover, elephants manifest a wide variety of behaviors, including those

associated with self-awareness, altruism, memory, and communication. It has been
proven scientifically that elephants are self-aware. In one study an elephant called Happy
would touch a white cross painted on her forehead, a test used to test self-awareness in
children. She could only see it in a mirror and understood that she was looking at a
reflection of herself.

Elephants also practice altruism. There is a famous story of an Indian elephant

called Chandrasekharan, who was working lifting poles off a truck as it moved along, and
placing them in holes dug in the ground. When Chandrasekharan came to one hole he
refused to put the log in. Eventually the Mahout checked and discovered a dog sleeping
in it. Only when the dog was gone would Chandrasekharan put the pole in.

Finally, elephants do have long memories. They eat an incredible variety of foods
and need to cover large distances to get it. They need to know where to go at what time
of year. They learn this and remember it. Also, they have complex communication and
societies, and they need to remember all the different individuals’ voices and smells in
order to be socially adept.
16. What is the tone of the passage?
A. Playful
B. Critical
C. Objective
D. Emphatic
E. Indifferent

17. All of the following statements about elephant intelligence are true, EXCEPT…
A. Elephants like helping other animals
B. Elephants have strong memory and cognition
C. Like human beings, elephants have self-awareness
D. Elephant’s brain has less mass than that of other mammals


E. Elephant intelligence shares some similarities with human intelligence

18. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. It is impossible for elephants to have self-awareness
B. Elephants brains differ from that of humans in many ways
C. Elephants are the only intelligent animals on this planet
D. Elephants in general do not care about their well-being
E. Not too long ago, many people thought that animals did not have the ability to think

19. This passage would most likely be found in…

A. an article about ancient mythology
B. a journal about artificial intelligence
C. a popular article about science and nature
D. a book about communication among animals
E. a magazine about the minds of human and animal

20. The author’s main purpose in the second paragraph is to…

A. define animal intelligence
B. persuade readers to love and protect elephants
C. provide an explanation of elephants’ intelligence
D. inform readers about the findings of several research
E. contrast elephant intelligence with human intelligence



Passage 1 is for questions 1-4

Indian cuisine becomes popular worldwide. There is that influence Indian cuisine

has when it comes to the culture, food in particular, every country in the same way that
some cultures also have their hand on why this cuisine is popular to many countries all
over the world.

Whilst people think that Indian recipes are so difficult to produce, it could be noted
that it is a simple cuisine that anybody can try cooking by simply referring to cookbooks
or TV shows. Its simplicity is enhanced even better by the nutritional value one can get
from the cuisine maintained by the spices and masalas mixed to enhance the food’s taste.
The side dishes of India, salads and pickles to name a few, make it stand out even more.

Indian cuisine has been derived from the different local traditions and cultures in
the country. These have given influences to the cuisine as a whole. South and East India
is known for using rice as its staple food whilst North India is noted for wheat as its staple.
The diversity of these dishes is also influenced by the major crops that grow in its region.
Since each region has its own set of Indian cuisine to offer, the menus of India become
even more diversified. Vegetarian, seafood and fish, and meat recipes are now present in
its list of food offering thus giving people from all over the globe a wide array of choices
when ordering Indian cuisine.

The festivals of India are influenced by their food too. During January, when Makar
Sankranti is celebrated, sweets made of Til and jiggery as well as pearl millet breads
known as Bajra rotis are served. These foods are beneficial in maintaining body
temperature during these cold months. Apart from this, there are also festivals known in
the whole of India, some of them have even become popular all over the world. The
popularity of these festivals made in Indian cuisine so popular around the globe these

It is with no doubt that Indian cuisine has built an influence to many nations all
over the globe as evidenced by the popularity of this food. This is the reason behind why
more and more restaurants have already thought of concentrating on providing such
dishes to the public.
(Adapted from

1. Which statement is not mentioned about Indian cuisine?

A. It is popular around the globe
B. Indian recipes are so difficult to produce
C. They influence the festivals of India
D. Indian cuisine has been derived from the different local traditions and cultures
E. These foods are beneficial in maintaining body temperature during these cold



2. The ingredients that make the Indian cuisines taste good are…
A. the spices and masalas
B. salads and pickles
C. its staple food
D. Til and jiggery
E. Bajra rotis

3. What is the author’s purpose in this passage?

A. To suggest the readers to try Indian cuisine
B. To describe the kinds of Indian cuisines
C. To inform the readers about the Indian cuisines
D. To tell how to cook Indian cuisines
E. To illustrate how Indian cuisine look like

4. The sentence “Indian cuisine has been derived from the different local traditions and
culture in the country” can be restated into…
A. Indian cuisines are served during local traditions and cultures in India
B. Different traditions and cultures needs Indian cuisine
C. To celebrate the Indian festivals with Indian cuisines depends on the local traditions

and cultures
D. Local traditions and Indian cultures that vary influence kinds of Indian cuisines
E. Indian cuisines are the most important things in Indian local traditions and cultures

Passage 2 is for questions 5-11

Researchers have debunked the myth that extreme sportsmen and women

adrenalin junkies with a death wish. According to Professor Brymer from Leeds Beckett
University, there had been a gross misunderstanding of what motivates people to take
part in extreme sports. Many write it off as an activity for adrenalin junkies.

