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Polkesma English Competition (PEC) dan Mahasiswa
Berprestasi (MAWAPRES)

“Creating Competent Health Graduates to Face

Multinational Challenges”

Oleh :


Jalan Besar Ijen No. 77 c Malang. 65112. Telepon (0341) 566075, 571388. Fax (0341) 556746
Website: Email:
Polkesma English Competition dan Pemilihan Kegiatan Mahasiswa Berprestasi
Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
Tahun 2015


Negara yang baik adalah Negara yang memiliki sumber daya manusia yang
baik.SDM yang baikdi dasari oleh kemampuan masing-masing manusia.
Kemampuan tidak dapat di dapatkan dengan mudah namun harus dilatih
sejakdini.Salah satu bentuk kemampuan yang menunjang majunya bangsadan
Negara adalah kemampuan berbahasa setiap manusia.Oleh karena bahasa
internasional ialah bahasa inggris maka sebagai rakyat Indonesia sudah sewajibnya
meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris demi menunjang tercapainya
Indoneisia maju.
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang merupakan salah satu institusi
pemerintah yang mencetak kader-kader penerus bangsa yang berkualitas, ber-
IPTEK. Sesuai dengan Visinya, yaitu “Penghasil Tenaga Kesehatan yang Kompeten
dan Kompetitif di Era Global. Salah satu bentuk dari kompetitif ialah selalu belajar
dalam hal ini erat kaitannya dengan belajar berbahasa demi kemajuan
bangsa.Kompetitif ialah mengasah kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang dimiliki
dengan mengadakan debate antar mahasiswa.
Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang juga sebagai bagian dari penyelenggara
pendidikan nasional turut serta berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan
membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka
mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Pendidikan nasional bertujuan untuk
mengembangkan potensi peserta didik (mahasiswa) agar menjadi manusia yang
beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat,
berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta
Berdasarkan hasil pemikiran di atas, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Politeknik
Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang mengadakan kegiatan “POLKESMA ENGLISH
COMPETITION (PEC)” Mahasiswa Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang” dengan tema
“Creating Competent Health Graduates to Face Multinational Challenges” yang
artinya “Mencetak Lulusan Kesehatan yang Kompeten dan Dapat Bersaing di Dunia
“Mewujudkan Mahasiswa Indonesia yang Mandiri dan Berkepribadian Bangsa”
Dengan harapan bisa meningkatkan mutu atau kualitas Mahasiswa Poltekkes yang
merupakan generasi penerus bangsa, yang kompeten dan kompetitif.


1. Program Kerja Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes
Malang periode 2015.
2. Mengaktualisasikan visi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang.

1. Wahana sosialisasi dan aktualisasi mahasiswa Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes
2. Menciptakan mahasiswa yang kompetendankompetitif.
3. Mewujudkan mahasiswa berprestasi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang.
4. Untuk meringankan beban orang tua dalam membiayai kuliah
5. Untuk meningkatkan ilmu dalam bidang Kesehatan
6. Memacu daya saing untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan kemampuan
dalam mengembangkan potensi diri
7. Perbaikan sarana penunjang belajar




Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang”.Dengan tema “Creating Competent Health
Graduates to Face Multinational Challenges”.
Point of MDGs :
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development
Kegiatan Polkesma English Competition (PEC) dan Mahasiswa Berprestasi
(MAWAPRES) ialah kegiatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Eksekutif
Mahasiswa (BEM) yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan mahasiswa yang
berkompeten dan kompetitif serta mewujudkan mahasiswa yang mandiri dan
berkepribadian bangsa.. Polkesma English Competition (PEC) dan Mahasiswa
Berprestasi (MAWAPRES) akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 1-2 mei 2015.
Pada hari pertama, untuk PEC akan diadakan Debate Contest dan Speech
Competition, kemudian pada hari kedua akan dilaksanakan Final Debate Contest
dan Speech Competition.
Sedangkan dalam menentukan siapa mahasiswa berprestasi dalam bidang
akademik dan non-akademik (hard skills dan soft skills ) diadakan tes seleksi 2
tahap, tahap I yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13-17 April 2015 dan tahap II (final)
yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1-2 Mei 2015 yaitu Tes Wawancara
Kepribadian, Penyampaian Karya Tulis Berbahasa Indinesia, dan Penyampaian
Ringkasan Karya Tulis dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Penyelenggara kegiatan ini adalah Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM).

