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Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII Semester I

I.Teks transacsional dan interpersonal

1. Menyapa orang yang belum /sudah dikenal
2. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain
3. Memerintah atau melarang
4. Meminta dan memberi informasi
5. Mengucapkan terimah kasi
6. Meminta maaf
7. Mengungkapkan kesantunan
II.Teks Fungsional pendek
1. Daftar barang
2. Pengumuman

III.Tatabahasa/kosa kata
1. Noun
2. Adjective
3. Verb
4. Adverb
5. Noun phrase

Pembahasan Materi
Transacsional dan interpersonal
1.Menyapa orang yang belum /sudah dikenal
Untuk menyapa orang baik yang belu dikenal maupun yang sudah dikenal kita biasanya
kita mengucapakam : Hello! , atau Hi!
Selanjutnya disapa dengan sapaan sesuai dengan waktu menyapa :
1. Good morning (selamat pagi) diwaktu pagi
2. Good afternoon ( selamat sore) diwaktu sore.
3. Good evening (selamat malam) diwaktu petang awal malam biasanya sampai jam 9’00
4. Good night (selamat malam/tidur) pada waktu udah mau tidur
Kemudian lawan bicara kita menjawab sapaan kita dengan cara mengulangi apa yang kita
ucapkan misalnya:
Rusli : Good morning
Tahir: Good morning
Selanjutnya pembicara pertama melanjutkan dengan menanyakan kabarnya yang diajak
berbicara misalnya:
“How are you’ (apa kabar) lalu dijawab “I am fine “( saya baik aik saja)
2.Memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain
Untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri kita menyebutkan nama kita sendiri kepada lawan
bicara kita misalnya:
My name is Rianti (nama saya Riyanti)
You can call me Anti ( kamu dapat memanggil saya Anti)
I live at jl. Sawerigading no 49 ( saya tinggal di jalan sawerigading no, 49)
I am from Sengkang ( saya dari sengkang)
I am 13 years old ( saya berumur 13 tahun)
Selesai memperkenalkan diri biasanya lawan bicara kita menjawab dengan:
Hi ! Rianti ( hai Rianti)
Kalau baru pertamakali berkenalan maka dilanjutkan dengan :
“How do you do” (apa kabar)
Nice to meet you (senang ketemu anda)
Dijawab pula dengan cara mengulangi pembicaraan lawan bicara yaitu :
“how do you do”
“Nice to meet you”
Berbeda dengan memperkenalkan orang lain, nama orang yang kita perkenalkan yang
kita sebut misalnya :
1. “this is my friend Sani” (ini teman saya Sani)
2.“This is my brother” (ini saudara saya) His name is Herman ( namanya Herman)
3. I would (I’d) like to introduce my friend , Ali( saya ingin memperkenalkan teman saya, Ali)
Jawaban nya sama dengan pemperkenalkan diri sendir :
“How do you do”
“Nice to meet you” atau Pleased to meet you.

3.Memerintah atau melarang

Untuk membuat kalimat perintah ada dua jenis:
I.Kalimat perintah biasa yaitu dengan meletakkan kata kerja di awal kalimat contoh:
1. stand up ! (berdirilah)
2. Raise your right hand up! (angkat tangan kananmu)
3. Show your finger! (tunjukkan jari jarimu)
4. Touch your hair! (sentuh rambutmu)
5. Hold your English book( pegam buku bhs inggrismu)
II. Kalimat perintah yang sopan yang biasanya diperuntukkan pada orang yang lebih tua
atau yang dihormati yaitu dengan meletakkan kata “please” diawal atau diakhir kalimat seperti:
1. Please,open page twenty five!
2. Close your bpok,please!
3. Put it on the table, please!
4. Please ,sit down!
5. Clap your hand,please!
III. Untuk membuat kalimat larangan, yaitu dengan meletakkan kata “don’t” di awal kalimat
Dan “don’t” berarti jangan, misalnya:
1. Don’t open the dor.
2. Don’t make a noise.
3. Don’t smoke.
4. Don’t play truant
5. Don’t cheat.
Untuk membuat kalimat larangan yang sopan ditambahkan kata’ please ‘di depan atau
dibelakang kalimat, misalnya:
1. Don’t write on the wall,please
2. Don’t tell a lie, please
3. Please, don’t play with fire.
4. Please, don’t be naughty.
5. Please ,don’t be lazy
4.Meminta dan member informasi
Meminta informasi terhadap seseorang, berarti kita menanyakan sesuatu pada lawan bicara
kita, misalnya informasi tentang dirinya, atau keluargannya misalnya:
1. What ‘s your name? (siapa namamu)
2. How do you spell your name? (bagaimana mengeja namamu)
3. Where do you live ? (dimana kamu tiggal)
4. What is your father? (apa pekerjaan baakmu)
5. How many brothers and sister do you hqave? (brapa banyak saudara lk dan perempuan mu?
Nah untuk memberi informasi, cukup dengan menjawab apa yang ditanyakan seseorang
1. My name is Mara Rusli. (nama saya Mara Rusli)
2. M – a – r – a – r – u – s – l - i
3. I live on jln sawerigading.( saya tinggal di jalan sawerigading)
4. My father is a teacher. (ayah saya seorang guru)
5. I have four brothers and two sisters ( saya punya 4 saudara laki laki dan 2 saudara perempuan)
5.Mengucapkan terima kasih
Untuk mengucapakan terima kasih pada seseorang terhadap orang yang telah berbuat baik pada
kita sangatlah penting karena kita akan dianggap tidak sopan manakalah kita tidak tau berterima
kasih nah bagaimana mengucapkan terimah kasih , ada beberapa cara ,terserah kepada ananda
yang mana mau dipakai misalnya :
1. Thank you (terima kasih)
2. Thank you very much ( Terima kasih banyak)
3. Thank a lot ( terima kasih banyak)
4. Thank for your ride ( terima kasi untuk tumpangannya)
5. Thank a million (beribu ribu terima kasih)
Nah mudahkan, tapi bagaimana kalau kita ingin menjawabnya. Wah kalau ananda tidak tau
menjawab terimah kasih akan dianggap juga tidak sopan maka pelajarila cara menjawab
terimakasi misalnya :
1. You are welcome ( sama sama)
2. Don’t mention it (Jangan sebut itu/sama sama)
3. Not at all (sama sama/kembali)
4. Forget it (Lupakanlah)
5. That’s all right (Sama sama)
6.Meminta maaf
Sebagai seorang Manusia biasa yang tidak luput dari kesalahan, tentunya kita harus pandai
pandai meminta maaf , nah kalau ananda ingin meminta maaf pada seseorang terdapat beberapa
cara yang dapat ananda pakai misalnya:
1. I am sorry (maaf)
2. Forgive me ( maafkan saya)
3. I apologize ( saya minta maaf)
4. Sorry for my mistake (maaf atas kesalahan saya)