His research has shown that people who engage in extreme sports are anything
but irreponsible risk-takers with a death wish. They are highly trained individuals with a
deep knowledge of themselves, the activity, and the environment. They usually do the
activity to have a life-enchancing experience. The experience is very hard to describe in
the same way that love is hard to describe. For example, BASE jumpers talk about being
able to see all the colours and nooks and crannies of the rock as they zoom past at 300
km/h. Meanwhile, extreme climbers feel like they are floating and dancing with the rock.

Professor Schwitzer said understanding motivations for extreme sports was

important to understand human. In fact, extreme sports participation facilitates more
psychological experiences and expresses human values. These include humality,
harmony, creativity, spirituallity, and a vital sense of self.

He added that extreme sports participants found it hard to put their experiences
into words. Thus, the research project had taken a new approach to understanding the
data. His research team did not employ a theory-based approach which may take
judgements that do not reflect the lived experience of extreme sports participants.


Instead, they look a phenomenological approach. By doing so, they were able to
conceptualize such experiences. They could also investigate the choices to engange in
activity which may lead to dead. However, such experiences have been shown to be
affirmative of life and the potential for transformation. Extreme sports have the potential
to induce powerful states of consciousness .... and provide a further glimpse into what it
means to be human.
Adapted from

5. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses...

A. types and examples of extreme sportsmen and women
B. news coverage on incidents linked to extreme sports athletes
C. the rising trend of people taking part in extreme sports
D. circulating sportsmen and women rumours about adrenalin junkies
E. result of earlier studies on extreme sports accidents

6. The word ‘debunked’ in paragraph 1 in the passage is closest in meaning to...

A. corrected
B. disproved
C. neglected
D. discontented
E. deconstructed

7. From paragraph 1, the author of the passage is trying to convey that...

A. doing extreme sports may cause death
B. extreme sports can lead to addiction to adrenalin
C. extreme sports can be played by men and women
D. extreme sports are only played by adrenalin junkies
E. the motivations of extreme sports athletes have been mistaken

8. The author describes the intentions behind people’s participation in extreme sports
most effectively in paragraph(s)...
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 3 dan 4

9. According to the passage, it can be hypothesized that the more... the more...
A. trained the participants are – often they play the sports
B. adrenalin rush they experience – skilful they become
C. motivated the participants are – they are reluctant to join the research
D. extreme the sports are – the participants enjoy them
E. the risk of the sports – irresponsible the participants are


10. The author would apparently agree that the phenomenon of extreme sports and their
participants discussed in the passage is similar to the phenomenon between...
A. teeth and dentists
B. toys and students
C. games and software developers
D. pianos and pianists
E. books and publishers

11. The option that best completes the last sentences of the passage is...
A. Extreme sports releases negative emotions and past trauma
B. It is where the participants level up their sports skills
C. Extreme sports allow an escape from numbin dullness in the workplace
D. These experience enrich the lives of participants
E. Extreme sports take exercises to another perspective to humanity

Passage 3 is for questions 12-15

Reuters has had long experience in at least three ways of telling a story: text.

photos and video, not to mention combinations of all three. But there is a fourth, and it is
fast becoming a key part of how we bring information and insight to our readers and
customers. Information graphics--and its cousin, data visualization--are fast coming into
their own at Thomson Reuters. They are both a reection of the growing importance of
smart, well-researched and well-designed graphics in a world increasingly awash in data.
In addition, the signicant strides the graphics team has taken in the past year to improve
its skills, capabilities and infrastructure.
1Our team of visual journalists--based in Singapore, New York and London--spent
much of 2014 upgrading their skills to create more interactive graphics. 2We collected
data from all over the world. 3With steady, day-to-day progress, the department has
transformed itself into a hybrid print and digital shop. 4And the results have been evident
in the le. 5We went from publishing just a handful of interactive graphics in 2013 to more
than 100 in 2014.

Among the notable work has been interactive graphics on the U.S. border crisis,
World Cup brackets, and Malaysian Airlines MH370. One of our graphics that tracks the
sobering number of journalist deaths worldwide has been re-tweeted more than 13,000

1The team has been taking advantage of a tool built to allow reporters and graphics
editors to work from a common spreadsheet. 2This means reporters can update data and
edit text inside a graphic by themselves, increasing the number of graphics we can create
and send to customers.

