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Find imperative sentences in the text below and underline the verbs then translate

the sentences into Bahasa Indonesia.


Head ice can be treated by wet combing. For it to be effective, wet combing needs to
be regular and thorough. These are the steps of wet combing. First, wash the hair
using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner, before using a wide-toothed
comb to straighten and untangle hair. Second, switch to the louse detection comb.
Third, draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the
comb for lice. Next, remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb. Then, work
methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed
through. Finally, rinse out conditioner and repeat the combing procedure. Repeat the
procedure on days 5, 9, and 13, so that you clear young lice as they hatch, before
they have time to reach maturity.

Kepala dingin dapat dirawat menyisir basah. Agar efektif, meniyisir basah perlu
dilakukan secara teratur dan menyeluruh. Ini adalah langkah-langkah menyisir

1. Pertama, cuci rambut menggunakan sampo biasa dan gunakan banyak

konsidisioner, sebelum menggunakan sisir
2. Kedua, beralihlah ke sisir deteksi kutu
3. Ketiga, tarik sisir ke ujung rambut setiap kali mengelus, dan periksa apakah
ada kutu
4. Selanjutnya, hilangkan kutu dengan menyeka atau membersihkan sisir
5. Kemudian, kerjakan secara metodis melalui rambut, bagian demi bagian,
sehingga seluruh kepala tersisir rapi
6. Terakhir, bilas kondisioner dan ulangi prosedur menyisir. Ulangi prosedur ini
pada hari ke 5, 9 dan 13, agar kakmu membersihkan kutu muda saat
menetas sebelum kutu tersebut tumbuh dewasa

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