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“Advancing the Future of Energy Industry in Indonesia”

Terms and Conditions, Registration, Payment and Submission

Pada Brawijaya Geophysics Festival 2019 kali ini terdapat Geophysical Survey Design
Competition dimana peserta akan diuji kemampuan dalam merencanakan suatu proyek geofisika
yang efisien dan efektif untuk mendapatkan target yang telah ditentukan serta menyusun
proposalnya. Kompetisi ini akan diadakan pada 16 November 2019 di Universitas Brawijaya.

(At the 3rd Brawijaya Geophysics Festival there is a Geophysical Survey Design Competition
where participants will be chellenged for the ability to plan a geophysica project that efficient and
effective way to get the set targets and making the proposals. This competition will be held on
November 16, 2019 at Universitas Brawijaya)

KOMPETENSI (Competency)
Berikut adalah kompetensi yang harus dikuasai untuk mengikuti Geophysical Survey Design
Competition, yaitu :
(The competencies that must be mastered by the participants to take part in Geophysica Survey
Design Competition)
1. Berbagai macam metode geofisika.
(Geophysical methods)
2. Pengetahuan geologi dan geofisika secara umum.
(Geology and geophysics knowledge)
3. Manajemen proyek geofisika dan pembuatan proposal.
(Geophysical project management and the proposal making)
ATURAN UMUM (General Rules)
1. Peserta merupakan mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh S1 (strata satu) ataupun D3
(diploma tiga) yang berasal dari fakultas/jurusan/program studi/bidang minat Teknik
Geofisika, Geofisika, ataupun fisika kebumian
(The participant must be an active college student currently studying S1 (Bachelor Degree)
or D3 (3-year Diploma) that comes from any faculty/major/program study/area of interest
Geophysics Technique, Geophysics, or earth science physics)
2. Setiap tim terdiri dari 2 orang (tidak kurang dan tidak lebih) yang berasal dari Universitas
yang sama.
(Every team consists of 2 people (not less and not more) that comes from the same
3. Setiap universitas hanya boleh mengirimkan maksimal 3 tim perwakilannya.
(Every university only allowed to send maximum 3 representative team)
4. Peserta wajib melakukan pendaftaran yang sudah tertera maksimal pada tanggal 20
Agustus 2019
(The participants are required to register as already stated at maximum at August 20 th,
5. Peserta hanya boleh mengikuti maksimal 1 kompetisi pada main event, tetapi boleh disertai
dengan mengikuti kompetisi pre-event.
(The participant only allowed to participate in 1 competition at the main event, but are
allowed to join the pre event competition)
6. Peserta wajib melengkapi dokumen berupa
(The participant must complete their document which consist of)
 Formulir pendaftaran
(Registration form)
 Pas foto 3x4 cm
(3x4 cm photograph)
 Scan kartu tanda mahasiswa (KTM) asli
(Scanned original student identification card (KTM))
 Surat rekomendasi dari jurusan untuk mengikuti BGF 2019
(Recommendation letter from the department to participate in BGF 2019)
7. Peserta wajib datang tepat waktu sesuai jadwal yang telah diberikan oleh panitia.
(The participant must arrive on time according to the schedule that was given by the
8. Peserta dilarang keluar ruangan selama kompetisi berlangsung tanpa seizin panitia.
(The participants are not allowed to exit the room when the competition is ongoing
without committee permission)
9. Peserta dilarang membawa segala bentuk catatan.
(The participants are not allowed to bring any notes)
10. Peserta dilarang membawa gadget ke dalam ruangan selama kompetisi berlangsung.
(The participants are not allowed to bring gadget to the room when the competition is
11. Peserta dilarang berinteraksi dengan tim lain atau pihak lain selain panitia selama
kompetisi berlangsung.
(The participants are not allowed to interact with other team or other party beside the
committee during the competition)
12. Peserta dilarang memindahkan atau menggandakan data-data yang diberikan sebagai soal
oleh panitia dengan alasan apapun.
(The participants are not allowed to move or duplicate the data that was given as a
question by the committee with any reasons)
13. Peserta wajib menjaga sarana dan prasarana yang ada di kampus UB dan
bertanggungjawab atas segala kerusakan.
(The participants are required to preserve the facilities and infrastructure which exist in
UB campus and are responsible for any damage)
14. Peserta wajib mengikuti semua rangkaian Geophysica Survey Design Competition BGF
(The participants are required to participate in all series of Geophysica Survey Design
Competition BGF 2019)
15. Peserta wajib memakai dresscode yang telah ditentukan oleh panitia dan tidak di
perbolehkan menggunakan atribut kampus asal.
(The participants are required to follow the dress code that was determined by the
committee and are not allowed to use attribute of its own campus)
16. Peserta yang melanggar peraturan-peraturan di atas akan mendapatkan sanksi dari panitia
dengan sanksi maksimal berupa diskualifikasi.
(The participants that violates rules above will get a sanctions from the committee with
the maximum sanction will be disqualification)
17. Hal-hal yang belum tecantum dalam tata tertib perlombaan akan ditentukan di Technical
Meeting (TM) pada tanggal 15 November 2019.
(Some points that have not been listed in the general rules of the race will be determined
at the Technical Meeting (TM) at 15 November 2019)
18. Peserta yang tidak menghadiri Technical Meeting dianggap menyetujui peraturan yang
telah ditentukan di Technical Meeting.
(The participants that are not attending the Technical Meeting are considered to agreeing
the rules that was decided in the Technical Meeting)
19. Keputusan juri dan panitia bersifat mutlak, final, dan tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
(The jury and committee decisions are absolute and cannot be contested)
20. Peserta wajib datang tepat waktu sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan panitia.
(The participant must arrive on time according to the schedule that was given by the
HADIAH DAN BIAYA PENDAFTARAN (Prizes and Registration Fee)
Juara 1: Rp3000.000, sertifikat penghargaan, dan trofi
(1st Place: Rp3.000.000, winner certificate, and trophy
Juara 2: Rp2.000.000, sertifikat penghargaan, dan trofi
(2nd Place: Rp2.000.000, winner certificate, and trophy)
Juara 3: Rp1.500.000, sertifikat penghargaan, dan trofi
(3rd Place: Rp1.500.000, winner certificate, and trophy)

