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DlD 15,~IN.

6 APRIL 2020 -- -
Bahasa Melayu - Pemahaman lllDDll)IK

Edisi Ulang Kaji

Latihan 1 Latihan 5 Latiban7
Garisl jaW<lpan yang p.llng s<sual bogI oyar di baM.<1h. Pillh perkoraon )'11119 p.llng HSUII unruk di/sl pado 1,mpor kostH1g Do<a p,r/laJn ucopon df bawoh, umudlon jowab soalon -soolan
dalam p,tikan )'0"9 diberi. }'Ong berikutn)'O.
Oithl Salful benJol aklbot (1tthan1uk, 1erk<-1uk, tttlanggar)
pada bucu meJa. olch sobab iamboh.ln walau AsAlamual.alkum dan scl1mai sejahtera. Yang dlhormatl TuM1
lru krmudlan bog.itmanapun Ptn#rusf Majlls, Tuan Guru ~ , guru-guru dan lbu .,..,.
1 Murid-murld berilaar tidak melakukan perbumn yang sckilian. Saya benyukur kep..ia Tunan krrana dapal bemmu
malahan secm.1snya stl.llnitu aparah lagl Llsl pada Mesyuarat Agung fllHG kall ke- 18. K,hodlron lllu bapa
alc.ln(merempuh, m"""""4t, mel.lnggar) peraturan sekolah. poda kall lnl omar membonggol:an. Hal Int menunjukkan balYwa
ibu ~ telah fah.>m t< perltmya hubungan rapat don~
3 lbu Kartlnl (kunJung, delat, tt.dlr) kr maJlls lru dengan Pokok kelapa d~l•r seb.lgal pokok sem. guna. Air krlapa pihak sekolah. Saya berharap agar jumlah kehadiran tuan puan
memakai kebaya berwama jingga. memang enak climinum, _ _ _(t )_ _ _ ketika cuaca akan menlngkal pada masa-masa al<an datang.
panas. _ _ _(1)~ air kelapa dapat dijadikan penawar Di sini, saya ingin mengambll kesempatan unruk
, Saya sekeluarga sering kr Pulau Tloman untuk (mmikmad, penyaklt sepertl demam pana; dan demam campak. Batang mengucaplcan nblmn terima kasih k,pada Guru Besar dan guru-
rncrasai, merenW1gi) pantai. kelapa sungguh kuaL _ _(J)~ krlapa boleh guru sekolah ini kerana teli,h berusaha dengan gil!ih tmtuk
mendldik anak-anak kaml. Kejayaan yang dlcapal oleh murld-
dlJadlkan tit! untuk menyeberang. Daun krlapa dapat dlrau1. murid sekoL>h lnl dalam semua bldang •m•tlah membanggakan.
_ _ _1')_ _ _ Udinya diambil tmtuk dibuat penyapu. Say.I m<nyarankan agar ibu bopa Janganlah mtltitalkbn
Latlhan2 _ _ _(s)_ _ _ buah, s.ibul dan lempurung kelapa banyak oeluruh tanggungjawab mendidik anak-anak klta kepada guru
Juga gunanya. Bolehkah kamu nyatakan krgunoan bo.uh, sabul Sttnata•mata. Banyak perkara yang dapat ldta bull untuk
l'<rtoloon b<rgorl1 dolom Cl)'Ot• CJ)'QI di bow<lh sallh peno9-ll)'O, dan tempurung kel.lpa? nwtinpnkan bebanan mereka. Mlsalnya, ldta bol•h membantu
Tulis perkaroan yang berul podo ruong yang dlsediokan. m<ncerl•kan sekolah. suasana p<'fsekltaran sekolah yang
m,narilt member! rangsanpn dan ktsolesaan tc,pada
Program keus.,h.>wanan yang dlrancang llu diod.ak.ln Latihan 6 murid-murld untuk belajar. (ll,h iru, ma....lah ponteng selcolah
dapat dlkuranglmn. Kos dan krrjo-lo,rja mencerlakan loowoson
p;,da curl selwlah nantL
Tulis apt alttil )'009 poling wuoi bogi Cl)'Ot prulf yang selcolah lnl nantl akan dlblayal olell plhak PIBG.
1.antaran itu, saya m,rayu k,pada ibu bapa supaya
diberi. memurnban2kan sedikit tenaga clan wang riniatit demi ktbaikiui
2 Abang menutup pintu rumah sam.bil menguncinya. sel<ol.,i,. Adalah mustahll bog! ldta untuk inen<fai,atkan hasj) yang
Ayat paslf: cw ltu dltumbuk oleh kakak sehingga hancur. bail< tanpa membuat sedllcit pengomanan. Harapan saya ~ ha1
ini mmdapat sambutan yang~ daripada semua pihak.
3 Haji Dall<I menerima ucapan tahniah oJ.eb penduduk Ayat aktif:
kampung selepas t"]lillh sebagal ketua kampung mtteka. Soldan, terima kasih.
Ranglml kata k,hadlran lbu bapa pada kall Inf omot
~mban!lllakan mttnbawa maksud _ _ _ _ _ __
4 K.tml sekeluarg;i sedil)C bucutl di Kundasang, s.bah pada l Tulis dlalog)'llll9 kSU<JI ba9I watak di bawoh lnl.
1 Krcerlaan stkolah perlu dfpenlngkatkan supaya _ __