There is always more to be done, of course, but we now have a strong suite of
digital tools. Many of which we hope to put in the hands of more text journalists. And as
the team develops new skills, you can expect to see better and more integrated graphics
offerings in many more stories.


13. The author describes the increasing skills of Reuter journalists effectively in
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

14. The irrelevant statement in paragraph 2 is…

A. sentence 1
B. sentence 2
C. sentence 3
D. sentence 4
E. sentence 5

15. What is the relation between sentence 1 and sentence 2 in paragraph 4?

A. Sentence 2 provides an example of how to make a spreadsheet introduced in

sentence 1.
B. Sentence 2 restates the benefits of a tool for both reporters and editors specified

in sentence.
C. Sentence 1 describes a beneficial tool for journalists and sentence 2 species the

benefits for customers.

D. Sentence 2 provides a detailed description of a graphic tool to support its benefits

explained in sentence 1.
E. Sentence 2 elaborates the benefits of using a tool that can be accessed by both
reporters and editors mentioned in sentence 1.

Passage 3 is for questions 16-20

A Transportation Management System (TMS) is a valid tool for shipping

professionals. It helps to coordinate all available data points in a transport network. The
types of data may include rates, route options, warehouse supply, and distribution. TMS
presents this information in a user-friendly format. It allows the shipping manager to
make the best and most efficient decisions possible.

Traditionally, Transportation Management System have been very expensive and

complex. That made it impossible for most small and mid-level shippers to employ them.
In contrast, the cost savings and efficiency gains have prompted largest companies to
adopt these systems. The adoption gives them yet another edge over their niche

Today the state of transportation management systems is changing.

Developments in technology are constantly making these products less expensive and
easier to use. They are also designing the products to be more functional and quicker to
install. This allows shippers to reduce cost, acquire data, increase efficiency, and improve
communication flow. Another important reason that more companies are adopting TMS


is that human error can be eliminated. Rather than having a single person keeping track
of multiple products, shipments, and solutions, these systems organize everything into
precise and easy to read lists.

The challenge for TMS developers going forward will be to find effective ways to
help shipping managers understand and interpret the wealth of data that these products
can make available to them. They need to be able to understand what it means and have
it accessible to them when a decision point is reached.

Many people are claiming that within ten years all serious shippers will be using
them on a regular basis. At the same time, as pricing drops, it will make those companies
that do not adopt these practices obsolete.

16. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the text?

A. TMS used to be very difficult to operate and obtain
B. The final shipping decisions are in the hands of the manager
C. In the past, TMS did not benefit companies with big capital
D. The downside of the current TMS is that managers can be overwhelmed by the

E. Technological advances are making TMS more accessible to all level of shippers

than in the past

17. In paragraph 2, why does the author include information about cost savings and
efficiency gains?
A. To give evidence of the effectiveness of TMS utilization
B. To show how the benefits of TMS outweigh the costs of acquiring it
C. To convince more shipping companies to utilize TMS as well
D. To compare the advantages and disadvantages of using TMS
E. To explain how companies capitalized on TMS’ reasonable price

18. The tone of the paragraph is…

A. formal
B. critical
C. sarcastic
D. optimistic
D. negative

19. Which of the following is the best summary of the passage?

A. Advances in technology and decreasing prices are making Transportation

Management System products accessible to a much larger audience. Today even

small and mid-level shippers are taking advantage of the utility of these systems.
Since it is no longer costly, smaller shipping companies are now buying the
product and using it to their advantage.

B. Newer Transportation Management Systems are leading to greater use across all
logistical operations. The benefits that the systems present have the potential to


improve transportation and at the same time cut budget. In addition, the wealth of
information is incredibly valuable, but users have managed to parse it down into
a form that can be used effectively.

C. The ability to make shipping less expensive and more efficient is driving many
businesses to invest in Transportation Management Systems. They allow more
access to customers, which can increase the overall number of opportunities that
become available. At the same time, they can use these systems to make their own
organizations more efficient and cost effective.

D. Once a luxury in shipping industry, Transportation Management Systems have

now begun to reach a wider audience. More companies are adopting the system
due to its better pricing, simpler data acquisition, and higher efficiency. Although
the system still has challenges to overcome, the industry is predicted to see
tremendous growth in the coming years.

E. The shipping industries have changed for the better over the past years. Unlike in
the past, the present situation of the industry is good, and it is expected that
smaller scale businesses will also improve. Consequently, shipping companies
who hold on to tradition will be far left behind.

20. It can be inferred from the text that…

A. with the development of TMS, the technology gap between shipping competitors

will be narrowed.
B. the number of shipping companies that use TMS will dwindle as technology

C. If prices keep dropping due to TMS, small scale shipping businesses cannot

D. To minimize error, the older version of TMS was operated by multiple managers.
E. In the distant future, the role of the shipping managers can be replaced by TMS.