Biaya Pendaftaran Awal: Rp150.000/tim (dibayarkan untuk ikut seleksi online dan pendaftaran)
(Initial Registration Fee: Rp150.000/team (paid to participate in the online selection and the
Biaya Akomodasi di Malang : Rp600.000/orang (dibayarkan setelah dinyatakan lolos seleksi
(Accomodation Fee in Malang: Rp600.000/person (paid after the participant are stated to have
passed the online selection))


Fasilitas Kompetisi (Competition Facilities)
1. Laptop (laptop)
2. Falshdisk (flashdisc)
3. Alat tulis (stationary)
4. Penggaris (ruler)
5. Kertas kosong (paper)
Fasilitas Penunjang (Supporting Facilities)
1. Penginapan (lodging)
2. Maka dan Snack (food and snack)
3. Transportasi (transportation)
4. Seminar Nasional (national seminar)
5. Gala Dinner
6. City Tour
MEKANISME KOMPETISI (Competition Mechanism)
1. Seleksi Online (Online Selection)
 Setiap tim yang mendaftar akan diseleksi melalui website
(Every team that registered will be filtered through website)
 Tim dari universitas yang sama diseleksi dalam waktu bersamaan.
(Teams from the same university will be filtered at the same time)
 Penyiihan dilaksanakan tanggal 23 September 2019
(The selection process will be held at 23 September 2019)
2. Tahap Pengerjaan (Survey Designing Round)
 Diikuti oleh semua tim yang lolos seleksi online
(This round will be participated by all the team that passed the online selection)
 Dilaksanakan pada 16 November 2019 di Universitas Brawijaya
(This round will be held on November 16th, 2019 at Brawijaya University)
3. Tahap Presentasi (Presesntation Round)
 Diikuti oleh tim yang lolos seleksi online yang telah menyelesaikan tahap pengerjaan.
(Participated by the team that passed the online selection that has finished the Survey
Designing round)
 Dilaksanakan pada 16 November 2019 di Universitas Brawijaya.
(This round will be held on November 16th, 2019 at Brawijaya University)
MEKANISME PENDAFTARAN (Registration Mechanism)
Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 30 Juni sampai 20 Agustus 2019
(Registration is open from June 30th to August 20th, 2019)

1. Mengunduh form pendaftaran di laman website

(Download the registration form at
2. Isi form pendaftaran
(Fill in the registration form)
3. Kirim email ke dengan subject : SURVEY DESIGN_Registrasi_Nama
Ketua Tim dan dengan isi : nama lengkap anggota tim. Dan melampirkan :
(Send an email to with subject : SURVEY DESIGN_Registrasi_Nama
Ketua Tim and contains the team member’s full name. The attachments consist of : )
 Form pendaftaran yang sudah diisi (format : pdf) dengan nama file : SURVEY
DESIGN_Registrasi_Nama Ketua TimKetua Tim
(Filled in registration form (format: pdf) with the file name : SURVEY
DESIGN_Registrasi_Nama Ketua Tim)
 Scan bukti pembayaran (format : jpeg/jpg/pdf) dengan nama file : SURVEY
DESIGN_Bukti Pembayaran__Nama Ketua Tim
(Scanned payment receipt (format: jpeg / jpg / pdf) with the file name: SURVEY
DESIGN_Bukti Pembayaran__Nama Ketua Tim)
 Scan surat rekomendasi dari jurusan untuk mengikuti BGF 2019 (format : pdf) dengan
nama file : SURVEY DESIGN_Surat Rekomendasi_Nama Ketua Tim
(Scanned recommendation letter from the department to participate BGF 2019 (format:
pdf) with file name: SURVEY DESIGN_Surat Rekomendasi_Nama Ketua Tim)
4. Setelah mengirimkan email, peserta wajib melakukan konfirmasi kepada CP yang tersedia
(After sending an email, participants must confirm to the Contact Person)
5. Peserta yang tidak menyertakan scan bukti pembayaran dan tidak melakukan korfirmasi
dianggap tidak melakukan pendaftaran.
(Participants who do not attach a scanned payment receipt and do not make a confirmation
are considered not to register)
6. Biaya yang sudah dibayarkan tidak dapat ditarik kembali dengan alasan apapun.
(the money paid is irrefundable for any reason)
Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran melalui transfer ke rekening panitia BGF 2019
(Payment of registration fees via transfer to BGF 2019 committee account)
Bank : BRI
No. Rek (Account Number) : 0041-0110 0759 501
Atas Nama (On behalf of) : Rizki Fitria Rahma Dina

Contact Person :
Information : Paramita Astri (Line: paramitaastria / 081217260626)
Registration : Rizki Fitria (Line: rizkifrdn / 085606001154)

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