3 Pffibah.>sa yani sesuai unruk rangkal kata "AdaJah
Tondalam (.,/) bogipmilf,ilill)'fflgberul berdosorbm O)QI di bawal,. mustahil bagi klta untuk mmdapatkan basil yang balk
tanpa membuatsedildr pengo,bman" lalah _ _ __
Pihak keluarga Jelaki perlu menyediakan _ _ __
dncin kepada krluarg;, pmmpuan sebagal llll1da ptt1ll'l,Ulpl.
4 Hmpan orang yang berucap dalam pet.lkan Int lalah _
5"11tas □ seurat D sebmtuk D
1 Etnak membua1 _ _ _ _ lkan bills kog,,maran kaml
Hkelu•rg• ~t'l>Ag•I hldang•n mlnum Jllllang. Jawapan
agar-agar O Jempul-Jttnput O ole-ole 0 Soalon )'Oll9 berilcur budascrkan gombar di bawoh. ·q•10>J..
3 Rlhsla yang dlsimpaMya _ __ _ akan torbongkar
UH"""f Ul!'ll4•pu(!uaw
.,,,... ewrs,oq 4e1n1,acl
•~=ias ·s
juga. edrq nq1 If 11•1o,ps n11 qeqos 'PtO 1
tm(Jrq.>~ ~•1un 113:lup All Ujf1;1S 1:
lama-lama D lambat- laun D turun-temurun D 2tJeM. uep deua1 'esew !Seiqe,edr ..
pas p•p 8ueqwn~uaw S""'llJ!'l
4 Semalam ayah mttnbeli se_ _ _ _ mata can;kul dan lf'l"l'acl edeq nqi
beberapa _ _ _ _ paku. // VJOltas ~•qJd ueSuap est!ll,... '7
1ede, Sud uellunqnq s-1
biWl, batang O batang, bilah O laras, puruk 0 1.Aundwaw •t•acl edeq ncu •7 UeJ"""'!- 1:
'Uf1P""'"'I Jueuas-su,ua,wq )IOS> ·t
'nlf"l'P qesns-qtmwq 1 '""IPl'l
Latlhan4 ·nl•t"'l ~niun
Nyaral<an maksud ptribahau yang 5tSUal berdasarkan l'Sata5 41'1•1 ,efe1..i eJed ,: 8Ul!ll!q 'llfflQ -,
PodonltJJn porkataan yq lnllll berdawlum ayar )'Ongdib,riltJJn.
gambardlius. -.clrq nq1 UOJJP•4"'1 uneJ-lrqulfl 1
'll'IW"I U!Suap ellSueqJiKJ 1 1ndwaf-1ndwaj ,:
Polumba kereta antarabmgsa ltu L Uf'IIPO') ~niuoqo, ·1
abn tiba di Lapangan Tffl>mg KU'1la • • besar- {....-,