Nah permintaan maaf dari seseorang perlu kita jawab namun masalahnya udah bisakah ananda
menjawab perminta maaf sesorang, untuk menjawabnya perhatikanlah beberapa contoh berikut :
1. Never mind (tidak apa apa)
2. Oh, that’s all right ( oh, tidak apa apa)
3. No problem (tidak apa apa)
4. That’s OK (tidak apan apa)
7.Mengungkapkan kesantunan
Dalam pergaulan kita sehari hari ,perlu kita bebicara yang santun agar orang yang diajak
berbicara merasa kita termasuk orang sopan dan tau tata karma pergaulan. Oleh nya itu kita perlu
mempelajari ungkapan kesantunan . Untuk membuat ungkapan kesantunan kita memakai kata ‘
could you “ please”. Hal ini menyatakan kesopanan seperti :
1. Give this letter to the head master,please.( harap kasikan surat ini pada kep.sekolah)
2. Could you participate in speech contest, please ( sudikah anda ikut dalam lomba pidato)
3. Excuse me. Can you tell me what your father is? (maaf, dapatkah andan mengatakan apa
pekerjaan bapakmu)

Nah ke enam materi di atas belum begitu lengkap, ananda masih perlu membca buku buku
penunjang yang relevan, namun setidaknya sudah mendapat gambaran secara umum tentang
materi transaksional dan interpersonal bagi siswa kelas VII SMP. Khususnya bagi SMP Negeri
1 Sengkang kab. Wajo, sul sel
Dan untuk soal soal latihannya bapak haraf dapat di selesaikan dengan baik.

1. Daftar belanja (shoping list)
Daftar belanja atau dikenal dengan istilah shoping list sangat membantu kita bila mana kita mau
pergi berbelanja. Kenapa demikian ?. barangkali ketika ananda pergi shoping tanpa membawa
shoping list terkadang membeli sesuatu barang tanpa di programkan terlebih dahulu, maka
habislah uang yang dibawa padahal tujuan kita belum terpenuhi, maka dibutuhkanlah daftar
belanja atau shoping list ,perhatikanlah shoping list berikut:

Linda’s Shopping List

 1 pair of shoes
 2 pairs of socks
 1 black belt
 12 notebooks
 3 pens
 2 pencils
 1 ruler
Latihan 1
Nah cobalah jawab pertayaan berikut!
1. What it the text about ?
2. How many pens does winda want to bay?
3. How Many rules does she want to buy?.............................................................
4. How many notebooks does she need?
5. How many pair of sock does she
Latihan II.
Buatlah sebuah shopping list sendirin sebelum anda pergi berbelanja di Supermarket!
Dalam kehidupan kita sehari hari terkadang kita mau mengumumkan sesuatu dalam bahasa
Inggris. Tapi kita belum tau bagaimana caranya.
Nah untuk mengenal pengumuman lebih dalam ,bapak araf annda memperhatikan contoh
pengumuman di bawah ini:

Each class of SMP 1 Sengkang should sent a student to represent his/her class in joining the
English speech contest on Sunday, 28th august 2011 in our language laboratory. Don’t miss it!

English teacher
Mara Rusli

1. What the announcement about? ……………………………………………………………….

2. How many student should each class send? ………………………………………………..
3. Who write the announcement?
4. Where will the contest take place? ……………………………………………………………..
5. What does the announcement meant?...........................................................
Nah untuk tugas ananda :
Buat lah satu pengumuman apa aja dan nantinya di temple di madin kelas ananda .


Possessive Adjective (Kata sifat yang menyatakan milik)

Cara menyatakan milik ini bisa diikuti kata benda:
1. Ini buku saya
This is my book
2. Itu kursi dia perempuan
That is her chair
3. Ini sepeda dia perempuan
This is her bicycle
4. Itu petamu
That is your map
5. Ini ekornya (kucing)
This its tail
6. Itu rumah – rumah mereka
Those are their houses
7. Ini teman - teman kita
These are our keys
Kesimpulanya adalah kata sifat yang menyatakan milik seperti : my, his, her, your, its, their
dan our digunakan untuk menyatakan milik

Subject Pronoun (Kata ganti subjek)

Dalam bahasa inggris, kita mengenal beberapa kata ganti subject diantaranya: I, You, She,
He, We, They dan It
1. Saya seorang siswa
I am a Student
2. Anda seorang guru
You are a teacher
3. Dia (Perempuan) seorang perawat
She is a nurse
4. Kami para penyanyi
We are singgers
5. Mereka para perenang
They are swimmers
6. Ini sebuah buku
It is a book
Kesimpulannya adalah jika ingin membuat kalimat positif, letakkan kata ganti subject pada
awal kalimat





Are You Sure about….?

Dialogue 1
Ahmad : It’s good to see you. I just remind you about the meeting after school.
Umar : Yeah, Of course. I’ll be there
Ahmad : Are you sure that Ririn will come to the meeting?
Umar : I’m quite sure about that. She called me this morning.
Ahmad : Oh…, Okay.

Dialogue 2

Siti : Are you sure about this direction?

Aminah : Sorry, I’m not really sure about it.
Siti : Don’t be foolish. We have been walking so far, you know.
Aminah : I can’t remember any sign. I think this is the right path. I’m sorry.
Siti : Well, we have to continue our walk. Don’t worry, It’s all going to be okay.

• Learn the following expressions

Asking for certainity Showing certainity

1. Are you sure….?
2. Are you certain about….?
3. Are you certain….?
4. Are you quite sure about….?
5. Are you really certain about….? 1. I’m sure….
2. I’m quite sure….
3. I’m absolutely/fairly sure….
4. I’m no doubt….
5. I’ve no doubt about….
6. I’m certain….
7. I’m quite/really certain….

Showing Doubt Responding to Doubt

1. Sorry, I’m not sure….
2. I’m not certain….
3. I’m not really sure about….
4. I’m not too sure about….
5. I doubt that…. 1. I think….
2. Everything will be fine….
3. It’s all going to be OK….
4. It doesn’t matter

Complete the following short dialogues with appropriate expressions!

1. You and your friends are discussing the football match before watching it on television.

Your friend : Are you sure that Arsenal will win the game?
You : ……………..
2. You and your friend have arranged to meet a guest,but he has not arrived.

Your friend : Do you think he’s forgotten to come?

You : ………………
3. Your mother has been taken to hospital. Your friend rings you for news.

Your friend : Sorry to hear about your mother, is it serious?

You :…………….

4. Your friend is saying goodbye to you as you are about to go off on a short holiday. You are
not convinced you are going to enjoy yourself.

Your friend : ……………

You : I certainly hope so, I’ll tell you when I get back.


You should….

Read the following dialogue!