According to the latest information, it is estimated that there are about six or seven

billion people in the world. Most of them live in underdeveloped countries. Population is
increasing at a faster yearly rate in Asia, Africa and Latin America than in other
continents. The two most populated countries in the world are China and India.

Population growth is controlled by the birth and the death rate. Centuries ago
most children did not live very long. They died at birth, as babies, or as young children.
Death rate at birth was high. Disease epidemic kills many children as well as adults. The
death rate was high and the birth rate was low. Population growth was limited.

Limited factors of the past, such as disease and death at birth, have been changed
by modern technology. Today, antibiotics, vaccination, and improves sanitation help
control the spread of diseases. With modern health care, fewer people die young, and
most children live to reproduce. As a result of these changes, the death rate has decreased
and the survival of newborn has increased. The lower death rate and higher birth rate
have caused the human population to increase rapidly.

The government of China and India are working hard to assure their people that
by having small family, they will promote prosperous country. The government of India
encourages married men and women to be sterilized so they cannot have more children.
In China, families can be punished for having more than one child. If the number of people
continue to increase, there will not be enough food, houses or jobs for the people. And so
this leads to crime, further poverty and poor living condition in the country. It is the duty
of teachers, doctors, and social workers to explain to the people why they should
vasectomy, use of condoms, IUD's, pills and sterilization. Especially for the teenagers, they
persuade them to postpone their marriage until at least the age of 23 for women and 26
for men.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The impact of population growth
B. How to reduce birth rate
C. Controlling population growth in decently populated countries
D. Countries with high population
E. Postponed marriage for teenagers

2. What the governments of India do to control their population?

A. Assure their people that by having a small family they will promote prosperous

B. Encourage married men and women to be sterilized
C. Punish the families who have more than one child
D. Ask the people to use birth control
E. Ask teenager to postpone their marriage until at least 26 for women


3. The word “prosperous” in paragraph 4 closest means …

A. Wealth
B. Success
C. Luxurious
D. Great
E. Tremendous

4. Where the passage the author explains the impact of increasing population?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of the paragraph

Text 2
The following text is for questions number 5 to 10.

On Friday, 11 February 2022, Nadiem Anwar Makariem, the minister of Education,

Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) launched the Kurikulum Merdeka

“The Kurikulum Merdeka has been applied in around 2.500 schools and vocational
schools in Indonesia during 2021/2022 school year. It is a part of the learning with new
paradigms,” said Nadiem during the launch of Merdeka Teaching platform. It is said that
the new curriculum will be applied for kindergarten to high school.

In 2022/2023 school year, all education units may choose to implement their
curriculum based on the school readiness while referring to the Kurikum Merdeka.

Furthermore, Nadiem also stated that the new curriculum would provide
autonomy and independence for both schools and students. Later, specialization majors
such as Science, Social Studies, and Languages are no longer present in senior high

Nadiem emphasized that, “In senior high schools that implement Kurikulum
Merdeka, there will be no specialization majors for students.”

5. What can we infer from the text?

A. Kurikulum Merdeka will be implemented gradually.
B. The previous curriculum is no longer used.
C. Schools will need a lot of money to implement the curriculum.
D. The ministry should hold workshops for students as a socialization tool.
E. The new curriculum serves as a guideline for schools to create their own


6. “Later specialization majors such as Science, Social Studies, and Languages are no
longer present in senior high schools.”
What does the sentence imply?


A. Students in high school will not get special subjects.

B. Schools are free to give any subjects to their students.
C. There will be no program for special students in high school.
D. The subjects like social studies, science, and language will be omitted.
E. There won’t be specialization majors in high school.

7. “In 2022/2023 school year, all education units may choose to implement their
curriculum based on the school readiness while referring to the Kurikum Merdeka.”
The sentence means that…
A. in implementing the Kurikulum Merdeka, education units and teachers can take the

initiative to develop their capacity independently.

B. on its implementation, the curriculum focuses on essential materials and character

development of the Pancasila Student Profile.

C. there is no instant learning process, especially for things as complex as

implementing a new curriculum by changing the way of teaching in the classroom.

D. the Kurikulum Merdeka is a flexible curriculum that can be operated according to

the needs of any school, including schools with minimal facilities.

E. each educational unit has different characteristics, so the Kurikulum Merdeka in one

school will not be the same as other schools.

8. “It is said that the new curriculum will be applied from kindergarten to high school.”
The sentence has the same meaning as…
A. kindergarten and high school level ought to apply the new curriculum.
B. the implementation of this curriculum is for four levels of education.
C. the curriculum is not only for kindergarten but also for high school level.
D. schools that apply the curriculum must be above high school level and below

E. every school level must use the curriculum as a reference for them to organize their

education system.

