Anda di halaman 1dari 4

Nama Manfaat Cara membuat Cara pakai

Kemiri menumbuhkan - ½ sendok minyak Oleskan ke

rambut cengkeh, seluruh
- 1 sendok minyak rambut
kelapa, hingga merata
- 1 buah biji kemiri. dan diamkan
selama 15
- Setelah itu ambil menit,
biji kemiri kemudian kemudian
bakar dan tumbuk bilas hingga
hingga halus. bersih.
- Campurkan
biji kemiri dengan min
cengkeh dan minyak
kelapa (virgin coconut
oil), lalu aduk hingga
Jahe mengatasi rambut - 1 sendok Gosokkan
rontok makan jahe yang campuran
sudah diparut bahan
- 1 sendok tersebut di
makan minyak zaitun. kulit kepala
dan diamkan
selama 30
- Kemudian campurkan menit atau
kedua bahan tersebut tunggu hingga
dan aduk hingga rata. merasa
Lalu bilas
hingga bersih.

Kayu menyuburkan dan - 1 buah kayu oleskan di

Manis melebatkan manis bubuk rambut
rambut - 2 sendok minyak hingga
sawit. merata.
- Campurkan kedua
bahan tersebut Diamkan
selama 30
menit dan
air hingga
Bawang asam amino - 1/4 sendok teh balurkan ke
putih cycteine, bisa bawang putih bubuk kulit kepala
memperkuat - 2 ons minyak zaitun dan pijat-pijat
akar-akar rambut atau kelapa. ringan.
agar tidak mudah - Panaskan campuran Diamkan
patah ataupun tersebut dalam selama 20
rontok. microwave selama 30 menit sebelum
Menstimulasi detik, dibilas.
Rosemary– Stimulates circulation to the scalp, promoting healthy hair growth.

Lavender – Balances oil production and soothes the scalp (great for before bed!)

Sage- Relieves dry, itchy scalp and dandruff. Can gradually darken the hair.

Horsetail– Strengthens hair and reduces breakage during hair growth.

Calendula- Soothes scalp conditions and great for dry hair.

Peppermint- Helps calm an inflamed scalp. Stimulates blood flow to the scalp.

Thyme- Balances oily hair and has antiseptic and antifungal properties that soothe the scalp.

Parsley– Helps to add shine and luster to the hair

Chamomile – Great for blonde hair since it will bring out highlights. And a little FYI If you don’t
have chamomile flowers, you can use Chamomile tea. And this goes for all the herbs.

Bulgarian Rose- Helps relieve scalp conditions (you can use something like Rose Nectar)


 Place the herbs of your choice in a glass mason jar or container
 Fill the jar up with raw organic apple cider vinegar, making sure the herbs are fully covered
 Cover and allow herbal vinegar to steep for at least two weeks

How to use: Add a few tablespoons of herbal vinegar into a large glass or bowl and dilute it with
water. I bring the bowl (with the herbal vinegar) into the shower and fill it up with the shower water.
Then I dip my ends into the rinse and let it soak in for about 30-60 seconds. I then dump the excess
over my scalp/hair and leave it in for 1-2 minutes. You can leave it in or rinse it out. I use these rinses
around once a week.

* How much herbal vinegar you’ll need depends on how much hair you have and the length of your
hair. If you have short hair you might only need 2 Tbs, if you have long hair you may need 4 + Tbs.
Experiment and find the dilution that works best for the length and thickness of your hair! I have thick
waist length hair and use 4-5 TBS.

* I store mine in the fridge to keep it fresh. It should keep for a year if stored properly.


 pour boiling water over a handful of the herbs of your choice
 let the herbs steep for at least 20-30 minutes. (You’re basically brewing a strong bowl of tea).
 Once the herbal rinse has cooled down to room temperature, strain the herbs.
 Optional: You can also add in a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

How to use: Once cooled, it’s ready to use on your hair/scalp. Simply dump over your head from
scalp to ends (after shampooing/conditioning). Leave on for a few minutes and then leave in or rinse
out. Use your herbal rinses as often as necessary.

* I get 1-2 uses out of a batch. If you have some left over, you can store it in the fridge for a couple
days and use next time you wash your hair.

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