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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) of English Education Department
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Reg. Number: 20400116002



Mahasiswi yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Nur Lita

NIM : 20400116002

Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Bima, 10 April 1998

Jur/Prodi/Konsentrasi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas/Program : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Alamat : Perumahan Taman Zarindah Blok C No. 16

Judul : “The Effect Of Using Youtube Video Learning Resources

to Teach Students’ Transactional Speaking Skills Of Second

Grade Students At Senior High School 12 Luwu”

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya dan penuh kesadaran bahwa skripsi ini

adalah benar hasil karya sendiri. Jika kemudian hari terbukti bahwa ini merupakan

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maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya batal demi hukum.

Samata-Gowa, 2023


Nur Lita
NIM: 20400116002

Dewan penguji skripsi berjudul “Using EF Kids & Teens Indonesia Youtube
Channel in Teaching Writing Narrative Text to the First Grade Students of SMAN
10 Makassar” yang disusun oleh Saudara Nanik Lestari Ningsih, NIM: 20400116036
dan telah diujikan dalam Ujian Kualifikasi Hasil Skripsi yang diselenggarakan pada
hari Senin, 28 Agustus 2023 M, bertepatan dengan tanggal 11 Shafar 1445 H,
memandang bahwa skripsi tersebut telah memenuhi syarat-syarat ilmiah dan dapat
disetujui untuk diajukan dalam sidang Ujian Skripsi (Munaqasyah).

Demikian persetujuan ini diberikan untuk proses selanjutnya.


1. Dr. Kaharuddin, S.IP., M.Hum. (………………………………………...)

2. Dr. Sitti Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd. (………………………………………...)


1. Dr. Hj. Mardiana, M. Hum. (………………………………………...)

2. Nur Aliyah Nur, M. Pd. (…………………………….,……...)

Samata-Gowa, 28 Agustus 2023

Diketahui oleh:

A.n. Dekan FTK UIN Alauddin Makassar Ketua Jurusan/Prodi

Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Dr. M. Shabir U., M.Ag. Prof. Dra. St. Azisah, M.Ed.St., Ph.D.

NIP 196609281993031002 NIP 19671231 199303 2 016


Skripsi berjudul, “The Effect of Using YouTube Video Learning

Resources to Teach Students Transactional Speaking Skill of Second
Grade Students at Senior High School 12 Makassar”, yang disusun oleh
Nur Lita, NIM: 20400116002, mahasiswa Jurusan/Prodi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Alauddin Makassar,
telah diuji dan dipertahankan dalam sidang Ujian Skripsi/Munaqasyah yang
diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis, tanggal 31 Agustus 2023 M, bertepatan
dengan 14 Shafar 1445 H, dinyatakan telah dapat diterima sebagai salah
satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana dalam Ilmu Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan, Jurusan/Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dengan beberapa

Samata-Gowa, 09 November 2023 M

25 Rabiul Akhir 1445 H.

Nomor SK 3616 Tahun 2023

Ketua : Dr. Sitti Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd. (…....................)

Sekretaris : Nur Aliyah Nur, M.Pd. (…....................)

Munaqisy I : Dr. H. Abd. Muis Said, M.Ed., TESOL. (…....................)

Munaqisy II : Multazam Abubakar, M.Hum. (…....................)

Pembimbing I : Dr. Kaharuddin, S.IP., M.Hum. (…....................)

Pembimbing II : Indah Fadhilah Rahman, S.Pd.I., M.Hum. (…....................)

Diketahui oleh:
Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
UIN Alauddin Makassar,

Dr. Andi Achruh, M. Pd.I.

NIP 196609081994031002


AlhamdulillahiRobbil’ Alamin, the researcher would like to express the deepest

gratitude to the almighty God Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, the only provider, the

most merciful who gives guidance, inspiration and health for the researcher to be

able to conduct and finish this thesis. Also, Salaam and Shalawat are always

delivered to our prophet Muhammad Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam, who has

brought us from the darkness to the lightness, from the bad era to the good era,

from the Jahiliyah era to the Islamiyah era.

While writing this thesis, the researcher received much assistance from

many people, for their support, motivation, suggestion, correction and advice

during ups and downs. Without them, the researcher would never reach this point.

Therefore, the researcher would like to express the greatest thanks and

appreciation for the people mentioned below:

1. The researcher’s beloved father H. Asrin S.Pd, M.Si and her beloved

mother Hj. Maemunah, the frontliner support system who never tired for

praying and supporting their daughter so that she could finish this research

and complete her study.

2. Prof. Hamdan Juhannis, M.A., Pd.D. The Rector of State Islamic

University of Alauddin Makassar.

3. Prof. Dr. H. A. Marjuni, S.Ag., M.Pd.I. The Dean of Tarbiyah and

Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State University of Makassar.

4. Prof. Dra. Hj. St. Azisah, M.Ed.St., Ph.D. The Head of English

Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of State

Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar and all of the staff.

5. Dr. St. Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd. The secretary of English Education

Department, Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State

Islamic University of Makassar who supporting and always remind me to

finish the researcher study.

6. Dr. Kaharuddin, S.IP., M.Hum. The researcher’s first consultant who

never tired of giving me advice, suggestion and helping me write this

thesis .

7. Indah Fadhilah Rahman, S.Pd., M.Hum. The researcher’s second

consultant and who provides convenience for completing this thesis.

8. Dr. H. Abdul Muis Said, Med. Tesol. The researcher’s first examiner

who never tired of giving me advice, suggestion and helping me to finish

the researcher study.

9. Multazam Abubakar, M.Hum. The researcher’s second examiner who

never tired of giving me advice, suggestion and helping me to finish the

researcher study.

10. All the lecturers and staff of English Education Department, Tarbiyah and

Teaching Science Faculty who encourage and helped me since year one

until completing my study at State Islamic University of Alauddin


11. The researcher sends big thanks to SMAN 12 Luwu, especially to the

teacher and all the students of class XI IPA because without them, the

researcher cannot finish her research.

12. The researcher’s friends in English Education Department 2016, PBI 1 and

2 who taught me a lot of things, what people mean to each other, thank

you for being a good classmate.

13. The researcher friends Nurul Afika, Nanik Lestari, Khusnul Khatimah,

Jumriani, Ratu, Alya, and Jima.

14. The people that the researcher is not mentioned in this acknowledgement

but also helped and give support.

The researcher realizes that the writing of this thesis is still far from

perfect. The remaining errors are writer’s own. Therefore, constructive critism and

suggestion will be high. May all our efforts are blessed by Allah Subhanahu Wa

Ta’ala. Aamiin Yaa Rabbal ‘Alamiin.

Gowa, 29 Agustus 2023

The Researcher,

Nur Lita
NIM. 20400116002


COVER PAGE........................................................................................................i
PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI...............................................................ii
PERSETUJUAN UJIAN SKRIPSI (MUNAQASYAH)....................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................x
LIST OF APPENDICES......................................................................................xi
CHAPTER I............................................................................................................1
A. BACKGROUND................................................................................................1
B. RESEARCH QUESTION.....................................................................................5
C. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE....................................................................................5
D. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCES.............................................................................6
E. RESEARCH SCOPE...........................................................................................7
F. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERM..............................................................7

CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................9
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...........................................................9
A. REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH FINDINGS..................................................9
B. SOME PERTINENT IDEAS..............................................................................11
C. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK.........................................................................25
D. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS..............................................................................26
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................28
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................28
A. RESEARCH METHOD....................................................................................28
B. POPULATION AND SAMPLE..........................................................................30
C. RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS............................................................................31
D. DATA COLLECTING PROCEDURE.................................................................31
E. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE......................................................................34
TABLE 2: SPEAKING CLASSIFICATION RUBRIC....................................37

CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................................38
FINDING AND DISCUSSION...........................................................................38
A. FINDING.......................................................................................................38
TRANSACTIONAL SPEAKING................................................................................38
2. YOUTUBE LEARNING BASED TEACHING MATERIALS..................................42
B. DISCUSSIONS...............................................................................................56
CHAPTER V........................................................................................................62
CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION.....................................................62
A. CONCLUSION...............................................................................................62
B. RECOMENDATION........................................................................................62
APPENDIX 1........................................................................................................67
APENDIX 2..........................................................................................................73
CURRICULUM VITAE....................................................................................113


Table 1. Speaking Score Rubric.................................................................................34

Table 2. Speaking Classification Rubric....................................................................37

Table 3. The Result of the Pre-test.............................................................................49

Table 4. The Result of Post-Test.................................................................................50

Table 5. The distribution of frequency and percentage scores in Pre-test………..52

Table 6. The distribution of frequency and percentage scores in Post-test............53

Table 7. Descriptive statistics Pre-test and Post-test……………………….............53

Table 8. Test of Normality...........................................................................................54

Table 9. One Sample T-test..........................................................................................55


APPENDIX 1....................................................................................................67
APPENDIX 2....................................................................................................73
APPENDIX 3....................................................................................................103
APPENDIX 4....................................................................................................109
APPENDIX 5....................................................................................................111


Name : Nur Lita

Reg. No. : 20400116002
Department : English Education Department
Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty
Title : The Effect of Using YouTube Video Learning resources
to Teach Students’ Transactional Speaking skills of
Second Grade Students at Senior High School 12 Luwu

Consultant I : Dr. Kaharuddin, S. IP., M. Hum.

Consultant II : Indah Fadhilah Rahman, S.Pd.I., M. Hum.

This research focuses on the students’ speaking skills in Transactional

Speaking especially in group discussion. The purpose of this research is to know
the effectiveness of YouTube Video in teaching transactional speaking skills at
the second grade of SMA Negri 12 Luwu.
The pre-experimental research with pre-test and post-test was implemented
as the design of the research. The population of this research was the second-
grade students of SMA Negeri 12 Luwu who enrolled in the academic year
2020/2021 consist of 30 students. The technique sampling used in this research
was cluster random sampling. The sample of this research is class XI IPA A
consists of 20 students, the instrument used to collect data was the speaking test..
The result of the research presented that the pre-test of the class got a mean
score of 7.35 After giving treatment the students got a mean score of. The
outcome of the data analysis revealed that there was a significant improvement
in students’ transactional speaking skills using YouTube Video. Subsequently, it
was also supported by the result of one sample t-test where Sig. (2-tailed) =
0.000 < 0.05. This implies that the treatment had a significant main effect on the
students’ transactional speaking skills achievement. Therefore, the null (Ho) is
rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.
Based on the result analysis, the researcher may conclude that using YouTube
Video was effective to improve the students Transactional Speaking skills
especially at Class XII IPA B at SMA Negeri 12 Luwu.

Keywords: YouTube Video, Transactional Speaking Skill, Group Discussion



A. Background

Speaking is a productive skill in language learning. It involves

communicative performance, and other important elements, such as

vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, accuracy, and fluency, etc. According to

Chaney (2016), speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning

through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of context.

Speaking also explain in the Qur’an which in Q.S Ar-Rahman: 3-4

The meaning: Created man, (and) taugh him eloquence.

Based on pieces of the verses of the Qur’an above says that Allah

Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who created man and taught the humans are good at

talking. This means, aour speaking ability comes from God Almighty. We as

humans can only dig our potential in speaking.

According to Brown (2001), there are six types of classroom speaking

performance that students are expected to carry out in the classroom, one of

them is transactional speaking. Speaking is not only function as a medium for

maintaining social relationship between the participant, but also function as a


medium for transacting massage are being spoken, it is called

transactional speaking skills (Kaharuddin, 2014: 1).

There are two kinds of transactional speaking skill categories, they are

discussion and interview. Kaharuddin (2018), state discussion of the two

transactional discourse is aimed at giving lessons to the students of

Indonesian who are learning English so that they can handle their speaking

skills in a group discussion and job interview accurately and fluently. In this

research, the researcher use group discussion as a part of transactional

speaking to complete this study, because this method is very suitable in senior

high school.

In middle level school, English is also the general lessons that must be

taught. SMA 12 Luwu is one of the middle level school that teaches English

as a subject. English subject are taught starting from grade 1, 2, and 3. The

tenth, eleventh, and twelfth year, have 3 classes and each class about 29-31

students. 3 teachers teach English in this senior high school and each of them

has their own classes in charge. The second grade is one of the classes that

learn English by generalizing the emphasis on developing speaking skill,

therefore the material usually presented by divided students in some group


Based on analysis learning objective of the lesson plan in SMA 12

Luwu, the teacher have implemented the learning process in accordance with

the current 2013 curriculum to teach the students speaking skill:

understanding discussion, understanding formal discussion in the classroom


by discussing topic, and active in discussion. On the other hand, in teaching

learning process in SMA 12 Luwu, teachers are the centre of the learning

process not the students (RPP Kelas XI 2018/2019). Unfortunately, this

learning objective is not effective because based on preliminary observation

in this school the researcher found there are many students who have not be

able to discuss well. This case proved by the preliminary research who

conducted by the researcher asked students to form groups of two. After that,

the researcher gave a topic about giving direction during 30 minutes.

