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Ir (UGM), MSc (JCU, Austr.), PhD (JCU, Austr.)

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Jenis Penyakit:
Clostridial Disease Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF)
Salmonellosis Adenovirus infections
Tuberculosis (TB) Bluetongue
Leptospirosis Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) of Deer
Yersinosis and Elk
Johne’s Disease (JD) Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD)
Necrobacillosis Herpesviruses
Cryptosporidiosis Parapoxviruses of Deer


Lice, Ticks, Ants Lung Worm
Elaphostrongylus cervi
5. Fungal Diseases Gastrointestinal nematodes
MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Cutaneous Fibroma
 Fibroma ini tumbuh di kulit rusa
(white-tailed deer),
 Disebabkan oleh virus dan
disebarkan oleh serangga,
 Ukuran benjolan bisa berdiameter
kurang dari 1 inch (2,5 cm) s/d
lebih dari 8 inches (21 cm) in
diameter, bisa halus atau
berbenjol dengan warna hitam
atau abu-abu.
 Transmisi ke ternak lain dan
manusia belum ada,
 Konsumsi daging sebaiknya
dihindarkan terutama yang
mengalami infeksi,
MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Deer Fibroma

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Nasal Bots
• Fly larvae of the genus Cephenemyia
live in the nasal passages and
retropharyngeal pouches of deer.
• The adult fly lays an egg packet on the
deer’s skin around the nose or mouth.
• The deer licks the egg packet and the
larvae are released into the deer’s
• The larvae grow within the deer’s nasal
• Mature larvae drop on the ground to
pupate in the soil.
• Hunters find these larvae (nasal bots)
when dressing and butchering deer.
• Nasal bots are not harmful to the deer
and do not make the meat unsuitable
for consumption.

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Arterial Worm (Lumpy Jaw)
• The adult arterial nematode worm lives
primarily in the deer’s carotid arteries.
• High worm infestations reduce blood
flow, which causes partial paralysis of
the deer’s jaw muscles.
• Food becomes impacted inside the
deer’s mouth due to the jaw muscle
• The food impaction causes the “lumpy
jaw” appearance.
• The common horsefly passes the
nematode larvae from an infected deer
to an uninfected one by feeding on deer
• Infection rates are not high enough to
impact deer populations and no human
health implication has been reported.

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Hemorrhagic Disease (HD)
• Biting midges transmit this viral disease of white-tailed
• Deer die from extensive internal hemorrhages.
• Early signs of infection are respiratory distress,
swelling of the head, neck or tongue and stupor. Deer
may have open sores on the tongue and upper front
dental pad.
• Deer that survive the initial infection may have reduced
mobility related to lameness. Some of these deer may
not live. Surviving deer show hooves with sloughing
• Typical white-tailed deer mortality rates are less than
25 percent and do not occur over large landscapes.
• The virus is not contagious to humans and only
harvested deer with huge open sores should not be
• Dogs, cats and sheep are not affected, but cattle can
exhibit very mild symptoms.

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
• Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal disease that attacks the
brain and spinal cord of deer and elk, specifically white-tailed deer,
moose, mule deer, and elk.
• While the exact cause is not known, it is believed to be a prion
disease. A prion is an altered protein that causes other normal
proteins to change and cause sponge-like holes in the brain. The
origin of these prions is currently unknown.
• CWD is related to, but different from, scrapie in sheep and Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) in cattle
and Creutzfelt-Jacob Disease (CJD) in humans.
• These diseases also attack the brain and cause deterioration and
eventual death. CWD was first identified in the 1960s in a Colorado
research facility and since that time it has been found in
Wisconsin, Wyoming, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota,
Illinois, Utah, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Oklahoma, New York,
West Virginia and Canada. CWD has not been found in sika deer or
white-tailed deer in Maryland. It is unknown whether sika deer are
susceptible to CWD.
MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
How is CWD spread?
• CWD appears to be passed between animals via
saliva, feces or urine.
• CWD may be transmitted more readily within
overpopulated herds and at deer or elk feeding
stations where direct physical contact among
individuals is more likely.
• Prion diseases, like CWD, do not move easily
between species. There is no scientific evidence that
CWD has been transmitted to animals other than
deer, elk and moose.

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
What are the signs of CWD?