9. “In 2022/2023 school year, all education units may choose to implement their
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Schools’
B. Students’
C. Teachers’
D. Curriculums’
E. Headmasters’

10. “… applied in around 2.500 schools and vocational schools…”

What does “vocational” mean?
A. An emphasis on vocational training in education.
B. A secondary school where students are trained in a trade skill.


C. An education unit designed to provide the necessary skills for a specific job or

D. Somebody’s work, job, or profession, especially a type of work demanding special


E. Guidance in the form of interviews and tests to see which job or career would best
suit somebody’s individual abilities and personality.

Text 3
The following text is for questions 11 to 15.

In this modern era, social media is booming everywhere. We can see people use
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. They utilize social media for
different purposes like business, family, social life, and even education. Consequently, the
constant use of social media has both positive and negative effects on the users.

The positive effect with social media is that it helps people keep in touch with
others easily. Those who rarely see each other interacts actively on social media.
Moreover, people can make new friends through social media even though they haven’t
met yet in real life. With this method of communication, they can share their situation and
various information accordingly and quickly.

On the other hand, social media also delivers negative impacts. One of the biggest
concerns is the poor mental health problem, often experienced by teenagers and young
adults. As people have more screen time, they are exposed to various contents like
showing off wealth, beautiful and handsome people, or one’s relationship. Consuming too
much of this type of content can lead to insecurities and unrealistic expectations. For
example, when female users watch channels of a lady who is pretty, successful, and
popular, they will have the image that they have to be like that lady. Thus, they will
unconsciously compare themselves to that person which may cause low self-esteem, and
even worse, eating disorders.

As they are obsessed with that they see, they may also develop anxiety and
depression. Sadly, social media users who spend a lot of their time on it are most likely
prone to have depression. When they become depressed, they will ruin both their
physical and mental health. Often, they will also develop communication problems in real

Although, nowadays social media is a part of life, we still need to be careful as the
users. We must learn to manage the time used for social media without sacrificing our
responsibilities. We have to take advantage of social media for commendable things, but
we cannot let ourselves be the slave of it. it is important to acknowledge how to make use
of the platforms wisely to avoid problems.

11. What is the text about?

A. The importance of social media
B. The effects of social media for users
C. The positive effects of social media for users
D. The negative effects of social media for users


E. The reason why people must have social media

12. The following statements are false, except…

A. social media should be used carefully
B. People can’t be friends on social media
C. The usage of social media will improve appetite
D. We must accept social media everywhere and every time
E. There is no correlation between depression and social media exposure

13. “Thus, they will unconsciously compare themselves to that person which may cause
low self-esteem, and even worse, eating disorder.”
The underlined word has a similar meaning with…
A. unknowingly
B. consciously
C. deliberately
D. carefully
E. sensibly

14. The following issues are mentioned in the text, except…

A. eating problems
B. sleep apnea
C. insecurities
D. depression
E. obsession

15. The users of social media can be:

(1) Parents
(2) Teachers
(3) Students
(4) Professional athletes
(5) Celebrities
Which of the users are less likely to use social media as main source of education at
A. (1), (2), and (3)
B. (2), (3), and (4)
C. (1), (3), and (5)
D. (1), (4), and (5)
E. (3), (4), and (5)

Text 4
Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people

believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel
education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a

definitive answer to the question of, “What is education?” However, we can start thinking
about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to
develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society’s economic success?
Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the
balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps
agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and
development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health,
nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.

As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and
attempt to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO
launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and
adults by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues
come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA
when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too
impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some gaps that prevent
developing nations to compete with developed nations. One example is that of providing
greater access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are
not afforded this access are at a disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make
life better for themselves, their families, and their community.

16. The author’s main concern in the first paragraph of the passage is that…
A. there is no exact definition about education
B. education is a fundamental individual’s right
C. everyone has the right to get quality education
D. education occurs in any place not just schools
E. development can be gained through education

17. The situation the author shows in the passage above is best described as follows…
A. quality education fundamentally ensures quality living in all sectors.
B. education is essentially everyone’s right yet it still has its challenges.
C. there are problems in education in spite of its significant role.
D. as long as nations compete, education cannot progress.
E. absence of an exact definition causes problems in education.

18. The following sentences reflect the author’s opinions in the passage, except…
A. everyone has the right to get education
B. education cannot be easily defined
C. EFA provides quality education by 2015
D. education is basic to human development
E. the EFA goals are faced with serious challenges


19. If the author is right concerning the role of education, the following might be
predicted to take place, except…
A. longer life expectation
B. lesser birth rates
C. improved welfare
D. better quality living
E. more job opportunities

20. The part following above would likely discuss…

A. lack of access to technology in developing countries to support educational

B. needs of modern digital technology to back up the implementation of EFA in

C. roles of technology in providing individuals with cheap and accessible quality

D. inability of developing nations to compete with developed countries in technology.
E. government’s roles and responsibilities in managing education for their citizens.



