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Secara umum target pasar yang kami bidik adalah warga Bandung terutama warga Cigadung dan
sekitarnya yang memiliki hobi menanam tanaman, juga warga yang sadar akan manfaat tanaman hias
serta pentingnya lingkungan sehat dan indah.

Berdasarkan hasil survei yang kami lakukan, kami memperoleh data bahwa penjualan tanaman hias
mencapai masa keemasan pada tahun 2006 s/d 2007. Jenis tanaman yang menjadi primadona pada saat
itu ialah jenis tanaman anthurium dari berbagai varietas. Omset pendapatan perbulan bisa mencapai
puluhan juta. Akan tetapi sejak tahun 2008 hingga sekarang, penjualan tanaman hias mengalami titik
balik penurunan. Jenis tanaman anthurium yang menjadi primadona pada tahun sebelumnya, kini
penjualannya mengalami penurunan yang sangat luar biasa, hanya varietas tertentu yang masih laku

Untuk tahun – tahun sekarang ini, jenis tanaman yang diminati dipasaran ialah jenis tanaman umum
dan jenis tanaman luar. Jenis tanaman umum ialah jenis tanaman yang harga dipasaran mulai dari Rp.
5.000 s/d Rp. 50.000 yang relatif terjangkau, seperti jenis bunga, palem, dan beberapa jenis lainnya.
Sementara untuk jenis tanaman luar ialah jenis tanaman yang ditanam di luar rumah seperti cemara,
mahoni, dan beberapa jenis lainnya. Untuk jenis tanaman luar, biasanya instansi – instansi yang

Disamping jenis tanaman hias yang disebutkan diatas, penjualan asesoris tanaman hias juga
termasuk yang paling laku dipasaran. Jenis – jenis asesoris yang diminati antara lain:

· Tanah

· Pot

· Pupuk

· Skam, dll.

Berdasarkan data tersebur, kami menarik kesimpulan untuk menfokuskan usaha yang akan kami
dirikan pada sektor penjualan tanaman hias jenis umum dan tanaman hias jenis tanaman luar serta
beberapa jenis asesoris tanaman. Untuk jenis tanaman luar, kami tidak secara langsung menyediakan di
kios kami, akan tetapi kami menyediakan jenis tanaman tersebut bila ada pesanan saja.
How to Market Your Terrarium Business

Selling Your Terrariums Online

Now that you’ve gathered the basic elements to create your own terrariums, you’re almost ready to sell
your creations. Take advantage of multiple marketplaces, including your own online store, Amazon, and a
variety of other digital channels to get as many eyeballs on your products as possible.

Use a bevy digital marketing platforms and tactics to draw traffic to your store and build a loyal following
— and ensure you test every campaign on each channel. That way, merchants can discover what
platform and tactics work best to convert browsers into buyers.

While this isn’t a complete list of all the channels merchants can explore for their business, these are
viable options to examine when creating a marketing plan.

Instagram: Use this visual social media platform to build a large following. Cultivate a relationship with
brand evangelists, provide a behind-the-scenes glimpse at how you created your terrariums, and create
gorgeous images that show off your products.

Pinterest: Home décor is a particularly active category on Pinterest (I should know, as I have three boards
dedicated to conflicting interior design visions). As such, merchants selling terrariums should consider
the platform to find new customers.

Snapchat: While Snapchat is a relative newcomer compared to the other major social media platforms,
it’s one of the fastest-growing around with a user base of more than 200 million. Those kind of numbers
have caught the attention of many businesses, and many more merchants are looking to reach their
target customers through this channel.

Giveaways and Contests: Set aside a few terrariums and offer them as prizes in a branded giveaway or
contest. Yes, you may be giving away some of your products, but contests offer the chance to increase
your customer base, introduce your products to new customers, and grow your business as a result.

Email Marketing: You can reach people right through their inboxes with targeted email campaigns. Offer
subscribers and customers great deals, promotions, and business news to help move them along in the
buyer journey.

Selling Your Terrariums Offline

While selling online offers a global avenue for you to sell your unique creations, don’t discount the ability
to sell in person.

Because terrariums are small and travel well, consider selling your tiny gardens at markets and fairs.
Setting up a market booth or a pop-up shop allows small businesses the chance to test out their
products on the public and get live feedback without being forced to shell out high rental rates for a
stationary storefront. And temporary retail locations give merchants to chance to sell anywhere,

Merchants who sell at fairs and markets can also meet other talented makers, crafters, and
entrepreneurs who can serve up some inspiration and offer advice for their own business journey.

Not sold on selling in person? Here are more reasons to consider when weighing the option to make
physical sales:

Test out products in person for live feedback: Potential customers have the chance to experience the
terrariums right in front of you — take the chance to address their questions and concerns. Markets and
fairs are live testing grounds, so use them to address customer pain points and use the feedback to
create or improve future products.

Find wholesale customers: Looking for potential wholesale relationships with other retailers? Markets
and fairs are great places to forge these relationships.

Build a more robust social following or email list: More popular fairs, festivals, and markets will send you
dozens of visitors to your booth. So, encourage them to follow your branded social channels and/or
subscribe to your enewsletter to keep them in the loop about news, discounts, or contest.

While selling in person is a different beast from selling behind a computer screen, the right know-how
and equipment can make it easier to take transactions on the go. Using a mobile point-of-sale system like
Shopify POS, you can set up shop and hawk your freshly made wares at flea and farmer’s market, craft
fairs, and/or maker fairs.

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