Doctor : Well, Anita. I’ve completed my examination and I’m happy to say that it’s nothing
Anita : Don’t you think I should have an X – ray?
Doctor : I don’t think X – rays will be necessary for this illness
Anita : Will I need a blood transfusion?
Doctor : No, Anita. You won’t need a blood transfusion.
Anita : it’s a contagious disease, isn’t it?
Doctor : I don’t think so.
Anita : Should I stay in bed for the rest of the week?
Doctor : No, you should get outdoors more and get plenty of exercises.
Anita : Can I be cured?
Doctor : If you listen to my advice, I’m certain you’ll be fine.
Anita : Thank you, doctor.
Doctor : You’re welcome.

Answer the following questions orally!

1. Is Anita seriously ill?
2. Does She need an X – ray? Why?
3. What does the doctor suggest her?

• Learn the following situation and then response.

A : I’ll have a test tomorrow.

B : You should study tonight!
Give your responses to the following situation.
1. A : I don’t know how to spell some words.
B : ……………………………………………

2. A : I don’t feel good. I think I’m catching a cold

B :……………………………………………..

3. A : My room is mess
B : …………………………………………….

4. A : I want to go out but it’s raining

B : ……………………………………………..

5. A : I can’t see the blackboard when I sit in the back row

B : ………………………………………………

6. A : My library book is due today

B : ………………………………………………

7. A : I need to improve my English

B : ……………………………………………….


What a Pity…..

Practise the following dialogue. Learn how each speaker responds to sad news!
Dialogue 1
Anita : Look! Julia, Oh no.
Julia : what happened?
Anita : It’s about the earthquake and the tsunami in Aceh. It’s really terrible.
Julia : It’s unbelievable. What happened then?
Anita : The news stated that at around 8 a.m. the earthquake happenend and the tsunami burst
out. They destroyed the land 15 minutes later. More than two hundreds thousands people died
and were missing.
(Anton joined them) Hi, anton. How are you?
Anton : Not so good.
Anita : Why? Are you sick?
Anton : No, this morning I watched TV. All the news was about the tsunami in Aceh and North
Sumatera. You know most of my relatives live there
Julia : We are really sorry to hear that.
Anton : Thank you.

Dialogue 2
At school, it is Wednesday.
Siti : Excuse me sir. I’d like to ask for your permission to be absent for a couple of days.
Mr. Udi : Why? What’s the matter, Siti?
Siti : Well, my father is ill. He’s going to have an operation.
Mr. Udi : Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that. How long will you be absent?
Siti : I hope to be back next Friday.
Mr. Udi : That’s all right. And I hope your father gets better soon.

• Have you ever heard the following news items?

1. One third of the people in the world do not have enough clean water.
2. Chemicals have destroyed ten percent of the ozone layer in Europe and North America.
3. Each year, people burnt or cut down nearly 143,000 kilometers of forest.
4. Every day, American and Canadians produce 1.8 kilograms of garbage per person.

How do you react when you hear such news? What expressions do you use to show your

Responding to very sad news Responding to less serious news

1. How awful!
2. How terrible!
3. I’m really sorry to hear that!
4. That must’ve been awful!
5. That must’ve been terrible! 1. Oh no!
2. What a pity!
3. What a shame!
4. What a nuisance!
5. Poor you!


I like….

Study the dialogues below!

Dialogue 1
Adi : Do you like our school library?
Susi : Yeah, I like the English corner. What about you?
Adi : The English corner is not bad. There are different kinds of learning resources so that we
can enjoy studying. The librarians are good too, and I love the computer room.

Dialogue 2
Adi : What do you like about our school library?
Santi : I’m really fond of the English corner. What about you?
Adi : The English corner is not bad. There are many kinds of learning resources so that the
students can enjoy studying, the librarians are good too, and I really love the computer room.
Here are some important phrases to express like:
• I like / love….
• I quite like….
• I (really) enjoy….
• I’m very keen on….
• I’m really fond of….
And there are also how to express dislike:
• (I’m afraid) I don’t like….
• I really hate….
• I’m not very keen on….
• I don’t think….is very enjoyable / pleasant

What do you think of thesse things?

Dogs motor racing exams museums

Tea basket ball hard work loud music parties
Big cities TV quiz shows playing PS computer games

1. I’m afraid I don’t like dogs 7. ………………………………

2. ………………………………. 8. ………………………………
3. ………………………………. 9. ………………………………
4. ………………………………. 10……………………………….
5. ………………………………. 11. ………………………………
6. ………………………………. 12. .,……………………………..

Rearrange the sentences below become a good dialogue!

Tomi : What’s your favourite jazz singer?

Tomi : Do you like rock, Dea?
Tomi : Yes I think so. What kind of music do you like?
Tomi : Well, Yes I do. I’m a real fan of the Scorpions. It’s nice pop rock

Dea : No, I don’t like it very much.. Do you?

Dea : I like our national Jazz singer Syaharani so much.
Dea : I like soft Jazz.
Dea : Really? Is the group still popular?


I predict that….
I guess that….

Dialogue 1
Usman : Ahmad, What’s the matter?
Ahmad : I’m upset. I have to saty in after school.
Usman : Why?
Ahmad : Miss. Aminah got mad at me this morning.
Usman : What for?
Ahmad : I was late
Usman : Why were you late?
Ahmad : My Dad saw me smoking in my bedroom. He was very angry. I couldn’t leave my
house until he left for work.
Usman : But you told Miss Aminah that you overslept.
Ahmad : I know. I didn’t want her to know that I’m a drug addict.
Usman : I think that you should stop it before your parents know.
Ahmad : I think that you are right.

Possible expressions used in telling or discussing hot/interesting news.

I am sure that…. Have you ever noticed that….

I believe that…. I should have told her that….
I assume that…. Do you have any idea how ….
I can prove that…. Do you think that….
I predict that…. Could you tell me what….
I guess that…. I discovered that….
I suppose that…. I don’t know if….
I suspect that…. I’ve heard that….



Dialogue 1
Joko : We’ll have a long holiday next week. What we gonna do?
Budi : Let me think. What about going travelling?
Seno : Oh no,I’m afraid, It’ll cost a lot of money.
Joko : Do you have any idea, Seno?
Seno : I don’t know, but in my opinion going camping is a good one.
Budi : Terrific! But Where to?
Joko : How about Cibodas campsite. It has a beautiful view.
Seno : Great! Let’s discuss it with class!

Possible expressions which are used in proposing ideas

– What about ………..(Verb + ing)

– How about…………(Verb + ing)
– Let’s……………( Verb I )
– In my opinion…………
– I think…..
Positive responses:
– Great!
– Terrific!
– That’a a good idea!
– I hope so
– What a good idea…..

Negative responses:
– Oh no – I’m afraid……
– I don’t think so – Sorry…….
– That’s not good idea – I don’t agree
Give responses to the expressions below!
1. Amir : Siti will have a birthday party. She invites us.
Rima: ………………………………….
Amir: (Negative response)…………..