Although they have been learning English for about 4 years but most of the

students still get the difficulties using English for communication. From the

preliminary research above, the researcher found 3 facts such as the students

don’t understand how to start discussion and use formal discussion by the

right procedures, the students difficult to giving opinions, giving suggestions

and expressing agreement and disagreement. That’s why the students not able

to carried out the discussion by the right procedures, they still use an informal

situation and were not active in discussion activity.

This conversation is done by two students in class. The conversation

is about giving direction.

Ria: can we start?

Sulvi: yes
Ria: Okay, can you show me where is mosque located?
Sulvi: yes. If you want to go to mosque you can go straight and turn left.
The mosque is on your left
Ria: straight? (Look confused)
Sulvi: yes, go straight. Em….ee….jalan lurus, you know?
Ria: (look understand now) oh, okay. Thankyou.

One example of a topic given in the previous observation, for example

is the conversation about direction above. The problem is students sometimes

have difficulties to find the exact word in English. In the middle of

conversation, learners cannot stop and find the word first in dictionary. The

second problem is transactional speaking students find miscommunication in

their conversation. It is shown when the interlocutor did not catch the point

that the speaker said.

According to Kaharuddin and Ismail (2019), there are some factors

cause students’ low English proficiency, they are:

1. The quality of curriculum and teaching materials (how curriculum and

teaching material are designed),

2. Teachers competencies (level of knowledge, expertise and experience),

3. Learning situations (number of students’, room size, and learning


4. Learners’ attitudes (motivation, strategy, and learning styles and


From all the factors above, the researcher focused on the first point,

that is curriculum and teaching materials are designed. According to Harry

(2007), one of the triggers that can be used to encourage students to actively

discuss is the provision of multimedia-based teaching materials. Many ways

to improve transactional speaking skills, the researcher found a good

technique to discover the student’s problem namely YouTube video.

Jalaluddin (2016) suggested YouTube video is used as a media in learning


and teaching speaking because it provided exposure to authentic English

materials, and very usefull media which can be accessed outside and inside of

the classroom. In this research, researcher used animation YouTube video to

teach students’ transactional speaking skill. According to Siwi (2008),

animation video makes most students more anthusis to get the leasson in

classroom. The students’ felt interesting and fun in teaching learning process.

Therefore, the researcher used YouTube video in teaching

transactional speaking skills. The YouTube channel is TheOdd1sOut and all

the topic resource are part of that channel. Based on the problem above, the

researcher decided to carry out research entitled “The Effect of Using

YouTube Video Learning Resources to teach students’ Transactional

Speaking Skills of Second Grade Students at Senior High School 12


B. Research question

Based on the explanation in background, the researcher formulates the

research question “Is the use of YouTube video learning resources able to

improve the students’ transactional speaking skills in the second-grade

students of Senior High School 12 Luwu?”

C. Research Objective

The objectives of the research is “To find out if the use of YouTube

video learning resources able to improve the students’ transactional speaking

skill at the second grade of Senior High School 12 Luwu”


D. Research significances

This research is expected to be able to give benefits to English

language and teaching learning. Hopefully, this research can give useful

information about how to improve students’ skill in transactional speaking by

using YouTube video. The detail benefits of this research:

Practical significant.

a. For Students

The researcher expected inspire in practice speaking skills in class

to express their thoughts experience to be brave in transactional

speaking especially discussion. It could give solutions for students how

to know the rules of discussion and what exact word to use for

discussion in classroom by using YouTube video.

b. For Teacher

This research is expected to be able to help the teacher in using

teaching learning strategies in transactional speaking, especially

discussion by using YouTube video.

c. For other Researchers

This research is expected to help the next researcher to develop

their knowledge and using this research as a reference. Researcher

expected that other researcher more understand about discussion as a

part of transactional speaking.


E. Research Scope

In this research, the researcher only focused on the effect of using

YouTube video learning resources to improve students’ transactional

speaking skill, especially in group discussion. On transactional speaking

skill, there are two types such us interview and group discussion, but the

researcher focused on group discussion mastery of second grade students at

Senior High School 12 Luwu.

F. Operational Definition of Term

In making easily understand of this research, the researcher explained

component the title of this research as follows:

1. YouTube Video

According to Burke (2009) YouTube is a public web-based

platform allowing people to easily upload, view, and share video clips

across the internet through www.YouTu, other websites, mobile

devices, blogs, and email. YouTube video is a video sharing service that

allows users to watch videos posted by other users and upload videos of

their own. YouTube is considered by the researchers as an alternative

strategy to enhance students speaking. YouTube video is one type of

technique that makes students can easy to understand and express

themselves on a case given by the teacher so that they will be able to

study the problem and find out the solution.


2. Transactional Speaking

Transactional speaking skills is one of the functions in speaking

that focus on transacting messages with oral skills to practice how to use

sharing and Obtaining information without building relationship.

3. Group Discussion

Group discussion is one of the part in transactional speaking. A

group discussion can be difined as a critical conversation about a particular

topic, or perhaps a range of topics, conducted in a group of a size that

allows participation by all members.



In this chapter, the researcher discussed about the review of related

research findings. The literature review is discussing theories that has the

same relations with this research which supporting and relevant.

A. Review of Related Research Findings

In this research, there are some reviews of related research findings

from previous researchers, they are:

Firstly, Putrawansyah (2020) with a research titled “Effectiveness of

Using YouTube Video in Improving Students Speech Skills through Asking

and Answering Questions” this research was used to determine the

importance of using YouTube video material, which means that the

researcher designed the material into the video. The scope of the study

focused on analysing students speech skills in term of vocabulary and

pronunciation by using YouTube video material through question queries.

This research method is a one class pre-test and post-test method. The study

subject used purposive sampling. This research instrument was collected

using oral test, based on the results of the pre-test and post-test using 15.64,

using 0,05 as a significant level with a degree of freedom 29 (df = 30 – 1 =

29) , then obtained a 2,045 pre-test score average of 3,97 and post-test 5.12.

This demonstrate that YouTube video material has a significant effect on

improving the procedures text speaking ability in term of vocabulary and



Secondly, Secondly, Rivi Antoni (2014) “Teaching Speaking Skill

through Small Group Discussion Technique at the Accounting Study

Program”. This paper was the result of classroom action research that tried

to answer the question of how small group discussion techniques could

improve the students speaking skills and what factors influenced it. This

researcher took second-semester students of Accounting of Pasir Pengarain

University as his participant. The rule of friends found in small group

discussion techniques became the main factor that influences students'

speaking skill. Of the data analysis of the comparison of the based score

with the two cycles. It could be concluded that Small group discussions

better improved the students' speaking skill at second-semester students of

Accounting of Pasir Pengarain University.

Furthermore, Putri Sakinah (2018) “Using Video Tutorial in

Teaching Speaking at SMAN 8 Gowa”. The result of this research is

speaking of the second-grade students of Senior High School 8 Gowa

enhanced by using by the increase of mean score of experimental class that

is 2.1 in the pre-test and 4.15 in the post-test. The result of the t-test also

shown that video tutorial in teaching speaking was effective in enhancing

the students’ speaking especially students’ speaking fluency because the t-

test, 3.91, was higher than the t-table, 2.042 (3.91 > 2.042).

Based on previous research above there are similarities and

differences with research to be conducted by researcher. The similarity is


to discuss the effectiveness of the use YouTube to Improve students’

speaking skills and the different from previous research that focuses on

speaking skill but the researcher focus on transactional speaking skill.

Besides, that research has the same topic as this research about video and

speaking, but their topics were too wide and they did not mention

specifically for it. But this research used specific terms by using YouTube

video to teach transactional speaking skills of the second grade students at

SMA 12 Luwu.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Transactional Speaking

In our social lives, transactional speaking can be identified in terms of

the job interview, discussion, etc. There are two kinds of transactional

speaking skills. They are discussion and interview. The discussion of the two

transactional discourses is aimed at giving lessons to the students of

Indonesian who are learning English so that they can handle their speaking

skills in a group discussion and a job interview accurately and fluently

(Kaharuddin, 2018). Talking as a transaction is easier planned because

communicative material is currently a resource that is rich in group activities,

information gap activities, and role-play that can provide resources to practice

how to use talks to share and obtain information and to carry out real-world

transactions. (Richards, 2008:27) states some of the skills involved in using

talk for transactions are:

1. Explaining a need or intention


2. Describing something

3. Asking to question

4. Confirming information

5. Justifying an opinion

6. Making suggestions

7. Clarifying understanding

8. Making comparisons

9. Agreeing and disagreeing

According to Richards (2008:25), speaking as transaction refers to

situations where the focus is on what is said or done. The messages meaning

and making oneself understood clearly and accurately are the central focus. In

our social lives, transactional speaking can be identified in term of job

interviews, role plays or debates (Nuha, 2014). According to Richard

(2008:27), the main features of transactional speaking are:

a. It functions to exchange information. This feature means that the sender

and recipient are only focused on sending or receiving information and if

the information is complete.

b. It is message-oriented which means to communicate meaning. This

discussion only process of the messages, not to build more relationships

between the sender and the recipient, just focus on communicating the


c. Participants use strategies to understand each other. Both recipient and

sender have their ways of sending messages or information so that they

are well conveyed and received.

d. It needs more questions, repetitions, checks for comprehension. To check

the understanding of the recipient more about what the sender sends, it is

necessary to provide questions and repetitions.

e. Ideas negotiation normally occurs. Not all messages or information can

be received properly, then re-consideration is made by giving repeated

questions or giving good feedback.

f. Language accuracy is not always important because transactional

speaking only focuses on giving information related to something, then if

the recipient has been able to understand the information the

conversation is complete and not to focus on the grammar rule.

In this research, the researcher used discussion as a part of

Transactional Speaking.

2. Group Discussion as a Part of Transactional Speaking

Group discussion is one of the part in transactional speaking. A group

discussion can be defined as a critical conversation about a particular topic, or

perhaps a range of topics, conducted in a group of a size that allows

participation by all members. According to Nelson (1990), the purpose of a

group discussion is not to win an argument or to amuse your classmate. The

purpose of a discussion is to help each group member explore and discover

personal meanings of a text through interaction with other people.


Teaching group discussion skills in the classroom is basically aimed at

promoting students’ speaking skills and listening comprehension through

discussion. The process of preparing the students’ discussion skills in a forma

situation can be done by bringing the material of group discussion into the

classroom. Therefore, the teacher needs to recognize the general guidelines of

group discussion, the standard procedure of group discussion, and the ground

rules of group discussion.

According to Kaharuddin (2018) there are three types of group

discussion in the classroom or in English club, they can be classified into:

1. Problem group discussion

In this type of group discussion, all students in a group are given

a short description (scenario) containing one or more problems. The

problems are designed to be “cases” and to imitate the complexity of

real life cases in which the students have to make effort to find out

solution for the cases.

2. Topical group discussion

To carry out this kind of discussion, there are topic to discuss.

The topic is usually a controversial topic which provided in the form

of a statement containing an issues. The issues illustrates two options

in which the students have to decide what they supposed to do as the

best options in the topic.

3. Article based discussion


In this research, the researcher used topical group discussion to

teach students transactional speaking skills. Problem-solving activities

encourage students to talk together to find solutions to (a set) problem or

task (Setiadi, 2012). Students also support each other in learning when they

make a commitment to solving shared problems through join discussion

and explanation.

3. YouTube Video

YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing services on the

internet today (Snelson, 2011). There are millions of people who access

YouTube, so YouTube has the potential to be used as an interactive

learning medium (Snelson, 2011).

By utilizing YouTube as a learning medium, it is very useful

because it can make students more interested in studying. Riswandi

(2016:299) stated that YouTube was chosen because this site gives many

contribution in the learning and teaching process. It provided a huge of

video content that is exploitable for a class use. Jalaluddin (2016) suggested

YouTube is used as a media in learning and teaching speaking because it

provided exposure to authentic English materials, and very useful media

which can be accessed outside and inside of the classroom. Sometime, the

students feel bored of the situation of English class so, the students need an

entertainment and YouTube is one of the suitable media in modern era.

