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Pengetahuan dan
TPS Pemahaman Umum


Teks berikut ini digunakan untuk menjawab soal 1 sampai dengan 4.

Setelah mencangkul seharian, rasanya tidak ada lagi yang bisa dilakukan Satya. Untuk pertama kalinya tiba-tiba Ia
merasa puas. Sudah lama perasaan seperti itu tidak dialaminya. Setidaknya perlu satu tahun setelah bencana Persembahan Kuda
Itu berlalu, ia mulai bisa merasakan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan rasa senang. Sebelumnya dunia selalu terasa muram,
berat, dan menekan. Sampai sekarang masih terasa olehnya luka Ibarat sembilu menyilang, karena seluruh keluarga, kerabat, dan
handai taulan, lenyap musnah hilang dalam pembantaian desanya oleh balatentara Ayodya. Betapa memilukan kehilangan orang-
orang tercinta dalam seketika karena pembunuhan.
Satya melihat kambing-kambingnya sedang merumput. la tersenyum riang. Bersama kawan-kawan sebayanya mereka
berusaha melupakan kesedihan. Mereka dirikan kembali pemukiman yang telah rata dengan tanah, menjadi sesuatu mirip
kehidupan. Satya tidak pernah menduga bahwa ia kini harus membangun semuanya seperti nenek moyangnya.
“Beginilah leluhur kami melakukannya dahulu! pikirnya.
Tiada waktu berduka bagi Satya. Mereka membuka kembali ladang, mendirikan rumah-rumah panggung, bahkan
membangun pesanggrahan. Pemukiman mereka sunyi, terpencil, dahulu banyak orang datang mencari ketenangan. Di puncak
bukit mereka bangun sebuah pertapaan yang terlindung rimbun pepohonan. Orang-orang Sadhu, para pengembara suci, sering
berhenti di sana untuk mengolah kebatinan.
Bila malam tiba pada bulan Kartika, banyak orang datang memuja keindahan. Para penyair datang dengan tanah dan
karas, setelah mendatangi sekian banyak pantai dan pegunungan, di sini mereka menyerahkan diri kepada rembulan. Satya suka
kepada pandangan mata para pemuja keindahan, tua muda, laki perempuan, mata mereka berkilat-kilat menatap berkas cahaya
yang merambati udara di tengah malam.

Sumber: Kitab Omong Kosong, Seno Gumira Ajidarma

1 Istilah sembilu dalam paragraf tersebut bermakna . . . . 3 Frasa bulan Kartika dapat mengandung definisi . . .
A. Golok yang bentuknya melengkung dan tipis tajam A. Bulan purnama
B. Kulit buluh yang tajam seperti pisau B. Bulan ketiga belas
C. Alat yang berbentuk pisau belati bermata satu C. Bulan penuh keindahan
D. Senjata tajam, runcing, bermata dua, dan bertangkai D. Bulan utama
panjang E. Bulan terbelah
E. Senjata tajam bermata tiga dan bertangkai panjang

2 Arti pesanggrahan yang dimaksud dalam teks diatas

4 Istilah karas yang terdapat dalam teks tersebut berarti . . .
adalah . . . A. Papan kayu atau keping batu untuk media menulis
A. Gua semedi B. Cinderamata dari suatu tempat
B. Saluran irigasi C. Kantong penyimpanan kecil
C. Benteng D. Semacam batuan kecil berwarna putih
D. Tempat peristirahatan E. Daun pohon yang dapat ditulisi
E. Kerajaan
Teks berikut ini digunakan untuk menjawab soal 5 sampai dengan 8