Text 1
In 2000, researchers began an ambitious effort to document the academic

outcomes of study abroad across the 35-institution University System of Georgia. Ten
years later, they have found that students who study abroad have improved academic
performance upon returning to their home campus, higher graduation rates, and
improved knowledge of cultural practices and context compared to students in control
groups. They have also found that studying abroad helps, rather than hinders, academic
performance of at risk students.

“The skeptics of study abroad have always made the argument that study abroad
is a distraction from the business of getting educated, so you can enter the economy and
become a contributing member of society,” said Don Rubin, professor emeritus of speech
communication and language education at the University of Georgia and research
director for GLOSSARI – the Georgia Learning Outcomes of Students Studying Abroad
Research Initiative. “I think if there’s one take-home message from this research as a
whole it is that study abroad does not undermine educational outcomes, it doesn’t
undermine graduation rate, it doesn’t undermine final semester GPA. It’s not a

Researchers administered a 29-question intercultural learning outcomes

instrument to 440 study abroad and 230 non-study abroad participants from 13 Georgia
institutions. From pre- to post-test, study abroad participants surpassed non-study
abroad participants in measures related to functional knowledge of cultural practices –
the ability to say what’s funny in another culture, for instance, or take a train or bus to
reach a destination.

Researchers looked at the three case studies of courses taught on the home
campus and overseas – a Novels of Jane Austen class (taught in Oxford), a French
Revolution and Napoleon class (taught in Paris) and an Intercultural Communication
class (also taught in Paris). “There has been some outstanding research that’s already
been done in second-language learning overseas, in personal development, intercultural
growth, and attitudinal and behavioral changes that occur as a result of study abroad,”
said Sutton, the GLOSSARI project director.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Skepticism about study abroad
B. Study abroad show outstanding result in second learning language overseas
C. Study abroad prove to improve academic performance student at risk
D. Study abroad may distract business of getting educated
E. Study abroad participants surpassed non-study abroad participants related to



2. The word “hinder” in paragraph 3 means…

A. Block
B. Proceed
C. Progress
D. Realize
E. Respond

3. How study abroad helps student academic performance…

A. Study abroad enhance personal development, intercultural growth, and attitudinal

and behavioral changes.

B. Study abroad participants surpassed non-study abroad participant functional

knowledge of cultural practices.

C. Study abroad helps student enter the economy and become a contributing member

of society.
D. Study abroad doesn’t undermine graduation rate, it doesn’t undermine final

semester GPA.
E. Study abroad is a distraction from the business of getting educated.

4. The author’s attitude towards the text is…

A. Tolerant
B. Unhappy
C. Worried
D. Critical
E. Concerned

Text 2
The dragon, the only mythical creature among the 12 animals of the Chinese

zodiac, is regarded as a symbol of might and intelligence. In ancient China, the dragon was
associated with the emperor. Boys born in the year of the dragon, especially, are said to
be destined to be successful and wealthy. The next year of the dragon begins on 23
January, on the first day of the Chinese New Year, and lots of dragon babies are set to
make an entrance.

In previous dragon years, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and countries such as
Singapore with a strong Chinese diaspora have experienced baby booms. In 2000, Hong
Kong saw a more than 5% rise in the number of births, according to official data. Last
month, state news agency Xinhua reported that China was anticipating a 5% increase in
the number of babies this year.
Paying for nappies, however, is not the biggest worry for parents of dragon babies.
“It might affect this birth cohort when they get into school, go to the labor market because
more people means more competition”, said Dr. Tong Yuying, assistant professor,
department of Sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Schools may increase
their capacity, but it still means more children battling it out in national exams to get into
top schools.


The race for school among bumper dragon cohorts is similar in Taiwan, if not more
pronounced. “Competition is definitely more intense for kids born in this year.” Said Dr.
Chen Shee-Uan, director of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the National
Taiwan University Hospital. He believes there will be an increase of 20 to 30% this year
in the number of babies delivered at the hospital.

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The year of dragon has brought economic impact and increase households income

significantly in Taiwan
B. The perception of people under dragon sign has influenced the birth rate

significantly in countries with strong Chinese diaspora

C. It is important for a Chinese family to have at least one kid with dragon sign to bring

wealth and prosperity to the family.

D. Just like any other Chines zodiac signs, the year of dragon does not bring any major

difference in terms of birth rate in Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan.

E. Chinese tend to give birth in the year of Dragon through an insemination process to

have a prosperous family.