According to Sukani (2012) YouTube has advantages as a learning medium

such as (1) Potential, able to provide edit value to education, (2) Practical,

can be used easily and can be followed by all groups, (3) Informative, can

provide information the development of education, culture, technology, and

other, (4) Interactive, facilitates discussion and even reviewing a learning

video, (5) Shareable, has facilities to share links across social network, (6)

Economical, accessible for free.

Based on the theories above, the researcher found that YouTube as

an online learning system has given many contribution in learning and

teaching process. It is proved that YouTube has many videos content which

was useful for a students need.

4. YouTube video categories

According to McCallister Matthew (2020), there are 15 categories

in total on YouTube:

a. Film and Animation

The film and animation category is one of the biggest section of

YouTube. Film is the YouTube video category containing anything

movie related. The YouTube channels with the most views almost

always come from trailers for movies made by big film and

animation industries like Disney and Sony.

b. Autos and Vehicles

This is a very big niche on YouTube. This is everything from car

showings to basic tutorial on how to change a tire.

c. Music

Lots of independent creator use YouTube to promote their music,

posting covers, remixes and other independent content. Famous

musicians like Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, and even Ed Sheeran

used YouTube Chanel to start their music careers.

d. Pets and Animals

The pet’s category people who make content around their pets, like

pet vlogs, pet-care advice, and more.

e. Sports

This sport category covers all content about sports related

activities. This could be sports commentary, talk show, game

highlight, and more.

f. Travel and Events

Travel and even is a YouTube category around the concept of

travel, attractions, and tourism. Travel channels are usually travel

vlogs that follows independent creators as they explore cool places

all over the globe.

g. Gaming

Gaming channels can be gameplay walkthroughs, reviews, and

even hour long streams of watching other people play some game.

h. People and Blogs

This category refers to content about other people or their content.

This includes individual success stories, drama channel, and

informative topic videos about famous people.


i. Comedy

Comedy is a pretty big category on YouTube, as most YouTubers

try to make their content funny since it keeps people engaged and

makes the content more fun.

j. Entertainment

The entertainment category looks at covering everything related to

pop-culture and celebrities, making content and news revolving

around celebrities’ lives.

k. News and Politics

The news and politics category is essentially any content about

breaking news, political debates, or developing stories.

l. How-to and Style

How-To Guides are some of the biggest resources that YouTube

offers. Whether you want to see a YouTube video to learn how to

parallel park or how to build a cabin from scratch, there are tutorial

channels out there for you.

m. Education

The Educational YouTube video category is a high school teacher's

best friend. Channels like "Khan Academy" or "The Organic

Chemistry Tutor" had incredibly helpful math and science lessons

and educational videos that were staples of my High School and

College Study Sessions.

n. Science and Technology


Science and Technology is any content that refers to or revolves

around Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics


o. Non-profits and Activism

One of the best uses of YouTube is that it gives charitable

organizations and important social movements a platform to share

their content. Whether they are showcasing everything the

organization has done, or they are asking for donation, both are

possible in this YouTube category. They make content where the

video's main aim is to make people aware of what they are trying

to achieve and how you can help.

From the categories above, the YouTube videos that was used by

researchers include types of animation. According to Agus Suheri (2006),

animation video is a collection of images that are processed in such a way as to

produce movement. Animation embodies the illusion of movement by displaying

or displaying a sequence of images that changes little by little (progressively) at a

high speed. It is use to illustrate the movement of an object allowing a fixed or

static object to move and looks as if alive.

The researcher finding prove that using YouTube Videos in

teaching speaking was an effective technique to enhance students’

speaking skill. It also made the students more active and creative in

speaking. The students were pay more attention in the teaching learning

process through videos which was used in teaching learning process and

also more interesting. According to Siwi (2008), in her study about

enhancing young learners’ speaking skill using cartoon video shows that

the use of video makes most of the students more enthusiastic to get the

lesson. The students watched the cartoon video carefully and did the

instruction in it. The students felt interesting and fun in teaching learning

process using cartoon video. They enjoyed the teaching learning process

from the beginning until the end. The students were also eager participate

in teaching learning process. The students also answer the teacher

instruction and practice to speak. They were not afraid when the teacher

gave them chance to speak. They were fluent to ask their friend to get

some information or to answer well. By using cartoon video can enhance

the students speaking skill.

The conclusion is animated video is a medium that combines audio

and visual media to attract the attention of students, being able to present

object can help understand the lesson it is difficult for imagination, object,

relationship and detail in learning. In this research, the researcher used a

video from TheOdd1sOut channel on YouTube as the source of the video.


The videos be provided to students in learning are junk food, annoying

customers, and I’m a mobile game. The following is an example of a

channel image below:

Figure 1: TheOdd1sOut

TheOdd1sOut is an animation YouTube video created by Robert James

Rallison is known to millions of fans for his widely popular YouTube Chanel.

This YouTube channel tells about animator problem life stories, animates it, and

post it on YouTube. Here is the explanation:

Figure 2: Junk Food

Junk Food is one of the three animation video that have been shown

in the meeting of the learning process this study, the researcher used Junk

food video which are also part of the TheOdd1sOut YouTube channel.

Junk food is a video that tells about the animator problems when his

parents never bought healthy food, they always buy cereals. He said his

parents should have given him healthy food so he wouldn't die at a young

age. He said, when I celebrated my birthday party, my parents bought so

many hotdogs and soda that me and my friends ended up eating junk food

again. He always eats junk food almost every day. At the end of the video

animators give advice to give our body a healthy food. He said the point is

you've only got one body so you should take care of it. In this video, the

animator tells the problems he is experiencing by telling them through

funny and interesting animated videos.

5. Teaching Transactional Speaking Using YouTube Videos

When using video in classroom, there are some techniques that can

be used by the teacher for its implementation. The application of animation

video technique described by Harmer (2001) explain the steps as follows:

a. Fast Forward

EFL teachers can present the video to students by playing it for a few

seconds and speeding it up and repeat until the end of the video. Then the

researcher asked students to again explain what they got and understood

from watching the video that was given in this case, the students can guess

what they are talking about.

b. Silent Watching

In this step, the teacher can play the video without sound. Videos are

presented secretly without any information. In this case, students’

ability to predict information is needed.


a. Freeze Framing

In the next step, the teacher stopped the video several times. And after

that students need to be encouraged to convey their ideas when the

video is stopped. And also guide students in understanding the situation

and can predict what will happen next according to what the video

provides information, after seeing some parts of the video.

b. Watch Most

The final step is also a way to stimulate student curiosity because it

allows students to see part of the video and asks them to predict the

type of information they will collect and understand from the video that

is given.

6. The advantages of YouTube video

YouTube video has several advantages for teaching and learning

purposes. According to Jalaluddin (2016) those advantages are as follow:

a. YouTube videos are very useful media which can be accessed outside

and inside of the classroom. It is because YouTube vide is an online-

based video which can be accessed everywhere within area of internet

connection. So, it offers a flexibility of learning and enables the teacher

to assign the students to explore more related videos outside the


b. YouTube videos provide exposure to authentic English and offers

authentic example of everyday English spoken by the people. It enables

the students to access toward English which are spoken by the native

speakers. Moreover, using authentic material will make the students

become more confident in facing real life situation.

c. Using YouTube videos promote a learning style that is more

autonomous and students centre. The students will actively engage in

their learning and the role of the teacher just as facilitator. Moreover,

the easiness of accessing various videos in YouTube gives the students

opportunity to discover knowledge by themselves without being spoon-

fed their teacher. In addition, video which combines both pictures and

audio make the students become easier to understand and abstract


d. Using YouTube video in the classroom greatly attracts students’

attentions, so it makes classroom very interactive for language learning.

It is since they find video is interesting and challenging to watch as it

shows them how people behave while using the target language they

are learning.

e. Using YouTube video allows the students to comment on any video

especially when they play it online. So, it even contributes to the other

language skills development of the students.


C. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this research mentions as follows:

Figure 7: Conceptual Framework

Students’ Problem

Teaching Speaking

Transactional Speaking Skills


Expression Describe Ask Ask for Confirm

Intentions Something Question Clarification Information

Justify an Make Clarify Make Agree/

Opinion Suggestion Understanding Comparison Disagree

YouTube Animation Video

1) Junk Food
2) Thing I Do That Adults
probably Don’t Do
3) I’m Mobile Game

Students’ improvement

This research was conducted by selecting students in SMA 12 Luwu

who had problems in transactional speaking as data to teach speaking mainly

transactional speaking (Group Discussion) using animation YouTube video.

According to Richard (2008), the main focus of transactional speaking is to

make people as participants understand and how they interact socially with

each other are not considered. Maybe there questions, checks, repetitions,

understandings, negotiations, and deviations often occur.

Theoretical framework above described that students’ speaking skill

was examined in pre-test, meanwhile after doing the treatment by teaching

transactional speaking using YouTube video TheOdd1sOut, it also was

exercised in post-test. Therefore, the researcher saw the difference of students’

achievement between pre-test and post-test after giving the treatment in

improving students’ transactional speaking skills.

Xing (2011) divides the steps of using animated video in teaching

speaking as follows:

1. The teacher gives the students parts or all parts of the video animation to


2. The teacher explain about Video Animation;

3. Students pay attention and watch animated video;

4. Students discuss Video Animation related to the materials; and

5. Students present their understanding of Animation Video.

D. Research Hypothesis

There are two hypothesis that must be known: The alternative

hypothesis (H1) and the null hypothesis (Ho). The alternative hypothesis

predict that there is differences between groups (Geoffrey, 2019) and the

null hypothesis predict that there is no difference between the groups

studied. From this assumption, the research hypothesis is formulate:

H1: YouTube video is effective to improve students’ transactional speaking

skills of second-grade students at SMA 12 Luwu.

Ho: YouTube video is not effective to improve students’ transactional

speaking skills of second-grade students at SMA 12 Luwu.



In this chapter, the researcher explained the research method, research

variable, population and sample, research instrument, procedure of collecting data

and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Method

Research methods are the strategies, processes or technique utilized

in the collection of data or evidence for analysis in order to uncover new

information or create better understanding of a topic. According to Zilan

(2014), experimental research is classified into pre-experimental design,

truly experimental, and quasi-experimental. Pre- experimental research

does not have a random assignment of subjects to groups or other strategies

to control extraneous variables. True-experimental research uses

randomization and provides maximum control of extraneous variables.

Quasi-experimental research not randomly selected.

In this research, the researcher conducted a pre-experimental

research design in the form of one group pre-test and post-test design. The

pre-test is a test administered to recognize the students’ mastery before

giving the treatment. The treatment is applied after the pre-test given to the

student. A post-test is a test administered to recognize the students’

mastery after giving the treatment. The purpose of this method is to

compare the pre-test and post-test. If the score of post-test is higher than

pre-test, it


means that this treatment is effective.

In conducting the research, the researcher used one class of second-

grade students’ at SMA 12 Luwu which received the treatment YouTube

video. In this research, pre-test (O 1) was given before the researcher taught

using YouTube video in order to measure the students’ competence before

they were given the treatment. Then, treatment was given three times using

short video from the YouTube to improve students’ transactional speaking

skill in discussion. Post-test (O2) was given after teaching using YouTube

video and to measure how far the students’ improvement after getting the


According to Sugiyono (2011:74) the research design is represented

as follows:

O1 X O2

(Sugiyono, 2011)


O1: Pre-test

X: Treatment

O2: Post-test

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Creswell (2012) population a group of individuals who

have a different character than other groups. The population of this research

was all of the students of second grade in SMA 12 Luwu. There were three

classes of the second grade that consists of 94 students.

2. Sample

According to Creswell (208:393) sample is the group of participants

in a study select from the target population. The sample that used by the

researcher. According to Sugiyono (2016), there are two sampling techniques

that can be used, namely probability sampling and non-probability sampling,

the researcher uses probability sampling. In order to get the samples, the

researcher used probability sampling with cluster random sampling.

According to Mackey and Gass (2005:120), “cluster random sampling is a

probability sampling procedure that divided the population into groups,

usually geographic or organizational and some of the groups are randomly

chosen”. The reason used clusters random sampling because the researcher

wanted to give the same chance in the second grade students of SMA 12

Luwu to be sample of representative of the population.


The researcher used one class from the second-grade students of SMA

12 Luwu by taking XI IPA B as a sample, so the sample of this study

accounted for 20 students by using simple random sampling technique.