Pada akhir masa amnesti pajak tahap pertama, dana repatriasi lebih kecil daripada harapan pemerintah. Ada beberapa penyebab
yang menjadikan dana repatriasi masih kecil. Kerja keras pemerintah masih dibutukan untuk memperbesar repatriasi aset.
Secara umum, pengusaha dan pelaku pasar modal yang dihubungi Kompas, Minggu dan Senin (9-10/10), mengapresiasi
akselerasi pencapaian pemerintah dalam pengumpulan uang tebusan yang melampaui konsensus, deklarasi dalam negeri, dan
periuasan basis pajak yang merupakan tujuan utama dari pengampunan pajak ini. Namun, pemerintah masih perlu mencari cara
supaya repatriasi aset semakin besar. Pada periode pertama, aset yang direpatriasi mencapai Rp 137 triliun.
“Banyak aset yang bukan merupakan aset likuid sehingga tidak mudah memindahkannya.” kata Kepala Riset Daewoo
Securities lndonesia Taye Shim. Direktur utama PT Bahana TCW Investment Management Edward Lubis memperkirakan alasan
komersil menjadi faktor belum masuknya dana repatriasi itu. Dana itu masih digunakan untuk bertransaksi di luar negeri dan
fleksibilitas penggunaan akan terbatas jika dana itu ada di dalam negeri. “Mereka memilih hanya melakukan deklarasi. Selisih
pembayaran uang tebusan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan repatriasi dianggap biaya kebebasan,” ujar Edward.

Sumber: Harian Kompas, 11 Oktober 2016

5 Kata akselerasi dalam teks tersebut bermakna . . . 6 Istilah amnesti dalam teks tersebut berarti . . .
A. Pengampunan atau penghapusan hukuman A. Pengukuran efek dari siklus bisnis terhadap anggaran
B. Laju peningkatan kecepatan B. Instrumen keuangan yang mencerminkan kepemilikan
C. Pemulangan kembali ke negara asal C. Pengampunan atau penghapusan hukuman
D. Instrumen keuangan yang mencerminkan kepemilikan D. Tingkat pertumbuhan jumlah modal riil
E. Pengukuran efek dari siklus bisnis terhadap anggaran E. Pemulangan kembali ke negara asal
Teks berikut ini digunakan untuk menjawab soal 5 sampai dengan 8

Pada akhir masa amnesti pajak tahap pertama, dana repatriasi lebih kecil daripada harapan pemerintah. Ada beberapa penyebab
yang menjadikan dana repatriasi masih kecil. Kerja keras pemerintah masih dibutukan untuk memperbesar repatriasi aset.
Secara umum, pengusaha dan pelaku pasar modal yang dihubungi Kompas, Minggu dan Senin (9-10/10), mengapresiasi
pencapaian pemerintah dalam pengumpulan uang tebusan yang melampaui konsensus, deklarasi dalam negeri, dan periuasan basis
pajak yang merupakan tujuan utama dari pengampunan pajak ini. Namun, pemerintah masih perlu mencari cara supaya repatriasi
aset semakin besar. Pada periode pertama, aset yang direpatriasi mencapai Rp 137 triliun.
“Banyak aset yang bukan merupakan aset likuid sehingga tidak mudah memindahkannya.” kata Kepala Riset Daewoo
Securities lndonesia Taye Shim. Direktur utama PT Bahana TCW Investment Management Edward Lubis memperkirakan alasan
komersil menjadi faktor belum masuknya dana repatriasi itu. Dana itu masih digunakan untuk bertransaksi di luar negeri dan
fleksibilitas penggunaan akan terbatas jika dana itu ada di dalam negeri. “Mereka memilih hanya melakukan deklarasi. Selisih
pembayaran uang tebusan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan repatriasi dianggap biaya kebebasan,” ujar Edward.

Sumber: Harian Kompas, 11 Oktober 2016

7 Berdasarkan teks tersebut, yang dimaksud repatriasi adalah...

A. Pemulangan kembali ke negeri asal
8 Dalam paragraf di atas, kata konsensus berarti . . . .
A. Pemulangan kembali ke negara asal
B. Harta keuangan yang bebas risiko dan langsung B. Harta keuangan bebas risiko dan langsung dapat
dapat dikonversi menjadi uang dikonversi menjadi uang
C. Instrumen keuangan jangka pendek yang suku C. Instrumen jangka pendek yang suku bunganya tidak
bunganya tidak diatur teratur
D. Instrumen keuangan yang mencerminkan kepemilikan D. Kesepakatan bersama
E. Pengampunan atau penghapusan hukuman E. Pengampunan atau penghapusan hukuman
Teks berikut ini digunakan untuk menjawab soal 9 sampai dengan 12.