6. What is synonym of “cohort” in paragraph 3?

A. Group
B. Grade
C. Rate
D. Level
E. Class

7. Paragraph 2 conclude that…

A. Baby boom phenomenon in China and Chinese diaspora countries happened in

dragon year
B. Children birth in dragon year battling it out in national exams to get into top schools
C. There will be an increase of 20 to 30% this year in the number of babies delivered

at the hospital during dragon year.

D. Sales of nappies in China will grow about 17% to 28.4 billion yuan during dragon

E. In vitro fertilization treatments increased a lot during dragon year.
8. According to the passage above, which of the following option is NOT the reason why
dragon is considered as a special sign among the Chinese twelve zodiacs?
A. It is a symbol of might and intelligence
B. People under dragon sign is believed to be wealthy in the future
C. People with dragon sign will be the leader of the country
D. It has a close association with the Emperor
E. People under dragon are destined to be successful


9. What can we infer from the passage above?

A. The Chinese government encourages its people to have more kids in the year of

dragon to bring prosperity to the country.

B. Schools prepares extra quotas and higher the acceptance standards to tackle the

baby boom in the year of dragon

C. The Chinese government sets up more difficult questions for those who were born

under the dragon sign since they are believed to be more difficult intelligent than
those of other zodiacs.

D. The Chinese’s belief to the zodiac sign reflects the educational level gained by its

E. The Chinese strongly believe in the luck brought by the Dragon and its reflected on
the birth rate in the year of dragon.

Text 3
Though fears concerning the Coronavirus persist among the public, the film

industry is ushering people to cinemas with discount coupons for movie tickets. The
Korean Film Council, a state-funded institution, will be giving out discount coupons for
movie tickets over a three-week period starting Monday.

Cinemagoers will be able to receive a 6,000 won (US$4.90) discount per movie
ticket, according to the KOFIC’s announcement made last week. The discount coupons,
which will allow theatergoers to watch movies at about half-price-average movie tickets
priced around 10,000 won here-are applicable only for films screened Thursday through

The three biggest multiples – CGV, Megabox, and Lotte Cinema – will distribute the
coupons through their respective websites, with two coupons limited to each person per
week on a first come, first served basis. Another multiplex operator, Cine Q stated anyone
who reserves tickets will get the discount within the period. Four tickets are allowed per
person per week.

The discount even was originally slated to kick off as a post-COVID-19 support
measure for the film industry around May 21, in line with the government’s easing of
social distancing rules in early May. However, with the sudden eruption of mass
infections stemming from the Itaewon area Seoul, the promotion was postponed. KOFIC
has reassured that safety measures will be followed for theaters, including checking
temperatures, distanced seating and a strict quarantine system inside the halls.

10. The second paragraph is about…

A. KOFIC announcement about 6,000 Won cinema discount to attract people to watch

B. Korean Film Council (KOFIC) push people to watch cinema.
C. KOFIC coupon distributed in several cinemas.
D. Discount given to support Korean film industry.
E. KOFIC cinema discount amidst COVID-19 mass infection in Seoul.


11. How the last sentence of paragraph 1 related to paragraph 2?

A. Paragraph 1 give statement about movie ticket discount and paragraph 2 describing

the statement from paragraph 1

B. Paragraph 1 give conclusion about paragraph 2 statement
C. Paragraph 1 identified problem discussed in paragraph 2
D. Paragraph 1 state problem discussed in paragraph 2
E. Paragraph 1 summarize the paragraph 2

12. The word “cinemagoers” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by…

A. Monologue
B. Spectator
C. Audience
D. Participant
E. Player

13. Why the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) give movie ticket discount coupon across
theatres in Korea?

A. Minimize Coronavirus impact to Korean movie industry

B. Prevent coronavirus in Korea theatres
C. Attract people to attend to cinema during Coronavirus pandemic
D. Give discount to Korean cinemagoers
E. Announce cinema discount all over Korea

Text 4
Tyrannosaurus rex may have been the world’s first power walker, using its

lengthy legs to relentlessly pursue fleeing prey, new research has found. Walking, the
scientists discovered, would have been an energy-efficient hunting strategy for big
dinosaurs like tyrannosaurus.

To better understand walking and running in T. rex and other theropods, or meat-
eating dinosaurs, scientists measured metrics such as relative limb size, posture and body
mass in 93 individual dinosaurs from 71 theropod species, in order to calculate how those
factors may have affected the animals’ maximum speeds.

They found that while long-leggedness made some theropods fast runners, that
wasn’t always the case. In very large dinosaurs, such as T. rex, long limbs came with a
different advantage, allowing the predator to keep up a slower but steady pace long after
a speedier animal would have grown tired and given up the chase. “The assumption tends
to be that animals with adaptations for running, such as long legs, are adapted for a higher
maximum speed, but this paper shows that there’s more to running than top speed,“ said
study co-author Thomas Holtz, a principal lecturer in the University of Maryland’s
Department of Geology.