Dalin Ruhaila berbelanja
4 Soalon )'Oll9 berilrut berdascrkan p,dkan. """"Ul!'llreil!UJUaW
pnu efSntrew 'iuepq
~wpewnewp•H ·7
epedµ!p 1
untuk menyambut • • esok Pak Lmtal mmiplllan ...... .,.. ....... Dia

"ll!f1eUiesRlPS2ffitlf llf'1 "t
menantu sulungnyo. UM& _.,,.. ltlpada fair lllllldll - onna 2<Jotoua<11-8uo1014•1'1
U"f' 'I
~ d a l m l ~ h l q ........ NiLllnal ,,_~, -µad pnSl(cyl 1
berslh dan Jcrnlh almya. • • sentiasa .._._penpbumllna,a.
lub ....... duailNCan.....,_ iuµall llurp.,t Su1A Ul!ltns
epu!llrq Uf>18ueua8uaw 11nu,nu.,w .,
4 Walaupun ayah sudah tua, du tufJ.,. e!Jnp WtJAWJilq RI>& 1: •1prq 1
slhat dan cerp,. • • merruing Nyatakan penbaha,a Ylll1g5l'SUAI bttdasarlcan pedkan di atas.
·,n.,.,,q el1Su1q., Jl'llllut'jOW "t
All RP lfllqWOU.,W ~"tl!lt 'I ~OIU\!qlOl 'I
9 u•q1111 llmlPf'I
llllll)ll)IK Bahasa Inggeris - Pemahaman

Revision Edition
Qufftions 1 to 5 Salina celebrated h,r twelfth birthday yesterday. She (luntion 21
Choose the best answer r.o compl,u the sentence. (1:21 her friends to the party, Her father ---1IJL_ up Wrltt a sultabl• response for each plcrur, Jn lhe space provi<hd.
the candles while her mother was busy (JLI the
1 The prlnce,,,,,,= = ="' over the throne when lhe king food and putting th•m on the tabl•. Then, h<r lrlends sang (a)
~ d away due to hHrt attack. the birthday song. All of her fri ends wore I h< colourlul party
A 1•kc C a.king
B look D takes hats. She received many _l.15)_ from h<r Ir lends. She was
very happy.
~ We must spend our money so that -will
have savings lor our rum re. 11 A Invite C Invited
A wise!~ C utravagantly B Invites D Inviting
B happ ly O spendthrlftly
13 A liglued C light
3 'Ille queen walked as last as she could _ _ _ >tunnel B lighting D lights
and escaped from the monster.
A across C through 14 A carry C carried
B against D with B carrying D carries

4 James visited his grandparents before going _ _ _ _• 15 A g:ndls C clothes

A nowhere C ilbrood B ndbags D presents
B Inside D ..,.rywhere Answer:
Q)lutlon116 10 10
5 some people think that the panda Is _ _ _ _ than Read tit« pauo9< below and an, ..,, tht question! that follow.
the parro1.
A cute C rnort curer In a foraway kingdom, there was a rlvu. This river wns
B C-UU!St O ( uter homo 10 many gotd<n swans. Tho sw.u,s IJl'=nt most of (lmarbl
their t1me at me river bank.Every six months, the swans
(lufttion 6 would leave a golden feather •• a fee for using me elver.
Choost tht most suitable prowrb. The soldiers of the kingdom wouJd collect the leathers (b)