Komite Nobel Kimia 2016 Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kerajaan Swedia (RSAS) menganugerahkan Nobel Kimia 2016 pada
Jean Pierre Sauvage (71), Sir J Frasar Stoddart (74), dan Bernard L Feringa (65) atas temuan desain dan sintesis mesin molekuler,
mesin terkecil di dunia berukuran lebih kecil daripada sehelai rambut dibelah 1.000. Gambaran tentang mesin molekuler itu
mirip mesin yang kita kenal sehari-hari. Ada penggunaan rantai mekanik, motor, lift, dan robot. Namun, semuanya dalam dimensi
molekul yang merupakan kumpulan atom yang terikat secara kimia.
Gagasan tentang mesin molekuler itu dimulai Sauvage pada 1983. Umumnya, molekul saung bergabung melalui ikatan
kovalen. Namun, Sauvage dan tim mampu menghubungkan molekul-molekul dalam ikatan mekanik yang lebih bebas sehingga
membentuk rantai molekul. Ikatan molekul itu membuat gabungan molekul tidak lagi terikat kaku, tetapi memungkinkan setiap
bagiannya saling bergerak terhadap lainnya. Dari temuan itulah, konsep mesin molekuler dibangun.
Penantian pada bidang ilmu dasar itu dinilai memicu kemunculan berbagai inovasi baru, mulai dari pengembangan
material baru yang bisa mengembang atau menyusut bila terkena in cahaya, polimer yang otomatis memperbaiki diri saat tergores,
sensor peka cahaya, sistem penyimpanan energi, cip komputer, hingga robot molekuler yang mampu melepaskan zat aktif obat
pada waktu dan tempat yang diinginkan.
Sumber: Harian Kompas, 7 Oktober 2016
9 Kata sintesis dalam paragraf pertama teks tersebut dapat 10 Berdasarkan teks tersebut, definisi kata molekuler adalah
berarti . . . .. ..
A. Bagian terkecil dari senyawa yang terbentuk dari A. Bersangkutan dengan molekul
ikatan kimia kumpulan atom B. Lebih kecil dari molekul
B. Daya tarik antara atom yang membentuk zat kimia C. Lebih besar dari molekul
C. Reaksi kimia antara dua zat atau lebih yang D. Bagian terkecil dari senyawa
membentuk satu zat baru E. Gabungan antara molekul dan atom
D. Sebuah zat yang mempercepat laju reaksi kimia
E. Bersangkutan dengan molekul
Teks berikut ini digunakan untuk menjawab soal 9 sampai dengan 12.

Komite Nobel Kimia 2016 Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kerajaan Swedia (RSAS) menganugerahkan Nobel Kimia 2016 pada
Jean Pierre Sauvage (71), Sir J Frasar Stoddart (74), dan Bernard L Feringa (65) atas temuan desain dan sintesis mesin molekuler,
mesin terkecil di dunia berukuran lebih kecil daripada sehelai rambut dibelah 1.000. Gambaran tentang mesin molekuler itu
mirip mesin yang kita kenal sehari-hari. Ada penggunaan rantai mekanik, motor, lift, dan robot. Namun, semuanya dalam dimensi
molekul yang merupakan kumpulan atom yang terikat secara kimia.
Gagasan tentang mesin molekuler itu dimulai Sauvage pada 1983. Umumnya, molekul saung bergabung melalui ikatan
kovalen. Namun, Sauvage dan tim mampu menghubungkan molekul-molekul dalam ikatan mekanik yang lebih bebas sehingga
membentuk rantai molekul. Ikatan molekul itu membuat gabungan molekul tidak lagi terikat kaku, tetapi memungkinkan setiap
bagiannya saling bergerak terhadap lainnya. Dari temuan itulah, konsep mesin molekuler dibangun.
Penantian pada bidang ilmu dasar itu dinilai memicu kemunculan berbagai inovasi baru, mulai dari pengembangan
material baru yang bisa mengembang atau menyusut bila terkena in cahaya, polimer yang otomatis memperbaiki diri saat tergores,
sensor peka cahaya, sistem penyimpanan energi, cip komputer, hingga robot molekuler yang mampu melepaskan zat aktif obat
pada waktu dan tempat yang diinginkan.
Sumber: Harian Kompas, 7 Oktober 2016

11 Dalam teks tersebut, terdapat istilah ikatan kovalen yang berarti . . .

A. Sebuah elektron dalam sebuah atom yang dapat berpartisipasi dalam ikatan kimia
B. Ikatan yang terjadi antara atom yang berbagi sepasang elektron untuk mendapatkan kulit
terluarnya penuh
C. Ikatan dengan distribusi muatan elektrik yang sama antara dua atom
D. Pembentukan molekul tertentu Pada protein rumit
E. Reaksi kimia antara dua zat atau lebih yang membentuk satu zat baru
Teks berikut ini digunakan untuk menjawab soal 9 sampai dengan 12.