Peserta kegiatan ENGLISH DEBATE CONTEST PEC (Polkesma English
Competition) dan MAWAPRES (Mawapres Berprestasi) 2015 adalah mahasiswa
aktif Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang (dibuktikan dengan Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa)


Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan :
Hari, Tanggal : Jumat-Sabtu, 1-2 Mei 2015
Waktu : 07.00 - selesai
Tempat : Kampus Utama
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang

Sasaran kegiatan ENGLISH DEBATE CONTEST PEC (Polkesma English
Competition) dan MAWAPRES (Mahasiswa Berprestasi) 2015 ini adalah seluruh
mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang.
1. ENGLISH DEBATE CONTEST Polkesma English Competition (PEC)
2. Mahasiawa Beprestasi (MAWAPRES)

Pemenang I = UangTunai Rp 500.000,- + Sertifikat+Tropi
Pemenang II = UangTunai Rp 300.000,- + Sertifikat+Tropi
 Lomba Best Speaker
Pemenang 1 = UangTunai Rp 100.000,-+ Sertifikat.
 Lomba Short Speech
 Public Speaking

Pemenang 1 = Uang Tunai Rp 150.000,- + Sertifikat + tropi

Pemenang 2 = Uang Tunai Rp 100.000,- + Sertifikat + tropi
Pemenang 3 = uang tunai Rp 75.000,- + sertifikat + tropi

 TV News casting

Pemenang 1 =Uang Tunai Rp 150.000,- + Sertifikat + tropi

Pemenang 2 = Uang Tunai Rp 100.000,- + Sertifikat + tropi
Pemenang 3 = uang tunai Rp 75.000,- + sertifikat + tropi

 Story telling

Pemenang 1 =Uang Tunai Rp 150.000,- + Sertifikat + tropi

Pemenang 2 = Uang Tunai Rp 100.000,- + Sertifikat + tropi
Pemenang 3 = uang tunai Rp 75.000,- + sertifikat + tropi

Bagi Prodi yang tidak mendelegasikan akan dikenai sanksi, sesuai
kesepakatan bersama.

Supporter terdiri dari masing-masing prodi maupun undangan dapat turut
meramaikan acara ini dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Jumlah tidak dibatasi.
2. Dari pihak panitia tidak menyediakan biaya transportasi, makan, maupun
tempat menginap.
3. Tidak boleh membuat kegaduhan saat berjalannya perlombaan
4. Tidak boleh memberi bantuan kepada peserta lomba
5. Tidak boleh membawa alat-alat pemandu sorak dan benda-benda tajam
6. Diperbolehkan bertepuk tangan saat acara selesai
7. Tidakadaketentuanmengenaidresscode supporter

Panitia acara Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang 2015, pada hari H mengenakan
pakaian bebas rapih beralmamater kampus, datang tepat waktu dan bertanggung
jawab atas tugas masing-masing prodi yang dipercayakan.

Setiap prodi dapat mendaftarkan di Contact Person (CP).
1. Richa kumalasari /D-III Keperawatan Malang (085708084284)

1. Aisa /D-IV Kebidanan Malang (085608092066)


Polkesma English Competition dan Pemilihan Kegiatan Mahasiswa Berprestasi
Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
Tahun 2015

Pelindung : Direktur Politenik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang

Budi Susatia, S.Kp. M.Kes
Penasehat : Pembantu Direktur III Bidang Kemahasiswaan
Surachmindari, SST, M.Pd
Kaur Kemahasiswaan
Kissa Bahari, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kep
Pembina : 1. Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Jurusan Gizi
Dwi Sulistyorini, SKM., M.Kes
2. Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Jurusan Keperawatan
Roni Yuliwar, S.Kep, Ns, M.Ked
3. Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Jurusan Kebidanan
Isman Amin, SKM, M.Kes
4. Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Jurusan PMIK
dr. Endang Sri Dewi HS, M.QIH
Penanggung Jawab : Presiden Mahasiswa Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
Hadi Setiyawan (Keperawatan Malang)
Menteri Pendidikan
Nurul Fajariyah (Keperawatan Malang)

Panitia Inti :
Ketua : Taufiq Fadhlurrohman (Keperawatan Malang)
Sekretaris : Efina Amanda (Gizi Malang)
Bendahara : Aldea Zulfa Naulya (Kebidanan Malang)
Sie Acara : Co. Richa Kumalasari (Keperawatan Malang)
Muhammad Firmansyah A. (Keperawatan Malang)
Aisa Oktaviana (Kebidanan Malang)
Fauzia Isma Wazida (Keperawatan Lawang)
Nurin Iktikafi (Gizi Malang)
Anis Susanti (Keperawatan Blitar)
Martina Lagarini Cakti (Gizi Malang)
Bunga Ulva Mawardi (Kebidanan Kediri)
Yuli Prescilia (Kebidanan Jember)

Sie Humas : Co. Agung Prabowo (Keperawatan Malang)

Miftahul Isnandar (Keperawatan Malang)
Azka Anghnianuri (Kebidanan Kediri)
Kamil Aska (Keperawatan Blitar)
Monica Febriyani W.P (Kebidanan Jember)
Elvira Artha Yuliana (Keperawatan Lawang)
Lalitamutya Insani (PMIK)