6 You must be ear·ly if you want to get the tree movie rickets •nd deposit them In the royal treasury.
as the tickets are limited.As the saying goes. . One day, a bome!Hs bird s aw the river. "The warer of
A look bdore you 1..p this dver seems cool and soothing. I will make my home
B honestyisthebestpolicy here,• thought the bird.
C lhe early bird catches the worm As soon as the bird settled down our the river, the
O slow and steady wins the nee golden sWans notlttd her. They w,:,e my angry and said
"This river belongs 10 us. WO pay golden r..ihers to the
Q.uestlon, 7 to 9 King to use this riv-er. You cannot live hero.·
Ch- th• b«t answrr for ,och blank. •1 am homeltu, brothors.1100 will pay the rc,nt. Please
give me shelter,• the bird pleaded. "How will you pay the
Qbtlna Is a dentist. She has• cllnlc (71 Ampang rent? You do not have gold,n feathers," ,aid the swnns
which Is near 10 her aunt 's house. She __(II)_ her pat~rm laughing. Tiley lurthnr added, •·Stop drtamlng and leave
with care. That's the reason why many people Uke to see her
•• onoe.· The bumble bird pleaded many times but the
when they have toothacM. Sometimes. she ._(g)__ take arrogaru sw.ins drOft. tbe bird away.
any money If the patient$ can' t afJord 10 pay. Answer:
Thehomelessblrd wasangry.1'henshewent 10 the Kin$
7 A be$lde C In and said, .co• Kingf The swans in your river impolite
B near D between and unklnd. I begged lor sheller bUt they said that they
bad pun:based the elver with golden.feathers."
8 A treats C treating The King was angry with the golden swans lor having J2mottsJ
B treat D tr..ted Insulted the homei- bird, He ordered his soldiers ro
being the arrog11Jll swans 10 his coUIL ln no lime, all t he
do not C dldnot
" don
B not D did
golden swans wtre brougbt 10 lhe King's court.
"Do you mink the royal treasury clepc,nds upon your
golden feathers? You cannot deride who 11.., by the river.
How Is your ~•tlon for the
Qufftlon 10 coming UPSR ,xamlnatlanl
~eave the river at once or oil o( you will be beheaded]"
Choo« th• word that ha, 1hr HIM moaning as th• und,rllnrd 1hourcd the King.
The swans shivered with rear upon hearing the King.
tO Cristiano Ronalda is wrll-known for his uct.llfflt skills They new away and never returned. The bird built her
In football. home near the river and lived there happily lorf:Vtl!. 'l'he
A lamous bird also gave sholt-.r 10 other birds at th<! clvu.
B unnoticeable
C ordinary 16 What does homdess mean?
D unlamlllar A Rasnohome.
B Ras afewbomes.
Qt.aa-t:lonn C Has less homes.
Choose tht sentenc.e with tht corncr·punctuatlon. O Has many homes. Answer:

_ _ ..
u A Prethesh and Faris arr learning mandarin during Che 17 How many Ii~ did the swans pay th< fee In• year?
school holidays. A Thrkuy..r
B pl'l'thcsh and fuls •re learning Mandarin during the B Onceayear
school holidays, C Twlcuyear
C Pmh••h and Faris, are lHrnlng Mandarin during the D None J2mortst
school holidays,
D Pmhesh and Faris are ltarnlng Mandarin during th• 18 How do you describe I he golden swans?
school holidays. A Brllllant
B Wise
(lufttions 11 to 15 C Proud
Look a.r the picture and choost best answer. (JaMSuo JD>!6oJ puo 1iqo1,ns Mlo 1dan vJ
D Arrogant ,mpelI!W=> l!Sdn otp.JOJ pambld n-
pue ~pea, we J (>)
,e,aq:iaueqi,uop•se•ld (q)
19 Why was the king angry?
A Because tlx- golden swans did not ~ thl' homeless np1poo3esimu. (e) tt
bird 10 get shelter at therlver. 8 Ot V OI
8 B~use 1he golden swans did not pay t he lees. V 61 8 6
C Becau.. the golden swans humiliated him. Q Ill V II
D Because the golden swans lost the fead1,r1. J Ll J L
V 91 :) 9
10 Whal happen,d atthe end of the story?
A The goldffl swan• klllec the hom•less bl rd.
B Th• l\omtless bird siay,d peacefully u th< rlvor.
O St
J ,s
V "{I :) {
C Thl' goldrn swan.! paid morr fees after that :> ti V t
D ThehomtlessblrdOewawayandnever r,tumedto the river. a n g I
ClJl ISNIN. b Al'RIL 2020 ---- Matematik DiDDIDIK