2. Siti : My father will buy me a present. What do you suggest?

Seto : …………………………………..
Siti : (Positive Response)……………

3. Diki : We will get a final examination soon.

Deni : …………………………………..
Diki : (Positive response)…………….

4. Asti : I want to improve my English

Sita : ………………………………….
Asti : (Negative response)……………

5. Dian : My little brother likes to buy unuseful things

Dani : ……………………………………
Dian : (Positive response)………………


I agree……
I disagee….

Dialogue 1
Lukman : I think learning computer is very helpful, It makes us easier to do the typing work.
Hakim : I agree with you. It also makes our calculation work more simple.
Lukman : I think so. And in my opinion we must be allowed to bring calculator to the class in
order to make the math lesson more easier.
Hakim : I disagree, it will makes us lazy!
Dialogue 2
Aminah : What do you think about the English test we get?
Siti : I think it is very confusing.
Aminah : Do you agree with Siti, Zahra?
Zahra : No, I don’t agree. Maybe Siti didn’t prepare for the test.
Aminah : Yes, I agree with your opinion.

Study the expressions below

The suitable expressions for asking someone’s agreement and opinion.
• Do you agree with….?
• Don’t you think that….?
• What do you think about….opinion?
• Don’t you agree with….?

Study the expressions below!

Expressing Agreement Expressing Disagreement
– I agree with…..
– I think so
– I have the same opinion with…
– You are right / It’s true – I disagree with….
– I don’t agree with….
– I don’t think so….
– That’s wrong/It’s not true

Complete the dialogues based on the situation given!

1. Santi : In my opinion joining an English course is good for students.
Sinta :……………………….
2. Rido : I think playing play station is a good habit
Rudi : ………………………
3. Umar : Mirna says that we should practise English a lot.
Usman : ………………………
4. Ahmad : Before we begin the lesson we must pray in God first.
Bakri : ……………………….
5. Gina : Budi thinks that Mathematic is a difficult subject
Heru : ……………………….


What a/an……

Study the dialogue as follow!

Dialogue 1
Firda : Have you got a math test?
Farid : Yes I have, I got nine for the test
Firda : Oh, What a good mark you got!
Farid : Thanks

Dialogue 2
Aliffa : Did you meet Nino yesterday?
Arinal : yes, he has cut his hair.
Aliffa : Yes, I like his hair style. How handsome he is with his hair style!
Arinal : I think so that.

Possible expressions when we admire someone or something

1. What + Noun Phrase
e.g What a beautiful house!, What an impressif game!, What smart children!,

2. How + Adjective
e.g How beautiful the house is!, How impressif the game is!, How smart the children are!.

Give response to each dialogue below!

1. Gunadi : Taufik Hidayat won the All England championship
Endah : …………………..
2. Hendra : My sister always come to school at 6.15 every morning
Dian : …………………..
3. Gugun : Look at the painting on the wall. It’s very beautiful
Nina : …………………..
4. Puji : Do you like my new watch?
Puja : …………………..
5. Muri : My brother caught a big snake yesterday
Kiki : …………………..


May I…
Do you mind if I….

Study the dialogues below!

Dialogue 1
Jaka : I left my dictionary at home, May I borrow yours , Shinta? I have to translate some
reading texts.
Shinta : Will it take long time? I need it too.
Jaka : I don’t know, perhaps it will.
Shinta : Alright, if you really need it, you can use it.
Jaka : Really? Don’t you mind?
Shinta : It will be alright, my table mate have one. We can use the dictionary she has together.

Study the expressions as follows!

– May I…….?
– Do you mind if I…..?
– Don’t you mind if I…?
– Can I…..?
– Is it bother you if I….?
– Please permit me to…!

Make questions and answer based on the situations given!

1. Andi Wants to meet his friend Galih who is studying Math in the class. Now Andi is talking to
Galih’s teacher to get his permition.

Andi :……………..
Galih’s teacher :………………..

2. Gina will visits her grandparents with her mother tomorrow. Now, she is talking to her teacher
to get her permition.
Gina : …………….
Her teacher : ……………..

3. Joko wants to see the movie with Didi. Now he is talking to Didi’s father to get his permition
to go.
Joko : ……………..
Didi’s father : ……………..


I’d like you to….

Please, come to….

Dialogue 1
Hani : My sister will get married day after tomorrow. My family want you to come to my sister’s
wedding party!
Gita : Really ? What a surprising news!. I promise I will come.
Hani : Great, my family will be glad to hear that. By the way, if you have time I also invite you
to join dinner with my family tonight!
Gita : I’d love to, but I’ve had a promise with my aunt tonight. I’m so sorry.
Hani : It’s okay.

Possible expressions.
– I’d like to invite you to…..
– I invite you to…..
– I want you to come to…..
– Please, come to….
– Please join us in…..
– I’d like you to come to…..
Some kinds of responses
– Great, it will be pleased/fun
– Really? I can’t wait!
– I promise, I will
– I’d love to
– I am sorry I can’t…..
– I can’t promise it
– I’d love to but….
– I doubt I can….

Translate the Indonesian dialogue into English!

Omar : Minggu depan adik saya akan ulang tahun. Saya ingin kamu datang pada pesta ulang
tahun adik saya.
Kurdi : Saya suka, tetapi saya harus pergi ke Bandung minggu depan.
Omar : oh sayang sekali. Bagaimana kalau besok, saya ingin kamu datang ke rumah saya untuk
makan siang bersama
Kurdi : Saya senang sekali mendengarnya, saya pasti akan datang


Congratulation on your…!

Dialogue 1
Ahmad : I’ve heard that you won the badminton championship last week, is it true?
Umar : Yes, it’s true
Ahmad : Congratulation! I hope you got a good price
Umar : Beside the trophy, I got ten million rupiahs as the first price
Ahmad : I am so proud of your success
Umar : Thanks

Dialogue 2
Siti : Aminah told me that you have got a promotion
Farida : Yes, that’s right
Siti : It’s a beautiful news, I’d like to congratulate you on your promotion.
Farida : Thank you

Possible expressions
– Congratulation on ….! I’m proud of you!
– I’d like to congratulate you on….!
– Let me congratulate you on…..
How do you speak in English?
Komar : Saya dengar kamu mendapat beasiswa, apakah benar?
Osman : Ya itu benar
Komar : Selamat atas keberhasilanmu

It’s possible that….

It’s impossible that….

Dialogue 1
Henri : We’ve been waiting for two hours, but Ninin hasn’t came yet. It’s impossible she will
Juki : Maybe she has something more important to do.
Henri : Do you think so?
Juki : Yes, It’s possible. She never break her promise.
Henri : Perhaps she is ill.
Juki : It’s impossible. She looked healthy yesterday

Dialogue 2
Alwi : The National examination is only a few weeks left. It’s possible for us to prepare more
Diah : Perhaps we should join the study club
Alwi : Yes, it’s one of the best way to do but it’s impossible for me to join the study club
Diah : Why is it impossible for you?
Alwi : It will cost much fare and I have no enough money.
Diah : Maybe I can help you.
Alwi : Is it possible? How can you help me?
Diah : I will lend you some money.
Alwi : Thank you, how kind you are

Possible expression
Expressing Possibility Expressing Impossibilitiy
– perhaps
– maybe
– it’s possible
– there is no reason for…
– there are many possibilities, one of them is… – It’ impossible…
– How could it happen…
– There is a reason…

Give responses to each situation with possibility and impossibility expressions!!