Sie Konsumsi : Co. Amalia Dewi L.R (Gizi Malang)

Meylina cahyaningtyas (Gizi Malang)
Megasanda Damayati (Keperawatan malang)
Ines ratni pravitasari (Kebidanan malang)
Belinda Stella M. (Keperawatan Malang)

Sie Perlengkapan : Co. Andiawan Desfin A. (Keperawatan Malang)

Etis Havivaatul (Kebidanan Malang)
Mahfud Ardiansyah (KeperawatanMalang)
Lilo Baihaqi (KeperawatanBlitar)
Fahmi Faiz R. (Keperawatan Malang)
Ni Made Ema Kartini (Kebidanan Jember)
Riki Adi Firman (Keperawatan Lawang)
Bima Aminul Karim (Keperawatan Malang)
Nova Dwi Cahyaningsih (PMIK)
Bahrudin (KeperawatanLawang)
Alfian Muhamad (Keperawatan Malang)
Eka Kusumawati (Kebidanan Kediri)
Sie Dekdok : Co. M.Ilham Santoso (Keperawatan Malang)
Ikrar Mahardhika Pratiwi (KeperawatanLawang)
Ummul Miftah (Kebidanan Kediri)
Imas Fideli (Kebidanan Malang)
Yasenia Laksmi (Keperawatan Lawang)
Diah Evita Alfiyana (Kebidanan Jember)
Sri utami (Keperawatan Blitar)

Sie Danus : Co. Dara Aza S. (Keperawatan Malang)

Maya Dwi Eri Setya M. (Kebidanan Malang)
Lazuardi Asrullah (Keperawatan Malang)
Aliqul Safik (Keperawatan Malang)



Hari / Waktu Kegiatan Penanggungjawab Tempat

Jumat, 1 05.00-06.00 Breafing & persiapan Panitia Ketua Pelaksana basecam
Mei 2015 p
06.00-07.30 Registrasi Penanggungjawab registrasi Audit

07.30-08.00 Hiburan dan menyanyikan MC Audit

lagu Indonesia Raya,Hymne
dan Mars Poltekkes
Kemenkes Malang
08.00-08.10 Sambutan Ketua Pelaksana Penanggungjawab dosen Audit
08.10-08.20 Sambutan Direktur dan Penanggungjawab dosen Audit
08.20-08.25 Doa penutup

08.25-08.30 Persiapan peserta Penanggungjawab ruangan Ruangan

08.30-09.30 DEBAT RONDE 1 SESI 1

A vs B Ruang 1
C vs D Penanggungjawab ruangan Ruang 2
E vs F Ruang 3
09.30-10.30 DEBAT RONDE 1 SESI 2

G vs H Ruang 1
I vs J Penanggungjawab ruangan Ruang 2
K vs L Ruang 3
10.30-13.00 ISHOMA Sie Konsumsi Basecam
13.00-14.00 DEBAT RONDE 1 SESI 3

M vs N Penanggungjawab ruangan Ruang 1

Oratory Speaking Tahap 1 Ruang 2
Story Telling Tahap 1 Penanggungjawab ruangan Ruang 3
TV Broadcaster D-IV
14.00-14.15 Pengumuman pemenang Penanggungjawab ruangan Audit
lomba debat dan speech tahap
14.15-15.30 ISHOMA Sie Konsumsi Basecam
15.30-16.30 DEBAT RONDE 2 SESI 1

Grup 1 vs Grup 2 Ruang 1

Grup 3 vs Grup 4 Ruang 2
Grup 5 vs Grup 6 Penanggungjawab ruangan Ruang 3
16.30-17.30 DEBAT RONDE 2 SESI 2

Grup 7 vs Grup 8 Penanggungjawab ruangan Ruang 1

17.30-18.00 Pengumuman pemenang Penanggungjawab dosen Audit
debat tahap 2

Nb : Final speech, semifinal dan final debat dilakukan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 2 Mei

Hari / Waktu Kegiatan Penanggungjawab Tempat

Sabtu, 2 06.00-07.00 Breafing & persiapan Ketua Pelaksana basecamp
Mei 2015
07.00-08.00 Registrasi Penanggungjawab Audit
08.00-09.00 DEBAT RONDE 3 Penanggungjawab Ruang 1
Grup 1 vs grup 2 ruangan
Grup 3 vs grup 4
09.00-09.15 Pengumuman pemenang Penanggungjawab Audit
debat ronde 3 ruangan
09.15-10.00 Persiapan peserta final

10.00-10.30 Final oratory speaking

10.30-11.00 Final TV Broadcaster Penanggungjawab Audit
11.00-12.00 Final debat contest ruangan

