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Setelah mempelajari unit ini, mahasiswa mampu:

1. Mengenal teks prosedural

2. Menulis teks prosedural
3. Mengerti referensi kata ganti
4. Mengerti pola kalimat

Kegiatan pra-bacaan

Diskusikan pertanyaan berikut:

1. Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang teks prosedural?

2. Dapatkah kita menulis teks prosedural secara acak?
3. Bagaimana Anda menulis teks prosedural?

Kegiatan membaca

Cara Membuat Penarikan dari Mesin Penarikan dari City Bank

Silakan ikuti prosedur ini untuk membuat penarikan dari mesin penarikan dari akun
tabungan City Bank Anda:

1. Masukkan kartu Anda sehadap dengan slot kartu pada mesin

2. Masukkan empat bilangan nomor identifikasi pada tombol angka
3. Tekan tombol tarik untuk memeriksa atau tombol tabungan
4. Masukkan jumlah yang diinginkan, baik lima puluh atau seratus dollar pada
tombol, dan tunggu struk Anda dicetak
5. Ambil kartu Anda dari slot. Mesin akan mengeluarkan struk dan uang hasil
penarikan dalam lembaran kelipatan pecahan lima puluh dollar.

Semua pelanggan dibatasi hingga dua kali penarikan untuk satu kali dua puluh
empat jam. Jika Anda mencoba untuk menarik lebih dari batas yang telah
ditentukan, kartu Anda tidak bisa dikeluarkan dari mesin dan Anda harus
mengambil kartu tersebut secara pribadi di kantor cabang utama kami.

Dari Barrons Practice exercises for the TOEFL test, 1995


Pilhlah jawaban yang paling tepat

1. Apa ide pokok paragraph tersebut?

a. Cara membuka akun di City Bank
b. Cara menggunakan ATM City Bank
c. Cara mendapatkan kartu City Bank
d. Cara melakukan penabungan dan penarikan di City Bank

2. Apa yang terjadi saat Anda menarik kartu Anda dari mesin?
a. Nomor identifikasi Anda ditampilkan di mesin
b. Mesin akan mengeluarkan uang Anda
c. Proses akan berhenti tiba-tiba
d. Struk Anda telah dicetak

3. Semua langkah berikut harus diikuti apabila ingin menarik tabungan, KECUALI
a. Nomor identifikasi harus dimasukkan
b. Kartu Anda harus di masukkan ke mesin
c. Jumlah yang akan diambil harus dimasukkan
d. Kartu harus diambil secara pribadi kepada pegawai bank

4. Pada baris 8 slot mempunyai sinonim:

a. Envelope
b. Drawer
c. Opening
d. Box

5. Kata itu pada baris ke 12 berarti:

a. Machine
b. Card
c. Number
d. Bank

6. Bacaan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa:

a. Penarikan pecahahn lima puluh dollar akan diterima secara dua paket
b. Nomor identifikasi tipikal umumnya 10227
c. Jumlah maksimal yang bisa diambil sehari sebanyak 200 dollar
d. Penarikan hanya dapat diambil dari akun tabungan saja

Mengganti Kelas pada Jadwal Mahasiswa

To drop a course on the day of open registration, obtain a drop-add petition from
college office, complete it, and take it to your academic advisor for his or her
signature. To add a
course, go to the student Union registration area, obtain a class card for a course
you wish to
add, and pay the additional fee at the registrars desk.
To drop or add a course after the second day of classes, obtain a drop-add petition
your college, office, complete it, and take it to the instructor of the course in
question for his or
her signature. No drops or adds will be permitted after the first fifteen calendar days
of each
quarter without permission of the dean of your college.
From Barrons Practice exercises for the TOEFL test, 1995


1. In order to add a course after the second day of classes, it is necessary to obtain
permission of
a. the dean of the college
b. the academic advisor
c. the instructor of the course
d. the registrar

2. The author mentions all of the following as requirements for dropping a course
open registration EXCEPT
a. get a drop-add petition at the college office
b. fill out the drop-add petition
c. have the academic advisor sign the drop add petition
d. pay a fee at the registrars office

3. The word drop in line 1 most nearly means

a. enroll in
b. withdraw from
c. pay for
d. top offering

4. The word it in line 6 refers to

a. office
b. signature
c. petition
d. registration

5. It may be concluded from this passage that

a. everyone who wished to add courses must do so during the first fifteen days of
b. the University is on a semester system
c. all students are assigned to an academic advisor
d. registration is held in the college office

Referensi Pronomina

Kata sifat Objek

Subjek Objek refleksif
kepemilikan kepemilikan
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
Lihat kalimat-kalimat dari bacaan di atas:
Jika Anda mencoba untuk menarik lebih dari batas yang telah ditentukan, kartu
Anda tidak bisa dikeluarkan dari mesin dan Anda harus mengambil kartu tersebut
secara pribadi di kantor cabang utama kami.

(Teks 1)
Penggunaan kata itu di kalimat di atas bertujuan untuk mengganti pernyataan
sebelumnya; kartu Anda tidak bisa dikeluarkan dari mesin. "Itu adalah contoh dari
kata ganti yang biasanya digunakan untuk mengganti kata sebelumnya, frasa,
klausa, atau kalimat. Pada contoh di atas, itu digunakan untuk mengganti klausa.
Penggunaan kata ganti bertujuan untuk menghindari pernyataan sejenis yang telah
dinyatakan sebelumnya.
To drop or add a course after the second day of classes, obtain a drop-add petition
from your
college, office, complete it, and take it to the instructor of the course in question for
his or her
(Text 2, Line 6, 7)
The using of it in the sentence above is used to substitute the previous word; a
petition. Then, "his or her are also pronouns which replace the previous word; the
Read the following passage. The numbered reference in underlined words
is listed after the
passage. In the space next to each reference word in the list, write the
word that it refers to.
Throughout the year, chimpanzee food is quite varied, but it is mainly vegetable
material. At
times, however, the Gombe Park is loaded with insects termites, ants, caterpillars
and the
chimpanzees will eat huge number of them. The chimpanzees really remarkable
appears when they gather termites. According to Suzuki and van Lawick Goodal,
chimpanzees see that termites have pushed open their tunnels on the surface, they
will go off to
find a suitable termiting tool. A foot long rather than, straight twig is best, and it
may take a
quite a while to choose suitable sticks; then extraneous side branches and leaves
must be
carefully cleared off. The ape may even select and prepare several at a time,
carrying them all
back to the termiting hill firmly cupped in the closed palm of the hand while it
knuckle walks.
The chimpanzee will lie down on its side next to the termite hill, and with skill and
care, stick the
twig into one of the open tunnels. The stick is wiggled, then slowly withdrawn; if it
has termites
adhering to it, the chimps licks them off the tool, and does it again. The job may
look simple, but
it takes skill to maneuver the stick through the twisting termite corridors.
This is a complex learned behavior, involving the manufacture of an implement.
1. It : ____________________________________________________
2. Them : ____________________________________________________
3. They : ____________________________________________________
4. Them : ____________________________________________________
5. It : ____________________________________________________
6. It : ____________________________________________________
7. It : ____________________________________________________
8. Them : ____________________________________________________
9. It : ____________________________________________________
10. This : ____________________________________________________

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