Theropods were a highly successful group of terrestrial dinosaurs that dominated

the Mesozoic era (252 million to around 66 million years ago), and bipedalism – walking
on two legs – is thought to have played a big part in their success, the scientists wrote. In


the study, they looked at theropods in a range of size: from pipsqueaks that weighed less
than 11 lbs. (5 kilogram) to T. rex behemoths that weighed more than 20,000 lbs. (9,000

14. The sentence “They found that while long-leggedness made some theropods fast
runners, that wasn’t always the case” in the second paragraph can best restated as…
A. Theropods always run fast because of their long-legged feet
B. Long-legged theropods sometimes make them fast runner
C. If theropods were long-legged they would run fast
D. Before theropods long-legged feet were formed, this was the reason why they

could run fast

E. The theropods’ long-leggedness wouldn’t always be the factors to be fast runner

15. Paragraph 3 implies that…

A. Long leg is not the only factor that makes theropod run fast
B. Theropods’ legs adapted for a higher maximum speed
C. Long leg can chase the speedier animal better
D. Long leg is an advantage for theropods
E. Theropods’ leg adapted more to running than top speed

16. The main reason for author to write the passage is…
A. Explaining the factors why and how tyrannosaurs unique feet can make them run

B. Distinct the various type of tyrannosaurus feet
C. Explaining the research from University of Maryland’s Department of Geology
D. Distinct the domination terrestrial dinosaurs in the Mesozoic era
E. Assuming that Tyrannosaurs adaptations for running is to get a higher maximum


17. The next paragraph most likely will discuss about…

A. Kinds of theropods which can run fast
B. Evolution of theropods
C. Advantages of having long legs to theropods
D. Running capability from theropod
E. Theropods ability make them a great predator

18. Which of the following is the best summary of the passage?

A. Tyrannosaurus Rex bipedalism – walking on two legs – is thought to have played a

big part in their success

B. Tyrannosaurus Rex is a ferocious animal dominated Mesozoic era
C. New discovery by scientist about physical features from theropods like

Tyrannosaurus Rex to dominate Mesozoic era


D. Very large dinosaurs, such as T. rex, long limbs came with a different advantage,
allowing the predator to keep up a slower but steady pace long after a speedier

E. Scientists measured metrics such as relative limb size of Tyrannosaurus Rex in

order to calculate how those factors may have affected the animal’s maximum

Text 5
Tesla, Inc., formerly (2003-17) Tesla Motors, American electric-automobile

manufacturer. It was founded in 2003 by American entrepreneurs Martin Eberhard and

Marc Tarpenning and was named after Serbian American inventor Nikola Tesla. Tesla
Motors was formed to develop an electric sports car. Funding for the company was
obtained from a variety of sources, most notably PayPal cofounder Elon Musk, who
contributed more than $30 million to the new venture and served as chairman of the
company, beginning in 2004.

In 2008 Tesla Motors released its first car, the completely electric Roadster. In
company tests, its achieved 245 miles (394 km) on a single charge, a range
unprecedented for a production electric car. The Roadster produced no tailpipe
emissions, as it did not use an internal-combustion engine.

In 2012 Tesla stopped production of the Roadster to concentrate on its new Model
S sedan, which was acclaimed by automotive critics for its performance and design. It
came with three different battery options, which gave estimated ranges of 235 or 300
miles (379 or 483 km).

The company also branched out into solar energy products. A line of batteries to
store electric power from solar energy for use in homes and business was unveiled in
2015. Tesla bought the solar panel company Solar City in 2016. In 2017 the company
changed its name to Tesla, Inc.

19. Why Tesla car claimed to produce zero air pollution?

A. Tesla Motor produce high quality electric car
B. Tesla stopped production new models and start to research on new cars
C. Tesla battery gave an acceleration of 0 to 60 miles per hour before 4 seconds
D. Tesla’s car engine did not use any internal combustion engine
E. Tesla car’s lightweight body gave it efficient to ride

20. The sentence “Funding for the company was obtained from a variety of sources, most
notably PayPal cofounder Elon Musk, who contributed more than $30 million to the
new venture and served as chairman of the company, beginning in 2004.” in paragraph
1 best restate as…
A. Tesla Car company was founded by Elon Musk
B. Start from 2004, Tesla Company funded by Elon Musk who contribute more than

$30 million to the new venture $30 million and served as chairman of the company
C. PayPal Company and Tesla joined an alliance with Elon Musk served as chairman


D. Elon Musk funded 30 million to Tesla and PayPal from 2004

E. Tesla company fund obtained from variety of source

21. The next paragraph most likely will discuss about…

A. Tesla Inc.
B. Tesla Inc. other products aside solar cars
C. Elon Musk served as CEO
D. Tesla car’s advantages
E. How Tesla Inc. manufacture the cars and other products

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