12.00-13.00 Ishoma Sie Konsumsi Basecamp

13.00-13.30 Hiburan Audit
Pengumuman Pemenang Penanggungjawab
13.30-14.30 Audit
PEC dan Mawapres 2015 Ruangan

14.30-14.45 Penutup Direktur Penanggungjawab Dosen Audit

Do’a dan Hiburan Akhir Penanggung Jawab

14.45-16.00 Audit
Acara Ruangan

Hari, Tanggal Waktu Kegiatan Penanggung Tempat

Breafing & persiapan
05.00-06.00 CO. Acara Basecamp
06.00-07.30 Registrasi Audit
Pembukaan, hiburan,
menyanyikan lagu
07.30-08.00 Indonesia Raya, Hymne Audit
dan Mars Poltekkes
Kemenkes Malang
Sambutan Ketua Penanggungjawab
08.00-08.10 Audit
Pelaksana dosen
08.10-08.20 Sambutan Direktur Audit
Jumat, 1 Mei dosen
2015 Penanggungjawab
08.20-08.25 Doa penutup Audit
Penanggungjawab Ruangan
08.25-08.30 Persiapan Peserta
ruangan masing-masing
Tes Wawancara
Ruang Kelas
Kepribadian dan Penanggungjawab
08.30-10.30 Gizi 1A dan
Penyampaian Karya Ruangan
Tulis Bahasa Indonesia
10.35-13.00 Ishoma (Sholat Jumat) Sie Konsumsi Basecamp
Tes Wawancara
Kepribadian dan Penanggungjawab Ruang Kelas
Penyampaian Karya Ruangan Gizi IA dan IB
Tulis Bahasa Indonesia
Breafing & persiapan
06.00-07.00 Sie acara Basecamp
07.00-08.00 Registrasi Audit
Penyampaian Ringkasan
08.00-11.45 Karya Tulis Berbahasa Audit
Ishoma dan Persiapan
Sabtu, 2 Mei 11.45-13.00 Sie Konsumsi Basecamp
13.00-13.30 Hiburan Audit
Pengumuman Pemenang Penanggungjawab
13.30-14.30 Audit
PEC dan Mawapres 2015 Ruangan
14.30-14.45 Penutup Direktur Audit
14.45-16.00 Hiburan Akhir Acara Audit
Jawab Ruangan

Dana Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang(PEC, MAWAPRES) :Rp50,500,000

Pengeluaran :Rp36,744,000

No Barang Volume Jumlah

1 Atk dan bahan cetak
Kertas a4 80 gram 4 rim @35,000 Rp 140,000
Tintahitam 3 pack @125,000 Rp 375,000
Tintaberwarna 3 pack @130,000 Rp 390,000
Spidol board marker 2 pack @70,000 Rp 140,000
Bolpoin standart 7 pack @15,000 Rp 105,000
Selotipbesar 2 buah @10,000 Rp 20,000
Isi steples kecil 8 pack @2,000 Rp 16,000
Map kertas 12 buah @4,000 Rp 48,000
Amplop sedang polos 4 pack @20,000 Rp 80,000
Amplop besar coklat 10 buah @5,000 Rp 50,000
Sertifikat PEC 143 buah@7,000 Rp 1,001,000
Piagam PEC 16 buah @7,000 Rp 112,000
Sertifikat MAWAPRES 20 buah @7,000 Rp 140,000
Piagam MAWAPRES 3 buah @7,000 Rp 21,000
ID card PEC dan MAWAPRES 134 buah @9,000 Rp 1,206,000
Blocknote sedang PEC dan 150 buah @7,000 Rp 1,050,000
Poster 32 buah @6,000 Rp 192,000
Banner (1,5mx60cm) 20 buah @30,000 Rp 600,000
Banner (Backdrop) 6x4m 1 buah @300,000 Rp 300,000
Banner (Wall of frame) 3x4m 1 buah @180,000 Rp 180,000
Banner selamat dating PEC dan 1 buah @200,000 Rp 200,000
Tropi juara 1 MAWAPRES 1 buah @200,000 Rp 200,000
Tropi juara 2 MAWAPRES 1 buah @175,000 Rp 175,000
Tropi juara 3 MAWAPRES 1 buah @150,000 Rp 150,000
Tropi juara 1 PEC (debate + 4 buah @200,000 Rp 800,000
Tropi Juara 2 PEC (debate + 4 buah @175,000 Rp 700,000
Tropi juara 3 PEC (speech) 3 buah @150,000 Rp 450,000
Tropi bergilir PEC dan 1 buah @400,000 Rp 400,000
Sterofom timbul 14 buah @50,000 Rp 600,000
2 Dokumentasi
Baterai dan cetak PEC dan 2 kegiatan @400,000 Rp 800,000
3 Konsumsi
PEC : peserta 84 orang, 6 kali @13,000 Rp 6,552,000
Tamu undangan 6dan 9 juri, 6 @20,000 Rp 1,800,000
kali makan
Snack 98 orang 2 kali makan @5,000 Rp 980,000
Coffee break Rp 527,000
Rp 9,859,000
MAWAPRES : pesertadan @13,000 Rp 4992,000
panitia 64 orang, 6 kali makan
Dosen pendamping 20 dan 6 @20,000 Rp 3,120,000
juri, 6 kali makan
Snack 90 orang 2 kali makan @5,000 Rp 900,000
Coffee break Rp 527,000
Rp 9,539,000
4 Belanja bahan profesi
Honor dewan juri 3 orang @500,000 Rp 1,500,000
5 Transportasi
PEC Kampus Blitar 10 orang @75,000 Rp 750,000
Kampus Jember 16 orang @110,000 Rp 1,760,000
Kampus Lawang 18 orang @30,000 Rp 540,000
Kampus Kediri 16 orang @100,000 Rp 1,600,000
Rp 4,650,000
MAWAPRES Kampus Blitar 1 orang @75,000 Rp 75,000
Kampus Jember 2 orang @110,000 Rp 220,000
Kampus Lawang 2 orang @30,000 Rp 60,000
Kampus Kediri 2 orang @100,000 Rp 200,000
Rp 555,000