Komite Nobel Kimia 2016 Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kerajaan Swedia (RSAS) menganugerahkan Nobel Kimia 2016 pada
Jean Pierre Sauvage (71), Sir J Frasar Stoddart (74), dan Bernard L Feringa (65) atas temuan desain dan sintesis mesin molekuler,
mesin terkecil di dunia berukuran lebih kecil daripada sehelai rambut dibelah 1.000. Gambaran tentang mesin molekuler itu
mirip mesin yang kita kenal sehari-hari. Ada penggunaan rantai mekanik, motor, lift, dan robot. Namun, semuanya dalam dimensi
molekul yang merupakan kumpulan atom yang terikat secara kimia.
Gagasan tentang mesin molekuler itu dimulai Sauvage pada 1983. Umumnya, molekul saung bergabung melalui ikatan
kovalen. Namun, Sauvage dan tim mampu menghubungkan molekul-molekul dalam ikatan mekanik yang lebih bebas sehingga
membentuk rantai molekul. Ikatan molekul itu membuat gabungan molekul tidak lagi terikat kaku, tetapi memungkinkan setiap
bagiannya saling bergerak terhadap lainnya. Dari temuan itulah, konsep mesin molekuler dibangun.
Penantian pada bidang ilmu dasar itu dinilai memicu kemunculan berbagai inovasi baru, mulai dari pengembangan
material baru yang bisa mengembang atau menyusut bila terkena in cahaya, polimer yang otomatis memperbaiki diri saat tergores,
sensor peka cahaya, sistem penyimpanan energi, cip komputer, hingga robot molekuler yang mampu melepaskan zat aktif obat
pada waktu dan tempat yang diinginkan.
Sumber: Harian Kompas, 7 Oktober 2016

12 Arti istilah polimer dalam teks tersebut adalah . . .

A. Struktur molekul yang dapat berikatan secara kimia
B. Proses bereaksi molekul monomer bersama dalam reaksi kimia untuk membentuk tiga
dimensi jaringan
C. Reaksi monomer-monomer yang berikatan rangkap menjadi ikatan tunggal
D. Makromolekul yang tersusun dari monomer-monomer yang berikatan secara kimia
E. Reaksi kimia antara dua zat atau lebih yang membentuk satu zat baru
Question 13 – 16 are based on the following passage.

The economic world has been buzzing for the last two years now as investors, homeowners and trend analysts alike
attempt to Identify the causes and ultimate effects, of the a sub-prime lending mortgage crisis. Papers have been filled with
headlines detailing the mass evictions, leading in particularly tragic cases to entire communities being reduced to little more than
shanty towns. The onus today seems to be to find which people in which Industry are to blame, but, in the end, untangling that
knotted mess may prove impossible, and even were we to reveal an identifiable cause, would that help solve the current
problems ?
What is not drawing as much attention, but perhaps should be, is the effect that all of this has had not just on the value of
the dollar internationally but domestically as well. The cost to rent an apartment has risen dramatically in most major
metropolitan areas, as families that once owned homes are forced back into the rental market. The cost of student loans has also
peaked sharply, with federal interest rates up to three times as high as the rates from a mere six years ago. Unfortunately for the
in of a college education will come to the attention of those at
many people affected by this, it seems unlikely that the rising cost
the highest levels until the country sees a decrease in the number of students receiving college degrees, at which point the
solution may be out of our hands.

13 The passage most likely refers to student loans in order to . . .

A. decry the unreasonable interest rates that are currently being charged by some unscrupulous lenders
B. argue that the economic problems evident in some sectors are not really as bad as they may appear superficially
C. underscore an earlier point regarding the widespread nature of some of the economic problems related to the housing
D. support the claim that the country may eventually suffer from a lack of well educated citizens
E. explain why the housing costs have risen so dramatically in certain major metropolitan areas in the United States
Question 13 – 16 are based on the following passage.