Edisi Ulang Kaji

Kl'rlUI 7 T - 12087 : 5034 (b) Susun kad nombor yang h<'rlkut dalam tertlb
Hltung nllal T. menalk.
1 R.ljah I m•nunjukkan seuplng kad nombor. Colculill< th< w,fu, o/T. Arrang•
1hl fol/owing numbff card$ in osetndlng ordtr.
Diagram 1 shows a numbtr card. A 7053
B 8053
115 30'7 I C 16 lll
o 17u1 25078 24059 25~
Rajah 1 / Diagram t
8 Rajah 5 menunjukkan dua keplng kad nombor.
Nyatakan nllal tempat bagl digit yang bergaris. Diagram s shows ,wo numb!!t cards. (2 markah / 2 marltsl
Srart th• place valu• of,,,. underlined t!lglr.
A S./Onu ~ 0)0 2 Jadu•I I mcnunjukkan bllang,n buku cerlla di I.lg• bu•h
B Puluh / Hundrrd> perpustakaan.
Tablet shows rhtr numbtro/ sroryboob In rhr,. 1/brarl,s.

C Rlbu / 1'housond1 Rafah SI !}lagrom S
D Puluh rlbu / HundrNI lhoo,onds
Hltung hasll darab nll•I dlgl1 5 dan 9 poda lc.ld nombor
dalam Rajahs.
2 Ant•r• yang h<'rlkut, manakah y•ng botul bagl«rokinon
nombor 40 527 m•ngil<ut nllai digit.
Wllich of the following h trot Jo, the partlrion a/ number
Calwlar, th• product for rh, digit vol"" of 5 and 9 on rhe
numbtr cordsm Diagram s.
, IC} ....,.,_,IDDb
40 527 by digit value. A 540000
A 40000+5 + 200•7 B 450000
B 40000+50+200 + 7 C 45000 TunLanang 2010
C 40000 + 500 + 20 +7 D 4500
D 40000+5000+20+7
9 450027 t 9=
J Rajah 2 menunjukkan Isl padu air di dalam dua buah A 50003 Se[iaruh dartr,da bilanf!n buku
bekas, R dan S. B 5003 TunRaz;ik I ::r:t'•t• aan Tun n•iw,
Diooram 2 ihows tht \"Olumt of wartr In rwo conralMrs, R C 503 Hal/ of I number a/ boo/" in n
andS. D 53 l.onang Library
10 20 • (1 412 - 67) •
A 26900
B 26 905
C 28 240
i clarlpada bllangan buku dl
0 2817) Perpustakaan Tun Raz.ak
j of lht numbtr of books in Tun
2.81 u Sebuah mesln boleh mencetak 28o keplng kad dalam l!a:ak Ubrary
Rajah 2 / Diagram 2 masat..mlnlL
Anggarkan, dalam I, Isl padu alrdl dalam b•k.. s. Berapakah bllongan kad v•ng dapat dlo,ta k dalam masa Jadualt / Toblfl
£itiritate, In I, the \IQlumt of wattr fn contalntr S.
A I .I ½Jam? (ol Hltung bllangan buku crrlta di Porpustakaan Tun
B 1.4 A machine can print 280 pieces of cards within 4 mlnur,s. Ruak.
C 23 Colculor, 1h• numbtr of srorybool<s In th• Tun Roz,,k
D 2.5 How many cordHan be prlnttd wf1hln ½hour? Library.
A 560 (2 markah / 1 mori:sl
4 llundarkan 217 540 kepada ralus rlbu yang terdekat. B tUO
Round off 217 540 10 rltl n,artst hundred rhousand. C 2100
A 210000 0 2500 • H1tung jumlah buku di krtiga-tiga perpustakaan