Total Rp 36,744,000


Aldea Zulfa Naulya



Nama :
Tempat tanggal lahir :
Alamat yang dapat dihubungi :
No. Handphone :
Tingkat :
Asal prodi :
Jenis Kelamin :P/L
Nb :
 Coret yang tidak perlu
 Fotocopy Kartu Mahasiswa / KTP 1x

Hormat saya,

( )

Nama :
Tempattanggallahir :
Alamat yang dapat dihubungi :
No. Handphone :
Tingkat :
Asal prodi :
Jenis Kelamin :P/L
Nb :
 Coret yang tidak perlu
 Fotocopy Kartu Mahasiswa / KTP 1x

Hormat saya,

( )
Formulir Pendaftaran Peserta
Pemilihan Mawapres POLKESMA

1.Judul Karya Ilmiah

2.Nama Lengkap
4.Jenis Kelamin
5.Tempat/Tanggal Lahir
6.Alamat Lengkap
7.Telepon Rumah
11.Jenjang Diploma
12.Program Studi
15.Perguruan Tinggi

.......................... ,..........................2015

Ketua Program Studi Calon Peserta,

(................................) (................................................)


buat dengan sebenarnya. Syukur kepada Tuhan Maha Esa atas rahmat, ridho dan
pertolongan-Nya kepada kami, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan proposal ini.

Ketua Pelaksana Sekretaris

Taufiq Fadhlurrohman Efina Amanda

NIM.1401100023 NIM.1403000020
Debat Motion

Real action of platinum generation for realizing Millenium Development Goals.

