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Nama Mahasiswa

: Gambaran Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Home Care di Rumah

Sakit Murni Teguh Medan
: Ayu P Sary Manalu
: 121121012
: Sarjana Keperawatan (S.Kep)
: 2014


Pelayanan kesehatan di rumah (home care) merupakan penyediaan pelayanan dan

peralatan professional perawat bagi pasien dan keluarganya di rumah untuk menjaga
kesehatan, edukasi, pencegahan penyakit, terapi paliatif, dan rehabilitative. Pelayanan
home care Rumah Sakit Murni Teguh memiliki spesifikasi dalam manajemen
dibandingkan dengan pelayanan home care di tempat lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksaaan pelayanan home care di Rumah Sakit Murni
Teguh Medan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan
metode wawancara. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah enam orang, ditentukan
secara snowbell sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan home care Rumah Sakit
Murni Teguh belum memiliki tenaga pelaksana yang cukup dikarenakan belum
adanya perawat khusus untuk pelayanan home care. Pelaksanaan pelayanan asuhan
keperawatan pasien home care di Rumah Sakit Murni Teguh belum melalui tahapan
proses keperawatan mengingat jumlah perawat yang masih sedikit. Peneliti
merekomendasikan kepada rumah sakit untuk membuat dan menetapkan standar
khusus untuk pelaksanaan pelayanan home care dan menambah jumlah tenaga
pelaksana pelayanan home care.
Kata Kunci

: Pelaksanaan, Home Care

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Title of the Thesis

Name of Student
Std. D Number
Study Program

: Description of the Implementation of Home

Care Servicer at RS Murni Teguh, Medan
: Ayu P Sary Manalu
: 121121012
: Nursing (S.Kep)
: 2014

Home care service constitutes providing service and nurses equipment for patients
and their families at home in order to keep their health, education, prevention from
diseases, palliative therapy, and rehabilitation. Home care service at RS Murni
Teguh, Medan, has its specification in management, compared with home care
service in other places. The objective of the research was to find out the description
of the implementation of home care service at RS Murni Teguh, Medan. The research
used descriptive method by conducting interviews. The samples consisted of six
respondents, using snowball sampling technique. The result of the research showed
that home care service at RS Murni Teguh did not have sufficient practitioners
because there was not any specific nurse for providing home care service. The
implementation of nursing care service for home care patients at RS Murni Teguh
was not through the stages of nursing process since the number of nurses was small.
It is recommended that the management of the hospital make and establish specific
standard for the implementation of home care service and add the number of
practitioners for home care service.
Keywords: Implementation, Home Care

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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