The economic world has been buzzing for the last two years now as investors, homeowners and trend analysts alike
attempt to Identify the causes and ultimate effects, of the a sub-prime lending mortgage crisis. Papers have been filled with
headlines detailing the mass evictions, leading in particularly tragic cases to entire communities being reduced to little more than
shanty towns. The onus today seems to be to find which people in which Industry are to blame, but, in the end, untangling that
knotted mess may prove impossible, and even were we to reveal an identifiable cause, would that help solve the current
problems ?
What is not drawing as much attention, but perhaps should be, is the effect that all of this has had not just on the value of
the dollar internationally but domestically as well. The cost to rent an apartment has risen dramatically in most major
metropolitan areas, as families that once owned homes are forced back into the rental market. The cost of student loans has also
peaked sharply, with federal interest rates up to three times as high as the rates from a mere six years ago. Unfortunately for the
in of a college education will come to the attention of those at
many people affected by this, it seems unlikely that the rising cost
the highest levels until the country sees a decrease in the number of students receiving college degrees, at which point the
solution may be out of our hands.

14 The author’s attitude towards the economic problems discussed in the passage could most accurately be described as . . .
A. frenzied ire
B. calculated scorn
C. reasoned frustration
D. modulated optimism
E. scholarly disdain
Question 13 – 16 are based on the following passage.

The economic world has been buzzing for the last two years now as investors, homeowners and trend analysts alike
attempt to Identify the causes and ultimate effects, of the a sub-prime lending mortgage crisis. Papers have been filled with
headlines detailing the mass evictions, leading in particularly tragic cases to entire communities being reduced to little more than
shanty towns. The onus today seems to be to find which people in which Industry are to blame, but, in the end, untangling that
knotted mess may prove impossible, and even were we to reveal an identifiable cause, would that help solve the current
problems ?
What is not drawing as much attention, but perhaps should be, is the effect that all of this has had not just on the value of
the dollar internationally but domestically as well. The cost to rent an apartment has risen dramatically in most major
metropolitan areas, as families that once owned homes are forced back into the rental market. The cost of student loans has also
peaked sharply, with federal interest rates up to three times as high as the rates from a mere six years ago. Unfortunately for the
in of a college education will come to the attention of those at
many people affected by this, it seems unlikely that the rising cost
the highest levels until the country sees a decrease in the number of students receiving college degrees, at which point the
solution may be out of our hands.

15 According to the author of the passage, the entity most likely to blame for the economic situation is . . .
A. the unscrupulous lending industry that failed to recognize the potential pitfalls in the sub-prime lending scheme
B. ultimately of less import than is recognizing the far-ranging side effects and working to find a solution
C. also solely responsible for the present weakness of the dollar in overseas markets
D. only going to recognize the true effects of the mistakes that have been made once the results are irreversible
E. the public at large because it was the public that supported the sub-prime loans without learning what
they entailed
Question 13 – 16 are based on the following passage.

The economic world has been buzzing for the last two years now as investors, homeowners and trend analysts alike
attempt to Identify the causes and ultimate effects, of the a sub-prime lending mortgage crisis. Papers have been filled with
headlines detailing the mass evictions, leading in particularly tragic cases to entire communities being reduced to little more than
shanty towns. The onus today seems to be to find which people in which Industry are to blame, but, in the end, untangling that
knotted mess may prove impossible, and even were we to reveal an identifiable cause, would that help solve the current
problems ?
What is not drawing as much attention, but perhaps should be, is the effect that all of this has had not just on the value of
the dollar internationally but domestically as well. The cost to rent an apartment has risen dramatically in most major
metropolitan areas, as families that once owned homes are forced back into the rental market. The cost of student loans has also
peaked sharply, with federal interest rates up to three times as high as the rates from a mere six years ago. Unfortunately for the
in of a college education will come to the attention of those at
many people affected by this, it seems unlikely that the rising cost
the highest levels until the country sees a decrease in the number of students receiving college degrees, at which point the
solution may be out of our hands.