1. THW allow doctors to actively lie to their patients in order to create or augment a
placebo effect. (Improve maternal health)
2. THW rise parents knowledge about children nutrition to avoid malnutrition (Reduce
child mortality)
3. THW abolish all limits on immigration. (Develop a global partnership for
4. This house believes that Obama should close the Guantanamo Camp immediately.
(Develop a global partnership for development)
5. This house believes that CAFTA has failed the developing countries in Southeast
Asia. (Develop a global partnership for development)
6. THW ban sending Indonesian labors to overseas (Develop a global partnership for
7. THW support the policy from the government to punish people giving money to
street beggars (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger)
8. This house believes that it is time to close the borders to economic migrants
(Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger)
9. That we should restrict vehicle access to the city (Ensure environmental
10. THBT WHO has been successful to raid HIV/AIDS (Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria
and other diseases)
1. A Director appointed by the organization conducting any debating tournament
shallprescribe the resolutions, schedules, composition of teams, speaking times, and
ProceduralRegulations for the tournament and where any dispute arises regarding
the interpretation ofthe rules or regulations, his or her decision on the matter shall
be final. All unilingualtournament debates shall be governed by these General
Rules, the rules for the specificstyle of debating involved, and the Procedural
Regulations prescribed for the tournament bythe Director.
2. The topic of every debate (the "resolution" or "proposition") shall be worded in a
positivemanner. Resolutions may range from propositions of policy (that is, ones
proposing acourse of action) to statements of fact, value, prediction, explanation or
interpretation. Onlyresolutions for Parliamentary style debates are required to be
propositions of policy.
3. A moderator shall preside over every debate, and wherever possible, shall not also
judge orkeep time. His or her role is merely to maintain order and enforce the rules:
he or sheshould not take an active part in the debate unless this is necessary to
protect the rights of aparticipant. Decisions of moderators are final and cannot be
appealed; debaters shall acceptsuch rulings without question and should always
obey the proper orders of a moderator. TheDirector may appoint a Head Judge to
assist the moderator.
4. Every debate shall involve two opposing teams: an affirmative side that supports
theresolution and a negative team which contests its validity or proposes an
alternative solutionto the problem involved. The moderator shall sit between the
teams, with the affirmative sideseated to his or her right as he or she faces them.
5. In every debate, each team shall have an equal amount of speaking time, and in
everydebate in which individual debaters are competing for prizes or ranking, each
student shallhave an equal amount of speaking time.
6. A timekeeper shall be present at each debate: his or her function is to time all
speeches,indicate to debaters during their addresses how much speaking time they
have remaining,and allow extra time for interruptions. When a debater has
exhausted his or her speakingtime and a 15-second period of grace (if applicable),
the moderator shall require the debaterto terminate his or her speech.
7. Debates should be judged by a minimum of three adjudicators, none of whom is
known tobe biased against any team. Judges should sit apart at several different
locations in thedebate room and should not confer before scoring the contest.
8. Debates should be judged objectively (that is, on the speeches of the debaters as
opposedto the previous knowledge, personal opinions, or prejudices of judges).
9. Except in championship or impromptu rounds, debaters shall argue both sides of
aresolution an equal number of times in the same style of debate.
10. Debating shall be continuous unless the schedule includes an intermission before
officialrebuttals begin. Moderators may pause briefly between speeches to give
judges anopportunity to make notes and keep their scoring current; however, in
Cross-Examinationdebate, there shall be no pause between a constructive speech
and the subsequent crossexamination.
11. It is impossible for there to be a tie in debating: the side bearing the onus of
persuasionmust discharge that burden or lose. Except when the negative introduces
a Counter-Plan,the onus of persuasion lies upon the affirmative team. In the case of
a Counter-Plan, theburden shifts: the negative assumes the onus of persuasion and
so must discharge it orlose.Except in Cross-Examination style, in any prepared
debate on a proposition of policy, theaffirmative team must propose a Plan which
would produce a significant change from thestatus quo. A Plan or Counter-Plan
must at least be outlined during the first speech of theteam proposing it and be
completely described before the team’s last constructive speech.A Plan or Counter-
Plan may be introduced informally (that is, it requires no formal motion
ofamendment or seconder); it must be shown to be feasible but not necessarily legal
orconstitutional.A Counter-Plan may be proposed only if the affirmative has already
introduced a Plan. ACounter-Plan must be proven to be an alternative solution to the
problem addressed by theresolution, significantly different from the affirmative
proposal, a significant change from thestatus quo, and demonstrably more desirable
than the affirmative Plan.
12. Except in a mock trial involving a criminal charge (in which case the accused is
innocentuntil proven guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt"), the standard of proof
required to dischargethe onus of persuasion is "on the balance of probabilities" (that
is, such a case as wouldconvince a reasonable person that the resolution is more
likely to be true than false). Exceptin the case of an absolute resolution, the team
bearing the burden of proof must prove onlythat the resolution is true in the majority
of cases or as a general proposition.
13. Debaters should always conduct themselves with dignity and be courteous towards
otherdebaters and officials. Debaters must not disrupt an opponent's speech by any
interruptionsor distractions (such as loud whispering, shuffling of shoes, rustling of
papers, grimacing,affected laughter, etc.).
14. Debaters may introduce any visual aids or other real evidence they desire during a
debate,but such evidence is thereafter available for use by their opponents.
15. Debaters may not make personal comments about other debaters; otherwise, they
mayspeak on any topics they like, provided that they do not offend any Canadian
laws, includingthose against obscenity, blasphemy, sedition, defamation and
contempt of court. Theyshould, however, confine their remarks to the resolution
being debated, any Counter-Plan,and the speeches of other debaters since the judges
will reject any comments not relevantto the debate. While judges must consider all
contentions advanced by debaters, they maysummarily dismiss unsubstantiated
assertions or purely emotional appeals. Though allarguments introduced stand until
proven wrong, it is up to the judges to decide how muchweight they carry. If one
team has posed a serious question relevant to the debate and theother side has
neither satisfactorily answered the query nor justified its failure to do so, thepoint in
issue may be considered to have been won by the side which asked the question.
16. Except for reasonable role-playing purposes and imagination in impromptu debates,
allassertions of fact by debaters must be accurate and debaters must be prepared to
citespecific authority (publication, page, author, date, etc.) for all such assertions
immediatelyupon being challenged to do so. The actual publication need not be
produced or screened inadvance of the debate by the moderator. Judges will
penalize debaters severely for usinginaccurate evidence and, if a judge is certain
that a debater has deliberately fabricated orfalsified evidence, he or she should
report this to the Director as quickly as possible. Thepenalty for fabrication or
falsification of evidence is disqualification from eligibility to win anyprize or
distinction during the tournament.
17. Definition of the terms of the resolution must not produce a truism or a tautology or
deletean absolute term. When a negative team challenges affirmative definitions on
the basis thatthey reduce the resolution to a truism or tautology, the negative must
propose alternativedefinitions that it considers reasonable during its first speech. An
affirmative team accusedof defining a truism or tautology may wait until its final
rebuttal speech to show how itsdefinitions are not truistic or tautological. A
resolution may be defined by paraphrase orinterpreted with formal
definitions.Defining the terms of a resolution is the prerogative and responsibility of
the affirmativeteam: if it fails to do so expressly or by clear implication during its
first speech, it mustaccept any reasonable definitions proposed by the negative team
during its first address.A team which considers the other team's definitions
unreasonable must challenge them inits speech immediately following the
introduction of those definitions; otherwise it is deemedto accept the other team's
interpretation of the resolution. If the first or second speakers forboth sides fail to
define the terms, the foregoing rules apply to each succeeding pair ofspeakers.
When definitions are disputed for the entire debate, judges will accept
theinterpretation of the resolution best supported by reasoning and evidence. If there
is noother clash between affirmative and negative cases, the debate must be decided
solely onthe issue of the interpretation of terms.“Squirrelling” is the tactic employed
by a debater to define the terms of the resolution, topicor question in an abstruse
fashion inconsistent and disassociated with usual definitions.Squirrelling is not
permitted in prepared rounds. Squirrelling is permitted but not required
inimpromptu rounds on condition that clear links be made between the resolution
and thecase offered by the affirmative. In an impromptu debate, the affirmative
team must providethe negative team with its definitions at least ten minutes before
the debate begins.
18. Place-setting and time-setting are not permitted. Place-setting is the setting of a
debate ofgeneral application in a particular place. Time-setting is the setting of a
debate of generalapplication in a particular time, past or future. Unless otherwise
specified by the Director, theplace shall be deemed to be where the debate is being
held and the time shall be deemedto be the present.
19. Debaters have a duty to clash and judges should severely penalize those who
present onlycanned cases. While "rebuttal" is sometimes used to mean only attack
on opposingarguments and evidence and "refutation" to refer only to defence of
one's own argumentsand evidence, in these rules "rebuttal" is used in a wider sense
which includes "refutation".Rebuttal is not restricted to the official rebuttal periods:
debaters may attack their opponents'arguments or evidence anytime during their
speeches. During a final affirmative officialrebuttal, however, no new constructive
argument or evidence may be introduced.In the Cambridge format of rebuttal, each
debater delivers a constructive address and lateran official rebuttal whereas in the
Oxford format, only the first affirmative debater delivers anofficial rebuttal and all
other debaters must incorporate their rebuttal into their speeches.While either
format may be used in any style of debate, it is traditional in Parliamentary styleto
employ the Oxford format.
20. Only debaters and officials may speak during a contest. If able, debaters shall stand
todeliver all speeches, including asking and answering questions in Cross-
Examinationdebate and raising Points of Information in Worlds style Academic
debate. Heckling,however, is done without standing.
21. Debaters must not read their speeches, though they may make reasonable reference
tonotes or read verbatim quotations. Judges shall penalize debaters for excessive
reading ormemorization which results in stilted or unnatural delivery.
22. Debaters must not be coached during a debate. Debaters may not communicate with
orprompt a colleague who is speaking, nor shall such a speaker consult them for
assistance.Debaters shall prepare for impromptu topics without assistance from
coaches and shall dotheir own research for prepared topic debates. No laptop
computers are allowed during anydebates except in the case of a debater with a
physical disability. The only researchmaterials permitted in an impromptu debate
are a dictionary, thesaurus and collection ofquotations.
23. Debaters should not unnecessarily repeat arguments or evidence. A debater may
introduceand review his or her important points with impunity, however, since this
repetition canprovide emphasis and clarity.
24. Throughout these Rules, the singular shall be construed to include and be read in the
pluralwhenever appropriate.
Code of Conduct (Excerpt from the Policy and Rules Manual)
Preamble: Coaches need to familiarize themselves with this code as well as the rules in the
POLICY ANDRULES MANUAL and formally inform their debaters, parents, and
supporters about these ethics and rulesprior to competition each school year.
a. All participants should be dressed in appropriate attire.
b. Participants shall be courteous and friendly to other competitors, judges,
organizers andguests.
c. Participants shall use language conducive to proper public speaking
decorum. Profanity isunacceptable.
d. In the event of a complaint, all participants must bring the issue to their
coaches only, whowill then approach the tournament organizer on their
behalf. Complaints must be lodgedimmediately following a round of debate
or speech.
e. Participants shall not argue with the judge or their opponents about the
conduct or theresult of the speech or debate. Participants shall not dispute
the result of a debate or speechround in the presence of the judge(s).
f. The Association does not approve of the use of any illicit drugs or the
consumption ofalcohol at Association sponsored events