B W7000 ltu.
C :zoo 500 u Sebanyak 560 naskhah akhbar telah diagihkan kepada calculate 1he number of books in the three librarid
D 200000 IJ markah / 3 mortsl
tlga buab sekolab. SK Rantru mendapat dulpada Jumlah
S Rajah J menunjukk•n bllangan gull di dalam dua buah akhbar ltu. Baklnya dlberikan sama b>nyak kepada SK
Diagram J shows rh, number a/ marblts In rwo bot•~ Nllam dan SK Tanjung. Hltung bllangan akhbar yang J
, dl1trlmao~hSKNllam.
A 10101 a/ 560 ntwspap,rs W<rt dlmibu1Nf ro thrtt schools.
SK Ronrou m:,iwd ¾o/ rhe 10101 number of newspapm.
618£ = 708. soot. 01ot
p Q.
68 bljl gull leblh darlpada The balance was giw,n equally to SK Nilam and SK Tanjung.
607b1Jlgull korakP 'ToS=Sooc • ~ (q)
607marbles Calculate rh• number of newspapers oblained by SK Nilam.
68 marbles more rh"" die lJor P A 140 SOOt:?tOIOt (0) t
Rajah 3 / Diagram 3 8 210
C 280 sLo St 'L90 St '65o 'n (q)
HI tung Jumlah gull di dalam dua buah kolak ltu. D 410
Cokulote the 10101 number of marbles in lh• rwo box,s. OtS 98 (II)
A 1282 Kertaa2
8 1146 895 Ot (I) (0) I
C 675 1 llajah t m•nunjukkan btb.rapa koplng k>d nombor.
D 539 Diagram I ihowi snitral pJ«~s of numf>l'r cards, t RIJall

6 Rajah 4 m enunjukkan satu garis nombor yang tldak 1 8 0

lengkap. gn
Diagram J, shows on incompttfe numbe.r Jfne. :> 11
Ralab 1 / Dlogrom 1 V 01
V 6
10350 10 550 R 10950 s (o) Oengm mr.nggunakJn semua oombot di atas, g 8
By using atl tht numbtr cords obow-, 0 L
R>jah 4 / Diagram 4 :> 9
(II Tulis nombor llma dlgll ter1u,cll. V S
Hltung beza antara nllal R dengan S. Wrilr th• smollerr/iv, dfgit number. 0 ,
Cokulote rhe dl/ftfffl<t bet.wtn tht volo• of Rand S. (1 markah / t morkl g (
A too :> t
(II) Tulis nombor llma digit terbesar. 0 I
C 400 Wrlrt rh• bi99,s1 five digit numbtr.
D 500
(r markoh / 1 mark] 1nu~»
~ DIDIK Sains
---- ISNIN, 6 ~PRIL2020 liJI]

Edisi Ulang Kaji


1 Rajah 1 menunjukk.ln du.-. buah struktur, P dan Q 1 Rajah I menunjukk.ln tlga bongkah kayu yang berbeza Kadmanila
OiOIJrom I sltows two sl1UCtUn'S, P and Q keiinggian diletakk.ln di atas sekepingladbod.
Diagram I shows Ihm: waodm l>locb of di/fer,nt helghu
pl<Kfd on o pl<ct of cordboanl.


