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Kelompok 5

1. Ramadhania Salma Nur Azzahra - 4401422083

2. Anindya Chesta Laksmi - 4401422097
3. Alifa Fitri Romadhoni - 4401422115

Rombel : Pendidikan Biologi C 2022

1. Bagaimana seorang perempuan dapat mewarisi penyakit yang berkaitan dengan
pautan seks?
2. Parents who are both normal (not color blind) has a son who is color blind.
a. Determine the possible genotypes of the parents?
b. Determine the possible genotypes of other children?
3. Pada rambut kucing alel B menentukan warna hitam, alel b menentukan warna kuning.
Dalam keadaan heterozigot (Bb) akan membentuk belang tiga. Jika kucing jantan
berambut hitam disilangkan dengan kucing betina belang tiga. Tentukan rasio fenotip
dan genotip F1nya ?
4. In the human pedigree below where the male parent does not appear, it is assumed that
he is phenotypically normal. Both hemophilia (h) and color blindness ( c) are
sex-linked recessives. Insofar as possible, determine the genotypes for each individual
in the pedigree.

Crossing Over
1. Hasil test cross terhadap tanaman kacang ercis berbiji bulat warna kuning heterozigot
rangkap menghasilkan keturunan dengan komposisi sifat sebagai berikut:
● Biji bulat warna kuning sebanyak 800 tanaman
● Biji kisut warna hijau sebanyak 820 tanaman
● Biji bulat warna hijau sebanyak 185 tanaman
● Biji kisut warna kuning sebanyak 195 tanaman
a. Tentukan kedudukan gen dalam kromosom!
b. Tentukan NPS (Nilai Pindah Silang)!
c. Berapa jarak antar gen yang terpaut pada kromosom yang sama?
2. Lalat buah tubuh bulat (A) berkulit halus (B) dibastarkan dengan lalat buah bertubuh
panjang (a) berkulit halus (b). Testcross diadakan terhadap F1 yang heterozigot
menghasilkan keturunan sebagai berikut:
● 139 ekor lalat buah bertubuh bulat kulit halus
● 12 ekor lalat buah bertubuh panjang kulit halus
● 12 ekor lalat buah bertubuh bulat kulit kasar
● 137 ekor lalat buah bertubuh panjang kulit kasar
Berapa % nilai pindah silang pada F2?

3. White eyes (w=w females; w=Y males) in Drosophila can be produced by the action
of a sex-linked recessive gene. White eyes can also be produced through the
interaction of two other genes: the recessive sex-linked gene v for vermilion eye
color, and the autosomal recessive gene bw for brown eye color. Consider the parental
cross: bw=bw, w þ v þ =w v (brown-eyed females) bw=bw, w v=Y (white-eyed
males), where the F1 progeny consists of 70 brown-eyed and 130 white-eyed
individuals. Estimate the distance between the sex-linked genes w and v.

Chromosomal Map
1. In corn the alleles C and c result in colored versus colorless seed, Wx and wx in
nonwaxy versus waxy endosperm and Sh and sh in plump versus shrunken
endosperm. When plants grown from seed heterozygous for each of these pairs of
alleles were test crossed with plants from colorless-waxy-shrunken seed, the progeny
seeds were as follows:

Coloresss, Nonwaxy, Shrunken 84

Coloresss, Nonwaxy, Plump 974

Coloresss, Waxy, Shrunken 20

Coloresss, Waxy, Plump 2349

Colored, Waxy, Shrunken 951

Colored, Waxy, Plump 99

Colored, Nonwaxy, Shrunken 2216

Colored, Nonwaxy, Plump 15

TOTAL 6708

2. Gandum berdaun berkilat-kekuningan-tidak ligule disilang dengan yang berdaun

suram hijau-ligule menghasilkan F1 suram-hijau-ligule. Hasil test cross suram
hijau-ligule 313, suram-hijau-tidak ligule 86, suram-kekuningan- tidak ligule 224,
suram-kekuningan-tidak ligule 29, berkilat-hijau-ligule 36, berkilat-hijau ligule 232,
berkilat-kekuningan-ligule 86, dan berkilat-kekuningan-tidak ligule 247.
a. Buatlah jarak peta ketiga gen jika gen letaknya berangkaian. Simbol untuk masing
masing karakter ialah: G = suram, g = berkilat (glossy), V = hijau, v = kekuningan
(virescens), L = ligule, dan l = tidak ligule (ligule ialah bagian daun atau tangkai).
b. Berapa pula nilai I-nya?

3. In Drosophila, the allele b gives black body (normally brownish); at a separate gene,
the allele wx gives waxy wings (Normally non waxy); and a third gene, the allele cn
gives cinnabar eyes (normally red). A female individual heterozygous for these three
genes is testcrossed, and 1000 progeny are classified as follows; 5 normal; 6 black,
waxy, cinnabar; 69 waxy cinnabar; 67 black; 382 cinnabar; 379 black, waxy; 48
waxy; and 44 black cinnabar. Explain these numbers

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