a. Debaters shall not seek to influence the judge by means other than evidence
andargumentation during the debate.
b. Debaters shall not listen to teams debating that they might meet on the same
topic at a latertime and thereby gain a competitive advantage. Coaches may,
however, observe their ownteams.
c. Use of audio or visual equipment for the purpose of recording a debate may
be done withthe prior consent of both teams, their parents, and the organizer
of the event.
d. A team shall not seek or provide second-hand information regarding the
cases of potentialopponentsand not personalities. research done prior to the
e. Debaters shall not breach normal courtesy by interruption, heckling,
grimacing orwhispering loudly while an opponent is speaking. Heckling, in
an appropriate manner, inthe case of Parliamentary style debating is
f. Debaters shall not, either by word or action, seek to belittle their opponents.
Debates mustbe a clash of issues and not personalities.
g. Competing teams must not collude to affect the debate in any way.
h. Debaters must respect the personal physical space of an opponent. (Do not
invade anopponent’s space.)
i. In an Impromptu style debate, debaters must define definitions in the spirit
of debate. Inother words, they must be defined fairly and allow for debate on
both sides of theresolution.
j. Students may not use electronic media such as computers, palm pads, cell
phones, or anycommunication technology during a round of debate. Debaters
must be able to compete ontheir own merit and the strength of their
k. A debater shall be discouraged from passing notes/cards to his/her partner
when one ofthem has the floor, either from the constructive speech or the
cross-examination. Debatersare judged on individual skills.Debaters shall
not, either by word or action, seek to belittle their opponents. Debates must
be a clash ofissues.