C. Research Instruments

There are two types of tests, they are pre-test and post-test. Pretest-

posttest designs are widely used in behavioral research, primarily for the

purpose of comparing groups and/or measuring change resulting from

experimental treatments (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003). The researcher used

speaking test. The form of speaking test was to express of students’

performance. The students discuss in a group to describe a picture with their

own previous study. Then the researcher got the score from Grammar,

Vocabulary, Comprehension, Fluency and Pronounciation. The researcher

gave 30 minutes to students group to describe a picture with their own word

and previous study in front of the class.

D. Data Collecting Procedure

After the selection of a research sample, the next step is to conduct a

research instrument. A test to determine the extent to which an item's potential

was tested known as an instrument. Pre-test, treatment, and post-test, were the

four instruments that were used.

The pre-test was the first stage; at this point, the total sample had been set

to 20 students, who gathered in a room and then given a pre-test worksheet to

complete. The second stage was treatment, during which the researcher

presented each meeting with three videos. The final stage was the post-test,

where students were retested as well as the first stage, to see if there has been an

increase or not.

All of these stages were completed throughout five meetings, with the first

meeting providing a pre-test, the second through four meetings providing

treatment, and the five providing a post-test. The following were some more

detailed explanations:

1. Pre-test

The pre-test here was administered by using the following procedures:

a. The researcher asked the students to create the group discussion based

on their previous course.

b. The students were formed in several group composed of 5 people.

c. The researcher gave the students picture that was discussed by the


d. In that process, they do it alone based on their experiences, there was no

intervention from the researcher.

2. Treatment

The treatment was given three times using animation YouTube video, here

was administered by using the following procedures:

a. The researcher asked the students to create the group discussion into 5.

b. The researcher explained about the rules of discussion as a part of

learning transactional speaking skill.

c. The researcher gave them a topic to discuss (animation YouTube Video).


d. Sometimes, group members were given five minutes to plan their stance

before starting

e. Total discussion times was approximately 45 minutes

f. Each group discussed the given topic among their members to decide

answer for the problems in the topic.

g. During the next 15 minutes, the entire groups had to make presentations

one by one to articulate their solutions. There were several skills that

students had learned such as explained a need or intention, described

something, asked questions, asked for clarification, confirmed

information, justify an opinion, made suggestions, clarify understanding,

made comparisons and agree/disagree.

h. During the last five minutes, the teacher prepared him/herself for a one

minute report to the entire groups. This brief report should highlight the

answer to the problems in the topic.

3. Post-test

The post-test was applied after giving the treatment to the students. The

researcher also asked the students to conduct a group discussion and give the

students picture to describe with their group to know the level improvement of

students after being though the materials. The test was the same as the pre-test

before but the level of difficulty was different. In the post-test, the researcher

wanted to know the improvement of the students after giving treatment.


After the data is collected, the researcher invited the expert in speaking

skills to rate the students. The reasons why the researcher engaged the experts


1) The data obtained should be valid, reliable and credible.

2) They were experts on transactional speaking skill.

3) The researcher did not yet have the high value of judging the students

transactional speaking skills.

4) There was no intervention from the researcher.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher shows the chronological steps in analyzing the data. Where the

data in this research is analyzed by descriptive and inferential technique statistic

1. Analyzing students’ transactional speaking skills

Scoring and classifying the students’ speaking skills as suggested

by Harris. The scoring system is as follows:

Table 1: Speaking Score Rubric


Pronunciation is Speaking Easy for the Explain answer

only very Slightly without too listener to a need
6 influenced by the great effort with understand the intention,
mother- tongue. wide range of speaker’s describe
Two or three expression intention and something, ask
minor searching for general meaning questions, ask
grammatical and words. Very few clarification
lexical errors. Searching for interruptions or confirm
words but clarifications information is

occasionally required. very clear and

only one or two accurate.
Pronunciation is Has to make an The speaker’s Explain answer
slightly influenced effort at times to intention and a need
by the mother- Search for general meaning intention,
5 tongue. A few Words are fairly clear. A describe
Minor nevertheless, few interruptions something, ask
Grammatical and smooth delivery by the listener for questions, ask
lexical errors but on the whole the sake of Clarification
most utterances and only a Few clarification is Confirm
are correct. Unnatural necessary. information is a
little less

Pronunciation is Occasionally, Most of what the Explain answer

still Moderately fragmentally but speaker says is a need
influenced by the success in easy to follow. intention,
mother- tongue conveying the His intention is Describe
4 but no Serious general meaning always clear but something, ask
Phonological fair range of several questions are a
errors. A few expression. interruptions are little less
Grammatical and necessary to help confusion. but
lexical errors but him to convey ask
only one or two the message or to
major errors seek clarification.
causing confusion.

Pronunciation is Has to make an The listener can Explain answer

influenced by the effort for much understand a lot a need
mother- tongue of the time, of what is said, intention,
but only a few often has to but he must describe
3 serious search for constantly seek something, ask
phonological desired meaning clarification. questions are a
errors. Several rather halting Cannot few serious
grammatical and delivery and understand many speaking
lexical errors, fragmentary. of the speaker’s errors.
some of which The range of more complex or several ask
cause confusion expression is longer sentence clarification
often limited. confirm
only one or two


Pronunciation is Long pauses Only small bits Explain answer

seriously while he searches (usually short a need intention,
influenced by the for desired sentences and describe
mother- tongue frequently phrases) can be something, ask
with errors causing fragmentary and understood and questions are
2 a breakdown in halting delivery. then with seriously Errors
communication. Almost gives up considerable causing. a
Many basic making the effort effort by someone breakdown in
grammatical and at times the who is used to communication
lexical errors limited range of listening to the many basic and
expression. speaker. several ask
clarification to

Serious Full of long and Hardly anything Serious explain

Pronunciation unnatural pause. what is said can answer a need
errors as well as Very halting and be understood. Intention,
many ‘basic’ Fragmentally Even when the describe
1 Grammatical delivery. At times listener makes a something, ask evidence giving up making great effort or questions, ask
of Having mastered the effort, very interrupt, the Clarification
any of the language limited range of speaker is unable Confirm
skills and areas expressions. to clarify information is
practiced in the anything he as well as many
Course seems to have ‘basic’ Errors,
said no evidence of
Adopted From Heaton (1991)

2. Data analysis technique and statistic procedure

Classifying the students score into levels using the following criteria

Table 2: Speaking Classification Rubric

Score Score Range Qualitative Description

6 16.00 – 18.00 Excellent

5 13.00 – 15.99 Very Good


4 10.00 – 12.99 Good

3 7.00 – 9.99 Fair

2 4.00 – 6.99 Poor

1 1.00 – 3.99 Very Poor

Kaharuddin (2015: 188)


SPPS standing for Statistical Package to the Social Science. Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences is a commercially distributed software

suite for data management and statistical analysis (Frey, 2017). As for how

to process data in SPSS it will depend on the type of data that is owned and

the analysis proposed to be carried out.

The use of SPSS in this research was to analyze the data as follows:

a. Analysis of data from the pre-test and post-test for the

experimental and control class wherefrom the analysis of the data

is to find the number of samples, mean, standard deviation,

variance and then find for the minimum and maximum values of

the data.

b. Looking for the distribution of pre-test and post-test categorization

of the scores of students' learning outcomes in the experimental

and control class where the distribution of categorization is to find

the range of values, frequencies from experimental and control


c. To know the normality test. The normality test is useful to


overcome whether the research to be carried out is normally

distributed or not for both the experimental and control class. In

carrying out the normality test, the Kolmogorov normality test

(sig.) is used if 0.05 then the data is normally distributed.

d. Testing the hypothesis by comparing the value of the t-test and t-

table. Hypothesis testing applicable were:

If the value t count> t table, then H1 is received while H0 is rejected.

If the value of t < t table, then H1 is rejected while H0 accepted.



In this research, the researcher describes the data that had been obtained

during the research. This chapter answered one research study question, which

is "Is the use of YouTube Video Learning Resources able to improve students'

Transactional Speaking skills?"

A. Finding

1. Using YouTube video as a media discussion to improve transactional


This chapter generally presents the findings of the research which shows

the description of the data and the discussion of the findings reveals the

argument and further interpretation of the findings. In this chapter, the

hypotheses were answered based on data obtained. Furthermore, in this chapter,

the researcher analyzed the data obtained from the students' pre-test and post-

test results. The data consisted of the pre-test and post-test results. The pre-test

is expected to determine the students' basic topic group discussion skills before

being given treatment, while the post-test is intended to determine whether there

is an increase or not in the transactional speaking of students after several


Teaching English can be defined as the process of delivering English

skills and knowledge to a group of students whose first language is not English

through the implementation of three main stages, namely pre-teaching


(planning), as well as teaching (giving instruction). As post-teaching

(measuring learning outcomes) (Kaharuddin, 2018).

This section provides an explanation of the implementation of YouTube

video for students' transactional speaking skills, there are several things, namely:

 Planning Teaching

Planning teaching is a document that otlines the goals for teaching a

particular subject or topic. It helps to organize the though and ideas, making it

easier to be prepared for classes. This planning teaching includes the lesson

plan, teaching materials and test instrument.

a. Lesson Plan

In teaching English teachers are not only required to be good at selecting

the most appropriate teaching method but also required to be effective and good

planning by make Lesson Plan and designing material, in preparing lesson plan is

an important tool that can focus both the teacher and the students on the purpose

of learning lessons for the sake of attaining the goals of their interactions in the

classroom. Therefore Woodward (2009) in Kaharuddin, (2005) claims that

planning a lesson includes the following: considering the students, think of the

content, materials and activities that could go in a lesson to ensure that the teacher

will teach well and the students learn a lot from the lesson.

According to Graves (2000), there are two function plan of lesson plan those are:

1. To give the lesson a framework, an overall shape.


2. To remind teachers what they intended to do, especially if they get

distracted or momentarily forget what they had intended.

In this case, this lesson plan is based on Muk’niah (2016), the following

are some of the components of the 2013 Curriculum lesson plan based on

PERMENDIKBUD No. 65, 2013.

1) School identity

Namely the name of the education unit.

2) Subject identity or theme/subtheme

Lessons to be taught or learned for school.

3) Class/Semester

Study room at school.

4) Subject matter

Knowledge, skills, and attitudes that must be mastered by

students in order to meet the specified competency standards.

5) Time allocation

Time allocation is determined according to the need for the

achievement of basic competencies and learning load by considering the

number of lesson hours available in the syllabus and the basic

competencies that must be achieved.

6) Learning objectives

Formulated based on Basic Competencies, using operational

verbs that can be observed and measured, which include attitudes,

knowledge, and skills.

7) Basic competencies and indicators of competency achievement

Basic competence is several abilities that must be mastered by

students in certain subjects as a reference for compiling competency

indicators in a lesson. Meanwhile, indicators are behaviors that can be

measured and/or observed to achieve certain basic competencies that

become the reference for the assessment of subjects

8) Learning materials

Contains relevant facts, concepts, principles, and procedures, and

is written in the form of points by the formulation of indicators of

competency achievement.

9) Learning methods

Used by educators to create a learning atmosphere and learning

process so that students achieve basic competencies that are adapted to

the characteristics of students and the basic competencies to be achieved.

10) Learning media

In the form of learning process aids to deliver the subject matter;

11) Learning Resources

Can be in the form of books, print and electronic media, natural

surroundings, or other relevant learning resources.

12) Learning steps


The learning steps are carried out through the preliminary, core,

and closing stages. The introduction is the initial activity in a learning

meeting aimed at generating motivation and focusing the attention of

students to actively participate in the learning process.

13) Assessment of learning outcomes

Procedures and instruments for assessing learning processes and

outcomes are adjusted to indicators of competency achievement and refer

to assessment standards.

Lesson plan in this research should use format Merdeka curriculum,

because of development in curriculum changes that had occurred at school.

However, in SMA Negeri 12 Luwu, the implementation of Merdeka curriculum

had not been fully implemented and still uses format of RPP 2013. Therefore, in

this research, the research used K13 based lesson plan based on

PERMENDIKBUD No. 65, 2013.

2. YouTube Learning based teaching materials

In addition to lesson plans, the researcher provides teaching materials for

students as activities carried out in class, including competency standards and

achievement indicators. According to Nuryasana & Desiningrum (2020), there are

several elements of teaching materials, consisting of:

1) Study Guide

This component includes instructions for teachers and students. It

explains how educators should teach the material to students and how

students should learn the material contained in these teaching materials.