1. Ema : Nani will come late, It’s almost 7.00 o’clock
Nunik : ………………..

2. Kosim : The weather is very hot today

Jaja : ………………..
3. Lukman : The headmaster looks very angry
Munir : ………………..

4. Irma : Look, there is a crowd in front of the office!

Kiki : ………………..

5. Gani : Something happens on the street. Do you know what is it?

Farid : ………………..

Fill in some or any.

1. I'm going to buy some eggs.

2. They didn't make any mistake.

3. I can't pay. I haven't got any money.

4. There aren't any shops in this part of the town.

5. George and Alice haven't got any children.

6. Have you got any brother or sister?

7. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden.

8. Are there any letters for me?

9. I haven't got any stamps but Ann has got some.

10. Do you know any good hotels in London?

11. Would you like some tea?

12. Did you buy any rice? No, we don't need any.

13. We haven't got any bread. I'm going out to buy some.

14. During our holidays we visited some very interesting places.

15. I went out to buy some milk, but they didn't have any in the shop.

16. I'm thirsty. Can I have some water, please?

a.m. - p.m.
.m. = ante meridiem = the time from midnight to noon = from 00:00 to 12:00
p.m. = post meridiem = the time from noon to midnight = from 12:00 to 24:00
The 24-hour clock is the most commonly used time notation in the world today.
But in English speaking countries the 12-hour clock is the dominant system of time written and spoken.
The 24-hour clock is only used by the military in the United States and Canada.


24-hour 12-hour 24-hour 12-hour

11:00 11 a.m. It's eleven o'clock a.m. 08:15 8:15 a.m. It's a quarter past eight a.m.
23:00 11 p.m. It's eleven o'clock p.m. 20:15 8:15 p.m. It's a quarter past eight p.m.
10:30 10.30 a.m. It's half past ten a.m. 09:10 9:10 a.m. It's ten (minutes) past nine a.m.
22:30 10:30 p.m. It's half past ten p.m. 11:20 11:20 a.m. It' twenty (minutes) past eleven a.m.
04:45 4:45 a.m. It's a quarter to five a.m. 21:50 9:50 p.m. It's ten (minutes) to ten p.m.
16:45 4:45 p.m. It's a quarter to five p.m. 19:40 7:40 p.m. It's twenty (minutes) to eight p.m.
SOME (somebody, something) - ANY (anybody, anything)

We use some und any with uncountable things.

(Mit some und any drückst du eine unbestimmte Menge oder Anzahl aus.)

SOME: 1. In sentences you expect a positive answer and with demands

(In bejahenden Sätzen, Aufforderungen)

Examples: I bought some very nice postcards. Give me some orange juice, please.
2. In polite questions or requests or if we expect the answer "YES"

(In höflichen Fragen oder Bitten oder wenn wir die Antwort "JA" erwarten)
Examples: Would you like some more coffee? Do we have some time to go to the cinema?

ANY: 1. In questions (Fragen): Have you got any blue shoes?

2. In negations (Verneinungen): No, I haven't got any.
3. In conditional clauses
If I had any, I would wear it.

Wh questions (Question Words)

Types of questions

There are two types of questions:

 Yes or no questions
 Wh questions
Question words

Question words are also called wh questions because they include the letters 'W' and 'H'.

Question words Meaning Examples

who person Who's that? That's Nancy.

where place Where do you live? In Boston

why reason Why do you sleep early? Because I've got to get up early

when time When do you go to work? At 7:00

how manner How do you go? By car

what object, idea or action What do you do? I am an engineer

which choice Which one do you prefer? The red one.

whose possession Whose is this book? It's Alan's.

whom object of the verb Whom did you meet? I met the manager.

what kind description What kind of music do you like? I like quiet songs

what time time What time did you come home?

how many quantity (countable) How many students are there? There are twenty.
how much amount, price (uncountable) How much time have we got? Ten minutes

how long duration, length How long did you stay in that hotel? For two weeks.

how often frequency How often do you go to the gym? Twice a week.

how far distance How far is your school? It's one mile far.

how old age How old are you? I'm 16.

how come reason How come I didn't see you at the party?

Asking questions

1.If you ask about the subject of the sentence, simply add the question word at the beginning:

James writes good poems. — Who writes good poems?

2.If you ask about the predicate of the sentence (the part of a sentence which contains the verb
and gives information about the subject), there are three options:

 If there is a helping (auxiliary) verb that precedes the main verb ( for example: can, is, are, was,
were, will, would...), add the question word and invert the subject and the helping (auxiliary)
He can speak Chinese. — What can he speak?
They are leaving tonight. — When are they leaving?
 If you ask about the predicate and there is no helping (auxiliary) verb and the verb is "to be",
simply add the question verb and invert the subject and the verb.
The play was interesting. — How was the play?
 If there is no helping (auxiliary) verb in the the predicate and the main verb is not "to be", add
the auxiliary "do" in the appropriate form.
They go to the movies every Saturday. — Where do they go every Saturday?
He wakes up early. — When does he wake up?
They sent a letter. — What did they send?

Grammar Exercises - Wh questions

Do the exrcises on question words and click on the button to check your answers.
(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on question words)

Choose the correct question words


 do you live? - I live in London.

  's that girl? - She's my sister.

  do you go to school? - By bus.

  do banks open? - At eight O'clock.

5.  are you wearing that coat? - Because it's hot!

Write question about the words in bold.


He drank juice. - What did he drink?

1. They went to Spain.

2. He writes novels.

3. Lacy likes soccer

4. The girls watched a serial.

5. He discovered the truth.


Before submitting the test, check the following:

 Punctuation and capitalization

 Spelling
 Spaces (don't add any unnecessary spaces)
 Where are you going tomorrow?
 How are you traveling?
 What would you like to have for dessert?
 Why are you crying ?
 Which one do you like?
 How do you feel today?
 What time are leaving?
 Whose book is this?
 Who has broken this vase?
 Why don't you see a doctor?

Grammar Exercises - Adverbs of frequency.

Do the exercises below on adverbs of frequency and click on the button to check
your answers.

(Before doing the exercise you may want to read the lesson on adverbs of frequency and

Put the following adverbs of frequency in the correct order from the most often to the least
often (1-6):

3 often

2 usually

1 always

6 never

5 seldom/rarely

4 sometimes

Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position.