16 The word peaked in the second paragraph most nearly means . . .

A. reached an apex only to descend again
B. set a precedent for future valuations
C. quickly ascended in price
D. artificially inflated
E. caught nationwide attention
Question 17 – 20 are based on the following passage.

Mass-market history textbooks suffer from a number of deficiencies. Even with judicious editing and some stunning omissions, the
typical high school history textbook is over one thousand pages long. Part of the problem lies in the publishers desire to construct a book that
appeals to as many regional markets as possible. In order to do so, the publisher must include details that have relatively little historical
significance but evoke a degree of local pride in readers. But, the sheer volume of information available in textbooks is not, in and of itself, the
greatest difficulty with these textbooks. The most pressing problem is the textbook writers’ philosophical approach to this information.
The manner in which most treat history textbooks the story of Columbus “discovery" of America offers a telling example. First, there is
a copious historical record indicating that a multitude of explorers had reached Neith America long before Columbus This record consists of a
diversity of sources, including genetic similarities between North American populations and populations in Africa, Asia, and Europe;
homogenous social structures and an forms; and even oral histories and legends of various peoples. While historians argue over the vaiue and
reliability of this evidence, it is generally accepted that travelers from Siberia. Japan, China, Polynesia, West Africa, and Iceland most likely
arrived in North America long before Columbus did. Textbook authors could simply present all of this evidence to students and let them come
to their own conclusions about the discovery and settlement of America in in fact, that is how professional historians work. Instead, textbook
authors decide to craft a simple narrative around certain historical events at the expense of the true complexities of history. By treating
history as a series of settled facts instead of sequence of ongoing debates and interpretations, textbook authors do a great disservice to both
their students and to the educational process. In their quest to portray history as a story, textbook authors have unwittingly deprived the
subject of some of its most vibrant and interesting aspects. It is no wonder that high school students in the United States rank history as one
of their least favorite subjects.

17 The author of the passage is primarily concerned with . . . .

A. recommending solutions to a problem
B. debunking a long held perspective
C. explaining the nature of a fault
D. responding to an argument
E. evaluating a proposed course of action
Question 17 – 20 are based on the following passage.

Mass-market history textbooks suffer from a number of deficiencies. Even with judicious editing and some stunning omissions, the
typical high school history textbook is over one thousand pages long. Part of the problem lies in the publishers desire to construct a book that
appeals to as many regional markets as possible. In order to do so, the publisher must include details that have relatively little historical
significance but evoke a degree of local pride in readers. But, the sheer volume of information available in textbooks is not, in and of itself, the
greatest difficulty with these textbooks. The most pressing problem is the textbook writers’ philosophical approach to this information.
The manner in which most treat history textbooks the story of Columbus “discovery" of America offers a telling example. First, there is
a copious historical record indicating that a multitude of explorers had reached Neith America long before Columbus This record consists of a
diversity of sources, including genetic similarities between North American populations and populations in Africa, Asia, and Europe;
homogenous social structures and an forms; and even oral histories and legends of various peoples. While historians argue over the vaiue and
reliability of this evidence, it is generally accepted that travelers from Siberia. Japan, China, Polynesia, West Africa, and Iceland most likely
arrived in North America long before Columbus did. Textbook authors could simply present all of this evidence to students and let them come
to their own conclusions about the discovery and settlement of America in in fact, that is how professional historians work. Instead, textbook
authors decide to craft a simple narrative around certain historical events at the expense of the true complexities of history. By treating
history as a series of settled facts instead of sequence of ongoing debates and interpretations, textbook authors do a great disservice to both
their students and to the educational process. In their quest to portray history as a story, textbook authors have unwittingly deprived the
subject of some of its most vibrant and interesting aspects. It is no wonder that high school students in the United States rank history as one
of their least favorite subjects.