2) Achievement competence

Teaching materials should include competency standards, basic

competencies, as well as indicators of achievement of learning outcomes

that must be mastered by students. Thus, it is clear the goals that must be

achieved by students.

3) Supporting Information

Supporting Information is a variety of additional information that

can complement a teaching material. It is hoped that students will find it

easier to master the knowledge they will acquire. In addition, the

knowledge gained by students will be more comprehensive.

4) Exercises

Exercises are a form of the task given to students to practice their

abilities after studying teaching materials. Thus, the abilities they learn

will be increasingly honed and mastered maturely.

5) Work instructions/worksheets

The sheet contains a number of procedural steps on how to carry

out certain activities carried out by students related to practice or others.

6) Evaluation

Part of the assessment process. Because in the evaluation

component, there are a number of questions addressed to students to

measure how far mastery is

The example above is lesson plan and teaching materials that researcher

used in this research. The researcher not only made lesson plan but also designed

materials to teach in the class. The materials were employed to ensure activities

that activities can be carried out as effective as possible to attain the planed

objective in each lesson. There are three elements in teaching materials the first is

pre-teaching, the second is while teaching and the last is post-teaching

(Kaharuddin, 2018). namely:

1) Pre-Teaching

In the pre-teaching, the researcher explained about the topic. In this case,

the topic is about group discussion. So, the teacher explains about definition of

transactional speaking, the general guidelines of GD, The standard procedure of

GD, group discussion rules and expressions.

2) While-Teaching

In the While-Teaching, The transactional test consist of a pre-test and a

post test. The pre-test was given to find out to know the ability of the students

transactional speaking in the pre-test,

1. The researcher gave the students parts or all parts of the YouTube

animation video to watch;

2. The researcher explained about YouTube video (Animation


3. The researchers asked students to conduct group discussions.

Students are formed into groups of 5 people.

4. Students pay attention and watch animated video;

5. Students discussed Animation Video related to the materials; and

6. Students presented their understanding of Animation Video.


3) Post-Teaching

In the post-teaching, the teacher gave a task for the students transactional speaking

by using YouTube video.

3. Instrument test

According to Heaton, J.B. (1988), there are several types of speaking

test, consist of:

1. Reading aloud

2. Conversational exchanges

3. Describing picture

4. Oral interview, and there are some other test such as

the short talk, group discussion and role-playing.

In this researcher, the researcher used describing pictures

Figure 3: different picture



 In this test, the researcher gave the students a picture

 Students had 3-4 minutes to see the differences between 2 picture above

 The students write down the difference in two picture

 The students had two minutes to describe the difference between two picture

above in front of the class

Table 3 The Criterion of Scoring Speaking


Score Criteria

5 Grammar is Clear ad correct.

4 A few unclear or error grammar but still can understoodeasily.

3 Some grammar is error but still can be understood.

2 Grammar frequently unintelligible

1 Errors in grammarnare frequent


Score Criteria

5 Used varied vocabularies which are appropriate with the context.

4 A few vocabularies used are inappropriate with the context.

3 Able to speak language with sufficient vocabulary.

2 Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself simply.


1 Speaking vocabulary inadequate.


Score Criteria

5 Can describe a picture without any mistakes.

4 Can describe a picture but still little mistakes.

3 Can describe a picture but still there are some mistakes.

2 Can describe a picture but still there are many mistakes.

1 Can’t describe a picture.


Score Criteria

Speak fluently with only slight hesitations that do not interfere

with communication.

4 Speak fluently with occasional hesitations.

3 Speak hesitatantly because of recalling and searching for word.

2 Speak in single words utterance, very slow and short pattern.

1 No specific fluency description.


Score Criteria

5 Pronounciation clear and correct.

4 A few unclear or error pronounciation but still understood easily.

3 Some pronounciation is unclear or error but still can be


2 Pronounciation frequently inintelligible.

1 Errors in pronounciation are frequent.

4. The Effect of Using YouTube Video based teaching Materials to the

Students’ Transactional Speaking Skill

The transactional test consisted of a pre-test and a post test. The pre-

test was given to find out to know the ability of the students’ skill in

transactional speaking before giving treatments and the post-test was given

to find out the development of the students’ skill in transactional speaking

after giving the treatment.

The result of the Pre-test and Post-test the effect of using YouTube video

Learning resources in teaching transactional speaking skills:

a. The result of the Pre-Test

The Pre-Test was given to 20 students before teaching the

students by using a YouTube video that is on July 2023, in the XI

IPA B class. The scores range from 1.00-18.00 given to the

students’ speaking skills covered several speaking components i.e.

Accuracy, fluency and vocabulary, comprehensibility, and

transactional speaking.

The highest classification in this pre-test is excellent

classification and the lowest classification is very poor

classification. The results of the pre-test showed that one (1) the

student had good classifications, thirteen (13) students in average


classification, and six (6) students in poor classification and

resulted in the information shown in the following table:

Table 3: The Result of Pre–Test

No Respondent Number Speaking components Score
1. STUDENT 001 1 2 1 2 6
2. STUDENT 002 1 2 2 2 7
3. STUDENT 003 2 3 2 3 10
4. STUDENT 004 1 2 1 2 6
5. STUDENT 005 2 2 2 2 8
6. STUDENT 006 2 3 2 2 9
7. STUDENT 007 2 3 2 2 9
8. STUDENT 008 2 2 1 2 7
9. STUDENT 009 2 3 1 3 9
10. STUDENT 010 1 1 2 2 6
11. STUDENT 011 2 2 2 2 8
12. STUDENT 012 1 2 2 1 6
13. STUDENT 013 2 2 1 2 7
14. ST UDENT 014 2 2 2 2 8
15. STUDENT 015 2 2 2 2 8
16. STUDENT 016 2 1 2 2 7
17. STUDENT 017 1 2 2 2 7
18. STUDENT 018 1 2 1 2 6
19. STUDENT 019 2 1 1 1 5
20. STUDENT 020 2 2 2 2 8
AVERAGE 1.65 2.05 1.65 2 7.35
Source: Primary data processing

Note: A = Accuracy (Pronunciation and Grammar),

F and V = Fluency and Vocabulary

C = Comprehension

TS = Transactional Speaking

b. The result of Post-test


The Post-test was given to 20 students after teaching the students

by using YouTube Video that is on July 2023, in the XI IPA B.

The highest classification in this post-test is excellent

classification and the lowest classification is very poor

classification. The results of the pre-test showed that four (4)

students have excellent classifications and sixteen (16) students in

very good. The resulted in the information shown in the following


Table 4: The Result of Post-Test

No. Respondent Speaking components Score

1. STUDENT 001 3 4 3 4 14
2. STUDENT 002 3 4 4 5 16
3. STUDENT 003 3 5 4 5 17
4. STUDENT 004 3 4 4 4 15
5. STUDENT 005 3 4 4 4 15
6. STUDENT 006 3 4 4 4 15
7. STUDENT 007 3 4 4 5 16
8. STUDENT 008 4 4 4 5 17
9. STUDENT 009 3 4 3 4 14
10. STUDENT 010 3 3 3 5 14
11. STUDENT 011 4 4 3 4 15
12. STUDENT 012 3 4 3 4 14
13. STUDENT 013 4 3 4 4 15
14. STUDENT 014 3 4 3 4 14
15. STUDENT 015 3 4 3 4 14
16. STUDENT 016 4 4 3 4 15
17. STUDENT 017 4 4 3 4 15
18. STUDENT 018 3 4 4 3 14
19. STUDENT 019 3 3 4 3 13
20. STUDENT 020 4 3 4 3 14
AVERAGE 3.3 3.85 3.55 4.1 14.8

Source: Primary data processing

Note: A = Accuracy (Pronunciation and Grammar)

F and V = Fluency and Vocabulary

C = Comprehension

TS = Transactional Speaking

c. The Overall Result

It has previously been stated that the pre-and post-test was used

to measure knowledge gained from participating in treatments using

YouTube video in teaching transactional speaking (group discussion).

The pre-test is a speaking test given to the participants before the

treatment begins to determine their knowledge level of the course

content. After the completion of the course, participants are given a

post-test to know the increased speaking test. Comparing participants’

post-test scores to their pre-test scores enables us to see whether the

treatment was successful in developing participants’ speaking skills.

The comparison of the gain scores between pre-test and post-test:



16.00 –18.00 Excellent 0 -

13.00 –15.99 Very Good 0 -

10.00 –12.99 Good 1 5%

7.00 – 9.99 Average 13 65%

4.00 – 6.99 Poor 6 30 %

1.00 – 3.99 Very Poor 0 -

Total 20 100 %

Table 5: The distribution of frequency and percentage scores

in Pre-test

16.00 –18.00 Excellent 4 20 %

13.00 –15.99 Very Good 16 80 %

10.00 –12.99 Good 0 -

7.00 – 9.99 Average 0 -

4.00 – 6.99 Poor 0 -

1.00 – 3.99 Very Poor 0 -

Total 20 100%

Table 5, above shows the rate percentage and frequency of the students’

in the pre-test, none of the students got an excellent score and very good score,

1 student (5 %) achieve a good score, 13 students (65 %) got an average score

and 6 students ( 30% ) got the poor score and the last none student got a very

poor score.

Table 6: The distribution frequency and percentage score in post-test


While the rate percentage of score in post-test from 20 students at table

6 shows that, the students’ achieved 4 (20%) excellent, 16 (80%) students

achieved very good score and none students got good, average, poor and very

poor score.

The pre-test and post-test were also processed and analyzed by using

SPSS which had eventually resulted in the following description:

Descriptive Statistics
N Range Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Variance
Statisti Statisti Std.
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic
c c Error
20 5 5 10 147 7,35 0,293 1,309 1,713
20 4 13 17 296 14,80 0,236 1,056 1,116
Valid N
(listwise 20
Table 7: Descriptive statistics Pre-test and Post-test

The overall results of the students from the pre-test achieved 7.35 as the

average score and from the post-test achieved 14.80 as the average score for

their transactional speaking skill which means that the quality of the students in

post-test is better after getting treatment using YouTube video than the students

in the pre-test.

d. Assumption Test

Before testing this research hypothesis, it is necessary to test the sample

distribution to find out whether the sample is normal or non-normal. The name

of that test is the normality test. The normality test is aimed at testing all

hypothesis tests which test a null against an alternative hypothesis. The result

of the normality test deals with the statements of hypothesis namely:

H0 = The null hypothesis

The sample has normal distribution when the significance value is greater than

0.05 (sig > 0.05)

H1 = The alternative hypothesis

The sample is not normally distributed when significance is less than 0.05 (sig <


To test the normality of sample distribution, this research used the output

of SPSS as follows:

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 20 2
Normal Parametersa,b Mean 7,35 14,8
Std. Deviation 1,309 1,05
Most Extreme Differences Absolute 0,155 0,22
Positive 0,155 0,22
Negative -0,140 -0,17
Test Statistic 0,155 0,22
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200 .21

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Table 8: Test of Normality

From the table above, the significant value of the pre-test = 0.2 > 0.05 and the
post-test = 0.21> 0.05. It means that the samples are normally distributed.

e. T – Test

After finding out that the samples of the pre-test and post-test are normally

distributed, the implication of this research is:

If Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted If

Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected

In order to test the hypothesis, the independent t-test is used to know whether

H0 or H1 is accepted or not.

Table 9: One-Sample T-Test One-Sample Test

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
S 95%
td Confid
. ence
E Interva
M Std. d Sig. (2-
rr l of the t
e Dev f tailed)
o Differe
a iati
r nce
n on
e o p
a w p
n er er
P P - 1,2 0, - - - 1 0,000
a R 7, 34 2 8, 6, 26 9
i E 4 7 0 8 ,9
r T 5 6 2 7 91
1 E 0 8 2

Based on the table above it is found out that SPSS output for one sample

T-test = 26.991 and sig (2 tailed) = 0 .000 this output reveals that sig = 0.000<

p-value = 0.05. This implies that the intervention has a significant main effect on

the students’ transactional speaking skills improvement. Therefore, the null


hypothesis is rejected.

B. Discussions

The result of this research showed that the students’ scores were

much higher after the treatment using YouTube videos to teach transactional

speaking (group discussion). The performance discussion of the students

improved by using YouTube videos, most of them were in an excellent and

very good score. The use of YouTube video was surely useful to improve the

students’ transactional speaking skills of the second grade at SMA Negeri 12

Luwu. Using a video in speaking allowed them to learn correct accuracy

(pronunciation and grammar), fluency and to improve their vocabulary and

comprehensibility in study transactional speaking skills. A video was used in

all instructional environments with classes, small groups, and individual

students. In addition, using a video in learning is interesting and motivating

for students to learn. It contained audio and visuals that can increase the level

of students’ interest. It helps both the teacher and students to develop their

knowledge about technology and how to use it to support the teaching-

learning process.