1. They often go to the movies. (often)

2. She rarely listens to classical music. (rarely)
3. He sometimes reads the newspaper. (sometimes)
4. Sara never smiles. (never)
5. She always complains about her husband. (always)
6. I drink sometimes coffee. (sometimes)
7. Frank often is ill. (often)
8. He usually feels terrible (usually)
9. I always go jogging in the morning. (always)
10. She never helps her daughter with her homework. (never)
11. We always watch television in the evening. (always)
12. I never smoke. (never)
13. I seldom eat meat. (seldom)
14. I always vegetables and fruits. (always)

Grammar Exercises - Wh questions

Do the exrcises on question words and click on the button to check your answers.

(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on question words)

Choose the correct question words.

1. Where do you live?

2. who 's that girl?
3. How do you go to school?
4. When do banks open?
5. Why are you wearing that coat?

Write questions about the words in bold.

1. They went to Spain. - Where did they go?

2. He writes novels. - What does he write?
3. Lacy likes soccer. - Who likes soccer?
4. The girls watched a serial. - What did the girls watch?
5. He discovered the truth - What did he discover?

Vocabulary Exercise - People and Family Members

Do the exercises and click on the button to check your answers.

Write down the term for the opposite sex:
Male Female

a. grandmother grandfather

b. mother father

c. daughter son

d. sister brother

e. wife husband

f. granddaughter grandson

g. niece nephew

h. mother-in-law father-in-law

i. sister-in-law brother-in-law

j. aunt uncle

k. mum dad

l. girl boy

m. girlfriend boyfriend

Complete these sentences:

1. My sister is my father's daughter .

2. My brother is my mother's son .
3. My aunt is my mother's sister.
4. My niece is my brother's daughter
5. My nephew is my brother's son.
6. My sister-in-law is my brother's wife .
7. My brother-in-law is my sister's husband .

Vocabulary Exercises - Parts of the Body

Do the exercises on the parts of the body then click on the button to check your

Choose the names of these parts of the body:

1. back 2. chin 3. eyebrow 4. leg

5. hand 6. hair 7. head 8. tooth

Unscramble thes letters to find names of parts of the body:

1. mra - arm
2. hselayese - eyelashes
3. drbae - beard
4. coumahest - moustache
5. htmuo - mouth
6. eken - knee
Complete these sentences:

1. There are five fingers in my arm .

2. There are five toes in my foot .
3. I've got an eyebrow above my eye.
4. I can smell with my nose .
5. I can hear with my ears .
6. I can taste with my tongue .

Vocabulary Exercise: Occupations

Do the exercises and click on the button to check your answers.

Choose the names of the jobs:

1. journalist 2. plumber 4. soldier

3. farmer

5. secretary 6. singer 7. mason 8 judge

Unscramble the letters to find the jobs:

1. namspto - postman
2. esurn - nurse
3. ernragde - gardener
4. hcretae - teacher
5. cinhcame - mechanic
6. shreifnma - fisherman
What are they?

1. Who repairs cars? - A mechanic

2. Who takes care of gardens? - A gardener
3. Who is the guy who catches criminals? - A policeman
4. Who makes bread? - A baker
5. Who works in a newspaper?- A journalist
6. Who writes novels? - A novelist

Vocabulary Exercises - Animals

Do the exercises below on the vocabulary of animals and click on the button to
check your answers.

Choose the names of these animals:

1. bee 2. cat 3. cow

4. lion 5. fish 6. frog

Unscramble the letters to find names of animals:

1. kdcu - duck
2. inals - snail
3. ccdiorelo - crocodile
4. eehsp - sheep
5. ykeomn - monkey
6. sehro - horse

Find the sounds of animals:

1. The dog barks

2. The cat miaows
3. The horse whinnies
4. The sheep bleats
5. The cow lows lows
6. The lion roars roars
7. The duck quacks
8. The bee buzzes

Grammar Exercises - Simple Past Tense.

Do the exercises below on the simple past tense and click on the button to check
your answers.

(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on the simple past tense)

Put the verbs into the simple past:

1. Last year I (go) went to England on holiday.

2. It (be) was fantastic.
3. I (visit) visited lots of interesting places. I (be) was with two friends of mine .
4. In the mornings we (walk) walked in the streets of London.
5. In the evenings we (go) went to pubs.
6. The weather (be) was strangely fine.
7. It (not / rain) did not rain a lot.
8. But we (see) saw some beautiful rainbows.
9. Where (spend / you) did you spend your last holiday?

Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.

Infinitive Simple Past

1. meet met
2. drive drove

3. speak spoke

4. put put

5. write wrote

6. sing sang

7. do did

8. sit sat

9. stand stood

10. run ran

Complete the table in simple past.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

He wrote a book. He did not write a book. Did he write a book?

He sang. He did not sing Did he sing?

She was pretty. She was not pretty. Was she pretty?

Put the sentences into simple past.

1. We move to a new house. → We moved to a new house.

2. They bring a sandwich. → They brought a sandwich.
3. He doesn't do the homework. → He did not do the homework.
4. They sell cars. → They sold cars.
5. Does he visit his friends? → Did he visit his friends?
Write sentences in simple past.

1. Janet / the bus / miss →Janet missed the bus.

2. she / her room / tidy → She tidied her room.
3. Nancy / watch / not / television → Nancy did not watch television.
4. she / read / book → She read a book.

Choose "Was“ or "Were“:

1. The teacher was nice.

2. The students were very clever.
3. But one student was in trouble.
4. We were sorry for him.
5. He was nice though.

Grammar Exercises - The Simple present of the verb "to be"

Do the exercises on the simple present of the verb to be and click on the answer
button to check your answers.

(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on the simple present of the verb to

Fill in the blanks with the right subject / personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they):

1. Angelina Joli is American. She isn't French.

2. Brad Pitt is American, too. He isn't German.
3. Brad and Angelina aren't French. They are American.
4. My friend and I are high school students. We aren't primary school students.
5. The Statue of Liberty is in New York. It isn't in Washington.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of to be (am, are or is):

1. Are you the new student?

2. Yes, I am .
3. Leila and Nancy are students.
4. Nancy is Australian .
5. My sister and I are students.
6. The girls are tired.
7. These women are beautiful.
8. The tea is delicious.
9. Nadia and Leila are friends.
10. The newspaper is cheap.

Choose the correct answer (negative or affirmative form of to be):

1. Is Julia Robert French? No, she is not French.

2. What about Robert de Nero? Is he an American actor? Yes, he is .
3. Are New York and Los Angeles Spanish Cities? No, they are not Spanish cities.
4. Is Big Ben in Paris? No, it is not in Paris.
5. Is Mount Everest in Africa? No, it is not in Africa. It is in Asia.

Grammar Exercises - The simple past of the verb "to be"

Do the exercises below on the simple past of the verb to be and click on the answer
button to check your answers.