p Q.
R,j•h I / Diagram I Board
Mengapakah P leblh '""bll bttbandlng Q'J
Why is P more suiblt rhan Q?
A llentuk strulrtur P leblh kual berbandlng bentuk
struktur Q./ Sl,ap,of 11ruct1we P Is 11ronger 1hon SlrU<lur, Q
B Bentuk struktur P leblh Qjam berbandlng bentuk
struktur QJ Shapt al "1UCCUrr P is sharper lhan = r r Q.
C Luas tapak strulttur P lebih besar berb.mding Rajah J / :>iogram r
struktur Q./ Bo1eom1 of"""'"" P Is bigger than"""'"" Q
D Luas Q(>3k strulttur P yang leblh kccil berb.tndlng Kadbod ltu di.lngkat perlahn-lahan pad> satu huJungnya
Rajah 2 / OiGgrain 2
sttuktur Q / Base on,o of 11ructure P is smalltr lhan sehingga semua bongkab itu twnbang. Mas• untuk Ji.<im beban r•ng dapat ditampung oleh model dicatatkan
Jlructurr Q. bongliah-bongkah itu tumbang dlmtodkan dalam Jadual 1, dalam ladua 2,
Thtcordboord is!Vltd up 1ro..!yct ~ Md until..rht bloclc>/ofl doMl. ~ mo11 o/ load lhat con b, 1upr,orted by Iii< modd """
1 lujah 1 menunjukkan empat model, J, K, Ldan M. TIN! timr !Jltmjo, tltt Nodu 10 JaUdown ..,.,<d In Tobi• L ruord,c/ in table 2.
llio9rom 2 shows /ourmod<b, J, K, Land M.
Bonpah llayu/ Wooden blade p Q. R Jml1blhan Kld!!1111U.. hpla
M••• unmk bongkah kayu1umbang
o malfrlal Mo11/lo <ord a.w
(so31) Jisim bo!but yang da1>a1dltllmpung (kgl
Tim• raken ftw the wood<n block <ofoll 5 15 10
Mau of load <lmr can ,,. ,upporttd (kg) 2
down (second)
Jadual I/ Toblt! Jadual2/Tablt2
Ra;ah 2/ Diagram 2 (o) Apakah pemabatianyangd.,patdilaatberoasarkanJmal i!
/o) Apakab pemerbatian yang boleh dibuat dacipada
p,enyiasatan lni? What observation ran b<modebas,donTable2?
Susun moc.lel• model Lersebut mfllgikuL urutan kestabilan
y;ing bertambab. What ~l'\IODOII can ht made from this inw:stigation?
[1 markah / 1marl:)
Arrange these mod-tis 11aording to increasing stability.
A 1,K,L, M h markah / t mark]
(!,) Mengllpakah model ya'!& diperbuat dacipada papan dapaL
B l,L,K,M (b) Berlkan sebab berdasarkanjawapan k.lmu di (a). menampung 5 kg beban?
C M,K, L,J Gh1e a rrmon bawd on your,nswrr in (a). Whycon 1ht model made of board sopporr s kg of load?
D M1 L 1 K1 J
h markah / 1mark) (1 markah /I morkl
3 Rajah l mcnunjukkan S<buah meja, (c) Padankan moklumat yang l>erlkut dengan pembol•h ubah Penyluatan dltcruskan dengan mtnggunakan k•plng;in
Di<l9ram l show.- a toN,. yang bttul dalam penyl..alan In!. aluminium yang ••m• tebal cleng,n papan un1uk mengujl

- --
Match tltr /ollowln9 lnformotlon with tltr comet wrlabl,s In kel1han•nny• mcnampung