• In the early stages of the disease affected

animals may not show signs of the disease.
• As the disease progresses animals infected
with CWD will show signs of weight loss,
generally accompanied by behavioral
• In later stages of the disease, affected
animals may show emaciation, excessive
drooling, increased drinking and urination,
listlessness, stumbling, trembling, loss of
fear of humans and nervousness.
MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Brain Abscesses
• This fatal disease is a bacterial infection of the deer’s brain
caused by various bacteria, primarily Actinomyces pyogenes.
Bacteria typically enters the brain through skin infections near
the antlers; therefore antlered bucks are more prone to having
this malady due to antler rubbing and sparring. This disease
usually occurs during the time period immediately following
velvet shedding through antler drop. (September through
• Infected deer exhibit neurological problems, such as circling
and lack of coordination, and some deer may exhibit strange
behavior such as walking toward humans. Deer may be in poor
physical condition. Total mortality in the deer population is
probably low with adult antlered bucks being at higher risk than
females and yearling bucks. Deer with brain abscesses should
not be consumed.

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
• The adult brainworm
(Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) is
a roundworm or nematode
normally found in the venous
sinuses and subdural space of
the brain of white-tailed deer.
• Moose, wapiti (elk), caribou,
reindeer, mule deer, black-tailed
deer, sheep, goats, and guinea
pigs are susceptible to
• However, they are abnormal
hosts, and in them the worm
frequently causes
cerebrospinal nematodiasis, a
disease of the nervous system,
often resulting in death.

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Bovine Tuberculosis
• Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease
caused when bacteria attack the
respiratory system.
• There are three types of TB:
 human,
 avian, and
 bovine.
• Human TB is rarely transmitted to non-
humans, avian TB is typically restricted to
birds (pigs and occasionally other
animals have been found to be
susceptible), and bovine TB - or cattle TB
- is the most infectious, capable of
infecting most mammals.
• Bovine TB is caused by the bacterium
Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) which is
part of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis
MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Deer Liver Fluke
• The trematode frequently found in
the liver of deer is known as the
large American liver fluke. Its
scientific name is Fascioloides
magna (from Latin: fasciola =
band, magna = large), and is in the
class Trematoda (flukes), phylum
Platyhelminthes (flatworms).
• The worms are flat, elongate, oval,
and look like ‘bloodsuckers' or
‘leeches'. They are purple-gray in
color, and when found while
cutting open or slicing deer liver,
resemble a blood clot.
• They are frequently surrounded by
a fibrous capsule, bathed in a dark,
muddy-appearing fluid. The flukes
vary in size from 15-30mm wide by
30-100mm long by 2-5mm thick.
MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Deer Nose Bots
(nasopharyngeal myiasis)
• There are at least five species of
Cephenemyia in North America:
 C. apicata in the west, infecting
mule deer;
 C. jellisoni in the northwest,
infecting mule deer, white-tailed
deer, moose and elk;
 C. phobifer in the northeast,
infecting white-tailed deer and
 C. pratti in the southwest infecting
mule deer and white-tailed deer;
and C. trompe in the north,
infecting white-tailed deer and

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Transmission and Development
• The eggs of Cephenemyia hatch in the uterus of the female fly
and while in flight she ejects minute larvae into the nostrils of
the host deer. The larvae migrate to the retropharyngeal
pouches which lie on either side of the throat at the base of the
tongue. There they become attached in clusters and develop.
• Developing larvae are white; while fully developed larvae are
about 25 to 36 mm long and yellowish-brown. When the larvae
have completed their development, they are expelled from the
throat. They then seek a suitable place in the soil to pupate and
after a relatively short pupal period (2 to 3 weeks) adult flies
emerge. The adult flies have no mouth parts for feeding so they
are short-lived and must mate shortly after emerging, thus
completing their life cycle.

MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa
Piebald Anomaly
• (This is not a parasite or disease.)
• A genetic variation (defect)
produces the piebald condition in
white-tailed deer, not parasites or
• Piebald deer are colored white
and brown similar to a pinto
pony. Sometimes they appear
almost entirely white. In addition
to this coloration, many have
some of the following observable
conditions: bowing of the nose
(Roman nose); short legs;
arching spine (scoliosis); short
lower jaws. This genetic condition
is rare with typically less than one
percent of white-tailed deer being
MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa


MK. Produksi Ternak Rusa – Dwatmadji | Penyakit Rusa

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