(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on the simple present of the verb to
be )

Put the verb "to be" into the simple past:

1. I was in Canada last summer holiday.

2. My sister was with me.
3. We were in Montreal.
4. She was very happy.
5. I was happy, too.

Put the verb "to be" into the simple present or the simple past:

1. I am /'m an engineer.
2. Last year I was a student in Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
3. I was in love with a beautiful girl at that time.We were friends
4. Now, I live in New York and I am /'m married to her.

There are different ways to greet people:

Greeting means welcoming someone with particular words or a particular action.

When meeting people formally for the first time, we greet by shaking hands and saying "How do
you do?" or "Pleased to meet you."

"How do you do?" isn't really a question, it just means "Hello".

When young people meet informally they sometimes greet and say "Give me five!" and slap their
hands together (high five).

Generally we do not greet by shaking hands with people we know well. We greet by just saying
'hi' or 'hello'

Here are some expressions you can use to greet people.


 Hi, hello.
 Good
 How are
 How are
you doing?
 How do you

Responding to

 Hi, hello.
 Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening.
 I'm fine thank you (thanks)/Okey! Thank you (thanks)/Can't complain/Not bad.
 How about you?/And you?
 How do you do?
Things to remember about greeting:

When you greet someone and say:

"How do you do?"

this isn't really a question, it just means "Hello".

Saying Goodbye

Parting phrases

There are different expressions or phrases to say goodbye. These parting phrases depend on
situations and the people involved, their social status and personal relationship.

Leaving and saying goodbye

 All right, everyone, it's time to head off.

 Anyway, guys I'm going to make a move.
 Ok, everyone, it's time to leave you.
 See you later / tomorrow / soon.
 Talk to you later!

If you want to say goodbye in a hurry

 I'm so sorry, I've got to rush off / run / hurry!

 I'm afraid I'm going to have to rush off / run / hurry!

Saying goodbye politely after meeting someone

 Nice to see you.

 It's been lovely to see you.
 It was great to see you.
 Good to see you.
 Have a lovely / nice evening.
 Have a good day.

Saying goodbye to your hosts

 Thanks very much for dinner/ lunch - it was lovely!

 Thank you very much for having me.

Other ways to say goodbye

 Take care
 Bye!
 Bye Bye!
 Later man / bro!
 Have a good one!
 It's time to be going!
 So Long!

Slang Goodbyes

 Catch you later

 Peace! / Peace out
 I'm out!
 Smell you later

Final goodbye

 Farewell (when you intend never to see your interlocutor again)

Introducing yourself and other people

Introducing yourself and others

There is a range of ways to introduce yourself and people.

Introducing yourself:

Here are expressions to introduce yourself:

 My name is ...
 I'm ....
 Nice to meet you; I'm ...
 Pleased to meet you; I'm ...
 Let me introduce myself; I'm ...
 I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...

Introducing others:

Here are expressions to introduce others:

 Jack, please meet Nicolas.

 Jack, have you met Nicolas?
 I'd like you to meet Liza.
 I'd like to introduce you to Betty.
 Leila, this is Barbara. Barbara this is Leila.
Useful responses when introducing yourself or other people:

 Nice to meet you.

 Pleased to meet you.
 Happy to meet you.
 How do you do?


Alex is talking to the new manager and his assistant. Notice how they introduce themselves:

Alex: Hi! My name is Alex Litterman, the new manager.

William: Hi! I'm William O'Brian. Nice to meet you, Mr Alex Litterman.

John: William, please meet Mr Steve Lynch, my assistant

Jack: How do you do?

Nicolas: How do you do?

Things to remember:

 When introducing yourself or other people in a formal situation use full names. ("I'm Alex
 "How do you do?" isn't really a question, it just means "Hello"

Telling The Time

How to tell the time in English?

There are two common ways of telling the time in English.

For 2:40 you can use one of these two ways.

 Digital: the easier way - "Two forty "

 Classical: you say the minutes first then the hour - "twenty
to three"

Here are the different ways to ask for and tell the time.

Asking about the time:

time is it?

What time do you make it?

's the time?

Have you got the right time?

Telling the time:

Digital It's ... It's ...

2.00 two o'clock two

2.06 six minutes past two two oh six

2.09 nine minutes past two two oh nine

2.12 twelve past two two twelve

2.15 a quarter past two two fifteen

2.20 twenty past two two twenty

2.25 twenty-five past two two twenty-five

2.30 half past two two thirty

2.35 twenty-five to three two thirty-five

2.40 twenty to three two forty

2.45 a quarter to three two forty-five

2.50 ten to three two fifty

2.55 five to three two fifty-five

2.57 three minutes to three two fifty-seven

2.58 nearly three o'clock two fifty-eight

3.00 three o'clock three

Question: What's the time, please?

Answer: It's two o'clock.

Talking About Favorite Things

Talking about favorite things

When you talk about your favorite things you talk about the best liked or most enjoyed things.


 "What's your favorite color?" "Green."

Study the dialogue:

Leila is talking to her new friend Cathy:

Leila: What kind of films do you like best?

Cathy: Science fiction. And you?

Leila: Comedy. And who's your favorite actor?

Cathy: Tom Cruise.

Leila: I like Robert de Nero most.

Asking about favorite things:

 What's your favorite sport?

 What sport do you like best?
 What sport do you like most?
 What kind of sport do you like best?
 Who's your favorite football player?


 My favorite sport is football.

 I like football best.
 I like football most.
 My favorite football player is Ronaldo.

Things to remember:

 "Favourite" is British spelling.

 "Favorite" is American spelling.

Talking about likes and dislikes

Expressing likes and dislikes

To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions.

Expressing likes:

 I like…
 I love...
 I adore…
 I ‘m crazy about…
 I’m mad about…
 I enjoy…
 I’m keen on…

Expressing dislikes:

 I don’t like…
 I dislike...
 I hate…
 I abhor…
 I can’t bear...
 I can’t stand…
 I detest...
 I loathe...

Examples of likes and dislikes :

I'm mad about basketball, but I can’t bear ice hockey.

I adore reading poetry, but I loathe doing the housework.

If you neither like nor dislike something:

"I don't mind doing the housework."

Things to remember about likes and dislikes:

1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in the -ing form.

"I like listening to music."

"I hate wearing sunglasses."

I like

I detest VERB+ING

I don't mind

2. Note that" very much" & " a lot" always come after the things you like.

"I like basketball very much/a lot. NOT" I like very much/a lot basketball."

3. Be careful when you use "I don't mind..."


"Do you mind playing football?"

"No, I don't mind."(Although it's in a negative form, it means that it's ok for me. I neither love it
nor hate it.)


Steve is at home. His girlfriend comes in...Notice how they express their likes and dislikes

Steve: Hello, darling. Do you fancy watching a film tonight?

Oh, no thanks, I don't really feel like watching a film tonight. How about
going out instead.

Steve: OK. Do you feel like going to the theater?

Girlfriend: Oh, no. I hate it. Do you like eating at the new Chinese restaurant?