18 The “problem” mentioned in the first paragraph can best be described as arising from the pressure to . . . .
A. create a product that will please as many customers as possible
B. include as many relevant historical facts as feasible
C. produce a text that will avoid containing controversial statements
D. develop a book that contains a simple
E. narrative arouse the interest of consumers from a particular region
Question 17 – 20 are based on the following passage.
Mass-market history textbooks suffer from a number of deficiencies. Even with judicious editing and some stunning omissions, the typical high
school history textbook is over one thousand pages long. Part of the problem lies in the publishers desire to construct a book that appeals to as many
regional markets as possible. In order to do so, the publisher must include details that have relatively little historical significance but evoke a degree of
local pride in readers. But, the sheer volume of information available in textbooks is not, in and of itself, the greatest difficulty with these textbooks.
The most pressing problem is the textbook writers’ philosophical approach to this information.
The manner in which most treat history textbooks the story of Columbus “discovery" of America offers a telling example. First, there is a copious
historical record indicating that a multitude of explorers had reached Neith America long before Columbus This record consists of a diversity of sources,
including genetic similarities between North American populations and populations in Africa, Asia, and Europe; homogenous social structures and an
forms; and even oral histories and legends of various peoples. While historians argue over the vaiue and reliability of this evidence, it is generally
accepted that travelers from Siberia. Japan, China, Polynesia, West Africa, and Iceland most likely arrived in North America long before Columbus did.
Textbook authors could simply present all of this evidence to students and let them come to their own conclusions about the discovery and settlement
of America in fact, that is how professional historians work. Instead, textbook authors decide to craft a simple narrative around certain historical events
at the expense of the true complexities of history. By treating history as a series of settled facts instead of sequence of ongoing debates and
inand to the educational process. In their quest to portray history as a story,
interpretations, textbook authors do a great disservice to both their students
textbook authors have unwittingly deprived the subject of some of its most vibrant and interesting aspects. It is no wonder that high school students in
the United States rank history as one of their least favorite subjects.
The passage suggests in which of the following ways that the “philosophical approach” to historical information used by textbook authors
19 compromises the teaching of history ?
A. By including far more information than is historically relevant, textbook authors make learning history a challenging process for students.
B. By refusing to include a multitude of historical sources, textbook authors fail to provide teachers of history with an appreciation of the
complexity of history.
C. By presenting a vast amount of primary source data, textbook authors deprive students of the chance to approach historical studies the way
professional historians do.
D. By neglecting to introduce a certain degree of uncertainty to historical events, textbook authors have made the learning of history a less
interesting process.
E. By creating simple narratives out of the complex historical record, textbook authors have forced students of history to learn history the way
most academics have.
Question 17 – 20 are based on the following passage.

Mass-market history textbooks suffer from a number of deficiencies. Even with judicious editing and some stunning omissions, the
typical high school history textbook is over one thousand pages long. Part of the problem lies in the publishers desire to construct a book that
appeals to as many regional markets as possible. In order to do so, the publisher must include details that have relatively little historical
significance but evoke a degree of local pride in readers. But, the sheer volume of information available in textbooks is not, in and of itself, the
greatest difficulty with these textbooks. The most pressing problem is the textbook writers’ philosophical approach to this information.
The manner in which most treat history textbooks the story of Columbus “discovery" of America offers a telling example. First, there is
a copious historical record indicating that a multitude of explorers had reached Neith America long before Columbus This record consists of a
diversity of sources, including genetic similarities between North American populations and populations in Africa, Asia, and Europe;
homogenous social structures and an forms; and even oral histories and legends of various peoples. While historians argue over the vaiue and
reliability of this evidence, it is generally accepted that travelers from Siberia. Japan, China, Polynesia, West Africa, and Iceland most likely
arrived in North America long before Columbus did. Textbook authors could simply present all of this evidence to students and let them come
to their own conclusions about the discovery and settlement of America in in fact, that is how professional historians work. Instead, textbook
authors decide to craft a simple narrative around certain historical events at the expense of the true complexities of history. By treating
history as a series of settled facts instead of sequence of ongoing debates and interpretations, textbook authors do a great disservice to both
their students and to the educational process. In their quest to portray history as a story, textbook authors have unwittingly deprived the
subject of some of its most vibrant and interesting aspects. It is no wonder that high school students in the United States rank history as one
of their least favorite subjects.

20 The passage implies which of the following about high school history textbooks ?
A. Typical modern textbooks are much longer than were those of the past.
B. Despite their size, many history textbooks still fail to include certain important historical details.
C. High school history textbooks have not been submitted to a proper editing process.
D. High school history textbooks are the only textbooks that tend to be tailored to local markets.
E. No high school history textbook presents the complexities surrounding the discovery of America.

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