Any conduct not in accordance with these codes will be grounds for disqualification in
a tournament, and may include banning participants from present/future ADSA
Matters may be referred back to school based administrators.
a. All ADSA clubs must be organized under a teacher advisor.
b. According to the School Act, as well as School Liability, a Teacher
Representative/Coach mustbe present at all ADSA events that their students
participate in. If a TeacherRepresentative/Coach is not present then the
school members cannot participate. If a school isnot allowed to participate
because of the absence of a teacher coach, that school will forfeit itsright to a
refund of tournament fees.
c. In the spirit of cooperation, coaches shall actively encourage the sharing of
resource materialsavailable from public libraries and other public resource
centers between teams within theirown school.
d. Coaches must demonstrate qualities of courtesy and good sportsmanship.
These are evidencedby proper acceptance of officials’ judgement, positive
encouragement of student performanceand polite interaction with
tournament organizers in the event of a complaint.
e. Coaches will support the volunteer efforts of fellow coaches and judges, and
will encouragetheir debaters to do so as well.
f. The Coach/Teacher, as a representative of the school, is responsible for the
conduct of allpersonnel composing the school’s team (participants, and
spectators from their school).Coaches will also encourage responsible
behavior from the parents. Coaches/Teachers shallmake an attempt to
control any negative situation, before it becomes an issue for thetournament
g. When organizing tournaments, organizers should make an effort to ensure
that students fromthe same school can avoid debating each other when
possible and that all debate teams from aschool will have a fairly even split
of affirmative and negative debates. Coaches should try toassign a bye to the
school with the most teams at a tournament.
h. Coaches will not scout out teams.
Any conduct not in accordance with these codes shall be grounds for the ADSA to
notify theSchool’s Administration. If behavior does not change, the ADSA will hold
the right to bancoaches/teachers from attending present/future ADSA activities.
a. Parents and spectators, both student and adult, will demonstrate courtesy and
goodsportsmanship by positive encouragement (before and after a debate)
for their team/children.
b. Parents and spectators will demonstrate respect towards opponents, coaches,
judges andtournament organizers.
c. In the event of a complaint, parents and spectators are only permitted to
approach theirteam/child’s coach, who will then approach the tournament
organizer (in that order). Parents,spectators and coaches will not approach
opposing teams, coaches or judges after a debate hasbeen completed, unless
to communicate their appreciation to the volunteers for their efforts.
d. Parents will encourage their child to follow the rules of debate.
e. Parents will not scout out teams.
f. Parents and spectators will act in a supportive manner towards all volunteer
personnel, whohelp in the development of all participant’s skills, and
encourage the promotion and growth ofthe ADSA.

Any conduct that is not in accordance with this code, shall be as grounds for ejection
from atournament, and may include suspension of participation in ADSA
tournaments or interactionswith the ADSA volunteers and participants.

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