According to the result of this research, the application of YouTube

video made the students were more comfortable and confident in producing

sentences and also interesting in the study. This is in line with the study

result of Putri Sakinah (2018) She found thought there is significant

differences by using and not using video in teaching speaking skills and she

concludes that the students’ speaking ability can improve by using video. The

data from her research has shown that video tutorial in teaching speaking was

effective in enhancing the students’ speaking especially students’ speaking

fluency because the t-test, 3.91, was higher than the t-table, 2.042 (3.91 >

2.042). Meanwhile, Lia Selfia Yunita (2015) conducted pre-experimental

research about the effectiveness of using video YouTube toward students’

speaking ability at the second grade of MTs PSM Mirigambar Tulungagung.

The result shows that the mean score of students’ speaking is 58.4375 before

treatment was given and it becomes 67.8125 after the students were given

treatment in which it means that there is a significant difference of students’

speaking ability by using video YouTube.

Furthermore, it was found the students in pre-test achieved higher

score than the student in post- test it because, using YouTube video as media

helps students in improving their speaking skill. It can be the lure to attract

student’s attention when learning. Students were more interesting in learning

when the situation and condition in the class is different than usual. It made

them anthusiast and feel more ease. YouTube as an effective tool that can

enhance the learning experience if the video is indeed relevant to the subject

at hand (Moghavvemi, Sulaiman, Jaafar, & Kasem, (2018). After using

media YouTube video to learn to speak and imitate how native speaker

speaks, students are more confident, have a proper expression, intonation,

and gestures.

The analysis of the mean score gap between pre-test and post-test

ensured if the YouTube music video in transactional speaking was effective.

The result of the pre-test was showed that the rate percentage of the students

who get the excellent and very good score was none, the students got the

good score were 1, the fair score were 13, and the poor score were 6 students.

Instead of the result of the post-test or after the students taught by

using YouTube video to improve the transactional speaking was show the

significant difference where the students got excellent was 4, there were 16

students got the very good score, and there was none students who get fair

and poor score. In this research, the researcher used speaking classification

rubric of Kaharuddin (2014).

The researcher was given test namely pre -test and post-test, before

giving post-test the researcher was given a treatment 3 times. It contained

explanation about what is YouTube video and how this strategy can improve

the transactional speaking skills. The last meeting the researcher was given

test namely post-test, there was significant different between pre - test and

post- test there was improvement the students’ transactional speaking skill

after applying YouTube video. This is related with speaking score rubric,

where the speaking rubric assessment includes: Accuracy (Pronunciation and


grammar), fluency and vocabulary, comprehension, and transactional

speaking skills and all of item improve from the method used previously.

The alternative hypothesis of this research would be accepted if the t-

test is higher than the t-table. While, if the t-test is smaller than the t-table it

means the alternative hypothesis would be rejected. The result of the data

analysis was the t-test (7.45) was higher than the t-table value (2.04). Based

on the result, the H1 was accepted, and H0 was rejected. . It means that

YouTube video is effective to increase the students’ achievement in

transactional speaking.

The result is supported by Jalaluddin’s (2016), statement who said

that YouTube is part of the advancement of information technology (IT) in

this globalization era. YouTube is a website that shares various kinds of

video like video clips, TV clips, music videos, movie trailers, and other

content namely video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos.

According to Jalaluddin (2016) state that YouTube video has several

advantages for teaching and learning purposes, it is related to research


1. YouTube video is very useful media because YouTube video can be

accessed everywhere within the area of internet connection. So it can be

the flexibility of learning and the students can explore more related


2. YouTube video can be a new method in processing teaching and learning

so that the students do not feel bored anymore.

3. Students are easy to understand the material, because with this new

method students more interesting to learn.

4. YouTube videos are very useful media that can be accessed outside and

inside of the classroom. It is because YouTube video is an online-based

video that can be accessed everywhere within the area of internet

connection. So, it offers the flexibility of learning, and 6 enables the

teacher to assign the students to explore more related videos outside the


5. YouTube videos provide exposure to authentic English and offer

authentic examples of everyday English spoken by the people. It enables

the students to have access to English which is spoken by the native

speakers. Moreover, using authentic material will make the students more

confident in facing the real-life situation.

6. Using YouTube videos promotes a more autonomous learning style and

student’s center. The students will actively engage in their learning and

the role of the teacher just as a facilitator. Moreover, the easiness of

accessing various videos on YouTube gives the students opportunity to

discover knowledge by themselves without being spoon-fed by their

teacher. In addition, the video which combines both pictures and audio

makes it the students become easier to understand an abstract concept.


7. Using YouTube videos in the classroom greatly attracts students’

attention, so it makes the classroom very interactive for language

learning. It is since they find video is interesting and challenging to

watch as it shows them how people behave while using the target

language they are learning.

8. Using YouTube video allows the students to comment on any video

especially when they play it online. So, it even contributes to the other

language skills development of the students.

So, looking at those advantages above, it is obvious that by using

YouTube video the students had better exposure toward speaking aspects

like accuracy, fluency vocabulary, and comprehensibility and also

improve transactional speaking. In summary, the researcher asserted that

using YouTube video was effective to increase students’ achievement in

transactional speaking especially in group discussion skills at SMA

Negeri 12 Luwu.


This chapter presents the conclusion as well as recomendation related to

this research. Suggestion and conclusion were taken based on findings in this


A. Conclusion

Based on the result data analysis, research finding and discussion in

the previous chapter, the researcher concluded that:

Using YouTube video resources in teaching transactional speaking is

effective to the second-grades students in Senior High School 12 Luwu, it can

be seen from students’ improvement. Before implementing the YouTube

videos as a media to teach transactional speaking (group discussion), the

students speaking transactional skills were poor. It can be seen from the

average score of their pre-test which was only 7.35 but after implementing

this technique using YouTube video for about 3 times with 3 different topics

to teach transactional speaking the students’ average score of post-test is

almost twice has an improvement to very good which is 14.8, students

speaking transactional was increased.

B. Recomendation

From the conclusions above, the researcher submitted several

suggestions to the teachers and the next researchers as follows


1) For the Teachers

In the teaching or learning activities, especially for teaching

transactional speaking skills, the teachers may apply the YouTube

video as a media to teach students transactional speaking especially in

group discussion. It helps the students improve their turn-taking in

group discussions. On the other hand, the teachers may use a new and

right teaching technique and they may leave the old technique.

2) For the Students

This will be very useful for students, and make can improve their

transactional speaking skills and they can practice with their friends by

using YouTube video. The students will get motivation in speaking and

be easy to understand.

3) For the Next Researchers

By reading this research, it is hoped to make the readers or the next

researchers develop their knowledge, experience in composing

academic speaking and using this research as a reference.


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Sekolah : SMAN 12 Luwu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Transactional Speaking (Group Discussion)
Pertemuan :1
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
 Memahami dan menerapkan diskusi kelompok secara efektif
menggunakan video YouTube “Things That I Do That Adults Probably
Don’t Do”
 Mengidentifikasi kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam diskusi
 Menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya yang sesuai standar prosedur dalam
diskusi kelompok secara tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke kelas

B. Media/alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

Media : A Piece of paper
Alat/Bahan : Laptop, LCD
Sumber Belajar : List expression group discussion, YouTube video

C. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
Guru melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai
pembelajaran, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin
Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan di pelajari hari ini dengan berkata: hari ini kita akan
belajar tentang transactional speaking yaitu diskusi kelompok dengan menonton video
youtube tentang “Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do”
Guru menjelaskan apa itu Transactional speaking dan diskusi kelompok serta materi video
youtube yang akan ditampilkan
Guru memberikan lembar daftar kata yang digunakan dalam berdiskusi kelompok
Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)
Kegiatan Guru memberikan Peserta video youtube sebagai media pembelajaran.

Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi transactional

speaking (diskusi kelompok)
Critical Guru memberikan kesempatan peserta didik untuk menonton serta mengamati
Thinking video youtube “thing that I do that adults probably don’t do”
Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 orang
untuk mendiskusikan, dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait topic yang telah
diberikan. Peserta didik saling bertukar informasi mengenai topic dari video
youtube yang telah diberikan
Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok atau individu secara
klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian
Communicati ditanggapi kembali oleh kelompok atau individu dengan menggunakan
on kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam diskusi kelompok yang telah
diberikan sebelumnya
Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang ha1-ha1 yang telah
dipelajari terkait topik dan video yang telah diberikan. Peserta didik
kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum
Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)
Peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang
muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
Guru membagikan reward sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada siswa atau kelompoknya yang
sudah berpartisipasi untuk mengikuti kegiatan pada kelas Bahasa Inggris.

D. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

 Penilaian sikap: Disiplin dan keaktifan dalam diskusi group
 Penilaian Keterampilan berupa ketepatan dalam menjawab pertanyaan
dan penggunaan kalimat-kalimat dalam diskusi group
 Pengetahuan: Penugasan

Mengetahui/Menyetujui Samata, 11 Mei 2023

Rahmawaty, S. Pd Nur Lita

NIP: 197506102003122009 NIM: 20400116002



Sekolah : SMAN 12 Luwu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Transactional Speaking (Group Discussion)
Pertemuan :2
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit

E. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
 Memahami dan menerapkan diskusi kelompok secara efektif
menggunakan video YouTube “Junk Food”
 Mengidentifikasi kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam diskusi
 Menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya yang sesuai standar prosedur dalam
diskusi kelompok secara tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke kelas

F. Media/alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

Media : A Piece of paper
Alat/Bahan : Laptop, LCD
Sumber Belajar : List expression group discussion, YouTube video

G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
Guru melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai
pembelajaran, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin
Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan di pelajari hari ini dengan berkata: hari ini kita akan
belajar tentang transactional speaking yaitu diskusi kelompok dengan menonton video
youtube tentang “Junk Food”
Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai materi yang telah diajarkan minggu lalu
Guru memberikan lembar daftar kata yang digunakan dalam berdiskusi kelompok
Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)
Kegiatan Guru memberikan Peserta video youtube sebagai media pembelajaran.

Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi transactional

speaking (diskusi kelompok)
Critical Guru memberikan kesempatan peserta didik untuk menonton serta mengamati
Thinking video youtube “Junk Food”
Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 orang
untuk mendiskusikan, dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait topic yang telah
diberikan. Peserta didik saling bertukar informasi mengenai topic dari video
youtube yang telah diberikan
Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok atau individu secara
klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian
Communicati ditanggapi kembali oleh kelompok atau individu dengan menggunakan
on kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam diskusi kelompok yang telah
diberikan sebelumnya
Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang ha1-ha1 yang telah
dipelajari terkait topik dan video yang telah diberikan. Peserta didik
kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum
Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)
Peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang
muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
Guru membagikan reward sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada siswa atau kelompoknya yang
sudah berpartisipasi untuk mengikuti kegiatan pada kelas Bahasa Inggris.

H. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

 Penilaian sikap: Disiplin dan keaktifan dalam diskusi group
 Penilaian Keterampilan berupa ketepatan dalam menjawab pertanyaan
dan penggunaan kalimat-kalimat dalam diskusi group
 Pengetahuan: Penugasan

Mengetahui/Menyetujui Samata, 11 Mei 2023

Rahmawaty, S. Pd Nur Lita

NIP: 197506102003122009 NIM: 20400116002



Sekolah : SMAN 12 Luwu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Transactional Speaking (Group Discussion)
Pertemuan :3
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
 Memahami dan menerapkan diskusi kelompok secara efektif
menggunakan video YouTube “I’m a Mobile Game”
 Mengidentifikasi kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam diskusi
 Menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya yang sesuai standar prosedur dalam
diskusi kelompok secara tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke kelas

J. Media/alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

Media : A Piece of paper
Alat/Bahan : Laptop, LCD
Sumber Belajar : List expression group discussion, YouTube video

K. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
Guru melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai
pembelajaran, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin
Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan di pelajari hari ini dengan berkata: hari ini kita akan
belajar tentang transactional speaking yaitu diskusi kelompok dengan menonton video
youtube tentang “Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do”
Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai materi yang telah diajarkan minggu lalu
Guru memberikan lembar daftar kata yang digunakan dalam berdiskusi kelompok
Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)
Guru memberikan Peserta video youtube sebagai media pembelajaran.
Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi transactional
speaking (diskusi kelompok)

Critical Guru memberikan kesempatan peserta didik untuk menonton serta mengamati
Thinking video youtube “I’m a Mobile Game”
Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 orang
untuk mendiskusikan, dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait topic yang telah
diberikan. Peserta didik saling bertukar informasi mengenai topic dari video
youtube yang telah diberikan
Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok atau individu secara
klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian
Communicati ditanggapi kembali oleh kelompok atau individu dengan menggunakan
on kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam diskusi kelompok yang telah
diberikan sebelumnya
Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang ha1-ha1 yang telah
dipelajari terkait topik dan video yang telah diberikan. Peserta didik
kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum
Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)
Peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang
muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
Guru membagikan reward sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada siswa atau kelompoknya yang
sudah berpartisipasi untuk mengikuti kegiatan pada kelas Bahasa Inggris.

L. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

 Penilaian sikap: Disiplin dan keaktifan dalam diskusi group
 Penilaian Keterampilan berupa ketepatan dalam menjawab pertanyaan
dan penggunaan kalimat-kalimat dalam diskusi group
 Pengetahuan: Penugasan

Mengetahui/Menyetujui Samata, 11 Mei 2023

Rahmawaty, S. Pd Nur Lita

NIP: 197506102003122009 NIM: 20400116002


a. Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

b. Kelas : X1 (Sebelas)

c. Materi Pokok : Group Discussion

d. Alokasi waktu : 70 menit


 Siswa diminta untuk mengamati dan memperhatikan penjelasan mengenai

group diskusi, kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam group diskusi serta
bagaimana berdiskusi dengan baik.
 Siswa diminta untuk menonton YouTube video dari channel TheOdd1sOut
berjudul “Things That I Do That’s Adult Probably Don’t Do” dengan
 Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa dengan tujuan untuk
mengetahui pemahaman siswa mengenai pelajaran yang sudah dijelaskan.
 Siswa diminta untuk membuat group diskusi terdiri dari 5 orang dalam
satu kelompok.
 Siswa diminta untuk mengamati video animasi yang telah diberikan
sebelumnya, setelah itu siswa menjawab pertanyaan dari worksheet yang
telah dibagikan perkelompok. Siswa dan kelompoknya diminta untuk
menuliskan jawaban terkait video animasi yang telah mereka nonton.
 Setiap kelompok diminta untuk saling berdiskusi dengan anggotanya
dalam mengisi worksheet yang telah diberikan.
 Perwakilan dari setiap kelompok membacakan hasil jawaban yang telah
mereka tulis berdasarkan video dari channel TheOdd1sOut “Things That I
Do That’s Adult Probably Don’t Do” yang sudah mereka tonton.
 Siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan dan menyimak dengan baik serta
memberikan tanggapan mengenai jawaban dari kelompok lain dengan
menggunakan kalimat-kalimat untuk berdiskusi kelompok yang telah
diberikan sebelumnya..

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Keberhasilan

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa yang
transactional speaking sesuai dengan digunakan dalam diskusi kelompok
konteks penggunaannya
3.8.2. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan
dalam diskusi kelompok

4.8 Menangkap makna secara 4.8.1. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kalimat

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur sanggahan, serta pendapat dalam diskusi
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan transactional kelompok
4.8.2. Siswa dapat membuat percakapan
menggunakan kaliamt-kalimat yang terdapat
pada diskusi kelompok




1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan

dalam transactional speaking (starting opinion, asking for opinion,
giving agreement or disagreement).
2. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan informasi terkait topik dari
youtube video dan menentukan kalimat-kalimat yang akan digunakan
dalam proses belajar.
3. Siswa mampu mengucapkan serta menulis kalimat-kalimat yang
digunakan dalam diskusi kelompok fungsi social dan unsur

TheOdd1sOut animation Youtube’s Channel


Perhatikan animasi video yang dipaparkan baik-baik, banyak informasi

yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang telah diberikan. Di video kali ini,

animasi video berjudul “Things That I Do That’s Adult Probably Don’t Do”

akan disajikan dan akan berdurasi 4 menit 30 detik

“Thing That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do”


UNIT 1: TheOdd1sOut (Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do)

This lesson teaches skills on how to using phrase for group discussion and
use formal discussion using animation YouTube video as a media in teaching
transactional speaking entitled Thing That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do .
By standard procedure of GD, the students how to learning group discussion by
the right procedure.

A. The teacher explains about the definition, generic structure and

language features of narrative text.
1. The definition of the transactional speaking.

The definition and the purpose of transactional speaking

Transactional speaking where of focus is on what is said or done.
The central focuses are making the message oneself understood
clearly and accurately

 There are two points in the transactional speaking . Those are

clearly and accurately


 Topical group discussion

Topical base group discussion which usually intermediate

learners of English and the topic usually a controversial topic which
provided in the form of a statement contain in issue. The issue
illustrate two options in which the students have to decide what they
to do as the best opinionAccurately
in the topic.

 Features of topical base group discussion

There are three point group discussion

1. The general guidelines of GD

2. The standard procedure of GD

3. Ground rules

1. The general guidelines of GD

a. Group members must come to discuss a topic give answer and

b. Group discussion is a cooperative, not competitive learning
process. Good results depend on everyone sharing their thought
c. Every member of the group is given the opportunity to participate
and makes some contribution to the group discussion process, takin
turns doing so.
2. The standard procedure of GD
a. The students are placed into groups of 5-10.

b. The teacher gives them a topic to discuss.

c. Sometimes, group members are given five minutes to plan their

stance before starting.

d. Total discussion time is approximately 45 minutes

e. During the first 25 minutes, each groups will discuss the given
topic among their members to decide two things the solutions and

f. During the last five minutes the teacher will prepare him/herself for
a one minutes report to the entire groups

3. Group discussion group rules

a. Convey opinion politely and respect people no name calling, no


b. Express your disagreement respectfully

c. avoid addressing interruption too often


d. Spend the time effectively when speaking

e. Open to accept the others opinions. Judge the opinions fairly and
don’t be so selfish rejecting others without any plausible reasons

f. Avoid being too sensitive with disagreement , underestimating

people’s opinion to show that you believe is absolutely right

g. Everyone is expected to obey and upholding the ground rules.

Asking for an opinion on (Meminta pendapat)

 What's your idea?

(apa ide anda)?

 What are your thoughts on all of this?

(apa pikiran anda tentang ini semua?)

 How do you feel about that?

(bagaimana menurutmu mengenai itu?)

 Do you have anything to say about this?

(apakah ada sesuatu yang ingin anda katakan tentang ini?)

 What do you think?

(apa pendapat anda?)

 Do you agree?

(apakah anda setuju?)

 Wouldn't you say anything?

(tidak maukah anda mengatakan sesusatu?)


Stating an opinion (menyatakan pendapat)

 In my opinion,

( menurut pendapat saya..)

 The way I see it…..,

(saya melihat bahwa )

 If you want my honest opinion.

(kalau anda ingin pendapat saya yang sejujurnya)

 According to Lisa,,,

(menurut lisa..)

 As far as I'm concerned,

(sepanjang yang saya ketahui)

 If you ask me….

(jika anda bertanya keapada saya ...)

Interruptions: (menginterupsi)

 Can I add something here?

(bisakah saya menambahkan sesuatu?)

 Is it okay if I jump in for a second?

(bisakah saya bicara sebentar?)

 If I might add something..

(kalau saya boleh menambahkan sesuatu..)

 Can throw my two cents in?


(bisakah saya bicara..)

 Sorry to interrupt, but.

(maaf saya interupsi, tetapi..)

Expressing agreement (menyampaikan kesetujuan)

 I agree with you 100 percent.

(saya setuju dengan anda seratus persen)

 I couldn't agree with you more.

(saya tidak dapat menolak anda)

 That's so true.

(itu benar sekali)

 That's for sure.

(itu pasti)

 You're absolutely right.

(anda sepenuhnya benar)

 Absolutely.

(tentu saja )

 That's exactly how I feel.

(itulah yang sebenarnya saya rasa)

 Exactly.


 I'm afraid I agree with James.


(saya kira saya setuju dengan james)

 I have to side with Dad on this one.

(saya berpihak pada ayah kali ini )

Expressing disagreement (menyatakan ketidak setujuan)

 I don't think so.

(saya pikir tidak demikian )

 (strong) No way.

(kuat) tidak bisa

 I'm afraid I disagree.

( saya kira saya tidak setuju)

 (strong) I totally disagree.

(saya sangat setuju.

 I beg to differ.

(maaf,saya beda dengan anda)

 (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.

(saya katakana, pendapat kita sangat bertentangan)

 Not necessarily.

(tidak penting )

 That's not always true.

(itu tidak selalu benar)

 That's not always the case.


(itu tidak selalu benar)

 No, I'm not so sure about that.

(tidak, saya tidak yakin dengan itu)

Expressing and justifying opinions (menyampaikan pendapat dan alasan atas

suatu pendapat)

Grammar focus

I think + a sentence using the present

I believe + a sentence using the present

It seems to me that + a sentence using the present

In my opinion + a sentence using the present

Example of group discussion

 The teacher asks for the students to watch the YouTube video and read the

materials and identify about the topic “Junk Food”

 The students begin deciding what they supposed to do as the best opinion
in the topic.

 After read the materials, it is expected that the group should find the
answer of the question.



Nama Peserta Didik : ______________________________
Kelas : ______________________________

Theodd1stOut – Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do


1. According to the video above, the beginning of the video shows james closing his
closet door before he sleeps because he thinks the monster lives his closet door
closed. It is not like monsters are real, he just doesn’t like the door open. The
question is what are the metaphors for “monster in the closet”? (Berdasarkan
video diatas, diawal video terlihat james menutup pintu lemarinya sebelum dia
tidur karena mengira monster itu tinggal didalam lemarinya. Monster memang
tidak nyata,, dia hanya tidak suka pintunya terbuka. Pertanyaannya adalah apa
metafora untuk "monster di dalam lemari tersebut"?)

2. What do you think are teenagers' biggest fears?

(Menurut kalian apa ketakutan terbesar seorang anak muda?)

3. As a teenager itself, what are the most relevant things you can relate to and adults
probably won’t understand? And give us solutions on how to overcome fears and
phobias for teens.
(Sebagai seorang remaja, apa hal yang paling relevan yang bisa kalian rasakan/
relate dengan diri kalian dan orang dewasa tidak akan pernah mengerti?
Berikan contoh dan solusi dalam menghadapi ketakutan atau fobia yang yang
sering dihadapi oleh kalian.


Kelompok : ______________________________
Anggota : 1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________



Complete every questions from animation YouTube video you have watched with
your group entitled “Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do”



 Answer the questions from topic

 You have 40 minutes to finish your answer and discussion
 Do not forget following the standard generic of GD and using phrase of

Student Information
Full Name :
Class :


To determine whether the objectives of this course have been

accomplished, language game “picture description” is given to the students by

using the following procedures:

1. The teacher asks for the students to take cards

2. The teacher gives the students one cards for each other.

3. The teacher asks the students to describe the picture to his/her partner

e. Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

f. Kelas : X1 (Sebelas)

g. Materi Pokok : Group Discussion

h. Alokasi waktu : 70 menit


 Siswa diminta untuk menonton YouTube video dari channel TheOdd1sOut

berjudul “Junk Food” dengan seksama.
 Siswa diminta untuk membuat group diskusi terdiri dari 5 orang dalam
satu kelompok.
 Siswa diminta untuk mengamati video animasi yang telah diberikan
sebelumnya, setelah itu siswa menjawab pertanyaan dari worksheet yang
telah dibagikan perkelompok. Siswa dan kelompoknya diminta untuk
menuliskan jawaban terkait video animasi yang telah mereka nonton.
 Setiap kelompok diminta untuk saling berdiskusi dengan anggotanya
dalam mengisi worksheet yang telah diberikan.
 Perwakilan dari setiap kelompok membacakan hasil jawaban yang telah
mereka tulis berdasarkan video dari channel TheOdd1sOut “Junk Food”
yang sudah mereka tonton.
 Siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan dan menyimak dengan baik serta
memberikan tanggapan mengenai jawaban dari kelompok lain dengan
menggunakan kalimat-kalimat untuk berdiskusi kelompok yang telah
diberikan sebelumnya..