Steve: I don't mind. The Chinese cuisine is alright.

Girlfriend: Well I really love it. Let's go.

Agreement, Partial Agreement And Disagreement.

Agreement, partial agreement and disagreement

The way people agree or disagree in an argument or discussion varies in different languages.


It is worthwhile saying that silence is not understood as agreement. If you agree with an opinion
or an idea, you are expected to say so.


There is no doubt about it that...

I completely / absolutely agree with you.
I agree with you entirely.
I totally agree with you.
I simply must agree with that.
I am of the same opinion.
I am of the same opinion.
That’s exactly what I think.


Expressing disagreement is always respected as honest, and sometimes as courageous.


I don't agree with you.

I’m sorry, but I disagree.
I'm afraid, I can't agree with you.
The problem is that...
I (very much) doubt whether...
This is in complete contradiction to...
With all due respect,…
I am of a different opinion because ...
I cannot share this / that / the view.
I cannot agree with this idea.
What I object to is...
I have my own thoughts about that.

Partial agreement:

You can also agree but with reservation especially when there is
a doubt or feeling of not being able to accept something


It is only partly true that...

That’s true, but…
I can agree with that only with reservations.
That seems obvious, but...
That is not necessarily so.
It is not as simple as it seems.
I agree with you in principle, but…
I agree with you in part, but…
Well, you could be right.

Expressing certainty and uncertainty

Certainty and uncertainty

Certainty is the state of being completely confident or having no doubt about something.
However, uncertainty is when nothing is ever decided or sure.

Expressing certainty

When you are sure that something will or will not happen in the future, use these expressions.

For example to the question:

"Will John pass the exam?"

you may respond as follows:

absolutely sure
quite sure
I'm he will.
of course.


absolutely sure
quite sure
I'm he won't.
definitely not.
certainly not.
of course not.

Expressing uncertainty

When you are not sure whether something or someone will or will not happen, use the following

For example, to the question:

"Will John follow a career in business?"

you may respond as follows:

I wouldn't like to say for certain.

it's possible,
I'm not sure
it's impossible,
I doubt it.
it might be, I suppose, but
Well, I have my own doubts.
it might not be,
it's doubtful.
it could happen,
It's highly / very unlikely.

you never know of course,

no one can know for certain.
I can't tell you for sure.

Asking about and giving directions

Asking about direction

To ask about directions use these questions:

 How can I get to . . . from here?

 How can I get to . . . ?
 Can you show me the way to...?
 Can you tell me how to get to . . . ?
 Where is . . . ?
 What's the best way to get to . . . ?

Giving directions

To give directions use these expressions:

 Go straight on
 Turn left/right
 Take the first (turning) to the left/right.
 Go past the restaurant/school...
 The ... is beside/in front of/next to...the....

Conversations on the Phone

Telephone conversations

It is common that English speakers make phone calls either for business reasons or personal
affairs. These are expressions you can use in your conversations on the phone.

 You 've reached .... company/department.

 How can I help you?
 Can I speak to Mr/Mrs.....?
 Could I speak to ...., please?
 Who shall I say is calling?
 Who's calling, please?
 Who's speaking?
 It's Mr/Mrs... here.
 It's Mr/Mrs... speaking.
 Mr/Mrs... speaking.
 Please hold and I'll put you through.
 Just a second. I'll see if s/he is in.
 Hang on for a moment.

Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 tentang Asking for and Giving Things
By Admin Ganteng On December 13, 2014 In Teaching


Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 tentang Asking for and Giving thing Expression – Asking
for and giving things expression adalah kalimat-kalimat bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk
meminta sesuatu atau memberi sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris.


1. Berikut adalah beberapa vocabulary atau frase yang sering kita ucapkan atau kita dengar
dalam Asking for and giving expression.
Dengarkan dan ulangi setelah guru membacakannya!

1. May
2. Give
3. Borrow
4. Can I
5. Can you
6. Lend
7. Can
8. May i
9. I am sorry
10. I am using it
11. Thanks

2. Beberapa contoh asking for and giving thing expression

Dengar dan ulangi setelah guru selesai membacakannya!

A. Contoh expression dan respond ask for things:

1. Can I…., please?

2. May I…., please?
3. Can you…., please?
4. To give the things, we can use:
5. Here you are.
6. Sure.
7. Of course.
B. Contoh expression dan respond refuse to give the things:

1. I’m sorry. I’m using it.

2. Not now. I’m using it/them myself. Sorry.
3. Sorry, I’m using it/them right now.
4. To show our gratitude, we say:
5. Thanks.

C. Contoh expression dan respond asking for and giving help

1. Can you help me?

2. Could you tell me….?
3. OK.
4. Sure.
5. Of course.


D. Contoh expression dan respond offering help

1. Can I help you?

2. What can I do for you?
3. Yes, please.
4. No, thank you.

3. Contoh-contoh percakapan mengenai Asking for and Giving things expression

Dengar dan ulangi setelah guru membacakannya

A: Can I borrow your dictionary, please?

B: Sure, here you are.
A: Thanks
B: Don’t mention it

A: May I borrow your book, please?

B: Of Course.
A: thank you so much
A: you are welcome

A: Can you lend me you pen, please?

B: I’m sorry. I’m using it now.
C: Thanks anyway.
B: you are welcome

A: Can I borrow your ruler?

B: Sorry, I’m using it right now.
C: It’s OK. Thanks anyway.
A: what can I do for you?
B: please help me lift this suitcase
A: sure
A: thank you
B: With my pleasure

A: Can I help you?

B: yes. Give this book to Mr. Andy
A: Ok
B: Thank you
A: don’t mention it


Task 1

Siswa diminta untuk menyiapkan barang-barang di bawah ini dan memparaktikan asking for and
giving something berpasangan dengan teman sebangkunya secara bergantian

1. a pencil
2. a pen
3. a book
4. an eraser


Denny : Can I borrow your Book?

Aria : Of course yes!
Denny : Thank you
Aria : you are welcome

Task 2

Siswa diminta untuk menyiapkan barang-barang di bawah ini dan memparaktikan asking for and
refusing something berpasangan dengan teman sebangkunya secara bergantian

1. a pencil
2. a pen
3. a book
4. an eraser

Denny : Can I lend your pen?
Aria : Sorry, I’m using it myself now.
Denny : It’s OK

Task 3

lengkapilah percakapan yang rumpang di bawah berikut!

Shop assistant : ______________?

Buyer : Yes, please. I need a pencil.
Shop assistant : _____________?
Buyer : give me pencil with high quality.
Shop assistant : OK, you should buy “The Best Pencil”.
Buyer : _______________ me the price?
Shop assistant : it is just 5 thousand rupiah

Dinda : Excuse me,________________ to find a grammar book?

Librarian : ___________. Let’s check on the book shelves over there .
Dinda : Thank you.
Librarian : with my pleasure

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