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Pengertian Musculoskeletal.
Sistem skeletal adalah sistem yang terdiri dari tulang (rangka) dan struktur yang
membangun hubungan (sendi) di antara tulang-tulang tersebut.


Menyediakan bentuk untuk menopang tubuh (formasi kerangka) sebagai alat gerak pasif.
Melindungi organ-organ internal dari trauma mekanik.
Menyimpan dan melindungi sumsum tulang selaku sel hemopoietic (red bone marrow), fungsi imunologi,yakni
membentuk limfosit B dan makrofag sebagai pengungkit untuk mendukung berbagaii aktivitas sebagai tempat
melekatnya otot,ligamen dan tendon.
Menyokong berat badan.
Menyediakan tempat untuk menyimpan kelebihan kalsium.
Menyimpan lemak (yellow bone marrow).

Jaringan adalah dari beberapa atau banyak sel yang memiliki

fungsi yang sama dalam suatu ikatan. Ada empat jenis jaringan
dasar yang ditemukan pada tubuh manusia yaitu epitilium, jaringan
ikat, jaringan otot, jaringan saraf.

Jaringan epitelium Jaringan Otot

Jaringan Ikat jaringan saraf

Klasifikasi tulang “
Menurut bentuknya

Menurut histologisnya Menurut menurut Ontogeninya

Menurut Letaknya (regio)

Jenis Tulang Manusia: “
Tulang kompak

Tulang spongiosa/kanselosa Tulang rawan

Menurut Letaknya (regio)

Sendi merupakan tempat dua tulang bertemu (penghubung antartulang). Tulang di
dalam tubuh dihubungkan oleh tulang rawan dan ligamen. Di dalam tubuh
terdapat cairan yang disebut dengan cairan sinovial. Cairan ini berfungsi untuk
menyerap syok dan memungkinkan tulang dan sendi melakukan gerakan halus.
Seseorang akan rentan mengalami gangguan sendi ketika salah satu dari bagian
tersebut terganggu.

◎ Klasifikasi berdasarkan Struktur

◎ Klasifikasi berdasarkan gerakan

Adaptasi sistem muskuloskeletal pada masa nifas, meliputi:

 Dinding perut dan peritoneum.

 Kulit perut.
 Striae.

 Perubahan ligamen.

 Simpisis pubis.
Beberapa gejala sistem
muskuloskeletal yang timbul pada
masa pasca partum antara lain:

◎ Nyeri punggung bawah.

◎ Sakit kepala dan nyeri leher.
◎ Nyeri panggul posterior.
◎ Disfungsi simpisis pubis.
◎ Rekti diastasis.
◎ Osteoporosis kehamilan
◎ Disfungsi rongga panggul
Transition headline
Let’s start with the first set of slides
Big concept

Bring the attention of your audience over a key

concept using icons or illustrations
Want big impact?
Use big image.
Use charts to explain your ideas

White Gray Black

Use Diagrams to break down your message


Sample Text


Sample Text

Diagram featured by

And tables to compare data


Yellow 10 20 7

Blue 30 15 10

Orange 5 24 16

Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you proud?
That’s a lot of money

185,244 users
And a lot of users

Total success!
Our process is easy

first last

Let’s review some concepts
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear sky Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the and the deep sea. It is because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet and historically been associated
yellow is found between green on the optical with sacrifice, danger and
green and orange. spectrum. courage.

Yellow Blue Red

Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear sky Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the and the deep sea. It is because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet and historically been associated
yellow is found between green on the optical with sacrifice, danger and
green and orange. spectrum. courage.
You can copy&paste graphs from Google Sheets
Place your screenshot here

Android project
Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these
gadget templates.
Place your screenshot

iPhone project
Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these
gadget templates.
Place your screenshot here

Tablet project
Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these
gadget templates.
Place your screenshot here

Desktop project
Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these
gadget templates.

Any questions?
You can find me at @username &
Presentation design
This presentation uses the following typographies and colors:
◎ Titles: Nixie One
◎ Body copy: Varela Round
You can download the fonts on this page:|Varela+Round

Click on the “arrow button” that appears on the top right

Yellow #f8bb00 Orange #ed4a00 Fucsia #e8004c

Blue #00acc3 Aqua #00d1c6 Lime #bbcd00
Green #65bb48 Gray #617a86 Light Gray #a1becc

You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you as a design guide if you
need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the presentation in PowerPoint®

Special thanks to all the people who

made and released these awesome
resources for free:
◎Presentation template by
◎Photographs by Unsplash
SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes.

This means that you can:

● Resize them without losing quality.
● Change fill color and opacity.
● Change line color, width and style.

Isn’t that nice? :)

� Now you can use any emoji as an icon!
And of course it resizes without losing quality and you can change the color.

How? Follow Google instructions

👶😸 🐟🍒🍔💣 📌📖🔨🎃🎈🎨🏈🏰🌏🔌🔑
and many more...

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