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Keberhasilan

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa yang
transactional speaking sesuai dengan digunakan dalam diskusi kelompok
konteks penggunaannya
3.8.2. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan
dalam diskusi kelompok

4.8 Menangkap makna secara 4.8.1. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kalimat

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur sanggahan, serta pendapat dalam diskusi
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan transactional kelompok
4.8.2. Siswa dapat membuat percakapan
menggunakan kaliamt-kalimat yang terdapat
pada diskusi kelompok



1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam

transactional speaking (starting opinion, asking for opinion, giving agreement
or disagreement).

2. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan informasi terkait topik dari youtube

video dan menentukan kalimat-kalimat yang akan digunakan dalam proses
3. Siswa mampu mengucapkan serta menulis kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan
dalam diskusi kelompok fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan.

TheOdd1sOut animation Youtube’s Channel


Perhatikan animasi video yang dipaparkan baik-baik, banyak informasi

yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang telah diberikan. Di video kali ini,

animasi video berjudul “Junk Food” akan disajikan dan akan berdurasi 4 menit

30 detik

“Junk Food”


UNIT 1: TheOdd1sOut (Junk Food)


This lesson teaches skills on how to using phrase for group discussion and
use formal discussion using animation YouTube video as a media in teaching
transactional speaking entitled Junk Food . By standard procedure of GD, the
students how to learning group discussion by the right procedure.

Stating an opinion (menyatakan pendapat)

 In my opinion,

( menurut pendapat saya..)

 The way I see it…..,

(saya melihat bahwa )

 If you want my honest opinion.

(kalau anda ingin pendapat saya yang sejujurnya)

 According to Nanik…..

(menurut Nanik….)

The students presents the results of their group discussion.

• My own view of the matter/issue is that ......
(Pandangan pribadi saya tentang hal tersebut adalah…)
• It seems to me that ...
(Menurut saya bahwa…)
• I am of the opinion that…
(Saya berpendapat bahwa…)

Interruptions: (menginterupsi)

 Can I add something here?


(bisakah saya menambahkan sesuatu?)

 Is it okay if I jump in for a second?

(bisakah saya bicara sebentar?)

 If I might add something..

(kalau saya boleh menambahkan sesuatu..)

 Can throw my two cents in?

(bisakah saya bicara..)

 Sorry to interrupt, but.

(maaf saya interupsi, tetapi..)

Expressing agreement (menyampaikan kesetujuan)

 I agree with you 100 percent.

(saya setuju dengan anda seratus persen)

 I couldn't agree with you more.

(saya tidak dapat menolak anda)

 That's so true.

(itu benar sekali)

 That's for sure.

(itu pasti)

 You're absolutely right.

(anda sepenuhnya benar)

 Absolutely.

(tentu saja )

 That's exactly how I feel.

(itulah yang sebenarnya saya rasa)

 Exactly.


 I'm afraid I agree with James.

(saya kira saya setuju dengan james)

 I have to side with Dad on this one.

(saya berpihak pada ayah kali ini )

Expressing disagreement (menyatakan ketidak setujuan)

 I don't think so.

(saya pikir tidak demikian )

 (strong) No way.

(kuat) tidak bisa

 I'm afraid I disagree.

( saya kira saya tidak setuju)

 (strong) I totally disagree.

(saya sangat setuju.

 I beg to differ.

(maaf,saya beda dengan anda)

 (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.


(saya katakana, pendapat kita sangat bertentangan)

 Not necessarily.

(tidak penting )

 That's not always true.

(itu tidak selalu benar)

 That's not always the case.

(itu tidak selalu benar)

 No, I'm not so sure about that.

(tidak, saya tidak yakin dengan itu)

Expressing and justifying opinions (menyampaikan pendapat dan alasan atas

suatu pendapat)

Grammar focus

I think + a sentence using the present

I believe + a sentence using the present

It seems to me that + a sentence using the present

In my opinion + a sentence using the present

Example of group discussion


 The teacher asks for the students to watch the YouTube video and read the
materials and identify about the topic “Junk Food”
 The students begin deciding what they supposed to do as the best opinion
in the topic.
 After read the materials, it is expected that the group should find the
answer of the question.



Nama Peserta Didik : ______________________________
Kelas : ______________________________

Theodd1stOut – Junk Food

1. Why do you think people like to consume junk food? And why it’s called
“Junk Food”?
(Menurut kalian, kenapa orang-orang suka mengonsumsi junk food dan
kenapa itu disebut dgn “Makanan sampah”)

2. What kinds of foods are considered junk food?

(Jenis makanan seperti apa yang bisa dikategorikan sebagai “junk food”)

3. What do you think will happen to our body when we are consuming this
“junk food”? and what kind of food that we have to consume to get
healthier body?
(Menurut kalian apa yang akan terjadi pada tubuh kita saat kita
mengonsumsi terlalu banyak makanan “junk food”? dan jenis makanan
apa yang harusnya kita konsumsi untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang lebih


Kelompok : ______________________________
Anggota : 1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________



Complete every questions from animation YouTube video you have watched with
your group entitled “Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do”



 Answer the questions from topic

 You have 40 minutes to finish your answer and discussion
 Do not forget following the standard generic of GD and using phrase of

Student Information
Full Name :
Class :


To determine whether the objectives of this course have been

accomplished, language game “picture description” is given to the students by

using the following procedures:

1. The teacher asks for the students to take cards

2. The teacher gives the students one cards for each other.

3. The teacher asks the students to describe the picture to his/her partner

i. Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

j. Kelas : X1 (Sebelas)

k. Materi Pokok : Group Discussion

l. Alokasi waktu : 70 menit


 Siswa diminta untuk menonton YouTube video dari channel TheOdd1sOut

berjudul “I’m a Mobile Game” dengan seksama.
 Siswa diminta untuk membuat group diskusi terdiri dari 5 orang dalam
satu kelompok.
 Siswa diminta untuk mengamati video animasi yang telah diberikan
sebelumnya, setelah itu siswa menjawab pertanyaan dari worksheet yang
telah dibagikan perkelompok. Siswa dan kelompoknya diminta untuk
menuliskan jawaban terkait video animasi yang telah mereka nonton.
 Setiap kelompok diminta untuk saling berdiskusi dengan anggotanya
dalam mengisi worksheet yang telah diberikan.
 Perwakilan dari setiap kelompok membacakan hasil jawaban yang telah
mereka tulis berdasarkan video dari channel TheOdd1sOut “I’m a Mobile
Game” yang sudah mereka tonton.
 Siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan dan menyimak dengan baik serta
memberikan tanggapan mengenai jawaban dari kelompok lain dengan
menggunakan kalimat-kalimat untuk berdiskusi kelompok yang telah
diberikan sebelumnya.

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Keberhasilan

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa yang
transactional speaking sesuai dengan digunakan dalam diskusi kelompok
konteks penggunaannya
3.8.2. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan
dalam diskusi kelompok

4.8 Menangkap makna secara 4.8.1. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kalimat

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur sanggahan, serta pendapat dalam diskusi
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan transactional kelompok
4.8.2. Siswa dapat membuat percakapan
menggunakan kaliamt-kalimat yang terdapat
pada diskusi kelompok



1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam

transactional speaking (starting opinion, asking for opinion, giving agreement
or disagreement).
2. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan informasi terkait topik dari youtube
video dan menentukan kalimat-kalimat yang akan digunakan dalam proses
3. Siswa mampu mengucapkan serta menulis kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan
dalam diskusi kelompok fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan.

TheOdd1sOut animation Youtube’s Channel


Perhatikan animasi video yang dipaparkan baik-baik, banyak informasi

yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang telah diberikan. Di video kali ini,

animasi video berjudul “I’m a Mobile Game” akan disajikan dan akan berdurasi

4 menit 30


“I’m a Mobile


UNIT 1: TheOdd1sOut (I’m a Mobile Game)

This lesson teaches skills on how to using phrase for group discussion and
use formal discussion using animation YouTube video as a media in teaching
transactional speaking entitled I’m a Mobile Game. By standard procedure of GD,
the students how to learning group discussion by the right procedure.

The students presents the results of their group discussion.

• My own view of the matter/issue is that ......
(Pandangan pribadi saya tentang hal tersebut adalah…)
• It seems to me that ...
(Menurut saya bahwa…)
• I am of the opinion that…
(Saya berpendapat bahwa…)

Interruptions: (menginterupsi)

 Can I add something here?

(bisakah saya menambahkan sesuatu?)

 Is it okay if I jump in for a second?

(bisakah saya bicara sebentar?)

 If I might add something..

(kalau saya boleh menambahkan sesuatu..)

 Can throw my two cents in?

(bisakah saya bicara..)

 Sorry to interrupt, but.

(maaf saya interupsi, tetapi..)

Expressing agreement (menyampaikan kesetujuan)

 I agree with you 100 percent.

(saya setuju dengan anda seratus persen)

 I couldn't agree with you more.


(saya tidak dapat menolak anda)

 That's so true.

(itu benar sekali)

 That's for sure.

(itu pasti)

 You're absolutely right.

(anda sepenuhnya benar)

 Absolutely.

(tentu saja )

 That's exactly how I feel.

(itulah yang sebenarnya saya rasa)

 Exactly.


 I'm afraid I agree with James.

(saya kira saya setuju dengan james)

 I have to side with Dad on this one.

(saya berpihak pada ayah kali ini )

Expressing disagreement (menyatakan ketidak setujuan)

 I don't think so.

(saya pikir tidak demikian )

 (strong) No way.

(kuat) tidak bisa

 I'm afraid I disagree.

( saya kira saya tidak setuju)

 (strong) I totally disagree.

(saya sangat setuju.

 I beg to differ.

(maaf,saya beda dengan anda)

 (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.

(saya katakana, pendapat kita sangat bertentangan)

 Not necessarily.

(tidak penting )

 That's not always true.

(itu tidak selalu benar)

 That's not always the case.

(itu tidak selalu benar)

 No, I'm not so sure about that.

(tidak, saya tidak yakin dengan itu)

Expressing and justifying opinions (menyampaikan pendapat dan alasan atas

suatu pendapat)

Grammar focus

I think + a sentence using the present


I believe + a sentence using the present

It seems to me that + a sentence using the present

In my opinion + a sentence using the present

Example of group discussion

 The teacher asks for the students to watch the YouTube video and read the

materials and identify about the topic “Junk Food”

 The students begin deciding what they supposed to do as the best opinion
in the topic.
 After read the materials, it is expected that the group should find the
answer of the question.



Nama Peserta Didik : ______________________________
Kelas : ______________________________

Theodd1stOut – I’m a Mobile Game


1. Why do you think people like spending too much time on theirphones and
playing mobile games?
(Menurut kalian, mengapa orang-orang suka menghabiskan waktunya
bermain handphone dan bermain game di handphone?)

2. What probably will happen if we took a lot of time spent on our

handphones for hours?
(Apa yang akan terjadi jika kita terus menghabiskan waktu bermain
handphone selama berjam-jam?)

3. As a wise user, how to efficiently spend your time on your handphone and
not waste it? Give us a brief solution.
(Sebagai pengguna yang bijak, bagaimana seharusnya kita menggunakan
handphone dan tidak membuang-buang waktu? Berikan solusi singkat.)


Kelompok : ______________________________
Anggota : 1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________



Complete every question from animation YouTube video you have watched with
your group entitled “Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don’t Do”



 Answer the questions from topic

 You have 40 minutes to finish your answer and discussion
 Do not forget following the standard generic of GD and using phrase of

Student Information
Full Name :
Class :


To determine whether the objectives of this course have been

accomplished, language game “picture description” is given to the students by

using the following procedures:

4. The teacher asks for the students to take cards

5. The teacher gives the students one cards for each other.

6. The teacher asks the students to describe the picture to his/her partner.




 Choose one of the three picture. Then, describe with their own word
and previous study for 3 minutes.

Student Information

Full Name :
Class :




 Choose one of the three picture. Then, describe with using phrases and
standard of GD for 3 minutes.

Student Information

Full Name :
Class :


Nur Lita was born in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, on

April 10th 1998. She is the Second daughter of three siblings

from H. Asrin and Maemunah. The researcher was graduated

in 2009 from SD Negeri 535 Jb. Karung desa leworeng, Kec.

Kamanre, Kabupaten Luwu, South Sulawesi. Then, she

continued her school in SMP Negeri 2 Belopa and graduated in 2012. For 3 years,

she studied in SMA Negeri 12 Luwu and graduated in 2015. In 2016, the

researcher decided to enroll in Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar by

choosing English Education Department and was successfully accepted as one of

the students of it, particularly as the students of PBI 1-2 2016. she entered in

external organization such as, UEF (United English Forum).


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