this /nw,s11901ion, Th• inwstlgarion ronrlnu,, by aluminium plart witfl 1he
same thickn,u aslh< board 10 t<II 1he durability to support load.
(c) Ranwkan bllangan jisim beb.ln yang dapat diwnpung.
Pr,dia <he mass of load tha1 can b, supporred.
Masa untuk bongi<llh Mmipulasi
Time tal«'-n for ·ocb to • (1 markah / 1 marl:J
fnfldown • R<sp(lf1dlng (d) Apakahpm,bolehubah~dimalaJk.mdalampenyjasmn?
Whor is the constant vanablt in the fflltstiqation? ~
Rajah ) / Diagram )
KetlnJ . e ~
H 9 Jo/ • Oimalarkan
Con.uan t (1 markah / 1marl:)
Antara yang berlkur, monakah yang dapat menjadlkan
modcl blnaan lnl leblh st-.bll? (2 l rnorl<J)
G<o~own: Rlbut melanda di sekiiar Kampung Tcluk Blhang
Which of tht foilowingcrm makr 1/tr mod<I morr 1tobltl ~ n banyak tumAh y1ngdipftbu.,t darlpada kayu roboh.
A nngglkan semua kakl / Ltfl91h<n all ltgs
B Kurangiu,n bll•ngan k.lld / Ottr<as• <h• numb<r of ltg1
(d) Dcrlkan dua f•k1or yang m,mpenglruhl ktsubllan se,ua1u
obJ•k. ~9<1own: /\ !form hi1 lht IComp,ng Ttluk Bohon9
cau,mg monyl1ousu tho< ar,...,.,. of wood 10 collapst,
C Pendel<kan ~mu• kakl / Sllotlfn oll leg, GI"" two /ocroo th<II affect ttt stoblllry of an ob)«t
D Tukar bentuk kald ~ • bentuk kon
Chang• lh< shop, of tltr "9110 con, ,hop, ll) - - - - - -- --
- - -- - - - -- --,,(2,-m
..- ,h,../""2,-mo=r=ks)
- -
(t} Berdasarkan peilkan berlta, cadangk•n HIU cara
rnengelakkan kejadlan iru btrlaku.
2 Ralah 2 menunjukkansatu teniangdua model, So.std on tht ntws1 su99ts-1 one way to aw,id this incidtnr
P dan Qt<rhlldap ketahanan model meiwnpung beban. from happening,
Diagram 2 shaw5 an investigation on tht durabdity of two
models, P ondQto supporl rht food. (I markah / 1 marl<I

~nuew P"~ epedpep 1•ncpadfpSue.I ·•1qo1s ISOW'"lllr'O ~,orq ~sni,,~
,imuo> puo s,pµq Jo •pow s,snoq Pl!"8 1apow Sunxr,q,oq ueqaq ~e!ueq 41q.,1 Sundweuaw 11q"lS1lu1tedb'l"'tlluoq eu,.ra)I (q)
•ll~UOlf noie meq ep<dµ"l' q.-wn, ou1qw-w (') 1edep ueded eped1,op 1enq.,adtp Sue.I 1•pow (o) t ·uofo1 IWJJ JSMIOIS illl s~o1b 11.'°ffl
ppow Jo n,sI 1•J>OW ttt'S <Pl 1!utqWIU es,w ieqw,,1 :ll11odb qe~Suoe (o) 1
/8 ,o L '9 •rdwooJ s ••~.,_, 11 lf'1'IM -su• uo 1cta»v i,nr,nm fo ,,.,. asoq •iu. / lnJlinllS ~ed•1 ttn, (II) tSfl»)I
(B nei• 'L '9 qo1uo>) Sep,!d1np 41q.,1 uedeMeJ ew1,1a.1 (>) "nlJn,i, /o 11'6f"/ •IU, / JD l~OJ IS Ul!fllllUj lillt (I) (p)
J.t/uom ,, prooq fa ,pow 1•pow •~1 •mo:,,,g UMOp po{ 011,pofq JO{ U•~DI aWIJ, - 6u!Puod1'1/ J {
lmlf 41q•1 ueded 1•pow OUCJaJI (q) // r.porq fo 1q6I•11 - p,io1nd1uow 0 t
'PJD) "'"'""' {o apow II J>OW "II 8u<qwn14"13uoqes•w - n1rq~v,a8Ja9 J I
UOI/I poor''°'" puo11~11-" uo, p,ooq Jo apow 1•pow •iu. II 4e>(Suoq u,1llllu11<1~ - 1••1nd1u•w (>l I ffa»)I

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